Causes of toxicosis and its treatment. Toxicoses of pregnant women: early, late and rare types

Toxicosis of pregnant women is a very common pathology diagnosed in the first weeks after conception. It is interesting that the reasons for this phenomenon have not yet been precisely clarified by scientists. There are only guesses. We will look at toxicosis in pregnant women, what it is, the most popular versions of the occurrence of this pathology, its symptoms and treatment.

Causes, timing, treatment of malaise in early pregnancy

Early toxicosis includes all the unpleasant phenomena of the first trimester of pregnancy. And namely: nausea, vomiting, salivation, changes in the perception of tastes and smells, lowering blood pressure, frequent mood swings, tearfulness, etc. These are the same symptoms of toxicosis in pregnant women in the early stages.

If we divide all the probable prerequisites for the occurrence of pathology, then they can be figuratively divided into:

  • psychological;
  • hormonal;
  • immune;
  • associated with diseases and characteristics of the gastrointestinal tract.

Let's look at the causes of toxicosis in pregnant women in a little more detail.

The embryo, in fact, is a half-foreign organism for the expectant mother. Therefore, in some women, the body reacts to it with nausea and vomiting and tries to reject it. But after a few weeks, the female body adapts, and toxicosis during pregnancy stops. This usually happens closer to the second trimester, at 12-13 weeks. But sometimes ailments can last longer, everything is individual.

By the way, about the time of appearance. The period when toxicosis begins in pregnant women is equated by some researchers to the maximum increase in the concentration of human chorionic gonadotropin in the body. And this is a period of 6-7 weeks. Please note that the period is counted from the first day of menstruation. This means that you can expect ailments for 2-3 weeks after the start of your missed period. A sharp decrease in hCG begins at 11 weeks, and at the same time women feel noticeable relief. Actually, this is a possible cause of toxicosis – hormonal.

The next reason is “gastrointestinal”. In 2005, Helicobacter bacteria were discovered, which cause many diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. And they, as some researchers believe, can provoke toxicosis in women.

In addition, it is known that toxicosis often affects women who are not psychologically prepared for motherhood. And the occurrence of toxicosis has nothing to do with the child’s gender or blood type.

There are ways to noticeably improve your well-being. If you suffer from low blood pressure, moderate physical activity and walking, and sometimes a cup of tea or coffee, can help. If ailments are more related to the digestive system, then it’s time to reconsider your diet and regimen.

1. Start eating at least 5 times a day, but little by little. Fractional nutrition is correct and very useful for everyone.

2. It would be logical to exclude, at least temporarily, from your diet foods that cause nausea and vomiting.

3. You should not drink solid food. You need to drink liquid little by little before and after meals.

4. Avoid eating heavy meals (fatty meats) and overeating.

5. Immediately after eating, try to avoid physical activity for at least 20-30 minutes.

From folk remedies. Lemon relieves nausea well (you don’t have to eat it, you can add lemon juice to tea, water, or just hold a slice of citrus fruit in your mouth), mint, sage. In addition, medium and low mineralization alkaline mineral water (preferably not carbonated) can calm the stomach.

If all else fails, the woman often suffers from bouts of vomiting, likely dehydration and vitamin deficiency. In such cases, treatment of toxicosis in pregnant women is carried out with medications, and more often in a hospital setting. In the hospital, women are given IVs with saline, glucose with the addition of ascorbic acid. This helps to stay hydrated and also removes toxins from the body. In severe cases, antiemetic drugs may be prescribed.

What you need to know about late toxicosis

What we wrote above is typical for the first weeks after conception. But toxicosis can also occur in the third trimester of pregnancy, and be much more dangerous. This toxicosis is called gestosis. It occurs for other reasons, has other symptoms and consequences.

Late toxicosis of pregnant women is characterized by rapid weight gain, the appearance of swelling in the limbs and face, the appearance of protein in the urine, and high blood pressure. The presence of even one of these symptoms is a reason to suspect the onset of gestosis. The most unpleasant and dangerous thing is that the woman herself may not notice the dangerous symptoms. Increased blood pressure does not always cause a headache. Edema may be hidden. Well, the composition of urine can only be determined by analyzing it. This is why it is so important to visit your doctor regularly and get tested.

Preeclampsia often occurs if the pregnant woman is too young (less than 18 years old), as well as in late-birthers (over 35-40 years old), with short intervals between pregnancies, if a woman is carrying twins, with obesity, diseases of the cardiovascular and excretory systems of the body.

