DIY textile flower. Secrets of a magical hobby - making flowers from fabric with your own hands using the hot method

The idea of ​​creating flowers from fabric is not new. However, the ability to make such decorations for clothes, albums, bags, postcards, and frames can be very useful. Flowers always give life and warmth to any product. For example, a gift can always be decorated with a flower arrangement, which will make the present unforgettable. Let's make flowers together from ordinary, but high-quality fabric, and with our own hands!

If you decide to learn how to make flowers from fabric, then to start you will only need scissors, a piece of rubber, a teaspoon and pads of dry sand. Pads with sand are needed to make leaves and petals on them. You can sew it yourself from thick fabric that will not let sand through. In further improvement of this type of needlework, you will need to acquire wire, wire cutters, glue, balls and some other tools.

The choice of fabric for making flowers is very important!

If you want to decorate a dress or blouse with a flower made of fabric, then synthetic fabrics are better suited: organza, satin, chiffon, crepe de chine, stretch satin. These fabrics are processed using the hot method, which is best done if you already have sufficient experience in this type of needlework.

If you just want to sew a flower, then any material will do, even nylon or satin ribbons.

Natural silk is usually used for a wedding or other special event.

It is quite easy to work with cotton fabric. If you treat it with gelatin, it easily takes the desired shape.

In general, any fabric is suitable for creating a fabric flower. But it is better to use fabrics of different textures in one product, i.e. combine thick and thin, dense and transparent. This will make the product more elegant and interesting.

If you want to check whether the fabric in front of you is natural or artificial, then you can check it as follows. Take a thread of fabric and set it on fire. When artificial fiber burns, a plastic smell will appear, and the thread will turn into a hard ball. If the fabric is natural, then the smell will be similar to the smell of burnt hair, and the thread will turn into ash.

Master class on the example of creating a flower with your own hands from fabric for a headband

A flower can be placed on a headband for a girl.

To make such an original piece, you will need a small piece of denim fabric, lace, a needle and thread, glue (preferably Moment Crystal), one bead.

Let's move on to the job description

Take a piece of jeans. Cut it into pieces measuring 4 by 4 and 5 by 5. You will need 6 or seven pieces. First, bend the square in half and secure it with a pin in this position (see photo below). Then fold the same square in half again and again. The result was petals. We string them on a needle, into which a fishing line or strong thread is threaded. It is necessary that all layers of fabric are pierced. This is how we string all the petals. We pull the fishing line tightly so that the petals do not dangle, and tie the edges.

We got a flower. Next, cut out a circle from denim fabric, which should be 1.5 - 2 cm larger than our flower. The edges need to be cut with a zigzag or trimmed using curly scissors. We make another similar circle, but smaller. You can make a third circle of even smaller size from leather so that the product is quite dense. We fasten the circles as their size decreases.

We put a flower on the lace, which we sewed from denim squares at the very beginning. We sew all the parts together. The flower made from squares is additionally secured with Moment glue. Attach a bead to the center of the resulting figure.

The result is a flower that we need to put on a children's headband. Using glue, attach the flower to the headband. On the other side, we secure the product to the rim using a strip of denim tape, which we also attach to glue.

And here is another flower made of a completely different material - felt.

To make such a flower you need a small piece of bright felt fabric. Can be red, yellow, green. At your discretion. You also need glue and scissors.

Let's start working with the fabric. We need to cut pieces of fabric into squares measuring 1 by 1 cm, then 1.5 by 1.5 cm and 2 by 2 cm. From these squares we cut out petals as shown in the photo. We connect the lower edges of the petals and glue them with glue (it is better to use Moment Crystal glue).

To ensure that the glued edges are flat and firmly glued, they must be placed under a press.

We make the required number of such petals. We needed 9 petals 1 by 1 cm, 13 petals 1.5 by 1.5 cm, 15 petals 2 by 2 cm. But the number of parts depends on which petals you cut out, because they may be larger or smaller in size.

Then we cut out a base from the same material - a circle with a diameter of 5 cm. We will glue our petals onto it. We start gluing from the outer edge. Lubricate the largest petals with glue and apply them to the edge of the disk. On top of this row we glue smaller petals like this.

