Folk signs about dogs. Folk signs and beliefs associated with dogs

To prevent the dog from running away, you need to tear out a tuft of fur from its neck.– The belief is based on the principle of ownership and transfer of a part to the whole. Once the owner owns a tuft of fur, then symbolically he owns the entire dog. In reality, this is also explained by the fact that the native smell will again attract the runaway dog.

Signs associated with the actions of dogs

The dog will cross the road, there will be no trouble, but there will be no great success either.

If someone else's dog follows you, this is a good sign.
Dogs on the street bark for no reason - an evil spirit has passed by.
- According to legends, dogs and cats see the aura of a person, as well as spirits, the first litter female is especially predisposed to this. If a person’s aura at a particular moment in time is positive, then this attracts her. The barking of a dog, like the crowing of a rooster, causes spirits and ghosts to flee.

In some places, it is a good omen to meet three white dogs at once.

Meeting a spotted or black and white dog on the way to a business meeting in England is considered a good omen, but in India it promises disappointment.

If a dog runs between the newlyweds when they are going to get married, trouble will certainly happen to them. (Sign of the Highlanders).

A dog barks - a sign of meeting a friend.

A dog barks at the moon - foretells trouble for its owner.

A dog rubbing against people walking down the street means a gift.

When he rides in the yard, he faces the wind, and in which direction his head goes, the wind comes from there.

A dog rolls on the grass - to the wind and rain, on the snow - to a blizzard or thaw.

The dogs chase one after another and play in the snow - in a blizzard.

If a dog swings in the snow in winter, wait for warmer weather.
The dog curls up and lies in a ball - in the cold; stretches out on the ground, legs spread, in the warmth.
- The temperature of the ground (snow) reveals such weather changes, and the dog senses it.

If a dog eats snow in winter, it means bad weather; if a dog eats grass in summer, it means rain.

If a dog rolls on its back, it will be frosty.

The dog climbed into the water - to the rain.

Standing on its paws, swaying - good road.

Eating little and sleeping a lot means changes in the weather or bad weather.

Dogs playing - for the wedding.

A dog's howling is a sure sign of death. It is believed that in which direction the dog howls, there will be a dead person or a fire in that direction or house; if it howls in front of the house, it means that someone’s death is expected in the house.

A dog howls with its face up - towards a fire, with its face down - towards a dead person, holding its head straight - towards war or famine, sitting or lying down - towards its death.

It is a sin to give a dog a nickname with a human name.- Associated with the Christian religion, where a person’s name is sacred.

If you don’t give a dog (or a puppy), it won’t live. If you gave it as a gift, give it at least a copper penny for it.

If a dog barks to the east during Easter Matins - to the fire, to the west - to misfortune.

It is considered a bad omen for a strange dog to enter a house or meet one on the road, especially at night.

If a dog howls at night and digs a hole in the yard of a house, there will be a funeral. (Gypsy belief).

If a calm dog howls incessantly for no apparent reason, some misfortune will soon befall the family.

A dog's tooth protects against the evil eye.

Anyone who eats after a dog will have a swollen throat.

It dries out and the dog makes it kinder, so it’s good to take the dog with you on the road.

Don't kick the dog - it will cause seizures.

To prevent dogs from going crazy, you need to drag the puppies through the wheel hub.

Lightning does not strike houses where a black dog lives.

If a dog has white spots above its eyes, like second eyes, it sees evil spirits - the devil is passionately afraid of such dogs!

Black dogs are sometimes considered to bring bad luck, especially if one crosses your path.

If a rabid dog bites, apply a raw herring cut lengthwise to the bite, it will draw out all the poison.

If on Epiphany (January 19) dogs bark a lot, there will be a lot of animals and game. At Epiphany, animals are fed, with a cross marked on top.

On Elijah's Day (August 2), dogs and cats are not allowed out of the hut, so that the devil does not hide in them, whom Elijah the Prophet will strike with his lightning.

Fisherman's omen: the word "dog" is one of those words that cannot be uttered while at sea, and in some coastal areas this taboo extends to the animal itself - Dogs are not allowed on board. - Explanation - There will be no catch, the fish will be scared away.

Driving and hunting signs

A hunting sign: if before a hunt a dog sits down to do big things with its back to its owner, the joy of a superstitious hunter knows no bounds! He will approach the dog, take off his hat in front of it and thank him. Because this sign means: the dog will bring game into the bag. And if the dog, God forbid, sat down with his face towards the owner, he will spit and say, “What an infection!” walk all day darker than a cloud.

Driving sign: hit a dog - prepare for the worst, a person could be next.

When you see a ferociously barking dog, you should say three times: “The blind one was whelping, now be dumb!” - and every time you spit to the left.

If a dog howls all the time at night, turn the pillow under you and say: “On your head!” - the howling must stop. To stop a dog's howling, our ancestors advised taking off your shoes from your left foot and, turning them upside down with the sole, stand with the same foot on it and look in the direction from which the sound is heard. This will stop the dog howling.