Preeclampsia is dangerous due to the occurrence of eclampsia - convulsions with loss of consciousness. Alarming symptoms should be considered increased blood pressure, severe headache, flashing spots before the eyes, nausea, vomiting, and severe weakness. With eclampsia, there is a serious threat to the life of both the child and the mother. Women can die from cerebral hemorrhage, pulmonary edema, and asphyxia. Children often die from acute hypoxia in such situations. An emergency caesarean section is necessary at any stage of pregnancy.

Women with confirmed gestosis are sent for treatment to a hospital, where doctors closely monitor their condition. Regular blood pressure measurement, weighing, and urine tests are mandatory. If there is a sharp deterioration in health, surgical delivery is performed.

Toxicosis of pregnant women is a pathological condition that occurs only during pregnancy, complicates its course and, as a rule, disappears with its interruption or independently during treatment.

Causes of toxicosis

To date cause of toxicosis insufficiently studied. There is no exact data on the origin of this pathological condition. The International Association of Obstetricians and Gynecologists has identified the most likely causes of toxicosis:

  1. Hormonal changes. From the first days after conception, great changes occur in a woman’s body due to changes in the amount of hormones released. Against this background, the pregnant woman’s well-being may worsen;
  2. Presence of chronic diseases. It is noted that toxicosis occurs more often in women with weakened immunity and diseases of various organs (especially diseases of the digestive, respiratory and endocrine systems). Therefore, women planning a pregnancy are advised to undergo a full medical examination in advance;
  3. Psycho-emotional state of a woman. , lack of sleep, heavy mental stress contribute to the development of toxicosis and aggravate the severity of their manifestation;
  4. : , drug use;
  5. Woman's age. It has been noted that early pregnancy (mother's age up to 20 years) and late pregnancy (over 35 years) more often occur with various forms of toxicosis;
  6. Heredity. Genetic predisposition plays a significant role here: if a woman’s mother, aunt or grandmother suffered from toxicosis, then there is a high probability of developing preeclampsia in this woman.

There are three forms of toxicosis:

  1. Early (develops in the first trimester of pregnancy);
  2. Late (occurs in the second and third trimester, more often in the last two to three months);
  3. Rare (usually begins in the first trimester, but can occur at any stage of pregnancy).

Early toxicoses: types, timing, treatment

Early toxicoses occur at the beginning of pregnancy and end by the end of the first trimester. Most often, symptoms begin at 5-6 weeks of pregnancy, less often at an earlier date (some women feel a deterioration in their health almost immediately after conception, even before the start of delayed menstruation). Highlight two forms early gestosis:

Vomiting of pregnancy

  • Lightweight;
  • Moderate;
  • Excessive.

Drooling (salivation).

Vomiting of pregnancy– the most common form of early toxicosis. In the first weeks of pregnancy, many women experience nausea and vomiting, which occurs in the morning, not every day, and does not in any way affect the condition of the pregnant woman. Such vomiting is not classified as toxicosis and does not require treatment.

Information Gestosis includes vomiting, which is repeated several times during the day, accompanied by severe nausea, a sharp decrease or absence of appetite, changes in taste preferences and olfactory sensations.

According to severity they are distinguished:

  1. Light form. Vomiting repeats up to 5 times a day, more often after meals, slightly worsens the woman’s well-being, is easily treatable or goes away on its own by 10-12 weeks of pregnancy;
  2. Moderate form. Vomiting occurs up to 10 times a day, is not associated with food intake, and is accompanied by a significant deterioration in the woman’s condition and general weakness. With proper treatment, this form of toxicosis gradually stops. Subsequently, pregnancy develops normally.
  3. Excessive form. Vomiting occurs up to 20 times or more per day and contributes to the development of a woman’s serious condition. Fasting and dehydration lead to decreased body weight, exhaustion, and increased temperature and pulse. Emergency treatment is required, failure to do so can result in death.

Drooling (ptialism) is increased salivation and loss of more fluid (up to 1 liter or more per day). Ptyalism can occur as an independent form of toxicosis or accompany vomiting of pregnant women. With severe drooling, a woman’s well-being worsens, sleep is disturbed, weight loss and dehydration of the body due to fluid loss are possible. Due to the constant secretion of saliva, maceration of the skin and mucous membranes occurs.

Treatment ptyalism and mild vomiting are carried out on an outpatient basis. If there is no effect, the woman must be hospitalized and further examination and treatment is carried out in a hospital setting. For moderate and excessive vomiting, hospitalization should be immediate.

