Mummy on the face. Mumiyo in home cosmetology

The results impressed me incredibly, and I decided to try the power of the mummy also in the fight against imperfections in the skin of the face. Unfortunately, there was no mummy from Evalar in the pharmacy, and I was offered to replace it with another, more budget option.

This record cost everything. 40 rubles.

Arriving home, I carefully studied all the possible masks with mummy on the Internet, they were offered in a variety of ways. But due to my great laziness, I chose for myself the simplest and most easy-to-do mask recipe with mummy: a few mummy tablets must be added to a regular care cream, and this mixture should be applied to the face in the form of a mask.

Without delaying the matter, I began to conduct a course of anti-aging masks with mummy!

For one mask, I took three mummy tablets. By the way, they turned out to be very sticky, it was difficult to get them out of the package, I had to pick them up with some sharp object.

As a basis for such a mask, I chose a rather budgetary, but at the same time very effective cream from Pure Lines Impulse of youth at night. My skin has always tolerated it wonderfully!

We will need a mask with a mummy 1 tablespoon cream, I usually added by eye, about this much:

Then I put three mummy tablets into the cream and mixed the whole thing thoroughly.

The tablets began to melt rather quickly, and as a result, I got such a mass.

In terms of color and smell, to be honest, I didn’t have the best associations from her.

I applied this mixture on a pre-cleansed face. Vidocq turned out to be the same !!!

I kept the mask on average for half an hour. Then washed off with warm water without the use of cosmetics.

Immediately after washing off the mask, it seems that all the pimples on the face stand out a little, then they calm down and become less noticeable on the face.

After the mask, the skin is VERY soft, tender, nourished. There can be no talk of any peeling and dryness! After this mask, you can not even apply your usual evening care, but calmly go to sleep!

I used this mask in a course about once every 3 days. On the Internet, information about this is very ambiguous. Some sources say that you need to make a mask once a week, or even ten days, others say that every day. I have chosen for myself the most acceptable frequency of using the mummy. In total, I made 10 masks with mummy.

After the course, the skin becomes denser, toned, the oval of the face improves, the skin acquires a fresher appearance, fine wrinkles are smoothed out. The mask brightens acne marks and pigmentation well! This course of masks is especially good in winter, frosty time, when the skin suffers from dryness, chapping, peeling and irritation.

What the mask does NOT do!

The mummy mask does not affect the condition of the pores in any way, does not cleanse them and does not reduce their size!


Girls, the main HUGE disadvantage of masks with mummy is an unpleasant smell. When I restored my hair with mummy and added it to the shampoo, there was no special smell either from the shampoo itself or from the hair. Here the "flavor" is still the same !!! And even after washing off the mask, it remains, and the next day its echoes can be felt from the face and hair. That is why I did a mask every three days. And on the fourth I always have a bath day! This is the only way I managed to get rid of the unpleasant smell of the mummy!

I did not find more flaws in the mummy mask!

In more detail, I show the entire process of preparing the mask in this VIDEO:

Two more magnificent masks with mummy, which I recommend you pay attention to and be sure to try to cook them:

Shilajit is a unique natural creation, its healing power is beyond doubt. The mineral is not fully understood and constantly amazes scientists with unusual properties. Shilajit is actively used for the face from wrinkles, black spots, acne, scars and scars. It has an anti-inflammatory effect, cleanses pores and penetrates into the deep layers of the epidermis, stimulating cell regeneration.

Shilajit is a mineral product formed under the influence of temperature changes and strong winds in the cracks of rocks in the form of sagging. These are mummified masses of plant and animal origin (sand, seeds, wood, claws, skin, wool, etc.). The active chemical elements included in the mummy cleanse the skin of toxins, stimulate the natural production of elastin and collagen, and prevent premature aging. Therefore, mummy face masks amaze with their effectiveness! They are often used in cosmetology. Helps a lot with acne scars.

