Guidelines. Korotkova L.D.

“The purpose of a fairy tale is to cultivate humanity in a child...” K. Chukovsky Objectives: Education of the mind means being able to: Distinguish between good and evil; -solve problems; -anticipate the results of your choice; -understand the connection between human behavior and its consequences for the person himself, other people and descendants.

FORMS OF WORK Individual work is primarily family work. Reading, crafts, illustrating stories, acting out, etc. Group - used with a subgroup of children (5-7 people). Reading, acting out a fairy tale, discussion, “helping the hero,” etc.

Develop spiritual and moral qualities in yourself; Develop spiritual and moral qualities in yourself; Reduce the level of anxiety, aggressiveness, fears, “unlovability”, excessive touchiness and attacks of despair when encountering difficult life situations; See meaning in everyday life; Feel the connection and dependence between your behavior and the attitude of others; Feel the unity with living beings of the surrounding nature; Learn to manage your emotions, overcome negative traits in your behavior; Cultivate a kind, caring attitude towards your own and others’ souls, not forgetting that the word “ecology” also applies to it.

A fairy tale is a starter for a bright mind. A fairy tale is a starter for a bright mind. “Three Money”, “Katyushkina Krajushka” 2 hours Family - seven I. “Funeral Pancake”, “Vislyatkin Key”, “Large Treasure - Family Peace”, “Thekla - Dirty Tail” 7 hours Every person wants to get rich, but not everyone can. “Funeral Pancake”, “Grandma’s Box”, “Wealth is not given for nothing”, “Vislyatkin Key” 5 hours How can I help my loved ones.

“Just in case”, “Called for understanding”, “Just in case”, “Called for understanding”, “Lonely hearts are drawn to each other”, “To take someone else’s is to lose your own” 12 hours Shadow and light in human life. “Shurik the Piglet”, “Veal Island”, “Beryozkin House” 5 hours Emelina week. “Silver Fog”, “Naida”, “You can’t erase the shivers all over your body, and you can’t erase them from your memory”, “Thekla - a dirty tail” 8 hours Parental home - the beginning of the beginning.

“Funeral pancake”, “Eh, drifting snow - “Funeral pancake”, “Eh, drifting snow - drifting snow”, “Katyushkina's edge”, “Big treasure - family peace” 7 hours God protects the one who is taken care of. “By a quiet backwater”, “Debts are worse than sins”, “Thekla - a dirty tail”, “Valf Island” 10 hours Ecology of nature - ecology of the soul. “Called for admonition”, “Two dinners”, “Take someone else’s - lose your own”, “A self-smelting boat” 11 hours

“Scary Tales” “Scary Tales” Fear as a response to danger can be different, in the author’s fairy tale it is easy to find various ways to resolve difficult and scary situations that tell the child what to do. “You can’t erase the trembling from your body and from your memory”; “By the Quiet Backwater”; "Funeral pancake"; “The boat is a self-smelting boat”; “Thekla – Dirty Tail”; “Called for admonition”; "God saves man, who save himself".

Why does the child do this? Why does the child do this? “Silver fog” “3 rubles, 28 kopecks and half” “Katyushkina edge” “Sundress with currant branches” “Three pieces of money” “Dirty money” “It’s someone else’s idea to lose yourself” “Empty man” “You’re waiting for a golden crown, but there’s only a tail with scales" "Shurik - piglet" "Clean spring"

Wants to attract attention! Wants to attract attention! “Vislyatkin Key” “Worth Treatment” Wants to take revenge on an adult for something! “No other revenge will preserve honor” “Syomka Mokry” “Tear it off and throw it away” “You can’t plant a cable near any fence” “Candy in shiny wrappers”

2nd stage. 2nd stage. Objectives: To help eliminate personal and behavioral difficulties identified in children by playing episodes of a fairy tale; To achieve a partial transfer of fears and feelings of insecurity to crafts made by children. FORM OF WORK: Group. Participants are selfish children with high self-esteem, conflictual relationships with peers, as well as timid children with low self-esteem. PERFORMER: psychologist.

