Olga Buzova is divorcing Tarasov. Buzova and Tarasov, latest news: the true reasons for divorce

Today, December 30, Olga Buzova and Dmitry Tarasov have become free people who are no longer held together. Why the couple broke up in an instant, which seemed ideal to the public (which fans affectionately called "gibberish"), is still unknown.


In the course of discussions on the Internet, several versions were put forward. They said that Tarasov was cheating on Buzova, and her patience finally snapped. Others claimed that Dmitry dreamed of a family, but Olga did not want to give birth to a child, but was exclusively engaged in a career. And here the patience of the football player has already burst.

Someone whispered to reporters that the host of the infamous reality show Dom-2 had health problems, which is why she failed to give birth. Olga herself indirectly confirmed the information about ill health.

A short appeared on the web video, on which Buzova was captured by her friend named Denis. During the conversation, Olga, with barely restrained tears, said that she understood one thing - "we are needed when we are healthy," so she wished all the viewers good health.

Photo posted by Olga Buzova (@buzova86) Dec 29 2016 at 7:14 PST

One can only imagine with what mood Olga Buzova will meet the New Year. Earlier, the presenter summed up the results of the outgoing year. Buzova made several conclusions, and they all turned out to be disappointing. "This year has taught me how to fix my own heart, how to reassemble myself piece by piece, how to cope without the people you thought would be in your life for a long, long time. This year has taught me that no one is truly you that you need to deal with everything yourself. No one will put you back on your feet, except yourself, "Olga wrote on her page on the social network.

The date of the divorce of Olga Buzova and Dmitry Tarasov became known. Relatives and friends of the presenter gave an interview for the StarHit publication. Summed up four years of married life.

Olga Buzova

On December 30, an event will take place that readers and media representatives have been waiting for so long. On this day, the marriage of Olga Buzova and Dmitry Tarasov will be officially annulled. In that difficult period, when colleagues and relatives turned away from Olga, unexpectedly for everyone, her father and grandmother decided to support her. Tamara Semyonovna Buzova, as well as friends of the presenter, share today with the StarHit publication their memories of those “little things” that inevitably destroyed relations between the then newlyweds:

“Granddaughter is kind, gentle, vulnerable. Even at the wedding, I went up to Dima and asked: “Just don’t offend her. My husband and I lived together for 51 years - I wish you the same long family happiness! But, apparently, not fate. The husband was not at all interested in Olya's work, he could not find the right words when something did not work out, but she needed them so much. Olga, on the contrary, devoted herself to him. When Tarasov was injured, she was ready to go with him anywhere for treatment, to cancel everything, just to be there. She said: "Dima is good with me." The granddaughter said that Dima asked for children, this topic was raised. But Olya wanted to pursue a career. I advised to stop, build a house, give birth to a baby, and then continue to climb the career ladder. But she answered that she was not ready for children.

Relatives, of course, saw that in the family of celebrities the sky is far from cloudless. Fans considered them a happy couple and made optimistic predictions for many years to come. But time has passed, and with it the love of the young and carefree. Grandmother Tamara comforts her granddaughter that it will only get better, and Olga's father, Igor, is determined to talk to Tarasov like a man to a man:

“Igor is eager to leave Petersburg for Moscow. He wants to look Dima in the eyes, we are afraid that he will attack him with fists. Therefore, Olya asks him not to interfere. On November 26, Igor had a birthday - she sent flowers, sweets - she herself could not be because of work. Recently, the granddaughter has withdrawn into herself, has become less likely to call. She promised that everything would return to normal as soon as she signed the divorce application.

Regarding the division of property, Tamara Semenovna wisely asks Olga not to waste time on trifles and not to repeat Tarasov’s actions:

“I say: “Leave him everything! You'll earn more for yourself!" She's done well with us - she achieved everything herself. But Dima turned out to be mercantile, did not expect ... He gave gifts, and now he takes them. I also connected my mother to this whole story. ”

Olga Buzova with her grandmother.