To make the center of the flower, you need to cut a strip of felt and trim it from one edge with curly scissors. If you don't have any, you can make a ribbed edge by hand. We twist the ribbon and place it in the middle of the flower.

The flower is ready.

Video on the topic of the article

The video below gives very interesting information.

They are no less beautiful than living ones, plus: they will not dry out, will not lose their appearance at the most inopportune moment, and will retain their original appearance, beauty and color for a long time. They can be placed anywhere, and the flexible wire stems can be easily shaped into any shape. They are fabric flowers, a real masterpiece of handicraft.

You can use fabric to make flowers that can be easily assembled into a wedding bouquet.

Wedding decoration with artificial flowers

Typically, artificial flowers at a wedding are used for:

  • and her wedding wreath, and, if necessary, also for her purse and hair clip;
  • and best man;
  • interior compositions.

For example, you can make such an original wedding bouquet from satin roses. Don't miss our wedding!

We make a delicate and stylish bouquet of satin roses with our own hands!

Below you will find how to make artificial flowers at home. Everything you need for this exquisite creativity can be purchased at a specialty store. You don't need much:

  • a set of rolls (these are metal balls on wooden handles to give the petals a convex shape);
  • knife for corrugating leaves and petals;
  • a spatula for curling the edges of the petals;
  • scissors, awl, tweezers.

All bouquets, both for the bride and her bridesmaids, are made of fabric.

These are all very easy to use tools.

To make fabric flowers we will also need:

  • a rubber pad on which you will process the flower details;
  • touch-up brushes and dye jars;
  • glass on which tinting is done.

You can’t do without soft wire for the stems, paper (preferably tissue paper) for wrapping them, and PVA glue (PVA-M latex glue). Salt dough or colored paraffin for pistils and stamens and aniline dyes for fabric may be required. And you will also need your imagination and creativity.

The most important thing is the right choice of fabric for the flowers that you are going to make with your own hands.

Important: It is easiest to work with natural fabrics (crepe satin, silk, crepe de chine, chiffon). They stretch well and are easy to crimp. Synthetic fabrics have poor stretch and become deformed when the instrument overheats; working with them requires a lot of experience.

Large flower made of fabric of two colors on the bride's dress

Important: use only new fabrics.

Master class on fabric flowers for a wedding

Let's make a very simple open semi-double pale pink rose from chiffon. The petals of this rose are almost flat, revealing the stamens. The diameter of the flower is 5-7 centimeters.

Some details for assembling a fabric flower

Preparing fabric for a flower

The fabric is pre-gelatinized. To do this, two tablespoons of gelatin are left to swell in a glass of cold water, then heated in a water bath. Apply this solution to a fabric with a brush and then hang it to dry. The dried fabric is ironed with a warm iron.

Fabric flower patterns

You can find ready-made patterns, but there is an excellent little-known method - we will share it with you: patterns can be made using templates taken from the outlines of fresh flowers. To do this, the flower is disassembled into individual petals, their outlines are traced on thick paper, cut out, and the pattern is ready.

Do the same with the leaves, but be sure to make a small boat-shaped protrusion 5X4 mm at the base of each leaf blade to attach the leaf to the stem. Using this method you can obtain patterns of any flower, not just roses.

Petals of a very convex shape, which do not lie completely on the paper, are outlined with some deviation from their shape.

They cut “on the bias”, tracing the pattern along the fabric with a ballpoint pen (red or green). A pencil is not suitable as it leaves a dirty mark. You need to cut, leaving a mark from the handle behind the outline.

Coloring the petals of fabric flowers

Shadow tint will make the flower more natural. It is made using the “wet” method: the petals are soaked in water, laid out on glass and the desired tone is applied with a brush. The leaves and sepals are painted green, the petals yellow - salad or salmon.

Shaping the petals

For this you will need boules. They are heated on an electric stove and the petal is processed on a soft pad, making it concave. There is another processing method, cold: the petal is placed on a piece of rubber and drawn with a curling knife from the edges to the center.

Making stamens for fabric flowers

These elements complete the complete resemblance to a living flower. Stamens are made from gelatinized threads, like fabric, and colored paint, into which the end of the thread, greased with glue, is dipped. The color can be replaced with melted wax. The number of stamens is 30-40 pieces.

The pestle is made from a ball of cotton wool attached to a wire, painted light green. The stamens and pistil are attached to a wire hook wrapped in paper and coated with glue.