Now mummy in any form can be purchased at a pharmacy or in a specialized store. It is most commonly sold in powder or tablet form. But a more effective remedy is untreated dark brown resin with a specific smell. In Russia, the Altai mummy is mainly sold, but the high-mountain one is considered the most effective.

Signs of a real mummy

  • Tactile sensations. The temperature of the human body is above the melting point of this mineral. Therefore, the real mummy immediately begins to melt in the hands.
  • Taste and smell. This drug has an unusually bitter taste. The aroma is very intense. The smell should not cause disgust, this may indicate a fake.
  • Presence of sediment. This product dissolves quickly in water without leaving any residue. If you put a quality mineral in vegetable oil, it should not dissolve.

Storage conditions

The shelf life of the mummy is not limited, but you need to know some storage rules.

  • Sealed container. In order for the mummy to retain its beneficial qualities, it is recommended to store it in a waterproof container in a dark place, preferably in a cool one.
  • Refrigerator. All aqueous solutions from the mummy must be kept in the refrigerator. The shelf life of a self-made medicinal composition is reduced to 14 days.
  • Dark dishes. Store all homemade cosmetic mixtures in a dark container. But regardless of the conditions, they lose their effect 12 days after preparation.

When choosing, pay special attention to the packaging, it should be neat with detailed instructions inside. It is better to take a product from a well-known manufacturer without extraneous biological additives. Despite the fact that the mummy is inexpensive, there are many fakes that can seriously harm health, lead to severe rashes on the face and even burns.

The effectiveness of mummy masks

  • Rejuvenation. Mummy face mask with mummy helps the skin to actively produce elastin, which gives elasticity, and collagen, which provides tone. Mountain resin has astringent properties, due to which age and mimic wrinkles are smoothed out.
  • Recovery. Mumiye perfectly regenerates tissues. Lightens, tightens and makes invisible scars and scars, removes spots after acne. Restores tired skin, bringing it into tone.
  • Eliminate inflammation. Antibacterial and disinfectant properties of mountain resin allow you to eliminate skin rashes. Shilajit products are successfully used to combat acne and acne.
  • Removal of toxins. Mountain resin cleanses clogged sebaceous glands. As a result, inflammatory processes stop, and the skin rejuvenates.

Subtleties of use

In order for the mummy to work as efficiently as possible, before using it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the recommendations of experts: how long to keep the mummy mask and how to properly apply the natural product.

  • The quality of the components. Liquid resin or balm is ideal for homemade masks. Before use, check the quality by dissolving a little of the drug in water. If the mummy does not dissolve well, it is better not to use it.
  • Cooking. If you decide to use tablets, then they need to be thoroughly kneaded. Buy only pure preparations without extraneous biologically active additives. The drug should quickly dissolve in water, leaving no cloudy residue.
  • application format. Due to the strong healing properties of the mountain resin mask, you should not do it too often. The procedure is performed only once every 10 days. The course of treatment is 8-10 procedures, then be sure to take a break for six months. The duration of the masks depends on the added ingredients, basically the composition is kept from 15 to 30 minutes.

Homemade face mask recipes

Recipes with a natural biostimulant are not particularly difficult, all masks are prepared quite easily and solve a certain cosmetic problem. Be careful with the choice of ingredients that make up the composition, and focus only on your skin type. Anti-aging face masks with mummy are especially popular.

This natural healer has virtually no contraindications, as it does not cause allergic reactions. Sometimes individual intolerance can be observed. Do a test: apply the prepared composition on your wrist and wait 15-20 minutes, if burning and redness do not appear, you can conduct a course of mummy face masks at home. Caution should be used in hypertensive patients and patients with oncology. Do not use during lactation and pregnancy. Consult with your doctor.

Anti-Wrinkle Moisturizer

Face mask with anti-wrinkle mummy prevents skin aging, moisturizes all layers of the epidermis, tones and fortifies.

  1. Prepare one egg yolk.
  2. Whisk sour cream and honey one teaspoon each.
  3. Mix all ingredients.
  4. Apply evenly, leave for 15 minutes, rinse with running water.