A dog that howls, shakes its head in different directions or from bottom to top, portends a number of misfortunes. If there is a sick person in the house, he will not have to wait for recovery. Death will come for him soon. To avert trouble in these cases, you should do this. When you go out the gate (or from the entrance), say three times, preferably out loud: “Trouble should not come through these gates, the dog barks, but the wind blows. Amen".

One of the methods of treatment, the essence of which is the transfer of the disease to something else, was to take a few hairs of the patient, place them between slices of a sandwich and give them to the dog. The animal acquired the disease with food, and the patient recovered. This remedy was often used by old-fashioned nurses to treat childhood illnesses such as whooping cough, measles and the like.

A dog is only kissed on the face - otherwise it will get fleas, a cat - vice versa.

Many signs associated with dogs have not yet found their explanation in this review. Continue to comment and add such explanations, the most successful ones will be added directly to the review. The highlighted font shows signs for which explanations have already been found from a logical point of view.

Dogs have lived alongside humans since time immemorial. And people have been observing the character and habits of their disinterested helpers for just as long: they notice patterns, remember coincidences, draw conclusions... This is where signs are born. And let some of them make you smile! You can glean something useful from the treasury of folk wisdom even in our logic-oriented age. We have already addressed beliefs about dogs more than once in various articles. Let's try to summarize everything that has been said and draw some conclusion: what place do superstitions give to the most devoted of our smaller brothers in human life?

Depending on the color

The first thing, of course, is to pay attention to the color of the animal. How the dog will behave and what it will bring to its owners is written on the water with a pitchfork, and the color is there, before your eyes. Therefore, our ancestors tried to draw the first conclusions about the mystical properties of the new tenant from the first minutes of their “acquaintance”.

Black suit

Dogs of this dark color have always evoked a difficult attitude towards themselves. On the one hand, such animals were suspected of collaborating with evil spirits and they were afraid of meeting them like fire. For example, in Europe they were sure that the soul of a sleeping witch roamed the earth in the form of a shaggy black dog. No matter the hour, if you offend her, you will never get rid of the tricks of the vengeful lady on the broom. In Germany, it was believed that the restless souls of suicides and traitors turned into the same dogs, only with eyes glowing red. And here and there travelers turned off the path in fear when they saw a shaggy dark figure ahead. There was a belief that if a black dog circled a person three times, the poor fellow would have only a few hours to live. However, it is not the malicious witchcraft of an innocent animal that is to blame for this, but the ability to see the hidden, which rumor has long endowed dogs with. Seeing the mark of death on a person is really a piece of cake for a shaggy soothsayer...

However, all this applied only to random encounters with stray animals. Surprisingly, a black dog was brought into the house with great eagerness, believing that it would protect the family well from real and mystical enemies. And the dog, which was driven by its own will, also brought happiness with it. Not taking such a “blackie” into the house was considered great stupidity!


Red - the color of gold and sun

A dog of fiery red, fawn, yellowish and all other shades of sun and gold brought wealth with him. In addition, our ancestors believed that red-haired dogs have a special scent for good news. If a dog of any other color suddenly began to make unreasonable noise at the door, its behavior still needed to be interpreted, while the ringing bark of the saffron milk cap announced: “Good news is coming, rejoice!”


It never occurred to even the most ardent opponent of dogs to expect bad predictions from a dog with shining white fur. Such an animal was definitely considered a symbol of good luck, inspiration and love. Even openly aggressive actions on his part were not always condemned. For example, in Eastern countries there is a belief that a person barked by a white dog will make a big profit, and meeting three white dogs at once brings success.

But especially in Rus' and in European countries, they tried to get a bitch from the first litter or a “four-eyed” dog with unusual light eyebrows into their home. After all, the magical abilities of such animals were considered unsurpassed!

Age and condition of the quadruped

It was, of course, useless to predict the future by the age of your dog, who had lived in the owner’s yard for many years. But they tried to recognize the upcoming turns of fate by the condition of a stranger or stray dog. And it doesn’t matter so much whether the animal got close to the house, accidentally ran into the yard, or came up to you on the street. The main thing is that it showed interest in some way.

Old dog and puppy

  • An old or shabby dog ​​with dirty fur and festering eyes foreshadowed troubles and illness. Moreover, it was pointless to drive it away, since the animal itself did not bring trouble with itself, but only informed the person that they were close.
  • A well-fed, healthy and shiny dog ​​served as a sign of quick profit and good health.
  • Taking a puppy into the house, like a kitten, was considered a sure way to get pregnant for those women who could not become mothers. Moreover, there was no point in purposefully looking for a future pet - he had to choose a person himself or come to the house.


