Scenario of the holiday "Goodbye, ABC!" class hour (grade 1) on the topic. Scenario of the holiday “Goodbye, Primer! Hello new reader! And don't throw them under the bed

Holiday "Goodbye, AZBUKA"

Purpose: In a playful way, consolidate the studied letters, acquired knowledge, skills, abilities.
1. Repeat the studied sounds and letters;
2. To promote the disclosure of talents among students;
3. Form students' self-assessment of their achievements.
4. Develop logical thinking, memory, vigilance, interest and positive motivation, both for individual subjects and the learning process as a whole. cultivate respect for each other, interest in books.
5. Cultivate a desire to learn; awareness of the importance of the process of learning and cognition for self-improvement and development of one's "I".
6. Create conditions for the formation of trusting relationships between parents, teachers and children;
7. Instill respect for books.

(The music of the song “Blue Carriage” sounds) the children enter the class.

Teacher: Why aren't schoolchildren in the classroom in the morning?
Why are the kids in dress uniform now?
They removed the covers from the ABC, and there are no bookmarks ...
Everyone is a little excited... What's the secret?
You can board the train.
This train is going fast
He's in a hurry to go to school now
Come to us for a holiday in the first class!
So get on the happy train
And let's go from A to Z.
Alphabet holiday today,
We celebrate friends!
(children take their places in the classroom)

Student 1 : We are very happy today
To all the kids, moms, dads.
We welcome guests
Dear teachers.
Student 2 : All acquaintances, strangers,
Both serious and funny
1st class, 1st class
Invited you to the party!

Teacher. Who is missing from our party?
Let's call the ABC together!
(includes ABC)

Teacher. Hello ABC! We are glad to see you at our holiday.
ABC. Hello children. Thank you for remembering me and calling me.
I am the ABC, I teach to read,
It's impossible not to know me.
Study me for "five"
And then you can
I like to read any book
Without any labor.

And I came to you today not by chance. Today we will make an exciting journey to the country of 33 sisters. What are these sisters?

33 native sisters -

Beauties are written.

Live on the same page

And are famous everywhere? (Letters)

ABC: Guys, tell me, why do you need to learn the alphabet?

The song "ABC" words by Z. Petrova, music. A. Ostrovsky

Alphabet: thank you for the song, now I know exactly what I need.

Teacher: And now let's play a game. The poet Lifshitz has one poem. I want us to read it together. When I ask "For whom?" - you must answer in chorus "For me." If I ask "For whom?" you answer "For me".

Someone made a desk

For whom? (For me)

Draw this map

For whom? (For me)

Pencil, notebook, pen

For whom? (For me)

And textbooks are the best

For whom? (For me)

And the bell is at recess

For whom? (For me)

There the teacher is waiting for an answer

From whom? (From me)

So you need to learn

So you have to work hard

For people not to be ashamed

For whom! (For me).

Teacher : Game "Magic bag"(Put the Letters into the bag. In turn, take out one letter for all students in the class and name the word for the letter that was taken out of the bag. If the student made a mistake, you need to correct him and put the letter back in the bag).

Well done guys coped with the task, and now we will find out how well you know fairy tales.

1 .And the road is far,

And the basket is not easy.

Would sit down, sit down on a stump,

Eat would eat a pie (Masha and the bear)

2 .There is no river, no pond-

Where to drink water?

Very tasty water

In the hoof hole! (Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka)

3 . Wasn't on the window

Rolled along the path (Kolobok)

4 . He is kinder than everyone in the world,

He heals sick animals

And once a hippopotamus

He pulled it out of the swamp.

He's famous, he's famous

This is a doctor (Aibolit)

5 . The grandmother loved the girl very much,

She gave her a red hat.

Girl forgot her name

You tell me what her name was. (Red Riding Hood)

6 .The goats opened the door

And ... .. everyone disappeared somewhere! (The wolf and the seven Young goats)

7 . He is cheerful and not evil,

This cute weirdo

With him is the owner, the boy Robin,

And buddy Piglet

For him, a walk is a holiday.

And honey has a special scent.

This is a plush prankster. Bear cub ... (Winnie the Pooh)

ABC. Well done boys! I brought words for you, but the trouble is, I fell, and the words crumbled.
Teacher. Don't worry, ABC, the guys will assemble words from syllables.
(ABC distributes envelopes with syllables)

Ta, ro, chu, scha, sve, kri, shu, cha.
Ma, honey, sha, after all.
ABC. Well done. Well done. And on what rules did I bring you words?


Everyone knows the letter "I"
In the alphabet - the last.
And does anyone know
Why and why?
Well, listen to the story!
Letters lived in the ABC.
Lived, did not grieve,
Because everyone was friendly.
Where no one quarrels -
There is a dispute there.
Only time. The whole thing is up
Because of the terrible scandal:
Letter "I"...
Didn't get in line.
The letter "I" rebelled:

I, - said the letter "I", -
Home, capital!
I want,
To everywhere
I stood!
I don't want to stand in line
I want to be seen!

Fu-you, well-you! - snorted "Ef",
Blushing from resentment.

Shame! -

Angrily "es" said.

"V" shouts:

I imagined!

"P" said:

Chat with such a special one!

The narrator. "I" stamped my feet.

Letter I.
I don't want to hang out with you!
I'll do everything myself
Enough of my mind!

