Merry Christmas cards for children. Beautiful pictures for Catholic and Orthodox Christmas

To complete the quest, all participants must split into two teams and complete tasks. May the power of “Belief in Miracles” be with you
1. You need to solve the riddle clue, which indicates the place where the new envelope with encryption is hidden and decipher it. Good luck!

I have legs, but I don’t walk,
I'm with my back, but I'm not lying,
You sit down - and I stand. (Chair)

(The guys should look for envelopes under the chairs - there is a riddle in them
and words encrypted with numbers and the key to the cipher alphabet)
19 17 6 20 30

1516 3 29 11
4 16 5

2. Look for the clue number in the first question. Go to the office with this number, there you will find a new task. (office No. 3)

Solve puzzles on the topic “New Year”

(Snow Maiden)








3. Thief, robber and pickpocket,

Beware! I am... (security guard)

The next envelope with the task is received from the guard.

There are 3 to 10 squiggles drawn on the sheet, which they need to complete to make a drawing.

4. The picture shows winter, find the coldest place in the school and take the next task there.

Compose a congratulatory speech, all words of which begin with the same letter.

5. You will find the final task using the following clue.

There are two words on the cut letters (CLASS TEACHER)

The class teacher asks questions for attention, logic, etc.

The thermometer shows plus 15 degrees. How many degrees will these two thermometers show?

Sasha spends 10 minutes on the way to school. How much time will he spend if he goes with a friend?

My father's child, not my brother. Who is this?

There are 8 benches in the park. Three were painted. How many benches are there in the park?

My name is Yura. My sister only has one brother. What is the name of my sister's brother?

The loaf was cut into three parts. How many cuts were made?

What is lighter than 1 kg of cotton wool or 1 kg of iron?


The truck was heading to the village. On the way he met 4 cars. How many cars were going to the village?

Two boys played checkers for 2 hours. How long did each boy play?

(Two hours)

A famous magician says he can place a bottle in the center of a room and crawl into it. Like this?

(Anyone can crawl into the room)

One driver did not take his driver's license with him. There was a one way sign, but he went in the opposite direction. The policeman saw this, but did not stop him. Why?

(The driver walked)

Can it rain two days in a row?

(No, there is night between them)

What will happen to the crow when she turns 7 years old?

(The eighth will go)

Born twice, dies once. Who is this?


What can’t you pick up from the floor by your tail?

(Ball of thread)

Who walks while sitting?

(Chess player)

What always increases and never decreases?


A pan was placed on the edge of the table, tightly closed with a lid, so that two-thirds of the pan hung from the table. After some time the pan fell. What was in it?

The more you take from it, the more it becomes... What is this?

The girl fell from the second floor and broke her leg. How many legs will a girl break if she falls from the fourth floor?

(Maximum one, since the second leg is already broken)

The boy walks home from school for 30 minutes. How many minutes will it take 3 boys to cover the same road?

(In 30 minutes)

Where was Moses when the candle went out?

(In the dark)

The 9-story building has an elevator. 2 people live on the first floor, 4 people on the second, 8 people on the third, 16 on the fourth, 32 on the fifth, etc. Which button in the elevator of this building is pressed more often than others?

(First floor button)

When is the best time for a black cat to get into the house?

(When the door is open)

A soldier walked past the Eiffel Tower. He took out a gun and fired. Where did he end up?

(To the police)

What goes uphill, then downhill, but remains in place?

There are 25 coconuts in a box. The monkey stole all the nuts except 17. How many nuts were left in the box?

(17 nuts left)

Guests have come to your place, and in the refrigerator there is a bottle of lemonade, a bag of pineapple juice and a bottle of mineral water. What will you open first?


What comb should you use to comb your hair?


Which month has 28 days?

(There is a 28th day in every month)

What is not eaten raw, but cooked and thrown away?

(Bay leaf)

What will happen to the red ball if it falls into the Black Sea?

(He'll get wet)

Which hand is better to stir tea?

(It’s better to stir with a spoon)

What nose doesn't smell?

(Nose of a shoe or boot, spout of a teapot)

How many eggs can you eat on an empty stomach?

(One thing. Everything else will be eaten not on an empty stomach)

It’s given to you, and people take advantage of it. What is this?

