We are 1 month old. Congenital reflexes and their meaning

What can a 1 month old baby do? The mother can independently assess the development of the baby, knowing about the skills and reflexes that the baby acquires during the first weeks of life. But you need to remember that such a study at home does not replace consultation and examination by a pediatrician.

The baby will sleep most of the time during the first month of life. This he can do perfectly. But between sleeping and feeding there are short periods of wakefulness. This time can be used to communicate with the baby, as well as to monitor its development, reflexes, and new skills.

What skills can you observe?

What can a 1 month old baby do?

Congenital reflexes and their meaning

Reflexes are the inheritance of our ancient ancestors. Many reflexes disappear by 4 months, but some, very important ones, remain for life. For example: sneezing, coughing, swallowing, breathing. A neonatologist checks the newborn's reflexes. What can mom see?

Reflexes help develop motor skills and are the foundation for crawling, rolling over, and walking. Also, their absence or weak manifestation helps to recognize any developmental problem. If the baby has not yet developed a skill, there is no need to sound the alarm in advance. Individual characteristics must be taken into account. Small and premature babies develop skills later. You should be alarmed when the baby is lethargic all the time and does not respond to sound and light.

Signals for help

Interaction with the outside world occurs through grimaces, screaming, grunting, motor activity, and smiling. These methods of communication are necessary for a baby who does not yet have communication skills.

  • Scream. If the baby experiences hunger, cold, discomfort, or pain, he signals this with a loud cry. Babies at this age can often cry due to the onset of colic. A baby's cry is characterized by strangled, nasal sounds.
  • Calms down when held. If the baby is not hungry and nothing hurts, then in the arms of a loved one he, as a rule, quickly calms down. It is important to hold the baby close to you; it is the warmth of the body that soothes babies.
  • Sounds. In the first month of life, the baby can already “talk”: it makes the sounds “e”, “a”, something in between. Also, vowel sounds can already be combined with the consonants “x”, “g”.
  • Grunting. The grunting sounds that the baby makes may indicate some kind of discomfort, most often in the intestines. Sniffling and snorting at this age is considered normal and is explained by narrow nasal passages.
  • Arching of the body. If arching the body is not accompanied by constant crying, this can be a training exercise for the muscular system, turning over onto the stomach. But if a child cries, this may indicate intestinal colic. Also, arching of the back may indicate hypertonicity of the muscles of the neck and back. In this case, you need to consult a neurologist.

During wakefulness, a 1-month-old baby experiences many chaotic movements of the arms and legs. This is fine. If you pick up the baby, the movements disappear. The motor activity of the limbs is explained by the fact that the child instinctively seeks the boundaries that he had before, in the womb. During the first three months of life, the baby will gradually get used to the new environmental conditions.

Some parents are sure that a month is too short a time for their baby to master any other science other than eating, pooping and screaming around the clock. Others, on the contrary, with a wet glint in their eyes, are ready to prove that their month-old baby is almost ready to enroll in a university - after all, he already “listens attentively”, “nods in response”, “waves his hand goodbye” and even “everything.” “understands everything.” In reality, both are far from the truth of life. What can a 1-month-old baby actually do, and should he be able to do anything at all?

Being born is hard work! But the newborn period (the first 28 days) is no easier for the baby: after all, the world around is so big and complex... How does a child develop at the very beginning of life, and what can a baby already do at the turn of 1 month?

Baby 1 month: new world, new schedule

In just twelve months, your baby will change beyond recognition, and not only in appearance. He will turn into an active and curious toddler, already beginning to walk, talk and show the first signs of character. But this “ascent” has 12 steps, 12 months. The first stage - the starting stage - consists mainly of the baby’s adaptation to the new conditions of “being”. But this does not mean that a 1-month-old baby has absolutely nothing to brag about!

A child's development in the first month of life really boils down to the fact that he is getting used to a new, big, strange world. And you get used to the fact that from now on you must constantly and inseparably be near him and take care of him.

Child development in the first month of life: losing weight, gaining weight

There is no need to worry if your baby loses a little weight in the first days of life. Newborns are born with extra fluid in their bodies and typically lose up to 10% of their body weight in the first week. After this, their body stabilizes, and the child begins to gain weight again. At the end of the second week, babies usually weigh about the same as they weighed at birth.

But by the end of the first month of life, children, in conditions of adequate care and diet, begin to rapidly and steadily gain weight - on average from 15 to 30 grams every day.

What a 1 month old baby can do: touching reflexes

Despite the fact that in the first month of a child’s life his nervous system is still in the process of development, he already knows a lot. You will see that your baby has several innate reflexes. One of these, for example, is sucking. Soon after birth, your baby is able - albeit with your help - to latch on and eat. And if you touch his palm or place your finger on it, he will involuntarily clench it into a fist.