Fabric flower core

A small button or cotton ball coated with glue will serve as the core. First attach a bunch of stamens with a pistil to it and start gluing the petals: from small to large, in a checkerboard pattern. Glue the green sepals last. Attach the flower to the end of the crochet stem.

For all work, use PVA glue; it does not leave marks on the fabric.

Fabric flower stem

It is made of wire entwined with colored paper shavings (strips of tissue paper 4-7 cm wide). The paper can be replaced with green thread. For strength, the stem is coated with glue or varnish.

Fabric flower leaves

The leaf petioles are made of flexible wire, covered, like the stem, with painted paper shavings. Glue each leaf blade onto a separate petiole, then use a hard rubber knife to apply veins to each blade. The petioles are collected into a complex leaf with one common petiole.

Delicate pink flower made of fabric

Assembling a flower branch from fabric

“Grow” leaf petioles onto a stem with a flower already attached. Wrap the twisted wires in paper, masking the joints.

The idea of ​​making flowers from fabric is not new at all. However, learning how to make such jewelry is very useful. Using artificial ones, you can decorate cards, gifts, frames, dresses, and hair decorations. How to make flowers from fabric? Photos and master classes will help in this matter.

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DIY fabric flowers: master classes

Master class No. 1: DIY fabric roses

Making roses from fabric is quite simple. Even a beginner can handle this. For this you will need the following materials:

  • Any fabric.
  • Scissors.
  • Thermal gun.

Manufacturing stages:

Such fabric flowers will look good in a wreath as an element of an interior in shabby chic, Provence or country style. They are also suitable for decoration, pillows or, for example.

Master class No. 2: DIY artificial flowers made of organza or satin

If you look on satin flowers or organza, they may seem very difficult to make. But in fact, even beginners can make them.

Necessary materials:

  • Candle.
  • Satin fabric or organza (pink or white).
  • Scissors.
  • Yellow floss threads.
  • Needle.

Manufacturing stages:

Master class No. 3: making flowers from frills with your own hands

To make a product from fabric, it is not necessary to have a glue gun; a simple needle and thread will suffice.

So , for making a flower from frills the following materials are needed:

  • Any fabric.
  • Scissors.
  • Thread according to the color of the fabric and a needle.
  • Bead, button or rhinestone.

Stages of work:

These artificial flowers can be used to decorate, for example, a dress, hair accessories or pillows.

Master class No. 4: DIY pom-pom flower

To make a three-dimensional flower you will need the following materials:

  • Fabric (any soft fabric will do).
  • Thermal gun.
  • Felt.
  • Scissors.

Stages of work:

Master class No. 5: DIY denim flower

Materials required for manufacturing:

  • Denim.
  • Lace.
  • Glue.
  • Pin.
  • Needle and thread.
  • Bead.

Stages of work:

Master class No. 6: ring with rose and braid

To make such a rose, it will take very little time and money. For this you need:

  • “Boundweed” braid.
  • Threads according to the color of the braid.
  • Needle.
  • Matches or lighter.
  • Scissors.
  • Thermal gun.
  • Blank for the ring.

Stages of work:

  1. Cut off 50 cm of braid. The length of the braid can be shorter or longer, depending on the required size of the rose.
  2. Fold the braid in half.
  3. We intertwine all the elements of the braid with each other.
  4. We cut off the ends and singe them with a match or lighter.
  5. We twist the braid into a bud, gradually stitching it from the bottom.
  6. We slightly bend the outer layers to form petals.
  7. Now we glue the finished rose to the blank for the ring, which has a round platform.

Master classes: DIY fabric flowers.

Satin ribbon flower

Master class with step-by-step photographs: How to make a flower from a satin ribbon with your own hands.

1. Take a ribbon 4 cm wide. Cut 5 pieces of ribbon 7.5 cm long and 5 pieces of ribbon 9 cm long. Lightly singe the edges.

2. Fold one piece of tape in half. We sew small stitches along the open cuts, departing 2-3 mm from the cut. The thread should be the same color as the ribbon.

3. We tighten it.

4. Without breaking the thread, sew a second piece of ribbon of the same length. In this way we collect 5 pieces of the same length for one thread. We tighten it.

