He doesn't write anymore. Why doesn't communication work out? What does a guy's lack of calls after meeting mean?

0 Most young girls on the threshold of puberty begin to show signs of attention to representatives of the opposite sex. The only problem is that the boys turn out to be so callous and rude that they don’t realize that the little girl is hinting with all her might how much she likes him. Therefore, some lovely young ladies have a logical question:? Before we briefly examine this serious problem, I want to recommend that you add this resource site to your bookmarks so that you can check back periodically.
However, before I continue, I would like to recommend a couple more popular articles on women's topics. For example, if he called Pupsik, what does it mean; who is RSP, what does MILF mean, who is called Prostitute, etc.
So let's continue why doesn't the guy text first?? There are several options, we will analyze only the most common of them.

We have already discussed above the situation when your relationship is just beginning, and here I think everything is becoming less clear to you. However, when you have an affair with a man already long term relationship, and you imagine yourself in your thoughts as his wife, and he suddenly disappears, then everything here is much sadder. Most likely, he's just tired of you and wants to be alone or with other girls for a while.
Listen, any " cap“gets boring after about half a year, what did you want anyway, love until the grave?

So, let's highlight a few reasons why he does not want to communicate:

the guy had serious problems, such that he forgot about your “charm”;

Met another stunning female, and she allowed him what you categorically refused;

You have offended him extremely with your action or word, and he does not want to communicate with you anymore.

If the last point happened, then everything is not so bad, remember, you have a reliable weapon - this is yours " bush". In any case, you need to let the guy cool down, and only then call, carefully finding out what happened between you. You will say, “What, I should do this first step"Of course, otherwise you may lose him. If he is dear, you have a lot in common with him, and you ultimately want to start a family with him, then you can overstep yourself here. Believe me, he is most likely waiting for your apology, and he will I'm just glad that you took the first step towards.

Maybe you are embarrassed to call him? Then write to him In contact with or another social network where he spends hours and days. The main thing is to understand that he read it and realized how much you repent of your offense. When there is no reaction from him after your message, then you should not continue to bombard him with your notes. This will not help the matter, but rather even harm it.

When your relationship returns to normal, you should not press him with questions about where he disappeared and what actually happened to him. This will only make him even more angry. Better after something so serious quarreling do everything to tie such a wonderful male to you.
After a few days or weeks have passed, you will be able to approach the interrogation in more detail. And find out what your loved one has been doing all these days.

There are other reasons why a guy doesn’t write

First reason. There are guys who simply don’t want to correspond with the computer using “you” in general. Instead, they prefer to meet in the city, take a walk in the park, and get a charge of real emotions. Here's your answer why some guys don't text first. If you don’t really like this, then you will have to fight this bad habit with the help of your feminine charm, use small tricks and tricks. For example, you could state that you miss him very much and that this type of message would be very important to you.

The second reason. Some young men, after meeting for the first time, do not write or call quite consciously in order to check their feelings in such a strange way. If the girl starts very actively trying to reach him, both by phone and on the Internet, then he may not like it, and he will consider you a skin in the game with whom there is no point in getting involved.

If your betrothed writes in rather monosyllables, limiting himself to emoticons and short phrases, then you shouldn’t be offended by him for it. After all, the male psyche is structured somewhat differently, and he is already pleased that you answer him and correspond with him. It is much easier for your loved one to use abbreviations such as "OK", "Norm", "I understand", rather than describe in detail what is happening to him now.
Now I think it has become a little clearer how boys differ from girls. Most men think that texting with their girlfriend is a waste of time, and it’s better to touch her in real life than to rub your fingers on the keyboard.
Now I hope you understand that in some cases it is possible, and even necessary text the guy first than it is pointless to wait for the weather by the sea.

After reading this short but extremely useful article, you finally learned why doesn't the guy text first?, and what generally happens in such cases.

It's really annoying when he answers all your messages, but never texts you first. What could this mean and how to deal with it?

Does he like you or is he just playing with you? Why can’t he write to you himself if he’s really interested in you?

You communicate well, but you are the initiator of all correspondence. It's very annoying. Very.

But you cannot make a deliberately correct choice without understanding why, in fact, everything is happening this way? Only by discovering the true reason will you understand whether it is worth further fighting for his attention or not.

#1 He's not sure about your feelings

Guys can also be afraid that someone will break their heart. He may not fully understand how you feel about him.

That's why he writes to you only when you start a conversation yourself. In this case, he is sure that you also need this conversation.

#2 He doesn't want to annoy you

Some guys think they're really annoying when they text first all the time. If so, then these are just precautionary measures.

He just doesn't want to seem too interested and intrusive.

