Proper makeup: how to make cheekbones and hide cheeks. Wide cheekbones in women: learning to hide flaws

A wide face is a problem that worries not only ordinary people.

Expert comment:

Probably one of the most famous attempts to narrow the face was made by the singer Cher. According to rumors, she removed several chewing teeth to correct her broad facial features.

We don't know if this is true or not, but modern approaches won't require you to sacrifice your digestion.

Optical illusions, or why relative facial proportions are often more important than absolute ones

Do you perceive your face as wide? To narrow it down, it is not at all necessary to go to South Korea and undergo a complex operation to cut off excess bone tissue. In most cases, it is enough to change the "weight distribution" of features on the face.

Expert comment:

Lindsey Wixson

For example, there is the rule of three thirds, which was formulated by Leonardo da Vinci.

According to the rule, the face can be conditionally divided into 3 parts by two horizontal lines. One of them runs along the line of the eyebrows, the second - at the level of the base of the nose. To make the face look beautiful and harmonious, it is necessary that 3 parts - from the base of the hair to the line of the eyebrows, from the line of the eyebrows to the base of the nose and from the base of the nose to the chin are equal.

In a harmoniously beautiful face, the distance from hair growth to the eyebrow line, from the eyebrow line to the base of the nose, and from the base of the nose to the chin is approximately the same.

If in the background round face measurements show a lack of the chin area, to narrow the face you do not have to remove the cheeks - it will be enough . This simple manipulation will significantly stretch and narrow the face. That is why before each procedure we carry out a series of measurements and mathematical calculations.

To change the "weight distribution" of traits, there are different methods. From the play of light and shadow when applying cosmetics to permanent methods of plastic surgery.

We will not talk about the most obvious reason for the fullness of the face associated with excess weight. If after losing weight you did not get the desired effect, then you need to look for other ways to make a wide face narrow.

We will start our story with home remedies, then we will talk about the latest low-traumatic developments in the field of cosmetology and plastic surgery.

To make a narrow face, you first need to visit a dentist

But not at all about the reason Cher did it.

One of the common causes of a wide face is a low bite and worn teeth. As a rule, the problem in this case is accompanied by a crunch and pain in the jaw joint, headaches.

To solve the problem, the dentist overestimates the bite with crowns, removes excess stress from the jaw joint and returns the correct shape to the face. The face becomes narrower.

This is how faces with a low (left) and normal bite (right) look.

Does exercise help to narrow the face with wide cheekbones

To narrow the face, facebuilding instructors recommend training the muscles of the cheek-zygomatic region, and in theory, exercises can give a good effect.

Facial fitness or a new stray for facial gymnastics.

We will not dissuade you from gymnastics, because keeping the muscles of the face in good shape is useful in any case.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to “pump up” only one or a couple of muscles in isolation. To one degree or another, all groups of facial muscles will be loaded, including those areas that expand the face.

How to apply blush to narrow your face

If you apply makeup correctly, then the face visually narrows and slims.

To narrow the face with blush, you need to make the skin under the cheekbones a tone darker. For this, dark blush, dark shades of foundation or matte bronzer, which makes the skin tanned, are suitable.

How to apply these funds?

    With the mouth closed, we lower the lower jaw and retract the cheeks. The line of the cheekbones is clearly drawn on the face.

    On the area under the cheekbones, in the direction from the center of the cheek to the ear, we apply a dark shade.

    We apply a highlighter to the upper point of the cheekbones to emphasize: everything light seems visually larger.

All cosmetics should be used without fanaticism and shade the line of transition from one tone to another so that the face does not lose its naturalness.

The second way is to focus on the eyes and eyebrows to distract the gaze of the beholder from the cheeks. We paint over the eyelashes in two layers, give a neat shape to the eyebrows.

The main advantage of this method is that you can narrow your face with makeup in a few minutes, on your own and almost for free.

The ability to pose and accessories will make a wide face visually narrower.

What to do if you need to make a narrow face "here and now", urgently? For example, you have a photo session. Remember how celebrities pose.

The mouth is slightly open, the teeth are open. In this position, the chin drops, the face visually stretches, the cheeks sink a little, the cheekbones stand out and, in general, the face seems narrower - that's the whole secret. It is worth lowering the lower part of the face a little - and voila, a great photo is provided!

