Why does the wound not heal after the removal of the mole. How to smear (treat) a wound after removing a mole for quick healing

After the operation, there is a long recovery process. Healing after the removal of a mole, the features and scars of which we will consider, can occur much faster if the wound is carefully and properly looked after. So how does the wound healing process take place and how should the wound resulting from the operation be treated?

How is healing after mole removal?

First of all, after the mole is removed, it is usually covered with a black crust. This crust must be properly looked after and in no case should it be torn off. For two days, gently treat the crust with brilliant green, potassium permanganate, or wound-healing ointments that contain antibiotics. The last drug must be prescribed by the attending physician. You can not remove the crust, because after it remains a rough wound. It slows down the healing process of the wound after the removal of the mole.

Healing of the mole from the fourth to the seventh day requires careful care with the crust. During the healing period after the removal of the mole, water should not be allowed to get on the crust, and any cosmetics other than lotions and sunscreens should not be applied. In addition, you can not apply any decorative cosmetics. The fact is that getting on the wound, water and cosmetic soaks the crust and a large number of infections and bacteria that cause inflammation can get on it.

Between the seventh and ninth days, the black crust should fall off on its own. After it, smooth pink skin remains, which simply needs to be protected from ultraviolet rays. Therefore, try not to be under the sun for a long time. After removing a mole on parts of the body that cannot be covered with clothing, such as on the face, try to apply sunscreen as carefully as possible to this place. This cream should be with a protection level of at least sixty. Protect the damaged area with a cream until it becomes the same color as the rest of the skin. The damaged area requires special care in the summer, as the sun is the most active.

After removing a malignant mole, conduct a regular examination of your body and keep a close eye on the appearance of new moles. Removal of any moles should be accompanied by checking the mole for the presence of cancer cells. To do this, make sure that your mole undergoes a histological examination. It will allow you to find out whether part of the healthy skin has been removed along with the mole. If the result of such a study is not comforting, then the patient is sent to the clinic for treatment.

What determines the duration of wound healing after removal of a mole?

Usually, healing after removal of a mole on any part of the body lasts from three to five weeks. The healing period primarily depends on the method of removing the mole. Also, this period depends on the characteristics of the skin and the place where the mole was located. For example, if the mole was removed on the face or skin, then the healing process will take longer, since the skin on these parts of the body is more delicate.

After removing a mole, it is completely normal to have such a manifestation as reddening of the skin. Redness of the skin at the site of removal of the mole can last from a couple of weeks to two months. The period of redness reduction depends on the regenerative function of the skin tissues, on the presence of complications, on the depth of the mole, on the type and method of wound treatment.

Features of laser removal of moles

In the case when the laser beam is used as a scalpel when removing an unwanted mole, then not only the mole is removed, but also the skin area. Therefore, the scar after this operation is deeper and, accordingly, heals longer. Often, the removal of moles by this method leads to burning these spots. As a result of this operation, a slight necrosis of some part of the skin may occur, which can lead to the problem of skin malignancy, that is, an injured mole is obtained. Moreover, studies of a mole after a mole removal operation may provide inaccurate and incorrect data.

How to get rid of scars after mole removal?

As you know, after healing, scars remain on the body. Almost every patient wants to remove this undesirable consequence. At the moment, there are many ointments and gels that can remove an unwanted scar, but only visually. It is best for healing after removal of a mole to select an ointment or gel according to the operation performed. In this case, it is necessary to choose an ointment for damaged skin, acne and scars after laser therapy.

In the Center for Aesthetic Laser Medicine, it is performed using a laser, so the first hours after the procedure, a crust appears at the site of the removed neoplasm, and after 6-8 hours, swelling and redness noticeable to the eye. This is a normal skin reaction to laser coagulation. On average, the wound healing process after the removal of a mole can take from 2 to 4 weeks. It should be understood that the larger the area occupied by the removed mole, the longer it will take for tissue regeneration in the damaged area.

Stages of healing and care

0-7 day

During the first 7 days after the procedure, a dark crust forms at the site of the mole, which should never be removed. The postoperative crust on the wound performs a protective function - it protects the wound from infection and allows new tissue to actively grow under it. The first week after removal, the operated site should be protected from all kinds of injuries and damage - avoid rubbing clothes or washcloths, do not comb, do not allow cream or other cosmetics to get in. As prescribed by the doctor, the crust can be treated with disinfectants (a weak solution of potassium permanganate) or antibiotic ointments.

