Observations on a walk for a senior group in the fall. Summary of a walk lesson in the senior group “Autumn Observations”

Municipal state preschool educational institution

Khanty-Mansiysk region "Kindergarten "Skazka"

Gornopravdinsk village"

Summary of a walk in the senior group

"Watching the Autumn Trees"



(job title)

Goal: Continue to introduce children to trees in the kindergarten area;
- Form ideas about autumn aspen and birch;
- Strengthen the ability to compare aspen and birch.

- Help consolidate knowledge about trees, learn to identify trees by their characteristics, learn to distinguish leaves from different trees;
- Develop children's vocabulary;
- Form a holistic picture of the natural world;
- Encourage care for the environment.

Educator: Guys, listen to M. Sadovsky’s poem “Autumn”
The birch trees unbraided their braids,
The maples clapped their hands,
The cold winds have come
And the poplars were flooded.
The willows have drooped by the pond,
The aspen trees began to tremble,
Oak trees, always huge,
It's like they've become small.
Everything calmed down, shrank,
It has drooped and turned yellow.
Only the Christmas tree is pretty.
By winter she looked better.
Educator: What time of year is described in the poem?
Children: Autumn.
Educator: Why. You think so?
Children: Because all the trees have drooped and turned yellow, only the Christmas tree has become prettier for winter.
Educator: What trees are talked about in the poem?
Children: About birch, maple, poplar, willow, aspen, oak, herringbone.

Educator: Today on our walk we will watch the trees. Guys, look carefully at the trees and tell me what interesting things you saw?

Children: the leaves on the trees have turned yellow, the leaves have begun to fall, the trees are preparing for winter.

Educator: Guys, why do they plant trees?

When it's hot, trees give us shade, they bring us edible fruits, and they add beauty to the landscape. Trees provide oxygen, purify the air, lower the temperature and make the air healthier.

Educator: Guys, let's come closer to the trees. And Polina will tell us a poem.

The aspen tree is chilling, trembling in the wind,

It gets cold in the sun, freezes in the heat.

Give the aspen a coat and boots,

The poor aspen needs to warm up.

The aspen has a smooth, gray-green trunk. In autumn, its leaves are painted in different colors: pink, red, yellow. Aspen leaves are special, they are attached to flexible flattened stalks, a little breeze will blow and the leaves will knock against each other.

Educator: what kind of trunk and leaves does the aspen have?

Why are the tree leaves shaking?

Educator: Egor will tell us such a poem...

Only autumn is golden

The leaf is scorched by fire -

The birch tree flies around,

Feels sad in the rain.

Educator: what tree are we talking about?

In autumn, the leaves on the birch begin to turn yellow, first at the top, where the air is colder, and then at the bottom. The wind blows, tears off the leaves, and they seem to fall onto the dark damp ground.

Why did the leaves on the birch tree turn yellow?

What happens to trees in autumn?

How do trees prepare for winter?

Educator: guys, now each take one aspen and birch leaf in your hands. And tell me, are they the same in shape and color?

What shape does a birch leaf have?

What shape does an aspen leaf have?

Research activities

Collect birch and aspen leaves for the herbarium.

Goal: to learn to distinguish leaves (by shape, size, length of stem).

Educator: Guys, which leaf is more birch or aspen? (attach a birch leaf to an aspen leaf).

Children: aspen.
Educator: Smell the leaves. Aspen leaves have a bitter odor.

Educator: Let's listen to the rustling of the leaves. The leaves rustle as if they are saying goodbye to us.

Educator: And now, guys, we will play.

Outdoor games on the walk “Recognize the tree.” Children stand near the teacher. To his words: “One, two, three, run to the birch (fir-tree, aspen, rowan) tree!” - they run and stop at a birch tree. The teacher asks how they recognized the birch tree. One will answer that the birch tree has a white trunk; another - that it has yellow leaves; the third is that the leaves are small, triangle-shaped, and rough.

Educator: Guys, people used to say, that is, there is such a saying: The leaves of a birch tree begin to turn yellow from the top - wait for an early winter, and if from below - a late one.

Now let's play an interesting game called “Autumn Leaves”.