See, for example, how Jennifer Lopez poses:

And here is the result:

Jennifer Lopez

To make the face visually narrower, you can use square-shaped glasses. This accessory works in two directions at once. On the one hand, it makes the temple area more massive, and thus hides a wide face in the cheek area. On the other hand, it distracts the eye from the massive line of the lower jaw.

The same effect gives oblique bangs or voluminous hairstyle.

If temporary measures do not suit you, and you want to narrow your round face for a long time, pay attention to cosmetic methods.

How to make a face with cosmetic methods

  1. With a general fullness of the face, lipopolitics are recognized as the most effective and INNO-TDS Draining ppc. These drugs safely “burn” and remove excess subcutaneous fat.

    Their effect is comparable to liposuction, so do not trust the procedure to a beautician. The drug should not fall outside the fat areas. The procedure should be performed only by a doctor who is thoroughly familiar with the anatomy of the face.

    "Before" and 10 days "after" rhinoplasty (surgeon) and removal of Bish's lumps (surgeon). The lower third of the face stretched out, the heaviness of the cheeks went away. The face looks lighter and more harmonious.

    It is important to understand that for the operation, the doctor must have a well-developed sense of proportion. There is a risk, after removing Bish's lumps, to get excessive retraction of the cheeks. Then the face takes on a tired, haggard look. At Platinental, we remove just enough to keep the face fresh, natural and attractive.

  2. laser face liposuction. The destruction of fat cells in this case is carried out by a laser. A cannula with a laser nozzle is inserted through punctures in the anatomical folds in the ear area.
  3. After the fat is removed, the cannula is switched to the collagen stimulation mode, so the skin recovers and tightens faster after the procedure.

    The procedure allows you to get rid of fat deposits and narrow the face without scars - two-millimeter punctures heal without a trace.

  4. With the initial age-related sagging of the skin - - helps to cope with thread lifting. The threads pull soft tissues up, make the face noticeably narrower and slimmer.

Photos "before" and "after"
  1. Oval face: the forehead is slightly wider than the lower jaw, the cheekbones are pronounced, the face gently tapers to the chin.
  2. Round face: the length and width of the face are approximately equal, wide cheekbones, relatively low forehead and narrow jaw.
  3. Rectangular face: high and pronounced forehead, elongated chin, wide cheekbones.
  4. Square face: equal height and width of the face, low forehead and wide cheekbones, pronounced jaw line.
  5. triangular face: broad forehead and cheekbones, narrow chin.
  6. pear face: wide jaw, forehead line shorter than cheekbones.
  7. diamond face: wide cheekbones and equal in length forehead and jaw lines.

How to determine your face type

Method one

We will need a large mirror, a felt-tip pen or a marker (it is better that it is well washed). Remove your hair from your face and go to the mirror. Remember to straighten your back and straighten your shoulders. Looking straight ahead, trace the contour of your face with a felt-tip pen, ignoring the ears and volume of hair. At the same time, try not to move so that the drawing is as accurate as possible. Finished? Step aside and evaluate the resulting figure.

Method two

Measure with a centimeter the forehead, cheekbones and jaw in the widest part, as well as the vertical distance from the forehead to the chin. Compare the resulting figures: which line is the widest? which one is the narrowest? how much longer is the face vertically than horizontally? Match the answers with the description of each face type.

Remember that a face that fits perfectly into a certain shape is rare. More often come across variations of the main seven types. Determine which form is closest to yours and follow the recommendations selectively.

Oval face

Stars with oval faces: Cindy Crawford, Gwyneth Paltrow, Charlize Theron

considered ideal. Correcting other forms of the face, we will strive specifically for oval contours. Happy owners of an oval face will suit any haircut and styling, you can safely experiment with makeup and eyebrow bending. Within the framework, of course.

Round face

Round faces: Kirsten Dunst, Drew Barrymore, Christina Ricci

If you have this particular face shape, congratulations! You will look younger much longer than your peers. Soft, smooth features of a round face give tenderness and femininity to your appearance. But to look even better, you need to harmonize the contour of the face: visually stretch it vertically.


Suitable for you:

  • Loose straight hair, released on the sides of the strand. They will hide the cheekbones and cheeks.
  • Volume or bouffant at the crown will visually lengthen the face.
  • Oblique bangs, side parting, asymmetrical haircut will divert attention from roundness.
  • Soft waves starting below the jaw line if you want to curl your hair.

