The most stylish bearded men in world football. “By the beard! The most unshaven athletes in the world

Every first Saturday in September, all real men have every right to raise a barrel or two of wine for the health of their healthy beard. In 2013, the hairy holiday fell on September 7, and does not want to pass by this significant event. We don't want to rank or choose the most bearded bearded man. No, we just decided to remember those athletes who are known for their chic stubble. Important note: we decided not to touch hockey players’ beards in the playoffs, but settled on those heroes of ice battles who did not even use a razor in the regular season.

Let's start with them. Philadelphia forward Scott Hartnell has always had respect in bearded circles. But then for some reason I shaved...

Scott Hartnell - S.I.D.

Younger, less famous, but much more overgrown Swedish hockey player Emil Karberg.

Emil Karberg - Eurosport

It's hard to ignore Andrea Pirlo. It’s not that he has a really great beard, but how good he is in the center of Juve’s field!

Pirlo's beard - DPPI
Davide Moscardelli - Other Agency

Raul Meireles' beard is one of the most famous in the football world and is rightfully included in the current hit parade.


One of the symbols of Russian volleyball, Vadim Khamuttskikh, has already completed his brilliant playing career and begun his coaching career. But this is not a reason to forget about the beard that forever adorns him.

Elementary, Khamutskikhtson! - Eurosport

Actually, Alexander Emelianenko shaved for a very long time. But it is simply impossible to ignore such a large beard, which he recently grew.

Alexander Emelyanenko - facebook

It's basketball, baby! There is no one in the NBA more famous than James Harden, the guard of Houston. Fear the Beard!

James Harden - Reuters

How can we do without bearded men from winter sports? Alexander Us, Norway. The coolest beard.

Sanya Us - Eurosport

And now we move on to the representatives of the elite division. It is opened by the American fighter Kimbo Slice. Kimbo is no joke, girls.

Kimbo Slice - Imago

In Russia this sport is not so popular, but Americans are crazy about it. Dodgers pitcher Brian Wilson will give everyone a haircut.


Pittsburgh defenseman Brett Keisel has been delighting American football fans for more than 10 years not only with his delicious tackles on opposing attacking players, but also with his ferocious beard.

Keisel - Eurosport

But how can you resist this guy! The Canadian national rugby team, represented by Adam Kleeberger, is a hot spot.

Kleeberger's Canadian beard - Eurosport

Although no. We will not end with Kleeberger at all. You see, we would really like... to stay alive. And if we do not mention Him, then our chances of preserving life are sharply reduced. Although in 1968 this man became the light heavyweight world karate champion. After that, the light heavy weight category in karate was closed. Jokes aside, but not a step away from sports. Chuck, we hope we get credit...

Cha-ak Nor-ri-is! - Eurosport


Many men wear beards. Bearded men can be seen in movies and on TV, and there are many of them on the streets. Men's hairdresser barbershop It's not worth it without work. So popular athletes decorate their faces with beards - just like this top ten.

David Beckham everyone knows him as a great football player who receives colossal fees. And he is also a big fashionista, having tried many beard options.

U Alleasi Lalasa his beard is long, goat-like, and also bright red, which earned him the nickname “Red Corsair.” Interestingly, his game is not the most memorable, but his beard was remembered by everyone who watched the World Cup.

Thanks to his beard, a hockey player from Sweden Emil Karberg looks older than he is. His large, thick beard was grown in defiance of the popular sports superstition that bearded people are unlucky. What happened to luck remains a mystery, but the athlete has acquired a courageous appearance.

Russian hero Alexander Emelianenko is engaged in mixed fights. He decided to grow a beard after visiting a monastery. She gave him a very intimidating appearance, which turned out to be very useful for his sport.

Performs in the fighting ring Conor McGregor, but his beard and mustache are neatly trimmed, which makes his appearance attractive. In any case, the media willingly post pictures of him with a beard.