You can’t call such a cute ‘sign’ bad

  • Every pregnancy symbolized an offspring. This means prosperity and abundance.
  • The help provided to the puppy bitch ensured that the owner would not be left without the support of friends in difficult times.
  • Another option: a pregnant dog in a woman’s dream means an upcoming meeting with her chosen one. If in reality an animal with a round belly decides to pay a visit to a house with a girl of marriageable age, there is hope that the prince will not keep himself waiting long here either.

Came to the house, got lost or found

Of considerable importance was the place in which the significant meeting of a person with a tailed “sign of fate” took place. They also monitored the behavior of the dog as it ran up. Depending on this, signs were divided into favorable, bad and neutral.

A strange/stray dog ​​came to the doorstep of a house or apartment

In Foggy Albion, a dog straying to the doorstep is considered a harbinger of happiness

  • In some areas of England, this event is still feared - there a dog running in from the street is considered a harbinger of misfortune. But in Rus' they had a different opinion and preferred to see the uninvited guest as a good omen: something good will come.
  • The same opinion is shared in Scotland, promising the owners of the house a new reliable friend.

Got stuck on the street or nailed to the yard

  • Apparently, the inhabitants of Foggy Albion had a difficult relationship with dogs. At least in Lancashire, a poor fellow who is stubbornly followed by a street dog is predicted to die soon. But in other parts of Great Britain and in Russia this omen is considered the most favorable. Here they are sure that a dog following a person saves him from the traps of fate, brings success and quite material gifts, you just need to wait a little.

Black does not mean harmful

  • There is subtlety in interpretation. If a black dog follows a traveler, the sign promises the person exceptional luck and protection from dark forces. It is not good if an animal decides to cross the road before an important meeting. The matter will probably either fall through or not go as smoothly as we would like. But this also has its advantages. It wasn't exactly what you needed if man's greatest friend decided to intervene.

Attached in a cemetery or during a funeral

It is better not to approach a dog you meet in a cemetery.

In dark and mysterious places, one way or another connected with the other world, ordinary signs stopped working, and people, willy-nilly, were tuned in to evil. Animals encountered near churchyards were treated with suspicion - was it really an animal? A sorcerer turned into a black dog, a ghoul who rose from the grave, an evil spirit straight from the inferno... Legend did not advise approaching them under any circumstances.

And even if the animal turned out to be an ordinary dog, they tried to get rid of it as quickly as possible: there would be no trouble! It was believed that a dog’s ability to see objects of the other world in a cemetery (especially at a funeral) could do a bad job, and its loud barking could disturb ghosts.

If you found it yourself

It happens that the decision to take a dog from the street comes spontaneously, without any action on the part of the dog. You glanced at the dusty and life-worn heap of wool, from which intelligent dog eyes sparkled soulfully and... melted. What do the signs say? Absolutely nothing - after all, it was not the dog who found you in the crowd, but you. This is on the one hand. On the other hand, did something bring you together with your future pet in this place and make you look at her? In any case, after a good deed, good consequences must come. So, if there is a sign for your case, it will be the best one.

Still have questions? Look for answers in the article.

Actions on the part of the dog

However, it would be strange to judge the future by the color of an animal, and not take into account its behavior. After all, this is an important factor! And since superstitions give the furry seer the ability to foresee the owner’s fate, then the dog’s actions must be treated with special attention. Of course, this does not apply to those cases when the actions of an animal are easily explained by real reasons. For example, if a dog licks a hand that has just been holding a sausage sandwich, there is no sign of any sign. And before you wonder why the dog is lying around and rolling on the ground, remember the last time you removed fleas for him.


Often a dog kiss simply means an expression of devotion. No secrets!

If a dog licked your leg or arm, according to signs, this part of the body will have hard work. Did you slobber on your foot? Get ready for the fact that the planned trip will not be easy - you will have to run around and fuss a lot. Is the dog's hand the center of attention? This means there will be a lot of things to do.
But there is also good news. After a little hassle, everything will end successfully, and the effort spent will not be in vain.

Lay down at my feet

The dog nestled at the foot of the master’s bed does not carry fateful information. In front of you is just a soft and warm barometer, which has caught the change in weather with its canine sense. Most likely, a significant cold snap is coming, which is why the pet is looking for a warm place.

Aggressive behavior: chased, attacked, bitten

For a girl, a dog bite, according to signs, can be fraught with a whirlwind romance. But this does not mean that you should purposefully seek an encounter with an aggressive animal.

Dogs rarely attack humans without reason; It is unusual for them to take their anger out on a random passerby. Only wild, hungry flocks, rabid individuals and poor souls completely hunted by other people are capable of such antics, who see a threat in every person, without exception, and lash out in defense. Being attacked by a dog is unpleasant in any case, even if you managed to get out of the trouble without physical injury. And when did you not give the slightest reason for aggression? What made the animal chase and catch up with you?

