Severe nasal congestion during pregnancy: causes and safe treatment. Methods for treating nasal congestion in pregnant women

Often, many women experience a runny nose during pregnancy. Many try to get rid of it using pharmaceutical remedies, while others resort to folk remedies.

However, this phenomenon should be treated not as an illness, but as a temporary inconvenience. Therefore, the best option is to wait until the runny nose goes away on its own. If nasal congestion does not allow you to sleep peacefully and soundly, and many anti-runny nose remedies are simply prohibited, then in such a situation there is really no time for fun. What to do and how to treat a runny nose during pregnancy?

Basic rules for treating a runny nose during pregnancy

In addition, vasoconstrictor drops can raise blood pressure and provoke spasms, which will only worsen the condition. After all, the swelling will go away only for a short time and will form again, intensifying several times. This will only make you want to bury your nose again. Therefore, you should not exceed the dosages indicated in the instructions. In addition, some drugs that have a vasoconstrictor effect can be addictive. To prevent this, try not to use such means.


Of course, a runny nose during pregnancy must be treated in any case, since it is difficult to breathe not only for the expectant mother, but also for her baby. Choose only safe drugs and methods to treat nasal congestion. At the same time, remember that a runny nose is a temporary phenomenon that passes quickly.

One of the problems that expectant young mothers face is nasal congestion during pregnancy. According to statistics, almost half of pregnant women suffer from vasomotor rhinitis. But this is not the only reason that can cause constant swelling of the mucous membrane.

A pregnant woman's body is more vulnerable to disease. This is due to physiological processes that are necessary to preserve the life of the child. For example, the corpus luteum suppresses the mother’s immunity so that it does not attack the fetus.

Since the immune system is suppressed, it is unable to resist external pathogens, so somatic diseases are not uncommon during pregnancy. In addition, chronic diseases often worsen, for example, sinusitis, laryngitis, and sinusitis. Why do women suffer from nasal congestion during pregnancy?

Why can't my nose breathe?

A constantly stuffy nose during pregnancy worries many women. The symptom appears due to the fact that the mucous membrane swells and blocks the lumen, air cannot circulate freely.

May occur due to the development of one of the types of rhinitis:

  • vasomotor. Occurs in response to a sharp change in hormonal levels. Swelling of the mucous membrane is not caused by an inflammatory process;
  • allergic. Appears due to changes in the immunity of the pregnant woman. Since it is now reduced, what was previously harmless can now cause increased histamine production;
  • infectious. This type of rhinitis occurs due to the development of an infection of bacterial or viral origin. The risk of getting sick is especially high after hypothermia.

The reason for the development of vasomotor rhinitis in pregnant women is that the amount of circulating blood increases by 35–45%. In addition, hormonal levels change, which affects the condition of blood vessels and leads to fluid retention in the body, which causes vasodilation and swelling of the nasal mucosa.

Rhinitis in pregnant women often appears after the first trimester, as there is a significant change in the ratio of hormones, and the body’s adaptation takes time. In most cases, swelling lasts 3–4 weeks, but can occur before birth.

It turns out that the cause of acute rhinitis is the increased activity of pathogens, allergic rhinitis is the result of contact with an allergen, and vasomotor rhinitis occurs in response to ongoing physiological processes. Accordingly, each type of rhinitis requires specific therapy, so before treating nasal congestion during pregnancy, you need to identify what caused it.

With viral inflammation, not only does a constantly stuffy nose appear, but also fever, weakness, symptoms of intoxication, sore throat, and cough. In addition to congestion, allergic rhinitis can cause watery eyes, sneezing and unproductive coughing, and possible redness and rashes on the skin.

And if the nose is stuffy during pregnancy due to rhinitis during pregnancy, then the following symptoms are observed:

  • sneezing;
  • rhinorrhea (secret transparent, liquid, in small quantities);
  • swelling of the mucous membrane increases in the lying position;
  • wheezing occurs;
  • temperature is normal;
  • general health has not deteriorated.

Rhinitis in pregnant women may appear late in pregnancy

Rhinitis in pregnant women does not lead to mucosal atrophy and therefore does not require special treatment. Therapy is symptomatic, that is, it is aimed at restoring normal blood supply. Infectious rhinitis caused by bacteria requires taking a local antibiotic, and to get rid of allergic rhinitis you will need antihistamines.