The narrator.
The letters looked at each other
Everyone literally smiled
And the friendly choir answered:

Letters (in chorus).
- Good!
I'm going to argue.

The letter a.
If you can alone
Write at least a line -
That is,

Letter I.
- So I
Yes, I couldn't
I'm not anyone

The narrator.
The letter "I" got down to business:
For a whole hour she
And groaned
And sweated -
She was able to write
"I - I - I - I - I!"

Letter X.
How the letter "Ha" will be filled:
- Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!

The letter O. "O" rolled with laughter!
The letter A. "A" grabbed his head!
The letter B. "B" grabbed his stomach ..

The narrator.
Letter "I"
Attached first,
And then how to roar:

Letter I.
It's my fault guys!
I confess my guilt!
I agree to stand up guys
Even behind the letter "U".

Letter U.
- Well, - decided the whole alphabet, -
If he wants, let him.
It's not really in the right place,
The thing is, we're all in this together!

The narrator.
Letter "I"
Always was,
Everyone and everyone is sweet,
But we advise, friends,
remember the place
Letters "I"!

Teacher: Game "Mail" (Prepare “letters” for toys: put the postcards in envelopes, write the “address” on the envelopes - the first letters of the name of the toys (P, S, B, C, P, L, K, D). Turn the child into a postman, fold the letters for toys in a bag.The children need to guess which of the toys received a letter.

Teacher: I want to test you for the last time today. I ask you a question and you answer "No" or "Yes".

The alphabet gave you knowledge

They are with you forever.

Will you remember? (Yes)

Ahead, the guys are waiting for you books,

Knowledge will bring you light.

They love neatness.

Will you tear them up? (Not)

Books tell a lot

Will never be deceived.

You just need to be diligent.

Will you be lazy? (Not)

Be careful with the book

Save for many years.

Don't paint, don't stain it.

Do you understand everything? (Yes)

Read the book with interest

Every book has advice.

The book will become your best friend.

Leave your friend, will you? (Not)

Know that each of the books

Like a bright star

Know and love books.

Will you take care of them? (Yes).

Teacher: I see that you have grown noticeably and wiser. I congratulate you guys on the holiday, on what you have learned and learned to write letters, numbers, and I want to give memorable gifts.

ABC: Well, our holiday has come to an end. Today you have to say goodbye to me.

Here comes the hour of parting.

And I'm a little sad now.

But I'm calm for you

You will enter life with dignity.

Get good knowledge

And the marks are excellent.

There is much more for you to learn

Don't be lazy, work hard

Year after year will pass,

And from the school threshold

The road to life will open.

Important discoveries await you

Don't be shy, but persevere.

And you solve problems

compose essays,

Surprise everyone with knowledge

Teachers and parents believe in you!

Teacher: Guys today we say goodbye to your first book "ABC". Now it will be interesting for you to get acquainted and read new books. And our journey through the land of knowledge will continue for many more years.

Children sing the song "Blue Wagon"

Note: an extracurricular activity is held at the completion of the study of the ABC course in grade 1.

Holiday progress:

Four desks are arranged in a semicircle in the classroom - places for teams to work.

The guests are seated in the prepared seats.

The teacher enters the class. In his hands is a colorful envelope.

Teacher. Guys! We received a letter. Who is it from, do you think? Let's open the envelope. (Pulls out a letter and a piece of paper with a puzzle.) Nobody signed the letter. I think that the rebus will help to guess its author. Here is what is drawn (Slide 2: puzzle words: sorceress Letter).

The children read the words and solve the puzzle, and then read the letter with the teacher.

slide 3: text of the letter. (Dear guys! Today is your holiday. You got acquainted with all the letters that live in my city of Letters. This is a great event in your life, because now you can read any book yourself. And there are a great many books on Earth. You will read a book for book. But remember your first book that taught you to read. What is the name of this book? ("ABC". Right. Meet my little sister - the sorceress ABC.)

Teacher. But something sorceress ABC has no ideas to visit us. Let's call her together.

Children. Sorceress ABC, come to us!.

The sorceress ABC appears.

ABC. Hello guys! I am very glad to see you again.

Children. And we are glad to see you, sorceress ABC.

1st student.

On an autumn day, on a wonderful day

We timidly entered the classroom.

ABC (gift for everyone)

They found them on their tables.

2nd student. Along the pictures we walked

They walked along the steps with lines.

Oh, how much we have learned!

Oh, how much we have read!

3rd student. Our journey was not very long

The days go by unnoticed.

And now on the bookshelf

Other books are waiting for us.

4th student. For those who love adventure

We will reveal our secret:

More fun than reading

There is nothing in the world!

Alphabet Magic. I didn't come to visit you alone.

33 native sisters,

Written beauties

Live in the same city

And they are famous everywhere.

Who came with me? (letters) Right. But first they must hear the verses you have taught about them.

First-graders read poetry, holding up cards with letters drawn on them. Thus the letters come to life.

extracurricular activity

"Farewell to the ABC".

primary school teacher MBOU secondary school №7

Target holiday:

The event is held to foster friendship in the class team, instilling a sense of gratitude, kindness.To create conditions for the development of creative abilities in children through vigorous activity in the preparation and holding of the holiday.


