A painful choice: wedding banquet or buffet? Banquet or buffet, what to choose? People, as you know, want not only spectacles, but also bread. This truth, as old as the world, must always be remembered, no matter what event you organize: a press conference, presentation,

A banquet and a buffet are two very different event formats, which in some cases can be combined. A banquet involves decorous sitting at the table, strictly in your place, with service by waiters. A buffet, in turn, involves standing for a long time and the absence of a personal place, only a personal plate, glass and fork. The waiters only make sure that all the ordered dishes and drinks are in the room. A mixed option, when guests can get up, go out to dance and talk, then return, serve themselves snacks from the common table, move away, return to their place again, and so on can be called a buffet banquet.

Type of event

Official event, anniversary, wedding, gala dinner.

Graduation party, children's party, corporate party, wedding, birthday.


Full (waiters are constantly in the hall, serving dishes, pouring drinks) and partial (waiters only monitor the changes in dishes).

Little or no service, usually waiters set out food and drinks before the event starts.

Etiquette standards

There are a large number of rules and regulations, especially if the banquet is official or diplomatic, it is important to take into account the seating rules for guests.

A more relaxed atmosphere, the opportunity to freely communicate on interests with different people, a good option for people who do not know each other very well.

The menu is strictly agreed upon in advance; it is important to take into account all possible allergies and tastes of the guests, as well as the amount of food for each.

Everyone picks themselves as much and as much food as they want, so the organizer can feel more free when creating the menu.


Any one is acceptable, but more often it’s wine, vodka, whiskey, cognac.

Absolutely any, the cocktail party format is very popular, beer is acceptable.


Usually these are performances by artists, interactivity is reduced.

The entertainment is more interactive, modern unpaired dances are possible.


Large, accommodating all the tables.

Small, tables line the walls or are grouped in the center.

Also, the emphasis on the buffet differs in cost - usually a banquet is more expensive, since it is also necessary to pay for the work of the waiters and a large amount of hot food, which is traditionally more expensive than salads and appetizers. But it is more satisfying, so if calculated according to the menu, the amount may be approximately equal.

A buffet is organized when there are many guests planned, but the room is small. This format assumes that guests eat while standing and move freely in space. A banquet is a collective gala lunch or dinner when everyone sits at the tables. When choosing between these feast formats, first of all, consider the composition of the guests. If the majority of guests are young people, and the purpose of the event is informal communication, a buffet table will do. Among the guests there are older people - it is better to stop at the banquet. “Older” guests may not appreciate the experiments; for them, the traditional format of the feast is preferable. In the confusion between a banquet and a buffet, also consider the duration of the celebration. If the latter option is optimal for events lasting two to three hours, then the first is appropriate for longer celebrations.

Move tables wisely

The arrangement of tables at a banquet can be completely different. The current option now is a long table, decorated with fabric runners and various decorative compositions. Also, tables can be arranged in the shape of the letters T, W, P. The so-called European arrangement is also popular, when guests are seated at separate tables of 6-12 people. Particular attention should be paid to the seating arrangement of guests; they should be comfortable throughout the entire event. Before placing guests at tables, it is worth considering: do the guests know each other, what is their age, and do they have anything to talk about?

Despite the fact that no one sits at the tables during the buffet, they are, of course, used and have their own requirements. The table with snacks can be shared, where all dishes and drinks are presented in turn, or divided into zones. Lately, buffet organizers have increasingly used zoning and allocated a separate table for canapés and salads, another for hot appetizers, another for fruit, etc. As for the buffet tables themselves, their height should be at least 100 cm. Also, do not forget to provide a seating area with chairs. Many guests will not be able to stand for long.

Hey waiter!

There are two types of banquets: full and partial service. In the first type, banquets are rarely held (mainly at official events), as this requires adherence to strict rules of etiquette. The second option is widespread and involves the presence of cold appetizers and drinks on the tables from the beginning of the celebration. The waiters only monitor the prompt removal of used dishes, the timely removal of hot dishes and the availability of drinks for guests.

The peculiarity of the buffet is that the guests serve themselves. The waiters only replenish the communal tables with food and clear the dishes. By the way, about the number of dishes. At a buffet, there should be twice as many guests as there are guests, as they often forget where they left their plate or glass.

