Inkjet pregnancy test, its advantages and features of use. Conception determination method

Correct use plays a major role in the reliability of any pregnancy test. It is important to understand that in such a question, every little detail can affect the accuracy of the result. Manufacturers strongly recommend adhering to the basic rules, which in most cases are always the same.

General principles of tests

Before using absolutely any pregnancy test, it is important to read the instructions.

Without exception, all tests work approximately the same. They respond to the hCG hormone released in the blood and urine of a pregnant woman. Most tests come with special strips with a reagent applied to them. They have two indicators: a control indicator, indicating the suitability of the test, and a pregnancy indicator, indicating its occurrence.

If even a faint second line appears, the test result should be considered positive. It is recommended to carry out a pregnancy test several times with an interval of 2-3 days. This is the only way to be sure of the result obtained.

To use the test (strip strip) correctly, you must:

  • remove the test strip from the package;
  • collect urine in a clean, dry container;
  • immerse the strip in a vertical position in urine to the special mark;
  • wait the time specified in the instructions, take out the strip;
  • evaluate the result after 3-5 minutes.

The test is valid only when the first control strip appears. You should not evaluate the result later than 10 minutes.

Testing with a test cassette proceeds as follows:

  • the components are removed from the packaging;
  • urine is collected in a special container included in the kit;
  • use a pipette to collect a small amount of urine and drop 4 drops into the oval window of the test;
  • The test cassette is placed on a horizontal surface;
  • after 3-5 minutes, evaluate the result that appears in the second window.

The reliability of the results obtained in some cases depends on:

  • correctness of the test;
  • device sensitivity;
  • product quality;
  • moment of analysis.

It is also important what day the analysis is carried out. Highly sensitive tests can be used before the expected delay, in models with a sensitivity of 20 mIU/ml and above - only from the moment it begins. Otherwise, the result cannot be trusted. This is explained by the low hCG content in the first ten days after implantation. This amount may not be enough to obtain a reliable result.

How to use a jet pregnancy test

The inkjet test works on the same principle as test strips. The differences lie in appearance and method of use. The jet test is enclosed in a plastic case, and the analysis does not require collecting urine in a container. In order for the reagent to work, it is important that the required amount of urine reaches the special tip.

Inkjet tests are considered more sensitive and cost slightly more than conventional paper strips. The advantage is that it can be used not only at home, but also in any other place where there is a public toilet.

To know, how to use correctly jet pregnancy test, It is important to carefully read the instructions before starting testing.

The procedure consists of several steps:

  • remove the test from the package;
  • remove the cap from the tip (it is usually highlighted in a different color);
  • holding the test tip down, place it under the stream of urine strictly vertically;
  • you need to wet the end for 5 to 10 seconds;
  • Place the test with the windows facing up on a horizontal, dry surface and wait for the time specified in the instructions. Results that appear after 20 minutes cannot be considered reliable.

The tip of inkjet models is made of a special material that perfectly absorbs moisture. Thanks to these properties, urine that gets on it quickly rises up to the reagent zone. Visually, this is noticeable in the form of a wave that appears in the window and leaves behind the result in the form of stripes. One – the test is negative, and two – pregnancy is confirmed. If the digital version of the jet test is used, the words “pregnant” or “not pregnant” appear in the window. This result is visible within 24 hours, and then gradually disappears.

Inkjet tests are more modern and accurate. Manufacturers claim that they can be used at any time of the day. So, if the sensitivity is 10-15 mIU/ml, such a device can show pregnancy several days before the expected delay. Of course, everything is individual and each result requires further confirmation.

Can a pregnancy test be reused?

Modern pregnancy tests are inexpensive and are sold in all pharmacies. Buying a second copy or buying two strips at once in one package is not difficult.

At the same time, the question of possible reuse of the test is relevant. Many girls are interested in the result of repeated use of the test. The answer in this case is clear. This test is not suitable.

Everything becomes clear if we remember the principle of operation of the test and its structure. One part of it has a dye that perfectly absorbs moisture. It is this end that must be dipped into the urine when performing the test. If the test detects the hCG content, the strip activates the dye and two strips become visible. They most often have a purple, blue or crimson tint. At the same time, the saturation of the second can easily vary. This will depend on the concentration of the hormone. The first is an indicator of the suitability of the test; it contains a dye reagent, which is always activated at the slightest contact with liquid and is completely independent of hCG.

