Drawing of children sledding down a hill. Winter fun pictures for children

Elena Romanova

Children ride down the slide

(we draw with children of senior preschool age)


Teach children to depict a person in motion.

Learn to compose plot composition on a winter theme.

Learn to mix paints with white, create light shades colors.


A-3 paper, watercolor paints, white gouache, brushes No. 8, 4.1, palettes, photo reproductions depicting children's winter activities.

For older children preschool age I propose to paint a person without a preliminary pencil sketch. For example, children who go down the slide.

IN winter drawings to achieve soft, delicate shades, you can try mixing white gouache with watercolor paints.

If you mix orange watercolor with white gouache, you can get a shade close to the color of a person's face and draw a person's head.

Then you can mix any other color of watercolor with white gouache and draw the child’s torso, then you need to “put on” a hat, mittens, and boots.

Small details - eyes, nose, mouth, buttons, pockets are best left on next lesson. And in the remaining time, draw snow and ice on the slide. Do not forget that snow is still white, only in different time days and depending on the “mood” of nature White snow It has different shades- bluish, pinkish, golden...

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Picture with children in winter. Some are sledding down the mountain, and one kid is skiing! Immediately the dog Sharik rushes down the mountain with delight!)

Photo with a child under a snow-covered spruce. The baby opened his eyes wide with delight! How beautiful the snow is falling!)

The happy baby is happy about the snow, he lies down and feels good!))

A girl is walking with a rabbit in a snowy forest! The picture is impressive!))

In this cool picture children indulge in almost all types of winter fun!) One is skating, another is skiing down a hill, and the third is climbing a hill with a sled!))

Funny girl in down scarf I'm glad it's winter!)

Three cheerful girlfriends everyone in the snow is laughing, rejoicing in winter!))

In the photo there is a girl and a snowman. Let's touch noses, little snowman!))

The boys made a snowman, he has a hat on his head, Warm scarf!) Caring guys!))

How excitedly the children are playing in the snow in this photo! It's so enviable!))

The baby in the photo is wandering through the snow, and the mitten in his hand is already frozen, standing!))

In the picture, children indulge in winter fun! Some skate and some ski. They make a snowman out of snow and play snowballs! Eh, good!))

The girl in the photo is all covered in snow, literally bathing in it!) Beautiful!))

Children ride together from the mountain like a train!))

The boy and girl in the photo are running down the mountain, drowning in the snow and laughing merrily!))

In the glorious picture the children blinded big snowman! They dressed him up in a hat and gave him a broom!))

Friends are building snow fortress. Photo for memory!))

The boy plays with the propeller and he does great!))

In a funny picture, children made a funny snowman with a pipe in his mouth, a fashionable scarf and mittens!))

In the picture, the children made as many as two snowmen so that they wouldn’t get bored! Caring guys!))

The boy shakes snow from the branches of a spruce tree and laughs merrily!))

The kids are diligently making a snowman!) The picture is funny and touching at the same time!))

A pretty girl catches snowflakes with her hands!) How beautiful they are!))

There are as many as four colorful pictures with children in winter. On one, children are making snowmen, on the other, they are standing by the slide with shovels and buckets. In the third picture, children are sledding down the mountain. At the last one, the kids feed the birds. How much fun you can find in winter!))

We don’t sit at home, but go sledding down the mountain like these funny boys!))

And the kids in the picture made a bunny out of snow!) The dog Druzhok approved!) Very similar!))

The two girlfriends in the photo were fiddling around in the snow, they were so tired!) They went to rest!))

Children and parents are happy about the snowman!) Who is more happy is another question!))

The girl in the photo has gloves that look like two snowdrifts!))

Who doesn't love sledding in the snow? Surely there are no such children. In the morning, you can already hear the laughter, noise and hubbub of children on the hill. Children happily climb the slide and then quickly slide down. Sleigh rides are a very ancient pleasure. Even in Old Rus', young people and children organized fun sledding rides when frost set in. And nothing matters: not the breeze that stings your cheeks and nose, not the frost, not the snow falling from the sky. This is an incomparable pleasure. Let's learn to draw a sled step by step with a pencil. And when winter comes and snow falls, let’s go for a ride!

Stage 1. Drawing a sled is not that difficult. First, as in any lesson, we build helper lines, on the basis of which we will draw the sleigh itself. This is like the skeleton of our drawing. We draw two almost parallel straight lines from one end of the sheet to the other. On the left side we draw two more parallel straight lines from them, then from the bottom straight line we draw down two lines that are intersected by a third line.

Stage 2. Draw the frame of our sled. Along two straight lines we depict metal planks - the basis of the sled, between which the boards for sitting will be attached.

Stage 3. Now from the two main sides we make down metal legs, which are connected to the runners on which the sled glides over the snow. The runners themselves are also made of metal.