7-14 day

On the 7-9th day after the removal of the mole, the dark crust from the wound should fall off, leaving behind soft pink new skin. During this period and the next 10-12 days, the damaged area should not be exposed to ultraviolet rays. To do this, reduce the time in the sun and use a sunscreen with a maximum sun protection factor SPF 50. Direct exposure to the sun on young skin after removal of a nevus can lead to persistent pigmentation, which is especially undesirable on the face.

20 day and after

By the 20th day after the laser coagulation procedure, full-fledged healthy skin is formed at the site of the removed nevus, capable of withstanding ultraviolet radiation and other external influences, including mechanical ones. After complete healing of the wound, further specialized care is not required. If a slight itching is felt at the site of the removed nevus after 20 days, but the skin looks normal, you can use special soothing ointments. By the 30th day after the procedure, the fossa from the removed mole is smoothed out, after which, for the 3rd month, a barely noticeable trace of the procedure remains on the skin normally.

General restrictions after mole removal

  • For four weeks after the laser removal of a mole, it is not recommended to visit the solarium and sunbathe under the sun to prevent hyperpigmentation;
  • Within two weeks after the procedure, it is recommended to refrain from visiting the sauna and swimming pool to reduce the risk of secondary infection;
  • For 3-5 days after removal, it is necessary to exclude the use of alcoholic beverages, as they cause vasodilation, which can provoke bleeding;
  • If the mole was removed on the face, then it is not recommended to apply decorative cosmetics to the laser-treated skin for 7 days.

Complications after removal

After removal of the mole, it is necessary to carefully monitor the damaged area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin. In some cases, after the removal procedure, negative symptoms may be observed that require contacting the clinic and prescribing additional therapy. These symptoms include:

  • purulent discharge from the wound;
  • severe swelling of the skin that persists for several days;
  • prolonged bleeding from the wound;
  • an increase in body temperature above normal;
  • pronounced wetting, severe itching.

Possible consequences

In some cases, the healing process may go with some deviations from the norm, which can be eliminated by additional procedures. Such deviations are the following situations:

  • Nevus recurrence (reappearance of a mole) is possible if not all cells of the mole were removed during the procedure and some microscopic nevus particles remained in the same place. This situation does not pose any health risk and requires only observation. If the mole grows again, then if desired, it can be removed again;
  • Hypopigmentation - the appearance of a white spot at the site of removal. This cosmetic defect is possible if the removed neoplasm was located in the deep layers of the skin. Also, sunbathing during the prohibited period can lead to the appearance of hypopigmentation. In any case, the resulting white spot does not require medical correction and will disappear on its own in 1.5-2 years;
  • Hypotrophic scar - a deepening at the site of a remote neoplasm, which occurs due to the low rate of tissue regeneration. A deep scar is an inconspicuous cosmetic defect and does not require any intervention, as it gradually smoothes out on its own;
  • Hypertrophic scar - a bulge at the site of a coagulated mole, which may have a darker color than the surface of the skin. If the convex scar has not smoothed out on its own after 3-6 months, then the doctor may prescribe drug therapy or additional cosmetic procedures to eliminate it.

Moles are quite unpleasant neoplasms that bring discomfort to a person. If they pose a threat to human health, then they are cosmetically removed. In order to provide a completehealing after mole removal, it is necessary to provide proper care after its healing.

Removal of moles

Despite the fact that moles belong to the category of benign neoplasms, their removal should be carried out only after a complete examination of the patient's body. This is due to the fact that the procedure is characterized by the presence of certain contraindications. It is not recommended for patients who are diagnosed with allergic reactions to medications. Melanoma is a contraindication to manipulation. In case of excessive tanning, it is recommended to refuse the procedure.

Removal is not carried out if the patient develops inflammatory processes on the skin. During the course of a herpes infection, manipulation of the patient is strictly prohibited. If a person has melanoma, then the mole is removed, as well as the affected tissues. In this case, it is necessary to have an integrated approach to treatment. Before carrying out the manipulation, it is recommended to consult with an oncologist.

There are several methods for removing moles. If the neoplasms are small, then a laser must be used to eliminate them. With the help of a laser beam, a certain area is evaporated. This intervention is absolutely safe, since it is not able to affect healthy skin. Laser treatment is characterized by a fast recovery period and a minimum number of undesirable effects.