Development of creative abilities;

Education of responsibility, mutual understanding, mutual assistance, ability to cooperate;

Creating an atmosphere of joy, satisfaction from their own results.

Visibility: posters.

Equipment: multimedia projector; Balloons.

The hall is festively decorated, school melodies sound.

Children enter the classroom to the music "Learn at school."

Dear Guys! Dear parents and guests! Good afternoon!
Today we have a wonderful occasion to meet. Most recently, on September 1, you children crossed the threshold of our school for the first time and became schoolchildren. During this time, you learned to read, count, write. Although you are still small, but already literate citizens of our country. Who taught you to read?
A smart, interesting, entertaining book taught you how to read and write - the ABC. Remember how happy you were when you first read the words themselves in the ABC. And now you can read many interesting books, learn a lot of new and useful things from them.

Folk wisdom says: "The ABC is a step to wisdom." This means that we have climbed one step higher - we have become more mature, smarter.

1 We are very happy today

All welcome guests.

All acquaintances, strangers,

Both serious and funny.

2 . First class, first class

Invited you to the party.

The song "Teach at school" sounds -

Write different letters
With a thin feather in a notebook

Add two to four
Read words syllable by syllable
They teach at school, they teach at school, they teach at school.

Good books to love
And be educated
They teach at school, they teach at school, they teach at school.


You spent almost a year at school,
You have done a lot and learned a lot.
You have already learned to write and count,
And they read their first books.
And she has become a faithful assistant in this to you,

First main book.
And she showed the first letters
For girls and boys.
The letters then formed into words
Words - in sentences and phrases.
Huge and colorful world then,
Opened, guys, you immediately.

3. Adults and children know

Both the miner and the diver,

What is the hardest thing in the world

The very first class.

4. Goodbye, goodbye

My first book.

Come and say goodbye to us

Your friends are waiting for you.

Finally spring has come
The sun is shining!
And today we have to
Say goodbye to the ABC!

5. The alphabet taught us to read,
Divide words into syllables
Revealed the secrets of the book
We are all used to it.

6. We say goodbye to the ABC,
And let's wave our hands
And thank you many times
Let's say in unison!

The ABC enters the music

ABC. Here I am, my friends!I am very glad to you!Hear kind wordsWho wouldn't want to!

(Turns to the teacher.)

Where are my helpers?

Teacher. Don't worry, dear ABC. Accept the parade of letters!

The letter a. The letter a-

Alphabet head.

Vova knows, Sveta knows,

And it looks like a rocket.

Letters B, C . C - cheesecake, B - bagel,

It's the baker early in the morning

Baked in a hot oven

Rolls, bagels, rings.

Letters G, D . Where? When? We always love

Ask questions to people.

Year after year, day after day

D and D are friends in everything.

Letters E, Y. If a raccoon climbed into a blackberry,

We can barely save him from the needles.

If a hedgehog climbed into a blackberry,

It is not known yet - who wins.

Letters Zh, 3. W~w-w-buzzing poor beetle:

The spider caught him in the net,

3-z-z-sang a mosquito angrily,

He will ask the bandit now.

Letter I. The turkey is coming from the city

New toy is lucky

Not an easy toy

Painted turkey.

Letter K. Kostya Lapkin drinks compote,

Clown Lee makes people laugh

Katya draws a forest with chalk -

Everyone is busy with important work.

Letter L. Summer, rain, leaf fall.

I'm happy with any weather!

Letters M, H, M and H you will find in raspberries,

In a mine, in semolina, in a store.

Many words - known to all -

Can't say without M and H,

Letter O. Oh friends! I love so much

Olya, my Olechka.

And now I wish Olya

Be an excellent student at school.

Letters P, R. We are neighbors in the alphabet

How beautiful, look.

For two we have three legs,

Where can I buy boots for them?

Letter C C - whistles like a whistle:

Get out of your way!

Letter T I took a thick notebook

I will write the letter T.

letter U. The snail asks the duck:

Throw a rod into the river.

The duck threw -

Removed the fish bleak.

Letters F, X F - always snorts like an owl,

X - laughs simpletons.

But always ready to be friends

Fedya Khudyakov is with them.

Letters C, Ch. Do you recognize C and C?

We raced on the ball.

Heron, seagull and circus performer

They also love ball games.

The letters W, W. W and W are sisters,

It's very easy to tell them apart:

Carries Shch always with him

This ponytail is small.

Letters b , s, b. We are useful letters,

But we have one problem:

We are always lowercase

But big - never.

Letter E . Echoes here and there

Echo goes through the mountains

Echo, will you come down here?

The echo answers: "Yes!"

Letter U. Jung - future sailor

He brought us southern fish.

And in the garden of the young man

The exhibits are coming up.

I AM (steps forward, starts boasting).

Look at me,

Am I not good?

Not skinny like A

And not fat like Sh!

I'll take my foot to the right

To the letter I am neighboring,

I don't want to line up now

I stand last.

( Referring to the ABC

My first book

Have pity on the letter I

Give me at least five minutes

To be the first in the alphabet!

ABC Ay-ay-ay, I'm very ashamed

And it's a shame for the alphabet.

How can you, letter I,

Let me down now?

In the alphabet everyone knows:

Boastfulness has no place here!

They know all the letters perfectly:

Yakat is simply indecent.

People need all the letters

This letters are friendly.

The point here is completely out of place.

