Side effects of invasive procedures: description, photo. Non-invasive methods of rejuvenation - a new stage in the development of modern aesthetic medicine

For the metabolism in the cells of the epidermis, one of the key factors is a certain level of oxygen saturation. Non-invasive carboxytherapy is the safest and most natural rejuvenation technique that allows you to get rid of wrinkles in a short time.


Carboxytherapy is the saturation of skin cells with CO2 molecules. It can be carried out in two ways: injections or masks. In the past, it was believed that injection treatment has a greater effect and helps to achieve better results in a shorter time than masks. But recently it has been proven that with the right reduction in the molecular weight of this gas, a much greater effect can be achieved, reducing all risks.

When is carbon dioxide treatment performed:

  1. With the loss of turgor. This is a unique type of lifting, which refers to express methods. Due to the improvement of oxygen exchange, the body begins to intensively produce collagen and elastane, which are responsible for the strength of the fibers;
  2. During exacerbations of acne and other skin diseases caused by inflammation of the sebaceous glands. In addition to treatment, non-invasive mask carboxytherapy provides a preventive effect. This allows you to completely stop the possible manifestation of acne;
  3. In the presence of scars from operations, post-acne, chickenpox. The procedure guarantees a significant reduction in old keloid scars and complete elimination of fresh scars. Due to the improvement of metabolism and increased flow of blood to the skin of the face, the stratum corneum of the epidermis is leveled;
  4. Also, this procedure is prescribed to improve the appearance of the skin. Thanks to carbon dioxide molecules, pores are significantly reduced, foci of inflammation disappear;
  5. With increased pigmentation. CO2 is known in cosmetics for its whitening properties. It is noteworthy that this treatment can be used during pregnancy, lactation and even at a transitional age.

Advantages and disadvantages

Like cryotherapy, mesotherapy and other rejuvenation techniques, non-invasive or mask carboxytherapy has its positive and negative qualities. Among the undoubted advantages, compared with numerous similar procedures, is the almost complete absence of side effects.

After injection therapy with carbon dioxide, hematomas or seals may appear on the face. Masks are completely safe and you can return to normal life immediately after the session.

Another advantage is the speed of action. In order to see the result after mesotherapy or, moreover, laser resurfacing, at least 14 days must pass. It is believed that during this period, damaged cells are completely regenerated. Non-invasive treatment involves instant regeneration by filling diseased cells with nutrients.

Non-invasive carboxytherapy - rejuvenation without a needle

In addition, like biorevitalization, carboxytherapy guarantees rich skin hydration. The fact is that carbon dioxide itself is rarely used. In order to eliminate dead cells from the surface of the skin, it is combined with hyaluronic acid or extracts from various fruits.

But, like any other cosmetic procedure, non-invasive carbon therapy has its drawbacks and contraindications. In particular, this is a short-term effect. For some time, the cells are saturated with oxygen and well supplied with nutrients. But due to aggressive external factors, they quickly lose moisture and metabolism deteriorates significantly. On average, the result begins to fade after a few months after the session. You also need to remember the high cost of treatment. In different cities, the price of non-invasive carboxytherapy varies from $50 to $80.

To save on procedures, some girls buy home special masks with split carbon dioxide. But in the salons there is a special apparatus for carboxytherapy. It helps to increase the depth of penetration of gas into cells.

And, despite all the safety of the session, there are certain contraindications. In particular, hormonal metabolic disorders, pressure drops, angina pectoris, a period of exacerbation of chronic diseases and fungal skin diseases.

How is a non-invasive carboxytherapy session performed?

Consider how mask carboxytherapy is carried out at home and in the salon. To conduct a session at home, you will need to buy a special kit, which includes a mask, liquefied carbon dioxide (with additives), a conductive gel, a plastic syringe, and sometimes a gauze bandage.

  1. All makeup is removed from the face. It is advisable to do this with products that do not contain alcohol or soap. Otherwise, the epidermis will be too dry;
  2. A gel is applied to the cleansed skin to improve the conductivity of the gas. It warms up the skin and helps open the pores. Each manufacturer indicates a certain exposure time for this drug, so you need to carefully study the instructions before use;
  3. Next, carbon dioxide is applied to the skin. After the face is covered with a fabric mask. The average exposure time is 25 minutes. Every 5 minutes you need to correct the mask, massage and press it to the skin. This will help the gas to penetrate faster into the inner layers of the epidermis;
  4. If there is a plasticizer in the kit, then you also need to apply it. After 25 minutes, the procedure is completely finished. The mixture is removed from the skin with the help of special means, the treated areas are moisturized;
  5. It is very important to close the open pores after the session, otherwise sweat, oil secretions and dust will begin to accumulate in them. To do this, you can wipe your face with an ice cube or apply a professional composition.