GOAL: to teach children to listen carefully to the text and perform movements in accordance with it.
We are leaves, we are leaves Children stand in a circle, holding
We are autumn leaves. leaves in hands.
We were sitting on branches, scattering in different directions.
The wind blew and we flew
We flew, we flew - They run around waving leaves.
All the leaves are so tired.
The breeze has stopped blowing - They squat in a circle,
Everyone sat in a circle. The leaves are held above the head.
The wind suddenly blew again. They scattered in different directions.
And he blew the leaves off the branches.
All the leaves have flown away Throwing the leaves up
And they sat down quietly on the ground.

Educator: It’s wonderful we played with you. Now you can take the takeaway material and play in the sandbox.

Individual work:
Exercise "Hide and Seek". When you hear the sound [T’], close your eyes with your palms (poplar, slippers, hoes, sink, pull, hard, wheelbarrow, current, melancholy, namesake, thermos, test).
Goal: to reinforce the correct pronunciation of the sound [T’].

Educator: Guys, our walk is coming to an end, it’s time for us to return to kindergarten, put all the toys back in their places. Vova and Seryozha take shovels and dig up the sand. And Oksana and Angelina take and sweep the sandbox.


- to form a generalized idea of ​​autumn as a time of year;

- learn to distinguish between birch and aspen by shape, color of the trunk and leaves;

- consolidate the idea of ​​the parts of a tree (trunk, branches, root);

— to cultivate love and respect for the nature of the native land.

Progress of observation

So autumn has come,

The leaves have turned yellow

And, gliding through the air,

They flew to the ground!

So the forest is thick,

Shakes his head at us all

He gently pulls the branches,

It calls us and beckons us to visit.

Hello, hello, good forest,

Full of fairy tales and miracles!

We won't hurt anyone here

And we will see your miracles!

Invite the children to say hello to our good, kind friend - the forest, and answer questions.

♦ How can we recognize a birch among other trees?

♦ What color is the trunk of a birch tree? (White with black spots.)

♦ What parts of birch do you still know? (Trunk, branches, root.)

♦ What color are the branches?

♦ Why does a tree need a root?

♦ What color are birch leaves in autumn? (Yellow.)

♦ What color were they in summer? (Green.)

We easily found the birch tree because of its white trunk with black spots. The black spots are the “mouth” of the birch through which it breathes. Golden autumn has arrived. There are both cold and warm days. The leaves have begun to fall. The birch is the very first tree to prepare for winter.

The teacher organizes games with the children.

“Don’t stand still, build a round dance around the birch tree.”

Target: continue to learn how to perform movements in accordance with the text.

We found a birch tree. What other tree will we find?

“One, two, three, quickly find the aspen.”

♦ What is the name of this tree? (Aspen.)

♦ What color is the trunk? (Light gray, greenish.)

♦ Which branches? What colour? (Thin, light green.)

♦ How many trunks does aspen have?

♦ What color are the leaves?

Tall, slender aspen trees are very beautiful. The leaves tremble on the high peaks even on the calmest windless day. It seems that the aspens are talking to each other.

Research activities

Collect aspen and birch leaves for the herbarium.

Target: learn to distinguish leaves (by shape, size, length of stem).

Attach a birch leaf to an aspen leaf. Which one is bigger? (Aspen.) Smell the leaves. (Aspen leaves have a bitter smell.) Let's listen. (The leaves rustle as if they are saying goodbye to us.)

Good in the forest! And you always remember that the forest is a home for animals and plants. And you need to come to the forest just as politely as visiting relatives or friends.

The teacher asks the children questions.

♦ Is it possible to leave garbage in a forest clearing? (No.)

♦ What should be done with garbage? (Pick up, put in a bag and take out.)

♦ Why is it not necessary to cut and break branches?

♦ How to help a wounded tree? (Bandage it.)

♦ Is it possible to pick flowers? (It is forbidden.)

♦ What can you do with flowers? (Look, smell, draw.)

Outdoor game

"From bump to bump."

Target: develop long jump skills.

Individual work

Development of movements.


— to cultivate, through movements, a caring attitude towards nature;

- practice jumping over logs, stones, stumps;

- develop strength qualities.

Educator: - Let's look at our trees carefully.

What is this? (tree)

Yes, guys, this is a tree. Look how many trees there are on our site.