Won't fit:

  • Fully pulled back in a high bun or ponytail. This will draw attention to the exposed cheeks.
  • Voluminous puffy hairstyles and large curls above the chin line. They visually expand the cheekbones and cheeks.
  • Rounded haircuts like bob will make the face look rounder.
  • Straight bangs will reduce the forehead and flatten the face.

Eyebrow shape

On a face with a round shape, short eyebrows with a high rise will look best. Long, thin eyebrows can add extra width.


When making up, pay special attention to darkening the temples and the area under the cheekbones. Don't go overboard with light shades under the eyes and at the top of the cheekbones.

Rectangular face

Famous Rectangular Faces: Cobie Smulders, Sandra Bullock, Andie MacDowell

A rectangular (also called elongated) face shape is similar to an oval, but with more pronounced cheekbones and a high forehead. To balance the rectangle, it is necessary to smooth out sharp corners, visually reduce the line "forehead - chin" and expand the cheekbones.


Suitable for you:

  • Graduated haircut or curls along the contour of the face. This will soften the features.
  • Curls around the cheekbones or a bob extended on the sides. This will help increase the line of the cheekbones.
  • Milled or thick bangs to the eyebrows will hide a high forehead.
  • Hair length just below the chin. This will help expand the narrow elongated face.

Straight hair loose on the sides or combed back, as well as high hairstyles with a pile, will not work. They will stretch the face even more.

Eyebrow shape

Give your eyebrows a horizontal shape. This will visually expand the contour of the face.


You can use a little trick: two foundations, one tone darker than the other. Darken the forehead and chin areas, and apply a lighter shade to the middle part of the face. Be sure to blend the foundation well without leaving a sharp color transition. Finally, highlight the upper part of the cheekbones by adding a little highlighter.

Square face

Stars with square faces: Paris Hilton, Olivia Wilde, Helena Bonham Carter

Women of this type can be proud of their beautiful cheekbones and a clear jaw line. And in order to look your best, it is enough to visually stretch the vertical of the face and soften its features.


Suitable for you:

  • Hairstyles with soft and smooth lines and color transitions.
  • Delicate rounded curls and curls laid on the sides of the face.
  • Soft asymmetrical bangs or bangs laid to the side. It visually softens and distracts attention from a heavy chin.
  • Long straight hair will lengthen the face and hide sharp cheekbones.
  • Volume or bouffant at the crown will raise the forehead and stretch the forehead-chin vertical.

Won't fit:

  • Straight lines in a haircut: your face is already rich in clear lines, you should not overload the image.
  • Hair to the chin and above, especially cut in a ruler, focuses on the chin and makes it heavier, and also adds extra volume to the cheekbones.
  • Straight long or short bangs will hide the forehead and shorten the face.

Eyebrow shape

Do not forget about competent eyebrow correction: choose a rounded shape or a horizontal scatter.


Use a simple technique: lighten the face along the central vertical (middle of the forehead - nose - middle of the chin) and slightly darken along the edges (sides of the forehead - temples - cheekbones).

triangular face

Stars with a heart face: Scarlett Johansson, Reese Witherspoon, Victoria Beckham

A wide and high forehead is usually considered a sign of intelligence. And if you have a triangular face shape, then you can be proud of an attractive pointed chin. And yet we strive for an oval, remember? Therefore, our goal is to visually narrow the widest line, the forehead line.


Suitable for you:

  • with a volume below the cheekbone line (ideally, so that the widest part is at the level of the chin). This will instantly balance the upper part of the face.
  • Wide straight or oblique bangs.
  • Hair of any length with strands rounded to the chin: they will visually expand it. The ideal length for you is below the chin and above the shoulders.
  • From short haircuts, an elongated asymmetrical bob will look best.

Won't fit:

  • Volume at the top of the head. Bouffant, highlighted strands, combed bangs, cool curls at the temples will make the forehead heavier.
  • Facial pads. They will open your graceful cheekbones and chin, increasing the disproportion.
  • Short haircuts that open the face completely.

Eyebrow shape

Rounded arched eyebrows will look good. They will distract attention from a narrow chin.


In daily makeup, it will be enough just to slightly darken the tip of the chin and the forehead along the edges.

pear face

Pear Faces: Kelly Osbourne, Renee Zellweger, Queen Latifah

In another way, such a contour can be called an inverted triangle. With the help of hair, eyebrow correction and makeup, we will expand the forehead line and narrow the chin.