What is it known for? Tyson Fury? First of all, by defeating the invincible Vladimir Klitschko in the ring. And also - a luxurious beard, reminding him that there is a gypsy admixture in his blood. He is sure that a beard helps in victories. It is she, formed in men's hairdresser barbershop, created his well-known, rude and brutal image.

Basketball player James Harden I started growing a beard since my first year. He stated that he was tired of shaving. This is how this American got a thick beard, which in one of the videos the animators lengthened to incredible sizes.

The famous bodybuilder, who repeatedly won the world bench press championship and later became a YouTube star, has a luxurious beard. Such that he included it in his own name, and now his name is Fletcher-Plushbeard.

From a biathlete from Norway Alexandra Usa the surname itself requires one to have appropriate facial hair. And he started it - a luxurious beard on winter roads becomes covered with a layer of frost and looks amazingly beautiful, which photojournalists invariably note.

In hockey Alexander Ovechkin– the most brutal athlete. Knocked out front teeth and, of course, a chin covered with thick stubble played a role here. I'm sure I didn't touch this beard. men's hairdresser barbershop, Moscow sees the famous hockey player extremely overgrown. But Ovechkin constantly enjoys the constant attention of famous beauties - Victoria Lopyreva, Fergie and others.

So, a beard does not hinder sports success, and athletes willingly include it in their image.

Want to know more about bearded men from big sport? Visit our

The Stanley Cup (“Hockey Challenge Cup”) is a prize awarded annually to the winner of the National Hockey League playoff series. All athletes shown below are winners of this cup. And also ugly bearded men. Don't be the same.

Lanny MacDonald

Professional hockey player for the Canadian NHL team Toronto Maple Leafs. Holds the Stanley Cup and is happy. The photo was taken in 1989. Look at the athlete's mustache and everything will become clear.


Greg Zanon

Canadian hockey player who played more than 500 games in the NHL. The color of the uncut beard was probably chosen to match the color of the uniform.


Joe Thornton

Canadian hockey player, center forward for the San Jose Sharks, 2010 Olympic champion with the Canadian national team. Second in scoring in NHL history among all active hockey players after Jaromir Jagr. What do you think of his beard?


Mike Commodore

Professional Canadian ice hockey player, defenseman. Currently he is a free agent.


Bill Flett

Famous hockey player. May he rest in peace (died in 1999). His beard was also not luxurious.


Brent Burns

Professional Canadian ice hockey player, defenseman for the NHL San Jose Sharks. World champion in 2015 and silver medalist in the 2008 World Championship, he was recognized as the best defender at both tournaments. Brent doesn't mind having his unkempt beard pulled.


Scott Hartnell

Canadian hockey player. Plays as a left winger. Player of the NHL team Columbus Blue Jackets. If he continues to not shave and get his hair cut, he will become like a Yeti.

Complete information on the topic “why hockey players grow beards” - all the most relevant and useful information on this issue.

Prominent representatives of the fashionable and spectacular bearded men of the world are athletes who, although they do not often appear on television and in the press, always take care of their image and appearance. And due to the fact that for several years now the male beard has been at the very peak of fashion, athletes keep pace with trends and tendencies, decorating their faces with hair.

A prominent representative of such athletes is Joe Thornton, the bearded forward of the Canadian hockey team San Jose Sharks. It was thanks to his shocking beard that the name of the hockey player began to be recognized by many people far from the world of sports and hockey. Joe and other world sports leaders are not inferior, demonstrating their vegetation and understanding of fashion in the latest photographs of journalists.

Athletes with beards

The beard has entered so deeply into the life of every person that no one is surprised by the fact that bearded men are regularly seen on the street, appear on TV screens, and work out in gyms. Athletes also do not stand aside, following the latest fashion trends, as a result of which many have already “tried on” one or another type of beard.

David Beckham

This athlete is known not only for his brilliant career in football, but also for his image as a savvy fashionista.

David, not only in public, but also in everyday life, always looks like a brand new man, this can be evidenced by his always neatly shaved and trimmed beard.

As mentioned above, Joe Thornton is a hockey player who managed to shock the public not with his awards and merits in sports, but rather with his wild-looking beard, reminiscent of the facial hair of a forester.