Cleansing for mature skin

This composition nourishes, cleanses and moisturizes the epidermis. Small wrinkles are smoothed out. If excess mixture remains, store it in the refrigerator.

  1. Dissolve 1 gram of resin in a spoonful of sour cream.
  2. Grate one small cucumber.
  3. Stir the ingredients.
  4. Apply evenly and leave on for 15 minutes.

Rejuvenating with rose oil

Shilajit for the face from wrinkles around the eyes quickly smoothes wrinkles and makes the look expressive. Softens and nourishes the skin, has a regenerating effect.

  1. Dissolve 2 g of resin in a spoonful of warm boiled water.
  2. Mix with rose oil in equal proportions.
  3. Apply to face, leave for 20 minutes.
  4. You can not wash, wipe the skin with a napkin.

Honey for acne

This composition treats acne and eliminates acne.

  1. Mash 2 tablets of mummy.
  2. Warm up a teaspoon of honey a little.
  3. Mix all ingredients thoroughly.
  4. Apply evenly and leave on for 15 minutes.

From pigmentation and acne with lemon

This composition is used from black dots, helps with pigmentation. Well suited for problematic skin, cleans pores, gives the skin a matte finish.

  1. Whisk one egg white.
  2. Break up 2 tablets.
  3. Squeeze out a spoonful of lemon juice.
  4. Mix all ingredients.
  5. Apply a thin layer, leave for 15 minutes.

From scars and acne spots

This composition perfectly eliminates scars and spots after acne removal. If you try on regularly, in a few months you can completely get rid of ugly skin defects.

  1. Mash 5 tablets of mummy.
  2. Dissolve them in a spoonful of sodium mineral water.
  3. Heat in a water bath, you get a thick paste.
  4. Apply to problem areas, leave for half an hour.
  5. Wash off with warm running water.
  6. Wipe scars with 3% peroxide.

Skin Care Home Remedies

Rejuvenating tonic

Wipe the skin with tonic daily for two weeks, then let the skin rest.

  1. Mash 2 tablets of mummy.
  2. Slightly warm 100 ml of red wine.
  3. Mix the ingredients and leave in the refrigerator overnight.
  4. Use no more than once a day, preferably at bedtime. For dry skin, wash off after 20 minutes, for oily skin, you can leave it overnight.

Scar Cream

Shilajit effectively eliminates scars and marks after acne due to its regenerating properties.

  1. Dissolve 2 g of resin in a spoonful of boiled water.
  2. Add 3-4 drops of jojoba oil to the baby cream.
  3. Apply evenly.

Universal anti-wrinkle cream

Anti-aging cream with mummy for the face perfectly protects the epidermis from negative external influences, restores and nourishes the epidermis. With systematic use, wrinkles are smoothed out, the skin becomes toned, acquires a young and radiant appearance.

  1. Mash 2 tablets of mummy.
  2. Squeeze baby cream into a jar.
  3. Mix the ingredients thoroughly.
  4. Leave overnight for the remedy to infuse.

The cream should be used daily at bedtime. Apply it only to previously cleansed skin.

Ice for wrinkles under the eyes

Ice perfectly removes shallow wrinkles, reduces skin flabbiness and eliminates irritation and swelling. You can wipe your face with it after scrubbing and masks, it tightens pores and soothes the epidermis.

  1. Mash 2 tablets of mummy.
  2. Dissolve them in 500 ml of still mineral water.
  3. Pour into a mold, freeze in the freezer.
  4. It is better to use ice cubes in the morning.

In the pursuit of preserving youth, many women resort to sometimes cardinal ways of skin care. Among the natural ingredients that have proven themselves on the positive side in terms of anti-aging therapy, it is worth highlighting the mummy from wrinkles. This mysterious composition is of considerable interest to scientists, physicians and pharmacists, as well as cosmetologists. How is mummy useful for the skin and how can it be used to preserve youth?