#3 He's really busy

He may be busy at work or dealing with his personal issues, which is why he cannot write to you. It just means that you are not a priority for him.

In the next conversation, simply ask how his work schedule is and what he did in his free time.

#4 He keeps distance between you

Maybe he already has a girlfriend and prefers to keep you at arm's length.

#5 He doesn't want a relationship

One reason he might distance himself is that he doesn't want a relationship.

Yes, he finds you funny and enjoys talking to you.

But he doesn't want you to misunderstand his intentions if he texts you first.

#6 T you text him too often

Did you give him the opportunity to write to you first or does he simply not have time to do this?

Source: capinhadecelular.net

Take a break for a day or so to see if this is the cause.

#7 He's happy with everything

Basically, he is happy with what is happening between you. This is what people who love themselves and their lives usually do. They do not want any changes in their usual way of life.

#8 He's afraid to bother you

Once again, he's just being careful.

Remember, did you mention in your conversation that you can’t stomach obsessive guys? If so, he probably doesn't want to seem like one of them.

#9 He's trying to gauge your interest

The more you write, the more you like it.You will probably have to be the initiator of your communication until he is finally sure that you are interested in him.

#10 He doesn't like you that much

He's not as interested in you as you might think. He likes your conversations, but not enough to start them himself.

#11 He plays. And uses dirty methods

Some guys do this for some strange reason. They believe that this behavior of theirs “gets you hooked.”

Probably every girl is familiar with the feeling of falling in love, when you like a guy so much that you constantly think about him, want to meet him, dream about him. At such moments, the girl forgets about everything, her head is busy with thoughts about the chosen one of her heart, she constantly talks only about him. It is during such a period that representatives of the fair sex become vulnerable and impressionable. They are often visited by doubts: “does he like me”, “why doesn’t he call”, “why doesn’t the guy write”. We are all accustomed to the fact that the man usually has to make the first move, so if a guy remains silent for too long, it’s alarming. How to understand such a situation, what to do, and most importantly, maintain calm and peace of mind?

Why doesn't the guy text first?

Male pride is an unidentified phenomenon. Therefore, girls often have to rack their brains over how to find an approach to a guy. What is it like waiting for an SMS for hours, biting your fingers until they bleed and wondering why he doesn’t write. Suspicious thoughts immediately pop into your head. What if you did something wrong or said something wrong? There is no need to throw hysterics and make mountains out of molehills. Men's logic is much simpler than women's.

Although they say that female logic does not exist at all. Men are used to speaking directly and doing what is imprinted in their heads. A woman, on the contrary, can make a list of actions, prepare for its implementation, but not accomplish anything from this list, because on the way to the store or home new ideas will arise in her head or a thousand more things will appear!

If a young man does not write to you, this does not mean that he has no desire to communicate with you. I won’t get my hopes up, there is still a percentage of probability of reluctance. But this is the case when you yourself know why he doesn’t want to write. If this happened out of the blue and you don’t understand what’s going on, then perhaps the guy is just busy and doesn’t have time to answer.

Guys don't treat personal belongings as carefully as girls. Married women won't let you lie. Their spouses constantly scatter socks around the house, and T-shirts and T-shirts hang decorously on the backs of chairs and sofas. Therefore, it is possible that the guy forgot his phone in the car or some other place.

Guys are freedom-loving creatures, so guys often don't write first. And if you are closely crowded on him, attacking him with SMS messages, naturally he will want to be away from telephone correspondence and chat with friends.

Should I write it myself or not?

Often a girl may have the thought: “Should I write to the guy first?” - if he doesn’t call or write for at least one day. Or after the first meeting. Constant doubts and worries that maybe something is wrong gnaw at the girl. And she would be glad to take the initiative herself, but the girlish pride given by nature does not always allow this. She is afraid of being ridiculed, of getting into an awkward position. A girl would rather suffer, torment herself with sad thoughts, but she will never impose herself on a guy if she is not sure that he feels in love with her.

Often when asked by women: “Why don’t guys write first?” - there is a very simple answer that all people are different, including representatives of the stronger sex. They are also afraid of being rejected, they may simply be embarrassed, worry that they will look funny. In general, guys have the right to experience all the same feelings as girls, but their main difference is that guys still have to make the first step.

Why don't guys text first after meeting?

There can be a great many reasons, so a girl should not immediately get upset, much less suffer because of this. The situation can be quite trivial - the guy is busy with school or work, he is very tired and he does not have time to call the girl. The main difference between guys and girls is that he won’t waste time on half-hour conversations. Men often prefer to finish their important business first and then think about a girl, especially if you met recently. He considers himself a free person, so he doesn’t think about the fact that he is obliged to call every few hours the girl with whom he recently went on a date.