, » Non-invasive methods of rejuvenation - a new stage in the development of modern aesthetic medicine

Non-invasive methods of rejuvenation - a new stage in the development of modern aesthetic medicine

Publication date: December 14, 2014


A new way to beauty is modern methods of facial skin rejuvenation without the use of plastic surgery. It's no secret that every woman dreams of staying attractive, desirable, young as long as possible. But the years go inexorably, and over time, more and more wrinkles appear on the face, and this cannot but upset. But, no matter how women strive to preserve youth and beauty, not every one of them dares to undergo plastic surgery. Fortunately, modern aesthetic medicine knows methods that allow you to quickly and, which is very important, painlessly rid your skin of small wrinkles. One of these methods is face lifting. This method allows you to tighten the skin of the face with the help of special cosmetics, so that the face looks younger and the oval of the face becomes clearer. This procedure is ideal for women over forty-five.

There are other equally effective methods of facial skin rejuvenation. The most popular, recently invented method, which is now actively used in hardware medicine, is Elos facial rejuvenation. This method is unique in that it has practically no contraindications. Elos rejuvenation is suitable even for people who have sensitive, fair or, conversely, very tanned skin. Usually, many modern methods of rejuvenation are not suitable for such women precisely because of the individual characteristics of their skin. Another important advantage of Elos rejuvenation is that this method does not cause pain to patients and acts almost immediately. Women do not need to recover for a long time after applying the elos rejuvenation technology, as after applying the methods of plastic surgery. This is especially important for women in adulthood, who may have a weakened immune system and the body as a whole.

First, a special gel is applied to the skin, and then the cosmetologist brings a special nozzle to the face itself, with the help of which the Elos rejuvenation procedure takes place. After that, there is a short flash, but it does not cause pain. Patients feel at this moment only a mild tingling sensation that does not last very long. With this procedure, you can also eliminate dark circles under the eyes and make the oval of the face more clear. The only limitation associated with this method of facial rejuvenation is the age of up to eighteen years. If you are much more, then you should turn to more radical methods of rejuvenation.

Non-surgical methods of neck rejuvenation are less diverse than non-invasive methods of facial skin rejuvenation. However, surgery to tighten the skin of the neck is far from ideal. Among the risks inherent in a surgical neck lift are possible infections, uneven skin contour (in the case of neck liposuction), nerve damage, and even deformity of the earlobe or distortion of the hairline. In some cases, side effects can be eliminated through corrective surgery, but in this case, there is a problem of a longer recovery period and the associated inconvenience. Dr. Dvora Ancona and Valerio Pedrelli present the results of a comparative study of two technologies for neck rejuvenation.

Neck rejuvenation with radiofrequency fractional microneedles

Recently, an innovative Hybrid Energy™ technology (Surgen HE, Pollogen, Israel) was introduced, which is based on the use of hybrid energy, i.e. combined radio frequencies and auxiliary electric power.

Study ex- vivo skin samples using HE technology (hybrid energy) demonstrated the ability of this technology to rejuvenate the neck by creating controlled microdamages that stimulate the process of renewal of the epidermis and dermis, as well as an increase in the density of collagen, elastin and glycosaminoglycans.

Fractional facial rejuvenation technologies have provided ample opportunities for the use of non-invasive anti-age procedures associated with minimal risk, pain and recovery period compared to more aggressive methods.

Fractional rejuvenation technologies deliver energy to specific, small areas of tissue. At the same time, the skin located in the gaps between such "islands" remains unaffected. The healing process is initiated by unaffected areas of the skin, which allows for a short recovery period and pain relief, as well as reducing the risk of complications and providing excellent results. Fractional RF technologies are gaining popularity and have already become an accepted method of getting rid of wrinkles, sagging skin, as well as to improve skin texture. Such technologies provide a high security profile and minimal recovery time.

Neck rejuvenation: a comparative study of two technologies

  1. Hybrid energy fractional neck rejuvenation technology (powered by Pollogen Ltd.'s Surgen™ platform) using a disposable microneedle tip (gen36) attached to a handpiece. Needle length - 0.5 mm, thickness - 150 microns. To enhance the effect of thermal exposure, auxiliary electrical energy is used ( apparatus A).
  2. Another device. AT apparatus B disposable tips with adjustable length microneedles are also used, the length of which varies from 0.5 mm to 3.5 mm. The thickness of the microneedles is 200 microns. In this study, only 0.5 mm microneedles were used (on both devices).