There are several other explanations for why your nose is stuffy. For example, dry air in the apartment (especially during the heating season), inhalation of strong odors, poor ecology. It is necessary to establish the cause of nasal congestion during pregnancy, since lack of treatment can lead to chronic runny nose and progression of the disease.

You cannot cause a bacterial or viral runny nose, as the infection will penetrate into adjacent anatomical areas (ear, trachea).

Treatment of mucosal edema in pregnant women

What treatment is required for nasal congestion during pregnancy will be determined by the laryngologist after a visual examination and examination. During the examination, the doctor will rule out pathologies caused by tissue atrophy or hypertrophy and give recommendations for treatment.

If your nose is very stuffy during pregnancy, it is recommended:

  • rinse the nose with saline solution or mineral water;
  • maintain comfortable air humidity (65–75%);
  • spend more time in the fresh air, periodically ventilate the rooms;
  • When sleeping at night, place an extra pillow under your head;
  • do wet cleaning daily;
  • Drops and sprays will help get rid of severe nasal congestion.

Drug treatment

Treatment of nasal congestion during early pregnancy should be carried out with caution. In the first three months, the child’s organs and systems are formed, and any medications can provoke side effects and allergic reactions. Therefore, physiotherapy (warming, rinsing the nasal mucosa, inhalation, acupressure) is more often recommended.

Treating nasal congestion in pregnant women after the first trimester is somewhat easier, since the placental barrier and the baby’s organs are formed. After the 16th week of pregnancy, local and systemic medications may be prescribed.

To moisturize the mucous membrane, you can use Vaseline, baby cream, vegetable oil

Pregnant women are prescribed vasoconstrictor drops; they begin to act within a few minutes after administration and relieve swelling for 8–12 hours. However, they can be used for a short time, since the mucous membrane becomes accustomed to them and “refuses” to constrict the blood vessels on its own.

Only local agents are prescribed that do not penetrate the bloodstream. They can be based on sea water or contain corticosteroids (Flinksonase, Fluticasone). It is recommended to use the drops at night for no longer than four days in a row.

The following remedies may be prescribed for nasal congestion during pregnancy:

  • Aqua Maris. Made from Adriatic Sea water, which contains a useful complex of microelements. The spray does not contain preservatives or artificial additives, which makes it possible to use it in the early stages of pregnancy.
  • Euphorbium Compositum. Prescribed for chronic runny nose and sinusitis. The spray quickly restores blood supply and moisturizes the mucous membrane. Contains silver nitrate, which destroys bacteria.
  • Pinosol. Oil drops based on the substance guaiaschulene, which is extracted from eucalyptus. Reduces the secretion of glands and moisturizes the mucous membrane.
  • Delufen. The product normalizes blood circulation and destroys pathogens. The medicine contains black mustard, loofah, lumbago, and euphorbia.

Drops with xylometazoline, naphazoline and oxymetazoline should only be taken under medical supervision, as they can enter the bloodstream and lead to vasospasm. If a woman has allergies, she is allowed to use Nazaval, Fexofenadine, Telfast sprays. They envelop the mucous membrane and prevent the allergen from affecting the tissue.

Your doctor will tell you what to do if rhinitis is caused by a bacterial infection. As a rule, a local agent with an antibacterial effect is prescribed to suppress the growth of bacteria (Bioparox spray).

Procedures for nasal congestion

When the nose is very stuffy during pregnancy, it is recommended to rinse with saline solution or products such as Aqua Maris, Salin, Marimer, Humer. You can use decoctions based on eucalyptus, sage, currants, and chamomile.

The procedure will help remove mucus and bacteria from the nose, moisturize the mucous membrane, and improve blood circulation. You need to do it 3-4 times daily. It is recommended to rinse the nose before instilling drops or using a spray or ointment.

Warming can help relieve nasal congestion in pregnant women

Warming up will help relieve severe nasal congestion. It helps to increase blood circulation in the mucous membrane, accelerates the liquefaction and removal of mucus. Warming is done with a special lamp, linen bags filled with sea salt, or hot boiled eggs.

The procedure is contraindicated if there are diseases of the ENT organs, accompanied by purulent discharge or with hyperthermia.

Inhalations will help relieve severe nasal congestion during pregnancy. The procedure helps eliminate swelling and moisturize the mucous membrane, reduce irritation and accelerate the removal of mucus. It can be done with an inhaler or simply by inhaling steam over a vessel. There are no contraindications to the use of saline solution, mineral water or saline solution made independently.

