Names and photos of forms of extended nails. Choosing the ideal option

Nail extensions in order to give elegance to the fingers and aesthetic perfection to the hands in general have today become a common thing for many modern women. This is not surprising: it is often very difficult to grow your own natural nails - they often tend to break before they reach the desired length. And the crazy pace of life, even though the need to acquire beautiful, elongated, well-groomed nails is very strong, often leaves no chance or patience to wait for them to finally grow back. Surely, knowing about the ineradicable natural female desire for perfection - in everything, and not least in relation to a beautiful manicure - inventive craftsmen at one time came up with ways to help ladies in their quest. And since that time, having successfully tested various techniques and types of nail extensions, they widely offer young ladies to try this or that method and type on themselves. Moreover, alternatives in this regard are offered to choose from.

So, what does a modern woman need to know about techniques and types of nail extensions in order to decide for herself the only correct and appropriate choice in her particular case? First of all, there are two main methods - for tips and for forms. And in the same way, there are two main types of nail extensions - acrylic and gel extensions. Which one to give preference to is up to you to decide after a detailed study of the differences between the two techniques.

Nail extension methods: using tips or forms

Nail extension with tips involves the use of ready-made plates made of plastic, which are the tips themselves. Tips come in different shapes, sizes and even colors - in the case of each individual client, the master selects the most suitable ones individually. The tips are attached to the nail plate using special glue, after which they are given a suitable shape and the material chosen for extension is applied. Tip extensions are a fairly convenient and durable way to lengthen nails: plates extended using this technology can be worn for up to 3-4 months with timely correction. But tips are removed exclusively with the help of special hardware attachments, which makes it almost impossible to get rid of them independently without the participation of a specialist.

As for extensions to forms, this method will be convenient only if the client’s natural nail protrudes at least a little above the fingertip. If the nails are cut short, then extensions to forms become impossible. The fact is that the forms are a kind of templates that are placed under a slightly grown nail plate, and extensions are made on them, after which the forms are removed. The forms can be paper or made from foil; be that as it may, upon completion of the extension procedure they are disposed of, and the nail is modeled exclusively from the hardened material used to create artificial plates.

Types of nail extensions: acrylic or gel

Depending on the lady’s preferences, the requirements for the durability of the artificial turf and the ability to handle it, the client may be offered one of the two most popular types of extensions - modeling them using acrylic or creating gel nails. Each of these types has a number of both its advantages and disadvantages.


Acrylic extensions involve the use of acrylic substance in the technology of creating nails. This is a two-component material consisting of powder and a special liquid, the so-called liquid (monomer). When powder is mixed with liquid, acrylic itself is formed, which, when interacting with air, hardens very quickly, within 1-2 minutes. That is why, to work with acrylic, the master requires only the highest degree of skill - with the ability to quickly apply and level acrylic on nails, avoiding roughness and unevenness when the material dries.

Acrylic is a temperature-resistant substance that does not allow air and water to pass through, forming a hard and dense artificial nail plate. The plates extended with acrylic are strong and durable - if they are handled correctly and the correction indicated, they can be worn for up to 3-4 months. At the same time, experts do not advise getting too carried away with acrylic nails: after their “expiration date” expires and you get rid of them, it is still better to give natural nails some time to rest and “breathe” so as not to worsen their condition.

A not very pleasant feature of acrylic is its rather pungent odor and the relative toxicity of acrylic - the substance contains acrylic and methylacrylic acids, which, in addition to “aromatic” discomfort, can in some cases even provoke allergic reactions on the skin and deterioration of the condition of the nail plate. That is why the main requirement when carrying out acrylic nail extensions is the requirement for sufficient ventilation of the room, although even in this case there is no escape from the pungent odor.

But after completing the acrylic extension procedure, the client can be sure that the “new” nails will serve her for a long time. And there are plenty of color variations in the case of acrylic extensions - color additives, at the discretion of the client and the approval of the master, are simply added directly to the acrylic. And there are no problems with removing the acrylic surface: to remove nails extended with acrylic, you just need to hold them in a special dissolving liquid, and once they soften, you can freely remove them.