His Majesty menu

Banquet and buffet menus are quite different. A banquet involves taking out several dishes in turn - from appetizers and salads to main courses. As we have already said, some of the appetizers are placed on common plates at the beginning of the celebration, salads are served to each guest individually. If possible, when drawing up a banquet menu, it is better to take into account the preferences of the guests, especially when it comes to hot dishes. You can offer the guest several dishes to choose from in advance so that he can decide. This will help you avoid situations with hungry guests and save on ordering extra portions.

A special feature of the buffet menu is a wide variety of appetizers - both cold and hot, all kinds of canapés on skewers, tartlets, various cuts, rolls, etc. The main rule is miniature portions, just enough for a couple of bites. At a buffet table, aesthetics and effective presentation of dishes are very important. Small portions of salads in glasses or bowls, hot appetizers in ceramic spoons - all these are attributes of a buffet table. This format of the feast also makes it possible to use unusual ways to decorate the celebration. For example, a pyramid of glasses stacked on top of each other, a chocolate fountain or a “buffet lady” - a girl in a dress with a fluffy skirt, who simultaneously serves as a table where food and drinks are placed. In addition, a buffet will also cost less than a banquet, since it does not serve hot dishes.

Don't forget about the decor

The design of the banquet table should be in harmony with the decor of the room. Therefore, when choosing table decoration elements, be guided by the interior of the hall in which the celebration is planned. Pay attention to the decor of chairs and tables. If tabletop compositions are intended, they should not block the view of neighbors and the room as a whole. Prepare personalized seating cards so guests don't have to waste time finding their seat.

When organizing a buffet, in addition to the general decor, think about the design of the tables. The use of tablecloths is mandatory. Their length should reach the floor and hide the table legs. Ribbons, decorative cords, and draperies are often used to decorate such tables. Don't forget about the decor of entertainment and recreation areas.

Take your time to order a banquet or buffet. First, decide on the purpose of the event, draw up a portrait of the guest and calculate your budget. A competent approach to planning a celebration is the key to its success.

I studied banquet and buffet subtleties


Nowadays there is an incredibly huge selection of places where you can organize a festive dinner: from restaurants within the city and country houses to tents in parks. When choosing a location, you should pay attention to several basic parameters:

  1. Room capacity – for a large number of guests you need a spacious hall with high ceilings; for a cozy small company you can choose a country house or an unusual restaurant or cafe.
  2. It is also necessary to build on the format and theme of your event. If you choose a rustic style, choose a country hotel or a house in the village. For a wedding in Art Nouveau style, choose an industrial space or a loft. A classic wedding requires a room in light colors, not overloaded with decor, with elegant furniture.
  3. Be sure to pay attention to the lighting in the room, the equipment, the shape and appearance of the furniture.
  4. You will have to focus on the schedule and rules of the venue - this applies to the start and end time of the banquet, noise level, use of confetti or pyrotechnics.


The choice of places for a buffet reception is much wider, because you can consider not only existing venues that “host” weddings, but also almost any outdoor space. If the weather permits on your date, choose a place you like in the fresh air: in a park, on the banks of a river or lake, in a pine forest, even in the middle of a field or on the beach! Here you need to pay special attention to several factors:

  1. Is there permission to hold events in the place you have chosen - this is especially true for protected areas.
  2. If the place for the buffet is far enough from the city, be sure to consider a transfer for guests.
  3. Acoustics and the ability to connect equipment, for example for music, must also be taken into account.
  4. By choosing a place for a buffet outside the restaurant, you free yourself from strict time constraints. However, when organizing a buffet on the territory of country clubs, parks or hotels, you will also be limited by their rules.

Serving and seating


Serving during a banquet can be completely different. This could be a European version with round tables for 6-12 people, or you can choose the now fashionable option of seating at long tables, which are combined with long paths made of fabric and decorative elements. For a small number of people, leave a common table where the newlyweds can sit with their guests.

For a banquet, you need to think about every place: seating cards, chair decor, dishes and compliments, since guests begin to form an impression of the evening from the moment they see their place at the festive table.