Sodium chloride has disinfectant properties, so inhalation with it will help destroy pathogenic microflora. If there is no individual intolerance, herbal decoctions, eucalyptus, fir and menthol oils, “Star” balm, Pinosol drops, Euphorbium compositum, Eucasept can also be used for inhalation.

Inhalations will help relieve severe nasal congestion during pregnancy.

How to relieve swelling using traditional methods

There are many folk remedies for nasal congestion during pregnancy. But it is important to remember that a pregnant woman’s body can react excessively to harmless substances, so you should be careful when choosing herbs and essential oils. There is no need to use several recipes at once; it is better to choose one and monitor the body’s reaction.

The following recipes will help relieve severe nasal congestion:

  • Add 25 ml of lemon juice and a pinch of salt to 40 ml of water. You need to instill 2 drops every 5-6 hours.
  • Mix equal amounts of vegetable, peach and sea buckthorn oil. Drip the mixture into your nose 2 times a day.
  • Aloe juice will help relieve inflammation and speed up regeneration. It needs to be diluted with the same amount of water and placed in the nose. You can add honey to aloe.
  • Beetroot and carrot juices contain phytoncides and beneficial microelements. They can be instilled together or used separately. The juice should be diluted with water in equal proportions and drop half a pipette several times a day.
  • Take butter and the same amount of honey, mix them thoroughly. The product is applied to the nasal mucosa with a cotton swab. It moisturizes well and relieves swelling.

It will take longer to get rid of congestion with folk remedies than with medications. However, they do not cause addiction or unwanted effects, so they can be used during pregnancy. Making drops is not difficult, and buying their components is not difficult.

A stuffy nose during pregnancy can cause stress

A laryngologist will tell you how to treat nasal congestion during pregnancy in your specific case. Do not neglect the advice of a specialist. The absence of nasal breathing in the mother does not affect the formation and development of the child, however, cold and unpurified air enters the woman’s body, and this increases the risk of contracting an infection at any time.

In addition, constant nasal congestion causes irritation, disrupts sleep, and worsens the local immunity of the oral cavity, so it is necessary to cure the pathology or relieve symptoms in the case of rhinitis in pregnant women as quickly as possible.

For any woman, waiting is a time of special, unprecedented care for her own body. This is understandable - the development and well-being of the child depends on how she feels. This means that the expectant mother should be very attentive and listen sensitively to the slightest changes in the body.

However, there is no need to panic at the first signs of illness. After all, everything can have the simplest and, at the same time, unexpected explanations.

For example, nasal congestion - this symptom is usually considered a sign of a cold or infectious disease and therefore very often becomes a cause for serious concern during pregnancy. Of course, who wants to “catch” an infection during this period and endanger not only themselves, but also the baby?

However, nasal congestion during pregnancy can have completely different causes.

Why does my nose get stuffy during pregnancy?

Oddly enough, often this condition is simply the body’s reaction to a woman’s new status - moreover, many doctors tend to consider thickening of the mucous membrane and chronic nasal congestion as one of the signs of pregnancy.

And, in general, this is quite understandable - after all, during this period, a woman’s body, which is experiencing a serious “shock,” is prone to edema. Against this background, sinusitis often develops. What is sinusitis? This is swelling of the nasal mucosa. This unpleasant condition can also be provoked by an increase in the level of female hormones.

Due to swelling of the mucous membrane of the nasal passages, the expectant mother has difficulty breathing, and an unpleasant feeling of “clogging” of the nose appears. However, there is good news - as experts say, specific sinusitis, which bothers women “in an interesting position,” goes away immediately after childbirth.

True, the fact that nasal congestion during pregnancy is considered almost normal does not mean at all that everything can be left to chance. Indeed, with sinusitis, serious inflammation can develop - the secretion accumulated in the nasal sinuses does not find a way out, stagnates and becomes a very attractive habitat for bacteria.

One of the signs of the inflammatory process, which during pregnancy can pose a threat to both mother and baby, is too severe and prolonged nasal congestion. By the way, sometimes it can develop into a chronic runny nose.

What to do if your nose is stuffy?

The first thing you need to do is make a correct diagnosis. And, naturally, only a professional doctor can cope with this task. Therefore, if you have a very stuffy nose for a long time during pregnancy, you should definitely visit a therapist.