This reflex has made more than one generation of fathers happy. Rarely will a dad miss an opportunity to touchingly boast that his offspring has a strong masculine handshake or an “iron” grip.

If the baby is suddenly frightened by something, for example, a flash of bright light, he spreads his arms and legs to the sides, and then presses them back. This is called the Moro reflex, it will remain in the child until the 4-5th month, then it will gradually begin to fade away.

The child is 1 month old: “I would take it and go - let them let me go!”

By the end of the first month of life, your baby will already have developed the instinct to walk. If you hold your baby and place his foot on a flat, hard surface, he will try to take his first steps. This reflex is called the automatic newborn gait. But don't rush! There is a time for everything - there is no need to try to place the child on the floor or table, supporting him only by the arms. The baby's spine is still too weak and definitely not ready for such a load.

In addition, although a one-month-old newborn is already able to turn his head when lying on his stomach, his neck is not yet strong enough for him to support his head on his own. Therefore, always support the back of your baby's head when picking him up.

Sleeping like a baby?

For the first few weeks, it may seem to you that the only thing your newborn needs is... In fact, newborns actually sleep a lot, 15-16 hours a day. These hours may be irregular because the child is not yet accustomed to the normal day and night cycle.

Remember, in the first month of your baby's life, his sleep and wake cycles are very different from yours. Unlike adults, infants' sleep mostly consists of REM sleep. This means that during the first weeks, your baby will wake up as unexpectedly as he falls asleep.

You can help your baby acclimate to natural rhythms more quickly by playing and talking to him during the day, and keeping things monotonous and boring at night. Eventually, the baby will “understand” that they play during the day and sleep at night. And gradually, just towards the end of the first month of life, the baby will become more and more awake during the day and sleep more soundly at night.

Child development at 1 month: what does he see, how does he hear?

In the first month of a child’s life, the development of his vision is just beginning; newborns are myopic. The baby sees only those objects that are no further than twenty to thirty centimeters from him. This means that the baby will be able to more or less clearly see your face when you feed him or are nearby. By the way, he will prefer to look at your face instead of the face of some plush toy - neonatologists note that newborns are naturally attracted to a greater extent by “live” human faces. The baby will also prefer to look at high-contrast objects, because they are easier to see (this does not mean that you need to fill the children's bedroom with only black and white toys; pastel “soft” colors are also good and useful).

It is likely that you will notice that in the first month of life your baby will squint his eyes while trying to focus. This is normal, because the visual control apparatus of a newborn has not yet formed. However, if the child continues to “squint” up to three or four months, he needs to be seen by a doctor, this may be a sign of strabismus.

A newborn's hearing has also not yet developed, but by the end of the first month of life he can already hear many sounds clearly. Especially the voices of his parents, to which he was accustomed while he was in the womb. By the way, newborns like to listen to high-pitched, shrill sounds. So don't be too indignant when your mother or nanny specifically talks to him in a squeaky childish voice - for a while, this is even useful.

If your one-month-old baby does not respond to any sounds at all, take him to the doctor. Despite the fact that in the maternity hospital the neonatologist checks the hearing of all newborns, it doesn’t hurt to be on the safe side.

Reaching the first month - love for sweets

Like older children (and many adults), newborns love sweet tastes. The thing is that in the first month of a child’s life, the development of his taste buds is just beginning - the baby does not yet know how to recognize bitter and salty. But the sweetish taste of his food (which is formed thanks to a special one) is already recognized very well by a month-old baby.

As for the sense of smell, it is already well developed in a one-month-old baby - from the first days of life he is quite capable of distinguishing the smell of the mother's breast nipple and the smell of breast milk.

Baby 1 month: communication through tears

A 1-month-old child still has only one way of communicating with the outside world - crying. Your baby may cry up to three hours a day, and this is normal. Don't panic - the older he gets, the fewer tears there will be. Crying is your baby's way of saying, "I'm hungry - feed me!", or "I have a wet diaper - change it!", or simply, "I'm tired." Eventually, you will learn to distinguish between this crying and choose.

The achievements are not great, but the will to win is enormous!

So, a month-old baby cannot yet boast of many new skills and abilities. For now, he is still just getting used to new living conditions, which are radically different from those in which he lived before birth. However, he already knows something. Namely:

  • looks with interest at the face of the person leaning towards him
  • tries to repeat the facial expressions of his “interlocutor”
  • with curiosity happens speech
  • sometimes repeats some sounds “in unison” to the speaker;
  • distinguishes bright solid colors (red, black, white, yellow);
  • recognizes the voice, smell and touch of the person who spends the most time with him (most often this is his mother);
  • able to focus his gaze on a stationary bright object;
  • in a prone position, he actively tries to lift and turn his head.