5. Connect in a circle.

6. We do the same with blanks of a different size. Assemble the flower using glue or a glue gun. I used a button as the center. This flower has a very neat center and you don’t have to glue the button, but simply sew it on.

7. Cover the wrong side with a circle of felt (glued with a glue gun). The reverse side can be covered with a circle of cardboard covered with fabric. You can also cut a circle from a plastic bottle and cover it with fabric.

Using this flower you can make an elastic band, a brooch, or decorate a headband with it.

This flower is made from pieces of satin ribbon 8 cm and 9.5 cm long.

Rep ribbon flower

Cut the ribbon into pieces of equal length. Here I got pieces 7.5 cm long. We singe the sections with a lighter (match or candle) so that they do not unravel.

Fold it as shown in the photo.

Fold it so that all 4 corners are together.

Secure with a needle and thread.

Without breaking the thread, we collect the remaining petals in the same way.

Connect in a circle. And I once again pass the needle and thread in a circle to secure it more firmly.

I bring the needle to the wrong side and stitch there in a circle.

I'm sewing on a button. The middle can be decorated with sewn rhinestones, etc.

I sew an elastic band on the inside.

Satin ribbon rose

Master class with step-by-step photographs: How to make a rose from a satin ribbon with your own hands.

1. Satin ribbon 5 cm wide. This rose took 75 cm long. I singed the edges, but this is not necessary.

2. Fold the edge of the ribbon to the wrong side like this.

3. We begin to twist the corner.

4. Fix the twisted corner (the middle of the rose) with thread.

5. Bend the tape so that one edge of the tape runs along the other edge.

6. Bend along the line of contact of the edges of the tape.

7. Sew along the edge with a “forward needle” seam.

8. We bend the tape again so that one edge of the tape runs along the other edge.

9. Bend along the line of contact of the edges of the tape.

10. Sew along the edge with a “forward needle” seam.

11. And so we repeat until the end of the tape.

12. End of tape.

13. It turns out like this “spiral”.

14. Lightly tighten the seam, evenly distributing the folds.

15. The middle of the bud begins to curl on its own.

16. We begin to twist the bud, fixing each layer with thread or a glue gun.

The type of bud depends on how rigid the tape is, how tightly it was pulled and how tightly the layers are laid.

The tape I have here is quite stiff, it was pulled tight and the layers were not laid tightly.

Making leaves. I also made the leaves from ribbon 5 cm wide - there was no other suitable color.

View from the inside.

I glued the leaves with a glue gun. I covered the underside of the rose with a round piece of felt and also glued it with a glue gun. I glued it with a glue gun and a rubber band.

For a rose with a smaller diameter, 65 cm of satin ribbon was used and it was twisted more tightly. The tape itself is also softer.

Ribbon rose

In order to create such cute roses you will need very little time. They are very easy to implement and, best of all, do not require large financial outlays. It took me less than 10 rubles to make one such ring: 5 rubles for the blank for the ring and 2.5 rubles for the braid.

The roses are made from zig-zag braid (this braid is also called “snake” or “bindweed”).

For the large rose I used 50 cm of braid, for the smaller one - 46 cm.

Master class: Rose from braid

So we will need:
- snake braid
- threads in the color of the braid
- needle
- scissors
- lighter or matches
- glue gun or other suitable glue

1. Cut the braid to the required length.

2. Fold in half.

3. We intertwine (twist) the parts of the braid with each other.

4. Weaved to the end.

5. Carefully trim the ends of the braid and singe them with a lighter.

6. We begin to twist the bud and stitch it with thread on one side (the bottom of the rose or the wrong side). It is better to take the threads to match the braid - this way the work will look neater. For the master class, a contrasting thread was used for clarity.

7. Straighten the rose petals, slightly bending the outer layers.

8. The braid rose is ready.

In order to make a ring, we take a ring blank with a round platform.

Glue the ring blank to the rosette using a glue gun.

Fabric Circle Flower: Carnation

1. Cut out a template from cardboard - I have a circle with a diameter of 6.5 cm. Take a piece of synthetic fabric (the fabric should melt well over the fire). Cut out 12 circles from fabric.

2. We burn the edge of the circle over the candle in small sections and immediately, before it cools down, bend it in different directions (toward and away from ourselves). The edges of the circles are wavy.