  • A dog that barks but makes no attempt to pounce and bite can lead to minor troubles. Just like her bark: it will swoop in, make you worry, and disappear.
  • If the animal tries to chase you and bite you, pay more attention to your safety. Robbers, a hostile company, a drunken rowdy neighbor at the entrance - you never know how many threats are around in our troubled times! Moreover, you need to take care not only of yourself, but also of your loved ones. You don't even need to believe in omens! It never hurts to be extra careful.
  • Did the dog get to you and manage to bite you? We can only sympathize with the man and advise him not to delay his visit to the doctor. He faces trouble at work and a hospital ward if urgent measures are not taken. But women have something to console themselves with! According to signs, a loved one must come into the life of a bitten girl. The romance will be passionate, and the relationship will be strong!

Blocked or crossed the road

What to expect from a diverse company? Good luck, and more!

In general, the sign of a dog rushing across is considered neutral: there will be neither bad nor good. But there are some nuances.

  • We have already mentioned that a black dog brings bad luck.
  • A black and white dog blocked the path - to quick success.
  • Spotted, according to the signs of distant India, foreshadows disappointment, according to English beliefs - joy and good luck.
  • A trio of white dogs met in the morning will reward you with real luck.
  • And for those who are lucky enough to see a white horse right behind a white dog in a modern city, real happiness will fall.

Rolling on the ground

This is a sign solely for the weather:

  • A dog rolls on the grass in the summer - it will rain.
  • In winter, he lies down in the snow and plays - it thaws.
  • While riding, your back itches on the crust - frosts will begin.

Digs a hole

Digging is natural for dogs

To a suspicious person, a dog that begins to actively plow a plot of land in front of the house seems like a sign that could not be worse. After all, the behavior of an animal promises, no more nor less, illness or death to one of the inhabitants of the home! Some enthusiasts even find historical evidence of this sign in old letters and diaries. Perhaps this was once the case. It is difficult to say what microbes the furry “amateur gardener” brought into the house on his paws, but it is a fact that his owners had a very vague idea of ​​hygiene. Nowadays, with the advent of antibacterial soap, hot showers and vaccinations, the sign that the dog began to dig a hole for a dead person is no longer relevant. Ask any breeder about this!

Shit or described

  • Whoever the dog raises its paw at is not afraid of evil spirits.
  • According to signs, the cat marks the owner before an important event in life. Perhaps the dog is trying to warn you about the same thing? Maybe he shitted himself for a reason?

Or a competitor has grown up near you, who has decided to compete for the place of leader in the “pack”. Take immediate action.


  • If there are two or more dogs living in the house, you should not allow them to attack each other - there will be no harmony in the family.
  • The owner's dog crossed the road in front of the car - the path will be easy.
  • She stood on her hind legs in front of her owner who was setting off on a long journey and swayed - no troubles would happen on the road.

Superstitions about dogs in the house

Sometimes our pets do things that make you wonder! For example, they look in the mirror. Or they are trying to push the owner out of his rightful place. What would that mean?

Shit in the apartment

  • To prevent disturbances and bad odors in the house, never pull the animal's tail, or you will be exhausted in cleaning up the piles.
  • If a dog starts doing its “dirty” business anywhere, the owners will face a sharp turn in life. True, it is not known what nature.
  • If you step in a pile of dogs - don’t be upset, it’s for money.
  • Did you step over it? You will get sick.

Scratching at the door

  • If a dog scratches at the door, squealing joyfully, and tries to bark, guests pleasant for the owners will come.
  • If he whines at the same time, he senses bad news.
  • If you scratch on the door, threshold and floor, a change in weather is coming and nothing more.

Looking in the mirror

Dogs see their reflection, but do not recognize themselves in it

When a dog or cat freezes for a long time, looking at any reflective surface, many owners believe that at this time their pet sees something hidden from human eyes in the apartment. A logical assumption if we remember that our ancestors held the same opinion for many centuries. However, do not rush to register your pet as a medium! He may have the most prosaic reasons for becoming interested in his reflection.

Took the owner's sleeping place

A dog lying on the owner's bed can warn of danger

  • The opinion of dog handlers: the dog has discovered a new comfortable bed and doesn’t understand why the owner shouldn’t make room on it.
  • The opinion of parapsychologists: dog owners are in danger, about which the animal is trying to warn them. Figure out what it is: anxiety or a pet’s whim, and take action.

Stole shoes

If your shoes are damaged by a dog's teeth, expect a quarrel with someone close to you.

  • Shoes damaged by a pet's play indicate an imminent quarrel among loved ones.
  • The dog voluntarily returned the lost item it stole, safe and sound? It looks like luck is just around the corner.