The unpleasant story did not leave indifferent friends on both sides. It is quite understandable that everyone “cheered for their own goal”, in the language of football. Accordingly, the intensity of passions before the divorce was like in the stands between fans for different teams:

“The environment of Olya and Dima literally split into two camps. This especially affected the families of footballers. Because the girls, of course, took her side, sympathize, and the men defend Tarasov, believing that he is right. This affected Maria and Pavel Pogrkov, Alexander and Yulia Samedovs. Many, discussing at home the behavior of the main characters of the story, literally reached the scandal. Therefore, for the same Pogrks, the divorce of Dima and Olya is now on the list of prohibited topics - away from sin, ”says Yulia, a friend of Olga Buzova.
Rustam Solntsev recalls an unpleasant moment when, for no particular reason, Dmitry yelled at Olga and did not find the courage to admit that he was wrong:
“Somehow I witnessed their everyday conversation when I stopped by to shoot “House-2”. Dima came for his wife to take her to the event. Olya, of course, brought beauty, for a long time she picked up jewelry for the dress. Dima at some point could not stand it and began to shout at her, to rush. And all this with friends and acquaintances. Olya even had to apologize later for her husband’s behavior.”

According to another friend from Buzova, Andrey, quarrels were repeated quite often, and mostly for no reason:

“He always didn’t like something. Either unwashed dishes in the sink, or things scattered. It is clear that both are busy people, from morning to night at work - one on the set, the other on the football field. But Dima sometimes literally lost his temper, made a scandal out of the blue, despite the fact that he saw how tired his wife came.

Former happy spouses.
“They used to celebrate different anniversaries. For Buzova, this was an occasion to exchange intricate presents, to spend a romantic evening ... Once on a holiday, she could not get through to Dima. It turns out that after training, he decided to call on a friend, forgetting that his wife was waiting at home. Olya was upset. Tarasov, of course, rushed - but on the way he managed to buy only flowers. And there were so many such cases that I can’t remember everything. ”

On October 14, the final of the show “Married to Buzova” took place on the TNT channel. The heroine of the project, 32-year-old Olga Buzova, chose Denis Lebedev from 15 participants (read the interview with the retired participants). The TV presenter accepted a ring from a businessman and an offer to become his girlfriend. However, it soon became clear that the couple broke up.


Compromising evidence appeared on Denis, proving that he took part in the show in order to cash in on the name of Buzova. Because of this, Olga's mother Irina Alexandrovna had a nervous attack. Reporters from Komsomolskaya Pravda contacted the woman to inquire about her health.

“I feel very bad, but I am alive. Help Olya better, she really needs human and spiritual support. After Tarasov's act (Football player Dmitry Tarasov is Olga's ex-husband. - Note. ed.) it’s generally difficult to surprise me with something, ”said Irina Aleksandrovna. However, she did not begin to tell what exactly happened between her daughter and Lebedev.


Olga herself did not comment on the finale of the show and the rumors about parting with Lebedev. October 17 Buzova broke the silence. “I'm sorry I didn't write. It's just that the whole horror of what is happening still does not fit in my head. I needed to analyze everything, confirm the information and make the right decision in relations with Denis, ”Olga addressed the subscribers (Spelling and punctuation authors hereinafter. — Note. ed.).

Buzova said that after the filming of the project was completed, she and Denis continued to communicate in Moscow. Olga admitted that at first she was very happy. The TV presenter did not pay attention to rumors about Lebedev's deception. But soon evidence of the businessman's lies appeared.

“I fell under the influence of a man who turned out to be not the same as I saw him through the prism of my love. So brazenly and unceremoniously, no one has trampled my feelings yet. At the moment, Denis and I are not together, and in the future we will not be able to be together either! Because I can't be with a person who deceives me, cheats, uses, betrays and sells me! Unfortunately, everything that the media has been exaggerating for so long turned out to be the bitter truth! I will never be able to forgive and accept his rampant lifestyle, justify beating a woman, cheating and using illegal drugs! the star said.