Compared to what your baby can demonstrate in a year, all of these skills seem insignificant. But you evaluate your child’s successes “from the other side” - compared to that tiny “flagrant lump” that your baby looked like at birth, today’s month-old toddler is already an incredible hero and hero. Is not it?

During the first month of life, a person will have to get used to new living conditions and adapt to new living conditions. Now this is no longer a newborn human, but an infant. During this month he has quietly learned a lot, he can already do a lot.

Physical development

  • By the end of the first month, the baby gradually ceases to assume the fetal position, moves more actively, and wiggles his arms and legs. All his movements are still unbalanced, but gradually they become more coordinated. This will take another 2-3 months.
  • Some babies at 1 month manage to slightly raise their heads when they lie on their tummy. The child manages to hold his head for some time when he is held vertically.
  • Lying on his tummy, he should be able to slightly raise his butt and head at the same time. If at this time you place your palm under his heels, he will push off from it and move forward a few centimeters.

Emotional development

  • In the first four weeks of life, the child is already able to distinguish his mother’s voice from everyone else’s. He knows her smell, her touch very well.
  • The baby copies everything he can see. Smile at him more often. And very quickly he will respond to your smile with a smile. And this will no longer be a reflexive, involuntary smile of a newborn, but a completely conscious one, intended specifically for you.
  • At one month, he already looks at bright, stationary objects not far from his eyes for several minutes. He is already able to follow with his eyes the toy that is slowly passed before his eyes.
  • The baby constantly copies the sounds that are addressed to him. At this age, the child begins to walk and responds when spoken to.
  • At the age of one month, a child knows how to show his mood - by crying or smiling.
  • The baby reacts to sounds, can determine where it comes from, and turn its head in that direction.

That’s how much, it turns out, the baby can already do! And you say - a month!

Note to moms!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me too, and I’ll also write about it))) But there’s nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too...

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What a 1 month old baby can do video

Video: Development of a newborn from birth to 1 month. What should I be able to do? How to develop a baby at this age? How to deal with the most common problems of this age (colic, burping, crying, etc.)

A baby who has just been born seems to do nothing but lie almost motionless in his crib. Meanwhile, a lot of physiological changes occur in his body. He “looks closely” at this world and, although he still does not know how to express his emotions, he experiences them to the fullest.

What should a 1 month old baby be able to do?

  • when a stationary object appears in the field, he concentrates his gaze on it;
  • squints his eyes if he sees a bright source of light;
  • quite consciously examines the face of the person bending over him, looks into his eyes;
  • lying on his stomach, the baby tries to raise his head and keep it suspended;
  • reacts to sounds and when calling for help;
  • can grasp an object, but cannot yet hold it in the hand;
  • moves his eyes, watching moving objects;
  • recognizes parents by voice and smell;
  • at the end of the first month, the first inclinations of speech appear - the baby cooes and pronounces individual sounds.

This is just an approximate list of what a baby should do at 1 month. Early development for all children follows an individual plan, which often does not entirely coincide with standard instructions from a children's clinic or online articles.

Despite the fact that the baby is active no more than 2-3 hours a day, while awake he happily explores the world around him and is quite ready for new knowledge. He listens carefully to your lullabies, and generally responds very well to his mother’s voice.

When the child is not sleeping, do everything possible to make him comfortable in his crib: change positions more often, take him in your arms, talk, laugh and rejoice with him! Give your son or daughter as much attention as possible, because he has only recently come into this world, and in order to quickly adapt to it, he needs contact with his mother.

Features of child development at 1 month

At the earliest stage of life, a baby has several basic reflexes. So, the “plantar” reflex is expressed in the fact that when you run your finger along his foot, he will certainly pull the foot away. You can observe the sucking reflex if you run your finger over your baby’s lips: he will fold them into a tube and try to “suck” your finger. From the very first days of life, a child also has a developed grasping reflex: put your finger on the child’s palm, and you will see that he will clench his hand into a fist.

Norms of weight and height of children at 1 month



heads, cm













So, from this table it is not difficult to determine how much a child should weigh at 1 month. The decisive factor is the weight of the baby at the time of birth and on the day of discharge from the hospital. This data is entered into the baby's card.

But most new mothers are concerned about how much a baby should gain in 1 month. At the end of the first month of life, the child gains an average of 100-900 g. In premature babies, these figures are lower. During the first month, a healthy baby grows by an average of 3 cm. Other indicators are also important. So, in a children's clinic, a pediatrician at a routine examination at 1 month should measure the circumference of the child's head, abdomen and chest. Such indicators are very important so that all possible violations can be identified and corrected in a timely manner. An examination by a neurologist is recommended at the end of the first month of life.

