Is the cat's eye suitable for lions. yellow cat eye

After processing, a luminous vertical strip remains in the center of the gem. She makes the stone look like a cat's eye. For this similarity, the gem got its name.

The stone looks amazing. All its attractiveness can be estimated even from the photo. The stone became popular at the end of the 19th century. This was due to the fact that Prince Arthur gave Louise of Prussia a ring with a cat's eye. After this event, all noble ladies wanted such jewelry for themselves. Since that moment, the extraction of the gem has been increased, and its cost has increased several times.

The demand for cat's eye has not decreased in our time. The properties and significance of the stone were studied by specialists from various fields - lithotherapy, astrology and others. It turned out that the cat's eye can be used both as a talisman and as a remedy.

The cat's eye mineral is ground into a cabochon shape. It is obtained from stones of different colors. Yellow-green is the most common and therefore the most popular gem. There are also dark brown, golden green, red, emerald and other stones. Regardless of the tone of the gem, all such stones have a golden sheen.

The effect of a cat's eye can be inherent not only in chrysoberyl. Other gems can also have it. There are quartz with the effect of a cat's eye. Usually these are gems of a green tone. They also have the same effect. They usually have a white and blue tone. There are also stones with blue flowers.

To date, jewelers have begun to process more and more gems in this way. Now in stores you can find, and. Any such gem is called a cat's eye.

The magical properties of the cat's eye

Since its inception, the cat's eye has been recognized as a stone with magical properties. Esotericists immediately recognized all his strength and the effect the gem has on a person and his fate.

The first thing magic experts discovered was that the stone can protect the spiritual and physical shell of a person from any negative impact. The gem scares away evil spirits, reflects damage, the evil eye, protects against theft, enemies, forcible deprivation of life and other troubles and misfortunes. The stone also protects people's relationships. It prevents the separation of lovers, maintains a friendly atmosphere in the family and helps lovers avoid adultery.

The cat's eye is an amulet that affects a person on a mental level. It increases self-esteem, improves mood and helps to get rid of gloomy thoughts and negative emotions.

The amulet does not forget about love, since this is one of the strongest and brightest feelings. Without it, almost every person feels unhappy and useless. The cat's eye cannot allow this, so it helps to find true love. He, as it were, signals to a person that his soulmate is in front of him, sending the same feeling to his chosen one or chosen one. As a result, people realize that they have found their destiny. The stone can be worn by those who have already created their own family. For them, it will also be useful. The cat's eye will help revive long-extinct feelings and remind spouses of how they once loved each other.

Another characteristic of the stone is that it becomes heavier when a person is threatened with misfortune. If he cannot take him away, then the gem will definitely notify him of his approach. Some people even managed to avoid trouble thanks to this. For example, if the stone became very heavy before boarding the plane, it makes sense to reschedule the flight or cancel it altogether.

The cat's eye stone has such magical properties that contribute to the awakening of intuition. It helps a person to notice all the signs that fate sends him, recognize deception and see the true essence of other people.

The gem stimulates mental activity, develops hidden potentials and oratory. It helps a person make the right connections and strengthens existing business and friendships.

The stone that people called the cat's eyes should not be worn by those whose thoughts and actions are connected with evil. The gem will not help them and will bring misfortune and failure on them.

Medicinal properties of cat's eye

Until now, lithotherapy experts are sure that the cat's eye has healing properties. First of all, its influence extends to the organs of vision. It treats eye diseases and helps to restore vision. The gem can relieve fatigue. With strong stress from working with a computer, you need to attach a stone to your eyes. After a few minutes, fatigue disappears.

Cat's eye normalizes blood pressure. A gem of yellow and orange tones will help hypertensive patients, and blue or green tones for hypotensive patients.

Treatment with stones is carried out for diseases of the respiratory tract. Asthma, tonsillitis, pneumonia, bronchitis - this is not the whole list of similar diseases in which the cat's eye helps. To get rid of them, the stone must be worn around the neck in the form of beads or a pendant.

The gastrointestinal tract is available to the cat's eye. It not only improves his work, but also relieves disorders and diseases.

Any mental disorders can be overcome with the help of this stone. It also accelerates the process of bone fusion after a fracture, the healing of wounds, bruises and other tissue damage.

Who suits the Cat's eye according to the zodiac sign

Astrologers advise choosing talisman stones according to the sign of the zodiac. There are such gems that are incompatible with a person at an energy level. If you wear them, then because of them you can experience internal discomfort. Therefore, one should not ignore the recommendations of astrologers on the choice of amulets gems.

Compatibility of the cat's eye with the sign of the zodiac. Table 1.

Astrologers say that the cat's eye is ideally compatible with Cancers and Scorpios. He will help them in matters of the heart, in business, and strengthen their health. With such a gem, these zodiac signs don't have to worry that someone will harm them.

Other signs of the zodiac can also use the cat's eye for protection, attraction of love and good luck.

Wearing it is contraindicated only for Aquarius. The stone will take all the strength from this zodiac sign. Because of this, the well-being of a person, as well as his mental state, will worsen.
  1. Small children need to wear a pendant with a cat's eye. It will help them avoid suffocation and throat diseases.
  2. To save the family, you need to put the gem in the house in a prominent place.
  3. To end hostility, you need to give a cat's eye to your ill-wisher. After that, the relationship will improve.
  4. Peace of mind will help to find a rosary from a cat's eye.
  5. Wearing a stone in a ring on the index finger will have a positive effect on the work of the cardiovascular system.
  6. A gem of green tones worn in a bracelet will help improve eyesight.
  7. To preserve the health of loved ones and avert premature death from them, it is recommended to give them beads or a rosary made of this stone.
  8. Wearing a gem is recommended for women during pregnancy and childbirth. It will protect the mother and child, facilitate the process of flow and childbirth and help the baby to be born healthy.
  9. To protect against damage and the evil eye, you can wear any jewelry with a cat's eye.