Can an ostrich call itself a bird?

(No, because he can't speak)

What can you see with your eyes closed?

How long can you go into the forest?

A flock of ducks was flying: two in front, two behind, one in the middle and three in a row. How many are there in total?

A son and his father and a grandfather and his grandson walked in a column. How many are there?

A husband and wife, a brother and sister, and a brother-in-law and son-in-law were walking. Are there many of them?

A flock of birds flew, sat two by two on a tree - one tree remained; They sat down one at a time - one was missing. How many birds and how many trees?

(Three trees and four birds)

What did the merchant use to buy the hat?

(For money)

What road do you drive on for six months and walk for six months?

In what century were your parents born? (in 20th)

Quest games are an excellent format for the New Year holidays. Sitting at the table all the time is a direct way to gain extra pounds and the body will not thank you for it, but active and active games diversify your leisure time and bring a cheerful mood to the company of friends.

It’s possible to organize a New Year’s quest at home; you just need to stock up on the script, paraphernalia and gifts for the participants. We'll tell you what you need to have a fun New Year's holiday.

Introduction and script outline

The characters are the presenter, Father Frost and Baba Yaga, appropriately dressed in carnival costumes. Santa Claus speaks first and says the following words:

Guys! I am so pleased that you invited me to your holiday. You are very talented, you told wonderful poems, sang beautiful songs, and danced so much that I, a gray-haired old man, wanted to dance. For this I will give everyone a very good gift that I brought with me in this magic bag. Oh, where's the bag itself? He has gone! Was it really stolen?!

Bab Yaga says: Of course he’s gone! What, you old fool, didn’t you notice? Ask the guys for help and if they are as smart as they are talented, they will help you find the bag. If you find it, you will take your gifts.

The presenter divides the participants into 2-3 teams and informs them that they need to pass 3 series of tests. After each episode, participants will be given clues to where the bag is. Three clues yield one answer.

First series of tests

The New Year's quest begins with a series of tasks for which you need to prepare and print the appropriate props.

To conduct a New Year's quest for children, printed cards are required, which should be correctly combined based on their meaning.

Match flags and countries

For this test, print out 5 flags and 5 names of the states that own those flags.

Kids must match pairs of cards correctly.

Language of congratulations

At this stage, participants need to correctly combine cards with the name of the country and Happy New Year greetings in the official language of that country. Here is an example of what was written on the cards:

  • Greek – Kenourios Chronos – Kenourios Chronos;
  • German – Frohes Neues Jahr – Frohes Neues Jahr;
  • Ukrainian – With New Rock – With New Rock;
  • Czech – Scastny Novy Rok – Happy new rock;
  • English – Happy New Year – Happy New Year;
  • Vietnamese – Chuc Mung Tan Nien – Chuc Mung Tan Nien.

Guess the treat

The next task asks participants to guess what the favorite New Year treat is for residents of different countries. Answer options are also on the cards that need to be combined. Some cards have the names of countries on them, while others have their favorite national dishes. The information on the cards is approximately as follows:

  1. The British.
    The traditional dish is turkey and pudding.
  2. Germans.
    A favorite pastime for the New Year holidays is treating friends with pies in which leaves with predictions and wishes are baked.
  3. Italians.
    These people believe that if you eat Lentika on New Year’s Eve, then wealth and luck will become a person’s faithful companions. And Lentike is just lentil porridge.
  4. Bulgarians.
    People probably have the strongest teeth in the world because they eat pie with various objects. If you find a nut in the pie, then next year things will go uphill, a coin will mean money, a paper clip will mean you will meet your best friend, a foil ball will bring you a brilliant idea, a sprig of roses will mean you will be lucky in love.
  5. Poles.
    12 dishes are placed on the table according to the number of months of the year. Mushrooms, dumplings, chocolate cookies and cakes, porridge with prunes, and a fish appetizer are a must on the table. Fish is considered a symbol of prosperity and family happiness.
  6. Portuguese.
    On New Year's Eve, 12 grapes are eaten, one for each month of the coming year.
  7. Russians.
    The favorite dishes of this people are Herring Pod Shuboi, Olivier and Kholodets.
  8. Japanese.
    They love the cold appetizer Sechiriori. This is not meat or even fish, but a dish of beans and rice.