All letters. The thing is, we're all in this together!

The letter I is in order.

ABC: Well done boys! Not a single letter was forgotten, they were all named correctly.

I am very happy for the guys!I see: they learn everything -Counting, reading, writing.Even though they look small,They know the Russian alphabet.How many letters are in it?

7. At first we did not know the letters
Mothers read fairy tales to us,
And now we are reading
Fairy tales made friends with us.

8. This is my first time with this book.
I came to my first, bright class,
I loved this book
I learned all the letters in it.
And how glad I am to say:
"I can read now!"

9. Thank you, ABC for everything,

What did you do for us!

For your good word, for the verse,

For your first story.

Break words into syllables.

We went with you from "A" to "Z",

And you will always be with us!

You don't have to go to your mom.

No need to shake grandma:

"Read, please, read!"

You don't have to beg your sister.

"Well, read another page!"

No need to call, no need to wait


And you know, the guys not only learned to read and write, but became well-mannered and friendly.

Let's play the magic word game.

Invented by someone simply and wisely

Say hello when you meet. Kind…(Morning)

If there was a meeting at night,

we say…(Good evening)

And always when parting


Someone is leaving

Wish...(Good luck)

I hit grandpa with a ball

And he yelled: “What do I have to do with it?”

But counting to 30

He said: "Well, grandfather, .." (Sorry)

I met Vitya, a neighbor,

The meeting was sad.

On me he is like a torpedo,

Came in from around the corner.

But, imagine, in vain from Viti

I was waiting for the words...(Sorry)

If given on a birthday

You candy and cookies.

Pencil, album and book

Or a soft monkey

Do not be silent, like a fish in a river,

Tell your friends...(Thank you)

Thanks friends! I am very glad to meet such smart, friendly children. I have taught many children to read and write.

The song "If you are friends with the book"

(To the motive of the song "If you went on a journey with a friend")

1 If you are friends with a book,

If you are friends with the book -

Live more fun.

And without a book, you understand

And without a book, you understand

Everything gets harder.

Chorus : What is A to me, what is B to me,

What do I need A, B, C, D, D,

When I know all the letters.

2. In class, I always

In class I always

I answer clearly.

My faithful book

My faithful book

Help me in everything.

3. And I'll tell you, friends,

And I'll tell you, friends -

You are friends with the book.

Books are true friends

Books are true friends.

Books you love!

Teacher . Yes, dear ABC. Today we say goodbye to you; you stay in the first class, and we will go further along the road of knowledge and discovery.

1. We gathered dads and moms,
But not for fun.
We are reporting today
About your successes.

2. We are in new outfits now,
And everyone looks happy
After all, today we are ahead of schedule
Learned the alphabet!

3. Wake me up at night

In the very middle

I'll tell you the alphabet
Without one hitch!

4. We love vowels
And more every day.
We don't just read them -
We sing these letters!

5. We are seven-year-old guys,
We love to run and play
We promise to learn
On "4" and on "5".

6. Every day we have lessons -
We sculpt, we paint, we make,
Learning numbers, letters,
And we speak Russian.

7. We love to solve problems,
Who is faster and who is ahead,
And what are the tasks
The professor himself does not understand.

The scene "What is written in the notebook?"

1 student:

- And now I can write! And I can write!

I can show the notebook and even look through it!

2 student:

Wow! Yes, you have become a scientist! Tell me what did you write about?

1 student:

How can I know? I myself would like to know!

After all, I said I can write! Write instead of read


There is a cheerful, bright house,
There are a lot of nimble guys in it,
They write and count
Draw and read. (School)

Kulik is small
A whole hundred orders:
So sit down and study
Then get up, disperse. (School bell)

I carry a new house in my hand.
Locked house doors
They live in that house
Books, pens and an album. (Portfolio)

He writes when they dictate
He draws and draws.
And tonight
He colored an album for me. (Pencil)

In a black field, a white hare
Jumped, ran, made loops.
The trail behind him was also white.
Who is this hare?(Chalk)


Quiz "Do you know the heroes and authors of children's books?"

Walks to school with a primer
wooden boy
Gets instead of school
In a linen booth.
Who is this tale about?(Pinocchio)

He is kinder than everyone in the world,
He heals sick animals
And once a hippopotamus
He pulled it out of the swamp
He's famous, he's famous
This is a doctor...(Aibolit from the fairy tale by K. Chukovsky)

Did not lie on the window -
Rolled down the track.
Before the wolf did not tremble.
He ran away from the bear.
But the fox is on the tooth
Still got it...(Kolobok is the hero of a Russian folk tale)

Well done boys! You did a great job on the quiz!


Letters, syllables and riddles
They live in a good ABC.
Step by step, gradually
They lead us to the world of fairy tales.


We are now reading
We know syllables and words.
Let's say ABC: "Thank you!" -
It's time for us to part!


We want to say "thank you" to you!
We thank you for everything!
We say to you: "Goodbye!"
"Hello," we say to the new book!

ABC Well, it's time to part

It remains only to say goodbye.

Teacher. Goodbye, ABC, goodbye. Let's sing goodbye with the guyssong to the motive of the song "Song of the Crocodile Gena"

1. Let them run clumsily

First-graders in the puddles

Children rush to school for a lesson.