The cat's eye is a rare stone, so many fakes can be found in the markets and shops. They have neither magical nor healing properties. You can distinguish real stones from fakes by their characteristic glow in the dark. If it doesn't, then it's fake. You can buy it, but you just don’t need to rely on the magic of this stone.

The cat's eye is not an independent stone, it is a combination of various minerals and stones, which are united by a characteristic glassy luster and a thin strip of reflected light, which resembles in appearance the pupil of a cat, in which rays of light are reflected.

Traditionally, a cat's eye is understood as quartz, overgrown with green needles of rutile. The stone can be of various shades of green.

If you believe in the magical properties of stones, then the cat's eye will be the best choice for a talisman, which will also be a stylish, elegant decoration. Read more about the properties of this stone in this article. We have collected for you comprehensive information about everything related to the cat's eye.

History and description

All varieties of chrysoberyl have been known since antiquity. The priests attributed magical properties to the stones, gave them a mystical meaning. They knew exactly at what time and which sign of the Zodiac to wear an amulet in order to receive reliable protection from dark forces.

In jewelry, it began to be actively used only in the 19th century. Since that time, the search for deposits began.

The largest of them are:

  • in Sri Lanka;
  • in China;
  • in Madagascar;
  • in the Urals;
  • in Brazil (Minas Novas).

In mineralogy, the cat's eye is called "cymophane", which in Greek means "wave" and "seem". Indeed, even in the photo of a polished cabochon, the effect of a moving silvery light wave is clearly visible.

It is quite easy to distinguish cymophane from a cat's eye, which belongs to the quartz group. The first is very transparent, almost translucent.

The second has this property to a lesser extent. Both types of stones can wear a variety of colors:

How to distinguish

To distinguish one from the other, you need to rotate the sample by pointing a light source at it. Overflows in the color of quartz rock will be of the same shade. And on the surface of the cymophane a light strip will run, which differs from the general color of the stone and looks like silver rays. These differences are visible even in the photo of minerals. Among jewelry lovers and collectors, the cat's eye is popular for its beauty.

The transparent stone shines through in the sunlight, delighting with the play of colors.

But jewelers value it for other properties as well. First, for firmness. Only diamond, sapphire, ruby ​​and alexandrite are stronger than it. All these minerals have a degree of hardness from 8 to 10 points. In the language of professionals, this is called "hardness of precious stones." Such stones will not lose their luster and will not be damaged during processing.

  • The cat's eye also has a high density, and therefore a rather heavy weight. What is another distinguishing feature of precious stones.
  • Despite the high degree of hardness, all types of chrysoberyl are quite fragile.
  • Under strong pressure, the sample may crack.

When caring for cymophane jewelry, you need to remember that it changes its color with increasing temperature. Therefore, it is not worth exposing products made from this stone to direct sunlight. In addition, the mineral is very unstable to the effects of alkalis. To freshen up the look of the stone, you need to wash it in warm soapy water, and then polish it with a soft cloth.

Magical and healing properties

Precious stones have always been given great importance in religion, astrology and everyday life of people. With the help of stones and powders from them, diseases were treated. Sorcerers and astrologers attributed mystical properties to them. So, the cat's eye has always been considered endowed with special energy, able to help people born under a certain sign of the Zodiac.

Cancers and Scorpios are favorites of the stone. An amulet from it will protect against various misfortunes and bring good luck.

The main thing is not to combine it with other stones. If the profession of representatives of these zodiac signs is associated with creativity, then the cymofan talisman is the best assistant and adviser in any endeavor. Despite the fact that the stone has great favor with the representatives of the elements of Water, it is a faithful companion of good luck for Libra women.

It will help to reveal the feminine and enhance the charm, which means that attention from men is provided. In principle, it is a non-aggressive mineral. It can be worn by representatives of any zodiac sign. The stone reacts very sensitively, first of all, to the state of mind of its owner and positive character traits.

It is recommended to wear stone jewelry for teenagers. The amulet will absorb all the negative energy and aggression, setting in a positive and peaceful way. In addition, the stone gives self-confidence. Spouses can wear paired amulets from a cat's eye. After all, he is the guardian of the hearth. It makes feelings brighter and is able to refresh even very long relationships.

Zodiac signs

When deciding to buy a talisman from this stone, not only belonging to one or another sign of the Zodiac matters, but also the profession:

  • yellow is suitable for representatives of science and ministers of the church;
  • dark green - for office and administrative workers;
  • golden brown - the color of the military and leaders;
  • golden green is an excellent amulet for banking and financial workers.

In addition to magical characteristics, cymofan also exhibits healing properties. Representatives of oriental medicine know that the cat's eye heals both the soul and the body.

It is able to alleviate the course of diseases:

  1. respiratory tract (asthma, tonsillitis, pneumonia);
  2. of cardio-vascular system;
  3. digestive organs.

It also helps with colds. In general, having a beneficial effect on the activity of the body and its systems.

Physical Properties.

A stone with golden-green, gray-green tints, reminiscent of the iris of a cat's eye.

Features of education.

Cat's eye imitation is made from synthetic barium titanate and fibrous borosilicate glass.


Cat's-eye stones are used to make cabochons, cufflinks, beads, less often cameos and intaglios are cut out of them. All these stones were considered (amulets), i.e. protecting the owner.

Medicinal properties

Lithotherapists assume that all minerals that have the effect of a "cat's eye" act in the same way. But depending on the color of the stone, certain therapeutic effects are enhanced or reduced.

For example, cat's eye helps to ease attacks in bronchial asthma. Some folk healers believe that these stones are a good remedy for the treatment of various diseases of the throat and respiratory system. In the countries of the East, there is an opinion that by sorting out a rosary made from a cat's eye, one can significantly reduce nervous tension and even recover from mental illness.

The cat's eye affects the throat chakra.

magical properties

Experts say that the mineral attracts mutual love to its owner, makes him faithful in marriage and friendship. Attracts the stone to the owner and the sympathy of the surrounding people. Products with a cat's eye should be worn by timid and insecure people - it will give them courage, charm, and attract the attention of others to them. Moreover, the gem is a real peacemaker. It helps a person to avoid conflicts, improve relationships in the family and at work, attracts the favor of the authorities.