3. Take one circle of fabric and fold it in half.

4. Then put it in half again.

5. Secure the corner with thread. We do this with all circles.

6. Cut out a circle from felt. We make leaves from fabric (I used green satin ribbon). We begin to glue the blanks with a glue gun. First, I glued two circles to determine the size of the leaves. Then I glued the leaves and continued gluing the prepared circles.

The first layer takes 4 circles. We glue the second and third layers of circles in a checkerboard pattern in relation to the previous row.

In order to glue the first layer, completely coat the felt circle with glue. In order to glue the second layer with glue, we spread an area twice as small. For the third layer, apply glue only to the middle. Then we drop a drop of glue into the middle and press the petals of the third layer against each other.

Fabric flower (sharp petals made of circles)

Master class with step-by-step photographs: How to make a flower from fabric with your own hands.

1. We cut out templates from cardboard - I have a circle with a diameter of 6.5 cm and 5.5 cm. Take a piece of easily draped fabric and cut out 5 circles of each diameter.

2. Take circles of the same diameter and fold one circle in half.

3. Then cut it in half again.

4. Sew small stitches along the open edges, departing 3 mm from the edge. The thread should be the color of the fabric.

5. Without breaking the thread, sew the second circle. The folds of all petals in one row should face the same direction.

6. We assemble 5 blanks for one thread in this way. We tighten it.

7. Connect in a circle.

8. We do the same with workpieces of a different diameter.

9. Assemble the flower using glue or a glue gun. I used a button as the center.

10. Cover the wrong side with a circle of felt (glued with a glue gun). I also glued the elastic band on using a glue gun.

This flower can also be used as a brooch by gluing the base for the brooch to the reverse side. With the help of such a flower you can decorate a headband, etc.

Another example of a flower with sharp petals made from circles of fabric:

Fabric flower (round petals made from circles)

Master class with step-by-step photographs: How to make a flower from fabric with your own hands.

1. Cut out a template from cardboard - I have a circle with a diameter of 5.5 cm. Take a piece of easily draped fabric and cut out 5 circles.

2. Fold one circle in half. We sew small stitches along the open cuts, departing from the cut 3 mm. The thread should be the color of the fabric.

3. We tighten it.

4. Without breaking the thread, sew the second circle.

5. We collect 5 blanks for one thread in this way. We tighten it.

6. Connect in a circle.

7. I used a button as the center.

8. Glue the button into the middle (I use a glue gun). Cover the inside with a circle of felt.

The reverse side can be covered with a circle of cardboard covered with fabric. You can also cut a circle from a plastic bottle and cover it with fabric. Using this flower you can make an elastic band, a brooch, or decorate a headband with it.

DIY satin ribbon rose

Take a satin ribbon 5 cm wide and cut it into squares. You can take a tape of a different width. A narrower ribbon will make smaller roses, but it’s better to try for the first time on a 5 cm ribbon.

Cut the required number of squares. I have this rose of 25 petals.

We singe the cuts over the fire so that they do not crumble. For scorching, you can use a candle, matches or lighter. I feel more comfortable with a candle, and if I also take an aromatic one, I feel complete relaxation.

Fold the square diagonally with the right side facing out.

We bend two side corners towards the central one. There is no need to seal them over a fire - I sealed them to make photographs easier to take.

Cut off the corners (approximately 5 mm).

We seal the cut over the fire. It is easier to do this by holding the cut in tweezers and leaving it sticking out about 1 mm. It is more convenient to use tweezers that are flat and even (not like the one in my photo). I touched my convenient tweezers somewhere and had to do it with what I had.

We do this with all the squares.

Take one square and twist it. Secure at the bottom with thread. You can also attach it with glue, but I prefer to sew the first petals together.

We take the next petal and wrap it around our center. We place the tips of the petals opposite each other.

Take the next petal and continue to form the bud. I apply subsequent petals so that the beginning (corner) of the next petal falls in the middle of the previous one.

We continue, trying to place the sections of the petals at the same level.

The bottom of the rose should be almost flat.

Continue to the desired size of the rose.

I make the leaves from satin ribbon 4 cm wide. Cut a piece of green satin ribbon 8 cm long.

Let's fold it like this. Once again we fold along the fold line so as to combine points A-A and B-B.