Despite controversial opinions about his beard, Joe does not change his image and wears facial hair in life.

Alexey Lesukov

Another popular athlete with a beard is a bodybuilder and two-time Russian champion, who also prefers to demonstrate his brutality not so much with his muscles as with a stylish beard.

It is enough to look at his latest photos to understand how organically the beard fits into such a powerful male image.

Denis Gusev

Another Russian bodybuilder who complemented his image with a courageous and fashionable beard is Denis Gusev.

According to him, a beard helps a businessman to win over people and partners.

Irishman Wayne Rooney is a player of the Everton football club.

In England, this athlete was more than once called the best English football player among similar “stars,” and women are not as crazy about his sports career and achievements as about his appearance and beard.

Why do athletes grow beards?

According to many experts in this field, a beard and thick facial hair gives many athletes charismatic, epic and even a certain shockingness. Football player David Beckham can be considered as a prominent representative of a fashionable and stylish beard among athletes, and the world-famous boxer with a beard, Conor McGregor, is not inferior to him. His beard has become a trend and is in demand in barbershops around the world.

There is no need to talk about athletes of Caucasian nationality; many men envy their beards. Thanks to the beard, you can focus on masculinity and strength. Sociologists and psychologists are of the opinion that athletes, with the help of a beard, demonstrate their dignity, intelligence, determination and irresistible energy and strength to reach the heights of the sports Olympus.

If a man plays sports, this does not mean at all that simple male desires and needs are alien to him. Athletes are simply obliged to look stylish, fashionable and in accordance with the latest “whims” of fashion, since they are indirectly public people. This means that young people and male fans will look up to them, so in creating an image you need to think through everything in detail, right down to the beard.

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    Why don't hockey players shave?

    Many people have various superstitions so as not to frighten away their fortune. So, when a team gets into the playoffs, the players stop shaving until they are eliminated from the cup. True, not all hockey players adhere to this rule. For example, Alexander Perezhogin plays for Avangard, who does not grow a beard during the Omsk club’s performance in the playoffs.

    If this question had been asked five years ago, the answer would have been obvious - luck. But in recent years there has been a fashion for unshaven, so now it is quite difficult to attract a beard to good luck. After all, how was it before? The playoffs begin, and some of the players begin to grow beards, they say it’s a good luck. Now look at NHL hockey players, at least Ovechkin. The regular season is still underway in the overseas league, and Ovi’s beard is as if the Stanley Cup is ending (see the latest photo at the end of the answer). But Malkin, on the contrary, is always clean-shaven, regardless of the stage of the tournaments in which he plays. So the story that you can shave off your heroic strength and good luck along with your hair is already outdated. A beard is a pursuit of fashion! And this is true not only in hockey.

    It must be said that not only hockey players do not shave, there are people of other specialties and professions. But we are more likely talking about that stage of sports competitions, which is called the playoffs, where the teams are divided into pairs and the games are played “knockout”. It was in this round of competition that such a fashion began to take place, starting in the 80s of the last century. In my opinion, these are all superstitions, but if you feel better and feel more confident by following a certain ritual, then this can help you. And the “roots” of this superstition go back to the distant past. After all, human hair has been considered a reservoir of strength since ancient times. You can meet signs associated with a beard or hair both in the modern world and in fairy tales. Therefore, the tradition of growing a beard during a crucial period of time can be considered to have come to us from the depths of centuries, or it can be called superstition. Although it sometimes looks funny, someone may have a different view.

    Not only hockey players, but many athletes don’t shave before the start, you can’t shave your luck, skill, you can’t shave before a hunt, there will be no luck, it’s better not to wash, “a fool goes to the tundra to wash,” it’s safer, superstition of course, but I I don't shave.