Suitable for you:

  • The volume at the crown, raised bangs and bouffant will play into the hands and balance the heaviness of the lower part of the face.
  • Side parting will distract from the vertical of the face and chin.
  • A high puffy bun with carelessly released strands will focus on the top of the head.
  • A slanting elongated bang will balance the forehead and chin.
  • Curls below the chin with volume above the temples are also perfect.

Won't fit:

  • Highly tied hair (ponytail, smooth bun) focuses on the severity of the lower part of the face.
  • Volume at the level of the cheekbones or chin will visually make the forehead narrower.
  • Parting - a straight line in the middle of the face - will unnecessarily highlight the nose and chin.

Eyebrow shape

Elongated horizontal eyebrows perfectly elongate the forehead.


Lightly highlight the upper part of the face with a tone or highlighter.

diamond face

Stars with diamond faces: Taylor Swift, Lisa Kudrow, Sophia Loren

The shape of the face in the form of a rhombus is often referred to as a diamond. It differs from the oval in a narrower forehead and chin and prominent cheekbones. So, it is necessary to expand the upper part of the face, divert attention from the middle and hide the excess length.


Suitable for you:

  • Oblique elongated bangs and side parting. This will visually enlarge the forehead and reduce the elongation of the face.
  • The volume above the temples and below the cheekbones will balance the prominent cheekbones.
  • Lush bangs, laid straight or to one side, will shorten the elongated vertical of the face.
  • High puffy styling with strands left along the cheekbones will expand the forehead line and smooth out the cheekbones.

Won't fit:

  • Volume at the level of the cheekbones will further expand the middle part of the face.
  • A straight parting will visually increase the length of the face.
  • Short haircuts above the chin (especially without bangs) will emphasize its fragility and increase the preponderance towards the cheekbones.
  • Smooth flat bangs will make the upper part of the face look smaller.
  • Excessive volume at the crown will visually lengthen the face vertically.

Eyebrow shape

Girls with a diamond face should try eyebrows with a lift and short tips.


In makeup, it is enough to smooth the side parts of the cheekbones with a dark color corrector.

Each face is beautiful and unique. Know your features and be able not only to hide them, but also profitably. Sometimes you can follow the recommendations exactly the opposite to highlight the uniqueness of your facial features.

Most girls tend to make a full face thin. Elongated, refined, with protruding cheekbones - this type is typical for Hollywood beauties, so it is not surprising that it is he who is the ideal for many. But there is an opposite appearance - too sunken cheeks look repulsive. Sometimes this is due to lack of weight, soreness, or simply an individual feature. One way or another, but I want to fix such a flaw as quickly as possible - and this is where makeup for a thin face comes in handy.

The main goal pursued by such a make-up is to visually increase the width of the face and, accordingly, reduce the length. Makeup artists advise doing the following for this:

  • Use dark shades on the forehead and chin.
  • Do not highlight the depressions under the cheekbones and the sides with dark colors.
  • Highlighter is needed only for the center: eyes, cheekbones, back of the nose. It should not touch the forehead and chin.
  • Blush is applied to the cheek apples and blended horizontally.
  • Eyebrows must be emphasized. If they are dark and thick, comb and fix with special wax. If light and thin, shadows or a pencil will do to outline the shape and give them the necessary saturation.
  • The eyes need to be elongated. To do this, be sure to use a bright eyeliner, draw clear, apply additional layers of mascara to the outer corners of the eyelashes.
  • Additional horizontal on the face can be achieved with the help of clear lip contouring (especially the corners) and saturated color.
  • Choose matte lipsticks. Glossy ones give highlights at the bottom, which will make sculpting useless.
  • You can make accents both on the eyes and on the lips.

This should be the correction of a thin face with the help of makeup - these basics are used in practice by professional makeup artists. But if you understand their essence and work out the technique, you can learn this on your own.

In addition. To enhance the effect of makeup, use other ways to make a thin face full: voluminous short hairstyles with curls, round glasses, hats with wide and flat brim, large and catchy earrings.

Correction technique

To make up a thin, elongated face, from tools, you will need a sponge and, and from the main corrective means - a two-tone concealer, primer (foundation), blush and shimmering powder.