What effect does

The anti-aging properties of the mummy are not the only ones in the list of beneficial effects that the drug can have. It is used to get rid of stretch marks, is used as an effective anti-cellulite complex, and with its help solves hair loss issues. Shilajit-based masks are used to treat inflammation and acne, as well as for complex rejuvenation of the skin of any type of face and neck.

Regular use of cosmetic products containing mummy allows you to:

  • stimulate the natural production of collagen and elastin, which are responsible for the smoothness of the skin of the face, its tone;
  • enhance cell regeneration: the skin relief is leveled, it acquires a healthier appearance;
  • vitaminize the skin, improve its appearance, solve the problem of deficiency of certain microelements and vitamins;
  • get an antibacterial effect (especially important for young skin prone to the systematic formation of acne);
  • get rid of existing toxins without the use of synthetic, often with serious contraindications, drugs; deep cleanse the pores and prepare them for the next stage of anti-aging procedures);
  • protect the skin of the face from the influence of negative environmental factors, effectively increase its protective properties.

The advantage of the mummy is that the composition has not only a cosmetic effect, but also provides a full-fledged therapeutic effect. The composition can be applied to all areas of the skin, including the area around the eyes.

Despite the rather specific smell and unpresentable appearance, the mummy is actively used and highly valued in cosmetology. For lovers of natural cosmetics, an important criterion is the fact that the mummy has an absolutely natural composition, it is not faked, and the price of this medicine remains affordable.

Application guidelines for cosmetic purposes

Masks and other cosmetic products based on mumiyo are recommended not to be applied to the skin of the face not regularly, but in courses. This approach is explained by the fact that the composition of the drug is a full-fledged unique complex for high-quality skin care, the use of which also has a therapeutic effect, so they should not be abused.

After 9-10 procedures, it is worth taking a break for six months and then resuming medical and cosmetic sessions, objectively evaluating the effectiveness of therapy in a particular case. You can combine such procedures with any type of care, regardless of the specific season of the year and skin characteristics.

Mummy is a pharmaceutical preparation. It can be purchased in the form of tablets (it will be necessary to grind to a fine fraction) or in the form of a balm, which is based on resin. The last option (balm) is more convenient and effective for facial skin rejuvenation. For cosmetic purposes, the mummy is used quite economically, its cost is low, it is sold without a prescription, it does not have particularly stringent requirements in terms of storage and use. In favor of this drug speaks and its hypoallergenicity.

Shilajit can be used as an independent ingredient, or in combination with other substances to more effectively solve a number of problems. Around the eyes, the composition is most often applied in the form of a diluted substance, since in a concentrated form the complex can slightly tighten the delicate skin of the eyelids.

Cosmetics for rejuvenation from mummy

The easiest way to use this drug is to apply it topically to the skin of the face and around the eyes in a concentrated form or slightly diluted with plain water (relevant in the case of using both tablet powder and balm).

The following homemade products are used in home cosmetology


Egg white, sour cream, honey are used as components; for mature skin with obvious signs of aging, rose natural oil is suitable as the basis of the mask.

Mummy masks are applied for 20 minutes, then gently washed off with warm purified water. Honey masks are great for those with dry skin, and the lack of moisture is especially characteristic of aging skin. Masks should be done with mummy no more than once every two weeks, they can be combined with any other skin care complexes based on the described drug.


You can take rose water as a basis, if the skin is oily - fruit diluted juices are suitable: grape, apple (without sugar). Tonic is applied for cleansing purposes, it can be used like other cosmetics no more than 10 days in a row. Tonic can be prepared from herbal infusion: sage, chamomile, linden are suitable.

ice cubes

An ideal choice for application to the area around the eyes. Mineral water without gas is mixed with crushed mummy and frozen. Cubes can be processed not only around the eyes, but also on the entire face. This procedure enhances metabolic processes in tissues, wrinkles are quickly smoothed out, skin tone is enhanced, and it looks younger.


Effective for complex dermatological problems (scars, deep wrinkles, mimic folds). Most often, mummy powder is used, diluted in water or herbal infusion.