Second series of tests

The tasks of the second series of the New Year's quest for teenagers continue with a game with cards and New Year's riddles.

Guess the country according to tradition

It is necessary to combine the name of the country on the card and traditional activities for the New Year. Countries and events can be like this:

  1. India.
    The year here meets at sunrise. Residents believe that the beginning of a new day will predetermine the course of the next year, so on this day no one quarrels or swears, but only rejoices and celebrates. At sunrise, it is customary to put yourself in order, think about a good future, and make plans. During the day they enjoy flying kites and competing in archery, and large areas host local theater performances.
  2. Japan.
    In this country, it is customary to give cards with drawings of an animal, the patron saint of the coming year. At midnight, temple bells are rung 108 times because the numbers 100 and 8 are considered lucky. The day before, everyone pays off their debts and tries to close their loans. At night you are supposed to sleep in order to get up with the first rays of the sun and begin the celebration. A popular attraction on the streets is the Dancing Tiger, portrayed by four men in suits.
  3. Italy.
    Residents of the country believe that they need to get rid of everything old, so they throw furniture, old utensils and home textiles out the window, and then light sparklers and clap firecrackers with confetti. The sorceress Befana flies to the children on a broom, enters the house through a pipe and puts gifts in the prepared socks.
  4. Scotland.
    The holiday is noisy and fun. Already a few days before the holiday, musicians and singers perform on the streets. Street shops sell whistles, squeakers, masks and balloons. Before the onset of the New Year, all family members sit down near the fireplace, look at the fire and plan for the future, and when the clock strikes 12, the head of the family opens the door wide, letting out the Old Year and letting in the New.
  5. Bulgaria.
    This country offers a rare opportunity to kiss Santa Claus. When the clock shows midnight, the lights in the house turn off and at that moment it is possible to find the wizard in the darkness and kiss him. This comic belief foretells well-being for the one who succeeds. And when the lights turn on, the festive dinner begins.

Name Santa Claus

According to the quest scenario, the time comes for a competition where you need to guess what the main character at the holiday is called in different countries. And the options are as follows:

  • Italian - Babbo Natale;
  • Tatarsky - Kysh Babai and granddaughter of Kar-Kazy;
  • Finland – Joulupukki;
  • Montenegro - Deda Mraz;
  • UK - Phaser Christmas.

Guessing the riddles of the shifters

The New Year's quest continues with riddles. The presenter offers to guess the so-called changelings. In a poetic riddle at the end there is, as it were, a solution, but it is not correct, and you must give your correct answer. And the riddles are:

  1. Many, many, many years
    Grandfather gives us gifts,
    Gives a Christmas tree, congratulations,
    Is this holiday a birthday?

Answer - New Year

  1. Who is he with the white beard?
    Himself ruddy and gray-haired,
    He is better and kinder than everyone else!
    Did you guess it? Barmaley?

Answer - Santa Claus

  1. Here she is, beauty
    Everything is shimmering!
    They brought it in from the cold,
    Is this a birch tree?

The answer is a Christmas tree

  1. Santa Claus came to us,
    He brought his young granddaughter.
    The children are waiting for her gift -
    Is this girl a Mermaid?

Answer: Snow Maiden

  1. Who is Santa Claus' helper?
    Who has a carrot instead of a nose?
    Who is all white, clean, fresh?
    Who is made of snow? Leshy?

Answer - Snowman

  1. Harnessing Santa Claus
    Three horses in a heavy cart.
    What are their names, remember!
    March, April and warm May?

Answer – December, January and February

  1. Come to our ball!
    So that no one recognizes you,
    Let your mothers sew for you
    Carnival pajamas?

The answer is suits.

  1. Are you my friend or not,
    Get into the circle quickly!
    Hand in hand, kids
    Do they lead the bear by the nose together?

The answer is a round dance

  1. Forget about whims
    Candy for everyone, surprises for everyone!
    There is no need to cry on New Year's Day,
    Is there an old bast shoe under the tree?

The answer is gifts.

  1. To make the night bright,
    We need to help Grandfather.
    All children say on holiday
    In chorus: Christmas tree, go out?