If breathing problems are not limited to manifestations of sinusitis and, in addition, there is copious mucus secretion, most likely you have rhinitis.

Rhinitis- This is a runny nose, most often having a viral or allergic reaction. That is why it is important not to miss it in the early stages.

If its cause lies in allergies, it’s okay. Allergies that arise during pregnancy are not uncommon and are often encountered even by women who did not have such problems before pregnancy. After consulting with your doctor, you can choose a safe way for your baby to deal with its symptoms.

And here viral rhinitis- this is a serious problem. If during pregnancy you experience nasal congestion precisely for this reason, then you need to take emergency measures - because the virus can have a bad effect on the development of the child. But even here you cannot do without consulting a doctor; many methods of treating viral rhinitis are not suitable for pregnant women.

For example, you cannot use such popular vasoconstrictor drops. These drugs can have a negative effect on the condition of the blood vessels of the placenta. And this, in turn, can have a bad effect on placental blood circulation, leading to hypoxia and other developmental disorders.

If the runny nose is very severe and other remedies do not help, you can try to buy drops intended for infants, they have a lower concentration of the active substance. But even they should be used only after consulting a doctor and only in case of emergency.

How to deal with nasal congestion?

There are many methods that can, if not completely restore free breathing, then at least make it easier.

  • For sinusitis, it is recommended to increase your daily fluid intake. True, if you are prone to edema, then you should consult a doctor before this - perhaps this advice is not suitable for you;
  • Carefully monitor the air you, and therefore your baby, breathe, try to avoid smoky rooms;
  • A humidifier can help relieve a woman who has a stuffy nose during pregnancy. Keep this device in the bedroom, close to the bed;
  • You can make breathing easier at night, when your nose breathes worst, with the help of additional pillows. Sleep in a semi-sitting position, this will reduce the load on the nasal mucosa;
  • With such a runny nose, a diet enriched with vitamin C is useful.

And, of course, you should not neglect traditional medicine recipes.

Recipes from our grandmothers

If during pregnancy you feel that your nose is stuffy, then you can trust folk recipes. The same thing with which our grandmothers and great-grandmothers were treated. True, here too you need to exercise extreme caution, and ideally, discuss all treatment plans with your doctor.

For example, you should not take risks and use “potions” that include onions, garlic and black radish. And the collection of medicinal herbs should be treated with caution. It is better not to drink even the most harmless decoctions, but to rinse and rinse the nasal passages with them. By the way, you can rinse your nose up to 6 times a day.

  • The optimal remedy for rinsing is a decoction of chamomile. And it is prepared very simply - two tablespoons per glass of boiling water;
  • It is recommended to periodically inhale over potato steam;
  • If sinusitis still bothers you, try rinsing your nasal passages with a sea salt solution several times a day. You can buy it at the pharmacy or make it yourself - just dissolve a teaspoon of salt in 0.5 liters of water;
  • You can also make medicated nasal drops. To do this, mix olive oil and fresh beet juice in a 1:1 ratio. Instill 2-3 times a day;
  • Well, perhaps the oldest option for treating a cold is going to the bathhouse.

Modern women, unfortunately, believe that pregnancy and a bath are not compatible. However, many experts are confident that during the normal course of pregnancy, the bath will not only not cause harm, but, on the contrary, it will be very useful for both mother and baby. Going to the bathhouse helps train the respiratory system, improves blood supply to the placenta, rejuvenates, and relaxes.

When treating colds and viral infections in pregnant women, the bath is an excellent remedy. The steam room not only warms up the body, but also strengthens the immune system of the expectant mother. In addition, the bath has a good effect on the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels, which can alleviate the symptoms of common sinusitis in pregnant women.

The main rule is that pregnant women can only visit the bathhouse under the close supervision of a doctor or a special instructor.

As you can see, sinusitis can be overcome. Of course, nasal congestion during pregnancy is not the most pleasant condition, but if the treatment is chosen correctly, then you can easily cope with this problem. The main thing is to consult a doctor in time, and then all the troubles will go away, and you will again be able to enjoy this amazing and wonderful state - expecting a baby.

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In addition, nasal congestion during pregnancy or pregnant rhinitis occurs in almost 30% of women. It usually occurs at the end of the 3rd month of pregnancy and persists for 1-2 months after birth. Symptoms include nasal congestion, sneezing, rhinorrhea and nasal itching, which are caused by swelling and increased vascularization of the nasal mucosa. In women with nasal congestion before pregnancy, symptoms worsen during pregnancy. At the same time, rhinitis in pregnant women predisposes to nasal congestion and susceptibility to “cold” viruses with the subsequent development of bacterial sinusitis. According to research, sinusitis occurs 6 times more often in pregnant women than in non-pregnant women.