Mummy with face cream

Powder from mummy tablets can also be added to a regular face cream, suitable for type and purpose. In this case, the right amount of cream must be applied to the palm, add the finished powder to it and distribute it as evenly as possible. Apply the cream on the face with light movements, leave until the foundation is completely absorbed and then remove the remaining powder with a napkin.

The drug has gained particular popularity in terms of means for removing wrinkles of various types around the eyes. Among the products available in home cosmetology, shilajit is the best way to solve the problem of premature skin aging in this area. It is noteworthy that the mummy can be used not only as a universal full-fledged drug for effective getting rid of wrinkles, but also for competent prevention of their formation.

The drug is not addictive, during the procedure there are no unpleasant reactions and sensations, the result is noticeable almost immediately. The tool has proven itself as a drug that is effective in the treatment of scars, fresh scars.

How to get rid of wrinkles after 30?

All women after 30 face the problem of wrinkles on the face. And now you look at yourself in the mirror without pleasure, noting age-related changes.

  • You can no longer afford bright makeup, control facial expressions so as not to aggravate the problem.
  • You begin to forget those moments when men complimented your impeccable appearance, and their eyes lit up when you appeared ...
  • Every time you approach the mirror, it seems to you that the old days will never return ...

Shilajit has long been considered the most effective means for restoring the epidermis. The substance is used for skin diseases, as well as for regular care as part of homemade creams or masks.

There are many good formulations that have a restorative effect, as well as moisturize, cleanse and nourish.

Shilajit is a brown or black resin, which is located in the gorges of the mountains. The tool has a lot of useful properties. It is also used medicinally for various health problems.

The composition of the tool includes such useful components:

  • calcium, selenium, magnesium, zinc;
  • amino acids and phospholipids;
  • chlorophyll and tannins;
  • copper and various micro and macro elements;
  • different types of vitamins, including C, K, E and others;
  • polyunsaturated fatty acids and many other useful substances.

The composition of mountain resin can be different and depends on where it is mined. In skin care, the product has such positive effects:

  • cleansing and restoration of the skin;
  • removal of irritation and cleansing of pores;
  • slowing down the aging process;
  • improvement of the sebaceous glands;
  • antibacterial action;
  • smoothing small wrinkles;
  • increased collagen production;
  • removal of toxins and slags;
  • anti-inflammatory and antibacterial action;
  • elimination of acne marks, not deep scars, scars and other skin problems.

Shilajit contains various types of organic and inorganic substances. They provide a good saturation of the skin with vitamins and all useful components. After applying the product, significant improvements in the appearance of the epidermis are noticeable.

Most often it is used in tablets, as they are easier to obtain. They are sold in almost any of the pharmacies.

Shilajit in facial cosmetology helps women fight not only rashes and inflammations on the skin, but also other problems, such as age spots and scars.

There are a lot of recipes that allow you to improve the condition of the skin and cope with various aesthetic defects. The most effective ones will be considered below.