When deciding to apply acrylic extensions, you should remember a few simple rules, the observance of which will ensure long-term wearing of artificial nails without any problems of any kind. So, if at some point you decide to remove the polish from acrylic, avoid using acetone-based substances; in the case of acrylic nails, you should only use oil-based solvents. Despite the fact that acrylic is a fairly resistant material, this does not mean that artificial nails are suitable for opening, for example, cola cans - be careful not to break them. And one more thing: when thinking about the possibility of acrylic nail extensions, pay attention to your health status - antibiotic therapy, chemotherapy, pregnancy, and upcoming menstruation are contraindications for using acrylic to acquire “new” nails.


Due to the pungent odor that acrylic has and its increased toxicity, many artists today are abandoning acrylic extensions in favor of gel extensions. Thus, the gel is considered a more environmentally friendly material, the main part of which is coniferous resins. Due to this specificity, gel, unlike acrylic, allows the nail plates to breathe and allows moisture to pass through.

Again, the difference between the gel is that it hardens under the influence of ultraviolet rays, therefore, special UV lamps are used for gel extensions. In connection with this feature, experts mention another advantage: exposure to ultraviolet radiation prevents the appearance or development of fungal diseases by eliminating pathogens with UV rays.

The gel is considered a hypoallergenic material, which makes it possible to use it without fear of allergic reactions. In addition, there is an opinion that gel nails look somewhat more natural than acrylic nails, and their shine is more natural. It’s just that the plates physically created using gel are thinner, and therefore more fragile, than acrylic ones. And therefore, they require careful handling: if the gel nail cracks, and there is no way to repair it, then you will have to remove it and re-build it. And, by the way, the procedure for removing the gel is much more unpleasant and traumatic than in the case of acrylic. So, in order to remove gel nails, they will have to be filed with a special file, and if you entrust this task to an insufficiently qualified master, then there is a high risk of damage to the nail plate.

Gel nail extensions, depending on the use of certain drugs, can be one-, two- and three-phase. The technology of extension is determined by the number of stages and the means used in their implementation. For example, three-phase gel extension involves the use of three components in three subsequent stages: an adhesive (performs a binding function), a modeling substance (applied in several layers and serves as the basis for the formation of the nail) and a sealant (“seals” the nail and protects it from the adverse effects of external factors). Two-phase gel extensions involve the use of only an adhesive and a modeling substance, while single-phase extensions combine all the components of each phase of extension.

As for contraindications for gel nail extensions, these include diabetes mellitus, taking antibiotics and chemotherapy, and hormonal disorders. However, these same conditions are definitely contraindications for acrylic nail extensions.

Another type of gel nail extension is the creation of artificial nails using biogel. Biogel extension is considered an ultra-modern innovative technology, which can be used as often as desired without any warnings or fears. Thus, biogel is a natural material with the presence of useful substances in it, such as, for example, proteins, vitamins, oils, glycerin and some others. Due to its absolute safety, hypoallergenicity, elasticity and breathability, biogel is used not only for extensions, but also for the purpose of strengthening and healing nails. Moreover, neither filing nor other special manipulations with a high risk of damaging the nails are carried out during biogel extensions.

Every woman tries to be the most irresistible. In order for your appearance to be complete and harmonious, do not forget about the little things, such as nails.
Beautiful nails incredibly adorn a woman. Nature hasn't given everyone perfect nails. But don’t rush to get upset if your nails are not strong enough or not completely straight. Modern cosmetology offers a solution to this problem.
Nail extensions will make your hands neat and well-groomed, and your appearance will be truly irresistible.
Long, neat nails look very aesthetically pleasing. If you are still unsure whether you should get extensions because you have never had long nails before, consult a qualified specialist. You also need to learn the ability to wear extended nails. If you have never had long nails, you will first have your nails extended to a short length so that you gradually get used to them. If you succeed, then after the second or third correction you will get really long nails.

But even if wearing long nails is not a problem for you, don't get carried away. The length of the nail plate should be significantly longer than the free edge of the nail. If you don't follow this rule, you risk breaking your nail extensions on the first day. And even more than that, you risk damaging your own nail, which can cause you pain and other inconveniences.