Important rule

Dear girls, remember the main rule: if you charm a guy, he likes you, he will definitely call or write to you, if he loses his number, he will find another way to meet you. If he never gets in touch with you, it means that you are not the girl who is suitable for him, he is also a person and has the right to choose. This does not mean that you are bad in anything, no, just two certain people were not suitable for each other. And there’s nothing wrong with that, you shouldn’t dwell on it, much less worry. There will definitely be another young man who will not think about why the guy should write first, but will simply do it.

Why doesn't a guy write if you've known each other for a long time?

If you have been communicating with a guy for a long time, everything was going towards the beginning of a serious relationship, and suddenly he suddenly stopped writing and calling, it’s worth thinking about. This could be a wake-up call about upcoming changes in your life. Why don't guys text first? Here are some reasons:

  • he met another girl and she charmed him;
  • something bad happened to him;
  • he is very offended by you for something.

The last point can even be corrected a little. Not offended, but angry or dissatisfied. Agree, with such an attitude, rarely will any guys call themselves. Usually, at this moment the girl begins to suspect her lover of betrayal and lack of love, which further aggravates the situation.

Should I text the guy first in this case? If you think that you are to blame and should apologize, then be sure to write and call. By doing this, you will not only save your relationship, but also let the guy know that you care about him and you have tender feelings for him. Don't ask yourself why guys don't text first. Take the first step yourself. Believe me, he is waiting for your apology and loves you no less than you love him.

If you don't want to call, write him a message on a social network or SMS. This way you will be sure that he read it. If after this there is no reaction, then it is better not to take the initiative again. You shouldn’t attack the guy with interrogation about where he was and what he was doing all this time. It's off-putting. It’s better to try to make your relationship stronger and more tender after a quarrel. And then, as if by chance, you will find out what the young man was doing all this time.

A few more reasons for the “silence” of guys

Sometimes some guys, after meeting a girl, deliberately do not write to her in order to test her in this way. If a girl starts calling or writing too intrusively, he won’t like it, and he definitely won’t date someone like that.

Some young people simply don’t like texting and prefer a real meeting to this. Here is the answer to the question of why guys don’t write first. If somehow you don’t like it, you’ll have to fight it with your feminine cunning and charm, and use some tricks. You can tell him that you are worried about him, worried and bored, tell him that his message will be a very important event of the day for you. Should you text the guy first? Costs!

Don't be offended by your boyfriend if he writes to you in monosyllabic sentences, just to the point. This is how male logic works; it is much easier for them to write “Everything is ok” than to describe how good everything is. This is what distinguishes boys from girls. Don't be upset, write first if you are dating. Many young people tend to think that correspondence is a waste of time, and it is better to spend it with a girl in real life, rather than communicating virtually.

Here are the main reasons why guys don't text first. Good luck in your relationship!

I didn’t expect such agility from myself! To fall in love with a random acquaintance until you lose sleep and appetite - you have to try. I did my best and now I could only think about him - the owner of a steep chin with a dimple, whom I met a week ago at a picnic.

I was sure that I had made an indelible impression on the steep-bearded man, he didn’t leave me a single step, he laughed as soon as I opened my mouth slightly, we danced the tango, kissed in the bushes, exchanged phone numbers and tender glances as we said goodbye, and in general it was all in the bag , but... he didn't call me.

I was ready to fall to the ground from the choking passion, but I forbade myself to even think about the digits of his phone number. And she pinched her hand if she reached out to like his photo on VKontakte. Two days later, things took a turn for the worse. I compiled a detailed wedding menu for ninety people and cried over it non-stop. A day later, poetry came out. Natasha agreed to be a witness. And I learned to beautifully sign his name. But the scoundrel Coolbeard still showed no signs of life. Although sometimes I hung out online on social networks. I gradually lost my human appearance, but stood my ground. Practical Masha said: “Call yourself, what will be lost from you?” Olya - Miss Compromise - suggested writing a message. But I knew for sure that I shouldn’t be the first to remind myself! Because…

...they don't call us for one of ten reasons:

1 reason

He didn't like you

Anton, 26:“I met Oksana at the club. And I didn’t even count on such a quick victory - the girl was a real beauty. But we left the club together.

In bed, the beauty... got loud. I don’t know if she really felt so good, or if she was trying to make a good impression, but her screams were unbearable. I had to stop and ask her to be quiet every ten seconds. I was happy when she went home. I won’t call her back for anything!”