Some women with allergic rhinitis experience relief of symptoms during pregnancy, possibly due to increased cortisol levels.

Causes of nasal congestion during pregnancy


  • Choanal atresia, deviated nasal septum


  • Deviated nasal septum


  • Acute/chronic viral/bacterial/fungal rhinitis/sinusitis


  • Benign: nasal polyps, transitional cell nasal papilloma, pyogenic granuloma
  • Malignant: adenocarcinoma


  • Allergic rhinitis


  • Wegener's granulomatosis, sarcoidosis, atrophic rhinitis


  • Surgical, medicinal

Foreign body


  • Rhinitis in pregnant women


  • Drug-induced rhinitis


  • The result of exposure to odors, alcohol, emotions, temperature and pressure fluctuations, bright light, spicy foods, gastroesophageal reflux disease


Nasal congestion during pregnancy is influenced by endocrine factors and is similar to nasal congestion associated with the menstrual cycle. Topically applied estrogens cause stagnation in the nasal mucosa and an increase in nasal resistance. However, studies of pregnant women with nasal congestion have not found an increase in estradiol and progesterone levels compared to a control group of women. Regular use of combined oral contraceptives is not accompanied by an increase in symptoms.

Animal studies have shown that vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP), stimulated by progesterone and oxytocin, causes an increase in nasal congestion.

In some pregnant women, allergic symptoms are caused by a deficiency of estrogen, resulting in low levels of cortisone in the blood and a shorter half-life of hydrocortisone than in normal pregnancy.

Electron microscopy and histochemical studies of the inferior turbinates of pregnant women showed hyperactivity of the mucous, goblet and seromacinous glands. Increased enzyme activity, especially in symptomatic women, indicates increased vascularization and metabolic activity. Increased choline esterase activity, characteristic of parasympathetic hyperactivity, increases glandular secretion and vascular congestion. Overactivity of the parasympathetic system may be an allergic reaction to proteins in the placenta or fetus.

The nasal mucosa is directly affected by a generalized increase in the volume of interstitial fluid, most pronounced in the third trimester of pregnancy, predisposing to nasal congestion.


The history includes the duration, location of congestion, any previous injury/surgery, aggravating or relieving factors, associated symptoms of sinusitis, the presence of atopy and response to previous treatment.

Anterior rhinoscopy examines the anterior part of the nose, nasal septum and concha and excludes polyps. Bulging turbinates are often confused with nasal polyps. However, they differ in color, and the simplest distinguishing feature is that polyps are insensitive to touch, while shells are vice versa. A rigid endoscope is used to completely examine the nasal cavity and nasopharyngeal space.

Research methods

The Radioallergosorbent Test (RAST) detects common environmental allergens, pet allergies, pet dander and specific food allergies.

Rhinometry evaluates airflow and is mainly used for scientific research. To indirectly assess nasal blood flow, levels of nitric oxide in the nose are measured. They are increased with rhinitis and decreased with nasal polyps. The sense of smell is assessed using the tag and smell card method (University of Pennsylvania Olfactory Identification Test) or the “smell stick” method (University of Erlangen Scent Test).

CT scans establish the structure of the nose and sinuses and evaluate the degree of sinusitis/polyposis. Theoretically, in the absence of emergency indications, X-ray examinations should be avoided in pregnant women, especially in the first trimester. In practice, diagnostic radiography during pregnancy without direct exposure to high doses of radiation to the abdomen/pelvic region does not result in any adverse side effects.


In case of allergic rhinitis, it is necessary to exclude exposure to the allergen. To avoid exposure to pollen allergens on high pollen days, you should wash your clothes in the washing machine, shower, and close the windows tightly after returning home. Contact with mold allergens is avoided by reducing the number of plants in the apartment, getting rid of kitchen waste as much as possible, good bathroom ventilation and washing bedding and clothes. Exposure to house dust mites and pet dander can be reduced by frequent vacuuming, anti-allergen bedding, and pet removal.

Exercise appropriate to the condition and stage of pregnancy may reduce symptoms.