  1. Apply a light concealer with a soft small brush along the entire length of the bridge of the nose, in the middle of the chin and under the eyes.
  2. With a dark concealer, mark the line of the cheekbones with a smaller brush. We begin to draw the contour from the temples to the outer corners of the lips with horizontal wide stripes.
  3. The next important task is to visually reduce the forehead area. To do this, you need a dark primer or foundation. It needs to be shaded along the hairline above the temples.
  4. They also draw, with a thin brush, 2 clear lines from the inner corners of the eyebrows to the tip of the nose and shade the bottom of the chin.
  5. Next, carefully blend all the applied products with a sponge.
  6. Powder and apply a small amount of peach-colored blush (delicate, barely perceptible) on the cheekbones.

This is usually done by professionals for thin faces, but as you can see, there is nothing complicated in it. Everyone can master it at home. Already after the main cosmetics comes and. But here everything will depend solely on its style.

A little about eyebrows. Clearly defined, wide eyebrows will create a horizontal line on a thin face for its visual expansion. Make them long, with minimal kink (straight is even better). Compare the distance between them with the length of the eye.

Style Options

Depending on where you are going - to work or a gala event - choose the style of makeup. When correcting a thin face with cosmetics, lighting must be taken into account. Usually evening make-up is created in brighter colors, daytime - in more restrained. A step-by-step technique for doing both will help you navigate these nuances.

Both options should start with the correction described above.


  1. Mark the moving eyelid with light sand shadows.
  2. Draw his crease and growth line of the upper eyelashes with a brown pencil. Blend with horizontal movements. The ultra-thin arrow should only extend slightly beyond the eyelid, but should run parallel to the line of the eyebrows.
  3. Brown mascara with the effect of additional volume can be applied to the eyelashes in 2-3 layers to focus on the eyes.
  4. Be sure to correct the shape of the eyebrows and color them in accordance with the color of the hair.
  5. Lips can be highlighted with a peach-colored lipstick and give them a little shine.


  1. Golden shadows are applied to the entire space of the eyelid (under the eyebrow too). Flickering particles will come in handy here.
  2. The next layer of shadows (already only on the moving eyelid) is emerald. The lower eyelids are highlighted in the same color.
  3. The shadows fade.
  4. With a coal-black pencil, clear, well-marked arrows are drawn along the lower and upper eyelids. They are brought out of their limits, but do not connect, but run parallel to each other in order to visually expand a thin face.
  5. In several layers, eyelashes are stained with black mascara with the effect of lengthening or volume. You can even use overhead accessories.
  6. Outline the lips with a burgundy pencil. Lipstick can take cyclamen.
  7. Using a brush, apply glitter to the chin, cheekbones and lips.

Skillful makeup for a thin face can hide imperfections such as sharply protruding cheekbones, uneven skin, sunken cheeks, dark circles around the eyes, and a wide forehead. Learn in detail where to apply corrector and where to blend blush to mask all these flaws. Consider your color type when choosing a tint palette and do not forget about the stylistic orientation of the make-up.

Only by observing these nuances will you be able to correct all your imperfections and, finally, stop complexing because of them.


Professionals know that with the help of foundation, many imperfections can be hidden. Almost everyone uses this method. If you want to visually reduce the cheekbones, apply a darker foundation on them. If you have a square face, apply dark foundation just below your cheekbones, blending it into your cheeks.

If you have a high cheekbones, apply a foundation of golden hues, covering it on top with a lighter corrective one. Cover the forehead with a light shade of blush, and the areas above the jawbone with a darker one. Apply a little blush under the eyes and on the cheekbones, then blend thoroughly. Light powder powder the lower part of the face, and the forehead, cheekbones and temples - dark.

Women who have wide cheekbones and a narrow chin can visually divert attention from such a contrast with. Wear a side parting and light bangs, do a high hairstyle, it visually stretches the face. For those who wear it, it is recommended to twist it inwards, while hiding the cheekbones and balancing the chin. But thick short bangs should be abandoned, cheekbones will be more conspicuous. A smooth hairstyle with hair combed behind the ears is also not suitable for people with wide cheekbones.

For those with a diamond-shaped face, it is advisable to wear. They go with long thick bangs. Decorate the front strands in the form of a ladder, this is also a good technique, but you do not need to add volume.

In case of a critical situation, you can go to the surgeon, but you must understand that this is very painful and difficult. Surgeons move the cheekbones and reduce their parts by cutting off the bone tissue. The entire operation takes place under anesthesia, and its result is visible no earlier than after 6 months.