    Since stubble is banned, I’ll grow a mustache... The fashion of not shaving after the end of the regular season and until the bitter end came to Russia from the NHL ten years ago

    Players with thick stubble in the playoffs won’t surprise anyone. The fashion of not shaving immediately after the end of the regular season and until the bitter end came to Russia from the NHL ten years ago. Not so long ago, coaches and coaches began to grow beards in company with their players. Before the 2012 playoffs, only the judges remained aloof from the rampant stubble. Until Vyacheslav Bulanov came up with the idea of ​​cutting his mustache a la Mikhail Boyarsky...

    Players with thick stubble in the playoffs won’t surprise anyone. The fashion of not shaving immediately after the end of the regular season and until the bitter end came to Russia from the NHL ten years ago. Not so long ago, coaches and coaches began to grow beards in company with their players. Before the 2012 playoffs, only the judges remained aloof from the rampant stubble. Until Vyacheslav Bulanov came up with the idea of ​​cutting his mustache a la Mikhail Boyarsky...

    At first, the future d'Artagnan Bulanov did not even think about a mustache, deciding, to spite the hockey players, to also turn into a bearded man. But the head of the KHL refereeing department, Alexander Polyakov, reacted promptly, ordering the “Golden Whistle” to immediately shave off the non-statutory hair.

    – Which of your charges suits the mustache?

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    Why do hockey players grow beards?

    Two of the coolest beards in world sports

    Guys who don't know what a razor is.

    The tradition of growing a beard during the Stanley Cup playoffs is not that old - in 1980, the Islanders hockey players had to play 4 matches in 5 days, they decided that in such conditions it was not a shame to do without a razor. It’s good that San Jose made it to the Stanley Cup final this year, because two of the NHL’s main bearded men play there.

    Thornton, 36, is probably the best loser in the NHL. For the last 15 years he has been one of the top center forwards in the league, and few can name a better passer. In 2006, Joe received awards for the best scorer (125 points) and the best regular player. But in the finals, Joe, like his club, was the first time - not many players of his level were left without a Stanley Cup in their careers.

    In 2014, Thornton lost his captain's stripe - a risky decision for the club; not all veterans can correctly understand such a measure. A year ago, because of this, Thornton and the team’s general manager, Doug Wilson, even staged an argument in absentia: Wilson said that the captaincy put pressure on Thornton, and Joe openly told him to go to hell. We talked, calmed down, the next season Thornton remained as an assistant, and his desire to win in this team did not disappear.

    Burns changed his opinion about himself in these couple of months. We always knew that he was a tough midfielder (Burns was transferred from defense to attack and back 3 times in his career), and we always saw how tough he was in front of someone else’s goal and unreliable in front of his own. But this playoffs, the NHL's Chewbacca has taken his game to the next level, although that doesn't help in the finals.

    “My brother John always had a huge beard, so I followed his and Burnsy’s example. These are the two mentors who taught me.

    Burnsy helps me, gives me all the necessary oils and combs. When I got up in the morning, I needed to lightly oil my beard and comb it. The same thing before bed. It looks nice, but it took some work,” says Thornton.

    “My wife hates my beard, but we recently got a new cat and he really likes to get his paws into his beard. Will I keep my beard? I don’t know, maybe I’ll shave it off tomorrow, or maybe in 10 years I’ll wear it.

    Not everyone approves of such long beards. The great Guy Lafleur: “This is a hockey disgrace. I can't stand this. I'm not against beards, but not to the belly! They don’t see the puck, that’s why they lose.”

    Television people are becoming increasingly vocal against beards. Like, the faces of hockey players are already invisible under their helmets, and then there are beards - how can the viewer remember and recognize them? However, Thornton and Burns will probably no longer be recognized without their beards.

    By the finals, hockey players grow beards, and judges grow mustaches

    As we approach the end of the season, the benches of Dynamo and Avangard more and more resemble an away meeting of the Boyar Duma of old Rus', even before the time when Tsar Peter ordered beards to be chopped off with an ax.

    Traditionally, the Ice Knights let their beards go wild in the playoffs. And considering that Dynamo played the first match of the Gagarin Cup on February 29, it is not difficult to calculate that tomorrow the KHL stars will sweep the ice with a beard that is already 51 days old. Considering that there is a stubborn fight between the Muscovites and the Siberians (the series score is 2:1), it cannot be ruled out that it will come to the seventh match, scheduled for April 25. By this time, bearded men like Leo Komarov (Dynamo) or Alexander Frolov (Avangard) may have acquired such a “broom” that Robinson Crusoe would be jealous.