Drug treatment

The use of saline preparations topically (for example, Sterimar spray) brings symptomatic relief and is absolutely safe. Sodium cromoglycate applied topically is also safe and effective, but must be used 4 times a day.

Topical steroids

Intranasal steroids (eg, fluticasone, mometasone, budesonide, and beclomethasone) are used for severe nasal congestion. There are no epidemiological studies of the use of intranasal corticosteroids (eg, budesonide, fluticasone propionate, mometasone) during pregnancy. However, inhaled corticosteroids (beclomethasone and fluticasone) are not teratogenic and are commonly used in pregnant women with asthma. Fluticasone and mometasone have the lowest absorption into the general bloodstream and are approved by most rhinologists. They are effective in controlling rhinitis, but take several weeks to achieve maximum effect.

Ipratropium bromide is used topically for the symptomatic treatment of watery nasal discharge. It is safely used for acute attacks of bronchial asthma in pregnant women.


Topical medications, such as xylometazoline, cause vasoconstriction in the nasal mucosa and relieve swelling. However, hormonal vasodilation of the nasal mucosa is relatively resistant to topical vasoconstrictors, and abuse of these drugs is therefore common. This causes suppression of sympathomimetic receptors and leads to “withdrawal” nasal congestion (rhinitis medicamentosa). In addition, they are rapidly absorbed into the systemic circulation and there is concern (albeit unfounded) that local vasoconstriction may cause placental insufficiency and/or increased hypertension in pregnancy. These drugs should be consumed in moderation.

During the first trimester of pregnancy, oral decongestants should be avoided. Case-control studies have linked their use to the occurrence of gastroschisis. During the first trimester, pseudoephedrine can be used.


With rhinitis, there is rarely a need for systemic use of these drugs, only for therapeutic indications (for example, during an acute attack of asthma). Their use for the prevention of neonatal respiratory distress syndrome does not lead to the occurrence of drug-related abnormalities.


Antihistamines are used to treat allergic rhinitis. There are arguments for and against their use during pregnancy. Even though these drugs are safe for pregnant women, there remains (unfounded) concern about their teratogenicity.

It is preferable to use chlorpheniramine and tripelenamine. As always, the relative risks and benefits must be considered.


Antibiotics are used for infections associated with nasal congestion, such as acute bacterial sinusitis. Safe penicillins (amoxicillin), cephalosporins and macrolides (erythromycin) are usually prescribed. When indicated, monitoring of renal and hepatic function and serum drug levels is necessary. The following drugs should be avoided:

  • sulfonamides - cause hemolytic anemia and hyperbilirubinemia;
  • tetracyclines - cause discoloration of teeth and impaired bone growth;
  • trimethoprim - causes hyperbilirubinemia;
  • aminoglycosides - cause abnormalities of the kidneys and neural arch (I trimester), ototoxicity and nephrotoxicity (III trimester);
  • chloramphenicol - during pregnancy causes “gray baby” syndrome due to the lack of necessary liver enzymes to metabolize the drug; Chloramphenicol, accumulating in the child’s body, causes hypotension, cyanosis and often death.


Surgical treatment is postponed until the birth of the child or late pregnancy. Surgical treatment options are as follows.

Reduction of the inferior turbinates

Methods for reducing inferior turbinates are diathermy, biting, resection and a combination thereof. Direct injection of steroids (triamcinolone) into the turbinates has been described in the literature but is rarely used in the UK. Topical steroid treatment produces symptomatic improvement. However, there is a risk of retinal embolism with subsequent blindness.

This is especially true with increased vascularization of the nasal mucosa during pregnancy.

Nasal polypectomy

In severe cases of the disease, intranasal polypectomy is performed under local anesthesia.

Endoscopic sinus surgery

This method is used for extended polypectomy and sinus debridement. However, the relative risk of general anesthesia must be assessed.


Nasal congestion often occurs during pregnancy for reasons common to other patients or as a manifestation of rhinitis in pregnant women - in approximately 30% of pregnant women. The disease is thought to result from increased levels of VIP and possibly an allergy to placental or fetal proteins. Due to increased serum cortisol levels, some women with allergic rhinitis experience relief during pregnancy.

The mainstay of treatment is topical application of nasal steroids. A safe alternative is sodium cromoglycate. Abuse of decongestants is common. They should be used sparingly due to nasal congestion during withdrawal. In the absence of emergency indications, further examination and treatment - CT scan and surgery - should be postponed until delivery.