The answer is - light up!

These quest riddles for children evoke a storm of positive emotions and can enliven any New Year's holiday.

Third series of tests

The next and final series of New Year's quest tasks continues with games of intelligence and tests the erudition of children's teams in matters of New Year's holidays.

Guess the folk song

The first task of the last series of tests of the New Year's quest for children is to guess which people the New Year's song belongs to and dance to it.

In total, you need to guess 3 songs and to make it easier, it is better to find Japanese, Finnish and American.

What gifts are given in different countries?

In this house quest task, you need to combine a card with the name of the country with a card that describes what gifts are customary to give in these countries. And the options are as follows:

  1. England.
    In this country it is not customary to give expensive and prim gifts. Mostly gifts are T-shirts with slogans, beer mugs, postcards and other inexpensive things.
  2. Greece.
    The basis of the gift is always a stone. A big one means a wish for a rich and well-fed life, a small one means a desire to easily overcome obstacles. Residents often give decks of handmade cards, and a classic gift is a basket filled with a variety of fruits.
  3. Eskimos.
    They give each other ice sculptures that last for several decades and do not deteriorate.
  4. China.
    The inhabitants of this country love paired gifts, so you only need to give a couple of cups, candlesticks, Christmas tree decorations and other gifts. A couple is a symbol of family happiness and prosperity. You cannot give a watch, no matter how expensive it is.
  5. Russia.
    Gifts are always given here, with or without reason. The cost does not matter and if a person wants to give a gift, beware, nothing will stop him. And not a single New Year is complete without sets of sweets with tangerines.

Find a gift

In this quest for children, they are asked to start looking for gifts that symbolize good luck. There are many souvenirs and figurines on offer, among which you need to find all the symbols of good luck:

  • fly agaric;
  • horseshoe;
  • ladybug;
  • shamrock;
  • piglets;
  • chimney sweep;
  • dwarf;
  • frog on a bag of money;
  • symbol of the year according to the Chinese calendar.

Without clues, children must find all the symbols and show them to the leader.

Tips and gifts

Did you like this quest?


At the end of each series of New Year's quest tests and as a reward, the presenter gives the teams a hint in poetic form, cut into lines. The text is as follows:

You can always find her in the forest
Let's go for a walk and meet.
Stands prickly like a hedgehog
In winter in a summer dress.
And the New Year will come to us,
The guys will be happy
The troubles of the merry ones are full:
They are preparing her outfits.

By combining all the lines correctly, the children will be able to understand where to find the gifts.

Bottom line

Recently, quests for the New Year have become a popular entertainment for children and adults. It is very easy to carry out a quest at home; you should stock up on tasks, tips, broken into parts and, of course, prizes for which the children will complete the tasks. Children not only spend time actively, but also gain new knowledge, learn to use existing knowledge, and develop eruditely.

What tasks can you come up with for the New Year's quest? How to make the quest for the New Year interesting and educational? Here are the Top 7 tasks for the New Year's quest.

How to start the quest

To start New Year's quest a riddle, an unexpected finding of an object or letter, or receiving a “problem” to set up the plot of the quest will do. And then the child searches and collects clues. Here Top 7 tasks for the New Year's quest. They are simple and at the same time exciting. In addition, these games perfectly develop attention, memory, reading skills, counting and logic.

TOP 7 tasks for the New Year's quest

1. Assemble the puzzle

Kids can be asked to assemble a picture from 2-4 parts, older children - from a larger number of smaller ones, but no more than 10 pieces. The resulting picture will serve as the next clue. You can assemble a puzzle from paper, printed or drawn by hand, a regular store-bought one, you can write letters on the back of the puzzle, and when the child completes the puzzle, he can turn it over and read the clue word. You can also stick a color picture on a large construction set and let him assemble the puzzle on the construction set!

2. Encryption

All kinds encryption is just the heart of the quest! Instead of a letter there are numbers or pictures, and next to it is a code with a decoding. The child deciphers the hidden word or sentence using the code (although the latter is quite difficult even for reading children, but it’s worth it). This also includes tasks to read a word from the first letters of the pictures: for example, the word “teapot” is guessed, and we give the child a sequence of pictures: Clock, Orange, Yogurt, Sock, Turkey, Cat.