Stage 4. At this stage we will draw the back of the sled. In general, the backrests are made removable. Usually, if the child is small, the backrest is attached, but if the child is larger and rolls down the slide while lying down, the backrest is removed. The back is drawn with smooth lines, it has back and two side parts. There are two vertical slats at the back to make it easier to lean on.

Stage 5. Now let’s apply the crossbars, on which the child sits or lies down. These are many narrow planks mounted on frame parts like a ladder.

Stage 6. Remove all unnecessary lines. And let's start coloring the sleigh. They are usually made bright and colorful. We took grey colour for the metal parts of the sled: these are the frame, legs, runners and back. And the seat bars were painted red and green colors. Sometimes they also tie a rope to the first crossbar and pull the sled by this rope.

Another lesson from the series “Drawing winter fun for children.” Today there is a drawing - children are sledding.

Well, here I’ll immediately make a reservation: nowadays children mostly use ice skates of very different configurations, but we won’t study them now - we don’t have an online store selling snowmobiles. Drawing a classic sled.

Let's start with the picture - an older child is carrying a baby sitting in a sled with a backrest.

Draw a diagram of the figures. Please pay Special attention to the “driver” - the child runs forward bending over and stepping widely, his head bowed. It is generally difficult for children to draw a tilted human figure. Here the figure of the driver is strongly inclined, firstly, towards the movement, and secondly, due to the effort of dragging the sled. And apparently the weight is quite considerable - he drags him on a rope with both hands behind his back.

In contrast to the dynamic figure of the driver, the girl in the sled is static itself. Sits, leaning back and straight legs stretched forward. Slightly bent arms lie calmly on the “armrests” of the sled. The girl is still very small, but warm winter clothes gives her figure massiveness and thickness. By the way, guess with three times, where will CHILDREN start drawing this picture? We are not adults, but children, if you show them such a scene.

One two Three!

From a hat in the shape of a panda's head, worn by a baby in a sleigh!

You can talk as much as you like about the fact that we draw from the general to the specific, but in practice, catchy details fascinate and whether on topic or off topic, we spend a lot of energy trying to depict and highlight them. Well, me too)))

But okay, let the kids go on their way, we'll start drawing older children. Boys sledding down a hill.

I started drawing with the sled - so that I knew where to place the characters and it immediately became clear that the sled was shortened in perspective. But in different ways. Why so? And only after thinking about it, I realized: the slide is not the floor of the apartment, it is lumpy and the sleds stand at different angles. This seems self-evident, but when you understand.

Now let's see who's in the sleigh.

With age, a person's body proportions change greatly. The kids in the first picture look compact, but the boys in the next photo have much longer arms and legs, and their figures are angular and awkward. They are no longer able to sit on the sled with their legs stretched out. One of them has his feet resting on the crossbar and his knees are raised high. The second boy is trying to put his feet on the runners of the sled.

Speaking of clothes: nowadays children mostly wear jackets and overalls, but I assure you that when coming up with a plot, your students will completely forget about this and try to get by with clothes like tight tights. So immediately discuss with them that when drawing children sledding, you need to take care of insulation.

Here, too, I ask you to pay attention to a vital detail - the boy in the foreground, due to the strong bend of his legs at the knees, has raised his trouser legs high - lace-up boots are visible. I want to say: when drawing a picture of winter fun for children, we should think not only about the fun, but also about how clothes actually look on people during the fun. With vigorous movements, clothing flutters, rides up, and wrinkles in folds.

But let's return to the picture. One of the boys sits in a sled with a back and holds on to the armrests, the second has a sled without a back, he holds on to the seat with outstretched arms. A third guy pushes him on the shoulders from behind - he stands, leaning forward strongly - again a leaning figure...

GCD according to visual arts V preparatory group“Off the hill wow!”

Within theme week: Winter fun. 12/22/2016 Khrenkova O.A.

Target: creating conditions for development cognitive interest through productive activity.

Tasks : Create conditions for the development of the ability to depict a human figure in motion, convey the mood of the characters, build a composition, create a plot in accordance with the theme proposed by the teacher.

Equipment: snowflake, illustrations, story pictures children sliding down the slide. Colored pencils, album sheets. Music to accompany independent activities.

GCD move

Air snowflake (made of paper)

(Illustration “signs of winter)

One, two, three, four, five - stand in a circle to play!

A new day has come. I will smile at you, and you will smile at each other. We are calm and kind, we are friendly and affectionate. We are healthy. Take a deep breath through your nose and breathe in freshness, kindness, beauty. And exhale through your mouth all the grievances, anger and grief.

Now let's wish each other good morning, and a magical snowflake will help us do this.