Thus, if a chemical reaction has already occurred once, it cannot be repeated, no matter how much time passes. Even if you dry the test and wait a day, the dye is not able to reactivate. This should be understood and such mistakes should be avoided.

In the event that there is a need to do the test again, you need to use a new strip or purchase a reusable test in advance. It comes with additional cartridges, which can be replaced to repeat the test.

Do not make mistakes when conducting home testing, because an inaccurate result can not only upset you, but also waste your nerves and time.

The question is largely rhetorical, since modern tests are supplied with instructions, and the Internet is full of information. And more experienced friends with children or even mothers will always tell you how to use a pregnancy test. But questions still remain, much is missed, and any inaccuracy in such an important matter promises big problems and worries.

Even if a young girl or woman applied the test correctly, the question arises in the subconscious - “Can a pregnancy test be wrong?” Yes, the test can make mistakes, more often due to the human factor, more rarely due to a malfunction or other circumstances. But before you understand in detail which tests are best to use, how to use a pregnancy test correctly, and how to protect yourself from mistakes, it’s worth diving into history. Drawing analogies with the past, every girl will understand how lucky she is to live in the modern world, in which to determine pregnancy you need to go to the nearest pharmacy, buy an inexpensive test and read an article on the Internet about how to use such a test correctly.

Pregnancy tests through history

At all times, humanity has searched for ways to determine pregnancy. Kings were waiting for heirs, and the wives of kings dreamed of princesses. Commoners were afraid of another child, and successful traders were afraid of another parasite. Ignorance and waiting destroyed lives, even entire states.

They began to search for the truth a long time ago, and if in ancient times they followed ambiguous rituals, then since the Middle Ages attempts have been made to take a scientific approach to determining pregnancy. For a long time, it was customary to determine pregnancy by the consistency of urine, its smell and transparency. Pale lemon, almost transparent color of urine with foam on the surface meant pregnancy, after which the local doctor would send the happy or upset girl home.

A little later they came up with the idea of ​​moistening a piece of cloth with urine and setting it on fire. If a woman liked the smell, then she was not pregnant; if she wrinkled her nose, then pregnancy had occurred.

Major progress occurred only in the mid-20th century, when antibodies were isolated in human blood using radioimmunoassay. Next, in a similar way, determine the presence of human chorionic gonadotropin, a hormone secreted by the placenta of a pregnant woman, better known as hCG.

For another 10 years, the method was studied and improved until a special test was developed that determined the level of hCG in just two hours. The first such test for home use only saw the light of day in the mid-seventies in the USA. But this was not a rapid test strip that fit in a lady's wallet. At that time, the test was a whole chemical laboratory, with a set of reagents, droppers and test tubes. If a woman was not ready to deal with the nine-step reaction and further analysis of the results, then a chemist was included in the kit, for a fee.

The test for determining hCG reached the mainstream only in 1985, when Swiss doctors, or rather entrepreneurs, released a test under the Clearblue brand. Determining pregnancy still required some fiddling, but the test was compact and the process took only three steps. Three years later, the Swiss company gave the world the familiar strip tests. A new era has begun in the definition of pregnancy 1 .

How does a modern pregnancy test work?

The way modern tests work is almost identical. The test contains a special reagent, which, when interacting with urine, reacts with it and reacts to the hCG indicator. The reagent is applied to the surface of the test or hidden from view, and the results are displayed in a variety of ways.

If we talk about “analog” versions of the test, then they contain two strips with a reagent. One band is a control band, and the second is a diagnostic band. The control line should always appear when interacting with urine. If it does not appear, then the test is considered invalid and defective. The diagnostic line appears when hCG rises and marks the beginning of pregnancy. “Digital” tests show the results on a special electronic display 1.

Types of pregnancy tests

Despite the general principle of action (determining the level of hCG) and promises in determining the exact result, modern tests differ significantly from each other in design. The price in most cases depends on the design of the test, ease of use and the quality of the reagents that interact with urine. Even an inexpensive test shows quite clear results already in the first days of the delay, but a more expensive test will make this more accurate even before the delay begins.