This comparative study, presented by Dr. Dvora Ancona and Valerio Pedrelli, demonstrated that both RF microneedle devices resulted in increased skin firmness and an overall improvement in the appearance of the neck.

  • The retrospective study was also designed to evaluate the effect of RF fractionated microneedles and hybrid energy for neck rejuvenation, as well as to compare with the effect of other RF technology using thicker, adjustable length microneedles.
  • For the study of both technologies, only healthy patients with normal skin parameters, the absence of dermatological problems and diseases were selected. Skin phototypes: I - III. The study was conducted in winter, as patients were advised to avoid prolonged exposure to the sun for 6 months after therapy.
  • For both devices, the operating modes were selected in accordance with the instructions and recommendations of the manufacturers.
  • The evaluation of the results was carried out according to the following criteria:

Evaluation of photos (before the first session and 6 months after the last session) taken with the same camera at the same distance from the patient, under the same lighting.

Visual examination (skin elasticity, side effects, wrinkles);

The level of patient satisfaction.

Figure 1. Case 1: Patient after HE procedure (Group A). (A) before and (B) after 6 months.

Figure 2. Case 2: Patient after HE procedure (Group A). (A) before and (B) after 6 months.

Group A (Hybrid Energy Technology was used for neck rejuvenation) did not require local anesthesia. Therefore, the total session time has been reduced. Patients in group B (a different type of radiofrequency microneedles were used for neck rejuvenation) required surface anesthesia, resulting in an increase in the duration of the session, but the intensity of pain in this group was still higher.

Microneedle devices using hybrid energy (length of microneedles - 0.5 mm, thickness - 150 microns) provide painless penetration. The microneedles of apparatus B penetrated the skin by means of mechanical pressure, resulting in bleeding and pain. The thickness of the needle also plays a role in the intensity of pain and the duration of the recovery period.

Patient satisfaction in group A was slightly higher than that in group B. The reason for this is the increased soreness and longer recovery time in group B patients, as well as the presence of hematomas, temporary swelling and redness, which disappears after a few days.

Figure 3. Case 1: Patient after procedures with Apparatus B (Group B). (A) before and (B) after 6 months.

Figure 4. Case 2: Patient after procedures using Device B (Group B). (A) before and (B) after 6 months.

Based on the results of the study, it can be argued that the thickness of the microneedles plays a role in pain tolerance and the duration of the recovery period in patients. The technology of fractional radiofrequency microneedles using hybrid energy is an effective method of rejuvenating the neck and face with minimal pain and minimal recovery period.

Based on Prime magazine.

Non-injection carboxytherapy is a technique for saturating the skin with carbon dioxide. Due to its use, it is possible to obtain an amazing effect of rejuvenation. Thanks to the activation of blood microcirculation, collagen begins to be intensively produced. It is this protein that is the main building material for cells.

Non-invasive carboxytherapy - what is it?

This method of skin rejuvenation is based on the use of carbon dioxide. Recently, the subcutaneous injection of medical carbon dioxide into the skin has been very popular. However, today more and more women prefer non-injection use of this substance. Thanks to the session, it is possible to maintain the integrity of the skin, which makes the procedure safer.

Many modern women are faced with such problems as skin aging, gray complexion, bags under the eyes. The main reason for this phenomenon is the lack of oxygen in the tissues. This method of treatment may at first glance seem somewhat paradoxical, because everyone knows that carbon dioxide provokes a much greater oxygen deficiency. However, it was precisely on such a reaction that a bet was made.

Unlike oxygen, this substance enters the skin in a much larger volume. The body reacts to it as a potential danger. As a result, an enhanced life support mode is activated, which leads to
stimulation of blood circulation and lymph flow.

Thanks to this, it is possible to cope with stagnation. In addition, the use of carbon dioxide eliminates inflammation, normalizes tissue trophism, strengthens cellular immunity, restores the protective functions of the skin, providing a healing effect on it.

Another excellent property of carbon dioxide is the lipolytic effect. Thanks to this, this technique helps to deal with a double chin.


For treatment, special means are used that provide the skin with the necessary substances. Due to the influence of carbon dioxide, the vessels expand rapidly, which helps to ensure the flow of oxygen and saturate the skin with the necessary components.

If the procedure is performed in the cabin, then the drug is applied using a special device. Thanks to this, the active substances can penetrate much deeper into the epidermis. Typically, the use of such funds is performed in several stages. This method is perfect for women with delicate and sensitive skin.