There are several methods and types of nail extensions.
Nail extension methods:
1. Nail extension with tips
2. Nail extension on forms
Types of extensions:
1. Acrylic extension;
2. Gel extensions.

All methods have their advantages and disadvantages and, of course, they all differ in execution technology. However, the first two methods are the most popular. We will look at them in more detail.

Extension on tips

What are tips? Tips are plastic plates that are attached at one end to your nail before laying gel or acrylic on them. After which a drawing is applied to them. Those. First, the tip is attached, processed, and only then decorative material is applied to it. The color of the tips can vary from transparent to milky white. There are also color variations of tips. Tips come in different sizes and shapes, which allows you to select the appropriate model in each individual case. Different companies produce tips with different curves, so choosing tips specifically for your nails is a matter for a good professional. A correctly selected tip allows you to use only a small part of the nail. This protects the health of your living nails. After fixing the tip on your nail, it can be given absolutely any shape and length. Here everything depends only on the flight of your imagination and the skills of your master.

Nail extension on forms

Forms are disposable paper bases. The outer side of this form is coated with a special compound that prevents the laid material from firmly sticking to it. The second side is covered with adhesive components that allow you to secure the form to the nail. There are also reusable forms. They are made of metal and secured to the nail plate with a special metal clip. The reusable form must be sterilized before each subsequent use. Paper forms are simply thrown away after use. To properly install any type of form, it is necessary that your original nail have at least a small free end, otherwise the form will have nothing to attach to. Short-cut nails exclude the procedure for nail extensions in this way.
Tips or forms for nail extensions?

When planning to extend your nails, you must clearly understand the difference between tips and forms in order to quickly choose the right extension method. The forms (paper or metal) are removed after finishing the work. Tips are plastic plates that are securely attached to your nail and remain with you until you finish wearing your nails. Only an experienced nail extension specialist can choose the best option for you. Which will perfectly suit your nail shape.

Correction of extended nails

Your natural nails grow over time along with the design applied to your natural nails. In three to four weeks, your nails grow a few millimeters and lose their attractiveness. Therefore, no matter how carefully you wear your nail extensions, they still need correction from time to time. During the correction process, if the design does not need to be changed, the master will shorten your nail, change its shape, if necessary, and apply a new layer of material. If you make the correction in a timely manner, you will save a significant amount of money. The correction time depends on the method of nail extension. Sometimes the correction takes almost as much time as the extension procedure itself, but more often it takes much less time.

Nail extension: Acrylic
Using an acrylic coating, you will protect your nails from the adverse effects of the environment, as well as from excessive moisture. In order to obtain a high-quality coating, it is necessary to use the services of a good master, because in a matter of minutes the master must evenly distribute the composition of a mixture of acrylic powder and a special liquid (liquid), which hardens very quickly. The entire procedure will take on average three hours. Let's look at all the advantages and disadvantages of this method:
Nails look very natural and beautiful. Extended acrylic nails are very durable, and this despite the fact that the material itself is plastic and thin. With proper care, you can enjoy them for 3 to 4 months. But this does not mean that at this time you can completely forget about manicure and no longer visit the master. After 3-4 weeks you will need correction. Removing acrylic nails is easy; this is done with a special liquid.
The composition that will be used to make your new nails has a very unpleasant and pungent odor; it contains chemical acids: acrylic, methyl acrylic, as well as acrylic monomers. These substances have a negative effect on our natural nails, they make them brittle and weak, the skin in contact with this drug can become irritated. This is another reason to go to a professional master and preferably to a good salon.
If you nevertheless decide to do acrylic extensions, take into account a few RULES:
1. Acrylic nails do not like impacts, that is, it is not recommended to use them to open various devices. Nervous tapping of your fingers on the table will not betray their strength either.
2. To apply varnish and preserve its original color, you must do this on the base coat.
3. If you want to remove nail polish, the product must be oil-based. Please note: there should be no acetone in it.
4. If you suddenly take antibiotics or are undergoing chemotherapy, then for this period you will have to give up acrylic nail extensions. This is because when you take medications, your body produces acetone, which will reject the acrylic material.