If you present an ornament with a cat's eye to the most implacable enemy, then soon he will change his attitude towards the donor and may become his friend. For boys and girls, the stone helps to better adapt in adulthood, to painlessly survive the transitional age.

Talismans and amulets

As a talisman, the cat's eye should be used by diplomats, lecturers, artists, writers, artists and musicians. He awakens creative impulses in them, enhances talents and endows them with charm and eloquence. In the old days, cat-eye jewelry was worn as amulets protecting against evil forces.

The effect of the cat's eye is observed in the correctly oriented and cut cabochot on the stone. In the ideal case, a thin strip of light is visible, parallel to the long axis of the cabochon. The optical effect of iridescence occurs when light is reflected from numerous microscopic parallel inclusions of fibrous and acicular minerals or tubular voids due to their leaching.

jewelry value

Beryl, chrysoberyl, ruby, sapphire, tourmaline cat's eyes with the most striking optical effect, which are rare and therefore highly valued, are considered jewelry.

  • More common and less valued quartz cat's eye with grayish-green tints.
  • In recent years, descriptions of obsidian, opal, topaz, diopside, enstatite, jade, zoisite, anatite, scapolite, and cornerupine cat's eyes have appeared.
  • All of them are unusually rare, although the effect of a cat's eye or opalescence is more common than is commonly thought.

In particular, the cat's eye was credited with the ability to keep love, protect against treason, from the "evil eye" and even make the owner invisible in battle.


The cat's eye stone has golden-green, gray-green overflows, very reminiscent of the iris of the cat's eye. These are opaque iridescent minerals. Microscopic parallel inclusions of fibrous and acicular minerals are reflected in the rays of light and form a very beautiful optical effect.

The effect of the cat's eye is especially fully revealed when the mineral is cut in the form of a cabochon. If processed at the right angle, you can see a thin strip of light parallel to the long axis of the cabochon.

It is this effect that is often called the "cat's eye", which, with special processing, can be observed on other stones - beryl cat's eye, opal, topaz, tourmaline, ruby, sapphire, etc. are popular.

Place of Birth

Chrysoberyl cat's eye is mined in the Russian Urals, Sri Lanka and Madagascar. Quartz cat's eye - India, Brazil, Sri Lanka, South Africa, Czech Republic. Eye quartz is also mined in Russia.

Medicinal properties

Information about the miraculous effect of the mineral is known both in Eastern and European medicine. The cat's eye has a positive effect on the throat chakra. In the old days, cat eye jewelry was worn on children suffering from asthma (to eliminate attacks), pneumonia, tonsillitis and other respiratory diseases. It is noted that this mineral helps the work of the digestive organs, it can act as a laxative.

All "eye" stones have similar healing properties - they help to cope with inflammatory processes in the body, treat blood diseases, stimulate the bone and lymphatic systems, enhance immunity, regulate the functioning of the thymus gland and spleen.

The cat's eye is strong in the fight against colds. Beads and necklaces help to cope with chronic tonsillitis and even asthma. Effectively removes neuroses, eliminates depression, relieves fatigue from the eyes - for this you need to briefly apply the mineral to your closed eyes.

Chrysoberyl cat's eye was rubbed and taken orally to treat arthritis and rheumatism. Regular wearing of jewelry with chrysoberyl stimulates the work of blood vessels and the circulatory system, treats cardiovascular diseases. The cat's eye is recommended to be worn for quick healing of bone fractures.

magical properties

In magical rites, this mineral has been used for a long time and very actively. Ancient Indian magicians used the chrysoberyl cat's eye to understand the language of animals.

  • With the help of this mystical stone, they learned the future and made predictions.
  • The Indians believed that the cat's eye brings good luck to its owner in financial matters and helps to win in gambling.
  • The stone very quickly “remembers” the energy of its owner and removes negative energy from him.

According to magicians, with the help of a cat's eye, you can evoke reciprocal love, strengthen friendship and maintain marital fidelity. "Eye" quartz has a deep cleansing effect on a person, eliminates negative energy, and provides protection from astral attacks. The stone helps its owner to pay attention to signs that are not noticeable at first glance.

Compatibility with zodiac signs

Jewelry with a cat's eye can be worn by all signs of the zodiac. Especially the mineral favors Scorpions and Cancers. It is the representatives of these signs who are not recommended to wear a cat's eye at the same time as other minerals, since in this case the energy of the stone can act to the detriment of its owner. The rest of the signs of the zodiac can be worn in any combination.

The stone helps to attract sympathy for its owner from others.
It is recommended to be worn by teenagers, as it helps to painlessly survive the psychologically difficult adolescence period. The stone helps to quickly tune in to a responsible adult life.

Talismans from the cat's eye have the most beneficial effect on people of creative professions - artists, writers, artists, musicians. The stone reveals the energy of charm and eloquence, therefore it also helps lecturers and diplomats in their work.

Varieties and colors

In addition to chrysoberyl, minerals such as tourmaline, quartz, aquamarine, moonstone, apatite and scapolite can have the effect of a cat's eye. Of all these gemstones, chrysoberyl is the hardest and has the most pronounced effect.

  • But if we talk specifically about chrysoberyl, then it is found mainly in such shades as gray, yellow, green and dark brown. All of them have a golden sheen.
  • A cat's eye weighing over three hundred carats is kept in the British Empire Treasury.
  • This gem belonged to the last king of the Sri Lankan state of Kandy. The gem was presented to Queen Victoria in 1886.

In addition to color, the stones differ in the degree of transparency and the severity of the effect of the cat's eye. The brighter the effect and the more transparent the crystal, the higher the cost.