  • how to reduce cheekbones

The problem of how to hide ears, often worries not only those who are not satisfied with their shape. In addition to protruding ears, often girls do not like the shape of the auricles. There are two ways out of this situation: either to collect money for plastic surgery, or to choose a hairstyle that will hide all the flaws.


There are hairstyles that hide ears, the principle of laying which is based on the expansion from the crown to the ears. As an option, this is a classic square, creating a smooth oval around the head and tapering towards the neck. The length does not matter, the main task is to hide ears.

Short - the simplest option that does not require styling difficulties. An ordinary bean, a “hat” or a semi-long asymmetry will not only hide problem areas, but also allow you to look. When choosing, you need to remember that its too short length in this situation will not help, since they must at least half cover ears. The advantages of a short haircut are that it is enough to style it once, washing your hair in the morning, and then all day long you don’t have to think about what the wind or other weather conditions will do so that ears will be visible.

But also with the help of long hide ears quite possible. To do this, it is necessary to fix the hair in a braid or tail not clearly at the back of the head, but slightly below. So around the ears, the hair lies freely and covers part of them. You can leave a few strands free in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe temples, which will hide the side of the face. A great option for a haircut that hides ears and correcting the shape of the face, stretching the cheekbones - this is graduation. Strands cut along the oblique line can fit in or out, but ears they will close anyway. You need to style your hair so that the hair falls down near the face. On straight tips, you will need to twist inward with a round brush. Curly is even less of a hassle, they fall down naturally.

Helpful advice

More self-confidence - and the problem of protruding ears cannot interfere with success. If doubts about your own irresistibility remain, look at movie stars: Liv Tyler and Will Smith feel great having ears that are far from ideal, and do not try to hide them. Because the presence of complexes will not help to hide any hairstyle.


  • how to hide droopy ears

Small defects in appearance can plunge even the most self-confident person into despondency. However, you can make sure that these shortcomings are not noticeable to others. hide big ears, for example, is not difficult at all.


A well-chosen hairstyle can mask a not very good shape of the ears. Bob haircuts, cascading and others are suitable for you, in which curls in the temporal part can be combed forward to the cheekbones. You need to style your hair in a special way. Lift the strands above the ears and tease them a little with a wide-toothed comb. Cover your ears and secure with hairspray for a strong hold. Wind long hair on large curlers or curl with. Lower your head down and secure the curls with a fixative. Smooth hairstyles or very short haircuts, having big ears, it is better not to do.

Hats are friends who are not happy with their ears. Choose the shape of the hats that suits you. If - choose panamas with wide brim, voluminous berets or scarves with a horizontal pattern. A triangular face will suit plain scarves and hats with short brim. For a square face, a cap, a dress with lowered brim, asymmetrical. An elongated face will be decorated with wide knitted berets, classic-style hats and trendy caps. An oval face will suit any headdress. It is worth avoiding only tight-fitting knitted hats that fit the ears, thereby emphasizing them.

Distract attention from the ears with large accessories - a pendant made of natural stone, chains, a bright brooch. Use multi-colored neckerchiefs. Choose blouses and jackets with large bright buttons or decorated with embroidery. It is better to prefer clothes of intense, juicy shades. Focus on or below. Remember that others perceive the image as a whole. No one will pay attention to the shape of the ears of a stylishly dressed woman who knows how to emphasize her strengths and hide her flaws.

Almost any woman who uses decorative cosmetics knows that with the help of makeup, you can easily correct the shape of the chin, nose, lips, and even eyes. However, not everyone knows how much correctly defined cheekbones can change the face.

You will need

  • blush, foundation, powder, brush, mirror.


Properly emphasized cheekbones make the oval of the face more noble. In order to draw them, you will need foundation, powder and blush.

Before applying makeup, use foundation: it will help even out the complexion and hide imperfections. Then apply powder, loose or compact. A wide brush is best for this, not a sponge - this way the powder will lie more evenly. Blush should be applied after eye makeup, but before lipstick.

In order to determine the area of ​​​​your cheekbones, go to the mirror and smile broadly. Your smile will help highlight their outline. You can also draw in your cheeks - the method of finding the desired zone does not matter.

To highlight the cheekbones, use foundation or powder that is a few shades darker than the one you use with regular makeup. In some cases, even eye shadow can be used.