5. And the most important warning: ATTENTION! Don’t be lazy to check the composition of the liquid (liquid) for nail extensions; it must contain ETHYL METHACRYLATE (or ethyl, resin components). If you find METHYL METHACRYLATE in the composition, then this is a reason to never return to this master. Methyl methacrylate is very toxic not only to your nails, but to the entire body.

Nail extension: Gel
Gel, compared to acrylic, is more environmentally friendly. This method of extension is sometimes called resin, because 60% of the nail gel consists of pine resin. It allows air, moisture to pass through and the natural nails are not affected in any way. Modern extension methods use acid-free gels. After such a gel is applied to the nail plate or glued tips, drying under a UV lamp is mandatory.
Gel nails themselves look very beautiful; they don’t even need to be coated with varnish. But even if you decide to apply varnish, the gel has an undeniable advantage here too. Using this technology, you can realize all the most imaginable and unimaginable fantasies, you can create holographic, aquarium effects, decorate your nails with beads, rhinestones, feathers and everything that your imagination and skill of the master have enough for. Drying under a UV lamp also has its advantage - the rays prevent the appearance and development of various fungal diseases.
Alas, this method also has its drawbacks - the fragility and fragility of extended nails from sudden changes in temperature. If any defect occurs, it cannot be corrected; new nails will have to be extended. Gel nails can only be removed with a special nail file. And under no circumstances try to do this at home; you may seriously injure the nail plate.

So that the listed shortcomings do not frighten clients too much, professional craftsmen have found a solution - this is a combination of acrylic + gel technologies.

Nail extension services are also widely used now. biogel
. Biogel its composition does not contain toxic substances and is practically organic material. The disadvantage of this service is its fragility, it will last for a maximum of two weeks.

Whatever nail extension method you choose, find a good nail technician. Only a good master will be able to crown your hands with truly masterpiece nails.

Long hair has always been and remains a source of pride for a woman. Not a single representative of the fair sex will refuse to have luxurious hair. However, not everyone is naturally lucky. And even with good inclinations, it is difficult to keep your hair in perfect condition. Unbalanced nutrition, constant stress and fatigue make themselves felt, which do not add to health and beauty. However, there is a way out - artificial hair extensions.

The principle of extensions is that donor strands are attached or glued to the natural hair using various technologies. Hair extensions can be artificial or natural. The hair of European women is of the greatest value. They are softer, smoother and shiny.

What types of extensions are there?

All existing types of hair extensions can be divided into two technologies – cold extensions and hot ones. The difference, as the name suggests, lies in the way the hair is affected at the moment of attaching the strands.

“The length of real hair should be enough to cover the place where the donor strands are attached”

Hot technologies consist in the fact that donor strands are attached to natural hair using an adhesive composition that melts under high temperatures. Modern technologies make it possible to use optimal temperature conditions so that there is no harm to the hair, but the capsules do not require additional protection. With hair extensions, you can safely go to the sauna without fear that the attachment will melt and the hair will fall off.

Cold technologies carry out extensions without temperature effects on the hair. Glue, clamps, weaving are used.

Technologies are improving every day, but the principle remains the same. For example, laser extension refers to hot technology with the difference that the capsule is melted using a laser beam. And here ultrasonic extension- This is a cold method, since the capsule is melted using ultrasonic waves rather than heat.

What types of extensions are there?

Each extension technology provides many techniques. In cold technology there are tress extensions, Japanese, ultrasonic, tape, in hot technology - keratin, Italian and others.

“Hair extensions can be curled and styled.”

Tress hair extensions. It is also called African, since for the first time the technology was introduced into the life of a resident of the African continent, or French, since in the process, one’s own hair is braided at the roots into a tight French braid. Tress extensions are considered one of the safest ways to lengthen hair.

For hairdressers, the term “tress” refers to extensions of strands of processed hair, fastened on both sides with strips of fabric or woven in a row on special threads. The master braids the client’s entire head, to which ready-made tresses are sewn using a special needle. The braids on top are completely covered with tresses, so they are absolutely invisible. Wide tresses are used on the back of the head, narrower ones are used in the temporal region.