1 month old baby's daily routine

When asked how much a 1 month old baby should sleep, pediatric neurologists answer: all the time. In theory, this is true, but in practice, a few weeks after birth, the baby will spend much more time awake than before. Normally, a newborn should sleep 20-23 hours a day, but it happens that he...

He is usually woken up by a feeling of hunger. Today, pediatricians recommend feeding the baby on demand.

Main rules for mom

Hold your baby in your arms for changing and feeding when he is calm. This will help establish emotional communication with him. You need to talk to your child kindly and quietly. Create a calm atmosphere in your child's room. Then the baby will be calm and balanced.

Probably, back in the maternity hospital they explained to you how to properly hold a newborn. Be sure to instruct all family members, as well as guests who come to you and want to hold the baby in their arms. (In the first months of life, however, it is better not to allow strangers to hold your child. Learn to politely refuse, your friends will understand). Warn everyone that they should definitely support the baby’s head with one palm, since his neck is still weak for this.
Today on sale we often see kangaroo backpacks marked 0+. However, pediatricians, pediatric neurologists and orthopedists unanimously argue that the use of devices in which the baby sits is not permissible until the age when the child himself learns to sit, that is, his bones and muscles are ready for this. And the 0+ mark on such products is nothing more than a marketing ploy.

A newborn baby, if he doesn’t mind being held in his arms, can be carried by the mother in a sling, where the baby will lie. Moreover, the time he spends in the sling should also be limited. Now the most comfortable and useful surface for a baby is moderately hard, like an orthopedic mattress in his crib. And, of course, mother’s hands are in favor.

Daily routine for a baby in the first month of life

The daily routine of a newborn consists of two periods: sleep (as we have already said, this is about 20 - 23 hours a day) and periods of wakefulness. The “cheerful” hours are intended for feeding, changing clothes and performing simple gymnastics for newborns (the local pediatrician will tell you about it during your first visit).

In the first month, it is too early to talk about establishing a clear routine for the child. Modern pediatrics teaches us to feed the child according to every requirement. Feeding should end when the baby lets go of the breast on his own. If the child falls asleep without opening his jaws, carefully insert your little finger, spread the jaws and easily release the breast from the baby’s mouth. in the first month they do not have constant regularity: the baby may ask for the breast either a few hours after the last meal or a few minutes later. In the first month, be prepared to devote almost all of your time to your baby and feed him as often and for as long as he wants.

Nutrition for a 1 month old baby

Our mothers were once taught to set a feeding schedule for newborns: 10 - 15 minutes every 3 hours. However, today such an approach is considered artificial and painful for the child - it is better to trust his instincts, he himself knows when and how much milk to consume.

On average, the answer to the question of how much a child should eat in 1 month is calculated based on standard formulas:

daily dose of milk (in grams) for a child under 10 days = N x 80, where N is age in days,

conditional dose of one-time feeding = N x 10.

However, it is worth understanding that this norm is conditional, since at one time the baby can drink half of the one-time norm, and at the next feeding - one and a half. That is why control weighing of the child before and after feeding is not indicative, because you can end up just at that feeding when the baby has eaten less than usual.

For children over 10 days old, the daily dose of milk is approximately 800 - 1000 g.

With breast milk it’s clear. And if the baby receives, then how much formula should a child eat at 1 month? The answer is: single servings of the mixture should be measured in accordance with the above nutritional standards, while maintaining standard regularity and not exceeding dosages. The fact is that formula, unlike breast milk, can overfeed a child, which will cause problems with the gastrointestinal tract and excess weight in the future.

In the first weeks of life, alas, they are not uncommon. Their cause is the immaturity of the baby’s gastrointestinal tract. Children receiving formula are especially susceptible to this scourge. It is not difficult to determine that a baby is suffering from colic - if the child screams, pressing his legs to his stomach, colic is most likely the cause. In such cases, frequently placing the baby's tummy on the mother's belly helps - your warmth will ease the pain. In addition, there are pharmaceutical products - fennel drops (also known as dill water), drugs such as espumisan, etc. Using any of the medications without consulting a pediatrician is strictly prohibited.

Child and toilet

To find out whether the baby has enough milk, the so-called. “wet diaper test” - the number of urinations per day should be at least 8, ideally 10 - 12.

As for bowel movements, an individual rhythm is established in the child on the 4th - 5th day of life. The main indicators of the norm here are the baby’s good health, the absence of crying during the process (that is, the child does not experience pain during the process), the absence of a foul odor and foreign impurities in the stool (in a healthy child, the color of the stool is yellowish, the consistency of cream). As for the regime, the norm is both 1 bowel movement in 2 days and 10 - 12 per day. Everything is individual.