The following types of pregnancy tests can be purchased in pharmacies:

  • Strip test is the most inexpensive and popular type. It is a familiar paper strip on which a reagent is applied. To use, you will need a container filled with urine. The strip must be lowered into the container to a certain level (MAX) and allowed to soak for a few seconds. Then wait 5-10 minutes until the control line appears completely. The appearance of the diagnostic line and its saturation depends on the presence of pregnancy and its duration. Such tests work from the beginning of the delay, before the delay they can show a false value.
  • The inkjet test is more complex in design, but still accessible. As the name suggests, the test can be placed under stream of urine, which makes it more convenient to use. The test is also more accurate and can show results 2-3 days before the start of your expected period.
  • The tablet or cassette test is a relatively outdated type, but not particularly accurate, although many manufacturers claim the opposite. Most often shows results after the start of the delay. The principle of operation is similar to the strip test, but many steps need to be performed; the set includes a special cup and a pipette, which is used to transfer drops of urine into a special window.
  • Electronic test, also known as digital, is the most modern and expensive type. The tip with absorbent material is lowered into the urine, and after a few minutes the result is displayed on the display.

Each manufacturer programs the output of information in its own way; a special word or a + sign may appear if the result is positive. Such tests are considered the most sensitive and capable of showing the most accurate result even before the delay begins 2.

Can a pregnancy test be wrong?

Correct use of a pregnancy test is the key to an accurate result. It is for this reason that the instructions for using a particular type of test should be strictly followed.

A pregnancy test can make mistakes, but there are general rules that minimize the chance of error:

  • The test should be carried out in the morning, since night urine is the most concentrated and the hCG content in it is the highest.
  • When using the test with a container for collecting urine, care should be taken to ensure that it is completely sterile.
  • Before the test, especially if it is performed during the daytime, you should avoid drinking and eating heavily, preferably five hours before.
  • It is necessary to check the expiration date of the test and ensure correct storage conditions.
  • There is no need to rush, most tests show results within 5-10 minutes after testing.
  • Any test is one-time use and should not be used repeatedly.
  • Hygiene of the intimate area before the test is not an empty phrase and can contribute to more accurate results 2.

There are reasons why a test may be false negative. This is observed when there is a threat of miscarriage or problems with the endocrine system. A common mistake is the timing of the test; you need to take into account that ovulation delays occur. In this case, it is necessary to use special tests to determine ovulation.

It is always recommended to follow up your pregnancy test result with a visit to your gynecologist. Observations of basal temperature, ultrasound examination and even a routine medical examination will not be superfluous, especially when the results of rapid tests are ambiguous 3.

  • 1. Volkova, D. Pregnancy test: history and modernity / D.V. Volkova // Consilium Medicum, - 2014, - No. 06, - pp. 21-23.
  • 2. Demetskaya, A. In the world of tests: express diagnosis of pregnancy / A. Demetskaya // Practitioner pharmacist, - 2013, - No. 5, - 2013
  • 3. Smetnik, V. All about menstruation / V. P. Smetnik // Litera, - 2005, - pp. 5-21.

After conception, the woman’s body gradually increases in blood pressure, which produces trophoblast cells - these are the precursors for the formation of the placenta. Thanks to its presence in urine, early diagnosis of pregnancy can be carried out.

The test can be performed already after the second day of missed period.

But many women who are faced with this issue for the first time do not know how to choose such a product, how to use a pregnancy test and how to avoid mistakes?

Mechanism of action

The standard test that determines the presence of human chorionic gonadotropin in the urine has two strips - control and diagnostic.

The first one works if any moisture gets on the surface.

A diagnostic strip has special substances (antibodies) that react to the presence of hCG in the urine.

During direct contact of human chorionic gonadotropin with labeled antibodies, the diagnostic strip turns red.

Buying a pregnancy test

Buy tests only in pharmacies. This will help you avoid purchasing a low-quality fake.

When purchasing a pregnancy test, check the integrity of the packaging. The strip should be packed in thick cellophane. Sometimes it is filled with air.