  1. Very often, mummy is used for scars on the face. For this, a mask is made from 2 grams of mountain resin, 1 tsp. water, 0.5 tsp. jojoba oil and 1 tbsp. l. cream. In order for the effect to be noticeable as quickly as possible, it is recommended to apply the product to problem areas 1 time every day.
  2. To moisturize the skin well, you need to mix 0.3 grams of resin, ½ teaspoon of cucumber juice and 3-4 drops of lavender essential oil. The mixture must be applied literally for 10-15 minutes, and then thoroughly washed.
  3. For daily care, try using a mask that consists of 2 crushed tablets of the substance, 1 tsp. mineral water and 1 tbsp. l. cream. The mixture must be infused for a day in a cool place, then used every day.
  4. You can also use mummy from age spots on the face. To do this, mix 3 tbsp. l mountain resin and 1 tbsp. l. sour cream with a high percentage of fat and chopped parsley. It is necessary to use the mask 3 times a week, for 20 minutes.
  5. A mask consisting of 2 grams of mountain resin and 2 grams of rose oil will help improve the regeneration process (can be replaced with). It must be applied for 20 minutes 3 times a week.
  6. To achieve the effect of rejuvenation, you will need to mix 2 tablets of mummy and 100 ml of red wine. The mixture is infused for a day, then used every day as a tonic.
  7. Wrinkles also help 2 crushed tablets, 1 tsp. olive oil, glycerin, honey and egg yolk. All components are well mixed and applied to the skin twice a week for 20 minutes. To get a stimulating effect, add 3 drops of echinacea extract.
  8. A very popular face mask with mummy and clay. It cleanses the skin well from various types of impurities and blackheads, and also helps fight acne and blackheads. For cooking, you need to take 1 tsp. white clay, 1 tbsp. l. warm water and 2 crushed mountain resin tablets. Apply 2 times a week, applying for 20 minutes.
  9. For problem skin, a mask of 2 tablets of crushed mummy, 2 tbsp. l. low-fat sour cream or yogurt, 2 drops of lemon juice and 1 tsp. hydrogen peroxide. This remedy is very good at dealing with excessive sebum production.

Such masks are quite popular and are often used at home. For their preparation, only natural ingredients are required, which can be purchased at a pharmacy or store.

Many suffer from rashes on the face. The skin looks unhealthy, which spoils the overall appearance of a person and can cause complexes. Shilajit for acne on the face gives very good results. There are many different masks that allow you to remove rashes and blackheads.

Depending on the type of skin, different masks can be used.


It is necessary to grind 2 tablets of mummy and add 2 tbsp. l. warm milk. When the powder dissolves well, 1 egg white is added to it. Apply for 20 minutes, then rinse.


A face mask with mummy for dry skin should not only remove rashes, but also moisturize well. You will need an egg yolk, 1 tbsp. l. cream with a high percentage of fat content and 2 tablets of mountain resin. Move everything carefully and apply for 15 minutes.


Take 250 ml of boiling water and 1 tbsp. l. calendula, then languish in a steam bath for 5 minutes. When the solution is ready, it must be added to 2 crushed mummy tablets in such an amount that a thick mixture forms. It is applied for 15-20 minutes, then washed off.


You will need to grind 2 tablets of mountain resin and add 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice. Apply the mixture for 10-15 minutes.

These are some of the most effective and popular recipes that allow you to achieve the most positive results.

Compositions for skin with rashes and enlarged pores

There are so many recipes that improve the overall condition of the skin and eliminate different types of rashes.

Let's get acquainted with the most effective of them.

  1. 15 grams of crushed mountain resin, 3 tubes of baby cream, 2 drops of vitamin A and E are mixed. The mixture should stand for a day. Then it can be applied to the inflamed areas of the face, but only lightly, without rubbing.
  2. You can make a regular mask using only one mummy, which is diluted in water and applied for 20 minutes and washed off. The consistency of the product should be thick and not drain.
  3. To prepare the next mask, you need to mix beaten egg white, 1 tsp. lemon juice and 2 crushed tablets. The resulting mixture is applied for 15 minutes.
  4. A mummy mask with honey will also help get rid of rashes. It is necessary to mix 2 crushed tablets and 2 tbsp. l. honey, then apply for 15-20 minutes and rinse.
  5. For the treatment of acne, 2 tbsp is also suitable. l. crushed oatmeal, which are poured 4 tbsp. l. boiling water and insist for 15 minutes. 1 gram of mountain resin is added to them. Apply for 15 minutes, then rinse. After the procedure, it is necessary to apply a moisturizer.

Such recipes are very good at helping to cope with problem skin in adolescence. They make it beautiful and healthy, evening out the tone and narrowing the pores.

Shilajit is very useful for the skin, but it must be applied correctly. The remedy has practically no contraindications. It does not cause allergic reactions and is a natural antihistamine.