Questions about the content of the fairy tale: Questions about the content of the fairy tale: 1. Why did Matveyka end up in the forest in a clearing similar to a well-known one? 2. Whom did the woman he met in the forest remind Matveyka of? Why? 3. How to understand the words: “One path, and one that not everyone can follow?” 4. What difficulties awaited Matveyka on the way home? 5. How did Matveyka manage to go this route? 6.Who did Matveyka see himself in this strange dream? 7.What prevented the boy from pushing his brother out of bed? 8.What does it mean to hurt others?

Moral lesson: Moral lesson: Everything is learned by comparison. Don't spit in the well - you'll need to drink the water. Nurturing good feelings: Why did Mother Cheese Earth send Matveyka along this path? Why was the boy punished like that? Speech exercise: How do you understand the expression “bright soul”? Tell me what you remember most about the fairy tale? How else can you call this fairy tale? What would have happened if Matveyka had remained a tree in the forest?

Parenting magazine

on the use of art therapy

in the process of forming creative personality qualities

in children of primary preschool age

Fairytale therapy. Puppet therapy


Fairytale therapy is effectively used to create favorable conditions for the formation of creative personality traits.

It is better to carry out fairy tale therapy in a separate small room, well lit. There should be no unnecessary objects or attributes in the room that distract the attention of children.

It is enough to carry out fairytale therapy once a week, for 15–20 minutes. Regularity helps to consolidate the positive effect in personality development and rapid adaptation to kindergarten. Fairytale therapy is carried out in subgroups. The composition of each of them should not exceed 12 people. The optimal number of participants is 8–10 people. In this range, the effects of group fairy tale therapy can manifest themselves most clearly. The games that are present in fairy tale therapy should involve children with different character traits, which dynamizes the course of fairy tale therapy. It is undesirable for a group to have more than one hyperactive, irritable child prone to motor restlessness.

Since children like repetition, it is advisable to sometimes repeat fairytale therapy sessions. In some cases, the time frame for fairy tale therapy may change. When children become emotionally involved in play, adults must provide opportunities to satisfy their desire for activity. You should spend more time practicing tension and relaxation while listening to music. If children become tired, an adult needs to stop fairy tale therapy and gradually switch attention to another type of activity: sculpt figures of heroes from plasticine, make sketches of the most striking episodes of the fairy tale. This helps develop children's literary ability.

In the future, fairytale therapy is used with a focus on verbal commentary on emotional and affective situations. Mostly creative games are used here with elements of searching for the most suitable solution to a problem (show the hero, guess by movement, rhythm, music, come up with an ending).

A type of fairy tale therapy is K U K L O T E R A P I YA.

Puppet therapy is most often used by teachers in the process of social adaptation and development of children's theatrical and play abilities. For example, a teacher takes a beautiful, elegant doll and comes out with this doll to meet the child. Begins communication on behalf of the doll. “Hello, my name is Katya. I go to kindergarten every day and never cry. I really like it here. We play, study, draw, sing different songs, dance, go to the gym, walk, eat. Do you want to play one very interesting game with me? Let's go, don't be afraid. I'll take your hand and we'll go to the group together, I'll show you where we play.

The puppet character attracts the child’s attention, and he opens his mouth, listens and is ready to follow him. The teacher takes the child by the hand and leads him to the group room. And still, on behalf of the doll, he begins to introduce him to the room. Then, in the process of observing children during the adaptation period, a problem is identified, which is subsequently eliminated with the help of a doll or other character by acting out this problem. If the child is shy, timid, first the teacher plays with this problem himself, and then asks him: what would you do before breakfast, after class, during a walk. When playing out a particular situation, the following should be taken into account: the doll or character should not be very bright, but attract the attention of children, large, beautiful. Usually the teacher comes up with mini-sketches with similar problems and plays with all the children on behalf of that same doll or character.


