Congratulations on the day of Eid al-Fitr. Holiday greetings from Uraza Bayram in prose

The most strict and severe fast of all Muslims - Ramadan - is coming to an end. Already on the last day long abstinence, with the onset of sunset, the entire Muslim world begins to actively prepare for Uraza Bayram - the holiday of the end of the fast. This bright celebration is connected with cleansing from sins and the continuation of a renewed life. The believers fasted for almost a month, not taking a sip of water or a crumb of bread in daytime. Only with the onset of twilight in Ramadan could they eat and gain strength for next day the strictest restrictions. Of course, after such trials, you expect liberation from them with special trepidation and joy. Already 3-4 days before the start of Uraza Bayram, the whole family begins to prepare for the holiday. Adult men prepare gifts, women wash the house and clean the yard, children read books on Muslim customs and traditions. When preparing congratulations to friends and relatives for Uraza Bayram, you can write them in your native, Tatar language. Poems-congratulations in Tatar are pronounced and for festive table, and sound at concerts, organized events. If you do not have enough time, and there are a lot of relatives, you can send them SMS congratulations on Uraza Bayram.

Joyful congratulations on the holiday of Uraza Bayram

The fast is over, souls and bodies are cleansed: the time has come to rejoice and rejoice. Believers who have managed to never break the fast, observing all its heavy restrictions, experience special joy and spiritual uplift. Such Muslims perceive congratulations on Uraza Bayram as personal, kind words addressed only to them.

Here comes the holiday season,
Glorious Allah is favorable to us!
We will joyfully meet the holiday of Bayram!
He is given to us for patience and loyalty!
We wish health to all believers,
Peace of warmth and reliable shelter!

First day of the month after Lent
Let's break the fast at Shawwal, the reason is clear,
Eid al-Adha removes the ban from us,
Ramadan has come and gone.
The Prophet Muhammad gave us the Koran,
He protected himself from genie and sin,
Happy and festive day for Muslims,
We'll all break the fast because we can now.
Let relatives and friends not be bored,
And they open their doors to you in the house,
Bring hotels for a huge family,
Pray for the happiness and joy of Allah.

Only the sun will appear in the sky,
I will come to Allah with a prayer,
May it send me endless light,
About love, I will pray for you.
So that Eid al-Adha reminds us
About good and sincere deeds,
I'm like a submissive son on my knees,
Through prayer I call ALLAH -
Protect our lives from sin
And give a little love
So that we live with you in love.

Congratulations on Uraza Bayram in Tatar and Arabic

More than 7 million Tatars live in the world; most of them are Russians. Many Russian Tatars observe fasting and celebrate all National holidays. Uraza Bayram for believing Tatars is the happiest period. Of course, your Muslim friends and acquaintances will be sincerely happy if you give them a card with congratulations from Uraza Bayram in the Tatar language. If it will be difficult for you to find poems or other congratulations on mother tongue Your friends, our selection will help you.

Uraza berem is Belen season chyn kunelden kotlym! Behet, Isen saulyk Khodai Birsen barygyzga!

Eid Mubarak! Eid Mubarak! Oh, your blessing has risen on this day! I congratulate the whole planet and wish you happiness, love, prosperity, and live until the next Eid al-Adha. May Allah protect your soul and heart. Do not be cunning, be obedient and observe all the traditions of our people and you will be happy in life.

Good SMS congratulations with Uraza Bayram

Probably, each of us has friends living in other cities and countries. Letters to them will take a long time, and calls are expensive now. Another thing - short telephone messages. Send your friends and family SMS congratulations on Eid al-Fitr: they will be pleased to receive news from loved ones on this bright day.

We celebrate a bright holiday
We meet Uraza Bayram!
We go to the mosque in the morning,
The muezzin will sing there.
We will congratulate everyone
And meet relatives, friends,
Relatives to adorn,
give alms
The table is chic without a doubt,
There will be many treats.

After the month of Ramadan
The feast will last for three days.
Allah has given us a holiday,
The entire Muslim world rejoices.

Great holiday - happiness for everyone,
Everyone welcomes new guests.
Fun and children's sincere laughter -
This is Uraza Bayram.