If the product's expiration date has expired or you find damage to the packaging, then there is no point in doing such a test - the result will be unreliable.

When studying a wide range of pregnancy tests, you see products from different companies and different price ranges. But the reliability of the result does not depend on the manufacturer and cost. Is it true, more expensive tests respond even to the lowest dose of human chorionic gonadotropin.

That's why, if you can't wait to find out the answer to a question whether you are pregnant or not, but only a couple of days have passed since your missed period, give preference to a sensitive test. Thanks to him, the situation will certainly become clearer.

When to take a pregnancy test?

If you want to achieve maximum accuracy in diagnostics at home, in the evening before the test, do not eat fatty foods and refuse sexual contact.

It is advisable to use the test strip in the morning, taking the first urine of the day for research.

Do your research only before meals. After eating, the answer will be untrue.

It is at the beginning of the day that the concentration of the hormone is highest and the result will be the most accurate. Therefore, immediately after waking up, go to the toilet.

Collect the urine in a container and lower the tip of the test strip into the urine to the indicated mark, holding it there for a couple of seconds. After this, place the test on a horizontal surface.

The result will be ready in 5 minutes. After 10 minutes the test is considered void.

Two stripes indicate that conception has occurred. But it is worth considering that a positive result can also occur in the absence of pregnancy. This mainly occurs due to hormonal imbalance in the body.

To find out exact result, it is better to go to a gynecologist after the test, who, after examining the uterus, will be able to determine whether pregnancy has occurred.

Sometimes in the early stages, if the gynecological examination was not indicative, an ultrasound examination or tests are prescribed.

But even if the second line appears faint and barely noticeable on your test, most likely you are pregnant. You can additionally use a couple more tests from other manufacturers.

Remember, in some cases, hormone production begins not on the 6th day after conception, as usual, but on 14-15.

This is the period of maximum concentration of human chorionic gonadotropin. Therefore, if the test result is negative and there is no period, there is a reason to wait a few more days and repeat the study, which next time, perhaps, will tell you the long-awaited answer.

Types of tests

  1. Strip strip– the most common type of pregnancy test. This is a thin strip with a reagent inside. Using this test, human chorionic gonadotropin is determined in the urine. Open the package immediately before use.
  2. Tablet test is an analogue of laboratory pregnancy diagnostics adapted to home conditions. It gives the most accurate result. It differs from test strips in that it does not need to be immersed in a container with urine and this product is more reliable because it is protected in a plastic box. You should take a portion of urine into a disposable pipette and insert 4 drops into the special window of the test cassette where the reagent is applied.
  3. Electronic test. The method of application is identical to the tablet and conventional tests. But in this case, under the influence of human chorionic gonadotropin, not a colored stripe will appear, but the inscription “pregnant” or “not pregnant.”
  4. - this is the most reliable method for early detection of pregnancy at home. This product has a more sensitive reagent. This affected its cost, which is higher than the price of tablets and test strips. You can find out about the onset of conception 4 days before the start of menstruation. The jet test is especially convenient because you do not need a container to collect urine.

Remove the cap from the cassette and grab the test in the place where there is a mark in the form of an arrow. You need to place the marked tip, which was under the protective cap, under a stream of urine for a few seconds and then close the test with the cap.

The result according to the standard will be ready in 5 minutes and will become invalid after 10 minutes.

The study can be carried out at any time of the day, because a very sensitive reagent detects the presence of human chorionic gonadotropin, regardless of its concentration level. But follow the instructions as precisely as possible, otherwise the result may be false.

False positive pregnancy test result

False positive result- this is the case when the test shows 2 stripes in the absence of pregnancy.

In low-quality tests this can happen: that the dye will split off from the conjugate before the entire antibody-hCG-dye complex reaches the reaction zones.

This is how blurry spots appear. This result is often mistaken for a “false positive”. But true false positives are extremely rare.

Besides, a faint second stripe appears, if the test is “overexposed”, that is, study the readings after 10 or more minutes.

A similar line is formed due to the evaporation of water from the surface of the dough. This destroys the conjugates, which release the dye.