Even the rain does not scare

If he invites you to the class,

Our best friend, cheerful call


We've grown up a little

Growing up and wiser

We are now unrecognizable.

2. Our books, notebooks

in perfect order

Weekends are tired of relaxing!

Terribly bored at home

Well, school is great.


We've grown up a little

Growing up and wiser

We are now unrecognizable.

Teacher: Dear Guys! I congratulate you on your first school victory - now you all know how to read. All paths are open to you. Books, like wise friends, guide you to an amazing and wonderful world. By reading, you will become smarter, stronger, kinder. Good luck!

Children receive gifts: books to read and certificates.

Literature :


2. "Encyclopedia of Children's Holidays" E.Yu. Piglycine

3. "Extracurricular activities in elementary school"

Today we all gathered together to celebrate the first small victory in our school life. For a short period of time, we got acquainted with the alphabet. And thanks to their diligence and diligence, as well as our first book, the ABC, they learned to read. And it's time to say: "Thank you, my first book!"
Winter is dancing outside
Such a friendly day.
And today we have a holiday
Dear in our school.
Host: Today we say "thank you" to our ABC. And what did the ABC give us, how did she teach us?
1. Today, friends, we are gathered here,
To say a kind word

Holiday "Goodbye, ABC"

The one who taught us to work.
At first she taught us to read letters,
Now we are reading the pages.

3. We know letters, we know syllables,
We know how to think and count.
And gradually, little by little
We have learned to read everything.

4. You delved into the alphabet for the first time,
Reading in syllables.
Then you read a lot of books
To conscious years.
And you will understand: without the alphabet
All life would be wasted!

5. ABC "- my first book,
How can I not love you for this.
You taught me how to make letters
You gave me the joy of discovery.

6. We loved this book,
We learned all the letters in it.
And how happy we are to say:
Now we can read!

7. My first book
I take care and love.
Though so far in syllables,
I read it myself

8. And at the end, and in the middle,
It has beautiful pictures.
There are poems, stories, songs.
With a book, life is more interesting for me!

9. Today is an unusual holiday:
Thank you alphabet.
You gave so much knowledge
We will remember you.
Malvina and Pinocchio appear.
M. Hello guys! Did they talk about the alphabet here now? I brought you this insufferable boy Pinocchio! He doesn't want to learn letters, he doesn't want to go to school, he doesn't want to read books! Horror!
B. Don't want! I won't! (shows his nose, tongue.) My head will crack from your vowels, consonants. Didn't you crack? (touches the guys' heads)
M. Once he had already sold his alphabet and went to the theater!
B. And instead of the Land of Knowledge, he ended up in the Land of Fools ... (scratches his head)
M. That's it, in the country of fools!
B. But what stories happened to me there! Did you guys read?
M. Stories ... Only friends helped out! And all because you don't even have letters
you know.
B.I don't know? Please: ke, le, me, ne, pe, re, se, te!
M. Well, you guys made us laugh! Where is your friend?
Pinocchio: Malvina, what kind of friends do they give here? Is this a shop?
Leading: No Pinocchio, this is a school. We have a holiday here, and not just a holiday, but farewell to the "ABC".
Pinocchio: Can you find a friend here?
Leading: Of course! What kind of friend do you need?
Pinocchio: I need ... I need ... I need a loser!
Leading: What?
Pinocchio: Round!
Leading: And why do you need a round double?
Pinocchio: Don't you know anything? I am also in school. They’ll tell me: “Again Pinocchio, do you have six deuces in your diary?” And I will answer them: “Think six! My friend has eight!” Understandably?
Leading: Understandably!
Pinocchio: And he also needs to shoot well from a slingshot! (Pulls out a slingshot and shoots) And he also needs to be well brought up!
Leading: What is this for?
Pinocchio: How, why? So that I don't waste time on his upbringing.
Leading: Yes, we have in mind one real truant, a terrible brawler, dirty and a loser - six twos a month.
Pinocchio: Twos, of course, are not enough. But for the most part, it suits me.
Leading: I will call him to you now.
Dunno runs in: Are you talking about me? Here I am!
Hi friends!
Ah, Malvina, you are here too. What is going on here? What kind of holiday is this, but I don't know?
Malvina: And you can't know! You didn't go to school!
Stranger: Why do I need a school? I can live without her. I know how to eat, I know how to play outside. What else is needed? Really guys?
Leading: Not! You have to go to school.
Dunno: I saw how the children go to school. They have heavy portfolios. Don't want!
Malvina: Yes, their portfolios are heavy, but there are so many interesting things in them!
Dunno: Yes, I understand, you can write scribbles with a pen - write scribbles,
Boer. Wipe the kalyaki with a rubber band,
Bur and Nez. (together) Why the alphabet? We do not understand! Why go to school?
Malvina: And you need to go to school in order to learn how to read, write, count poems, memorize, sing, draw.
Dont know. We also learned to memorize songs and poems, do you want to listen?
Vedas. Well, guys, let's listen? Listen carefully and, if Dunno and Pinocchio make a mistake, correct them.
Unknown: Listen! The snow melts. A stream flows.
The branches are full of doctors.
Vedas. Who - whom? What's the word here guys? (rooks)
Unknown: Well, think about it, I made a mistake once.
Boer. And I'll read another, I learned it yesterday.
They say one fisherman in the oven
Pulled out the shoe. (river)
But then he

The house is hooked! (som)
Why are you laughing and not clapping? Poets love applause. Didn't he say so? (Not a house, but a catfish.)