Congratulations to all Muslims
Eid al-Adha came to us,
We are seeing you off today
Fasting month of Ramadan.
You can eat and drink
Put us on the tables
Everyone will be full today
After fasting Ramadan.
Get all the presents
And bring it to your loved ones in the house,
Let things stay
For further later

Congratulations on Uraza Bayram in Tatar and Russian

Most of the Muslim believers living in Russia believe Tatar language to their relatives. However, many Muslims live in mixed families and choose the language of communication Russian: it's easier. Send to emails and greeting cards from Uraza Bayram in Tatar and Russian - this is how you express your respect for the traditions and faith of your friends.

Today is Eid al-Fitr!

All Islam rejoices, rejoices.

And on the sacred day of breaking the fast

We give thanks to Allah.

For testing us

And sent to this world to carry

Laws, Truth and Koran.

The lesson of abstinence was passed,

For this, brothers, a rhyme for you!

In the blessed month of Ramadan,

The holiday of Uraza Bayram is coming.

The post is over, the soul is pure,

The night of doom has come.

In the morning we will gather in the mosque,

We will gain peace and tranquility.

And may Allah decide

How great is the feat of our spirit.

Uraza gaete bairame belan ihlastan tabrik itam. Sinen kebek imanly, yash, sabyr, nykly ruhly din kardashem bulganga min chyn kүңelemnәn sөenәm. Һәm kilәchәk tә dә shul doreslek yulynda, Allah kushkan namaz yulynda bulyrsyң һәм үzenңә bashkalarny da aidarseң digәn izge telҙкә kalam. Allah sinen kylgan dogalarynny kabul kylyp, fareshtәlәr sina ugan yullar, mul tabynnar һәm kaya gyna barma gel namusly imanly keshelәr gene ochratsyn. Tәnen, җanyң һәrchak sәlamәt bulyp һәr el shulai urazalar totyp, gaeten, korbanyn kүp ellar bәyrәm itәrgә nasyp bulsyn.

When sending congratulations to Uraza Bayram in Russian, Arabic or Tatar, select poetic form Your messages or just sign the card "in your own words". You can send to friends from other cities funny sms congratulations on Uraza Bayram. Learn a verse in Tatar and read congratulations to your comrades in their native language - your friends will be pleased to hear kind words.

Uraza Bayram (Eid ul-fitr, Ramadan Bayram) is one of the largest holidays of Islam, completing the holy month. It is also called the feast of breaking the fast. For devout Muslims, on this day it is prescribed to indulge festive mood, eat food and drink. It is forbidden to fast on a holiday.

According to the history of Islam, on this day, God revealed the very first verses of the Koran to the Prophet Muhammad. The celebration continues for three days.

In 2011, Uraza Bayram falls on August 30. On this day, every Muslim needs to perform ablution and dress up in holiday clothes, visit the mosque for collective prayer. After that, believers invite relatives and friends to their meal or go to visit themselves. An important attribute zakat-ul-fitr is a donation paid to people in need.

On a holiday, it is customary to visit their parents, the sick, give them gifts, go to cemeteries to commemorate the dead. Over their graves, passages from the Koran are read and they ask Allah to ease their plight.

Every Muslim on the day of Uraza Bayram, first of all, says goodbye to the holy month of Ramadan, when there is an opportunity to pacify passions through fasting, grow spiritually, and help those in need.

On a glorious holiday, clean, bright
Congratulations from the bottom of my heart.
In Uraza Bayram, let thoughts
They will be clear and pure.

Your house will be peaceful
Close ones live in happiness.
In faith strong and deep
Find inspiration.

Muslims, Happy Eid al-Fitr!
I wish you happiness and health.
May Allah reward you with all your good deeds
And he will send peace to the hearts, and warmth to the family.

May your cozy home be blessed,
Let love, fun, laughter abide in it.
May success accompany you at work.
Celebrate Uraza Bayram fun!

Congratulations on the holiday of Uraza Bayram and from pure heart I wish that Allah hears all the prayers, that the table is never empty, that the atmosphere of happiness and goodness constantly reigns in the house, that the heart always welcomes guests with joy, that comfort settles in the soul forever, that it is always possible to continue your path merciful and kind person.

Finished the test
Holy Ramadan,
Greet with joy
Eid al Adha.

May he bring joy
And fun in the house
So that good forever
Settled in it.

Let the house be a bowl
Full to the brim
Everyone will be happy
Cheerful and healthy.