Video: non-injection carboxytherapy - CO2 masks

Non-injection carboxytherapy is a physiological one that allows every girl to become more attractive. The procedure begins with cleansing the skin, after which a soft warm compress is applied. Then you can proceed directly to applying the mask. In more detail, the sequence of the procedure can be seen in the video:

Indications for the procedure

This procedure is usually used for the following indications:

  • normalization of the shade and texture of the skin;
  • providing a lifting effect, combating photoaging and biological aging of the skin;
  • elimination of acne and changes on the skin after them;
  • restoration of the epithelium after the use of damaging techniques;
  • therapy of rosacea and vascular pathologies on the skin;
  • muscle strengthening;
  • fight against cicatricial changes;
  • fight against puffiness;
  • reduction in the number of wrinkles, as well as their severity.

In addition, with the help of carboxytherapy, it is possible to increase the effectiveness of cosmetic procedures, especially chemical peels.

Contraindications and side effects

After this procedure, side effects may occur:

  1. The appearance of pain, burning or slight redness in the area of ​​​​administration of the active substance.
  2. The occurrence of puffiness or swelling, as well as the appearance of herpetic eruptions.
  3. Crepitus - this effect may appear when carbon dioxide is introduced into the deeper layers of the epidermis.

Such results usually occur in the case of injection of the drug. Non-invasive carboxytherapy generally does not have these disadvantages. It does not cause pain and brings positive results literally in 1-2 procedures. This procedure, unlike the injection technique, has no special contraindications. When performing a full course of therapy, you can forget about the need to visit a beautician for a long time.

How to do the procedure at home?

One of the most useful and effective means for self-performing carboxytherapy is the CO2 gel mask. The use of this product is completely harmless, it does not have a toxic effect on the body and does not cause delayed effects.

This tool can be used throughout the year. It effectively copes with wrinkles, age spots, helps to improve skin tone. When performing the procedure, it is possible to activate the processes of blood circulation, stimulate metabolism and cell regeneration.

Used drugs for carboxytherapy

For the procedure, Mediablock + tools are used. Thanks to their use, individual molecules that are the components of the active substance enter the skin.

Due to the influence of carbon dioxide, blood vessels expand rapidly, blood circulation increases, oxygen and useful components are supplied to skin cells. Thanks to the process, collagen synthesis is stimulated, due to which a facelift is carried out, the shade and appearance of the skin is improved.

The most popular products include:

  1. Powder-gel Garboxy Seaweed Mask - contains seaweed. It also contains citrus fruits, green tea and WWII biocide.
  2. CentrellahEGF serum - includes epidermal growth factor. Also in its composition there are extracts of aloe, Asian centella and licorice.
  3. Gel RegeneratingDeconGel - contains azulene, vitamins P and K, Baikal skullcap extract. It also contains Centella Asiatica extract.

For the procedure to be as effective as possible, it is very important to follow all recommendations and restrictions during recovery. To maintain the effect, you need to use special tools that are selected depending on the individual characteristics of the patient.

It is very important during this period to use professional formulations, eat right and lead a healthy lifestyle.

Can you lose weight with carbon dioxide?

When carbon dioxide enters the subcutaneous adipose tissue, the processes of lymph flow are restored. Thanks to this, it is possible to cope with the manifestations of cellulite. In addition, carbon dioxide contributes to the fight against adipocytes - fat cells. Therefore, carboxytherapy is very effective in the process of losing weight.

Of course, it will not cope with pronounced body fat, but it will help eliminate a double chin. It is also very effective in combating skin irregularities after liposuction.

Photos before and after the procedure for facial skin rejuvenation

The photos before and after the procedure are really impressive. Thanks to this technique, it is possible to improve skin color, restore its tone, cope with wrinkles and make the face younger and healthier.

Plastic surgery has long ceased to be the only way to guaranteed rejuvenation. New non-invasive techniques are gaining more and more popularity, which are actively mastered not only by cosmetologists, but also by surgeons.

One of the leading Ukrainian plastic surgeons, candidate of medical sciences, tells about the modern approach to working on appearance and options for non-surgical procedures:

Pavel Andreevich, what are the most popular methods of facial rejuvenation today?

Everything has its time! For example, at the age of 25-35, it is important to maintain a good condition of the skin, facial contours using volumetric methods. At a more mature age, plastic surgery cannot be avoided.

But such a variety of cosmetics! Is she a bad helper?

There are different types of faces and sometimes cosmetics do not meet the needs of a woman. If nasolabial wrinkles appear and skin tissues literally slipped down from the cheekbone by a fraction of a millimeter, - alas, no cosmetics will return the previous appearance.