    However, whether a beard brings success is a controversial question. For example, Siberian Alexander Perezhogin regularly makes friends with a razor, but this did not stop him from scoring goals in each of the three matches of the final. Dynamo's best playoff sniper Mikhail Anisin also shaves. True, he has never managed to hit the Avangard goal.

    The referees are also trying to keep up with the hockey players. True, by order of the head of the KHL refereeing department, Alexander Polyakov, referees are prohibited from growing beards: when officiating at matches, they must have a neat appearance. But the servants of the hockey Themis found a way to circumvent the draconian ban and began to grow. mustache. Thus, Muscovites Vyacheslav Bulanov and Anatoly Zakharov acquired brutal hussar vegetation.

    Fans will have the opportunity to see Bulanov moving his mustache menacingly no later than Thursday, April 19. It is he, together with his Finnish colleague Juri Renn, who will officiate the fourth match of the final. Another intrigue appears: will the “mustaches” be able to hold the heated “bearded men” in their fist?

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    “Hockey is not a sport, but a whole life,” - this is what all those who cannot breathe smoothly next to a stick, puck, ice and skates like to say. Over more than 100 years of history, so many interesting things have happened in hockey that we can talk about it endlessly. Therefore, we tried to find the five most memorable facts, one way or another connected with Dynamo Moscow, sponsored by VTB Bank.

    Lev Yashin - hockey player

    Few people know, but the legendary Lev Yashin, who would have celebrated his 85th birthday this week, for some time was the goalkeeper of not only football Dynamo, but also hockey. In the early 1950s, when Lev Ivanovich’s career was just beginning, he, like many football players of that time, tried himself in ice hockey in the winter. And I must say, quite successfully. In 1953, the hockey team Dynamo, with Yashin at the goal, won the USSR Cup and took bronze medals in the national championship. Next season, the legendary Black Spider could well have made his debut in the Soviet national team, but he still decided to concentrate on football. That year, Yashin ousted the seemingly irreplaceable Alexei Khomich from the main team of football Dynamo, so the decision lay on the surface.

    Beard is a sign of quality

    Hockey players' beards are one of the main signs that the season is approaching its climax - the playoff finals. Most players follow the unspoken tradition of not shaving while elimination games are in progress. Some coaches, by the way, also follow this tradition. A funny situation has developed in recent years in the coaching staff of Dynamo Moscow: Oleg Znarok, who led the blue and white team to the championship in 2012 and 2013, strictly followed the rule and, in addition to a mustache, grew an incomparable beard. But his assistant and successor Harijs Vitolins, on the contrary, was always clean-shaven. As both coaches said, they started this tradition in tandem a very long time ago. And judging by the result, it really brings good luck.

    Only six hockey players in history have won three Olympics.

    Everyone knows that the main hockey team of the 20th century was the USSR national team, the invincible Red Machine. She has seven Olympic gold medals, 22 victories at world championships and a whole host of other awards. Nevertheless, only six hockey players in history became three-time Olympic winners, and all of them are our compatriots. Dynamo legend Vitaly Davydov is on this list separately, because in the 1960s–1970s, only hockey players from CSKA were consistently called up to the championship team. Vitaly Semenovich played an important role in the team’s successes in Innsbruck, Grenoble and Sapporo. Another three-time winner, Andrei Khomutov, although he did not play for Dynamo, managed to coach the blue and white team in the 2009/2010 season.