Menu and service


When creating a banquet menu, you need to take into account many factors:

  1. Special preferences of guests: for example, if someone does not eat meat or a certain type of food.
  2. For an active evening program, as well as in case of too hot weather, the menu should not be too heavy and the alcohol should be lighter. Otherwise, guests will feel uneasy.
  3. Service is also important here! To avoid dirty plates on the table, you must agree in advance on the number of waiters and the time of serving each dish. Ideally, each table for European seating should have its own waiter who will monitor drinks, plates and serve guests quickly enough.


On the one hand, it is easier to create a menu for a buffet than for a banquet, since it is easier to take into account the tastes of the guests in appetizers. But here it is very important to carefully monitor that the dishes are updated on the tables as they run out, which means you need a contractor who will promptly prepare replenishment for the buffet table.

Since buffets are most often held outdoors, with catering companies, it is necessary to provide for the amount of food in reserve so that the problem of food shortage does not arise. Buffet service personnel must monitor the food on the tables and help serve guests, as well as monitor the cleanliness of the buffet area. Since waiters will be more visible during a buffet, be sure to pay attention to their appearance.



The evening program for a banquet and buffet should also be different. At a banquet, you will need a host who will help draw up the program for the evening, organize congratulations and toasts, entertainment and surprises for guests.

In addition to traditional competitions, prepare additional entertainment: this could be a photo zone, a performance by artists, a cover or rock band, singers and dancers, a soap bubble show or sand drawings, a caricature artist or a silhouette artist. During the evening, guests can also enjoy board games - be sure to prepare a special lounge area for such purposes. Next to it you can also place an area for wishes and a sweet table.


During the buffet there must be some kind of musical accompaniment: it can be live music or a DJ. The music should not be too loud so that guests have the opportunity to communicate without shouting over it. It is better to prepare entertainment during the buffet that is more measured and interactive.

Board or street games will be very popular, which guests can play while enjoying a glass of wine. Choose games that are not too complex to create a relaxed atmosphere. An excellent option for relaxation during a buffet table can be, for example, culinary, dance, or floristry master classes. However, be sure to inform your guests about any special dress code or footwear if required.



When decorating a banquet, you should pay special attention to the design of the tables. Table centerpieces or runners should look equally good from any location and should be visible to every guest.

When choosing a decor style, as well as the entire wedding, be sure to focus on the interior of the wedding banquet hall. The decor should not differ from the general appearance of the room. Therefore, it is better to choose the style of the wedding already at the stage of searching for a venue for the celebration.

If you are planning a wedding with lights, think about how the decor will look when the hall is dressed in bright neon colors. Think about the evening lighting of the room. If the restaurant allows, stock up on candles to give the room a more cozy mood and special charm. Candles should also match the overall decor.


The decor of the buffet area should begin with the general appearance and decoration of the space with candles, light bulbs or chandeliers for the evening. The buffet area should be separated from the surrounding space; be sure to consider the option of a canopy in case of rain. This could be an awning or a tent.

Garlands of light bulbs above the heads of guests can complement chandeliers made of greenery, flowers, ribbons, or simply a “ribbon ceiling.” This decor will sparkle with new colors and give you a cozy mood in the evening. Be sure to think about the design of the tables that will attract attention during the buffet.

Dishes and presentation of dishes also require attention! You can even specially purchase interesting dishes and decorative elements to highlight the style of the wedding. Approach with special care the decor of the area for entertaining guests, recreation areas and other areas in which guests will spend the most time.


If a large number of people are planned for your celebration, the wedding itself will be held in an official, classic style, and you want a full evening with a program, congratulations and a nutritious dinner - feel free to choose a banquet.

And if you want a more friendly, relaxed, informal and light atmosphere, with a free program, board games and cinema, a buffet is your option. Whatever you choose, keep your guests and yourself in mind to ensure a comfortable celebration for everyone!

Many people do not understand the difference between a banquet and a buffet. In fact, there is a difference and quite a big one. It is important to know if you are going to order a celebration in a restaurant. So how are they different? banquet buffet in organizing a celebration?

Inexpensive banquet buffet - the main differences

What is the difference between a banquet and a buffet? Among their most important features are:

  • Duration – a buffet usually does not last as long as a banquet. During the banquet people can sit
  • Number of guests - while a banquet can be designed for a large number of guests, buffets are usually held for small companies. Otherwise, the room will be too crowded for guests.
  • Service - at a banquet, waiters serve and change dishes; at a buffet table, guests serve themselves, choosing what they like on the tables.
  • Arrangement of tables - at a banquet, different types of seating can be used in groups, with a single table in the shape of the letter P or T. At a buffet table, tables are arranged according to the type of dish, and guests can move between them.