Special treatment of early toxicosis consists of the following measures:

  1. Ensuring complete physical and emotional peace;
  2. Proper diet (eating high-calorie foods in fractional portions every 2-3 hours);
  3. Taking sedatives (,);
  4. Antiemetic therapy;
  5. Vitamin therapy;
  6. Hepatoprotectors;
  7. Intravenous drip infusions of solutions to combat dehydration.

Important If the treatment does not give the desired effect and the pregnant woman’s condition worsens, then emergency termination of pregnancy is indicated.

Late toxicoses: types, timing of occurrence, treatment

Late toxicosis develops most often after 30 weeks of pregnancy. In rare cases, it appears already in the second trimester and then becomes more malignant and less treatable. The following are distinguished: forms of gestosis:

  1. Dropsy of pregnancy(fluid retention in the body and the appearance of persistent edema);
  2. Nephropathy(clinically manifested by three symptoms: swelling, high blood pressure);
  3. Preeclampsia(transitional stage from nephropathy, characterized by dysfunction of the nervous system);
  4. Eclampsia(the final stage of late gestosis with the occurrence of convulsions and loss of consciousness).

Dropsy of pregnancy occurs when fluid is retained in the tissues. Its main clinical manifestation is edema, which progresses with the development of the disease. Highlight three degrees of severity of dropsy:

  1. First degree. Swelling appears on the legs; when pressure is applied to the tissue in the area of ​​the tibia, visible impressions remain;
  2. Second degree. The swelling spreads further to the torso, but water does not stagnate in the abdominal cavity. Indentations remain when pressing on the abdomen;
  3. Third degree. Swelling appears on the torso and face. The general condition of the pregnant woman worsens: increased fatigue, shortness of breath, and rapid heartbeat appear.

Treatment this stage of toxicosis includes:

  1. Limiting liquid (no more than 1 liter per day) and table salt when preparing food;
  2. Exclusion from the diet of all foods that can retain water in the body: smoked, fatty, spicy, salty;
  3. (furosemide, hypothiazide, etc.).

In most cases, the treatment is effective and takes no more than 6-8 days for mild to moderate toxicosis and 10-12 days for severe toxicosis.

Nephropathy most often develops against the background of undiagnosed or improperly treated hydrocele in pregnant women. This form of late toxicosis is characterized by triad of symptoms:

  1. Edema;
  2. Hypertension (increased blood pressure);
  3. Proteinuria (increased protein in the urine).

Nephropathy can be monosymptomatic (only one symptom is observed - hypertension or albuminuria) or polysymptomatic (two or three signs appear simultaneously).

Treatment nephropathy should be carried out only in a hospital setting. Therapy consists of the following activities:

  1. Complete bed rest, a state of physical and emotional peace;
  2. Normalization of nutrition. A pregnant woman is prescribed a predominantly dairy-vegetable diet, with strict restriction of fluid, salt and fat intake. Once a week, fasting days are carried out (fruit or);
  3. Normalization of sleep by taking sedatives;
  4. Taking diuretics to reduce swelling;
  5. Consultation with a therapist and taking antihypertensive drugs to lower blood pressure.

If treatment is unsuccessful, it is necessary to carry out early delivery, because further prolongation of pregnancy can threaten the health and life of the woman.

The final stages of development of gestosis are preeclampsia And eclampsia. At preeclampsia headaches, blurred vision, drowsiness, and increased fatigue appear. Some patients experience abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting,... These symptoms are associated with profound changes in cerebral circulation and increased intracranial pressure.

Treatment preeclampsia is the same as for nephropathy, but all injections and intravenous infusions should be carried out only under anesthesia (inhalation of nitrous oxide and oxygen) so as not to provoke an attack of eclampsia.

Eclampsia manifested by the sudden appearance of convulsions and complete loss of consciousness. A seizure occurs in three stages:

  1. First stage. Small contractions of the facial muscles appear, which move to the muscles of the upper limbs. This period lasts 20-30 seconds;
  2. Second phase. Severe cramps of all muscles occur, breathing is disrupted until it stops completely, and the woman loses consciousness. The stage lasts no more than 25 seconds.
  3. Third stage. The convulsions stop, and the pregnant woman falls into a coma. Upon returning to consciousness, the patient does not remember anything and complains of severe fatigue and muscle pain. The duration of the third stage is up to 1.5 minutes.