I wish you purity
In souls and hearts
Let on the road of life
Allah saves.

Holiday of peace and kindness,
Sun, light and heat!
Congratulations to the faithful
With pure Uraza Bayram!

Be happy, healthy.
It's good to be at home.
Let your hearts warm
Eid al-Fitr holiday!

Let clear holiday breaking the fast
Will come to your clean, bright house.
The mood will be great
And success awaits in any business.

Let Uraza Bayram bring
You happiness, peace and kindness.
Let the wind of sorrow carry away
So that life is always in bloom.

Ramadan is over
And Uraza Bayram came.
We do not regret kind words
For welcoming homes.

May Allah help you
Happiness, joy sends.
Bright thoughts, good deeds,
For everyone to succeed.

Let Uraza Bayram
Give you a lot of happiness!
Live in peace and prosperity
Let health be in order!

May Allah keep you from harm
May peace reign in your hearts!
Let the thoughts be pure
And all dreams come true!

The holy Ramadan has come to an end -
In Islam, Uraza Bayram is celebrated.
Let the house be generous for treats,
May there be peace and enlightenment in your soul.

You look at the world with gratitude,
Feel all its beauty and holiness.
Let the hearts be filled with warmth
Good thoughts return good.

Uraza Bayram has come,
The post is over, congratulations
I wish to live life in abundance,
Harmony, I wish you happiness.

Let the lights burn on this day
I wish you success, understanding
I wish all dreams come true
I wish you not to know loss and despair.

Uraza Bayram brought
Generosity of treats.
This is a Muslim holiday
Joyful, sacred.

Let old and young celebrate
Blessed day.
All health and all the best
This day is sacred!

Holiday today Uraza Bayram.
Quran is read in mosques everywhere.
People are full of fun and happiness.
They praise Allah with the Prophet.
Everyone is happy today. May it always be so!
Eid al Adha! Eid Mubarak!

On the bright holiday of Uraza Bayram, please accept my sincere congratulations and wishes of all the good, joyful and beautiful. May peace reign in the family, may all relatives be healthy, may there always be a holiday on the table, may your hands do good deeds, may Allah hear all the prayers of your soul. I also wish you prosperity, love and happiness.

Passed Ramadan with honor
The holiday is coming
We meet Uraza Bayram
And the soul sings.

In peace, joy, love
Let the people live
Generously let zakat-ul-fitr
Everyone distributes.

Let the holiday bring hearts
And soul cleansing
Bestows in Uraza Bayram
Allah bless.

Let joy shine
cordiality, warmth,
And let happiness come
Today in every home.

Because every Muslim
Today will tell you:
There is no more beautiful holiday
Than Uraza Bayram!

God bless in heaven
His quiet, devoted people,
Today Uraza Bayram,
Your holy post is over.

Pure light comes into the heart
And fills the soul with happiness
Live in peace and kindness
Without clouds in the sky and bad weather.

The Muslim holiday has come to every home.
With grace, joy, he entered the hearts.
Who held Ramadan, is now pure in soul,
He deserved happiness, he defeated evil with a prayer.
May Allah bless you always.
Uraza Bayram has come. Happy holiday to you!

At the end of the month of Ramadan
Celebrating a beautiful holiday
Congratulations, may you always
Your life will be bright, clear!
On this day - Uraza Bayram
I wish you great happiness
And more health to you
Let the dreams begin to come true
All three days have fun, sing
And sit comfortably with the family,
All obstacles to overcome
Let the joy be absolute!

Following Ramadan, he comes to us,
A bright, joyful holiday, Uraza Bayram!
Gather relatives and friends to your home,
Break the fast with them at the festive table.

Congratulations on the holiday, Allah saves you,
He will always help and strengthen in faith!
May there be happiness, joy, and peace in the family,
I wish you good luck in all matters!

Holy Ramadan is over!
The brightest day has come - Ramadan Bairam.
Let the table be filled with food today,
And a million guests are knocking on the door.

May life for the next hundred years
Illuminate pure and heavenly light,
Relatives always live happily
And faith will never leave!

I wish you all peace of mind
May the sun always shine on you
May cherished dreams come true
So that life is charmingly beautiful!

I just want to wish you happiness
So that you do not know sadness and sadness,
With joy I wish everyone to shine,
After all strict post you persevered!