Order banquet buffet inexpensive You can visit the restaurant “Birds and Bees” and you are guaranteed a delicious menu, quality service and a pleasant atmosphere.

Few people know that celebrating in a restaurant can be varied. Some people prefer classic gatherings at beautifully set tables. Others opt for a more mobile version of the event, when those present move freely around the hall. Each scenario has its own advantages and disadvantages. In this article we will look at the difference between a banquet and a buffet.



Banquet– a gala lunch or dinner with a large number of guests, dedicated to a specific person or event. The main difference of the event is that people gather around a common table. It is the most popular format of restaurant service. Banquets can be not only leisure, but also political in nature. In this case, those gathered collectively voice common ideas and aspirations, demonstrate their unity and cohesion. Events of this type have become widespread in England. In Russia, the term “banquet” first appeared in 1675; before that time, the word “feast” was used. But, despite the introduction of a new concept, our compatriots preferred to use the combinations “dinner party” or “gala dinner” until the middle of the 20th century. Along with the development of the domestic restaurant industry, the word “banquet” gradually entered the everyday life of Russian people.


Buffet- a collective meal in which those invited eat while standing. Dishes and drinks are selected based on personal taste preferences, and the principle of self-service applies. The first events of this kind arose in France. The reception owes its name to the cutlery that is usually used by guests at a buffet table. We are talking about a fork - this is how the term in question is literally translated from French. In Russia, this service format took root relatively recently – literally a couple of decades ago. It is ideally suited for business receptions with a large number of invited persons.


As is clear from the definitions, events differ from each other in the way food is consumed. Thus, a banquet implies a “meeting” at a set table, accompanied by the consumption of various dishes. At a buffet table, guests eat standing and move freely in space. This reception format is used when a large number of people gather in a limited area. Accordingly, it is simply not possible to assign everyone a seat at the table. It is quite obvious that the buffet cannot last too long, because the guests will get tired of standing on their feet. Therefore, the duration of such an event usually does not exceed two to three hours. Whereas a banquet can be designed for the whole day or evening.

Particular attention should be paid to the method of maintenance. Another difference between a banquet and a buffet is that in the first case, the staff brings already filled plates with salads and hot dishes to the guests. However, pouring drinks is not the function of waiters. During the buffet table, guests choose the treats they like and serve them with their own hands. This technique requires the presence of a number of dishes twice the number of people gathered. This is explained by the fact that, moving around the hall, people forget where they left their plate or glass. As for drinks, waiters often serve them at a buffet table. Filled glasses placed on a tray are offered to guests throughout the event. However, the buffet can take place without the participation of service personnel. Glasses with contents are taken out into the hall in advance, and guests place used dishes on a special table.

It is impossible not to mention the differences between the banquet and buffet menus. The first involves the presence of a wide variety of dishes, which are usually served in portions. The meal begins with salads and ends with dessert. At the buffet table there are mainly snacks. Since eating while standing is not very convenient, the portions are extremely miniature in size. They are literally designed for one bite. Dishes are served in compact bowls, shot glasses, ceramic spoons, tartlets, etc. Let us add that the height of buffet tables should be at least 1 meter to make it more convenient for those present to take glasses and snacks. Banquet furniture is somewhat lower. Usually their height reaches 70-80 cm.

A comparative table will help you visually assess the difference between a banquet and a buffet.

Banquet Buffet
Guests eat while sitting at the tableThose present eat while standing
Arranged when the number of seats matches the number of guestsOptimal in case of large crowds of people in a limited area
The height of the tables is 70-80 cmThe height of tables must reach 1 meter
Waiters look after guestsSelf-service format is used
Dishes are brought out in portionsGuests serve food from communal plates with their own hands.
The menu is very variedMainly snacks available
Traditional dishes are used to serve dishesDishes are designed “for one bite”, served in miniature bowls, shot glasses, ceramic spoons, tartlets, etc.
The number of dishes corresponds to the number of guestsTwice as much dishes are required as guests