Buzova said that for the first time in her life she met such a "monstrous and soulless" person. The TV presenter asked subscribers to be vigilant and not repeat her mistakes.

At the same time, Denis also wrote a meaningful post in which he tried to justify himself. The businessman denied rumors that he allegedly collaborated with a certain company that provided him with money and helped him do everything so that he became the winner of the show.

“Stories about borrowed funds are taken out of context. Yes, I borrowed money from my partners, but after a month of filming, and not as the yellow press distorted, as if I had planned everything in advance, ”Lebedev wrote. Denis said that he had no self-interest and goal to make money on Olga's name. According to the businessman, he has strong feelings for the TV presenter. Denis hopes that Buzova will understand everything and they will be together.

More than a year after the breakup and divorce from the famous TV presenter, and now singer Olga Buzova, defensive midfielder of Lokomotiv Moscow and the Russian national football team Tarasov commented on those events for the first time.

The football player gave a joint interview with his new girlfriend and, it seems, the bride, a 23-year-old model, in which he did not completely move away from the topic of his previous relationship.

So, he dispelled rumors that his relationship with Kostenko began even before their marriage with Buzova ended.

“In fact, our relationship with Olya ended last fall. And Nastya and I first saw each other in a circle of mutual friends in a restaurant in December. She came there with her friends. We didn't talk much, we crossed eyes a couple of times. I found out from friends who this girl is, ”Tarasov said.

Interestingly, Tarasov also met Buzova in a restaurant, and then, in the spring of 2011, he was still married. The football player divorced his first wife, a former gymnast (now Dmitrieva), three months after the start of a relationship with a TV presenter.

Moreover, from his first marriage he had a daughter, Angelina-Anna, who at the time of the divorce was only two years old.

Now Dmitry pays alimony to his ex-wife and regularly sees his daughter, who is now seven years old.

Despite the fact that the topic of a break with Olga Buzova was touched upon in the interview, Tarasov himself did not comment on their separation at length, limiting himself to dry and general phrases.

“I am a very reserved person. I can endure, weigh, think for a long time, but if I explode, then irrevocably.

Love has passed, the tomatoes withered. I don't want to blame or insult anyone. This story is over. In any case, both are to blame, it does not happen that only one.

Speaking about the beginning of a relationship with Kostenko, the football player noted that he risked trusting a new girlfriend in a difficult period of his life.

“It was really hard for me: two marriages, divorces, a child ... I even had thoughts: “Why continue all this? Maybe it’s better for yourself to live, take a walk? But Nastya made me look at relationships, love differently. I took a chance and trusted her…” – said Tarasov.

Kostenko herself said that she did not immediately let the football player who had gained a scandalous reputation come to her:

“Honestly, at first I was worried and even afraid to contact him, because I didn’t understand what could come of it. I tried several times to end the conversation…”

“Nastya was impregnable, like a fortress, and I can understand her. I knew that anyone who was close to me would pour out a tub of slop. And then there were rumors that I had a harem of mistresses, ”

Indeed, at the beginning of their relationship with the midfielder of Lokomotiv, Kostenko encountered a lot of negative comments from Olga Buzova's fans on social networks, and at first even the model's mother answered these insults.

“I also like the upbringing of Nastya. She is not spoiled, she grew up in a large family. When we started living together, it became clear that we were suitable for each other. Of course, you need to work on any relationship, we try and strive for the ideal, ”Tarasov said about what attracts him to the chosen one.

When asked if the young people were planning a wedding, they replied that they were going, but did not give any specifics.

“We discussed this topic, but we need to thoroughly prepare. We want a big family in the future. We have serious intentions,

Tarasov said.

“I nursed two sisters and a brother. At some point, I realized that I myself did not want to become a mother yet. But, having met Dima, she changed her mind. I see him as the father of my children. Perhaps I will give birth earlier than I planned, but not in the next year, ”added Kostenko.

“In 36 days, what I have been thinking about for the last 5 months will finally happen. The countdown has started,

— wrote the model.

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