Dont know. The goalkeeper has a big catch. Five oxen flew into the net. (goals)
Bur. The hunter shouted:
"Oh, the doors are chasing me!" (animals)
Leading: Oh, you, memorizing poetry is not so easy.
Malvina: Now you understand what the alphabet and letters are in a person's life?
Nezn and Bur.: Understood, understood. Give us the alphabet, please. We will go to Malvina and ask her to teach us how to read.
(Children give the alphabet).
Malvina: Thank you guys for helping convince Dunno and Pinocchio to learn letters. Now they will learn all the letters and the next holiday they will come to you already smart.
And in parting, I invite you to dance.
Vedas: Where is this ABC lingering? Hear the music, it's probably the ABC in a hurry to us.
Baba Yaga: Quiet! What's the noise here. From what? I don't understand anything!
Leading. Hello grandma!
Baba Yaga: Hello, killer whales! And why are you here? Are you lazy? It would be better if they lay on the couch at home, watched TV. What's this? Letters? What's the point of them? And then they came up with: vowels - consonants.
Leading: You are wrong, Baba Yaga. All letters are important. Really guys?
Children: Yes!
Baba Yaga: Look, sit down here. Well, what are you waiting for?
Children We are waiting for the ABC, we have a holiday today.
B.i. The alphabet will not come to you. I kidnapped her and put her under lock and key. Let him sit there with his letters. And if you have learned everything, then try to free it. There you are!
Vedas. Okay, Baba Yaga, ask whatever you want.
B.Ya. I am a cheerful, playful grandmother. I really like to have fun, so I want your kids to show me the dance.
Vedas. You know, Baba Yaga, our guys can do anything, because they go to school. So go to your forest, don't bother us here.
B. Ya Any fool can dance. Here you can guess my riddles about letters. Where are my assistants, my dear cribs. Here are my pretty ones.
1. Do you know this letter? AND?
There is a letter in front of you...

2. This letter is so round
could roll.

3. Look at this letter
It's just like the number 3.

4. With this letter on the nose,
The eagle owl is hiding in the forest.
B.i. How smart! How smart! You are masters of solving riddles, but do you know fairy tales about school?
Leading: Of course we do. The guys will show a dramatization of the fairy tale "Terem - Teremok" in a school way.
There is a tower-teremok,
He is not low, not high.
He has a lock
Apparently, there is no one there.
I will unlock the lock
And I'll ask Terem: -
Who lives in a teremochka?
Who-who lives in the low?
There is no answer, everything is silent.
Teremok is empty.
Here comes the pencil case.
Pencil case:
Ah, where did I go?
This is how Terem-Teremok
He is not low, not high.
Hey lock, unlock!
Who lives here, respond!
No answer, don't hear.
I will live here!
The alphabet then came
The speech started like this.
There is a tower-teremok,
He is not low, not high.
Hey lock, unlock!
Who lives here, show up!
Came out on the threshold of a pencil case,
He called the alphabet.
Penal: We will be friends with you,
We will live here with you!
Here the notebooks came running
They began to ask for a teremok.
At school, children need us,
We must live together with you!
They made room in the little house,
And the notebooks fit.
Pencils are running
In the little house everyone is waiting for them,
Pencil case lid opened
And he invited them over.
Five appeared
And behind her and the four -
They are also in a hurry to the Terem,
They want to live in it.
Suddenly the two are dragging
with unit
In the little house they ask you to make room.
But the pencil case is harsh on the threshold again.
Pencil case:
You take your time
You are no good for us.
We won't let you in here
Get out at the same time.
Wait, don't rush
Don't drive us out of here.
Let's turn around for a minute -
You will understand our joke. (Change 2 to 5 and 1 to 4.)
Pencil case:
Now we are glad to see you
Come visit us.
Here the lock clicked,
Everyone in the briefcase fell silent.
Waiting for someone
And the schoolgirl comes...
I'll take the briefcase now
I will go to my school with him.
I want to be diligent
And get fives!

Vedas. B. I, the guys read all this thanks to the ABC, and they wanted to thank her. All your tasks have been completed, let go of the ABC.
B. i. Oh you! They forgot that in all fairy tales there are three tasks. And I only had two!
Vedas. Well, think of the third then.
Well, I'll release the ABC if you sing to me.
B.ya Oh, killer whales, maybe you can play with me, well, lastly.
Vedas. Well B.I'm just doing this one last time. Promise?
B.Ya May I fail at this place!
Baba Yaga.
Well, okay, we persuaded you, take your ABC.
ABC. Well, we are finally together again. Thank you for freeing me, because I still have to teach other guys to read and write.
I am the ABC, I teach to read,
It's impossible not to know me.
You will study me well -
And then you can
I like to read any book
Without any labor.
And the books are about everything:
About rivers, about seas,
And that the sky has no end
And a round earth.
About astronauts, to the clouds
Flying many times
About rain, and lightning, and thunder,
About light, heat and gas.
Sit down, dear ABC. Today you are the most welcome guest on our holiday.
ABC: I am very pleased to see you today and hear how you correctly answer the questions, which means that you have done a good job studying my pages. Today is the day of our parting, but do not be sad, because everything interesting is yet to come. Today you will meet my sisters. Study them just as diligently, treat their pages with care.
Music sounds. Literary reading and Russian language are published.
Literary reading:
My respects to you (bows)
I am a book Literary reading, flip through my pages;
Here are poems and fables, fairy tales, fables, jokes,
Sayings, even jokes.
I heard from ABC that you know a lot.
I love the inquisitive, I generously give knowledge.
Anyone who wants to know a lot should read well.
Russian language
And I am Russian.
I love teaching children
With you, my life is more fun.
We will be strong friends
My rules to teach.
Very important. Let's say know.
Where to put a soft sign
How do you write MY
Through A or through O?
I won't hide anything from you
I will reveal all the secrets to you.