    68% of hockey players have lost teeth on the ice

    Pucks, sticks, and the hockey players themselves do their bloody work. The Detroit Free Press estimates that 68 percent of professional hockey players have lost at least one tooth on the ice during their careers. Moreover, not only “unskilled” players, who often have to lie under the puck to protect their goal, turn to dentists, but also stars. The most famous hockey player in the world without a tooth “right now” is Advisor to the President of Dynamo Moscow Alexander Ovechkin. The Washington captain lost a tooth in 2007 when he was hit in the face with a hockey stick and is in no hurry to put it back. The fact is that if the loss occurs again, doctors promise complications, so Alexander decided to wait until his career ends, after which he will put things in order in his mouth.

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    Media gallery (5 photos)

    In 1953, the hockey team Dynamo, with Yashin at the goal, won the USSR Cup and took bronze medals in the national championship. Photo © RIA Novosti, Yuri Somov

    Coach Oleg Znarok was also bearded when Dynamo won the second Gagarin Cup in 2013. Photo © RIA Novosti, Ramil Sitdikov

    Three-time Olympic winner, Dynamo legend – Vitaly Davydov. Photo © RIA Novosti, Dmitry Donskoy

    Alexander Ovechkin lost a tooth in 2007 when he was hit in the face with a hockey stick, and is in no hurry to put it back. He decided to wait until his hockey career ended. Photo © RIA Novosti, Alexander Vilf

    A hockey puck reaches speeds of up to 190 km/h. Getting hit in the face like that is a dubious pleasure. Photo © RIA Novosti, Alexey Filippov

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    People who are used to being constantly in the spotlight carefully monitor their appearance. Experiments with celebrity hairstyles, mustaches or beards immediately become the subject of discussion among millions of fans around the world.

    In front of you TOP 10 famous bearded men , whose facial hair has long become a classic.

    It is difficult to imagine the comedian without thick stubble, which has become an integral part of many of his images. Last year, the actor shocked fans with photographs of his perfectly shaved face. But, despite the rather positive reaction of subscribers to the new image, Mikhail grew a beard again.

    The martial arts master, successful actor and hero of numerous jokes about masculinity and strength has been sporting a red beard for many years. It has become so integrated with the actor’s image that it has acquired legends, one of which says: when Norris tried to get rid of his beard, he broke 90 Gillett Power razors and three chainsaws.

    It is no coincidence that this highly paid football player is considered a style icon. His style of dressing and penchant for unusual hairstyles are the hallmarks of the famous athlete. He did not miss the bearded boom either - his chin was decorated with, perhaps, all known variations of beards.

    A popular athlete who has conquered a lot of fighting rings, he has a unique, attractive style. His tattoos and curvy figure made him the target of paparazzi all over the world.

    This comedian with a unique expression celebrated his 55th birthday this year. The Russian beard with gray strands that the actor grew upset some fans. The network was full of comments that Jim had aged and no longer resembled the hero of “The Mask.” However, other fans approved of the new look and claim that with a beard, Carrie has become more stylish and serious.

    The famous singer and actor for a long time walked with a long mustache and beard, which gave him a resemblance to the canonical image of Jesus Christ. But for the role of the Joker in Suicide Squad, the actor decided to radically change himself. And almost immediately, Jared began to miss his facial hair, which he announced under a photo on Instagram.

    Game of Thrones character Jon Snow may not know anything, but the actor who plays him at least knows that he looks better with a beard. The stubble gave the actor’s pretty face the necessary masculinity and added charm.

    Tom Neuwirth's beard (that's the singer's real name) has become more famous than its owner. With its help, the Eurovision winner from Austria is fighting discrimination and bullying of transvestites. By shocking the audience, the singer is trying to make people forget about xenophobia.

    The actor has been experimenting with facial hair for several years now—many variations adorned his chin. The stylish bachelor delighted fans with his three-day stubble and thick Russian beard. The celebrity liked the latter so much that it became part of the image for a long time.

    The actor who plays the inimitable Captain Jack Sparrow simply cannot walk around with a shaved chin. His Van Dyck-style beard became the star's trademark. It is worth noting that Depp loves beards so much that he made them the subject of a collection - he collects false beards.

    Facial hair adds brutality and intelligence to famous men. In addition, a beard is a trend that gives celebrities the opportunity to quickly and easily change their role and transform themselves beyond recognition.