For large moles that protrude above the skin, surgical intervention is recommended, in which a scalpel or knife is used. In most cases, such neoplasms are characterized by the presence of a subcutaneous body, which is supplied with blood vessels. Despite the fact that a small scar remains, this method makes it possible to completely remove the mole. To remove flat moles, liquid nitrogen is often used, which is characterized by the presence of a freezing effect. After the manipulation, a crust forms, which disappears on its own.

Moles can be removed by various methods. The choice of a particular one directly depends on the type and size of the neoplasm, as well as the individual characteristics of the patient.

Features of care

Healing process after mole removalis quite lengthy and complex. That is why during this period it is necessary to provide appropriate care for her.Healing after laser mole removaltakes place in several stages:

  1. In the first week after surgery, a dark crust appears. It is strictly forbidden to remove it mechanically. This is because the wound protects the wound from infection. During this period, it is necessary to treat the place of removal as carefully as possible. It is strictly forbidden to damage it. After consultation with the doctor, the crust can be treated with a disinfectant solution. Also in this case, ointments are used, which are developed on the basis of an antibiotic.
  2. After a week, the crust disappears. In its place is the skin of a pale pink color. In this case, the skin is protected from ultraviolet radiation. That is why during this period it is necessary to protect the skin from exposure to sunlight. Before going outside, the operated area is smeared with sunscreen.
  3. After 3 weeks, healthy skin is formed at the site of the nevus. If the wound is completely healed, then it is no longer necessary to provide special care for it. If during this period, despite the healing of the wound, itching occurs, then it is necessary to use special soothing ointments. That,how to treat a mole after removalonly the doctor knows. That is why the specialist must determine the remedy in accordance with the characteristics of the operation.

During the period of care, a person should know how it goeshealing after mole removal what not to do? If the nevus was on the face, then patients are strictly forbidden to use decorative cosmetics for a week. Patients are strictly forbidden to take alcohol within 5 days after the manipulation. This is due to the fact that after taking alcoholic beverages, vasodilation is observed, which can lead to the development of bleeding.

That, how long does a mole heal after removaldepends on the behavior of the patient. If he strictly adheres to the rules of the rehabilitation period, then complete healing is observed within a month. Patients are strictly forbidden to visit the pool and sauna for 14 days after the manipulation. If this rule is followed, a secondary infection will not develop. Within a month after the intervention, visiting the beaches and solariums is not recommended for patients.

If after the mole after removal, full-fledged care is provided, then healthy and full-fledged skin remains in its place.

Complications and consequences

If a person does not knowwhat to do after mole removaland conducts improper care for it, this can lead to a variety of undesirable consequences. When an infection is introduced, the appearance of purulent discharge from the wound is observed. Some patients have been diagnosed with bleeding. If an infectious process is observed in the operated area, then this can lead to an increase in body temperature. Some patients complained that the wound was very wet and itchy. If all of the above symptoms appear, you should urgently seek medical help.

After removal, swelling of the skin in the area of ​​intervention may be observed. In this case, the patient should not worry, as the symptom disappears on its own within 2 weeks. With improper care of the nevus, certain deviations in the rehabilitation period may be observed, which requires additional measures for treatment. In most cases, complications appear as:

  • Relapse. In this case, the mole appears again in the same place. This condition is possible if not all nevus cells were removed during the procedure. This condition is not harmful to health. The patient only needs to see a specialist regularly. When a mole reappears, it can be removed.
  • Hypertrophic scar. It is a depression that appears in place of a mole. The cause of the pathological condition is the low rate of regenerative processes. A scar is a cosmetic defect that is not sufficiently pronounced. In this case, intervention is not recommended, as it can smooth out on its own.
  • Hypopigmentation. A white spot may form at the site of removal of the mole. Such a complication is observed when the mole is located in the deep layer of the epidermis. It can also occur if during the rehabilitation period the site of removal of the mole was exposed to ultraviolet radiation. The neoplasm does not need correction. It is able to pass on its own within two years.
  • Hypertrophic scar. Ifwound healing after mole removalgoes wrong, then in its place there is a bulge. In most cases, the bulge flattens out on its own within 6 months. If the bulge does not go away, then the patient is shown treatment with medications, as well as additional cosmetic procedures.

After removing the mole, the patient must necessarily adhere to the rules of the rehabilitation period. Otherwise, it can lead to various undesirable consequences.

Moles are classified as benign neoplasms that can cause physical and psychological discomfort. In this case, it is recommended to carry out the removal of formations. The patient must go through the recovery period correctly, which will avoid complications.