3. Add the sequence

Usually, as a result of laying out the sequence, a clue word is obtained. For example, you can ask your child to lay out the objects from largest to smallest, and glue letters on the back side. Or you need to supplement the series by giving several answer options. For example, we make a Christmas tree garland and 3 colors: red, yellow, blue. And next to it we give a decoding that if we insert red - look, say, in the table, blue - on the mirror, yellow - in the sofa. Depending on what color of the ball you need to insert, we look for the next clue.

4. Labyrinth

Labyrinths perfectly develop a child’s fine motor skills, training the movements of the hand and fingers, which is necessary for the development of speech and. For kids, let these be very simple paths according to the plot of your New Year's quest, and for older children or those who already read, you can collect letters while moving through the maze.

5. Math assignments

Counting tasks, solving examples, mathematical coloring pages (by numbers), logic problems (this is NOT this and NOT that). The simplest thing is: solve the example and choose the correct answer - that’s where we’ll go further.

6. Sensory boxes

Interesting tasks that are especially good for kids, since under 4 years old children urgently need to receive as many different tactile sensations as possible. Quest task maybe you can find something in the cereal (any filler: rice, buckwheat, beans, seeds). But here you need to look very carefully at the child’s reaction: there are children with hypersensitive skin for whom this task can cause discomfort.

7. Experiments and experiences

The most common experiment for a quest is to write a clue word with milk, and then heat the paper and the invisible word will appear. Or you can write it with a white wax crayon or a candle, and then paint it over with watercolors - the places of the letters will remain unpainted and the word will appear. But it’s better to practice doing these experiments in advance to make sure that the trick is a success :)

Here are some examples ready-made tasks for the New Year's quest.

Saprykina Anna Vladimirovna
Scenario of the New Year's quest game "Miracles for the New Year"

MBDOU "TsRR - kindergarten 154

City of Vladivostok.

Compiled by the teacher:

Saprykina Anna Vladimirovna.

Senior group

New Year's quest game scenario« Miracles for the New Year»

Goals: To consolidate children’s ideas about the characteristic signs of winter, teach them to find them in

nature; broaden children's horizons. Remember the traditions of meeting with children New Year, the most favorite holiday of all children. Create a joyful mood.


Foster cognitive interest and respect for nature and animals;

Continue to teach to see the beauty of the winter landscape;

Continue to develop attention, memory, and the ability to think logically. Develop friendly relationships and the ability to solve proposed tasks together.

Continue to develop fine motor skills and imagination.

Preliminary work:

Conversations about winter; winter natural phenomena - snowfall, the diversity of snowflakes.

Learning poems and sayings about winter and New Year's holiday;

Singing songs about winter and New Year's songs;

Examination of illustrations and photographs depicting New Year's holiday and

decorated Christmas tree;

Materials and equipment:

Snowman costume, box with New Year's toys and sweets, a Christmas tree, snowflakes-tips, a map, inflatable balloons with gel, large snowflakes with a cut piece (ray), two transparent containers with water and prepared pieces of ice on strings, two ropes, dark silhouettes of geometric shapes and white ones of the same size, wax crayons, large "stone", three sets of animal tracks (bear, hedgehog, hare, photos of these animals, building material, stuffed balls, large puzzles with 4 characters. musical accompaniment.

Progress of entertainment:

Hello guys. This morning I found a letter on the porch of the kindergarten. But the letter is not simple, it is from the Snowman. Let's open it and read it quickly.


Hello my friends! I need your help.

I walked through the forest with a map, got lost and disappeared,

There was a map to help me, but the magpie took it away.

Now I’m sitting alone among huge ice floes.

I am sending you a letter with hope, please help me!

So that you don’t go astray and can find me,

I wrote you tips and left them in snowflakes.

Guys, let's all find the lost snowman together. But for this you will need to pass difficult tests, overcome obstacles and be brave, courageous, and dexterous. We can handle it!

Well, then go ahead! Snowman is waiting for help! Let's look around carefully, maybe we can find the first clue snowflake. (children look around and find the first clue snowflake, on the back is a riddle)

"If you want to become smart,

To find all the books of the century

Come to...the library."