If the mother notices that the child cannot go to the toilet and suffers from this, it is necessary to urgently contact your pediatrician, who will tell you what can be done (usually in such cases an enema or glycerin suppositories for infants is recommended).

In general, the main indicator that everything is in order is what the baby looks like at 1 month. If the baby is cheerful, cheerful, smiling, has a consistent good appetite, but has bowel movements 1-2 times a week, this is not a reason to worry.

Sleep of a 1 month old baby

Since when the baby is full, he immediately falls asleep, change the baby’s clothes before putting him to the breast. If the baby objects and demands food right now, gently coax him, stroke his back and tummy while you change his clothes.

We risk upsetting you, but in the first month of his life, a newborn does not distinguish much between day and night, and, to put it mildly, it does not matter to him that you are used to living differently. That is, the nighttime sleep and feeding patterns will also be quite chaotic. Although it is believed that the baby should sleep continuously for at least 5-6 hours at night. But remember: how much a 1-month-old baby sleeps continuously at night does not mean anything. The baby can wake up every 1 - 2 hours at night as well as during the day to eat, and this is also normal.

It helps many mothers get enough sleep. The baby sleeps in the same bed with his mother (or in his own crib, but close to the parent’s side on the mother’s side, while the wall is removed) and, as soon as the fussiness demands the breast, the mother will be able to give him what he needs, while continuing to doze. Naturally, for this you must learn.

Also, if necessary, you should be able to change your child's clothes at night. Therefore, always keep wet wipes on hand (by the way, you can read how to choose diapers).

Surely you have heard the amazing stories of those young mothers who, almost from the first month, taught their baby to sleep all night in his own crib in a separate room, without waking up to feed even once during the night. Hand on heart, we can consider such stories, firstly, fantastic (although you never know what miracles happen in the world), and secondly, you should remember that long breaks between meals can be harmful for a newborn. It is believed that during the first 6 months of life, night feedings are a physiological need for the child. Later it’s a matter of habit. That is, we do not advise you to try to wean your baby from eating at night until he is at least six months old. Who said it would be easy?

The exception is for children who are bottle-fed. They really should be offered a bottle no more than once every 2-3 hours, then put in an upright position and carried around the room for 10-15 minutes. Since formula takes much longer to digest than breast milk, formula-fed babies often sleep most of the night without waking up. Talk to your pediatrician about your baby's night feeding schedule. Because, unlike breast milk, formula can actually overfeed a baby.

For a crib, the mattress should be covered with waterproof fabric. Next, put on the cover. The sheet for the baby should be properly tucked under the mattress. It is important that it does not bunch up and thereby cause inconvenience to the child. A child under 1.5 years old does not need a pillow, because it can bend the spine. In the first year, children's underwear should be washed separately from adults, and with special baby soap or baby powder. In the first month of his life, a newborn's linen should be ironed on both sides.

Bathing and washing

Particular attention should be paid. Firstly, you can start bathing only after the clothespin that was attached to him in the maternity hospital during the cutting of the umbilical cord falls off from the newborn’s navel. Secondly, all the time until it completely heals after bathing, it will definitely need to be treated with hydrogen peroxide and brilliant green, and the water for bathing must be boiled. The latter is now considered optional, but will not be superfluous.

The temperature of the water in the baby bath should be about 36 - 37 degrees, that is, equal to the child’s body temperature. Modern bathtubs for babies are equipped with temperature indicators (usually they have three levels: cold, normal, hot). If you don't trust such a device, use a regular alcohol thermometer.

Important! If you do boil water, do not pour it into the bath until it cools down - this can, firstly, render the temperature indicator unusable, and secondly, cause unexpected reactions between the water and the plastic of the bath, thereby causing its toxicity.

You can add herbal infusions (chamomile, celandine) to your baby’s bath, but it is better to consult your pediatrician first, since the same recipes are not suitable for everyone (for example, the same pharmaceutical chamomile dries out the skin, and therefore I do not recommend using it, if the baby already has peeling).

It is recommended to bathe children using products marked “from birth” - such gels and shampoos are produced based on the needs of the newborn’s skin. And, of course, make sure that the shampoo you use really doesn’t irritate your eyes - just test it on yourself (drop a little weak shampoo solution into your eye). If the baby does not suffer from dry skin and flaking, you can use baby soap (it is usually liked by mothers who want to minimize the use of cosmetics. The fact is that soap, unlike bathing gels, does not leave any film on the baby’s skin).