Guys, guess the riddle:

Troika, troika arrived. The horses in that trio are white.

And in the sleigh sits the queen - White-skinned, fair-faced.

How she waved her sleeve - Covered everything with silver!

What kind of queen do you think is being discussed in this riddle?

What kind of horses are in this trio?

That's right, that's winter months. Remember their names.

Right. What are the signs of winter?

(Children stand together with the teacher in a circle.)

(Children inhale and exhale.) (Children pass the snowflake, addressing each other by name and wishing

good morning.)

Children: Good morning, Dima. Good morning, Marina, etc.

Children: About winter.

Children: Winter months.

Children: December, January, February.

Children: Snow, frost, cold, blizzard, etc.

Conditions for strengthening emotional contact

Conditions for development friendly attitude between children

Conditions speech activity

Main part

Picture with a winter fun theme.

Scheme of drawing children sliding down a slide. Sample performed by the teacher in front of the children

There are colored pencils and paper on the tables.

Now think and answer Game: “Which one?” Which? Which?"

If there is a lot of snow in winter, what kind of winter is it? ...(snowy)

If there is severe frost in winter, what kind of winter is it? ..(frosty)

If snowstorms often blow, what kind of winter is it? ...(blizzard)

If there is a blizzard often, what kind of winter is it?..(blizzard)

If snow fell at the very beginning of winter and cold weather set in early, what kind of winter is it? (early)

And if it’s already December on the calendar, but there’s no snow, the cold hasn’t set in, then they say it’s winter..(late)

If on the street strong wind, it’s very cold, and they say that it’s cold outside, it’s cold, then what kind of winter is it?..(cold)

Educator: Look out the window - it's actually winter here.

What games do children and adults like to play in winter?

Speech game"We're riding a horse" T. Tyutyunnikova

We are riding, riding a horse along a smooth winter road.

The sleds are creaking

The bells are ringing

The woodpecker is knocking

The blizzard whistles

The squirrel on the Christmas tree is gnawing nuts,

The red fox is guarding the hare.

Cold, cold

Cold, cold.

The fluffy snow is circling, circling...

We drove and drove, Finally we arrived:

From the hill - wow!

In the hole - bang! We've arrived!

Let's draw with you how you can ride downhill and on a sled and without.Drawing a classic sled.

Let's start with the picture - an older child is carrying a baby sitting in a sled with a backrest.

Draw a diagram of the figures. Pay special attention to the “driver” - the child runs forward bending over and stepping widely, his head bowed. Here the figure of the driver is strongly inclined, firstly, towards the movement, and secondly, due to the effort of dragging the sled. And apparently the weight is quite considerable - he drags him on a rope with both hands behind his back.

In contrast to the dynamic figure of the driver, the girl in the sled is static itself. Sits, leaning back and straight legs stretched forward. Slightly bent arms lie calmly on the “armrests” of the sled. The girl is still very small, but warm winter clothes give her figure massiveness and thickness,When drawing children sledding, you need to take care of insulation.

Let's start drawing ourselves

Simulation exercise “We are walking through snowdrifts” ” (emotional release) (to the “march”)

I suggest you warm up:

We walk through snowdrifts, steep snowdrifts.

Lift up raise your leg, Make way for others.

We walked for a very long time. Our little legs are tired.

Now let’s sit down, rest, and go for a walk again.

Now look at the drawing again and come up with a picture of where the children are riding: in the city, in nature, near a hill. Complete the drawing according to your plot.

Children's answers

Children's answers

Children click their tongues/

They say “Sh!, Sh!” ….”

Ding Ding!" in high register

Knock - knock!...” - on average,

The sound [s] on a long output, then stretching out the lips with a tube, then pushing them apart,

Clack! Clack!” short and sharp,

F... F..." angrily and energetically,

In…” on a long exhale,


Oh...”, several times, rising in one breath to the upper register and falling to the lower register.

They click their tongues.

They say “Uh-uh!” making a glissando from the highest sound to the lowest; “Boo!” - lowercase

Discussion of the procedure for working with the painting.

Independent work children.

Children walk with their legs raised high

Sit down and stroke your legs with your palms from bottom to top.

Continue working on the drawing.

Conditions for speech activity, enrichment of words with signs

Conditions for speech activity, the ability to formulate sentences, based on life experience

Conditions for the development of the speech apparatus, the strength of the voice, the strength of the air stream.

Conditions for the formation of ideas about the order of the image of a person in motion.

Conditions for skill development practical activities

Conditions for relieving physical stress

Conditions for developing the ability to return to your work and improve


Exhibition of works

Children's stories about who goes down the slide and how, a story based on a drawn picture.

What was difficult? What do you remember best? What can you tell us about at home?

Talk about their drawings

Conditions for speech activity