To get the maximum amount of positive effects from mountain resin, you need to know how to use masks. There are certain recommendations, which include:

  • in order for the product to work well, it must be carefully ground to a powder state: also in pharmacies, in addition to tablets, you can find the product in liquid and viscous form - with this consistency it will have a more pronounced effect, so if you have the opportunity to purchase it, you should not even think about it;
  • it is recommended to make masks with mummy no more than once every 7-10 days (depending on the composition and concentration of the substance);
  • any of the recipes must be used several times, in the form of a course: a pronounced effect will be present only if there are at least ten procedures;
  • before using the product, you need to make sure of its quality, and you can check it in a simple way - for this, a tablet is taken and poured with boiled water, if it dissolves quickly and leaves no residue, then the product is of good quality;
  • In order for the effect to be pronounced, other types of masks must be used in the intervals between procedures.

If the product is of good quality and used correctly, it will make the skin healthy and beautiful. Mumiyo copes well with wrinkles, has a regenerating effect, removes rashes and inflammation, whitens the skin and makes scars invisible.

The main healer of the ancient East mentioned in his treatises a natural balm created by mountain peaks. Valuable mumiyo for the face is used for both medicinal and aesthetic purposes.

The benefits of mumiyo for the skin

  • essential and non-essential amino acids;
  • mono- and polyunsaturated acids;
  • organic acids;
  • phospholipids;
  • essential oils;
  • resinous substances;
  • alkaloids;
  • caratanoids;
  • tannins;
  • constellation of macro- and microelements;
  • all vitamins of groups B, A and C.

Its useful properties are used:

  1. Treatment of acne, comedones, acne;
  2. Skin regeneration;
  3. Beautiful, healthy skin tone;
  4. Moisturizing and saturation with vitamins, minerals, acids;
  5. Removal of scars and scars, stretch marks.

In cosmetology, mountain resin is used in emulsions, masks, and peels. It is worth adding mumiyo to a night-action face cream, during sleep the active ingredients contribute to the complete restoration of the skin. Use mumiyo with essential oils for the treatment of acne, abscesses, treating locally affected areas.

The best homemade face masks with shilajit

Mumiyo mask for acne

Result: an effective mumiyo for acne on the face, helps to quickly calm inflammation, neutralizes the spread of infection.


  • 2 tablets of mumiyo;
  • 5 ml of calendula oil;
  • 20 ml of plantain decoction;
  • 5 ml green tea extract.

Preparation and method of application: after brewing and straining the herbal decoction, add resin powder, marigold oil and concentrated antioxidant extract. Clean the surface of the skin with oatmeal, distribute the composition with a cosmetic spatula. After twenty minutes, rinse with lemon water, treat acne with an antiseptic gel.

Important advice from the editor

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, you should pay special attention to the shampoos you use. A frightening figure - in 97% of shampoos of famous brands there are substances that poison our body. The main components, because of which all the troubles on the labels are indicated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate. These chemicals destroy the structure of the curls, the hair becomes brittle, loses elasticity and strength, and the color fades. But the worst thing is that this muck gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in the organs and can cause cancer. We advise you to refrain from using products containing these substances. Recently, the experts of our editorial staff conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos, where the first place was taken by funds from the company Mulsan Сosmetic. The only manufacturer of completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date, it should not exceed one year of storage.

Mumiyo mask for wrinkles

Result: anti-wrinkle mumiyo as part of effective recipes promotes cell renewal processes.


  • 1 gr. mumiyo;
  • 10 ml Cahors;
  • 5 ml peach oil.

Preparation and method of application: stir mountain resin in warm wine until a viscous mass is obtained. Steam the skin with a hot compress, apply a face mask with a mummy with a brush, bypassing only the eyelid area. The duration of the active action of the procedure is half an hour. Wash off with a decoction of chamomile, moisturize with a concentrate with collagen.

Mumiyo mask for scars

Result: using mumiyo from scars, scars, you can quickly restore the structure of the skin at home. The created natural remedy must be used after laser cleaning and other hardware procedures.


  • 1 gr. mumiyo Altai;
  • 5 gr. baby cream;
  • 5 ml pantothenic acid.