I congratulate you on the holiday of Uraza Bayram and from the bottom of my heart I wish that Allah hears all the prayers, that the table is never empty, that the atmosphere of happiness and goodness constantly reigns in the house, that the heart always welcomes guests with joy, that comfort settles in the soul forever, so that you can always continue your path as a merciful and kind person.

On the bright holiday of Uraza Bayram, I ask you to accept sincere congratulations and wishes of all the good, joyful and beautiful. May peace reign in the family, may all relatives be healthy, may there always be a holiday on the table, may your hands do good deeds, may Allah hear all the prayers of your soul. I also wish you prosperity, love and happiness.

Congratulations on bright holiday Eid al Adha! I wish you peace, prosperity and love. May your table on this day be full of delicious delicacies, and your soul - happiness! Prosper and live long, may the children always be healthy and cheerful. Happy Breaking the Fast!

Eid Mubarak! May this bright holiday bring you peace, blessings and love. From now on, let only joy live in your heart and never leave it. Let only luck be your companion on all roads of fate. And may you have so much happiness that you can bestow it on everyone you meet.

I congratulate everyone on the holiday. Let prosperity descend from heaven to your homes. Let there always be abundance on your tables, and joy always sounds in your soul. Happiness to your homes, peace to your souls and warmth to your hearts. Let all your loved ones be healthy, let your children grow up happy and your life path be successful.

I wish you to strengthen your iman on this festive day. May the protection and mercy of the Almighty be with you. May faith grow in your hearts. I wish you to always follow the path prescribed for us by the Almighty, may your actions always bring prosperity (suap) to your loved ones. Peaceful sky above your head, bright sun and children's laughter coming from everywhere.

Congratulations on Uraza Bayram. I wish you a clear conscience, pure thoughts, pure hopes. May Allah protect you and your family from troubles, may the kindness of your heart help your loved ones and good people, may there always be a holiday in your house - a holiday of love, respect, happiness and good joy.

I congratulate you on the holiday of Uraza Bayram and from the bottom of my heart I wish to open the doors to new happiness, open my soul to new good deeds, never forget about mercy and honor, always go through life with good hope and a clear conscience.

Eid Mubarak. Wish happy holiday Eid al Adha. May the purity of your thoughts and the kindness of your heart respond in the joy and well-being of your life. I wish health to all your family, true friends and sincere love. May Allah grant strength and patience, as well as bright hope and joy of the soul.

Uraza Bayram has arrived. So let a bright streak of happiness and kindness come in your life along with the holiday. I wish eternal health for loved ones and relatives, I wish you spiritual growth and spiritual fun. May Uraza Bayram bring respect to others, support, understanding and love.

Uraza Bayram is one of the most important holidays in the Islamic calendar, marking the end of the holy month of Ramadan. This day is awaited with special trepidation and great joy by all lawful Muslims who have adhered to a very severe fast for a whole month. And now, when Ramadan has come to an end and the day of breaking the fast called Uraza-Bayram has begun, absolutely all believers want to congratulate their relatives and friends on this wonderful holiday. Not only traditional words and wishes come to their aid, but also beautiful congratulations from Uraza-Bayram in verse and prose. These sincere wishes in Russian and Tatar languages, we have prepared for you in this article.

Sincere congratulations on Uraza Bayram in verse

Traditionally, congratulations on Uraza Bayram are heard in every home. And every self-respecting Muslim on this day strives to congratulate not only his relatives and friends, but also all friends and acquaintances. As a ritual greeting-wishes, the phrase is used: “Eid Mubarak!”, Which literally means “Blessed holiday!”. But in addition to traditional wishes to relatives and friends, it is customary to say sincere congratulations on Eid al-Fitr in verse. We offer you options for such sincere wishes in verse for the holiday below.

Finished the test

Holy Ramadan,

Greet with joy

Eid al Adha.

May he bring joy

And fun in the house

So that good forever

Settled in it.

Let the house be a bowl

Full to the brim

Everyone will be happy

Cheerful and healthy.

I wish you purity

In souls and hearts

Let on the road of life

Allah saves.

On a glorious holiday, clean, bright

Congratulations from the bottom of my heart.

In Eid al-Adha, let thoughts

They will be clear and pure.

Your house will be peaceful

Close ones live in happiness.

In faith strong and deep

Find inspiration.