A bit of history

Stones with the effect of a cat's eye have long been used as protective amulets by various tribes and peoples. The cat's eye was especially revered in Hindu mystical and astrological currents. Until now, among their followers, disputes about which finger, which hand, on which day of the week and under which moon it will be right to wear this stone as a talisman do not fade away. Different schools hold different opinions.

The cat's eye gained popularity among jewelers only at the end of the nineteenth century. This happened after the British Prince Arthur, Duke of Connaught and Straharn, in honor of the engagement, gave his bride, Princess Louise Margaret of Prussia, a ring with a cat's eye.

This caused real hysteria among the nobility, and chrysoberyl, which had previously been almost ignored, became insanely fashionable. In this regard, both the development of deposits known at that time and the search for new ones began. At the beginning of the twentieth century, the price of a good quality cabochon from this mineral could reach 8 thousand dollars.

The ring with a cat's eye was worn by the famous writer Ivan Bunin.

How to tell if a stone is real

A real chrysoberyl cat's eye with a good shine is not a cheap stone. It will cost exactly the same as a diamond of the same size. Therefore, it is not surprising that when buying this stone, you may encounter a fake.

  • Fortunately, distinguishing natural stone from glass imitation is quite simple. Chrysoberyl is a very hard mineral - 8.5 on the Mohs scale.
  • And this means that you can scratch it (unlike glass) only with a ruby, sapphire or diamond.
  • By itself, the cat's eye can leave scratches on the glass.
  • But if there were no precious gems at hand, you can identify a natural stone in another way: place it in the dark.
  • Natural chrysoberyl in the absence of lighting will glow like a real cat's eye.

And the brilliance of a real mineral will increase if you wipe it with a cloth, while a fake will not change.

The largest chrysoberyl weighing eight kilograms was registered in 1828. It is in the treasury of the city of Rio de Janeiro.

It is also worth noting that a fake stone looks much brighter and more beautiful than a natural one.

magical properties

The cat's eye is credited with very strong protective magical properties. In some cultures, it was believed that this stone can save a person even from death.
For example, there is evidence that many Russian aristocrats who managed to escape to France at the beginning of the 1917 revolution wore jewelry with a cat's eye. And that it was thanks to this stone that they felt the danger threatening them and managed to avoid it.

The mineral not only protects its owner, but also dispels negative energy, cleanses the aura and brings confidence, happiness, peace and good luck. A person wearing a cat's eye will never face the pangs of jealousy.

The magical properties of this mineral help to set thoughts in a positive way and develop tolerance and harmony of character. Also because of its golden hue, the cat's eye is often associated with wealth. Chrysoberyl is closely associated with discipline and self-control. It is said to promote concentration and aid the wearer in the pursuit of perfection. In addition to this, it gives peace of mind, clarity of thought and increases self-confidence.

And a donated cat's eye can cause a feeling of strong sympathy and deep disposition towards the donor. This gem is considered a stone of reconciliation.

Medicinal properties

Cat's eye treats eye diseases and improves night vision. It relieves headaches, eliminates pinched nerves. The mineral can be used to heal the kidneys, pancreas, liver, lymph nodes and spleen.

How to store and wear a stone

Since the cat's eye is a very hard mineral, it is quite difficult to harm it. However, this does not mean that the stone should be treated carelessly. It must be stored from sudden changes in temperature and acids. It is best to wash the stone with slightly warm soapy water. Be sure to wipe with a dry soft cloth after washing to enhance the shine.

It should be stored separately from other jewelry with stones so as not to damage them.

As a magical talisman, the cat's eye is best worn in a ring. It can be framed in metals such as steel, gold and platinum. It is very important that the stone is in contact with your skin.

The choice of the color of the mineral depends on the profession of the person.

What is the significance of a stone for a person?

Cat's eye is known to help to keep healthy man and increase prudence. Such a stone is a good tool that improves digestion - it acts as a laxative.

  • Jewelry with such a stone is often hung around the neck of children. Thus, the functioning of the respiratory organs improves.
  • Cat's eye can prevent the development of diseases such as asthma and pneumonia.
  • In eastern countries, it is believed that a rosary made from this mineral can reduce stress and get rid of various mental illnesses. Beads made from cat stone eliminate depression, relieve eye fatigue and much more.

It is stated that all minerals, in the center of which a strip of concentrated light is observed, have the same effect. Depending on the color of the stone, the healing properties of the mineral can become weaker or stronger.

Cat's eye is recommended to be worn after fractures. Thus, in the human body, callus is formed faster, which contributes to the normalization of the healing process.
Minerals are known as an excellent remedy for treating blood diseases, they improve the functioning of the spleen and increase immunity.

Who is the mineral suitable for?

  • The stone is able to make its owner more lucky and determined.
  • Lecturers and diplomats wearing cat's eye jewelry can become more flexible and open in communication. The cat's eye is also worn by poets, musicians and writers, since such a mineral makes people sociable, open, sociable and eloquent.
  • As for the physical characteristics of the mineral, gray shades are great for people with blond hair. Minerals of light green color are best purchased for girls with redheads and fair skin.

Both sexes can wear jewelry with a cat's eye, as it has an excellent balance of feminine and masculine energies. Thanks to such a stone, a man will be able to acquire strength of character and courage, and a woman - elegance and grace.

The cat's eye is a very sensitive stone, so it is important to treat it reverently. The thoughts of the person who owns it must be pure. Otherwise, the mineral is able to bring bad luck to its owner.

What magical properties does it have?

The cat's eye was considered a protective amulet in ancient times, such a mineral was worn in various tribes.

The most popular cat's eye was in Hindu sects. Some cultures were sure that an amulet with such a stone could save a person from death.

The cat's eye is not only a good protective amulet, it is able to cleanse the human aura, dispel negative energy, bring confidence, joy, good luck and peace of mind. Jewelry with such a mineral protects from the evil eye and evil forces.

Cat's eye is actively used in various magical rites.