A mole is a congenital pigmented formation on the skin that has a different color scheme - brown, black, red, purple, etc. Often people resort to its excision. If the wound does not heal after removing the mole, you should consult a doctor.

The process of skin healing after the removal of a nevus is a lengthy procedure, at each stage it requires scrupulous care.

Removal Features
A nevus is a collection of cells that produce the pigment "melanos". A mole is a benign formation that has a risk of transformation into an oncological disease.

Laser removal is considered a popular and common procedure, but other methods and techniques for eliminating nevi have the right to life.

  1. Laser (layer-by-layer removal of a mole).
  2. Cryodestruction (liquid nitrogen having t -180°C).
  3. Electrocoagulation (burning out with electric current using an electric knife).
  4. Surgical method (cutting out a brown formation in a hospital setting).
  5. Surgitron (based on the action of radio waves and designed to remove various skin formations).

It is necessary to seek advice from a doctor whose competence is to determine the possible presence of affected areas of the dermis. After the necessary medical examination, it is allowed to choose the most rational method for removing the nevus. In some cases, doctors do not advise eliminating a benign tumor, the results may lead to complications.

Usually, wound healing after any removal of a mole takes a period of two to four weeks.

Melanin is a special pigment produced by special skin cells called melanocytes. It is a natural dye in the body responsible for the color of hair, eyes and skin.

The need for removal
Benign tumors should be disposed of in the following cases:
  1. When a mole is located in a vulnerable place, is subject to constant friction against clothes, hurts, is injured (at the time of cutting, shaving on the head, under the arm) - it is necessary to get rid of them, due to constant damage, the nevus becomes prone to malignant degeneration.
  2. With a real threat of transformation of a benign tumor into a malignant one. Growths must be removed immediately.

Wound care after removal

For the speedy healing of wounds after the elimination of the formation, it is important to follow simple rules. After the removal of the nevus, the attending physician will leave special care instructions. The course of rehabilitation depends on the method of eliminating education.

What activities to carry out on the first day after the operation. Treat the wound with a weak manganese solution, which reduces the risk of infection and dries the resulting crust.
How to care for a removed nevus after surgery The use of antiseptics and antibiotics. Special creams, ointments to avoid complications that occur after treatment.
What else do you need to know In summer, it is important to protect the wound from sunlight.

When removing a mole from the face, the doctor prescribes the treatment method individually.

When is the best time to postpone surgery? The recommended period for extracting a nevus is autumn, winter.

Stages of mole healing

Subject to strict adherence to the rules for care at the site of elimination of the nevus, the dermis is completely tightened and heals after three to four weeks, the color of the skin becomes uniform. You can forget about scars, scars, if you follow all the rules for caring for the wound site. You can speed up the healing process if you properly treat wounds after removing a mole.

Stage I

(First 7 days)

The formation of a crust, which is strictly forbidden to be removed. Its function is protective, protects the wound from infection. Under cover, the epithelial tissue grows and tightens more actively.
Important! In the first seven days, protect yourself from injuries, damage - do not scratch, avoid getting cream or other cosmetics.
Stage II
At the second stage, the crust dries up, exfoliates from the dermis, and a brand new skin with a light pinkish tint remains in its area.
Important! Do not expose the vulnerable area to ultraviolet rays. To this end, use sunscreen with a high SPF level and avoid direct contact with the sun's rays, postpone going to the tanning bed.
Stage III
The fossa is smoothed out, and the skin does not need further special care.

How long will it take to heal

When a mole is removed by the laser method, in addition to the scar, a small burn remains on the skin. The healing process will take longer.

In other cases, the nevus heals faster. After a few days, a dry crust is formed, which performs a protective function, which cannot be injured and torn off. When the crust itself moves away from the skin, a light spot will remain.

The most problematic area for healing are the armpits, folds of the skin, parts of the body covered with hair (including the groin). Must be processed more frequently and left open if possible to avoid damage.

The duration of healing depends on the size, on the depth of the legs of the nevus. The maximum healing period is from 7 to 20 days. A small pigment spot may disappear within 3 days.

What to do if the wound does not heal

If the wound is worried in the first days after the removal of the mole, redness is frightening, suppuration has begun, the root causes can be two options:

  1. Penetration into the wound of pathogenic microorganisms during surgery or when an inflammatory process of a chronic nature is exacerbated inside the body of an individual.
  2. Failure to comply with hygiene rules.

When the wound does not heal or there is reddening of the scar, swelling, this indicates a microbial process. It is important to treat this area with antiseptic agents (chlorhexidine, hydrogen peroxide).