– Who knows what kind of tree this is? (the teacher and the children approach the birch) Children’s answers: (birch)

- How did you guess? Children's answers (the birch tree has a white trunk)

We easily found the birch tree because of its white trunk with black spots. Guys, let's look at our birch tree.

What does it have (there is a trunk and branches.) Look, the branches of the tree look up, they reach towards the sun.

Let us show you how the branches reach towards the sun (I show them together with the children).

Look, there are (no) leaves on our birch tree. Where did they go (fell) The birch is the first of the trees to prepare for winter.

Look at the leaves on our birch tree (showing a leaf from a birch tree, I take it out of the package)

The teacher picks up a birch leaf. Show the sheet to the children. "What is this? Yes, it's a leaf, a leaf. The teacher gives the child a piece of paper.

What color are they? (yellow) Are they big or small?

Hide the leaf in your palms. It is seen? Small, it is not visible in the palms.

Raise your hand with the leaf up and release it. Look. How does it go down? (falls, flies, spins). The leaf is light.

Autumn: - Guys, the birch tree is getting ready for its winter sleep, let’s please it with you and lead a round dance around the birch tree.

Round dance to the music “There was a birch tree in the field.”

7. Conversation with children:

Guys, come to this tree.

Look how many leaves have fallen...

What tree are these leaves from? (maple) Yes, guys, there are a lot of maple leaves on the ground. How many leaves are there on the ground? (a lot of)

The teacher gives a maple leaf to the child.

Hide a maple leaf in your palm. What is he like? (large sheet). So that children understand that there are different leaves (large, medium, small). Look through the leaf. It is seen? (No). The leaf is opaque.

Let's walk along them, listen to how they rustle under our feet. What do maple leaves look like? Look - this is a maple leaf, it looks like a big palm. Show your palms, spread your fingers.

Autumn: - Guys, what kind of tree is this? (rowan) How did you find out? (berries)

Educator: - There are no leaves left on the rowan tree. Only red clusters of berries are visible. The berries are small, round, and sour in taste. In winter, birds will eat them.

"Round like a bead

Berry with bitterness,

What kind of berry is this?

This is a rowan! »

Guys, look how many trees grow on our site? (a lot of)

Now look carefully and tell me how many birch trees grow on our site? (one) Well done!

The teacher addresses autumn:

The guys and I know a game about rain, can we show you guys?

The game "Rain" is being played

It's autumn, autumn, autumn

The maple dropped its leaves, dropped its leaves, dropped its leaves.

The puddles, puddles, puddles sparkled

Don't we need rain?

Oh, you need rain, well, get it.

Select “Rain” using a counting rhyme


A cloud floated across the sky

She led the rain with her.

The droplets rang quietly. And they told you to drive!

The game is played 2-3 times.

Autumn: - So as not to be afraid of the rain,

I'll give you a gift.

Autumn gives an umbrella.

The weather in autumn can be different. Now you and I will go for a walk. We go out for a walk. There is no rain. The weather is good, the sun is shining, and you can pick flowers. You walk, listen to the birds sing, have fun. But as soon as you hear the sound of rain, run under your umbrella.

Outdoor game: “Sun and Rain.”

Goal: To teach children to run easily, without bumping into each other, to perform movements in accordance with the text. Learn to quickly respond to a signal, navigate in space.

The sun was shining in the sky,

We had a lot of fun.

There's loud laughter

The sun is shining for everyone.

(Children walk and dance in the area.)

A cloud suddenly covered the sun,

It became sad and depressing.

The torrential rain poured down,

We ran home.

(Children run under the umbrella.)

The sun is shining more cheerfully

Go out for a walk soon!

(children walk around the hall)

The presenter opens the umbrella and calls the children:

It's raining, it's raining more and more,

Everyone under the umbrella quickly!

10 .Riddles for children (development of thinking):

Autumn: - Guys, I want to ask you some riddles:

1. Gold coins (leaves) fall from a branch

2. Who beats on the roof all night

Yes he knocks

And mumbles, and sings, lulls you to sleep? (rain)

3. Autumn has come to visit us

And she brought with her...

What? Say it at random!

Well, of course... (leaf fall)

4. It is unknown where he lives

It will fly - the trees are bending (wind)

11. Outdoor game "Leaves and the breeze"

The teacher distributes leaflets to the children. Imagine, guys, that you are leaves.