Precisely because not every woman strictly follows the instructions and incorrectly interprets the test result, doctors, especially old-school gynecologists, do not have too much faith in early diagnosis of pregnancy carried out at home.

A false positive response can be caused by taking specific medications, kidney problems, or drinking too much fluid.

Sometimes this result indicates about the presence of a trophoblastic tumor. Some gynecological diseases can provoke increase in the level of human chorionic gonadotropin and in order to exclude them, it is necessary to contact a gynecologist after a positive test result.

If you were given hCG to maintain the luteal phase(preparations Pregnil or Profazi), then traces of this hormone remain in the body for 10 days after the last dose of the medication. Therefore, a pregnancy test in such cases gives a false positive result.

False negative test

There are times when tests give false negative. This occurs much more often than cases with a false positive result.

A false negative test is typical for conducting the test too early. or for a low sensitivity test.

During a pregnancy that is on the verge of, human chorionic gonadotropin will not be produced as intensively as during a normally developing pregnancy.

Anyway a pregnancy test allows women not to run to the doctor at the slightest delay, but first check at home and only then consult a doctor to clarify the results.

It is after this that we can clearly speak about the presence or absence of pregnancy.

Hello dear readers. In case of delay, the first thought in your head is to check a possible pregnancy using a test. There are now a large number of specialized products on sale that will show the number of strips. Provided that each package is supplemented with instructions, there are times when a false negative or false positive result appears. Not everyone knows how to use a pregnancy test correctly, that’s what we’ll talk about today.

Most often, the test is used to determine pregnancy.

How to take a pregnancy test correctly - rules for using tests

The advantage of this method outside of hospital walls is its speed and simplicity; the test is done in a few minutes.

The principle of its operation is that a small amount of urine will need to be placed on the designated area.

A special composition produces a reaction to hCG (human chronic gonadotropin).

Its presence determines the second line on the test and accompanying nausea with increased sensitivity in the chest area.

The placenta begins producing hCG after pregnancy. Special tests record the hormone usually on the 10th day from the time of fertilization of the egg.

You need to know that the indicator may be incorrect if the analysis was done after fewer days.

Doctors note that it is advisable to diagnose pregnancy at least 5 days after the end of the cycle.

In case of a negative test, you need to wait until your critical days. If they do not come, you need to do the testing again.

There are some peculiarities in performing the test, these include:


Studying the instructions

Each specific test is accompanied by instructions printed on a separate sheet of paper or printed directly on the packaging.

Attention should be paid to the duration and special contact with urine.


The test is in the form of a strip or a jet, be sure to lower it into a glass of urine to the marked level, hold for 5 seconds.

Jet version, after removing the protection, place the adsorbing part under a stream of urine. When using the cassette version, place 4 drops on the designated area.

After this, place it on a horizontal surface for 5 minutes (time may vary depending on the specific type, it is indicated in the instructions).

Result evaluation

Referring to the illustrations in the instructions, determine the likelihood of pregnancy.

If the second line appears but is faintly visible, then in accordance with the instructions, the test is positive.

If you repeat it after a few days, it will definitely become brighter.

  1. The minimum time for fluid concentration in the bladder should be at least four hours.
  2. Before the test, try not to drink liquid to prevent a decrease in hCG levels.
  3. Consider the possible effect of medications taken on the hormone, for example to increase fertility levels.

Can you trust the reliability of pregnancy tests?

Doctors note that the tests available in pharmacies are not only very easy to use, but also accurate.

1. The correct result, provided the analysis is carried out according to the instructions, is 99%.

2. It is probably because of their simplicity that many women do not trust tests.

3. This is justified by the lack of knowledge of the principle by which this “strip of cardboard” works.

4. The most common test is a cardboard strip with a special impregnation at the end, which reacts only to the level of hCG. After soaking in urine, a reaction occurs due to which the result appears.

5. The basis of the method for determining pregnancy before visiting a doctor is the concentration of hCG in the urine.

6. An increase in indicators occurs only after fertilization of the egg.

7. A special protein is released in the blood only in pregnant women.

8. 14 days after the expected date of conception, the result of such a diagnosis will be more accurate.