Bathing a baby lasts on average 5 – 15 minutes. Of course, the first bath is the shortest. Afterwards, wrap your baby in a soft towel and gently blot the moisture from his skin. Do not rub your baby's skin under any circumstances - it is too tender for this. Next, unfold the baby and examine the folds on his body. Perhaps some of them have slight warm spots that should be treated with sudocrem, bepanten, baby powder or diaper cream (the experience of using these products, as well as the formation of preferences, only comes with time :)) If there are areas due to dry skin, lubricate them baby cream or oil for newborns. Attention! Under no circumstances should cream or oil cover large areas of the baby's skin - this will impede breathing and can cause serious harm to the baby. Creams should be used only locally - at the site of redness or irritation.

After that, dress your baby as usual.

There are certain rules for such a procedure as washing girls and boys. And, if bathing is usually done in the evenings, then you need to wash the child every morning, after waking up before feeding, and after each bowel movement. To wash, just warm tap water is enough, there is no need to use soap.

Girls should be washed with a stream of water from front to back. Boys are strictly forbidden to retract their foreskin and try to wash the head of the penis! Nature took care of its isolation and the presence of a bactericidal lubricant under the foreskin - smegma, which protects the baby’s genitals from bacteria. Therefore, harmony cannot be violated.

Remember that when washing a child (both boys and girls), you should wash the genitals only from the outside!

As for washing, it should also be done in the morning before feeding. In the first weeks of life, you should use boiled water for this. Soap and other cosmetics are of no use here. Only if your baby has noticeable skin irritations on his face, treat them as directed by your pediatrician after washing.

The baby's eyes are washed with a damp cotton swab in the direction from the outer corner of the eye to the inner. The nose is cleaned with cotton wool twisted into a thin rope (a cotton swab simply won’t fit in there yet). The baby's ears should only be washed from the outside! Otherwise, you risk damaging your ear canals. Therefore, there is no particular need for special cotton swabs with restrictions - sensible mothers still do not try to get into the ear canal, but only wipe the outside of the ear.

Often, for inexperienced mothers, the area behind the ears “hides surprises.” The fact is that the baby sometimes spits up when feeding, and this milk flows behind the ears. But my mother didn’t even know. Turn your ears aside and see if they are clean. Otherwise, it will be very awkward to appear before the pediatrician at 1 month, when the doctor sees your well-groomed, smart baby has piles of dirt behind the ears.

Video: Caring for a baby in the first days of life

Walking with a child

You need to take your baby for a walk every day, but only if it’s not below -10 degrees outside. Clothes for a newborn should be made only from natural fabrics, comfortable and spacious. The child will need flannelette and cotton undershirts (about 15 pieces), warm flannel, thin cotton and flannelette diapers (about 35 pieces), warm and thin caps, and diapers. You need to dress your baby in layers. For walks in winter you need a special envelope. A stroller for walking should be deep, comfortable, with a moderately hard mattress.

Educational games for 1 month old babies

It would seem, why do children who have just been born need all these games? After all, they are still very tiny and helpless, and they are unlikely to be interested in anything else other than a rattle. Actually this is not true. Games are a must for a newborn. They are the ones who can ensure its comprehensive early development. Moreover, both mental and physical, as well as social.

Mom is the best toy

Yes, yes, the main rule that a mother should take into account when teaching her child in the first month of his life is that the best game for him is herself. And, of course, the closest relatives. Moreover, when playing with the baby, mother and family should behave naturally, trust their instincts and feelings.

Game for developing a child's vision

You must take the child in your arms, hold him close and look him straight in the eyes. The baby will concentrate his attention on you and will look into his mother’s eyes for a long time... Yes, he will then be distracted, but if you continue to look at him, the baby will also return his gaze to you. You can play such “staring games” until the child gets tired.

In addition, you can also use a dim light bulb or night light for the game. Try moving the lamp in different directions in a slightly darkened room within the child's field of vision. The baby will closely monitor the light. This game perfectly helps a child learn to concentrate his attention. You can also cut out different pictures from old magazines depicting smiling bright objects, children, flowers. Place the pictures in the child's field of vision, it is best to attach them to the side of his crib. Move the pictures little by little, and you will see how the baby will follow them with his eyes.

Games for baby development

Touch your child's hands with your fingers. You will see how he will reflexively squeeze your finger, and then grab it. During such activities, constantly talk to your baby or sing funny songs. Remember that this game is aimed at stimulating the baby’s grasping reflex. You can also play bike. Take his feet in your hands and gently rotate them, as if riding a bicycle.

Entertaining games for children

At this age, children love hanging toys. Attach them to the crib and let them slowly spin to melodious and pleasant music. Today there is a huge abundance of such “mobiles” on sale. Take your child for walks around the house regularly. Show and tell everything you see around you. Don't worry about your child not being able to get a good look at everything yet. Such walks are still very important, because they are designed for the future, this is how the baby develops his first visual memory.