Ran away

  • Sometimes you can hear the following interpretation: if a dog left the house behind the fence voluntarily, it took with it a misfortune that was supposed to happen to one of the owners. But this does not mean that the animal should not be looked for, because the true reason for its disappearance is impossible to find out.
  • To find a missing dog, folk tradition offers a very strange technique. The owner needs to shout the dog's name three times into the chimney and then light it. As soon as the clouds of smoke rise into the sky, the dog must hurry home. However, in our times, printed advertisements and the Internet are much more accurate.
  • If real measures do not help, you can resort to a conspiracy to return the animal. They place a burning candle on the windowsill and, looking at the flame, try to imagine their pet in every detail. And then they say three times: “Smoke up the mountain, (name) to the house.” The method, by and large, is not magic as such. While a person looks intently at the candle, imagining his pet, a kind of visualization occurs, and many argue that this is a very effective way to achieve what you want. Why not try it?

Other signs

The new resident must cross the threshold of the house independently

  • The dog should not be kicked, or it will cause leg cramps.
  • Do not give or accept a dog as a gift.
  • If you want your puppy to settle into the house, walk him around the table leg three times.
  • Even cute little babies can only be kissed on the face, otherwise you won’t get fleas. Both you and your pet.
  • If you find a dog tooth and carry it with you, the evil eye is not terrible.

You will learn more about the meanings of certain actions of a four-legged friend in the home from the article

Dog sounds

Pets rarely behave quietly. They bark, whine, snore, snore and howl from time to time. If it seems that the dog is doing any of these actions for a reason, try to interpret it from the point of view of folk observations.


The howling of a dog has always been considered a gloomy omen.

The howl of a dog has always been considered a gloomy omen, although for the furry friends of man it is hardly fundamentally different from other methods of communication. But the fact is a fact: among the people, hearing a sad dog song was considered a bad sign.

  • The dog howled, bending his head to the ground - to death.
  • Throws its face up - towards the fire.
  • Tossing from side to side - a whole series of unpleasant events will take place.
  • Howling while lying down - he has a presentiment of his own death.
  • A dog on a chain howls at the house - expect a fire or a thief.
  • If a yard dog is crying, check where he is looking at that time. Where there is a howl, there is trouble.
  • If the dog is making noise with the neighbors, there is a high probability that something bad will happen in someone else’s yard. But it still won’t hurt to take another look at the direction of the dog’s muzzle.
  • A stray dog ​​began to howl at the house - there is bad news from another city or even country.
  • Residents of Lancashire, the same ones who are afraid of a dog following a person, show unexpected composure in this matter. They are sure that you should only worry if the animal howls purposefully at the window. Looking at the wall or the roof? These are his own affairs, and they do not concern the residents of the house.
  • The dog howled in the morning - the whole day was in vain, nothing good would happen.
  • During the day? To a fire and a dangerous fight.
  • Howling at night, and even the neighbors' dogs are joining in? Otherworldly forces are playing pranks on the street.


Dogs whine for a variety of reasons.

If an animal whines, the disease threatens either itself or one of the household members. It is considered a particularly sure sign if the dog begins to make plaintive sounds next to the same family member. However, with the same probability it may turn out that it is this person who inspires the greatest trust in the animal, and the plaintive whining is simply a request for help. Take your dog to the vet.


  • A dog barks at the door - there are guests and good news.
  • Barks at the bride and groom? A good omen, unless the animal decides to run between them.
  • Whomever the white dog barks at, prosperity will come to him.
  • Did a whole pack of dogs make a noise? They smell a wedding celebration with rich food.
  • If a dog starts barking at the moon at night, the owner will lose either health or money.
  • Morning barking to the east means a fire, to the west - a string of unpleasant events.
  • If the dogs in the village start a hubbub on Epiphany morning, there will be a lot of animals in the forests in the spring.
  • An animal barking at a stranger threatens that person with illness or an accident. It’s just as bad if someone else’s dog scolds you through the window.

You can get complete information about the interpretation of various dog sounds, from the point of view of folk signs, from the article.

If hit by a car (bad omen)

  • The most common belief says: “If you hit a dog, you’ll hit a man.” It is a very real threat if an animal is injured because of your reckless driving: who can guarantee that the next time you will have time to brake when you meet a pedestrian on two legs on the road?
  • If there is an accident for which you are not to blame, then there is nothing good to expect. For the family Sharik, who was “lucky enough” to be crushed to death, the brownie will begin to take revenge, for the stray animal under the wheels - an otherworldly force. You need to go to church, ask for forgiveness for an involuntary sin, and at the same time calm your troubled soul.
  • If the dog that crossed your path is still alive, help it, and the omen will not work.

Other signs about the dog

According to signs, friendship between a dog and a cat does not always reflect well on the owners

  • If a dog and a cat become friends, the owner and mistress will quarrel.
  • The barking of a dog drives away evil spirits, like the crowing of a rooster. The sign did not work only on Elijah’s Day (August 2), when, according to peasant beliefs, demons could possess the animal. Both the dog and the cat were not allowed out of the house at this time.

Dogs have lived alongside humans for several millennia. They became real friends and helpers, protecting property and brightening up loneliness. But the animals themselves often do not tolerate a homeless existence well, striving to find an owner in all available ways.