(Children go to the book corner and find another star, there is a riddle on the back)

"If you're going somewhere,

She will show you the right path.

Feel free to go wherever you want

It will lead you exactly to your goal." (map)

Guys, let's see what book the map might be in.

Children. Probably in a book about winter and New Year. They examine and... K A R T U N A S H L I!

Well done boys! With the help of this card we will definitely save our Snowman. But bad luck, there are a lot of different roads on the map. How can we find the only path that will lead us to the Snowman? (listens to the children's answers). But the Snowman wrote to us that he left clues for us on snowflakes, which means you and I must follow the road on which there are snowflake marks. (Looks at the map with the children)

We will take the map in our hands and overcome all the obstacles!

“White flakes are flying, quietly falling, circling. Everything turned white. What covered the paths?” (Snowflakes)

Now we have entered the winter forest, can you hear the snow crunching? Guys, do you know why this happens? (children's answers). When it's cold, the snow crunches as millions of snowflakes break under your feet.

Children do the task "Collect broken snowflakes". Throughout the group, on inflatable balloons, there are silhouettes of different snowflakes, with one part missing. Children need to assemble a broken snowflake by adding a piece, first catching the ball and removing the snowflake.

After completing the task, children find another clue on the back of one of the snowflakes.

You move forward quickly. And solve the problem.

Children approach the water containers and complete the task "What's Hiding in the Water".

Look guys. The cups before us are not simple in them. wonderful water. There is something in it, but we don’t see it, what do you think is there? (children's answers)

1. It does not burn in fire, and does not sink in water. (ice)

2. Transparent, like glass, and cannot be inserted into a window. (ice). 3. The fish will live through the winter warm: roof - thick glass. (ice)

Well done guys, you completed this task. We've solved all the riddles, and now let's go to our cups and pull the strings and see what we can get out of the water. The children each pull out a string. And there's a piece of ice there. Under one of the cups there is a snowflake - a clue.

“The banks of the rivers are connected together by a suspended miracle - crystal-ice.” (suspension bridge) Leading.

The ice will melt and then the bridge will disappear forever. We need to hurry to help our friends.

Children do the task “Draw magical ice floes”. Two ropes are laid out on the floor in the form of a track - a suspension bridge. On "bridge" there are silhouettes of geometric shapes of different sizes - these are places of destruction on the bridge, in order to cross the bridge it needs to be repaired, i.e. put on the silhouettes "drawn magic ice floes"(children independently draw snowflakes on white geometric shapes) and when the bridge is repaired, children can walk across it. On one of "ice" the children find another clue.

Leading. “You need to find a stone,

Three roads behind.

Look closely at the traces

Determine the right path."

Complete the task "Guess whose footprint". All participants move forward and find a big "stone". Three roads go from it in different directions. On the tracks of animals, two of which hibernate in winter, and one does not sleep in winter. (bear, hedgehog, hare). Nearby there are photographs of these animals on stands and one extra animal (any, at the host’s choice). Children need to find out which animal the tracks belong to and put a photo of this animal next to it.

Well done boys. And you completed this task, but how do you know which of these three roads we should take next? Nothing is said about this here, perhaps here you and I should be smart and think carefully. If a bear and a hedgehog hibernate in winter, then they cannot help us in any way, but the hare is cheerful and cheerful all year round, which means we need to follow the path where the hare’s tracks are.

Having walked forward a little, they find another snowflake with another clue. All participants in the entertainment fall into a trap and complete the task "Snow Barrier".

Leading. “Oh, guys, there’s so much snow! Let's run! We’ll take the snowy fortress with a running start.”

In the middle of a group of large builders, an ice fortress was built in a semicircle. To go further, we need to destroy the fortress and they will help us with this "sunny bunnies"- medicine balls.

Well done guys, we have overcome another obstacle.

A Snowman comes out from behind the fortress, holding a large box in his hands.


Thank you guys. You freed me from snow captivity. But I brought you a surprise for the holiday, but I lost the keys and now I can’t open my box. And to find out what surprise I have in the box, you need to pass one last test and find the key. You need to collect puzzles with images of heroes without which the holiday will never come. Children do the task “Who’s in a hurry to come to us for the holiday?”.