How to develop a baby at 1 month

What can be done for the development of a baby who has just been born? To begin with, it is important for the mother to understand what the right start for this development should be. So, for this, it is important to put the baby to the breast early, stay together between mother and baby immediately after birth, and feed “on demand” with breast milk.

Feeding - first development

Breastfeeding is the most natural process in the world. This is pleasant and useful for both mother and child. It is important to breastfeed on demand. This is how you lay the foundation of health for your child. But, in addition, these are also the foundations for the successful development of a child, because if a child is emotionally stable, he is much more ready to perceive information.

Sense organs

An adult perceives the world through the senses. These are vision, touch, smell, hearing, taste. Baby too. The development of a baby at such an early age is also based on the stimulation of these senses. So, 1-month-old babies receive the most information through the sense of touch. Vision and hearing are not yet sufficiently developed. In the first month of life they need stimulation. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to stimulating the development of the sense of touch.

What can you do?

It's simple. Prepare pieces of fabric of different textures. It can be cotton, silk, fur, wool, satin. Let your baby touch these blanks several times a day. Don't forget about tactile contact as well. Mom and dad should stroke the baby more often, kiss it, and place the naked one on their stomach. This is how not only the sense of touch develops, but also the emotional sphere. You can also walk around the apartment with the baby and touch objects with his hand. Tell him what it is, comment on your actions. Don’t think that the little one doesn’t hear or understand anything. This is a very important flow of information. It reaches the baby in the first months of life, and most importantly, it is well deposited at the subconscious level. This way you will help lay a solid foundation for further perception of the world around you. By following these recommendations, you can start already in the first month develop the baby. This period is very important in the development of the child, and these easy exercises are available for the mother. Develop your baby from the cradle!

It would seem that one month is a very short period of time, but for a baby it is a whole life milestone, marked by a number of important changes and the acquisition of new skills. When the child is 1 month old, parents should devote every effort not only to properly caring for him, but also to develop his physical and psychological abilities.

1 month old baby – weight and height

One of the main questions that worries almost all young mothers is how much a newborn gains in the first month of life. If in the first week most babies lose weight (by about 10%), which is due to the presence of an additional supply of fluid in the body upon birth, then subsequently they begin to gain weight. At 3-4 weeks of life, under conditions of adequate care, nutrition and the absence of pathologies, weight increases rapidly and steadily - by 15-30 g daily.

How much a baby weighs at 1 month depends on his initial weight at birth, which increases over a thirty-day period by about 600-1000 g, sometimes a little more. It is worth noting that when bottle-fed, babies gain weight faster. According to the standards of the World Health Organization, the average weight of a child at 1 month is:

  • for girls – 4.2 kg;
  • for boys – 4.5 kg.

As for the growth of one-month-old babies, this parameter increases by 3-4.5 units, and the following are considered to be the average norms:

  • for girls – 53.7 cm;
  • for boys – 54.7 cm.

1 month baby – development

The baby’s nervous system is still at the initial stage of formation, but he can already do a lot, and the child’s development at 1 month is proceeding at an accelerated pace. It is very important that parents realize that one-month-old babies are full participants in everything that happens and are sensitive to the emotional background prevailing around them. That is why if a calm, joyful mother and father are nearby, the child feels comfortable, and if someone is irritated and angry, the baby becomes anxious and cries.

What can a 1 month old baby do?

In order for the baby to adapt to the world around him and prepare for conscious movements, nature has endowed him with important reflexes. In a healthy baby, they are clearly visible, and if desired, parents can check them (the child should not be hungry, tired, or wet). Let's look at the basic reflexes inherent in a 1 month old baby:

  1. Sucking– if any object (pacifier, nipple) gets into the baby’s mouth, he begins to make rhythmic sucking movements.
  2. Search– with a gentle touch on the cheek and corners of the baby’s mouth, he stretches out his lower lip and begins to look for the mother’s breast.
  3. Upper protective– if you lay the baby down with his stomach, he immediately turns his head to the side.
  4. Prehensile– the baby involuntarily clenches his hand into a fist and firmly holds the finger placed in his palm.
  5. Crawling reflex– when you touch the baby’s soles with your palm in a position on his tummy, he will try to push off, as if trying to crawl.
  6. Automatic gait reflex– when holding the baby vertically and bringing his feet closer to a solid support, he will begin to make movements with his legs that resemble walking.