Malvina: And I wrote a song for you.
Oh my friends, how cute!
Together we will sing it
And end the fun
Tomorrow - again for learning.
Teacher: Today, guys, we have a special day. We have said goodbye to the ABC and are entering a large family of readers. Good luck, success, joy to you on this difficult, but very interesting path.
Heroes of the holiday (one line at a time):
Good luck on the road of knowledge, guys!
Make friends with the new book! Read!
Raise smart and kind children!
Goodbye! (together in chorus)

2. The arrow of the young man landed in the swamp,
Well, where is the bride? Want to marry!
And here is the bride, eyes on top of her head.
The bride's name is ... 12 slide

3. Answer the question:
Who carried Masha in the basket,
Who sat on a stump
And wanted to eat a pie?
You know the story, don't you?
Who was it? … 13 slide

4. The nose is round, patchy,
It is convenient for them to dig in the ground,
Small crochet tail
Instead of shoes - hooves.
Three of them - and to what
The brothers are friendly.
Guess without a clue
Who are the heroes of this tale? 14 slide

5. Harmonica in hands,
On top of a cap,
And next to him is important
Cheburashka is sitting.
Friends portrait
Turned out great
On it Cheburashka,
And next to him ... 15 slide

Scenario of the holiday "Goodbye, ABC!"

Kucherenko Galina Vladimirovna, primary school teacher.

Lesson Objectives:

    instill in students a love of reading

    cause joy from communication with the book, attention to the word;

    develop intelligence, creative imagination;

    to cultivate attentiveness, responsibility in students;

    teach children to be careful and respectful of books.

Equipment: tree with prizes, laptop, scooter, certificates.

During the classes:

Teacher: Dear Guys! Today we have a big holiday. We finished the first school book - "Russian ABC". Most recently, on September 1, you crossed the threshold of our school and became schoolchildren. During this time you have learned a lot. ABC introduced you to the letters of the Russian alphabet. Her pages taught us to be friendly, well-mannered, able to follow school rules:

1. Get up together every time

When the teacher enters the class.

2. Desk is not a bed

And you can't lie on it.

3. You sit at your desk harmoniously

And behave with dignity.

1. If you want to answer - do not make noise,

But just raise your hand.

2. The teacher will ask - you have to get up.

When he allows you to sit down, sit down.

3. Don't talk in class

Like a foreign parrot.

Teacher: A fairy-tale hero came to visit us. Guess who it is?

Walking to school with a book

Wooden little boy.

Gets instead of school

In a wooden booth.

What is the name of this book?

What is that boy's name?

(Sounds music from the movie "The Adventures of Buratino")

Pinocchio: Ha-ha, hello! Wow, you, how many girls and boys are here! What are you doing here? Are you studying? Ha ha, I don't! I sold my primer and with that money I bought a ticket to the puppet theater. Here it is. Ha-ha!

Teacher: Oh, you stupid! What are you bragging about! You can't read! Guys, Pinocchio acted badly, because the primer is the beginning of all beginnings, this is the first companion on the way to the vast world of knowledge. You better learn how to write and read like our guys. Now they will show you and tell you what they can do, and you go to the hall, sit down and watch.

Pinocchio: Guys, what do they teach at school?

1. Daily in the morning

We need to take care of.

We keep our eyes on the board

And the teacher teaches us.

2. Spruce, ax, shovel, hands-

We hear sounds in every word.

These sounds are different:

Vowels consonants.

3. Vowels stretch in a voiced song,

They may cry and scream.

Calling and haunting in the dark forest

And rock the baby in the cradle.

4.A consonants agree

Whisper, whisper, whistle,

Even snort and squeak.

But they don't want to sing.

5. Vowels are friends with a consonant.

Put together a syllable.

MA and SHA, and together Masha

She came to our class.

6. If the syllables stand side by side

The words come out:

YOU and KVA, and together a pumpkin.

SO and VA, and so the owl.

7. We will connect two words

And the proposal is ready.

It is raining. Thunderstorm rumbles.

Dragonfly flew away

8. We know letters, we know syllables.

And little by little

Children sing the song "What do they teach at school!" »

Student: I'm not up to toys now.

I'm learning alphabet.

I'll pick up my toys

And I will give Seryozha.

wooden utensils

I won't donate just yet.

I need a rabbit

It's okay that he's lame.

And the bear is broken too

It's a pity to give away the doll.

He will give it to the boys

Or throw it under the bed.

I don't care about toys now.

I'm learning alphabet

But I think Seryozhka

I won't donate anything.

Teacher: Today all the letters of the Russian alphabet came to visit.

Vowels! - Here!