We are leaves, we are leaves (children stand in a circle with leaves in their hands)

We are autumn leaves

We sat on branches

The wind blew, they flew (ran in a circle)

We flew, we flew

All the leaves are so tired

The breeze has stopped blowing

We all sat down in a circle (squat down, leaves above our heads)

The wind suddenly blew again

And he blew the leaves off the branches.

All the leaves have flown away (scattering)

And they sat quietly on the ground (throwing leaves up)

The teacher takes the children to draw the sun, decorating it with chestnuts.

Autumn at this time carries out individual work.

Individual work

Goal: to consolidate primary colors, to consolidate the concept of “many”

How many leaves were flying around the area now? (a lot of)

What color? (red, yellow, green)

How many yellow leaves? (a lot of)

How many red leaves? (a lot of)

D/i “Remember” Divide the field into three parts, put a chestnut, a birch leaf, a sprig of rowan. We close our eyes, the teacher removes one thing, the children open their eyes, remember what is missing.


Thank you guys, it’s time for me to hit the road, we’ll see you in a year at the same place. Goodbye! And the package contains a surprise for you.

Direct educational activities in the senior group

Summary of direct educational activities

In the older group

Subject: Looking at Levitan's painting "Golden Autumn"


Educational: To form children's ideas about landscape painting. Teach them to identify means of expression, exercise in the selection of epithets and comparisons.

Educational: Develop speech and attention.

Educational: Foster a love for autumn natural phenomena.

Integration of educational areas: “Cognition”, “Communication”, “Reading fiction”

Materials and equipment: Reproduction of I. Levitan’s painting “Golden Autumn”.

GCD move:

Organizing time

The teacher invites the children to look at the painting by I. Levitan “Golden Autumn”

A walk in the autumn park with children of the preparatory group

Belyaeva Elena Aleksandrovna, teacher of MKDOU d/s No. 24
Description: The material is designed for children 6-7 years old; this material will be useful to teachers of the preparatory group.
Target: Tree watching in autumn
Develop observation and motor activity
Foster an emotional – positive attitude towards nature, respect for the work of adults
Consolidate knowledge about trees and their names
Strengthen knowledge about the streets of your native village, traffic rules
Walking progress:
Educator: Guys, today we will go for a walk in the park, along the way we must be attentive and careful. Tell me, on what street is our kindergarten located?
Children: Western
Educator: That's right, we start our walk from Zapadnaya Street, look, guys, there is a roadway in front of us, and a sidewalk, where should we go?
Children: On the sidewalk
Educator: Of course, along the sidewalk, but let's remember the poem about the sidewalk.
Children go and recite a poem
For pedestrians - sidewalk
For the car, everyone knows
There are roads, there are highways.
Young and old also remember
For pedestrians - sidewalk.
I'm walking along the sidewalk
I walk slowly.
And the walk is not dangerous,
And the weather is good.
N. Migunova
Educator: Look guys, we have already approached another street, what is it called?
Children: Pushkin street
Educator: That's right, this street is named after the great Russian poet A.S. Pushkin. Let's remember what fairy tales Alexander Sergeevich wrote?
Walking down the street, children remember the fairy tales of A.S. Pushkin
Educator: Well done, and we have approached the pedestrian crossing. But we need to be careful, tell me which direction we need to look before crossing the road?
Children: First you need to look left, then right.
Educator: That's right, we look left and then right, we definitely need to wait until the car stops, and only then continue on our way. Well, you and I crossed the road and are on Shakhtyorsky Lane, guys, tell me why this street was given such a name
Children's answers
Educator: Guys, this name is in honor of our miners, our village was founded in order to build housing for miners, the coal mine for a very long time was the main enterprise where almost all the residents of our village worked. The guys, while we were talking about the village, quietly approached Mira Street. Tell me why you think this street has this name.
Children's answers
Educator: So you and I came to the park.
Look around, what changes have occurred with the arrival of autumn?
What trees grow here?
Let's compare the trunk of a mountain ash and a birch.
Look at the maple
Educator: Guys, let's play with you
Outdoor game "Snake"
All children take each other's hands, forming a human chain. The child standing first becomes the leader. He begins to run, taking everyone else with him. While running, the leader must sharply change the direction of movement of the entire group several times: All children must hold hands tightly so that the “chain” does not break, accurately repeat all the movements of the leader and try to run “footstep in footstep.” The game can be stopped if the “chain” is broken and a new leader can be chosen.
Look at which trees have fruits?
Which trees have leaves that turn yellow faster?
Why do leaves fly off trees?
Educator: Let's walk along the fallen leaves and listen to how they rustle under our feet.
Listen to the poem
Mischief makers
Spun around me
The rain of leaves is mischievous.
How good he is!
Where else can you find something like this?
Without end and without beginning?
I began to dance under it,
We danced like friends -
Rain of leaves and me.
L. Razvodova
What is the poem talking about?
Let's play with the leaves and see how they spin in the air.
Children collect leaves and throw them up, repeating several times.
Educator: Guys, let's play with you.
Outdoor game "Run to the tree"
The teacher pronounces the name of the tree, the children find the tree and run to it with the command “One, two, three to... (birch, maple, etc.) run”
Educator: Guys, look, a janitor is working in the park.
What is a janitor's job for?
What does a janitor need to work?
Why does the janitor trim the bushes?
How can we help the janitor?
Labor activity
Children help the janitor collect cut branches.
Educator: Well done guys, they helped the janitor. Don’t forget, the less we litter on the streets of our village, the more beautiful and cleaner it will be around us.
Tell me, what trees grow in our park?
What can you say about the park, what is it like?
What can we do to make it easier for the janitor to work?
Let's collect a bouquet of autumn leaves and bring it to the kindergarten.
Well, now it’s time for us to head back.