Very often you can see a lonely Tuzik lying sadly at your doorstep, or faithfully looking into your eyes at a bus stop. If the dog behaves too persistently or such situations are regularly repeated, then the suspicion involuntarily creeps in that this is happening for a reason. What other surprises can you expect from life if a homeless creature has come to you?

The meeting place matters

The obsessive attention of a shaggy friend can unexpectedly overtake you in a variety of circumstances. Depending on this, the sign has conflicting interpretations.

  • The increased interest of a homeless creature in your person right on the street should not be annoying. After all, it testifies to your high moral qualities, and the dog’s desire to protect you from evil influences. After all, sensitive animals accurately determine both.
  • A dog that accompanies you all the way home will definitely bring great happiness to your family. In such a situation, you should think about keeping the “shaggy talisman” with you forever.
  • Our ancestors were sure that the dogs living in the cemetery were possessed by the souls of dead sinners. Restless creatures wander on the border between worlds, bringing mystical horror to visitors to churchyards. Any contact with them is considered undesirable and is fraught with a variety of troubles for health and even life.
  • But don’t be scared if you meet a whole pack of dogs. After all, the sign predicts good changes in the love sphere. Single people will meet their soul mate, couples in love will get married, and spouses will experience a new upsurge of feelings. However, it is still safer to avoid aggressive animals.
  • A good omen will be the appearance of a stray dog ​​in the yard or in the house. After all, it predicts that the home will have a very favorable and friendly aura. However, if an unexpected visitor behaves restlessly, the owners will have to endure a series of minor troubles.
  • The appearance of an uninvited furry guest right at the doorstep predicts a new, interesting acquaintance, which with a high probability can develop into a strong friendship.

Which dog got lost?

Depending on the appearance of the unexpected acquaintance, the sign of an attached dog can have both positive and negative meaning.

  • If you have become the object of increased attention from a tiny homeless puppy, then the prediction promises a quick addition to the family for married couples, and the appearance of a little nephew or grandson for single or elderly people.
  • If on the way you meet a dog of a light color or with a white mark on its forehead, then your trip will be under the sign of extraordinary luck.
  • A spotted dog crossing the road will be an excellent omen for people rushing to an exam, sports competition or interview. After all, he guarantees victory in any test.
  • Despite its gloomy appearance, the appearance of a black creature nearby predicts happy prospects on the personal front. Family people will experience a period of complete mutual understanding in their lives, and representatives of carefree youth will finally meet true love.

Is it worth leaving?

Regarding this issue, all interpretations unanimously say that if an animal has found its way to your house, then you should not drive it away. After all, even from the point of view of ordinary mercy, one should help a desperate dog. In addition, a soulless act can forever turn away the favorable patronage of higher powers from you and your home, and bring misfortunes and illnesses. So don’t miss the opportunity to become a little better by providing shelter and protection to a homeless creature!

Dogs have been living alongside people for a long time. When meeting animals on the street, no one is surprised. But dogs behave differently: they can run after, bark, greet or bite. Inevitably, there is a desire to find out why animals show such attention. Moreover, if the dog has found its way to the house, you want to find out the meaning of the sign.

If I followed you

It is no coincidence that many superstitions and omens about stray dogs appeared. It is believed that the souls of sinners transmigrate into the body of dogs. Animals see well and feel things that people cannot feel (spirits, evil spirits, heavenly messengers). This ability is fully inherent in dogs with light spots under the eyes.

So, if someone else’s dog tags along with you, don’t rush to get upset. Maybe she saw an invisible danger threatening you from evil spirits and is trying to protect you. As soon as the threat has passed, the animal will move away on its own.

There are other signs:

  • The dog has hit the road and is following you - a good sign. A smart animal will not run after a bad person.
  • An animal that has settled down not only spins around, but also tries to rub against your legs - portends a pleasant surprise, a gift.
  • Several funny dogs are spinning around you in a game at the same time - for the wedding.
  • A four-legged fellow traveler who has strayed is brought home - great luck follows with him. Think about it: should you keep your dog forever?
  • If at night you meet a dog on the way, you may encounter robbers.
  • A black dog barked - you will go astray.
  • Your own black dog is a protector from evil spirits, he scares demons and does not let them into the house.

For those who travel or are in a hurry to an important meeting, the color of the dog crossing the road matters:

  1. A black and white or snow-white dog portends a successful path.
  2. A dog of any color with a white spot on its forehead predicts fabulous success.
  3. 3 white dogs at once - luck will not leave you for a minute until you return home.
  4. A spotted dog - in England it means victory in all disputes and matters, and in India it portends disappointment. You can make your own choice of interpretation.
  5. A black dog is a harbinger of failure.

In general, meeting a dog crossing your path does not promise anything, neither good nor bad.