Paul, 26:“If a man doesn’t call for a long time, then he either doesn’t want to or can’t. There are no other reasons. Girls, leave your illusions! Our phone cannot die for three days, we cannot lose it or accidentally erase your number! If I liked a girl, I’ll find a way to get through to her.”


It's hard to imagine a more thankless role than a rejected applicant. Just imagine - the stars are aligned askew. You're not his type. He forgot to think about you, except that “at least that long one (short, fat, stupid, painfully smart, etc.) didn’t call.” And then - once, a call from you! He'll be happy!

Reason 2

He liked you too much

Igor, 24:“Dasha blew me away. Face, figure, laugh - everything was as I dreamed. And a very easy-going character. It seemed to me that I had known her for a hundred years. We met at a concert in “Cosmonaut” and went for a walk. But I didn't call her. I didn't want to look like an idiot in love. She might have thought that I could be turned any way she wanted. Or that I had never seen a woman before, since I attacked her like that. A week later I was about to call, but decided that she wouldn’t remember me. A month has passed, I think about Dasha constantly. I hope for a chance meeting."


Do you already know that male logic is in no way inferior to female logic in terms of originality? He will easily interpret your call as “she is testing the strength of her influence on me.” And he won't answer.

Reason 3

Raises the price

Renat, 31:“The more rivals a woman has, the more likely she is to want to fight with them. My friend and I have an agreement - when one of us goes on a date, the other calls him several times. And the one on a date depicts a conversation with an annoying girlfriend. The tactic works like clockwork!

And after the date you need to shut up. The thought that she could lose such a valuable shot will not give the girl peace.”


Stupid tactics! Such a prize is not needed for nothing. After all, he will invite more and more athletes to participate in competitions. If you call this stock speculator back, it will mean that his scheme to inflate the price was successful. But your deal cannot be called successful!

4 reason

He has a girlfriend

Sergey, 27:“I love my girlfriend Masha very much. But recently in “X” at my friend’s bachelor party, Mila and I met. Sultry brunette Mila looked like every man's erotic dream. I agree that I am an animal and a moral monster, but I slept with Mila that same night. Right in my car. Immediately after this process, I began to be tormented by a severe feeling of guilt. I dropped Mila off at the house, covered up the traces of the crime and tried to forget about the stupid episode. But Mila found my phone number through a mutual friend and is bombarding me with tender SMSs, assuring me that she has been waiting for me all my life! I'm really afraid that Masha will find out. Maybe change the number?"


Guys who disappear the morning after sex are much more common than we would like. Have you managed to fall in love with a sensation hunter and a fighter against family routine? Manage to pull yourself together! Yourself, not your phone.

5 reason

Afraid he didn't like it

Ilya, 23:“We met these girls on the street. I immediately fell for Ira. She seemed to smile at me. But, it seems, she looked at my friend more often. We had a good evening, sat in a restaurant and exchanged phone numbers with Ira. But I didn't call her. I didn’t feel much interest in myself from her. Although a friend who began dating Ira’s girlfriend said that she asked about me. I’ll wait for an opportunity - a holiday or a trip together - to make sure that she’s really interested in me!”


In general, a normal man is characterized by unshakable confidence in his own irresistibility. And someone who doubts himself so much can easily arrange a fun life for you. Do you want to babysit him until he is very old, convincing him how good he is? Call immediately!

6 reason

Holds face

Dima, 30:“As long as you behave calmly and disinterestedly with her, everything is fine, the situation is under control. And the girl behaves like a person! But as soon as you show that she means something to you, whims, control, and showing off immediately begin.”


Cool, macho men who do not need calf tenderness are not partners for the faint of heart. But over time, the most harmless henpecked men are made from this macho material. True, at the very beginning he needs to play along and not bother him with his calls...

7 reason


Nikita, 27:“Even if I meet Miss World, she will have to accept the fact that my life is completely filled with emotions. Sports, study, rehearsals, work. It’s time for business, time for sex! After a date, it takes me two days to figure out where to insert the next one. It's minimum. I never rush with calls and other communications.”


Boys' and girls' bodies require different amounts of romance. We give ourselves to love without reserve, and they cynically set aside time for it.

8 reason

No need for change

Gregory, 31:“My life is organized the way I always dreamed. I have a penthouse overlooking the bay, the house is sterile clean. A wonderful au pair takes care of this. I have dinner at my favorite restaurant. Fishing, mini golf, ski resorts. Wednesday - poker. On Saturday there is football followed by a bathhouse. Karaoke club on the third weekend of the month. In general, life is so wonderful that I am afraid of change. I suspect everyone is a bearer of change! Sometimes I invite girls to visit, but if I see a special “master’s look” around, I block her number the next morning.”