Therapeutic measures in case of eclampsia, they must be urgent and take place with the obligatory presence of resuscitators. Therapy includes:

  1. Relief of seizures by inhalation of oxygen, nitrous oxide and ether;
  2. Reducing blood pressure by intravenous administration of antihypertensive drugs (the woman must be under anesthesia at this time);
  3. Sleeping pills (the pregnant woman is put into a state of medicated sleep for 1-2 days).

Intensive care in the intensive care unit should last about 10 days. If attacks recur during treatment, the woman is prescribed emergency delivery.

Rare forms of toxicosis: types, timing, treatment

Rare forms of toxicosis most often begin in the first trimester, but can occur at any stage of pregnancy. This type of toxicosis includes:

  1. Dermatoses (various skin diseases);
  2. Jaundice of pregnancy (jaundiced discoloration of the skin and visible mucous membranes);
  3. Yellow liver atrophy (acute liver disease with degeneration of liver cells);
  4. (a disease of the respiratory tract, manifested by difficulty breathing, shortness of breath and periodic attacks of suffocation);
  5. Tetany (convulsive attacks caused by impaired calcium metabolism in the body);
  6. Osteomalacia (a disease characterized by softening and deformation of the skeletal system due to disruption of phosphorus-calcium metabolism in the body).

Dermatoses pregnant women include a group of skin diseases that occur only during pregnancy. The most common pregnancy itch is pregnancy itch, which can spread throughout the body. The woman’s general health deteriorates, irritability appears, and sleep is disturbed. Less common is eczema (an inflammatory skin disease manifested by a profuse rash, itching and burning). Treatment is carried out in a hospital. A pregnant woman is recommended to follow a gentle diet with the exception of spicy and smoked foods. To reduce itching and burning, vitamin therapy and calcium supplements are prescribed. Locally, lotions with a solution of potassium permanganate are applied to the affected areas.

Jaundice It is quite rare in pregnant women. Its main clinical manifestations are liver damage, icteric discoloration of the skin, and itching. When a diagnosis is made, the pregnant woman is urgently hospitalized and the pregnancy is terminated at any stage.

Yellow liver dystrophy– an extremely dangerous form of rare toxicosis. It is very difficult and often leads to death. Liver damage occurs, jaundice increases, a sudden onset of convulsions and a coma occur. Immediate termination of pregnancy is indicated, which can help save the woman’s life.

Bronchial asthma as a manifestation of toxicosis occurs in isolated cases. It responds well to treatment, and pregnancy can be maintained. Pregnant women are prescribed vitamin therapy, sedatives and calcium supplements.

Tetany of pregnant women occurs when the parathyroid glands malfunction, which leads to a significant disruption of calcium metabolism in the body. Clinically, the disease manifests itself in the form of muscle spasms of the upper and lower extremities, and less commonly of the muscles of the face and torso. For treatment, parathyroidin (a hormone produced by the parathyroid glands) and calcium supplements are taken. In most cases, treatment is successful and the pregnancy continues.

Osteomalacia occurs as a result of a violation of the metabolism of phosphorus and calcium in the body. Clinically manifested by decalcification and softening of bones (usually the spine and pelvis), which leads to severe pain and deformation of the skeleton. Treatment includes vitamins D and E, physiotherapy (ultraviolet irradiation). If there is no effect of therapy, termination of pregnancy is indicated.

– pathological conditions associated with pregnancy, complicating its course and stopping after the end of gestation. Based on the time of occurrence, early and late toxicosis of pregnant women are distinguished. Early toxicosis of pregnant women is accompanied by hypersalivation (salivation), nausea, and vomiting. Diagnosis of early toxicosis is based on the complaints of the pregnant woman; the degree of severity is established based on the study of biochemical parameters of blood and urine. Treatment of early toxicosis in pregnant women includes the prescription of a protective regimen, diet, antiemetics and sedatives, infusion therapy, and physiotherapy.

Tetany in toxicosis of pregnant women develops against the background of calcium metabolism disorders. Tetany manifests itself as muscle cramps and often occurs against the background of hypoparathyroidism. Patients with early toxicosis need increased monitoring by a gynecologist during pregnancy, since they often subsequently develop gestosis.


The diagnosis of early toxicosis in pregnant women is established taking into account complaints, objective data, and the results of additional studies. Carrying out an examination on a chair and an ultrasound allows you to verify the presence of a fertilized egg in the uterus, determine the gestational age, and monitor the development of the fetus.