Fold it so that all the corners on the front side are aligned.

We cut the corner.

We seal the cut over the fire, holding it in tweezers.

View of the leaf from the reverse side.

Front view of the leaf.

Assembling the rose: glue the leaves to the back with glue (I use a glue gun). Carefully decorate the wrong side. There are many different ways - I prefer to cover the back with a circle of felt. Then I use a glue gun to glue the rubber band on.

Flower made from bindweed braid (snake, zig-zag)

Master class: Flower made from bindweed braid (snake, zig-zag)

Materials: satin ruffle braid 2.5 cm wide, a piece of felt, a button.


I have a ruffle braid made of satin fabric, folded 2 times. I cut 33-35 cm, seal the edges over a candle.

I wrap the braid around my finger, stitching each layer with thread.

View from the inside.

I'm straightening it out. The result is a flower like this. You can leave it like that, or you can decorate the middle with a button or bead.

In order to cover the wrong side, I cut out a circle of felt and glue it with a glue gun. First, I apply glue to the middle of the flower and glue it - the edges of the felt remain unglued. Then I apply glue to the edges of the felt and press the flower against them.

View from the inside. You can glue an elastic band or a base under the brooch. You can use this flower to decorate the headband.

Master class: do-it-yourself ruffle braid flower

Materials: satin ruffle braid 2.5 cm wide, a piece of felt.

Tools: sharp scissors, matches (candle or lighter), tweezers, needle, glue gun (you can use other types of glue).

I have a ruffle braid made of satin fabric, folded 2 times. I cut off 50 cm and seal the edges over a candle.

I twist it around the handle and stitch each layer with thread.

View from the inside.

I cut out a circle from felt and glue it with a glue gun. I start by applying glue to the middle of the flower and gluing it - the edges of the felt remain unglued. Then I apply glue to the edges of the felt and press the flower against them.

You can make leaves from braid and decorate the flower. You can glue an elastic band or a base under the brooch.

Photo: Carnation flower made from ruffle braid

It is difficult to imagine a wedding ceremony and celebration without flowers: they are an obligatory component of the bride’s bouquet and the groom’s boutonniere; they are used to decorate cars and the banquet room. But sometimes living plants are not able to withstand too hot or cold weather, and temperature changes negatively affect their appearance. In the article you will learn what an alternative is, how to make flowers from fabric with your own hands so that they look beautiful on your wedding day and are preserved in memory of the joyful day without losing their original appearance.

Master class on making artificial flowers from organza

Artificial flowers made using organza look charming. This is due to the frequency of use of the material when sewing a wedding dress, which means that the accessory will go perfectly with the bride’s outfit. In addition, the fabric is very comfortable and pliable to work with, which will facilitate the process of creating a masterpiece, and the variety of color shades makes it possible to choose colors that best suit the decoration of the celebration.

Necessary materials

To make organza flowers you will need:

  • Organza. The color of the fabric depends on the preferences of the bride and the theme and style of the wedding. Materials of different shades can be used to create an interesting composition. If it is impossible to find organza, chiffon or satin will do.
  • Sewing accessories - needle, thread, wire.
  • Beads, beads for decoration.
  • Candle, matches.
  • Paper needed for drawing patterns and sketches.

Stages of creation

A detailed master class will help you learn how to make fabric flowers with your own hands:

  • We are preparing patterns for future buds. To do this, draw several circles of different diameters on paper. To make the circles as even as possible, you should use glasses of different sizes or other round objects. After drawing, we cut out the elements and transfer them to the fabric. Using ready-made templates, we cut out several circles of each diameter from organza - we get blank petals.

  • Light a candle. As you hold each petal, melt the edges a little. In order to determine at what distance from the fire to keep the fabric, practice on unnecessary sections. Small parts should be scorched, holding them with tweezers so as not to burn your hands.

  • Let's start assembling. It is better to start with the large lower petals, gradually adding the rest. The middle needs to be decorated with beads or seed beads, sewing them on or stringing them on wire. The organza peony is ready.

  • To create a rose from organza, during the first stage you need to make five shallow cuts on the finished fabric mug. When processing parts with fire, it is important to ensure that all the petals curl in one direction, then the bud will look neat and beautiful.