  • According to legends, magicians from ancient India used such a stone to understand the language of animals. Thanks to him, they made various predictions and looked into the future.
  • It is believed that the cat's eye can help its owner financially. Jewelry with such a mineral is often worn by those who gamble.
  • The cat's eye is able to quickly understand the energy of the one who wears it, and take it away from its owner. negative energy.

In addition, it helps the person who wears it to pay attention to various signs of fate that at first glance go unnoticed. Most magicians are sure that such a mineral as a cat's eye can make friendship stronger, cause reciprocal love, and also maintain fidelity between spouses. A person is not tormented by a stone because of jealousy.

Which zodiac signs should give up their eyes?

It is believed that the cat's eye is best worn by those people whose element according to the zodiac sign is water. These signs are Pisces, Scorpions and Cancers. The stone is able to protect the representatives of the elements from various misfortunes.

  1. Best of all, this mineral is suitable for creative representatives of people born under the water signs of the zodiac. The mineral will inspire new ideas and thoughts.
  2. Jewelry with a cat's eye should also be given preference to girls born under the sign of Libra. Such girls will be able to emphasize their own femininity and beauty with the help of a mineral.
  3. Cancers and Scorpions should not forget that they should not wear a cat's eye with one or another other stone.

If you give preference only to this mineral, in life there will be more luck and fateful meetings.

How to wear and store a mineral?

Since such a mineral is very hard, it is quite difficult to cause any harm to it. But this does not mean that you can carelessly treat the stone.

It is important to keep the cat's eye from sudden temperature fluctuations and not be affected any acids.

You can wash the mineral in warm water with soap. After washing, the cat's eye is wiped with a dry and soft cloth, so it will shine better. You need to store such a mineral separately from other jewelry with stones.

The strongest magical and healing effect of such a stone is achieved when it is worn in a ring. The setting for the stone can be gold, platinum or steel. It is important that the cat's eye can touch the skin of the person who wears it.

Choosing the color of the stone, you should pay attention to the profession of a person. So, scientists, teachers and ministers of the church are advised to give preference to products in which the stone has a yellow tint.
People holding various leadership positions are advised to give preference to jewelry with a golden mineral. For those people whose work related to money, a golden-green stone is most suitable. Dark green stone is better for people of working professions.

cat eye colors

The color of a stone is affected by impurities in its chemical formula.

In the case of replacing some of the aluminum atoms with iron oxide, the hue of the mineral becomes yellow, and titanium oxide makes it reddish.

The rarest cat's eye minerals are ruby, opal and sapphire, so the price of products with these stones is appropriate. It is important to consider that the properties of the stone and the final effect of exposure depend on its color.

The mineral comes in the following colors:

  1. Blue. The blue mineral is recommended for dreamy individuals. The peculiarity of the stone is that it pushes a person to do the right things, allowing the most cherished desires to come true.
  2. Green. Used to treat many diseases. The green mineral is most effective in the treatment of throat diseases. Applying green cat's eye at the beginning of a cold will help prevent its development.
  3. Blue. A blue stone can act as a talisman: it protects a person from the negativity of people around him, from envy, jealousy and anger. One of the main advantages of the blue cat's eye is that the crystals of these shades look incredibly beautiful and impressive. For this reason, they often serve as the basis for many pieces of jewelry.
  4. Pink. Pink stone helps fight insomnia. Such stones contribute to the normalization of sleep, providing a person with good dreams and relieving him of nightmares.
  5. Red. The red cat's eye makes a person more purposeful and reckless. In addition, it is beneficial in love affairs.
  6. Purple. It is believed that purple stone improves blood circulation, so it is advisable to wear it for people who have heart problems. Such stones help fight skin diseases and speed up the recovery process after head injuries.
  7. yellow. Wearing a yellow cat's eye mineral will bring spontaneity, a thirst for adventure and mutual understanding into the lives of couples in love.
  8. White. The white mineral enhances the spiritual connection between mother and child, promotes the development of intuition, improves concentration, activates logical thinking, and also increases male energy. For more information about the properties, see this video:

In view of the fact that the cat's eye awakens creative impulses in people, enhances talents and endows with charm and eloquence, it is recommended to use it as a talisman for diplomats, lecturers, artists, writers, artists and musicians. In ancient times, jewelry with this stone was amulets that protected and protected the owners from evil forces.

Cat's eye: stone properties

Many eye stones have magical potential, but the cat's eye has properties that allow it to surpass all other quartz.

People involved in the occult claim that cat stone provides protection not only to the body, but also to the human soul.

That's why it's so important to always carry it with you.

magical properties

Regarding the cat's eye and its magical properties, representatives of many cultures believed that this stone is so powerful that it can even save its owner from death. For this reason, products with a cat's eye stone were often given to babies.

The owner of this mineral not only provides himself with protection from negative influences, but also cleanses the aura.

  • The mineral is not without reason called "cat's eye" - becoming its owner, a person will begin to notice things that he had not paid attention to before.
  • This magical gem is ideal for people who have to work with a lot of information, as it helps increase concentration and improve memory.
  • The mineral has a positive effect on the owner's aura
    The magic of eye quartz also lies in the fact that it attracts the attention of others to its owner, several times enhancing its magnetism and charisma.

Another important magical property of the cat's eye is the attraction of wealth.

Such decorations were the eternal attribute of aristocrats and patricians, as they bring not only respect, but also stable financial success.

Medicinal properties

It is believed that this mineral has a healing effect on the human body, relieving it of many diseases. It most effectively fights against diseases of the cardiovascular system, making the vessels stronger. There were cases when these stones helped to cure chronic and even incurable diseases.

In practice, it has been proven that these stones contribute to the healing of diseases:

  1. eye;
  2. kidneys;
  3. pancreas;
  4. liver;
  5. spleen;
  6. lymphatic system.

Manicure "Cat's eye"

Along with jewelry, the bewitching Cat's Eye manicure, which imitates the gemstone of the same name, is also popular among modern girls.

Due to the specific light effect in the form of a narrow vertical strip that moves and flickers when you turn, you get the feeling that a cat's eye is watching you.