“At the top is a braid, at the bottom is a tress sewn onto the braid.”

The duration of the procedure is about 3 hours. Correction is necessary as the hair grows, but at least 1-2 times a month.

Japanese build-up. Another name is extensions with clips (rings), South Korean extensions. One of the most unusual technologies. The principle is that a ring is placed on the native strand at a distance of 0.5 cm from the roots. The extension strand is threaded into it. After which the ring is clamped with pliers.

The rings can be matched to the color of your hair so that they blend completely with your hair. The miniature size of the clips makes them almost invisible. The hair does not heat up during the procedure, so it is not damaged.

“The hair is threaded into the clip using a hook, an artificial strand is placed there, and the clip is clamped with pliers.”

“The clips reliably fix the donor strand”

The duration of the procedure is 3.5 hours. Correction after 3-4 months.

Italian(keratin, capsule) extensions. In this hot technology, a donor strand is attached to the hair, at the end of which a keratin capsule is attached. Other capsule technologies may use silicone or resin. Keratin provides the most reliable hold, takes on hair color, and ensures minimal hair combing when combing. 75-200 strands are extended, depending on the desired effect.

“This is what individual donor strands with a keratin capsule at the end look like”

“Keratin capsules are noticeable to the touch, but almost invisible visually”

The duration of the procedure is 1-2 hours. The need for correction every 2-3 months.

Tape extensions. The idea belongs to Italian masters, which is why it is also sometimes called Italian extensions. Strands are used at the ends of which a double-sided sticker is attached. Donor hair must be placed in the desired place and pressed lightly with your fingers. The strands are removed after treating the hair with a special liquid. The strands can be reused when replacing the tape.

“Tape extensions are the fastest way”

"... and the most inconspicuous"

Brazilian extension. Brazilian extensions often refer to Brazilian keratin straightening of curly hair, which becomes significantly longer when straightened.

What type of hair extension is considered the safest?

Any extension performed by a professional technician is considered safe. If there is no such confidence, cold extensions will be gentle, which eliminates the possibility of hair damage due to incorrectly selected temperature conditions.

How long do hair extensions last?

Hair extensions last from 1 month to 4-6 months. It all depends on the extension method, the condition and growth rate of natural hair. If you regularly (once every 1-2 months) visit the hairdresser, make minor adjustments, and follow the care tips, your new hair will please you much longer.

Are hair extensions harmful?

Every coin has two sides. Likewise, hair extensions cannot be perfect from all sides.

Pros of extensions:

  • hair of the desired length in the shortest possible time
  • ability to adjust volume
  • naturalness, many methods provide absolutely invisible seals in the places where donor and own hair are attached
  • ease of care, you can visit saunas, swimming pools, spas
  • long lasting effect
  • During wear, the clips may loosen, the tress may fall off, and the capsules may fly off.
  • individual intolerance to the procedure is possible
  • If you do not go to the salon for correction in a timely manner, the braids to which the tresses are attached may become tangled and it will be impossible to untangle them.
  • weak and thin hair may not withstand the load and begin to break off
  • With some methods it is impossible to do high hairstyles, since the fastenings will be noticeable
  • high cost of service

However, no obstacles will stop a woman in her desire to be irresistible. Perhaps extensions are just for your hair – a method that will turn you into a beauty in a matter of hours without damage.

“It takes years to grow hair like that. The extension procedure takes no more than 3 hours.”

“After the extension procedure, the hair is not only longer, but also much thicker”

- a popular salon procedure. A beautiful manicure will last from two to four weeks. This is especially convenient for those who are constantly busy, work a lot and cannot afford to visit a manicurist every 5 days. A wide selection of products is offered for manicure: gel, biogel, acrylic.

Types of nail extensions

Gel and acrylic coatings are very durable, but they are different materials in structure. When choosing between them, evaluate your type of activity and area of ​​​​occupation. For those whose work involves daily contact with water, gel nails are better suited. Water, sweat, and various oils can get under the acrylic nail and cause fungus. Therefore, athletes, hairdressers, cosmetologists and massage therapists are better off choosing gel polish.