Simple decorative flowers made from ribbons

Many brides on the eve of the wedding are thinking about how to sew and make flowers from fabric so that they look beautiful, complement existing accessories and decorations, and blend harmoniously with them. Often the problem is the lack of necessary materials, skills and experience in creative work. But in order to create amazing exclusive flowers from ribbons, you don’t need special equipment or great skill. The main thing is a little patience and imagination, and a detailed master class will help you realize all this and create a real masterpiece with your own hands.

Necessary materials

In order to make buds from ribbons, you will need:

  • Satin ribbons of two colors (main and for leaves). Particular attention should be paid to the width of the ribbons - the wider and longer it is, the larger and more voluminous the product will be.
  • Threads, needle.
  • If desired, beads or rhinestones can be used for decoration.

Stages of creation

Let's look at two options for how to make beautiful flowers from fabric, both are simple, but the result will definitely please you, and the finished accessories will serve as an excellent decoration. Master class No. 1:

  • Cut a satin ribbon of the required width, 50 cm long. Fold one edge to form a triangle.

  • We fold a small corner and secure it with a needle and thread.

  • We collect the ribbon onto a thread, folding it to form a beautiful “accordion”. How to do it correctly, look at the photo.

  • Having collected the entire ribbon, it must be wrapped around the base, forming a beautiful rose. Secure everything with thread so that the composition does not fall apart.

  • To create a leaf, cut a ribbon 10 centimeters long, fold both ends into the middle, forming a triangle. Sew and tighten the triangle at the base. The leaf is ready. To create a beautiful composition, you need at least two leaves for one flower.

  • We combine the flower with the leaves - the masterpiece is ready.

Master class No. 2:

  • Cut a satin ribbon 35 centimeters long. We bend the edge away from ourselves and begin to twist the flower. We secure the base with a thread, not reaching the fold line.

  • We bend the ribbon towards itself, forming a petal. We continue to twist the rose, wrapping the ribbon towards ourselves.
  • We sew the end of the ribbon from the inside out, fastening all the layers with thread so that they do not fall apart.

  • By analogy, we make the required number of flowers, from which we will make an accessory or decoration. Such textile accessories are perfect for creating a wedding topiary.

Large flowers made of fabric using the kanzashi technique

Fabric flowers made using the kanzashi technique are original and beautiful. Such accessories can be small in size and used to decorate a wedding dress, a headband for the bride’s hair, or boutonnieres for guests. If desired, in this way you can make a large flower, which will decorate the wedding procession or banquet hall. The advantage of this technique is the ability to make a flower of absolutely any color, size, without spending a lot of effort and money.

Necessary materials

To make a flower using the kanzashi technique you will need:

  • Satin ribbon. For a large flower, a wide ribbon is needed. In order to get a multi-colored masterpiece, it is worth buying material of different shades; the golden elements in the product look good.
  • Glue gun, Moment-Crystal glue.
  • Threads, needle, scissors.
  • For decoration - beads, seed beads, rhinestones, small decorative ornaments in the form of insects (butterflies, ladybugs).
  • Cardboard or ball, plastic bag.

Stages of creation

To create large flowers in the kanzashi style, two methods can be used; we will consider both so that everyone can choose the most suitable and simple option for themselves. Master class No. 1:

  • We cut the satin ribbon into 7 cm lengths. Fold it in half and cut it at an angle using a soldering iron.

  • On the other hand, we wrap the tape in the opposite direction, singe the edge, due to which the two ends of the tape are connected. We make the required number of blank petals, which depends on the desired size of the flower.

  • We take cardboard and draw a circle along which we will glue the petals. The larger the diameter, the larger the resulting accessory. Glue all the petals in a circle.

The second option for creating kanzashi involves creating a large, round, convex flower:

  • Cover the ball with a plastic bag. The size of the finished product depends on the diameter of the ball.
  • We make petals that will serve as the basis of the product.
  • Using a thread and a needle, we connect the seven finished petals into a circle and secure them. A small flower comes out, which we attach to our ball in the center.
  • Next we glue the petals, placing them between the elements of the previous row.
  • We glue one more element to the petals of the first row, and two on each side to the parts of the third.
  • By analogy, we glue the remaining petals until we get a flower of the desired size.
  • We remove the ball and plastic bag, our masterpiece is ready.