To highlight the cheekbones, use a cosmetic brush with a beveled edge. With the help of a darker shade of powder, draw a line under the cheekbone. Draw a line from the ear to the middle of the face, and then round it slightly at the temple. Then take a round brush with which you apply powder, and blend the drawn line. You can also apply blush to brighten up your face. To do this, brush over the most protruding part of the cheeks (use not bright, but barely noticeable tones). After that, go over the entire face with the powder brush again to blend all the colors.

Recently, creamy blush has become the most popular: they are more resistant. If you use these, remember that they must be applied after foundation, but before using powder. Cheekbones in this case are best emphasized with a darker foundation.


You can also pump up your cheekbones without surgery by regularly chewing gum, or rather, constantly chewing. This invention changed the face of an entire nation - the Americans. It is by wide and developed cheekbones that, as a rule, one can distinguish a US citizen from other people.

Helpful advice

How to make beautiful cheekbones like a model? Cheekbone contouring, cheekbone plastic augmentation or cheekbone lift Endotin - what to choose? To shine, it is enough for a young woman to line her eyes, emphasize her cheekbones and add color to her lips. How to pump up cheekbones without surgery. Are you worried about the question of how to make a face with clear cheekbones without surgery?

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Not too correct shape of the auricle sometimes causes serious worries. However, this feature is easy to hide with the right hairstyle, as well as fashionable and stylish hats.

How to hide ears with hair

Modern hairdressing fashion seems to be created for those who want to hide some features of their appearance, including protruding ears. All kinds of squares, asymmetrical haircuts, lush styling do an excellent job with this task. And for each type of face, you can choose a hairstyle that corrects small flaws.

A haircut for an oval and rectangular face, which allows you to hide protruding ears - an elongated caret. In the first case, you can wear a hairstyle without bangs - a perfect oval allows this. In the second option, to compensate for the heavy chin, it is better to make a short oblique bang. The elongated strands in front completely hide the ears, which makes this small flaw completely invisible.

For a heart-shaped or elongated face, a haircut based on the classic “page” is perfect. The hair at the back, at the neck, is cut short, and sufficient volume is left in the temporal, parietal and frontal zones. This volume allows you to hide the auricles.

Those who have a round or square face shape should choose asymmetrical bob haircuts. In this case, the hair on one side is cut short - to the level of the earlobe, an extension passes through the back of the head, and the length of the strands already reaches the chin to the opposite temple. This hairstyle allows not only to pluck the ears, but also makes the face narrower, correcting the wide cheekbones and chin.

Also, protruding ears perfectly hide lush hairstyles, curls and curls. The advantage of medium and long hair is that it suits most women, and almost anyone can choose the right hairstyle. Difficulty can arise only when choosing a haircut with smooth straight hair. If the strands are thin, then the ears will bulge ugly, peek out of the hairstyle. In this case, it is better to shorten the curls in the occipital zone a little, giving them additional volume, which will hide a small flaw in appearance.

Hats and scarves - how to hide your ears with hats

All kinds of hats, berets, hats and scarves remain in fashion for more than a season. This is a real find for those who want to hide the ears of a not too elegant shape. The best thing to do with this task is a beret. It can be warm - for winter, and thin, knitted - for summer. Bulky fashionable hats, bandanas and hats with large brim are also suitable.

It is worth avoiding only scarves - bulging ears will be visible under them, as well as hats with short fields - on the contrary, they draw attention to the temporal part of the head.

Cheekbones, emphasized with makeup, make the face more expressive. The topic of sculpting, popular among girls, could not go unnoticed by cosmetic brands, so the beauty market offers a huge amount of tools to help create the perfect facial relief.


The easiest way to emphasize the cheekbones is with the help of dark brown correctors - both dry and cream. A more natural effect can be achieved with a bronzer. Less obvious means to achieve the same result are eye shadow, as well as blush in two shades. Read more about all the nuances of cheekbone makeup, read further in our article.

How to get beautiful cheekbones with makeup

How to emphasize cheekbones with blush

The most natural way to emphasize the cheekbones and at the same time create the effect of a fresh and youthful face is to use blush. It is necessary to take light and dark shades in the same color scheme. For example, pink and dusty red.

Apply a light shade of blush to the apples of your cheeks and blend diagonally up towards your temples.

Apply dark blush under the cheekbones and blend towards the corner of the lips on each side. Softly blend the borders between the two shades. It is convenient to do such a correction with dry blush using a natural brush with a bevelled edge.