  • The main feature of the manicure is a three-dimensional 3D pattern. The main coating consists of metal particles that move under the influence of magnetic fields. The creation of a three-dimensional pattern is carried out using a special magnet for gel polish.
  • Plays of color create the effect of a stone
    Most of the girls go crazy with the pearly polishes from this series, which have a dense and plastic texture, and also boast bright shades and rich color pigments.
  • As for color, Cat's Eye looks best on varnishes of dark, deep shades. That is why blue, burgundy, green and black colors are often used to create such a manicure.

To create such a design, matte varnish is ideal, which stylists recommend to combine with drawings on several fingers.

Mineral storage conditions

The cat's eye stone is quite hard, so it is almost impossible to cause any harm to it. However, you need to properly care for it and know how to store the mineral.

The cat's eye must be protected from sudden temperature fluctuations and exposure to any acids.

The stone can be washed in warm water. To give the mineral shine after washing, wipe it with a dry soft cloth. As for storage, it is important that the cat's eye does not come into contact with other stones, as it may lose its magical properties. It is important to consider that the strongest magical and healing effect of a stone can be achieved if it is worn in a ring. The cat's eye must be in contact with the wearer's skin.

How to choose a color

When choosing the color of the stone, be sure to take into account the profession of a person. So, for scientists, teachers and clergy, it is advised to choose products with a yellow tint mineral.

How to distinguish a natural cat's eye stone?

As you may have guessed, the stone got its extravagant name as a result of the optical effect that occurs when looking at it - the effect of sparkle in the eyes of a cat. This unusual result is achieved in the process of processing a stone or mineral using the cabochon technique. In nature, there is no natural mineral with a similar optical effect. Often, a quartz mineral serves as the future "Cat's Eye", the processing of which produces a stone of extraordinary beauty and absolutely any color.

The price of a real stone can compete with diamond and cubic zirconia, so you can often find a fake, a cheaper version of the "cat's eye". Imitation stone is most often offered in the form of processed borosilicate glass. The fake looks very beautiful, but has nothing to do with stones and minerals. So how do you tell a real stone from a fake one? Here are some tips that you will definitely need:

  1. The real "Cat's Eye" most often has a brown or green sheen, while the fake - all shades, up to pink and blue.
  2. The light line of the original stone has only a vertical or horizontal direction, unlike glass, which has zigzag and rounded light lines.
  3. If the real "eye" is placed in the dark, it will glow like a cat's eye, this is achieved as a result of the refraction of light rays. A fake stone does not have such properties.

As a rule, the weight and dimensions of the original cat's eye stone will be very different from fakes or tiger's and bull's eyes. To accurately determine the authenticity of a stone, you should use the help of an experienced jeweler, and then you will definitely be sure of its true origin.

The magical properties of the cat's eye

No wonder the stone is called the "cat's eye" - its owner instantly acquires an unprecedented attention to detail, and easily notices those things that he had not paid attention to before. Therefore, it is ideal for those people whose work involves a lot of information, numbers and details. The gem helps to concentrate your attention and memory.

The beauty and extraordinary radiance of the stone is complemented by its inexplicable ability to protect its owner from adversity and tragedy. So, in ancient times, it was the "cat's eye" that was used in the manufacture of amulets and amulets.

It was accepted that the stone was able to save a person even from death, so cat stone products were often given to newborn children even before baptism.

Attracts the stone to its owner and the attention of people around, the magnetism and charisma of its owner are amplified several times, which does not go unnoticed from the outside.

Who will benefit

The right choice would be a product with a cat's eye for a timid, unsure of his own abilities, a person - with him he will gain determination, authority and will be able to achieve what he did not dare to dream about before. It is worth noting that the gem helps its owner to fight negative thoughts, which often lead to conflicts and problems.

  • The stone charges with positive energy, which is noticed by everyone around. It helps a person to establish relationships in the family and at work, attracts the favor and respect of the authorities.
  • Our ancestors also noticed one amazing fact: if you give a product from a cat's eye to your enemy or even enemy, then after a certain time, your relationship will improve and can even develop into a strong friendship.
  • The magical properties of this stone help to bring harmony and tranquility to the inner world of its owner: you stop worrying over trifles, get angry and nervous, but, on the contrary, become more focused and peaceful.

And the last magical property on our list, but not the least in importance, is the attraction of wealth. Cat's eye jewelry was an eternal attribute of aristocrats and patricians. It is believed that the stone brings not only respect, but also stable financial success.

The healing properties of the stone

The cat's eye is not only capable of magical and mysterious effects, it also has healing properties, some of which are confirmed by laboratory studies. So, the cat's eye helps people who have problems with the cardiovascular system.

It strengthens blood vessels, helps improve the functioning of the heart and liver. And also the stone treats bronchial asthma. Doctors say that minerals facilitate human breathing and help to quickly cleanse the lungs.

In Eastern countries there is a tradition according to which, with nervous excitement and increased aggression, a person should start sorting out the rosary from the cat's eye and calmness and tranquility will return to him.

Who suits the stone by profession

The cat's eye is suitable for people whose profession is associated with creative impulses and the stage: actors, artists, designers and musicians.

  • So, the stone enhances creative impulses and helps the owner to attract the attention of the audience.
  • Lithotherapists also advise the military and internal forces to purchase this stone, as it will help them become more resilient, calm and strong.
  • For diplomats and scientists, this stone gives confidence in themselves, their words, as well as a positive attitude.

The meaning of the signs of the zodiac

Particular attention when choosing a stone should be given to the zodiac sign of its owner. Despite the fact that the cat's eye is a universal talisman, its properties increase or decrease, depending on who its owner is.

An ideal gift item made of a cat's eye will be for those signs of the Zodiac whose element is Water: Crayfish, Scorpions, Pisces. Representatives of this group will fully feel the magical and healing properties of the mineral. Astrologers insist that this talisman is simply necessary for them and suits much more than other minerals.