If the scar does not heal in any way, has an unpleasant appearance, you can think of special silicone patches, drugs that help smooth the skin.

When to See a Doctor and Possible Complications

You need to seek medical help in the following cases:

When a nevus seems suspicious:

  • color changes;
  • sizes over 1 cm.

Dangerous transformation of a mole for human life:

  • huge size;
  • blood or ichor oozes from the nevus.
Complications after removal of a mole by different methods
Methods Complications
  • risk of pigmentation of the dermis;
  • when removing deep formations, a trace of a scar is possible / a small depression may remain in the area of ​​elimination.
Cryodestructive (elimination with liquid nitrogen)
  • it is difficult to predict the depth of penetration of nitrogen under the skin and the removal of subcutaneous cells;
  • the risk of reappearance of moles;
  • probable burn of the dermis;
Application of a radio knife (radio wave surgery)
  • barely noticeable scar;
  • subcutaneous hemorrhage;
  • at the time of the cut with a scalpel, the doctor removes healthy tissues in addition to the nevus;
  • the superimposed suture is removed after a week;
  • there is a risk of formation of keloid scars in cases of a tendency to such formations.

The presence of nevi and birthmarks on the body is a reason to visit a dermatologist regularly. Melanoma is an increasingly common cause of death in people of all genders, ages, and conditions. Any change in education should alert.

Wound care after mole removal is an important step in recovery after surgery. The more responsible a person approaches this issue, the greater the chances for successful healing and recovery.

The period after the removal of the mole is no less responsible than the operation itself. The success of the procedure depends on how well the healing takes place.

Compliance with all the rules of rehabilitation will help:

  • accelerate the process of tissue regeneration;
  • protect yourself from possible bleeding;
  • remove pain, other postoperative symptoms;
  • prevent the entry of pathogens into the pit of damage;
  • reduce the likelihood of relapse;
  • prevent the formation of scars and scars.

After the operation, the attending physician will introduce the course of necessary actions. He will inform you about how to treat a fresh wound after removing a mole, tell you what you can and cannot do.

If a person ignores the doctor's advice on care, one may encounter a non-healing weeping wound, discharge from the affected area, fever, swelling, increased pain, and tissue necrosis.

If a person cannot independently care for a wound (a mole on the back, shoulders), it is necessary to resort to the help of an outsider.

Treatment of a remote nevus

Comprehensive wound care after mole removal includes:

  • antiseptic treatment procedures;
  • dressings;
  • the use of ointments with antibiotics, healing nature.

It usually takes 2-3 weeks for the wound to fully heal, but if the birthmark was large, it may take longer. When choosing means for processing, it is better to consult with a specialist. The dermatologist will advise the most effective drugs, taking into account the characteristics of the patient's body.

Ointments and creams

There are various ointments, creams for the treatment and care of the wound surface. Some have a wound healing effect, others neutralize the pathogenic flora. Most modern drugs act in a complex way.

Levomekol is a combined preparation for local treatment of wounds. It has a pronounced antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and wound healing properties. Relieves pain, redness, swelling. The composition of the drug contains the antibiotic levomycetin and methyluracil, which improves tissue trophism. The medicine helps to carry out proper care after the removal of a problematic mole.

Due to the soft sparing action, Levomekol can be applied to the wound. This is true if a bacterial infection has occurred, pus is released from the damaged area. In this case, it is recommended to warm up to the temperature of the human body. More often, a gauze bandage soaked in ointment is used to treat nevi. Ointment is recommended to be used within 4 days after the operation.

Contractubex belongs to a group of drugs that normalize the process of tissue regeneration. The gel contains a liquid extract of onion, allantoin, sodium heparin. The agent has an antiproliferative, anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, softening effect. The drug inhibits the growth of fibroblasts, suppressing non-physiological scarring.

The tool is used at the stage of scar formation to prevent the development of colloids. Treatment involves daily application of the gel to the problem area. Processing can be done several times a day. For large areas of damage, you can smear under the bandage after removing the mole, leaving it overnight.

For the treatment of wound surfaces can be prescribed:

  • tetracycline ointment;
  • Levosin;
  • salicylic ointment;
  • Agrosulfan;
  • Solcoseryl;
  • Dermazin;
  • Baneocin;
  • Vishnevsky ointment;
  • Pantoderm;
  • boric ointment;
  • zinc or streptocid ointment.