Zoya Razumnaya

Summary of the walk "Autumn Observations"

Target: consolidate knowledge about seasonal changes in the life of plants, consolidate knowledge about different types of trees and shrubs, learn to correlate the description of characteristic features with the subject.


Educational: teach to compare trees and shrubs by external characteristics (color and characteristics of the bark, thickness and flexibility of branches, leaf shape, arrangement of needles on a branch), consolidate and expand children’s knowledge about “coniferous” and “deciduous” trees.

Educational: develop observation, attention, thinking, the ability to analyze, generalize, draw conclusions, and develop coherent speech in children.

Educational: cultivate love and respect for native nature, promote the formation of communication skills.

Preliminary work: observing trees and shrubs on the site of the center, reading natural history literature, learning poems about nature; looking at illustrations of trees and shrubs.

Vocabulary work: spruce forest, pine forest, coniferous forest, deciduous forest, needles, needles, crimson, beech.

Walking progress:

Introductory conversation.

The teacher reads a poem:

Leaves fly off the branches,

Birds fly away to the south.

“What time of year is it?” - we’ll ask.

They will answer us: “This is.” (autumn)

Educator: Guys, let's remember what time of year it is now? (children's answers)

The collective farm garden was empty,

Cobwebs fly into the distance,

And to the southern edge of the earth

The cranes arrived.

School doors opened.

What month has it come to us? (September)

Educator: What month? (September)

Educator: How many autumn months do you know? What are their names? (three: September, October and November)

Educator: What signs of autumn can you name? (migratory birds fly south, the days have become shorter and the nights are longer, cold days, a strong cold wind, drizzling rains often fall; the leaves turn yellow, orange, red, crimson; leaf fall begins; people harvest crops from fields, vegetable gardens and in the gardens; you need to dress warmly when you go outside, because it has become cold).

Educator: Which of you loves autumn and which doesn't? Why? (children's answers)

Speech game: “Say beautiful words about autumn”

Goal: be able to select adjectives for a given word.


Educator: Guys, now we will go for a walk to see what has changed in nature and enjoy the bright colors of autumn.

Educator: What is the weather today? (children's answers)

Educator: Pay attention to the sky. What sky? (children's answers)

Educator: How has the color of leaves on trees and shrubs changed? (children's answers)

Educator: Today we will observe the bushes, trees and flowers, and see what changes have occurred to them compared to the summer.

Main part.

1. Observation of rose hips.

Educator: Children, come and look at the bushes with unusual berries. This is a rosehip. People call it “wild rose”.

Carefully tear off the berry; rose hips have thorns that can hurt you.

Consider the leaves of the rosehip; the leaves are complex, consisting of sharply serrated leaves.

This plant blooms in spring, the flowers are large and fragrant, the petals are pink, red, white or yellow.