For women representatives of the Libra sign, the cat's eye will be a real find, it will enhance their attractiveness and sophistication, protect and soothe them.

The stone is not suitable for Capricorn, Taurus and Aquarius.

Cat's eye is the name of greenish chrysoberyls with a running glare on the surface. There are also quartz cat eyes.

The cat's eye can be seen as the effect of a moving glare of light on the stone. Samples of tourmaline, aquamarine, quartz, apatite and many others can have the same effects. If before the name "cat's eye" they do not indicate the relation to any stone, then they mean exactly chrysoberyl or quartz

Chrysoberyl itself can be not only the usual greenish or lemon color, but also gray, bright yellow, dark olive or brown.

You can also distinguish gems by transparency and severity of the effect.

Cat's-eye quartz is often gray, but brown, golden examples can also be found.

The chemical formula of the cat's eye, like all chrysoberyls, is BeAl 2 O 4. The cat's eye can take on a variety of colors depending on the impurities in the mineral, but often these are greenish or olive stones.

Stones with the effect of a cat's eye are opaque, with a glassy sheen. Chrysoberyl cat's eye has a fairly high strength. On the scale of the mineralogical Mohs scale about 8.5.

The quartz cat's eye is significantly different from the one described above. The chemical composition is silicon oxide. They also differ in appearance. The color of such stones is uneven, with overflows and looks like long longitudinal fibers.

In both cases, the effect is created due to the reflection of light from fibrous inclusions and cavities in the structure of the mineral.

The name of not only the mineral, but also the effect itself was given by the very strip on the surface of the polished stone. Indeed, in the form of a cabochon, the characteristic band is very similar to a cat's pupil.

Rare minerals with such an effect have always been considered jewelry for wealthy young girls who have not yet found a soul mate.

It is worth noting that it was cabochon-shaped cutting that was popular in Europe, but beads were often used in Asian countries.

There were beliefs that the cat's eye protects the family hearth, preserves peace and understanding between spouses. One way or another, it is considered a truly feminine adornment.

Very rarely, jewelers created compositions with gold. More often there were either laconic and strict cabochons on silver chains, or skillfully made compositions with beads and other small precious stones, which are more transparent.

Cat's eye deposits^

Considering the fact that chrysoberyl itself is a rare mineral, stones with a cat's eye are even rarer. But the main place for the extraction of chrysoberyls with such an effect remains Sri Lanka. They are less commonly mined in Brazil and India.

To enhance the characteristic effect, jewelers cut stones in the form of cabochons. And after that, the stones can either be left in the form of pendants, or cut with metals, for example, gold or silver. They also create compositions with other gems. Natural, floral motifs are extremely popular.

The second way to use stones in the jewelry industry is beads. On perfectly polished spheres, the cat's eye may appear as a streak down the center of the sphere.

Cat's eye and astrology ^

Among astrologers, there is an opinion that the strip on the surface of the stone symbolizes the intersection of the energy of the Sun and the Moon. They are suitable for Scorpios and Cancers, but stones should only be worn in single compositions. The cat's eye does not tolerate neighborhood with other energetically strong minerals.

Traditionally, bead bracelets with such gems are worn on the right hand, which is not always convenient for right-handers.

Today on the market there are many options for fakes of such minerals. Some are created so skillfully that even professionals cannot immediately distinguish them from natural stones.

Caring for cat's eye stone ^

Quartz and chrysoberyl are quite chemically inert and have high strength. That is why caring for them does not require much effort. You can wash them in soapy water using a soft brush. Perfectly fit special jewelry for care.

With the cat's eye of other minerals, you should be careful and proceed from the properties of the stone that has the ethyl effect.

Photo of a cat's eye ^

In the list of the most popular stones for jewelry, the cat's eye occupies one of the first places. The mysterious appearance makes it popular among representatives of all generations, and the universal coloring allows you to wear jewelry with any clothes.

Description and characteristics

By its nature, the cat's eye is not a specific stone, but the general name of gems with the presence of an optical effect in the form of a narrow band of light, reminiscent of a cat's narrow pupil. Such an effect can occur in any minerals with a fine-fiber structure.

The most common is a variety of chrysoberyl with a greenish-yellow color. Hollow channels or fine fibrous microscopic inclusions inside the stone cause opalescence. Cutting a mineral into a smooth cabochon results in a silvery streak of light within it.

Quartz cat's eye - quartz, in the structure of which you can find germinated olive-green rutile needles.

Varieties and extraction of minerals

The color of the stone may vary depending on the presence of impurities in its chemical formula. If part of the aluminum atoms is replaced by iron oxide, the mineral acquires a yellow tint, if chromium - emerald. Titanium oxide gives a reddish color.

Very rare are sapphires, rubies and opals with the effect of a cat's eye. Such minerals have the highest value.

Brazil is considered the main supplier of chrysoberyl cat's eye. It is in this country that most of all deposits are located. Large deposits are located in India and Sri Lanka - the second place after Brazil where the stone was mined. The world's largest cat's eye weighing 475 carats was also discovered on this island. There are also small deposits in Madagascar.

How to distinguish a fake from a real stone

According to statistics, more than half of the cat's eye jewelry is made using artificial crystals. The technology for producing fakes is quite simple: molten glass is poured into molds with fibers painted in the desired color. In a few minutes, the glass comes to a solid state, and the stretched fibers burn out under the influence of high temperature, and hollow tubular inclusions remain in their place, perfectly imitating a natural mineral. The second technique is the extrusion of the filler into chilled molten glass.

In natural stone, the strip imitating the pupil is pronounced and does not change its position when the crystal rotates. The shape of the strip is a straight line.

In fakes, it can look like a broken or curved line and even a crescent. Such bends are often explained by enterprising salesmen as a unique phenomenon.

You should also be wary of overly bright cabochons. Natural mineral has more muted shades, while glass has a rich palette. The natural mineral has a high hardness and is quite difficult to scratch. Any stone fakes are afraid of mechanical influences.