Before using any pharmacy product, you should consult a doctor, carefully study the instructions for the drug, follow the recommendations of a dermatologist.

A solution of potassium permanganate or Fukortsin

Antiseptic solutions are used to treat the affected areas in order to prevent bacterial infections, which will cause the sore to fester. The most popular disinfectants are potassium permanganate and Fukortsin.

Potassium permanganate or potassium permanganate is a crystalline powder, dark purple in color with a metallic sheen. Potassium permanganate is a strong oxidizing agent. Even when diluted in water, it has strong properties.

It is desirable to treat wounds with a solution of permanganate 0.1-0.5%. To do this, you need to count 6-8 powder crystals. It is better to add the substance to warm water in a glass container. If you cannot determine the proportion, you can dilute the solution "by eye". The color of the water after thorough mixing should be saturated, like red wine.

Having prepared the solution, you can begin to treat the wound. To do this, a cotton swab is dipped into potassium permanganate and the surface of the former mole is wiped with careful movements. It is recommended to treat the nearest skin areas. The procedure is carried out daily before applying a special cream.

Fukortsin - a ready-made solution of dark red color. After application, the characteristic pink color remains on the skin. The main effect of the drug is the disinfection of wound surfaces and the treatment of bacterial inflammation. Available in glass bottles. The use of Fukortsin is relevant during the healing of the wound surface of the removed nevus. During application, which should be carried out with a cotton swab, contact with the mucous membranes of the body should be avoided. It is desirable to carry out the treatment 1-3 days before the healing of the problem area.

For processing, it is possible to use Chlorhexidine, Furacilin, brilliant green, chamomile infusion, hydrogen peroxide.

Bandage or plaster

Plasters and dressings are the main attributes in the process of treating wound sites. Instead of the usual bandages and adhesive tape, modern medicine uses special devices that protect the wound and promote speedy healing.

Bandage Hydrocol Sin is intended for the treatment of poorly healing wounds. Thanks to the properties of a special gel, which is impregnated with a cut, exudate is absorbed, healing is stimulated. It does not pass water, bacterial pathogens. When exudate is released, the bandage is changed daily; in the absence of discharge, it is allowed to wear for several days.

Mepiform silicone patch is designed for resorption of hypertrophic and colloidal scars, which sometimes occur after wound healing from a birthmark. It is produced in small cuts and large bandages, which can be cut if desired. The treatment period is long, takes up to 8 months.

What not to do after removing a mole

In order not to aggravate the condition of the damaged area after the operation, it is necessary to follow certain rules, take into account contraindications, restrictions. During the rehabilitation period it is prohibited:

  1. Expose wounds, after removal by laser (or other method), to direct sunlight. Problem areas on the body should be covered with clothing, the head with a headdress, and if the mole was located on the face or neck, it is recommended to use sunscreen. It is better to refuse visiting beaches and solariums. Under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, there may be a risk of malignant degeneration.
  2. Touching the injury unnecessarily. There is a risk of pathogens getting in.
  3. Expose the painful area to injury. This will worsen the condition. A second operation may be required.
  4. In the healing process, peel off the resulting crust. This will slow down the healing process, provoke the appearance of scars, scars.
  5. Use cosmetics, decorative cosmetics, shower gels, scrubs on the surface of the problem area.
  6. For the first 14 days after the operation, expose the nevus to water. A person can swim, but it is better to seal the problem area with a band-aid.
  7. Subject the wound to friction. This includes the use of hard towels and tight clothing. Children should be prohibited from scratching the wound.
  8. Allow the skin to become hypothermic or excessively heated. Tissues can react to unnatural temperatures, provoke an aggravation of the condition.

When processing a painful area, sterility must be observed. All consumables must be disposable. It is advisable to wear medical gloves, and if this is not possible, treat your hands with alcohol or Chlorhexidine.

Prevention of scars at the site of the nevus

In most cases, the risk of scarring of the skin depends on the method by which the excision surgery was performed. The highest probability of such an outcome after using:

  • acids;
  • cryodestructive method (liquid nitrogen);
  • if surgical excision with a scalpel is performed.

Least likely when using coagulators. These include:

  • high temperature laser
  • radio wave method (radio knife, or the better known name Surgitron);
  • method of influence by current (known as electrocoagulation or electroknife).

Prompt healing ensures proper care of the painful area. If a suture is applied, it must be removed in a timely manner. Regular dressings, the use of special creams, ensuring the integrity of the surface, will help protect against the growth of connective tissue.