Consonants! - Here!

Letters that do not represent sound! - Here!

Pinocchio. Letters - icons, like fighters on a parade

In strict order built in a row.

Everyone stands in a designated place.

And everything is called the alphabet.

(Children recite poems.)

Apricot, watermelon, quince

Very tasty words.

The letter B and fear is unknown:

Fight, drum, fighter, victory!

The wind blows in the open field.

He howls like a wolf at will.

Mushroom grows among the path -

Head on a thin leg!

The woodpecker lived in an empty hollow.

Oak hollowed like a chisel.

Spruce looks like a hedgehog -

Hedgehog in needles, Christmas tree - too.

The beetle has fallen and cannot get up,

Waiting for someone to help him.

In the star you will find the letter Z.

And gold and rose

In earth, diamond, turquoise,

Dawn, earth, frost.

Hoarfrost lay on the branches of spruce,

The needles turned white overnight.

Yod child knows everyone

The doctor smears our wounds with iodine.

The cat caught mice and rats

Rabbit leaf cabbage gnawed.

Boats are sailing on the sea

People row with oars.

The bear found honey in the forest -

Little honey, a lot of bees.

On a horse the rider rushes,

He is a real horseman.

The donkey was angry today.

He found out that he was an ass.

The shell is worn by a turtle.

He hides his head in fear.

The gray mole digs the ground

Ruins the garden.

The old elephant sleeps peacefully

Standing, he knows how to sleep.

The cockroach lives behind the stove

That's a warm place.

The student taught lessons

He has ink on his cheeks.

The fleet sails to the native land,

Flag on every ship.

Walks in the woods ho

Predatory little animal.

The heron is an important nosy,

The whole day stands like a statue.

Watchmaker, squinting his eyes,

Repairs watches for us.

Scoundrels, step up!

Bring the sword to the musketeer.

The dandy respects the brush,

The dandy removes dust with a brush.

The soft sign lives carelessly.

He goes without a cap forever.

A stubborn solid sign

He only wears a cap.

excavator digs the ground

They are building a school for children.

Jung - future sailor

He brought us southern fish.

Do you remember friends?

I'm last in the alphabet!

Student: You memorize these letters.

There are more than 3 dozen of them.

And for you they are the keys.

To all good books.

Don't forget to take it on the road.

Magic bunch of keys.

In any story you will find a way.

You will get into any fairy tale.

Read books about animals

Plants and cars.

You will visit the seas

And on gray peaks.

You have wonderful lands

Will open the way from A to Z.

Teacher: Well done! Look, guys, Pinocchio has grown a magic tree for you, on which not coins, but sweet candies have grown.

(Children come to the magic tree and pluck candy)

Turn. Slideshow for parents about the school life of their children.

Teacher. And now, guys, we will visit a fairy tale.

1. Our task is to answer the questions of the Wise Owl.

    This girl loves to wear a red cap.

    The characters in this story are very close to each other.

    In this tale, the characters wanted to break an egg.

    This girl did not allow the bear to eat pies.

2. Guess the story from the picture.

  • Sister - Alyonushka and brother - Ivanushka.

    Wolf and fox.

  • The wolf and the seven Young goats.


  • Winnie the Pooh and his friends.

  • Three piglets.

    The Adventures of Pinocchio.

    Ugly duck.

    Crocodile Gena and his friends.

    Carlson, who lives on the roof.

3. Riddles from Baba - Yaga. (parents guess)

Wise Owl thanks you for correct answers.

Teacher: Well done boys! But in order to succeed in school, you need to be very attentive in the classroom. Now I will check it. We'll play a game. I will ask you questions, if you agree, clap your hands 3 times, if you disagree, stomp your feet 3 times. So let's start:

Who walks to school like a merry gang every day?

How many of you come to class an hour late?

Which of you keeps books, pens and notebooks in order?

Which of you, say aloud, catches flies in class?

Which one of you is the smartest ball player?

Which of you decorates the classroom and the house with your work?

Are there guys between you who help mom?

Which one of you kids walks dirty to the ears?

- Which of you brought here songs, jokes, laughter to tears?

Teacher: Guys, here we have finished our first book "Russian ABC". It will be replaced by a new book, Native Speech. The book tells us a lot of interesting things, but did you know that the largest book in the world is in America, its height is three meters, and its thickness is one meter. It is flipped through by a special electric apparatus. The smallest Russian book is a collection of fables by I.A. Krylov. The book is several times smaller than a matchbox. Of course, you will learn a lot more, but for this you need to be friends with the book, be careful and take good care of it.

We gathered dads and moms,
But not for fun.
We are reporting today.
About your successes.

We are in new clothes now,
And everyone looks happy.
After all, today we are ahead of schedule.
Learned the alphabet.

Wake me up at night
In the very middle
I'll tell you the alphabet.
Without one hitch!

We love vowels
And more and more every day
We don't just read them -
We sing these letters.

A thousand words a minute today
Like a machine, I write.
I'll take any of your books.
In one fell swoop, I'll swallow it.

We say goodbye to the ABC.
And let's wave our hands
And thank you ten times
Let's say in unison.

Teacher: You are being issued certificates today

That they read the alphabet

Completed the course of sciences

And now without a break

You will read any book.

Presentation of certificates.


Did you like our activity? What did you like the most?