The cost of a manicure will also vary. Acrylic is cheaper than gel. An acrylic extension session will take an hour, the result will last about three weeks. When the nail grows noticeably, the material will need to be replenished. Repairing and adding material takes half an hour.

Gel manicure is more expensive. It will last on average ten days, but there are also women who wear their nails for three weeks, but this is most likely the exception. The time required for the procedure is 50 minutes. Repairing a gel nail is difficult; it is easier to remove the damaged material and apply a new one.

Acrylic nail extensions

Acrylic nails are a two part system made of liquid and powder. When the monomer and polymer are mixed, a thick consistency is formed in the form of a hard layer covering the natural nail. The material hardens in air. When the acrylic hardens, varnish and all sorts of creative designs are applied to it.

The disadvantage of acrylic is that if the nail bed is damaged, a breeding ground for fungus and bacteria can be created between the material and the nail plate.

Acrylic manufacturers note that the material contains strong chemicals and gases - so if you are pregnant, do not do acrylic manicure during the entire period.

A broken nail can be easily repaired by applying material and polishing the edge. Nails are removed with a regular acrylic solvent, without damaging filing.

Gel nail extensions

Gel nails look more natural than acrylic nails. The material hardens in a lamp under the influence of UV light. Extensions are similar to a classic manicure - a base layer is applied, then colored varnish, and finally a finishing coat. The material does not contain harmful fumes, does not smell and is considered a safe, environmentally friendly manicure option. Gel is a thick varnish, so in the end the nails look very natural, flexible, strong, but not thick. Fungus does not form under them. Gels are single-phase, two-phase, three-phase. Colored, transparent and matte.

Among the disadvantages of the technology, it can be noted that the material is removed using a solvent and cutting, which can overdry and damage the natural plates. Therefore, between extensions, use nourishing caring oils for your nails.

Nail extension with biogel

Biogel is a type of gel extension. Lasts like regular polish for 5 to 10 days. Due to the natural components included in the composition, this type of extension is suitable even for pregnant women. The procedure is odorless and comfortable. The basis of the biogel is mulberry resin. Therefore, extensions belong to the class of therapeutic manicures. The procedure takes care of thin nails, strengthens them, and helps to grow healthy nail plates. Adhering well to the surface of the nail, the biogel does not allow moisture to pass through, so the formation of fungal infections is excluded.

Nail extension methods

Extension is a chemical process of gluing material to the nail. Acrylic does not need a lamp, only at the end it will be needed for the final stage. Whereas each layer of colored gel extension is polymerized in a special 37 W ultraviolet lamp.

Nail extension with tips

Tips are plastic false nails. They are attached with glue, then cut with nail clippers, filed into a stiletto, oval or semicircle.

Artificial plates are used to apply only gel coating. Acrylic is strong and durable even without tips.

Classic tips in ivory color and one shape. These are universal blanks suitable for any type of extension - acrylic, gel, mixed technique.

Tips for French manicure are also sold. Their help is used when you need to quickly create a French manicure; this is usually needed with gel extensions. Suitable for those clients who cannot choose what exactly they want. The procedure takes 30 minutes, the result cannot be corrected later.

Now in demand in beauty salons liquid tips. This is an express procedure. Long-term manicure is performed using liquid tips. The master pours colored gel into a small mold, which covers 70% of the nail. Then the composition is polymerized for 3 minutes in a lamp under the influence of ultraviolet light. After this, the nail is given the desired shape and polished.

Form nail extensions

Molds are templates made of paper, metal and plastic.

Paper bottom forms are disposable. Sold in packs of 50 and 100 pieces. The advantage is that they allow you to choose a non-standard individual shape, adjusting the size to the nail. The longevity of the manicure depends on this.

The metal bottom templates are made of Teflon so they can be reused many times. They help to model the correct, beautiful shape of the nail. When the substance hardens, the template is removed, the excess is filed off, polished and a finishing coating is applied.