Colds, flu and acute respiratory infections are very unpleasant phenomena in the lives of each of us. But if a person usually does not attach much importance to this (well, I’ll lie down for a couple of days and everything will pass), then a pregnant woman should definitely seek advice from a specialist. The most common complaint among women is when their nose gets stuffy during pregnancy. And it really is a problem. It is unclear what medications to take, and it is almost impossible to work or even sleep normally. Today we will talk in detail about the reasons for this phenomenon, as well as what can be done in such a situation.

Why does your nose get stuffy during pregnancy?

Let's figure it out together. This problem can occur for a variety of reasons. And in order to understand what to do and how to deal with this symptom, it is necessary to determine the root of the problem. We will analyze in detail the main reasons why the nose is stuffy during pregnancy.

The very first thing that comes to mind is rhinitis. That is, a common runny nose. In this case, we observe not only congestion, but also mucus secretion. Rhinitis can occur due to the development of a viral infection, as well as as a result of contact with allergenic substances. The first case is characterized by seasonality, when there is a peak in ARVI and influenza diseases. Allergic rhinitis in a pregnant woman occurs through contact with pets, inhalation of household dust and pollen.

The second problem is sinusitis

If your nose is stuffy during pregnancy, the mother’s body, and therefore the child’s, experiences an acute lack of oxygen. This has an extremely negative effect on the development of the fetus, which means that this phenomenon must be corrected. So, the second cause of congestion is sinusitis. This condition is characterized by swelling of the mucous membrane, which provokes stagnation of mucous secretion in the maxillary and frontal sinuses. We remember that during the period of bearing a baby, the immune system is suppressed. If your nose is stuffy during pregnancy, a bacterial infection may develop, causing a purulent-inflammatory process in the nasal cavity. Do not forget that this condition requires correction and specialized treatment.

Hormonal rhinitis in pregnant women

This is the most unpleasant, but not dangerous phenomenon that does not need correction. After giving birth, everything returns to normal, but for the entire nine months the mother has to sleep with her mouth open, since she practically cannot receive oxygen through her stuffy nose. Hormonal changes, which are accompanied by an increase or decrease in the level of certain hormones, are to blame for this. Because of this, swelling of the mucous membrane occurs, which accompanies the woman throughout the entire period of gestation.

Primary diagnosis

First we need to determine what is happening to your body. Is it a cold, the flu, or a normal phenomenon that will go away on its own? Of course, the best thing to do is go and see a doctor. After an examination, as well as studying the obtained tests, a specialist will be able to tell exactly what is happening to you now.

But in most cases, you can independently understand whether the body is functioning normally now, despite pregnancy. Snot, stuffy nose, headache, fever? This means that an infection is to blame, the nature of which must be identified, and the disease itself must be treated with medication or with the help of medicinal herbs. It also happens that you feel normal, but your nose can’t breathe at all. Then you will have to endure. Such a violation can only be slightly corrected by removing swelling of the mucous membrane.

Relief of condition

Sometimes expectant mothers manage to visit all the specialists in the area, visit therapists and ENT specialists, but from everyone they receive the same answer: they say, you don’t have any disease, everything will work out right after giving birth. And the woman remains perplexed. Okay, then everything will go back to normal, but what to do now? In fact, you can help yourself a little. To do this, it is recommended to lower the air temperature in the bedroom. The hotter it is, the more severe the symptoms of nasal congestion will be. The second option is to install a humidifier.

This might help too. Finally, doctors recommend doing a simple inhalation over a cup of warm water before going to bed. Breathe in chamomile and nettle, and then drop a drop of eucalyptus oil into each nostril. These are measures that will help make breathing more free. But drops for a runny nose, which constrict blood vessels, can only be used as a last resort. For example, to get a good night's sleep if the condition is so serious.

If signs of a cold appear

The worst thing is if your nose is stuffy during early pregnancy, and plus you feel very tired and have a headache. Additionally, cough, sore throat, and fever may occur. The first trimester is the time when all the organs and systems of the unborn baby are formed, so taking medications must be strictly regulated. But it is also impossible to do without treatment, since the infection itself can also penetrate to the fetus and cause harm to it.

What to do with a runny nose

Do not try to self-medicate. It is extremely important that a qualified doctor monitors the condition of the expectant mother. It is he who must decide what to treat and with what. Stuffy nose during pregnancy? In this case, it is best to use natural medicines. These are herbs, syrups, decoctions. But even these medications must be prescribed by your doctor. Don’t buy those pills that your friend recommended to you - now is not the time when you can experiment with your health.