Maybe he will fix his picky gaze on you - why not? But this is unlikely to happen if you dial his number now. What can attract this self-sufficient, timid individual is your complete disinterest.

9 reason

Force Majeure

Vitaly, 29:“I met Alena at her friend’s birthday. We enjoyed each other’s company so much that we separated from our own and went to wander around the city at night. We had so much fun that we ran around the lawns, ordered pizza on a bench in the park - and they took our order and watched the sunrise. Then we went to my favorite coffee shop for breakfast. “So I met her,” I thought happily. In the morning, as soon as I arrived at the office, my best friend called and said that our dream was coming true - fishing in places where no one had gone before. We had to fly out that evening. Romance is romance, but fishing with the guys... In general, I didn’t have time to call back. The trip exceeded all my dreams, but I only thought about Alena. When he returned, he called her, not hoping for anything.

“Well, finally,” she said cheerfully, hearing my voice. “I thought you wanted to wait until I retired.” And I realized that I was ready to spend my whole life with this girl.”


Any of us, while waiting for a call, paints exactly this picture! Here he is, pressing his unshaven cheek to the butt, sneaking through the reeds. But he saves the world as part of a special forces unit. He is burning with love for you, but there is not a single cell tower around. But if there are no towers, why dial the number?

Relationships cannot be passionate and hot forever. They are gradually cooling down, regardless of us. This means that the problem when a guy stops texting first happens to every girl. And it’s difficult to understand what to do in this situation. Shouldn't I quit the MC because of this? But it’s hard to continue such love. After all, a lady should not take the initiative herself, begging for love like alms.

How do guys stop texting?

Events in this situation develop differently. At first, he doesn't text you "Good night" or "Good morning". Then, he occasionally forgets to text you when you are online. After this, a regime of complete silence sets in, when you have to knock on his personal door constantly.

This situation is common and not critical. Almost all girls face it. It was much worse when he stopped writing first abruptly. Yesterday he swore his love, but today he is cold. In this case, you can be wary. There is clearly a negative reason here.

And when a young man wrote to you constantly, then didn’t write to you for several days, and then everything returned to normal again, then this is the most favorable situation. Due to some circumstances, he simply could not fully communicate. No need to worry here.

Why doesn't the guy text first anymore?

There can be several specific reasons here, from the most harmless to the serious. And the most common of them are:

  1. Addiction. He is used to you always being with him, and no longer wants to look after you (this happens most often);
  2. He's not sociable. He had to play the role of a sociable person in order to woo you. Now, you can become yourself;
  3. Tired of it! You never wrote first and always forced him to take the initiative in everything. Patience is over!
  4. He has another one. This may be the case if he suddenly stopped writing first;
  5. He doesn't love you. Love has passed, the tomatoes have fallen off and let everything go to hell;
  6. He is very busy. In rare cases, guys are really busy and cannot text you every 5 minutes;
  7. The guy learned something. For example, good friends told him about your betrayal or something else. He is offended, but does not want to talk about it.

What to do if a guy stops writing?

To find out the true reason for this, you need to talk to him “honestly.” It’s better to do it without unnecessary ears. This way he will be most open.

Don't show your concern or anger. Otherwise, he will deceive you. Ask in a neutral tone, like “what and how.” This is the best way to dot a famous letter.

Just don't get angry and throw tantrums. After this, your gentleman will definitely run away. After all, it is impossible to force a person to show attention by force.

You can try not to write to him either, watching his reaction. If he starts to worry and still writes, then the situation is under control.

Don't try to love alone. Being annoying, writing and calling is not an option. It’s better to just break up normally than to ruin the relationship and break up with a big scandal.

Don't fall into negativity and prepare for the worst. Understand the situation completely. Do it yourself without girlfriends, parents, friends, etc.

Do not start the proceedings with grievances and showdowns. It’s not always the case that a guy doesn’t write first because he doesn’t love you or is cheating on you. Perhaps many more options.

Forget about playing bitch or proud lady. If you wish, write first. There is nothing wrong with this, contrary to prejudices and myths.

Understand yourself. Analyze how you behave. If you are capricious, selfish and touchy, then it is possible that he is simply afraid to write to you. If he writes to you, there will be a scandal again.

Don't rummage through his things and don't look for the "mistress in the closet." This will only make your relationship worse. It's better to take a wait-and-see attitude. She is the most profitable.

Lack of passionate correspondence does not always mean the end of a relationship. When the guy stops texting first, collect your thoughts and calm down. If you behave correctly and follow the path of mutual concessions, then you will definitely be able to save the situation.