In pregnant women with signs of toxicosis, a clinical blood test, biochemical parameters (total protein and fractions, fibrinogen, liver enzymes, electrolytes, CBS), and a general urinalysis are examined. Measurement of daily diuresis, monitoring of pulse, ECG and blood pressure, and counting the frequency of vomiting are shown.

Treatment of early toxicosis in pregnant women

A mild form of toxicosis in pregnant women does not require hospitalization; Moderate and excessive vomiting requires hospital treatment. In mild cases, the pregnant woman is recommended to maintain psychological and physical rest, take sedatives (valerian, motherwort), vitamins, and antiemetics (cerucal). The nutrition of a pregnant woman with toxicosis should be fractional, easily digestible, in small portions. In case of increased salivation, it is useful to rinse the mouth with herbal solutions with tanning properties (infusions of chamomile, mint, sage).

For moderate toxicosis in pregnant women, infusion therapy is carried out in the hospital - parenteral administration of saline solutions, glucose, protein drugs, hepatoprotectors, vitamins. To stop vomiting, neuroleptic drugs (chlorpromazine, droperidol) are prescribed according to indications. A good effect is observed from physiotherapeutic procedures (electrosleep, endonasal electrophoresis, galvanization, herbal medicine, aromatherapy), acupuncture.

Treatment of severe toxicosis in pregnant women is carried out in intensive care wards under the control of laboratory and hemodynamic parameters. Therapy includes infusion of solutions in a volume of up to 3 liters, administration of neuroleptics, hepatoprotectors, antiemetics, and nutritional enemas. Severe toxicosis in pregnant women poses a danger to the woman and the fetus. If treatment is untimely or ineffective, coma (hydatidiform mole, hepatosis) may occur.

Prevention of toxicosis is facilitated by responsible preparation of a woman for pregnancy, including timely treatment of chronic pathology, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, refusal of abortion, etc.

While waiting for a baby is a joyful time, it does not always bring only positive emotions. Early toxicosis during pregnancy occurs in many women . It is manifested by attacks of nausea, in some cases vomiting and increased secretion of the salivary glands.

The most significant period of pregnancy is considered to be the first trimester. At this time, the embryo strengthens in the uterus, develops, and the formation of the baby’s internal organs also occurs. The well-being of the expectant mother depends on how long early toxicosis lasts, which is important for the intrauterine development of the child.

Most women try to detect the fact of conception by the signs that accompany the period when early toxicosis begins. They believe that the development or absence of certain symptoms indicates the presence of pregnancy. However, not every expectant mother experiences early toxicosis.

Doctors have established the following terms for this condition accompanying gestation::

  • initial signs appear in the first days after fertilization or at 5-6 weeks;
  • early toxicosis often ends by the end of the first trimester, when an important stage of the formation of all the organ systems of the unborn baby passes, but it can last up to 13-15 weeks, which depends on the individual characteristics of the pregnancy.

Causes of early toxicosis

Obstetricians and gynecologists do not have clear explanations for why some women develop toxicosis in the early stages. One can only say with certainty that intoxication at the beginning of pregnancy indicates a pathological response of the mother’s body to the developing embryo, which is perceived by the body as a foreign substance.

Scientists and doctors have formulated several theories that suggest possible causes of toxicosis:

  • Nervous-reflex– the hypothesis suggests that an imbalance occurs between the nervous system and internal organs. The subcortical structure contains the olfactory and vomiting centers, which intensify their work to preserve the embryo. This is a subconscious reaction of the body, dating back to ancient times.
  • Immune– from the first days of intrauterine life, the child produces its own antibodies, which can be perceived by the protective systems of the pregnant woman as foreign.
  • Hormonal– a new organ develops in the female body - the placenta, which synthesizes hormones, including human chorionic gonadotropin (CG) and placental lactogen (PL). The changes that occur are not always positively perceived by the body, which is why various reactions arise.
  • Psychogenic– the assumption that initial toxicosis develops due to fear of future childbirth, worries about the health of the baby, or a negative perception of pregnancy.

Some women feel nausea, drowsiness and fatigue from the first days after conception, while others feel no worse. There are prerequisites that increase the likelihood of developing toxicosis.