The following factors may influence the result:

In case of false positive

  1. Side effects from medications containing hCG taken two weeks before the test.
  2. Overdue test.
  3. Diseases.
  4. Exceeding the test time (the result is only correct for no more than five minutes).
  5. Performing a test after a miscarriage or abortion, when the hCG has not had time to fall.

If false negative

  1. Only a minimum time has passed since the expected conception; the hCG level has not yet had time to increase.
  2. Features of a specific female body.
  3. Taking diuretic medications or drinking large amounts of fluid before testing.
  4. Failure to comply with analysis technology.
  5. Loss of seal in the packaging in which the test was sold.
  6. Use after expiration date.

If you have doubts about the result, do not neglect consulting a doctor. Pregnancy can be determined 100% only after seeing a medical specialist.

Pregnancy tests: types and instructions for use

The difference between the tests lies not only in the sensitivity threshold, but also in appearance.

Classic - consist of a thick paper thin rectangle; their second name is first generation tests.

The next stage in the development of such a device for determining pregnancy is the use of a plastic body.

They are divided into several options:

  • With a litmus stick (it will need to be placed in a glass of urine);
  • Jet;
  • Cassette (involve the use of a few drops of urine);
  • Electronic or digital (equipped with an LCD screen to display an indication of the presence or absence of pregnancy, and can show the due date).

Strip strips

This option is the simplest for diagnosing pregnancy.

The result is manifested thanks to a special composition of reagents and antibodies.

After contact with urine, a reaction to hCG occurs.

The high prevalence and popularity of such tests lies in their low cost and accuracy in determining pregnancy.

This option will already be able to diagnose a positive result even if there is a delay on the first day.

The test is carried out by placing the strip in a glass of urine for a few seconds (each manufacturer indicates the exact time).

The next step, according to the instructions, is to place the strip in a horizontal, even position; you will need to wait 5 minutes for the correct result.

As soon as the necessary reaction is completed, stripes will appear. One “shows” a negative result, and two - a positive result.

Tablet pregnancy test

The difference from the previous version of the test is its appearance. In this version, the strip is enclosed in a plastic housing.

The package includes a special pipette for the exact number of drops that need to be placed on the test, and a small plastic cup for collecting urine.

The design feature allows you to make an analysis that will be 99% correct.

If for some reason the result is in doubt, it is advisable to do a repeat test.

The principle of determining pregnancy in tablet-type tests and strip tests is identical.

But thanks to its body, it shows a more accurate result. According to the manufacturer's recommendations, this type of analysis should be performed in the morning.

It is supposed to take a little urine into a pipette and send it into a special “window” on the test body. After five minutes, it will show the result.

Jet pregnancy test

A higher percentage of accuracy is shown by a test developed using modern equipment.

It is called inkjet and is not only more accurate, but also convenient to use. Its distinctive feature is the presence of a positive result even with a weakly expressed second stripe.

This became possible thanks to the introduction of high sensitivity hCG technology. This feature does not limit the use of the test in time.

The advantage over previous options is the hygiene of such diagnostics.

The technology does not involve collecting urine in a container or using a pipette to apply it into a special hole.

The design of the jet test is designed in such a way that it is enough to place it under a stream of urine.

A positive result (second strip) will appear after five minutes in the presence of the hCG hormone.

Digital pregnancy test

Today, the most convenient and accurate test is the digital (electronic) type. The principle of determining the result in such options is based on the detection of hCG.

Medical research has not yet provided another reliable system for determining pregnancy outside of hospital walls.

The main feature of such a device is the screen, which will show the analysis result. It appears after the process of absorption with a special strip of urine.

This period is indicated by the appearance of an hourglass figure on the screen. After it disappears, the symbols “-” or “+” appear, which symbolize a negative or positive result.

Unlike previous options, this test can be trusted throughout the day, and not ten minutes.

Provided that there is no third option, you can have no doubt about the obtained indicator.

High sensitivity requires the test to be carried out at any time of the day. Studies have proven 99% accurate.

This option can be used until the first day of the delay. Under this condition, the reliability will not change.

The digital type “can” show not only the presence of pregnancy, but also its approximate duration.