If you went into the house

A strange dog came and crossed the border of your home - what consequences to expect:

  • A stray dog ​​in someone else’s home is an “indicator” that there is a wonderful atmosphere in the house and good people live there. Otherwise, such a sensitive creature would not have looked into him.
  • A frightened dog whines pitifully and rushes around the yard, looking sick - an omen of minor troubles. You should not drive the animal away. This will not improve your fate. Understand what is happening. If the dog is fleeing persecution, or seeking help for another objective reason, perhaps there are no signs. Feed the animal and provide a place to sleep. If the dog disappears the next morning, you have managed to get rid of retribution for some “sin”.
  • A strange dog came and calmly walked through the door - you will soon make new friends, but if the dog is dirty and shabby, the number of enemies will increase.

A living creature that voluntarily comes into the house, regardless of whether it is a cat or a dog, is considered a good omen.

It is recommended to keep the animal with you, because luck and prosperity will “settle” in your home with it. If you place a stray black dog in your home, lightning will never strike your house. Of course, the animal needs to be shown to a veterinarian.

Which dog got lost

  • If a dog strays towards the house, this event predicts illness or good profit (you should pay attention to the condition of the dog).
  • Shabby and sick - expect trouble (quite understandably: such an animal can be a carrier of infection).
  • A young, well-groomed dog means quick profit (at a minimum, he can be returned to the owner, who will thank him in joy, and keep him for himself - he will protect him from robbery).

In any case, folk wisdom strongly discourages cruelty to stray animals; you should not kick them - otherwise you can attract big troubles into your life. You need to get rid of an unwanted “guest” by showing mercy. Feed the dog away from the house, and then, not harshly but firmly, offer to leave.

If a pet runs away from the yard, trouble is expected. Although, if the dog left the home voluntarily, it should soon die.

Is it worth leaving

It is not worth keeping an old, sick, stray dog ​​in your home, because if a dog dies in the house, according to superstition, this promises big troubles. Why take the risk?

If a dog has strayed and is cheerful and healthy, although slightly shabby, perhaps higher powers are sending the person a chance to atone for his sins. It is worth sheltering the animal and taking care of it.

If a puppy comes to the house of a childless couple, it must be left.

Popular beliefs predict that good people will soon have a baby. There is also a scientific explanation for this sign. A woman, sincerely captivated by the cute creature, begins to care for him and forgets about her problem. And when a lady relaxes, stops counting the days and choosing the right moment for conception, everything easily happens by itself by the grace of nature.

Negative interpretations

  1. The worst event is considered to be the death of a stray dog ​​in front of the threshold. This foreshadows the imminent death of one of the residents of the house. Even if no one died, the corpse of an animal does not bode well. At the very least, you will quarrel with your best friend, receive bad news, or have to undergo treatment.
  2. A dog dies next to the house of a seriously ill person, it “takes away” the disease, and the person recovers.
  3. The death of an animal in a pregnant woman’s apartment is a harbinger of a difficult birth.
  4. The dog wanders from corner to corner, does not find a place for itself in the house of a woman who is about to give birth - to an imminent birth.
  5. If the dog has settled into the house, behaves friendly, or whelped in the yard of a pregnant woman, the birth will be easy and quick, and “the house is a full cup.”
  6. The death of a red dog, especially on the eve of the New Year holidays or Christmas, portends a global disaster.
  7. If a dog that has bitten a person dies, the victim will soon fall ill, and it is unlikely because of the bite.

Dogs should not be buried in the yard.

It is better to burn a stray dog ​​that subsequently dies. In this way, it will be possible to expel the evil spirits whose carriers were the animal.

Primitive tribes were the first to domesticate the dog.

People and wolves lived nearby and obtained food in one way - by hunting. The wolves tried to stay close to people in the hope of their share in the event of a successful fight with a large animal.

In turn, the hunters who found the wolf cubs brought them into the house, leaving them to live for a “rainy day.” But the man very quickly realized that, in addition to meat, a tamed wolf has one very valuable quality - it can be a good hunter's assistant.

The dog rendered a great service to man, especially at the beginning of his formation. Therefore, it is no coincidence that they say that “the dog brought man into the world.”

Two main centers of origin of dogs have been established - India and Asia Minor. But in many other countries, wolves lived over a vast territory, and primitive people made attempts to tame them.

The Indian wolf is the ancestor of most dog breeds: pointers, hounds, greyhounds, all kinds of terriers and lap dogs, Spitz dogs, poodles. And our northern wolf is the progenitor of huskies and shepherd dogs.

Many signs are associated with the dog’s character, which is well known to the village man.

By the barking of a dog, a traveler who has lost his way knows where human habitation is.

Red girls also use it to make a wish at Christmas time: “Bark, bark, little dog, where is my betrothed!”

If the dog rocks from side to side - to the owner’s road;

the dog howls with his muzzle down , or digging a hole under the window - unfortunately;

howls, raising his head , - waiting for a fire;

hugs the owner, looking into his eyes , - to impending misfortune;

eats little, sleeps a lot - to inclement weather; does not eat anything after being sick - her days are numbered in heaven.