Wenger L.A. “How to speed up the process of understanding a fairy tale.” Magazine "Preschool Education". 1991 No. 5. Page 45-49.

Zinkevich-Evstegneeva T.D. "The path to magic. Theory and practice of fairy tale therapy." St. Petersburg, 1998

Korotkova L.D. "Fairytale therapy for preschoolers and primary school children: methodological recommendations for pedagogical and psychocorrectional work." TsGL, Moscow, 2003

Shorokhova O.A. “Playing a fairy tale”: Fairytale therapy and classes for the development of coherent speech in preschoolers. – Sphere shopping center, Moscow, 2006

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

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“The purpose of a fairy tale is to cultivate humanity in a child...” K. Chukovsky Objectives: Education of the mind means being able to: - Distinguish between good and evil; - -solve problems; - - foresee the results of your choice; - -understand the connection between human behavior and its consequences for the person himself, other people and descendants. Education of feelings: - love for people and the world around them; - conscientiousness and decency; -the ability to forgive and not remember evil; - empathy, sympathy; -patriotism; - humility and patience; -respect for parents; -courage, justice.

Using fairytale therapy techniques, the teacher has the opportunity to relieve emotional tension, excitement, anxiety, aggressiveness, mistrust of himself and others, and help the child gain confidence. The role of the teacher: The ability to understand the true meaning of children’s answers; Show compassion and empathy for the child; Be observant; Caution in words and judgments; The ability to love the student;

FORMS OF WORK FORMS OF WORK Individual work is primarily family work. Reading, crafts, illustrating stories, acting out, etc. Group - used with a subgroup of children (5-7 people). Reading, acting out a fairy tale, discussion, “helping the hero,” etc. Frontal - used in traditional classes with children, where a literary work is read, and then the planned work is carried out: a conversation on issues; speech exercises; development of thinking and imagination, illustrations, crafts, playback.

TECHNIQUES OF WORK Techniques for working with a fairy tale may depend on the purpose of the work. After reading a fairy tale, discuss the actions of the characters, the situations themselves, etc. Drawings based on fairy tales or crafts made from natural materials. Identification of cause-and-effect relationships in a fairy tale: why the hero did this. Playing out episodes of a fairy tale, “playing” the emotions of the characters and understanding them. Playing out solutions to situations.

Program Spiritual and moral education using the author's fairy tale. Korotkova L.D. Program goals: To give the child the opportunity to: Feel and realize his place and his need in this world, his need for loved ones; Understand the emotional and spiritual connection with parents, learn to understand them, be able to empathize with loved ones; Develop spiritual and moral qualities in yourself;

Reduce the level of anxiety, aggressiveness, fears, “unlovability”, excessive touchiness and attacks of despair when encountering difficult life situations; See meaning in everyday life; Feel the connection and dependence between your behavior and the attitude of others; Feel the unity with living beings of the surrounding nature; Learn to manage your emotions, overcome negative traits in your behavior; Cultivate a kind, caring attitude towards your own and others’ souls, not forgetting that the word “ecology” also applies to it.

A fairy tale is a starter for a bright mind. “Three Money”, “Katyushkina Krajushka” 2 hours Family - seven I. “Funeral Pancake”, “Vislyatkin Key”, “Large Treasure - Family Peace”, “Thekla - Dirty Tail” 7 hours Every person wants to get rich, but not everyone can. “Funeral pancake”, “Grandma’s box”, “Wealth is not given for nothing”, “Vislyatkin key” 5 hours How can I help my loved ones.

“Just in case”, “Called for understanding”, “Lonely hearts are drawn to each other”, “Taking someone else’s is losing your own” 12 hours Shadow and light in human life. “Shurik the Piglet”, “Veal Island”, “Beryozkin House” 5 hours Emelina week. “Silver Fog”, “Naida”, “You can’t erase the shivers all over your body, and you can’t erase them from your memory”, “Thekla - a dirty tail” 8 hours Parental home - the beginning of the beginning.