In addition to the lower templates, long-term manicure is performed using upper or external forms. They are made of plastic. Outwardly they resemble tips with a flat arch, therefore they are intended for flat and very short nails. The advantage is that the shape itself defines the arch, s-curves, external and internal tunnels. Acrylic or gel is placed in the tip, like in a mold, a perfectly flat surface is formed with a brush, then quickly applied to the surface of the nail. After five minutes, the reusable template is carefully removed, and the extended nail is formed into the desired shape with a file. The upper forms can be used for self-extension.

A high-quality manicure adorns the hands, eloquently demonstrating the well-groomed and attractive nature of a woman. Both gel and acrylic nails have similar results. Short nails are lengthened, fragile nail plates are strengthened, and fingers look slender. So try different materials, shades and patterns. Only by experience can the best be determined.

It happens that it is difficult to grow your own nails because they are too brittle or there are some defects on them. In this case, nail extension methods come to the aid of women.

Before you go to a specialist for nail extensions, you should decide which method and type of nail extensions to use. In modern cosmetology, the following methods of nail extension are used: on tips and on forms. Nail extension with tips is based on attaching plastic plates - tips - to the nail with special glue.

The shape and size of the tips are different, which allows you to choose them individually for each nail. They also vary in color, being transparent and white. In some cases there may be colored tips. After the tip sticks to the natural nail, its length and shape are formed, then acrylic or gel material is applied to the entire length. After polymerization of the material, a decorative design is applied to the nail at the request of the client.

Another way is on forms. The forms can be disposable paper or reusable metal. These forms are attached under the free edge of the nail, then material is laid out on them. After it dries, the form is removed, and the extended nail is given the desired shape and length. After sanding, a design is applied to the nails and secured.

The most modern way of nail extensions is extensions using liquid tips. This method consists of pouring gel into a reusable mold and applying 2/3 of it to the natural nail. The gel tip polymerizes under an ultraviolet lamp for about two or three minutes. After this, the reusable form is removed, then the nail is filed and polished. Moreover, this is the fastest way to do nail extensions.

Types of nail extensions vary depending on the material used. Acrylic coating is based on a mixture of acrylic powder and liquid - a special liquid. When using acrylic for nail extensions, the skill of the artist is of particular importance, since the material must be applied very quickly. The acrylic mixture tends to dry quickly.

Acrylic nails have the advantage of being particularly durable. With proper care, they can last up to four weeks. In addition, they look quite natural. The main disadvantage of this material is the unpleasant odor during the nail extension procedure, because the mixture contains many chemical acids that come into contact with the surface of the natural nail, and this, in turn, can lead to a deterioration in its condition.

Gel, unlike acrylic, is somewhat more environmentally friendly. This method is sometimes called the resin method, because 60% of the nail gel is made from pine resin. It allows air to pass through, moisture and natural nails do not deteriorate. In modern cosmetology, acid-free gels are used. After applying such a gel to the nail, it must be dried under an ultraviolet lamp. The advantages of gel nails include their beauty, as well as the fact that on their basis you can create stunningly beautiful designs, such as holographic effects, as well as decorate your nails with rhinestones, crystals and more.

Drying under an ultraviolet lamp prevents the appearance and development of all kinds of fungal diseases. The disadvantages of the gel include brittleness and fragility of nails as a result of sudden temperature changes. Gel nails cannot be corrected; if any defect appears, new nails will have to be extended. It is not recommended to remove such nails at home, as you can seriously damage the nail plate.

Some manicurists combine acrylic and gel technologies. Nail extensions with biogel are also quite popular now. Biogel does not contain toxic substances, being practically an organic material. However, the disadvantage of this technology is its fragility; biogel nails will last a maximum of two weeks.

When adding nail extensions, the condition of the natural nail will begin to deteriorate over time. Therefore, it is recommended to remove artificial nails at least once a year and give natural nails a rest for one month. In addition, extended nails are exposed to sea water, so when going on vacation in the summer, you can give your nails a rest.

It is best not to do nail extensions in. This work is quite complex and requires special skills, so it is best to trust a specialist.