A dog is a natural healer. Her saliva has bactericidal properties due to the presence of lysozyme in it. This is due to the rapid healing of various wounds and abrasions in dogs, which she treats by licking.

Therefore, it is no coincidence that they say: “It will heal like on a dog.” Residents of Chukotka and Kamchatka in the past used young and well-fed dogs to treat poorly healing wounds and ulcers in sick people.

But a dog heals a person even with its presence, its devotion and love . The role of a dog in protecting against neuroses and other consequences of stress is recognized as so enormous that doctors often recommend getting a dog for a nervous child, as well as for a person who has experienced a severe loss or a patient with functional heart disease...

The famous polar explorer Roald Amundsen believed: “It is difficult to find an animal that is more able to express its feelings than a dog. Joy, sadness, gratitude and even remorse - all this can be read in its eyes.

We humans are wrong to think that we alone have the ability to express our feelings. Maybe it's true. But look into the dog's eyes! You will see in them the same as in human ones. In essence, dogs definitely have what we call a soul."

Eyewitnesses said that half an hour to an hour before the earthquake in Ashgabat and Armenia, indoor dogs woke up their sleeping owners and pulled them towards the exit. In a zone of increased seismicity, some dogs, with their unusual behavior, warn of upcoming tremors of 3-4 magnitude.

The dog, man's first friend and helper, was almost always and everywhere endowed with the ability to see ghosts and spirits, gods and fairies, and even the angel of death himself in all the variety of his guises,

and in Wales the deadly hounds of Annun were visible to the dogs of the earth, although invisible to people, just like Hel, the goddess of death of the pagan Scandinavians.

In Ancient Greece, when Hecate stood guard at crossroads, predicting someone's death, dogs saw her and, barking wildly, warned people about her.

The image of a dog-shepherd of departed souls also had analogues in the ancient culture of Greece, Rome, India, Mexico, and other countries.

According to ancient Greek mythology, the three-headed dog Cerberus, who guarded the entrance to the underground kingdom of Hades, did not allow the souls of the dead to return to the society of living people.

And to this day, among some peoples, the body of the deceased is not consigned to earth or fire, but is left in the care of dogs or wild animals. According to their belief, a dog's stomach is the best receptacle for the deceased.

Like cats and horses, dogs were believed to be able to see ghosts and evil spirits.

They were usually, though not always, terribly afraid of them, and in many recorded cases their terror served as the first warning of a supernatural visitor.

If a dog's howl is heard when he is standing or lying down, then he is howling to his death.

If the dog, continuing to howl, begins to pull in someone’s direction, this speaks of long obstacles and disasters for that person.

It will be a successful trip if at the beginning of the journey a dog runs across the road in front of our car.

If a strange, stray dog ​​comes into the house, it is good, fortunate. If one of your own leaves home, it’s bad luck.

Pay for the dog not with money, but with salt: then the dog will be angry. If you give a dog a needle, then it will be cheerful.

If a dog runs between the newlyweds when they are going to get married, trouble will certainly happen to them.

If a dog digs a large hole in someone's garden, it foretells a death in the family.

Meeting a barking dog in the morning is unlucky.

A strange dog that becomes attached is a sign of good luck.

howls at the moon - this portends that the weather will change.

If the animal tries to hide its nose, it means there will be severe frost.

If it shows anxiety and cannot find a place for itself, this is a sign of trouble approaching the house.

The dog reached out to the man - he can count on replenishing his wardrobe with new clothes.

If an animal does not want to eat the leftover food after a person, this predicts a serious illness or even death.

A stray dog ​​is a friend who has been betrayed and driven to anger and despair.

It can become a carrier of dangerous diseases. In some countries, including ours, stray dogs, interacting with wolves, produce half-wolf dogs, ferocious mestizos. Wolf dogs are more dangerous than wolves. They are not afraid of fire, cause great harm to fauna, and attack people. Apparently, this is how they take revenge on a person for his betrayal...

The problem of feral dogs exists in many countries around the world. These include pariah dogs.

They live in all southern countries of the Old World. The name Pariah comes from the name of the lower caste people in India. Pariahs are timid, distrustful, and, if possible, avoid any close contact with humans. They dig holes with exceptional speed, where they live. They feed on all sorts of garbage, catch mice and birds.

There are currently 80 thousand feral dogs roaming the fields and forests of Italy. Where did they come from? People threw these unfortunate people into the street.

The sheer number of feral dogs poses a serious threat to the small wolf population. Dogs multiply quickly, and wolves are no longer able to fight with them for food and habitat. But the main problem, according to biologists, is that under the current circumstances, the crossing of wolves with dogs has become commonplace, which, it is believed, will quickly lead to the complete disappearance of real wolves. And so scientists ask the question: will dogs “eat” wolves?

There is an urgent need to organize special shelters - holding centers for homeless and abandoned dogs. This is a serious and, above all, moral problem.