At the end of the entertainment, all participants are divided into four groups. Each group is given a snowflake envelope containing a cut-out picture of one of their favorite characters. New Year's holiday(Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, Snowman, Christmas tree) . After the children collect the pictures under the picture of Santa Claus, a KEY is accidentally discovered that will open the Snowman's box. And there New Year's decorations for the Christmas tree and a sweet surprise for children.

Leading. Well, guys, our adventure has come to an end. We freed the Snowman, we found out what surprise the Snowman had prepared for us. Now we will all decorate our Christmas tree together and wait for Grandfather Frost and his assistants to visit us.

Sounds New Year's music and children, together with the presenter, decorate the Christmas tree.

Quest game “New Year’s Journey” (for children 6-7 years old)

Children come to a holiday lesson. New Year's children's songs are played.

Fanfare sounds, the host Fairy enters!

Fairy: Hello, hello kids!

It's time to start the holiday!

So let's hurry up

Greetings friends!

Let's stand together in a circle. (children gather in a circle)

Let a friend extend his hand! (children hold hands)

Let's smile, wink! (children smile at neighbors, wink)

Let's go around the Christmas tree! (walk in a circle around the Christmas tree)

In this cozy, elegant room

We saw the forest guest.

There are garlands and firecrackers on it,

The star sparkles on the top of the head.

We all stood up in a round dance,

Let's meet... (children shout: New Year!)

Fairy : Right! I see that you are good, friendly guys, and if so, then I will share my great joy with you. This morning I met Father Frost and Snow Maiden on a forest path. Santa Claus says to me: “I know that the guys tried very hard this year to learn to read and count. Therefore, come to the big spruce tree, and we will go together to the Glade of Happy Holidays with the children to play. Now I’m rushing to the other guys, but I’m afraid I’ll lose the key to the chest on the way. Here you are! Yes, look, keep it. In the casket is my main gift.” Only when giving this gift, Santa Claus will be the most attentive, dexterous, and witty. Are you guys attentive? We'll check this now. Answer my questions loudly: “I am!” But look, be careful, sometimes it’s better to remain silent.

Who loves chocolate? - I!

Who loves marmalade? - I!

Who loves pears? - I!

Who doesn't wash their ears? - !!!

Who was walking down the street? - I!

Who fell into a puddle? - !!!

Who helped mom? - I!

Who swept the floor? - I!

Who washed the dishes? - I!

Who broke the cup? - !!!

Well, well done, I see you are attentive guys! Do you know where your head is? Place your hands on your head. Right. Now onto the shoulders. Great. (The fairy follows all the commands together with the children.) Now - on your knees. Well done! And now I’ll joke: say one thing, but show something completely different. Try to follow my commands correctly.

(The fairy takes her head with her hands and says: “Knees!” The children get confused, laugh, even the most concentrated ones don’t succeed right away)

Fairy: Everyone tried, had fun, played, frolicked! Now it's time for us to hit the road! You just need to take the key! She hid it in a magic closet so that no one would take it. And you won’t lose yourself along the way! Do you want to see him? (The fairy takes the children to the closet.) But in order to open the cabinet, you need to say the password! Can you help? (Children: Yes!) Repeat the magic words: (children repeat the words, blow)

Magic wardrobe open

The key appears soon

Let's blow once, and twice, and three,

What's hiding inside?

The fairy opens the closet door, and inside there is an empty shelf.

Fairy: What's happened? Where is the key? Who will help us now? After all, without a magic key, you can’t open a casket with gifts? Let's call the Snow Maiden, she certainly knows how to help us. We will call the Snow Maiden like this: Snow Maiden, ay-ay! Do you hear me calling you! (children repeat words)

Beautiful music sounds, the Snow Maiden appears in the dance.

Snow Maiden: Hello children!

I want to meet you

The most fun holiday in the world.

We will sing and dance,

Let's celebrate the New Year!

Fairy: Hello, Snow Maiden! Are we in trouble?

Snow Maiden : Trouble? And what happened?

Fairy: The magic key to the gift box has disappeared. Maybe someone took it by accident? Or maybe someone hid it on purpose? But this means the holiday will not come, there will be no gifts. Grandfather Frost will be upset.