In this case, volume maintenance methods come to the rescue. No one forbids the use of cosmetics! Sometimes they will help for a short time. But often with the problem of sagging nasolabial folds, only volume plastic in the cheekbones can cope.

How do volumetric plastic injections take place in practice?

There are several techniques. One of them is the introduction of a filler based on. This is a natural component that is in our skin, but with age, its amount decreases. The filler promotes the production of collagen and elastin. The drug is injected under the skin in the problem area. The wrinkle disappears, and the muscles of the face remain mobile! The rest of the filler disappears by itself. This procedure is very sparing, after it there are no bruises and traces, today it is called "lunch break".

This procedure involves regular injections. Is there a longer term method?

Yes it . Transplantation of own fat cells in problem areas. How is the procedure? We draw the patient's adipose tissue into the syringe. Then the fat undergoes a special purification, it is diluted with an isotonic solution and injected into the "donor", i.e. the person from whom these fat cells were taken.

Numerous clinical studies prove that stem cells - agents of body rejuvenation - are an integral part of fat cells. Today it is the safest and world-renowned method of skin rehabilitation. In addition, specific fillers linger in skin tissues much longer than unstable hyaluronic acid. For example, in the area of ​​the cheekbones and in the area of ​​the nasolabial folds, the rejuvenating effect can last for a very long time.

But why do they do it if there is an alternative "for life"?

- “Hyaluronka”, as I already said, is a “lunch break” procedure. You came, pricked the problem area of ​​the skin and left. And lipofilling is a serious operation. It is done after rigorous clinical examinations. Yes, after lipofilling, unwanted marks, bruises often remain. Therefore, not everyone agrees to undergo this procedure. But there are patients who weigh all the pros and cons, and only then do we perform an operation on them.

Please tell us what other aesthetic procedures you perform that can now be an alternative to plastic surgery?

The simplest alternative (eyelid surgery) is in the forehead area and in the area of ​​the so-called "crow's feet". We inject the drug into wrinkles - it revitalizes the muscles around the eyes. But this is a complex procedure, because the overhang of the upper eyelid can be caused by the relaxation of the muscle tissues of the forehead. We do not recommend this procedure to everyone.

Why? After all, Botox is considered the best way to preserve the beauty of the face today?

This technique is popular among people under forty years old, but does not fundamentally solve the problem of visual rejuvenation. Another alternative to blepharoplasty is endoscopic: two incisions are made at the top above the ears, then the scalp is tightened and sutured.

There are people who are afraid of all kinds of injections and almost faint from the sight of a syringe. What can you offer them as an alternative to injections?

Today there is such a technique as ligature lifting. This is a modern method that helps to successfully deal with age-related skin changes. The procedure lasts approximately sixty minutes and is performed without a scalpel, under local anesthesia, leaves no visible marks on the skin and does not require a rehabilitation period.

With delicate instruments, we carefully make pinpoint punctures in the scalp - and insert special threads into the soft tissues of the face. That's youth! We stimulate the regeneration of new connective fibers in the skin, which are responsible for its volume and elasticity. A natural frame of its own collagen is gradually formed in the skin, so the lasting lifting effect lasts for several years. You heard right - a few years!

Facial features are not distorted - the fallen muscles of the cheekbones, chin, and eyelids are tightened. Thread facelift resists the force of gravity and allows you to maintain the shape of the face given to us by nature. Traces from a simple ligature tightening become invisible literally the next day, quickly disappear. Therefore, we also refer this operation to the number of “weekend” procedures.

What other rejuvenation techniques do not require long-term rehabilitation and give noticeable results?

The above operations can be attributed to reduce the volume of the cheeks. Women always want to look attractive: they follow diets, actively go in for sports. But, unfortunately, these actions do not always help to reduce the cheeks, because their shape and volume are genetically determined. Bish's lumps are the inner part of the cheek, which consists of an accumulation of adipose tissue. They are removed through the oral cavity. Accordingly, scars on the face after this operation do not remain.

During the procedure, Bish's lump is pulled out through a micro-incision, and then an absorbable suture is applied. This operation allows you to reduce the volume of the cheeks and change the contours of the face. Also, the removal of Bish's lumps can be combined with a facelift procedure or ultrasonic lifting.

There are always contraindications for operations. Do they exist in contour plastics?

Yes, of course, as in all areas of medicine. First of all, it is pregnancy and lactation, bactericidal, viral, fungal skin diseases. Sometimes, albeit extremely rarely, an allergy to some components of the drugs is possible. Other contraindications are hemophilia, exacerbation of diseases of internal organs and immunodeficiency.