  • Despite the fact that this correction does not create the “shadow effect” that usually gives a brown tint, the face still looks thinner and the cheekbones are noticeably emphasized.

Cheekbone correction with bronzer

Highlight the cheekbones and at the same time achieve a rested look of the face easily with the help of such a corrective tool as a bronzer.

Apply it by moving the brush from the area under the cheekbone (closer to the earlobe) to the corner of the mouth. But do not reach the lips; stop at a distance approximately equal to the thickness of two fingers.

To prevent the correction from looking too obvious, be sure to add a bronzer to the areas where the tan usually appears the fastest: on the forehead along the hairline, temples, the perimeter of the face, chin, middle of the nose.

  • The result will be natural and organic if you use a large natural brush with soft bristles - it distributes the product as easily as possible over the face.

How to highlight cheekbones with shadows and powder

If you don’t have blush, corrector, or bronzer on hand, and you need “perfect cheekbones” urgently, take brown eye shadow and face powder. Choose shadows with a matte texture and cool undertones - greenish brown, grayish, a little "dusted".

First apply foundation, then go over it with face powder - so the shadows will not stain the tone and it will be easier to blend them. With a fluffy natural brush, spread the brown shade under the cheekbones. Try not to pick up too much product and do not press hard on the brush. Softly blend the borders.

Then take a powder brush and go over the powder in the color of your skin over the painted "shadow" to further blur the borders of the correction.

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  • This method is the most intense of all due to the high pigmentation of the shadows. With the help of such a correction, you can literally draw new facial features. Everything will look very realistic in photos and videos, but in makeup for life there is a chance to overdo it, so be vigilant and do not get carried away.

Full sculpting

The most common way, both among professional makeup artists and amateurs, is to use specialized correctors.

Dry correctors need to be distributed over powdered skin, then they are better shaded and look more natural. Cream, on the contrary, apply over foundation, and powder already at the end of makeup.

The creamy corrector can be immediately applied over the tone with a round artificial brush - with soft driving movements. To simplify the process, it is convenient to draw strips with them in the desired areas - under the cheekbone, in the temporal cavity, and also along the wings of the nose (if you need such a correction).

Then blend the borders with a circular motion of the brush.

Examine the face in reflection from all sides (preferably in natural light) and make sure that there are no clear lines left anywhere. This method of correction does not look too obvious, but at the same time it noticeably emphasizes the cheekbones and makes the face more sculpted.

For more detailed instructions, see our video.

How to make expressive cheekbones, taking into account the type of face

If you want to achieve a natural result, you should take into account the anatomical features of the face. There is no single contouring scheme, so it is important to correctly determine the shape of your face in order to understand which areas need to be darkened and which, on the contrary, should be highlighted.


Chubby girls need to visually narrow their face. Apply the contouring agent on the sides of the forehead and along the perimeter of the entire face, and to create sharper cheekbones, smoothly draw the number 3 with the same contouring agent from the forehead to the chin on each side. Apply highlighter to the middle of the forehead and chin.


In girls with an oval face, the cheekbones are quite clearly defined, so they only need to slightly highlight them. To do this, apply the sculptor under the cheekbones and blend well. Apply highlighter to your temples and chin.


For girls with a square face, makeup artists are advised to apply the sculptor to the side areas of the forehead to visually make it narrower. With the same contouring agent, outline the cheekbones, shading it diagonally from the ears to the middle of the cheeks. Use a highlighter to highlight the areas under the eyes (closer to the nose) and the middle of the chin.

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If you are new to contouring, use foundations in different shades. To create shadows, choose a foundation that is one tone darker than your usual one. Take a closer look at the area under the eyes - this is the shade that will be ideal for you. As a highlighter, take a foundation a couple of tones lighter. Using familiar textures, you can easily contour and blend all borders with high quality.

To "create" the cheekbones, choose matte textures. Always stick to the rule: everything that needs to be darkened and hidden is matte, and everything that needs to be highlighted is radiant.

For shading the borders, it is most convenient to use a sponge. Work through each area with gentle circular motions. You can use a moisturizing spray or apply moisturizer on it - this way it easily blends contour products and creates the effect of airbrushing.

Do not forget to fix the result with a fixing powder, it will not only prolong the durability of the entire make-up, but will also erase the boundaries of contouring.

Overview of funds