Congratulations to all Muslims

We wish peace

Let the children grow up in peace

There will be peace throughout the world!

May there be no poor

Evil, unrighteous and harmful,

Let love live in the hearts

Growing, blooming!

May health be strong

Let people live without stress!

We glorify Uraza-Bayram,

Let's share happiness!

Congratulations on Uraza Bayram in prose

It is also customary to congratulate each other on Uraza-Bayram in prose. Such congratulations, as a rule, are very sincere and warm in nature and are filled with good wishes. For example, very often congratulations on Uraza Bayram in prose contain words about peace, kindness, love and prosperity. These sincere wishes are pronounced at a personal meeting, at a hospitable table and in the circle of the closest relatives and friends. Next, just such kind and bright congratulations on Uraza-Bayram in prose await you.

Congratulations on the bright holiday of Uraza Bayram! I wish you peace, prosperity and love. May your table on this day be full of delicious delicacies, and your soul - happiness! Prosper and live long, may the children always be healthy and cheerful. Happy Breaking the Fast!

Uraza-Bayram has come - an exceptionally picturesque, cheerful and tasty holiday. Be happy and loved!

Live without getting old in spirit. So that the table is bursting with spicy dishes, and the bed with love! May the house always be full of light and children's laughter! Happy holiday, brothers and sisters!

Eid Mubarak! Eid Mubarak! Oh, your blessing has risen on this day! I congratulate the whole planet and wish you happiness, love, prosperity, and live until the next Eid al-Adha. May Allah protect your soul and heart. Do not be cunning, be obedient and observe all the traditions of our people and you will be happy in life.

Beautiful congratulations on Uraza-Bayram in the Tatar language

For the majority of Muslims living on the territory of our vast country, Tatar is their native language. Tatars celebrate Eid al-Fitr with a special scope and national flavor. On this day, beautiful congratulations are heard from everywhere and mainly in the Tatar language. Therefore, if you choose beautiful congratulations on Uraza-Bayram in the Tatar language for your Tatar acquaintances, they will certainly be touched by these wishes.

Uraza gaete bairame belan ihlastan tabrik itam. Sinen kebek imanly, yash, sabyr, nykly ruhly din kardashem bulganga min chyn kүңelemnәn sөenәm. Һәm kilәchәk tә dә shul doreslek yulynda, Allah kushkan namaz yulynda bulyrsyң һәм үzenңә bashkalarny da aidarseң digәn izge telҙкә kalam. Allah sinen kylgan dogalarynny kabul kylyp, fareshtәlәr sina ugan yullar, mul tabynnar һәm kaya gyna barma gel namusly imanly keshelәr gene ochratsyn.

Khormetle dusym! Eid al-Adha belen! Sezge telim behet, unyshlar, savluk kop bulsen!

Sezne һәm Tatarstannyn Islam Dine әһellaren Uraza beyreme uңaennan chyn kүңeldәn tabrik itam. Dөnyanyң barcha mөselmannary ruhi kamillashү yulynda үz berdәmleklәren aerucha achyk toygan chor – uraza һәm tҙkvalyk vakyty – Izge Ramazan ae әlege kүrkәm bәirәm belәn tamamlana. Keshelәr һәm җәmgyyat hakyna izge gamallәregez ihlas iman, yugary әhlak ideallaryna omtylu һәm Allaһy Tagalә rәkhmәte belәn bashkarylsa ide. Sezgә nykly sәlamәtlek һәm igelekle ruhi missionazne үtәүdә zur uңyshlar telim. Respublikabyz mөselman өmәte tynychlyk soyu, kin kүңellelek һәm miһerbanlylyk, yugary humanistic ideallarga tugrylyknyң laekly үrңge bulyr dip yshanam.

Short congratulations on Eid al-Fitr for SMS

Congratulations on Uraza Bayram do not have to be big and wordy. For example, preference short wishes worth giving if you want to congratulate a person via SMS. soulful short congratulations with Eid al-Fitr for SMS, which we have prepared for you further, will help you adequately congratulate your family and friends on this great day.

Uraza Bayram is coming.

Meet him soon!

Joy, happiness he brings,

So you set the table

And treat all guests.

Uraza Bayram brought

Generosity of treats.

This is a Muslim holiday

Joyful, sacred.

Let old and young celebrate

Blessed day.