Some habits include risk factors:

  1. Smoking.
  2. Not getting enough sleep.
  3. Fatigue.
  4. Poor diet.
  5. Alcohol consumption.

Signs by severity

Depending on the severity of the symptoms, early toxicosis of pregnant women is classified into several groups:

  1. First degree– rare vomiting that occurs after a morning meal, the frequency of which does not exceed five times a day. The loss of body weight is no more than 3 kg, the woman’s general well-being is not affected.
  2. Second degree– nausea occurs about ten times a day, and its occurrence is not associated with the consumption of food. Over a two-week period, a pregnant woman loses about 3-4 kg in weight. The woman indicates a deterioration in her health: arterial hypotension occurs, the pulse increases, and fatigue appears.
  3. Third degree– vomiting attacks are frequent and prolonged. They exhaust a woman, because she vomits up to 20-25 times within 24 hours. Weight loss reaches 10 kg or more due to loss of water, as well as the inability to eat. This negatively affects the health of the expectant mother. She may experience hyperthermia, her heart rate increases, and her reaction slows down.

From the moment the egg is fertilized, the female body begins to react to the changes that have occurred, changes the rhythm of work and adjusts to maintaining a new life. Symptoms of early toxicosis worsen a woman’s well-being, while she complains of weakness, drowsiness, nausea or vomiting, which can occur even from the sight or memories of certain foods, she has no appetite, and hypersalivation is observed. Sometimes the weight loss of a pregnant woman depends on how long early toxicosis lasts.

The most unpleasant manifestations of the body’s reaction to bearing a child include vomiting, however, in addition to it, there are other symptoms:

  1. Dermatosis– a pregnant woman is bothered by scattered skin itching, sometimes even occurring in the genital area. If it is detected, the possibility of diabetes, an allergic reaction, or.
  2. Tetany and osteomalacia– muscle spasms and softening of bones occurs due to disturbances in calcium and magnesium metabolism. If these symptoms occur, be sure to tell your obstetrician-gynecologist about them.
  3. Hypersalivation– increased secretion of saliva occurs due to changes in the secretion of glands. In especially severe cases, about one and a half liters are released. This symptom often accompanies vomiting.
  4. Bronchial asthma– appears extremely rarely, and the expectant mother experiences attacks of suffocation and a dry cough. The peculiarity of the disease is that it did not exist until pregnancy.


Early toxicosis in pregnant women is easily determined based on the woman’s complaints. But in severe cases, when serious changes in the functioning of internal organs are observed, clinical research methods will be required.

Diagnosis and treatment of early toxicosis during pregnancy is carried out based on the presence of symptoms such as nausea, regurgitation, and increased salivation. But even when determining standard signs, it is necessary to perform additional medical tests that make it possible to exclude other diseases that have a similar clinical picture.

First of all, you will need to take a general urine test for ketone bodies, as well as blood for biochemistry and its main indicators, after which, if deviations from the norm are detected, additional diagnostics are prescribed.

What to do in case of early toxicosis?

When a woman suffers from early toxicosis, how to deal with this disease can only be determined experimentally, because all expectant mothers are saved in various ways. The main manifestations of intoxication usually occur in the morning, when blood sugar is low.

By following certain tips, you can choose your own method treatment of early toxicosis:

  • before getting out of bed, chew a cracker or any dried fruit, which will help cope with the feeling of nausea and increase the glucose level in the body;
  • ask your loved ones to brew mint tea, which will soothe the receptors of the oral cavity and prevent vomiting;
  • in the evening, place slices of lemon or orange on the bedside table, because chewing citrus fruits can overcome the developing feeling of nausea;
  • Chew mint chewing gum, this will increase the production of saliva and muffle the unpleasant urge to vomit;
  • drink only those drinks that you enjoy: herbal infusions, juices, tea or just water;
  • eat a spoonful of honey as soon as you feel the first symptoms of toxicosis;
  • do not take a horizontal position immediately after eating - give the food time to digest;
  • Eat often, but in small quantities, this will prevent stomach distension and eliminate the likelihood of overeating.

In what cases is it necessary to consult a doctor?

When early toxicosis during pregnancy is manifested not only by digestive disorders or drowsiness, but more severe symptoms occur, you should immediately inform your doctor about this, because some signs indicate the development of a serious pathology or even.

Early toxicosis in pregnant women complicates its course, and when a sharp deterioration in well-being begins, and laboratory tests show a deviation from the norm, then to eliminate such manifestations you will have to undergo hospital treatment. The primary task of doctors is to replenish the electrolyte balance in the body, as well as restore protein and salts.