Snow Maiden: Don't worry, friends! I have a spare key! You just have to work hard to achieve it! Aren't you afraid of obstacles?

Fairy: We are only happy with obstacles! Let's hit the road guys, get the key and get back!

Snow Maiden: Only the path will be difficult! You will have to count, read, draw, sing, dance and think. Is this what you can do?

Children : Yes!

Snow Maiden: Well then, it's time for us to hit the road! And in order to get to the key as quickly as possible, we will divide the children into 2 teams. Snow Maiden team with white braid. The Fairy with the Braid team is blue!

Winter outside the window, snowdrifts, snowstorms. And so as not to freeze, we’ll quickly put on: pants, mittens, a hat, a fur coat. Don't waste even a minute! (Children imitate putting things on.)

Fairy: Snow Maiden, of course we are ready to go, but where should we go? There are snowdrifts everywhere!

Snow Maiden : Oh yes! Here's a map for you and us! Let's follow each other and meet there!

(Children get up like a train and follow the Snow Maiden and the Fairy in different directions, go around the Christmas tree and head to different quest stations!)

Station 1: “Mathematical snowfall.”

Assignment: assemble a snowflake from two parts and solve an example involving addition or subtraction. We put the answer from the magnetic numbers on the snowflake. (the number of examples must correspond to the number of children in teams)

Station 2: “Snow Maze” . Each team is given a sheet with a labyrinth, the team's task is to find the right path.

Station 3: “Dancing with the Blizzard.” The guys need to repeat the movements, dance physical exercise.

Station 4: “Tricks of the Blizzard.” The guys must look at the “4 extra” cards, formulate and prove their choice. Cards by number of children or per team. Can be replaced with the task “Combining by any criterion” or “Partition into groups”

Station 5: “Winter Fun”. The task for the teams is to assemble a puzzle on one side of which there is a picture of “Snow Maiden” and “Snowman”, on the other side a message to be read: Don’t have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends! Or make up a story based on the pictures.

Station 6: “Crystal Through the Looking Glass”: The task is to find the differences in the picture, each team has its own picture.

Station 7: “Magic Spruce”: The task for the children is to solve New Year's riddles and sing a New Year's song.

Fairy: All the tests have passed, we have reached the main goal!

Well, Snow Maiden, come on!

Get the magic key!

Snow Maiden: To get me the key

The tree should shine.

Let's shout together: "One, two, three,

Come on, Christmas tree, burn!"

Children repeat the words, the Christmas tree lights up with colorful lights! Performing the song “And a Christmas tree was born in the forest...”

Snow Maiden: It's frosty outside,

Stings cheeks, nose,

Snowflakes are swirling in the wind,

Like light fluff.

Someone is coming to visit us

He carries the magic key!

Open your eyes wider!

Husky comes to visit us!

He is Santa Claus's assistant!

Not afraid of blizzards and frosts.

Brave, brave, like in the movies

The key brought us a letter!

To the sound of cheerful music, a Husky dog ​​appears in the hall in a Santa Claus costume, with a key and a letter attached to its collar. The Snow Maiden takes off the key and gives it to the Fairy. (If the dog knows how to perform some tricks, you can show them: a rollover, commands to sit, lie down, beg, etc.)He opens the letter and reads it aloud.

Hello guys

Girls and boys.

Happy New Year

I wish you all good health.

I'll come to you again on New Year's Eve

We will sing and dance songs.

Let's stand together in a round dance

Let's have a great New Year.

And now I'm very busy.

Everyone collect gifts urgently

Grandfather Frost must!

You tried really hard

Everyone was doing great.

So it's a surprise from me

Everyone here deserves it!

The Snow Maiden will give everything away to your brave friend!

The Snow Maiden uses a magic key to open the office door, and the Husky dog ​​brings in a bag of balls. Children receive gifts.

Snow Maiden: It's a pity to part with you,

But the time has come to say goodbye.

Goodbye, don't be bored,

Wait for us in a year!

Fairy: The time has come, we need to say goodbye,

Congratulations to everyone!

Let's celebrate the New Year together

Both adults and kids!

Goodbye! See you again!