By studying the behavior of a newborn in the first month of life, you can easily learn to understand his needs and desires. Crying is still the only way to communicate with adults, but an attentive mother may notice that it is not always the same, but has different intonations, volume, and so on. So, if the baby does not see anyone nearby, but needs communication and is bored, his crying is characterized by the fact that it sounds for several seconds with small pauses. Hungry crying often gradually increases in volume, and crying from pain is monotonous, continuous, with periodic intensification of the scream.

What many kids at this age can already do:

  • hold your head suspended for several seconds when placing it on your tummy;
  • react to surrounding sounds (blinks or flinches at sharp sounds, listens to the ringing of a bell, turns his head towards sounds);
  • recognize mother's voice;
  • during feeding, focus your gaze on the mother’s face, examine stationary and smoothly moving objects at a distance of 20-30 cm;
  • distinguish bright solid colors;
  • consciously smile when seeing familiar faces;
  • try to repeat the facial expressions of your “interlocutor”;
  • pronounce “gurgling”, sniffling and guttural sounds, “answer” when addressed to him.

While awake, the baby makes uncoordinated movements with its arms and legs, which is associated with physiological hypertonicity of its muscles, which often disappears by the fourth month of life. My favorite sleeping position is the “frog pose” - lying on your back, bent arms raised up, bent legs spread apart. When the baby lies on his stomach, his knees are pulled up to his chest, his arms are bent at the elbows.

Toys for 1 month old babies

When a child turns 1 month old, the development of his psychological abilities and motor skills can already be improved through toys. These should be safe and beneficial objects that develop tactile sensations, visual and auditory perception:

  • a mechanical carousel attached to the crib, with soft music and a small number of different toys in calm colors;
  • rattles that can be held in the handle;
  • soft rattle bracelets for the leg or arm;
  • toys attached with an elastic band (color and black and white).

You can put small toys, strings with knots, and ribbons in the baby’s hands. Having drawn black and white geometric shapes, a smiling or sad face on cardboard, it is useful to let him look at such images. In addition, it is important already at this age to tell the baby poems, short fairy tales, and sing songs. You should pick him up more often, talk, commenting on your actions, and name the objects around him.

Nutrition for a 1 month old baby

Feeding a one-month-old baby is the most important ritual, necessary not only for satiation, but also for close tactile contact with the mother, giving the baby psycho-emotional comfort. Without a doubt, the healthiest thing is breastfeeding for a one-month-old baby, in which the baby’s body receives a maximum of valuable substances, and all senses are stimulated.

Breastfeeding at 1 month

Often, when the baby is 1 month old, the mother is already well-established, and feedings occur according to the established schedule or on demand. It is also important to support night feedings, which guarantee stable lactation and the receipt of the most valuable components in milk, produced only at night. How much a baby should eat at 1 month when breastfeeding depends on his needs, and pediatricians advise allowing infants to regulate the duration of breastfeeding themselves.

Artificial feeding at 1 month

Feeding a one-month-old baby with formula is used when the mother does not produce milk or for some reason the baby cannot or does not want to drink milk. If you had to suddenly stop breastfeeding and switch to artificial, the issue of selecting a suitable formula should be discussed with your doctor. When feeding with formula, it is advisable to position the baby in the same way as during natural feeding, without depriving him of body contact. It must be remembered that the amount of the mixture must be dosed. When a child is 1 month old, the daily food intake is one fifth of his weight.

Mixed feeding at 1 month

This type is practiced when there is reduced lactation, a lack of nutrients in milk due to poor health of the mother, and if it is necessary to administer medicinal formulas for the baby. In this case, it is important how much a child eats in 1 month, for which they weigh before and after feeding. The lack of milk is made up for with an artificial substitute, which it is advisable to offer from a spoon, a syringe without a needle, or a pipette.

Baby mode at 1 month

The first month of a newborn’s life, as well as the next few months, passes largely in sleep, but you can begin to gradually accustom him to natural biorhythms. To do this, it is recommended to play and talk with him during the day, and to avoid excessive activity at night. By the end of 1 month, the baby will begin to stay awake longer and sleep more soundly at night.

How long does a 1 month old baby sleep?

Sleep at 1 month is irregular and mostly consists of a phase of shallow REM sleep, which is why babies can wake up as suddenly as they fall asleep. The average daily sleep duration is approximately 18-20 hours, with periods of wakefulness lasting about 30-60 minutes. During the daytime, the baby often sleeps 5-8 times. It is recommended that mother sleep with her baby 1-2 times during the day to restore her strength.

Walks at 1 month

The first month of life should definitely include walks in the fresh air. In good weather, in both warm and cold seasons, you should go outside two to three times a day. The minimum time in the air required to harden the baby, saturate its body with oxygen, and produce it is 1.5 hours a day. When using a stroller for walks, during wakefulness you should sometimes hold the baby in your arms, allowing him to look at everything around him.