You should immediately visit a doctor when a pregnant woman:

  • severe vomiting, repeated many times during the day;
  • the amount of urine excreted is reduced, while its color and smell have changed;
  • pain in the abdomen;
  • any food eaten comes out with vomiting, and the woman cannot eat for half a day;
  • the loss of body weight over 14 days is more than 3 kg.

Relief in a woman’s condition is observed when early toxicosis passes, which usually happens at the end of the first trimester.


In order to prevent early toxicosis of pregnant women and not have to wonder how to deal with it in the future, it is necessary to monitor your diet and health from the first days of bearing a child.

A big misconception is the opinion that the less you eat, the less pronounced the symptoms of early toxicosis will be. It is in the first trimester that the developing fetus needs a full range of vitamins and minerals for the full formation of systems and organs. In addition, regular consumption of the same foods can trigger an allergic reaction in mother and baby. Therefore, it is important to reconsider your eating habits and create a balanced diet.

  1. Avoid foods whose appearance and smell trigger regurgitation attacks. This most often includes meat and dairy products.
  2. Moderate consumption of salty foods in the early stages will replenish the loss of minerals due to increased removal of fluid from the body, so pickles or fish in reasonable quantities will be beneficial.
  3. In the last trimester, on the contrary, it is not recommended to consume salt due to the likelihood of developing and.

Avoid increased psycho-emotional stress, stress, and negative environmental influences. This will allow you to happily live through the long months of waiting.

Toxicosis, especially early toxicosis, during pregnancy should not be considered something obligatory and normal, and therefore one should not pay attention to the altered reactions of the body. The apparent harmlessness of various symptoms of intoxication may hide serious pathological conditions, so be sure to tell your doctor about the disturbing symptoms. If necessary, a diagnostic study will be performed and appropriate treatment for toxicosis will be prescribed.

Useful video about early toxicosis during pregnancy


” №3/2009 04.08.11

Toxicosis is a depressing condition for the mother, complicating the course of pregnancy. Toxicosis in the early stages of pregnancy is so common that it has become almost an obligatory sign of pregnancy.

Symptoms and causes of early toxicosis

Vomiting with toxicosis. Do not confuse toxicosis with mild illness. Early toxicosis is considered a condition in which vomiting occurs (from 3 to 10-12 times a day), salivation increases, taste and olfactory sensations change, and appetite sharply decreases. It begins about a week after conception and can last up to 12–13 weeks (some experts believe that early toxicosis can last up to 20 weeks). A severe degree of toxicosis usually develops in the last third of pregnancy (from the 28th week), vomiting is repeated up to 20 or more times a day, accompanied by a significant deterioration in the condition of the pregnant woman. In severe forms of toxicosis, it is recommended to be observed in a hospital.

Toxicosis and hormones. is directly related to the development of the fetal egg and the hormonal, immunological and vascular changes accompanying this development in the body of the expectant mother. This ailment is a mysterious phenomenon - experts have not yet come to a consensus on the causes of the appearance and development of early toxicosis.

Most scientists see the main reason for the development of early toxicosis in the central nervous system. With the onset of pregnancy, the functioning of the nervous system changes, its interaction with internal organs is manifested by nausea, vomiting, etc.

With the development of symptoms of toxicosis, a connection is also noted with the main hormone of pregnancy - human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), in response to the production of which a release of toxins appears in the body.

Some tend to see a psychological basis in this phenomenon. A woman (most often without realizing it) suppresses her anxieties and fears and even rejection of her new position, which is expressed in symptoms of toxicosis.

But no matter what theory toxicosis arises, all experts have come to the following conclusion: all manifestations of early toxicosis are a natural protective reaction of the pregnant woman’s body, which makes it possible to protect the child from various threatening dangers.

Hereditary theory of the appearance of early toxicosis. The appearance of toxicosis may depend not only on the woman’s concomitant diseases, but also on heredity and immunity. If a pregnant woman’s mother suffered from toxicosis, then in 20-25% of cases she runs the risk of “getting sick.”

How to avoid toxicosis in the first half of pregnancy

Alcohol and smoking during pregnancy. The problem of toxicosis does not affect all pregnant women. It is believed that the risk group includes those who had health problems before pregnancy - primarily diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, thyroid gland, liver, and various chronic diseases. The occurrence of toxicosis is also influenced by nervous overload and stress, unbalanced diet, smoking and alcohol abuse before pregnancy.