If your nose is very stuffy and it’s difficult to breathe, be sure to rinse it with saline solution. This could be Aquamaris or a homemade sea salt solution. Local heating is very effective. With a runny nose, this procedure helps quite quickly. To do this, you can heat salt in a frying pan and pour it into a cotton sock. Place a mini heating pad on your nose and sit until it cools down. Another variation would be a boiled egg. Make sure it is warm enough, but not hot, to avoid getting burned. If you have a blue lamp at home, you can also use it with good results. Modern methods of physiotherapy, heating, salt mines - all this can be used according to the recommendations of a doctor.

If during pregnancy your nose is stuffy, your throat hurts, and the expectant mother herself feels weak, then you must be on bed rest. To make breathing easier, you can use the good old "asterisk". You can smear the wings of the nose with it, but not the mucous membrane itself, so as not to cause a burn. This will help relieve your headache as well.

Not everyone can tolerate the specific smell of these products. Then use alkaline inhalations with mineral water "Essentuki 17" without gas. You can add a little chamomile to it. This procedure will soften the inflamed nasopharynx and help relieve cough.

General state

If your nose and throat are blocked during pregnancy, then in addition to bed rest, you must immediately increase the amount of fluid you drink. This is important because flu and colds cause toxins to accumulate in the body that need to be eliminated. Use green tea, milk or rosehip infusion. If you are prone to swelling, your doctor will ask you to monitor the amount of fluid released. All drinks must be warm.

After consulting with your doctor, you can start rinsing. A decoction of sage and a solution of baking soda are best suited for these purposes. It can be instilled into the nose. Rinsing with sea salt is also quite effective. The concentration should not be too strong; 1 level teaspoon per glass of water is enough. You can alternate it with an infusion of oak bark, chamomile and calendula. To improve the general condition and discharge of sputum, doctors recommend a mixture with marshmallow root.

You can make a very good infusion from rose hips. Add viburnum or sage to it, and you will get a wonderful remedy for flu and colds. Between meals, you can suck honey or Faringosept if there are no contraindications. Relief can also be brought by menthol oil, which is dripped one drop into each nostril.

If a cough occurs

And again I would like to emphasize that without a doctor you cannot make a diagnosis, much less choose drugs for treatment. Syrups and decoctions of seemingly safe herbs can have different effects on the body. Some of them cannot be taken by expectant mothers at all, while others can only be taken during certain periods of pregnancy. For dry cough, it is allowed to take Stoptussin and Bronchicum throughout pregnancy. If the cough is dry and painful, then from the second trimester it is permissible to use Sinekod. If prescribed by a doctor, drugs such as Falimint and Coldrex are acceptable, although there is little data on their use. Each doctor focuses on his own experience and health status of the expectant mother.

In the treatment of wet cough

Such drugs as Glycodin, Tussin-plus, Codelac and Bronholitin are strictly prohibited. Treating a wet cough is an easier task. To do this, you can use licorice and marshmallow root syrups, "Mukaltin" and "Doctor Mom", "Gerbion", "Bronchicum", "Theraflu" and "Flavamed". However, the last two drugs are used with great caution in the first trimester. "Pertussin" and "ACC" are strictly prohibited for pregnant women.

In what cases should you call an ambulance?

If the malaise lasts more than three days and there is no improvement, then you can’t wait any longer. Going to the hospital and sitting in lines is not your option at all. Call an ambulance and follow the recommendations. Call 03 immediately if the temperature rises above 38 degrees or lasts more than two days. A similar recommendation can be given if:

  • there is nausea and vomiting, stool disturbance;
  • there are purulent plugs in the throat;
  • mucus from the nose has acquired a yellow-green color;
  • severe headache occurs;
  • The cough is accompanied by severe wheezing.

Instead of a conclusion

A runny nose during this difficult period can be either normal or a symptom of a serious illness. Seasonal viral infections complicated by bacterial microflora can be quite dangerous. Therefore, if your nose is very stuffy during pregnancy, it is extremely important not to wait until the condition worsens, but to immediately consult a doctor. At each antenatal clinic there is a therapist who will examine and make the necessary appointments. And laboratory tests will allow you to monitor the condition of all organs and systems.