The fruits are fleshy berries of yellow, red or black-brown color. Rose hips contain healing properties, so in the fall these berries are collected, dried, and then drunk as tea.

Among the anemic flowers,

Losing their colors by autumn,

The late rose hips are burning,

Hissing, sunset red

Observation of sea buckthorn.

Educator: Children, here is another very interesting sea buckthorn plant with beautiful purple-yellow and orange berries. Please note that the leaves of the sea buckthorn have not changed their color.

Sea buckthorn, like rose hips, is a medicinal plant.

Observation of hazelnuts.

Educator: Children, who knows what this shrub is called? (children's answers)

Educator: This wonderful shrub is called hazelnut; delicious nuts grow on it; nuts are collected at the end of summer, in August.

Beech observation.

Educator: Children, look what a beautiful tree. who knows what it's called?

(children's answers)

Educator: Now I will read a poem that will contain a new interesting name for a tree.

The teacher reads the poem: “Falling Leaves” by V. Nirovich

Leaf fall, leaf fall,

Yellow leaves are flying.

Yellow maple, yellow beech,

Yellow circle in the sky of the sun.

Yellow yard, yellow house.

The whole earth is yellow all around.

Yellowness, yellowness.

Educator: That's right, it's a beech tree with beautiful golden leaves.

Cherry watching.

Educator: Guys, look, another tree with interesting leaf colors. Who knows what kind of tree this is?

This tree grows very tasty berries in summer, listen to the riddle

Sitting on a tree:

Red like blood

Round like a ball

Tasty like honey. (cherry)

Educator: That's right, children. Now we see that the leaves of some trees in the fall are purple.

Observation of mountain ash.

Educator: Guess the riddle

Berries are not sweetness

But it's a joy to the eye

And decoration for the gardens,

And a treat for friends. (Rowan)

Educator: Children are rowan trees. Rowan is a very beautiful tree both when it blooms and in the fall when it bears fruit.

The fruits of rowan are red berries; birds love them very much, especially when it’s cold. People also use rowan berries as medicine.

Listen to this poem about her:

A little red berry

Rowan gave me.

I thought I was sweet

And she is like a hina.

Toli is a berry

Just immature

Is it the cunning rowan tree?

I wanted to make a joke

Educator: Guys, now we are going to play a game.

Didactic game “Which tree is the leaf from?”

The teacher names the tree, the children must choose the appropriate adjective:

From rowan - ... rowan

From poplar - ... poplar

From linden - ... linden

From oak -... oak

From birch - ... birch

From aspen - ... aspen

From maple - ... maple

Observation of a Christmas tree, pine tree.

Educator: Children, listen to the riddle.

Winter and summer in the same color. (Christmas tree, pine)

Educator: That's right - it's a Christmas tree, look at the spruce.

and tell me, do leaves grow on the Christmas tree? (No)

Educator: That's right, what grows on the Christmas tree? (green needles)

Educator: Well done. Let's come closer and look at the branches with green needles.

Educator: Tell me, what shape does the Christmas tree look like? (per triangle)

Educator: That's right, guys. Listen to the poem about the Christmas tree:

Christmas tree, Christmas tree, Christmas tree,

The top is like a needle.

Fights with the violent wind.

If you touch it, you will get pricked.

Educator: Children, pay attention to the grass. How has she changed? (children's answers)

Educator: look around, are any plants blooming now? (children's answers)

Educator: Are there as many of them as in summer? What are the reasons for such changes in the fall? (less light, heat).

Speech game: “Find and describe” (find a plant that the teacher names).


Did you enjoy the walk?

What trees did we observe today?

What shrubs did you come across on your walk?

Outdoor game "Wind-breeze".

The teacher asks the children to stand in a circle. They choose a presenter - “Veterok”.

Children move in a circle saying:

"The wind swirls the leaves in the park,

It circles in the sky, circles in puddles.

They are thrown at our feet,

And on wet paths.

Come on, the wind is a breeze,

Stain the leaf quickly."

The leader - "Veterok" is catching up with the rest of the children. The game is repeated several times.

Outdoor game: "Catch a Leaf"

Goal: to practice jumping in place in height.

Labor activity.

Goal: to create a desire to work together.

Collection of leaves for the herbarium.