Healing and magical properties

Cat's eye is a good doctor. He is able to cure diseases of the respiratory and digestive systems. In order to get rid of diseases of the throat, bronchi or lungs, you should wear it around your neck.

A bracelet or rosary will help bring the gastrointestinal tract back to normal. With complex fractures, the crystal promotes the speedy healing of wounds and the fusion of bones.

The cat's eye "follows" its owner, so it can be considered a reliable protector. The stone protects from the bad energy of others, removes troubles and troubles, and always warns of impending changes.

The video tells about the magical and healing properties of ulexite - a stone with the effect of a cat's eye.

He is able to attract the attention of the opposite sex and is happy to help build relationships with his loved one. In addition, it enhances the owner's charm and makes his aura more pure.

The cat's eye reveals creativity and makes a person more receptive and open to new knowledge, so it is recommended to wear it to students and those people whose work is related to intellectual work.

Compatibility with zodiac signs

Two signs coexist best with this crystal: Scorpio and Cancer. He gives them support, enhances good character traits and neutralizes negative ones. Just like sapphire, the cat's eye gives Cancers a thirst for knowledge and harmony with themselves.

Scorpio can successfully replace topaz, ruby ​​or aquamarine with this stone, having received in his person an equally weak patron. However, representatives of the sign should not wear the mineral in combination with other crystals.

All other signs of the zodiac can wear a cat's eye along with any minerals. For them, his energy will be weaker, but always positive.

How to properly care for a cat's eye

The stone is quite hard and resistant to mechanical damage, but you should not subject it to too much stress. He is afraid of any chemicals, including household chemicals.

To clean the cat's eye from dirt, you must use a cotton pad or soft flannel cloth and a mild soapy solution. Soap is the only cleaning agent for this mineral.

The negative energy accumulated by the stone is removed under running cold water.


This stone is the owner of a calm color scheme, jewelry with it goes well with clothes of a classic or romantic style. Earrings with cat's eye stone or pendants can also be worn with loose-fitting outfits in neutral shades. The so-called urban chic is suitable for such jewelry.

The cat's eye is a single stone. He is jealous of any neighbors, so he prefers to act as the only insert in jewelry, not combining well with other crystals.

A carat of the natural mineral chrysoberyl is very expensive, depending on the characteristics of the stone - hundreds and even thousands of dollars and is sold in jewelry stores. It belongs to the category of precious due to its rare distribution in nature.

Quartz cat's eye is much more affordable, it is used in most rings, pendants and bracelets. You can buy such jewelry in specialized salons and in souvenir shops. More spectacular appearance of products with such inserts can be seen in the photo.






A cat's eye that follows its owner, inserted into a piece of jewelry, will become a wonderful talisman stone. His good-natured disposition makes him accommodating with all signs of the zodiac. All that a stone needs is the sincere love of the owner.

Cat's eye stone is a quartz of extraordinary beauty. Its essential difference from other precious and semi-precious stones lies in the narrow strip of light passing through the center and creating a radiant effect. When the position of the mineral changes, this strip also shifts. An interesting name for whom it suits, the properties of the Cat's Eye stone make it quite popular.

Cat's eye stone: properties

Gray, green, yellow, dark brown are the most common colors that the Cat's Eye stone is endowed with. Of the more expensive and rare - ruby, sapphire, beryl, chrysoberyl gems with a distinct visual effect. In addition to a wide variety of colors and shades, stones of this type have a different level of crystallinity - a single mineral is able to express the effect of a "cat's eye" in its own way. The more pronounced this effect, the more valuable the stone is considered.

magical properties

The Cat's Eye stone is a favorite of people whose activities are closely related to magic and mysticism. In ancient times, it was actively used for the manufacture of amulets and amulets. At archaeological excavations to this day there are amulets made of a mineral with dried cat paws tied to them. The mystical properties of the Cat's Eye stone are inexplicable. The owner of jewelry made of "eye" stone feels protected - "under supervision". In India, the Cat's Eye stone was used to understand the language of the representatives of the animal world and to see the future. Luck in finances and winnings in gambling are the unconditional merit of the Cat's Eye stone.

The gem does not allow negative energy to reach its owner. He is able to establish love relationships, maintain family, fidelity, strengthen friendships. The Cat's Eye stone helps to avoid deceitful and hypocritical people and win over kind and positive personalities.

The positive properties of the Cat's Eye stone will not manifest themselves for unscrupulous people.

Medicinal properties

Vishuddha is the fifth chakra, which, according to Eastern and European medicine, is positively affected by the Cat's Eye stone. It is important to wear a mineral in order to eliminate the symptoms of asthma, prevent and get rid of diseases of the respiratory organs - tonsillitis, pneumonia. No less actively, the gem was used as a good laxative, anti-inflammatory and stimulant. The healing properties of the Cat's Eye stone are due to its power in the treatment of the lymphatic and skeletal systems, pancreas, spleen, tonsillitis, arthritis, rheumatism, heart, blood vessels, depression and chronic fatigue.

Who is the Cat's Eye Stone suitable for?

Cat's eye is a versatile stone. It is suitable for a woman and for a man - the energy of two principles is harmoniously collected in it. The mineral makes the fair sex stylish, beautiful and elegant, and the strong half of humanity - decisive, strong and persistent. "Eye" stone and sharpness of character are incompatible. It helps to be soft and elastic, removing obsession and short temper.

The cat's eye stone is suitable for all people, regardless of the sign of the zodiac. The main thing for a gem is to be loved and cherished. He will definitely thank you. According to astrologers, as a talisman, the Cat's eye is most necessary for Cancers, Scorpios and Libra.

Jewelry with stone

The pendant is perhaps the most famous piece. In this form, the properties of the Cat's Eye stone are most revealed. Silver contributes to an even greater manifestation of the healing, magical and loving qualities of the mineral. Cat's eye stone is also used to create rings, earrings, bracelets and beads. A large assortment of jewelry, both for everyday and weekend wear, is presented in the online store