Preparation and method of application: in a clean jar of ointment, combine mumiyo with baby cream and liquid vitamin B 5. After removing makeup, treat the damaged areas with the resulting home remedy. The mask is designed for the night, in the morning the remnants are removed with a micellar liquid. Repeat the procedure until the skin is completely restored.

Mask with mumiyo and honey

Result: honey recipes with mumiyo tablets ideally nourish dry and sensitive dermis. They improve the complexion by activating blood circulation, relieve puffiness, perfectly refresh, preventing the appearance of wrinkles and reducing the elasticity of the epidermis.


  • 1 tablet of mumiyo;
  • 10 gr. honey;
  • 10 ml of kelp extract;

Preparation and method of application: after dissolving the dry resin in concentrated green tea (5 ml), add liquid honey, kelp and sesame oil. Apply a mask with a mummy with a brush along the lines of the lymphatic flow, after steaming / scrubbing the skin. After half an hour, wash off with a warm decoction of tea rose, choose an express concentrate for moisturizing.

Mask with mumiyo and clay

Result: tightens the contour of the face, removes toxins and oxidants, has a matting effect mumiyo clay mask. For combination, oily, porous skin, it is necessary to conduct a ten-day course of natural, medical procedures.


  • 1 gr. mumiyo;
  • 5 gr. blue clay;
  • 5 gr. yellow clay;
  • essential rose oil.

Preparation and method of application: by combining several types of cosmetic clays, add flower ether and resin, mix well, add a little thyme decoction. After wiping the face with a thermal agent, distribute the cleansing mask in a circular motion. After twenty minutes, wash your face and apply a vitamin elixir.

Mask with mumiyo and gelatin

Result: using a natural anti-aging mask for skin tightening, you can compensate for the lack of collagen and elastin. After 35 years, it is worth using a corrective procedure at least once a week.


  • 1 gr. mumiyo;
  • 10 gr. gelatin;
  • 5 ml olive oil.

Preparation and method of application: Dissolve animal collagen granules in a warm broth, mix until a gel-like mass is obtained. Introduce mountain resin and olive oil, heat in a water bath to 50 ◦. After cleansing the skin with a thermal agent, distribute the anti-aging composition with a brush, avoiding contact only with the eyelid area. After forty minutes, carefully remove the mask-film, without stretching and injuring the skin.

Mask with mumiyo and vitamin E

Result: nourish the epidermis, stimulate cellular metabolism, available home remedies. The use of vitamins smoothes all types of wrinkles, prevents the appearance of new ones.


  • mumiyo tablet;
  • ampoule of tocopherol;
  • 15 gr. rice starch.

Preparation and method of application: dissolve mountain resin powder in distilled water, add regenerating vitamin and rice powder. After steaming your face over a steam bath, apply the composition, following the massage lines. After fifteen minutes of action, rinse with refreshing jasmine water.

Mask with mumiyo and cream

Result: natural skin care recipes with natural mountain raw materials have a tonic and rejuvenating effect on the integument.


  • 1 gr. mumiyo;
  • 30 gr. night cream;
  • 5 ml of almond oil.

Preparation and method of application: combine the resin with nourishing oil, mix well. After adding to the finished cream, put in the refrigerator. After peeling or steaming the dermis, apply on the face in a dense layer. After forty minutes, wipe with cotton pads.

Mask with mumiyo and oil

Result: moisturizing recipes from mumiyo help to quickly restore the immunity of the skin, activate biochemical processes in cells. For age-related, flabby dermis, this is the best procedure to restore freshness and youth.


  • 1 gr. mumiyo;
  • santal ether.

Preparation and method of application: add mumiyo to African oil, heat up to 35 ◦, mix until smooth, then add wood ether. Wipe the skin with a micellar composition, distribute the composition with a spatula, including on the lips. Enjoy the procedure for about half an hour, then rinse with bergamot water.

Video recipe: Mask with mumiyo for acne and blackheads at home