“Funeral pancake”, “Oh, drifting snow - drifting snow”, “Katyushkina’s edge”, “Large treasure - family peace” 7 hours God protects the one who is taken care of. “By a quiet backwater”, “Debts are worse than sins”, “Thekla - a dirty tail”, “Valf Island” 10 hours Ecology of nature - ecology of the soul. “Called for admonition”, “Two dinners”, “Take someone else’s - lose your own”, “A self-smelting boat” 11 hours

“Scary Tales” Fear as a response to danger can be different; in the author’s fairy tale it is easy to find various ways to resolve difficult and scary situations that tell the child what to do. “You can’t erase the trembling from your body and from your memory”; “By the Quiet Backwater”; "Funeral pancake"; “The boat is a self-smelting boat”; “Thekla – Dirty Tail”; “Called for admonition”; "God saves man, who save himself".

Why does the child do this? “Silver fog” “3 rubles, 28 kopecks and half” “Katyushkina edge” “Sundress with currant branches” “Three pieces of money” “Dirty money” “It’s someone else’s idea to lose yourself” “Empty man” “You’re waiting for a golden crown, but there’s only a tail with scales" "Shurik - piglet" "Clean spring"

L.D. Korotkova “Otherwise I would have lived like such a fool…” Working with a fairy tale. Goals: 1st stage. To promote, based on fairy tale metaphors, children’s evaluative attitude towards their behavior in nature; To cultivate love and respect for nature, to promote understanding of the means and methods of protecting the native land. FORM OF WORK: frontal with all children in the class. PERFORMER: teacher.

2nd stage. Objectives: To help eliminate personal and behavioral difficulties identified in children by playing episodes of a fairy tale; To achieve a partial transfer of fears and feelings of insecurity to crafts made by children. FORM OF WORK: Group. Participants are selfish children with high self-esteem, conflictual relationships with peers, as well as timid children with low self-esteem. PERFORMER: psychologist.

Questions about the content of the tale: 1. Why did Matveyka end up in the forest in a clearing similar to a familiar one? 2. Whom did the woman he met in the forest remind Matveyka of? Why? 3. How to understand the words: “One path, and one that not everyone can follow?” 4. What difficulties awaited Matveyka on the way home? 5. How did Matveyka manage to go this route? 6.Who did Matveyka see himself in this strange dream? 7.What prevented the boy from pushing his brother out of bed? 8.What does it mean to hurt others?

Moral lesson: Everything is learned by comparison. Don't spit in the well - you'll need to drink the water. Nurturing good feelings: Why did Mother Cheese Earth send Matveyka along this path? Why was the boy punished like that? Speech exercise: How do you understand the expression “bright soul”? Tell me what you remember most about the fairy tale? How else can you call this fairy tale? What would have happened if Matveyka had remained a tree in the forest?

PSYCHOGYMNASTICS: - You are the sun! A cloud has covered you. Frown, show how angry you are with her! - The cloud has gone, smile at the whole world: the grass, the leaves, the ant. - But Matveyka is deaf. Shake your finger at him. - The sun is tired of shining all day. Have a rest! - Lie down on a cloud, cover yourself with it and sleep. - Be scared, it’s already night, and you overslept! No, another day! Breathe a sigh of relief. Give some rays to the bunnies, guys.

Development of thinking and imagination: How to understand the expression: “Everything turned upside down in Matveyka’s soul on that day”? What other challenges could Matveyka face? What was he paying for? Think of who else Matveyka could see himself as. Fairy tale and ecology: Who is Cheese Mother Earth and how would you draw her? Why is it necessary to preserve and protect nature? What new have you learned about the forest and its inhabitants? How can you preserve and protect the forest?

Questions for the Earth: Why are there so many sad trees on Earth? Which pain is stronger: body or soul? Lesson summary: And now we will find ourselves in a fairy tale and meet Mother Earth in her clearing. She will show you the path to get out of this forest. But each of you will go through it in your own way. Here is a path, draw how you walk along it. In life, the main thing is to understand your mistakes and not make them again. May the next path be easy for you!