Gastrointestinal diseases and toxicosis. Experts say that the condition of toxicosis can be prevented. When planning a pregnancy, you need to consult a gastroenterologist, put your digestive tract in order, and use nutritional therapy. It is also important to eliminate all bad habits and avoid stressful situations.

Treatment of toxicosis

Despite the fact that toxicosis is considered a kind of sign of pregnancy, a woman has the power to alleviate its manifestations.

1. A pregnant woman needs to spend enough time outdoors. It is recommended to walk for at least half an hour during the day and before bed to ensure healthy, sound sleep.

2. You need to wake up slowly. If nausea overcomes immediately after waking up, it is recommended to eat a handful of nuts or crackers, placed on the table by the bed in the evening.

3 . If possible, you should have breakfast while lying in bed and do not rush to get up after eating. For breakfast it is recommended to eat eggs and dairy products - yogurt, cheese, kefir, yogurt.

4. It is better to eat little by little, in small portions, but often (every 2-3 hours).

5. You need to listen to your body and eat foods that are well tolerated. Often even thinking about an unwanted product causes nausea. Basically, for toxicosis, experts recommend cereals, plant foods, foods rich in protein (beans, grains, nuts, seeds, fish, meat, milk).

6 . It is worth limiting the consumption of chocolate, smoked meats, fatty, spicy and salty foods. 7 . Also, do not eat too hot or, conversely, too cold food.

8 . You should drink still mineral water, weak tea with lemon, herbal teas and infusions (mint, lemon balm, chamomile flowers, yarrow). Cranberry juice, freshly squeezed apple juice, rosehip infusion, or just water with lemon juice are also useful.

9. In the evening before bed, you can drink an infusion of valerian, it will relieve nervous tension and improve sleep.

10 . As for vitamins, doctors advise taking prenatal vitamins containing folic acid, or this vitamin separately. Folic acid reduces the manifestations of toxicosis.

11 . Exercise therapy using breathing exercises helps in the treatment of toxicosis. Gymnastics activates blood circulation, saturates tissues with oxygen, which improves the mood and well-being of a pregnant woman. For relaxation, it is useful to massage the scalp and collar area - this reduces the excitability of the brain centers, including the vomiting one.

No matter how unpleasant the symptoms of early toxicosis may be, remember that it is temporary. Experts have their own thoughts about why you need all this suffering.

According to doctors, early toxicosis regulates the hormonal balance in a woman’s body: nausea and vomiting provide a low level of the hormone, which the fetus does not currently need. Rejecting everything unnecessary, the body consumes only what is necessary for the development of the child. Do not forget that this is just a small nuisance compared to the happiness that you will experience when you become the mother of your long-awaited child.

Folk remedies in the treatment of toxicosis

Honey for toxicosis. Honey is a natural product of nature, unique in its composition and effect on the human body. When treating early toxicosis of pregnant women (vomiting), it is recommended to take 1 tbsp of honey. spoon on an empty stomach.

Pumpkin for toxicosis. Pumpkin juice also has an antiemetic effect. You can also drink pumpkin infusion with lemon.

Citrus fruits for toxicosis. Take 300-400 ml of orange or grapefruit juice as a medicine. Thanks to a large amount of minerals, fructose, and vitamin C, juices flush the body and enhance the effectiveness of enzymatic systems that free it from toxic products.

You can save yourself from toxicosis simply by drinking lemon. So, if nausea occurs, a pregnant woman can eat a slice of lemon or drink tea with it.

Dried fruits for toxicosis. A decoction of prunes and dried apricots is useful for toxicosis, and you should drink the decoction, not the compote, that is, without sugar (take 200 g of prunes or dried apricots per 1 liter of water).

Cranberry for toxicosis. Prepare cranberry juice. Wash 150 g of cranberries, mash, squeeze the juice through cheesecloth. Pour hot water over the remaining pulp and boil for 10-20 minutes. Strain the broth, stir 100 g of sugar in it and cool. Pour berry juice into the drink and squeeze the lemon. Drink slowly, in small sips, when you feel nauseous.

Rosehip for toxicosis. Rosehip infusion will help cleanse the body of the end products of hormonal and other biologically active substances, whose metabolism increases during pregnancy, leading to toxicosis.
Pour 1 tablespoon of rose hips with 2 cups of boiling water, heat for 15-20 minutes in an enamel pan under a lid in a water bath, leave for an hour in a thermos. Drink 1/2 cup of warm infusion with a teaspoon of honey 2-3 times a day after meals.