If the indicator is negative, the display of certain models displays the concentration of other hormones and offers options for successful days in the next cycle when you can conceive a child.

A feature of this type is the ability to transfer the resulting version to an electronic device, such as a laptop.

Manufacturers have provided replaceable test cartridges.

The price depends on the complexity of the test and the presence of additional components (cup, pipette, cartridges) in it.

The cheapest are simple test strips. The second most expensive are the modernized strips, wider, packed not in a small package, but in a box with a developed design.

Digital tests are more expensive options. This is due to their increased sensitivity to the hCG hormone and design features.

If the test result shows that the presence of the second stripe is in doubt (pale, appears on the inner surface), it is advisable to repeat the analysis after a few days.

The most effective method for determining pregnancy is to consult a doctor and take a blood test for hCG.

In most cases, an incorrect pregnancy test result occurs in women who do not carefully read the instructions for using the product. In order to minimize the chance of getting an incorrect result, you must follow the instructions in the instructions.

You need to know that if the rapid test is used several days before the delay, then it must be done in the morning, when the urine has more concentrated composition, so the result will be known already in the early stages. When the test is done after the first day of the delay, then any fresh urine can be taken for its use. It must be remembered that during the procedure you should not drink large amounts of water or diuretics.

The mechanism for determining pregnancy in all tests is the same; they have a special sensitivity to hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) in urine, such hormone occurs in the blood of pregnant women. And yet, sometimes this hormone is found in women who are not pregnant, but suffer from some hormonal disease. Also, the level of hCG is significantly increased in girls who have had an abortion.

In the early stages of pregnancy (between several weeks), the level of the hCG hormone in a woman’s blood is low, but over time it increases and reaches its maximum at 8–9 weeks. So, it does not subside until the end of the second trimester, and then quickly decreases.

In most cases, the test for determining hCG in urine includes two strips - control and diagnostic. The control begins to operate when any liquid comes into contact with it. And the diagnostic test contains special antibodies that react to the hCG hormone, so these hormones react with the antibodies, as a result of which the diagnostic strip changes to a red tint.

Types of pregnancy tests

When purchasing a test you must:

  1. Look at the quality of the packaging.
  2. Check the expiration date of the product.
  3. The test must come with a moisture-absorbing capsule and instructions for use inside, but the instructions may also be on the package itself.
  4. Follow the rules of the instructions, since the actions differ for different types of tests.
  5. It is important to remember that after 10 minutes the results of any test are invalid.

Rules for using pregnancy tests

To get rid of false indicators, you should do the following before using the test:

The benefits of using pregnancy tests

  1. The test, carried out at home, guarantees complete anonymity.
  2. Convenient and easy to use.
  3. Test reliability reaches 95–100%
  4. You can use jet tests even in the very early stages of pregnancy.

Cons of tests

  1. If pregnancy is confirmed, this does not mean that it has the correct shape - that is, it develops in the uterus.
  2. There is some possibility of obtaining incorrect indicators.
  3. Expired tests may be purchased.
  4. The price of some tests is quite high.

False test results

Regardless of the cost of the selected test, its reliability will not reach 100%, so it may give a false result or not give at all if the strip does not appear. Most often, this problem occurs when the test is used incorrectly or not according to instructions: immersed below the marked level, overexposed, or the result was viewed late after 10 minutes. Such problems usually occur with strip tests.

In the case when the indicator not a single line showed up, which means the test is 100% stitched and of poor quality. You might simply not have looked at the expiration date of the product, or the pharmacy may have violated its storage conditions.

The result is divided into two types: false positive and false negative. False positive is a result in which the second stripe has a pale color, and a false negative is a result in which the second stripe does not appear at all, although the woman has all the signs of pregnancy.

Possible reasons for false results:

  1. The rules for using the product have been violated.
  2. The product's expiration date has expired or its storage conditions were incorrect.
  3. Disturbances in ovarian function.
  4. The gestational age is too short.
  5. The use of products containing additional hCG hormones.
  6. You recently had an abortion or miscarriage.
  7. Tumor processes within the body that stimulate the production of hCG.
  8. There are various diseases of the reproductive system.

Reasons for false negative results:
