Strengthening immunity in children. How to increase the immunity of a child: general recommendations and folk methods

There are many different ways that can answer the question of how to raise immunity at home for a child. First of all, you should eliminate the lack of vitamins and other useful trace elements. The active lifestyle of the child also plays a very important role. Therefore, while strengthening the immunity of the baby, pay attention to a number of nuances.

Methods for restoring immunity

From the moment of his birth, weather changes affect the baby. With the advent of this or that season, children appear lethargic and tired. They find it difficult to concentrate. This condition can negatively affect the general well-being of the child. In this case, parents should show all their care and know how to strengthen the child's immunity at home.

It should be remembered that fresh air plays an important role. You need to take walks every day. This will help strengthen the immune system of the child and have a beneficial effect on his health. In addition, after being outside, the baby begins to eat well, he has an appetite, he sleeps better and becomes more active.

If we are talking about spring walks in warm weather, then their duration should be at least three hours. If it is cold outside, then the walk should be shortened, but you should not skip it. After all, not only fresh air is necessary for a child, but also sunlight, so it is better to walk in the morning. Especially in winter time.

It is important to monitor the weather and try to always dress the child correctly. He should not be wrapped up too much, fearing that he will freeze and catch a cold. By the way, walks should be mobile, especially if the child is not yet three years old. It was during this period that his bones grow and muscles become stronger. And such physical activity is simply necessary not only to strengthen the child's immunity, but also for the development of the body, as well as the first communication with peers. At the same time, children improve brain activity and flexibility of the mind.

As winter approaches, children begin to get sick more often, and this, in turn, negatively affects immunity. Therefore, a special vitamin complex should be foreseen in advance. Useful in this case, and collections of medicinal herbs, capsules with fish oil. However, so that the child does not have an allergic reaction, and also to determine the optimal dosage, it is imperative to consult a pediatrician about these drugs.

At home, you can make a special herbal collection that can perfectly increase immunity for both children and adults. At the same time, it is necessary to pay attention to complexes of an immunomodulatory nature based on echinacea. The prophylactic course using this remedy should be at least 2-3 weeks. In this case, a positive result is guaranteed.

Healthy sleep is also important for the child. It has a positive effect on the children's body and gives a good rest. Scientists have proven that during sleep, the restoration of the child's immunity occurs much faster than when the baby is awake. Therefore, adherence to sleep is very important to increase the immunity of the crumbs.

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Proper nutrition is the key to strong immunity of the baby

Contribute to strengthening children's health and special products. So, the daily diet should include all the necessary vitamins and nutrients that will improve the well-being of the child.

When it comes to a newborn baby, then mother's milk is the leader. But this method of feeding is not always possible, so you should pay attention to food rich in probiotic and prebiotic complexes sold in every pharmacy. They are able to develop a favorable microflora, thereby restoring the child's immunity, making his body hardy and able to resist infections. In addition, the daily diet should include vegetable salads, fruit dishes.

As already mentioned, a balanced and proper diet plays a special role, so the child's diet must necessarily include meat products. So, at least every other day the child should be given 50 g of meat. It should be different - beef, chicken, pork.

Fish dishes should also be included in the menu at least once a week. For children, sea fish, rich in useful omega acids, is perfect.

It is useful to introduce chicken eggs into the child's diet (at least four times during the week). This product satisfies the growing energy consumption of the baby, which, in turn, contributes to the restoration of immunity and the improvement of the whole organism.

Meals should be organized in accordance with the established regime.

How hard it is for parents to bear the illness of their children, especially when they are allergic to many medicines. The situation is sometimes seen as hopeless, but the situation can be corrected. It is necessary to strengthen the immunity of the child, and then he will not be afraid of colds and inflammation. There are many different ways to do this. It is worth getting to know them better.

How to boost your child's immunity

There are several organs in the human body that protect health. They form the immune system, which counteracts viruses, bacteria, poisons. Special substances - antibodies - cope with this work. When a child's immune system is weakened, they appear:

  • drowsiness;
  • frequent illnesses;
  • weakness;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • allergies.

In children, the development of immunity has features that depend on age:

  • In the first month of life, the baby is transmitted from the mother. At an early stage, the main protection of the newborn is breast milk.
  • Starting from the fourth month, there is a danger of intestinal infections, respiratory diseases, food allergies. The effect on the baby of the mother's antibodies ends. Vaccination required.
  • At the age of two, active knowledge of the world begins. It is important to strengthen the immune system in children, because at this time they are faced with a huge number of viruses.

Own protective forces begin to be developed from 4 years. To the immunity received from vaccinations, acquired during the transferred infections is added. During this period, it is important to treat diseases as chronic diseases are formed. Finally, the immune system is built during puberty, when hormonal changes occur.

Parents can help at any age to develop protection against disease. How to strengthen the child's immunity? This requires an integrated approach:

  • carry out hardening;
  • take vitamins;
  • organize proper nutrition;
  • ensure healthy sleep;
  • get vaccinated;
  • drink vitamin preparations;
  • take immunomodulators;
  • walk for at least 4 hours.

How to strengthen the immunity of a child by hardening

Tempering plays an important role in strengthening immunity in children. There are two types of procedures - air and water. The first one recommends:

  • maintain the temperature in the room no higher than 18;
  • sleep with an open window;
  • do exercises on the street;
  • take sun baths in summer;
  • run barefoot on grass, sand;
  • carry out air baths with a minimum of clothing;
  • to walk alot.

How to strengthen the immunity of a child with the help of water procedures? This issue must be approached carefully, observing the conditions:

  • children must be healthy by the beginning of classes;
  • you need a mindset not to be afraid of procedures, but to have fun;
  • constantly increase the difference in water temperature during contrast pouring;
  • classes to strengthen protection should be carried out every day, at a certain time.

We strengthen the child's immunity with water procedures starting from a temperature of 30, gradually reducing it. Everything must be done in stages. Over time, the temperature difference should be brought up to 20. The procedures are carried out sequentially:

  • wiping with cool water with a towel, sponge;
  • dousing the hands at a contrast temperature;
  • use of warm and cold showers;
  • going barefoot in the snow;
  • winter swimming.

How to boost your child's immunity with proper nutrition

A special role in strengthening immunity in children is played by the organization of nutrition. Parents should be aware of products that reduce defenses. It is unacceptable to give him chips, feed him fast food, drink sweet soda. It is necessary to exclude from the diet food cooked by frying and foods that reduce immunity:

  • cow's milk is a strong allergen;
  • sugar that destroys microflora;
  • canned food;
  • marinades;
  • sausages, sausages.

How to support the child's immunity with proper nutrition? The menu should contain foods containing proteins, minerals, fats, vitamins, carbohydrates. Should be included in the home diet:

  • vegetables - zucchini, cauliflower, peppers;
  • fruits - pears, citrus fruits, cranberries;
  • dairy products;
  • fish;
  • lean meat;
  • beans, peas;
  • cereals;
  • eggs;
  • raisins, prunes;
  • Rye bread;

Strengthening immunity by vaccination

Doctors have developed a special schedule according to which children from a certain age are supposed to be vaccinated. After vaccination, artificial immunity is developed. Around the question - to vaccinate or not - there is a lot of discussion. One thing is clear - children who have been strengthened by vaccination get sick less often, and if it happens, they endure the disease much easier.

How to strengthen the child's immunity

It is very important for parents to prepare for winter and spring, when the child is more likely to get sick due to hypothermia. The increase in protective forces depends on many factors. Effective are:

  • compliance with the regime;
  • healthy sleep;
  • exclusion of stress in children;
  • active games, sports;
  • elimination of overheating;
  • taking vitamins;
  • the use of medicines to strengthen the immune system;
  • use of public funds.

Vitamins for immunity

Complex preparations containing trace elements and vitamins help to strengthen the body's defenses. They protect children from infections, promote the production of antibodies. With their participation, immune cells are protected from destruction. Popular tools are:

  • Pikovit;
  • Multi-tabs;
  • Alphabet;
  • Vitrum Kids;
  • Kinder Biovital;
  • VitaMishki;
  • Grovit;
  • Fish fat;
  • Multivitamol.

Pharmaceutical preparations for immunity

Preparations made on the basis of natural herbal ingredients can be purchased at pharmacies. This includes alcohol tinctures that pediatricians prescribe to children, starting with a few drops to test the drug for allergies. The drug is diluted with water. Tinctures are effective:

  • echinacea;
  • eleutherococcus;
  • ginseng.

Tablets for immunity

Among medicines, children are prescribed pills to strengthen the defenses, taking into account age, body condition, disease. Good help:

  • with viral diseases - Cycloferon, Grippferon;
  • for infants - Anaferon, Arbidol;
  • on the basis of natural substances - Echinacea Dr. Theis, Immunal;
  • against bacteria - Imudon, IRS-19;
  • homeopathic preparations - Aflubin, Mucosa Compositum.

Folk remedies to increase immunity

It is better to start preparing for the exclusion of winter colds in the fall. How to strengthen the child's immunity with folk remedies? The most affordable is a rosehip broth prepared in a thermos. Traditional medicine recommends its use from infancy. Effectively drink propolis infusion. For cooking:

  • take 30 g of propolis;
  • pour a glass of water;
  • stand in a water bath for an hour.

You can maintain weak immunity with the help of black elderberry flowers. A spoonful of dry matter is placed in a glass of boiling water. After 15 minutes you can drink, but it is better to do it at night. Herbal tea works well, to prepare it, add a spoonful of the collection to a cup of boiling water. Drink several times a day. According to the recipe, the mixture is included in shares:

  • nettle - 2:
  • cranberries - 2;
  • rosehip - 3.

How to restore immunity after an illness

If the child has been ill for a long time, the primary task of the parents is to exclude re-infection. For a while, you need to stop visiting places with a large crowd of people. If someone at home has not yet recovered, limit the child's contact with him, wear a bandage. To increase immunity during this period, the following are important:

  • long walks;
  • taking vitamins;
  • proper nutrition;
  • long sleep;
  • positive emotions;
  • restoration of microflora if antibiotics were taken.

How to strengthen the immunity of the child before kindergarten

An important period in the life of a baby - the beginning of a visit to a kindergarten - is often accompanied by colds, viral infections. Strengthening immunity in children at this age is of particular importance. It is recommended to do general strengthening activities in advance:

  • start hardening;
  • do exercises in a ventilated room;
  • limit sugar intake by replacing it with dried fruits;
  • sleep for 10 hours;
  • do sport;
  • give the opportunity to move more, communicate with peers;
  • properly feed;
  • create a cheerful mood for the child;
  • learn to brush your teeth, wash your hands.

Video: strengthening the child's immunity

Indeed, in our time there are kids who very often suffer from colds, and in many of them the illnesses are protracted (3-6 weeks), usually with a strong cough and fever. Most often, young children get sick 6 times or more per year. At the age of over three years, children who are often sick are called colds more than 5 times a year, and over five years old - more than 4 times a year.

What to do if the child is often sick? How to strengthen immunity?

Treatment of frequently ill children should be strictly differentiated and, of course, first of all it should be aimed at eliminating the external cause of the decrease in immunity. Numerous experiments have shown that stimulation therapies , it is possible to achieve a decrease in the incidence of diseases by 6-12 months. But if the baby continues to live in an ecologically unfavorable area, if he constantly breathes dirty air, if he is overloaded in kindergarten or in an educational institution, or he does not have good relationships with his comrades, then he will often get sick again and again.
Of great importance are varied nutritious food and rational thoughtful daily routine . It is necessary to monitor and take action if. With frequent colds in the baby's body, the consumption of minerals and vitamins increases, which will not be compensated by their content in food products. therefore vitamin therapy is considered the main method of healing frequently ill children, during which it would be advisable to use multivitamin complexes that are enriched with microelements ( undevit, multi-sanostol, revit, centrum, vitazitrol, glutamevit, betotal, bevigsheks, biovital and etc.).

7 Best and Safest Ways to Boost Your Immunity

  1. The non-specific resistance of the baby can be increased by repeated course of biostimulants: linetol (linseed oil preparation), eleutherococcus, ginseng, apilactose (royal jelly of bees), Far Eastern or Chinese magnolia vine, leuzea, immunal, echinacea, pantocrine (deer antler extract), apidicviritis (bee jelly with licorice), propolis (bee glue) ). To make a decoction of 10 g of this collection, pour 200 ml of cold water, boil over low heat for about 10 minutes, insist on a water bath for 1 hour and take 100 ml 1 time per day after meals. Treatment with such decoctions is carried out twice a year for 2-3 weeks .
  2. The next method to increase the child's immunity is wild berry extract. They contain a concentration of trace elements necessary for the child's body, so it is advised to check local pharmacies for the presence of these syrups. Or better yet, get grandma's supplies. Blueberry syrup, boiled for 5 minutes, which can be stored in the refrigerator, will be very useful.
  3. Balanced diet. This item cannot be bypassed. In winter, the child's body needs fresh vegetables and fruits, or, even better, vitamin complexes and dried fruits to replace. Missing something from the diet is considered undesirable; in the spring, such behavior can literally affect the body and face.
  4. Do more for your child massage with various oils especially the legs. Take baths with berry decoctions - sea buckthorn, cranberries, rose hips. Give your baby more honey and walnuts - these are natural vitamin pantries. For example, there is such a variant of the decoction: take one teaspoon of dried apricots and walnuts, then crush, add honey and a little lemon juice, then you need to mix everything thoroughly and give the child 3 times a day, 1 teaspoon.
  5. The most effective method of increasing immunity in both adults and children is considered hardening. Hardening of children must be carried out in a playful way, starting from 3-4 years of age. In no situation is it allowed to force the baby to hardening or to carry out procedures against his will. Hardening should start with morning exercises . For the period of classes, the baby should be well-rested and vigorous. A very good way to strengthen the child's body is the daily dousing of the legs with cool water. It is allowed to start with water at room temperature, gradually bringing it to cool.
  6. Significant restoration of immunity is noted in children who have a huge amount of time walk barefoot. On the sole of the baby there is a huge number of biologically active points, the stimulation of which greatly increases the immune system. Very useful is walking barefoot on sea pebbles, sand. In winter, walking barefoot at home. To prevent colds, just put socks on your baby's legs.
  7. Rose hip is considered the best answer to the question of how to improve and strengthen immunity. You need to replace all baby drinks, except milk, with rosehip broth. To make it, you need 200 grams of fresh rose hips, or 300 grams of dried rose hips, a liter of water and 100 grams of sugar. Next, you need to pour rose hips with water and put on fire. The broth is boiled for several hours until the berries are completely boiled. After that, add sugar and boil for about 2 more minutes. Then tightly wrap the pan and leave to infuse the broth until completely cooled. After that, it is necessary to strain the rosehip broth using a gauze napkin. The child can be given to drink this decoction in unlimited quantities.

As the famous doctor Komarovsky said: “Few people know what immunity is, but only the lazy one does not try to improve and raise it.” But is it necessary to do it? Before answering the question of how to increase the immunity of a child, it is necessary to take into account the opinions of leading doctors on this matter.

What is immunity and why boost it

Let's start with the very concept of immunity or the immune system. What is it for and what is its function?

The immune system is given to a person in order to recognize foreign cells, destroy them and remove them from the body. Alien to our body are: microbes, viruses, fungi, bacteria, allergens, as well as tumor cells (which, under adverse conditions, can develop into oncological diseases).

Immunity is divided into two types. The first species appears with the child at birth. This is a huge complex of various barriers. For example, innate immunity includes:

  • skin and delicate but strong mucous membranes that protect the body from mechanical damage;
  • secretions of tears and saliva that wash away irritants, the ability to sneeze and cough, which “push out” harmful elements with an air flow, an increase in temperature to fight infectious microorganisms;
  • the smallest cells capable of catching "enemy" microorganisms that have entered the body from the outside. These cells are also able to convey alarm signals to the brain and immune system;
  • interferons;
  • blood proteins.

The second type of immunity is acquired in the process of life and the fight against viruses. It is divided into two subspecies depending on the type of lymphocytes produced:

  1. If these are B-lymphocytes, this specific immunity is called humoral.
  2. If it is T-lymphocytes, - cellular.

Acquired immunity plays the role of a full-fledged defending army. Lymphocytes are quite smart compared to other cells in the body. They are able to recognize cells that should not be in a healthy functioning organism. If lymphocytes encounter such cells, they turn on their own defense: the body begins to produce antibodies that kill foreign agents. After the bad cells are eliminated, the lymphocytes remember them in some way. Thus, when a certain virus enters the body a second time, lymphocytes immediately signal the production of specific antibodies.

The immune system protects our body through the immune system. This is a system of internal organs, which just creates the lymphocytes necessary to protect the body. The organs of the system are also divided into two types:

  • central - which are responsible for the process of nucleation of lymphocytes. These organs include the thymus (thymus) and bone marrow;
  • peripheral - in them mature lymphocytes are waiting in the wings. The peripheral organs of the immune system include the spleen, lymph nodes, and lymphoid tissue, which can be found in any other internal organs.

The blood and lymphatic vessels are responsible for the communication system between lymphocytes and other organs. Faced with a foreign body, lymphocytes can quickly move through the vessels to the place of "combat operations", and at the same time signal the entire immune system that it is time to start producing antibodies.

If any of the organs of the immune system starts to work incorrectly, immunity fails. Lymphocytes may stop transmitting the necessary signals, or are unable to do so. On the other hand, if the system can be weakened, then it can also be strengthened and strengthened.

Raising the immunity of a child is especially important in the first years of life. After all, the mother's body transmits only the set of genes that she herself has. At the same time, the external environment is constantly mutating, viruses and bacteria interbreed and create new types of infectious diseases. At the same time, children's immunity itself is undermined by constant stresses - at the beginning of life, these are stresses associated with infantile crises (developmental leaps), later - school and new loads, bad city air, insufficient walks and malnutrition. As a result, a number of diseases of the baby can go into a chronic stage, and the recovery process will be greatly delayed, which also will not benefit the growing body.

Natural immunity is designed for a huge number of bacteria and is initially ready to produce protective antibodies to them.

Signs of reduced immunity

You should start to worry if you notice one of these symptoms in a child:

  1. the child often catches a cold, the interval between diseases is less than two months, and after the initial cold, flu, tonsillitis or swelling develops;
  2. during illness, the absence of temperature is a bad sign, this indicates the unwillingness or inability of the body to fight disease-causing agents;
  3. lymph nodes are more than normal, even if there is no disease as such;
  4. symptoms of reduced immunity often overlap with symptoms of dysbacteriosis (diathesis spots, stool problems, allergic reactions);
  5. the child does not sleep well, in the daytime is constantly sleepy, naughty, looks pale and tired;
  6. the baby develops allergic reactions that were not there before.

All these symptoms are the reason for a visit to the pediatrician. It is impossible to increase the immunity of a child with vitamins alone, so there is no need to delay it.

Why it is impossible to raise children in "sterile" conditions

Why do children who grow up in sterile conditions get sick more often? The answer suggests itself: because their body was deprived of the ability to recognize viruses and bacteria. In such children, protection against infections is much lower. And when the moment comes to enter society, they begin to get sick. It is in children with an unprotected immune system that one disease smoothly flows into another. Raising the immunity of a child, in this case, is very difficult.

The child learns the world around him, crawling, walking, communicating with other children in the yard and kindergarten. Only when confronted with microbes, his immunity will form resistance and grow stronger. In order to raise the immunity of a child, he must grow in normal conditions. It does not need to be grown in mud, but creating hyper-sterile conditions around it is also not quite the right way. Nature itself made sure that the body gradually got acquainted with all the bacteria. This is how the immune system is strengthened.

If you raise a child in sterile conditions, then his body will begin to react to any external stimuli. This will manifest itself in the form of allergic diseases that love well-fed, loved ones, warm and clean.

How to strengthen the child's immunity

Caring parents, trying to protect their children from diseases, stubbornly continue to look for an answer to the question of how to raise the immunity of a child. Let's look at some common parenting mistakes that negatively affect the child's immune system. We are talking about breastfeeding, vaccinations and keeping the child in sterile conditions. Let's start, perhaps, from the moment when the baby is born.

1. Breastfeeding. If breast milk was not called food, but the protection of the child, then surely many mothers would not refuse breastfeeding, but would do everything possible to maintain lactation.

Mother's milk is the only way to increase the immunity of a child from the first days of life, and teach the body to resist infections, viruses and bacteria.

Breast milk has over 80 components that affect the normal development of immune cells. No ready-made milk mixture is able to completely replace this composition. A woman must understand that a child is born with an immature immune system, and only the immune complexes found in breast milk can raise the child's immunity. In addition, maternal immunity is also transferred to the child, which means that the child, while breastfeeding, cannot get sick to diseases that the mother has developed strong immunity. And if in the future he gets sick, he will endure them in a mild form.

To the question of young mothers, how to raise the immunity of a child, an unequivocal answer is given - breastfeeding.

2. Vaccinations. This is a way by which the child's body is prepared in advance for a meeting with the most terrible microbes and viruses that cause deadly diseases. Thus, the immune system is strengthened. During vaccination, a weakened pathogen is introduced into the body, as a result of which protective antibodies are produced against it.

In the first year of life, vaccines against tuberculosis, hepatitis B, measles, rubella, mumps, whooping cough, diphtheria, tetanus, etc. are introduced into the body. Vaccination is the direct formation of specific (individual) immunity, in which the antigen (foreign cell) of a specific disease is recognized .

It should be noted that immunity has an immunological memory, due to which repeated contact with an infectious agent will not allow the development of the disease. It is this mechanism that is the basis of vaccinations.

The opinion of parents that vaccination weakens the protective functions of the body is erroneous. A protective reaction of the body is an increase in body temperature. This is due to the fact that for many viruses, high temperature is fatal.

3. Hardening of the child. The main reason for various colds and sore throats is a sharp temperature drop, for which the body does not have time to prepare and build up protection. The child, as the people say, “caught cold air”, which got into the respiratory tract and caused another rhinitis or cough. Hardening will help boost the immunity of the child.

However, it is impossible to temper a baby according to your own system, since you can not only increase the immunity of a child, but also seriously harm your health. Everything should be under the supervision of a pediatrician.

There are also a number of general rules that parents must adhere to with any method of hardening their child:

  • adjust for age. The younger the child, the more gently you need to treat him;
  • you need to start small. It is forbidden to give the maximum load to the child's body on the first day, for example, pour it with a bucket of ice water. This will not only scare the child, but also completely discourage him from the desire for hardening procedures in the future;
  • make a schedule of procedures and strictly adhere to it. Any pauses and delays will instantly deprive the body of all the accumulated effect;
  • monitor the well-being of the child. There is a pretense associated with unwillingness to perform the necessary procedures, but there are also real deteriorations in well-being. Yes, and a bad mood in general is not an assistant to hardening. It is better to work with the child psychologically so that he wants to make himself stronger and more resilient;
  • the base for hardening is the sincere interest of the crumbs, and not screaming and pressure. If the child does not want to do something, the parent must either get him interested in it or change the procedure;
  • During and after the procedure, the baby should be in a good mood. So that he does not focus on not entirely pleasant sensations, hardening can be turned into a game - singing children's songs with the child, telling him fairy tales or playing skits;
  • after hardening procedures, you can warm up the body with exercises and give the baby a massage. It is pleasant, and it also helps to "stir up" the body, activating the blood flow.

4. Nutrition of the child. A balanced diet can also boost your child's immunity. It is necessary to pay special attention to those foods that are more likely to cause allergies. Make a map of vitamins and track whether the child receives all the necessary trace elements. Also, from the age of about a year, fermented milk products can be introduced into the diet. They stimulate the digestive tract and reduce the likelihood of bowel problems.

Parents have no reason for special concern if the child is ill with ARVI several times a year without serious consequences. Such a frequency is considered acceptable, since a developing organism, confronting a new virus, develops immunity to it.

If your child, no matter how old he is, is constantly ill with a variety of infectious and catarrhal diseases, from one painful state to another, without having time to get stronger and recover, then you need to take serious measures.

Know how to avoid colds.

From this article, you will learn how to quickly boost immunity for a one-year-old child and older, how to boost immunity for teenagers 12-13 years old or more at home, and also get a lot of other useful information.

How to improve the immunity of a frequently ill child?

If your baby is constantly sick, try to follow simple rules, which will help a 3-4 year old child recover faster after an illness:

  1. The baby should sleep well - his night's sleep should be at least 8 hours. Do not forget about daytime rest - at this age, the child should also sleep at least an hour during the day.
  2. Go for walks more often. The best place for a promenade would be a park, forest, or a trip to a lake or river, where you can breathe fresh air and run barefoot on the grass in the warm season.
  3. Make sure that the food is balanced and includes the necessary complex of vitamins and nutrients.
  4. Bring as much positive emotion into your little one's life as possible.
  5. To restore the body, you can use folk remedies. Vitamins and drugs aimed at strengthening the immune system are best taken in consultation with the pediatrician.
  6. Do gymnastics and simple physical exercises with your child.

The resumption of the immune system after pneumonia

Fortunately, such a diagnosis is not often made in young patients. With timely access to a doctor, as well as compliance with all prescriptions, such a disease can be quickly overcome.

After recovery, the question arises of how to increase the immunity of both the baby and the teenager 14-15 years old after pneumonia.

The most important requirement is to try to lead a healthy and active lifestyle, spend less time watching TV and sitting at the computer.

Organize proper nutrition child by minimizing the consumption of unhealthy foods such as chips and coca-cola.

It is imperative to pay attention to hardening. Such a procedure should be started very carefully, only after complete relief of the symptoms of the disease. Start hardening gradually with wiping with a damp towel, walking barefoot on grass or sand. When the child's body gets used to it, you can begin to douse yourself, using warm water first, gradually lowering the degrees.

If possible, take your teenager to the sea or to the mountains where he can breathe clean sea or mountain air.

Can be cooked at home herbal decoctions aimed at boosting immunity. Please be patient: it may take 3-4 months for the full rehabilitation and restoration of the child's health.

Stimulation of immunity after antibiotics

In order to increase the immunity of children 7 - 8 years old and other ages after taking antibiotics, it is necessary to carry out comprehensive measures:

  1. Plentiful drink- The liquid will remove accumulated toxins in the body. As drinks, you can offer weak tea, all kinds of compotes and juices, decoctions from medicinal plants, ordinary water without gases. It is better not to use carbonated drinks for these purposes, as they will not bring any benefit to a fragile body.
  2. Normalization of intestinal microflora- The child needs to consume sour-milk products daily. It can be kefir, sour cream, yogurt, cottage cheese - they are rich in useful lactobacilli and bifidobacteria. If the child refuses to use such products, then you can use special preparations containing these substances. The main thing is that you can use these drugs after consultation with your doctor.
  3. Taking immunomodulators and other homeopathic remedies aimed at stimulating the immune system, it is better to carry out under the supervision of specialists.

Try to keep your child less in contact with sick people until his immunity is fully strengthened to avoid the risk of re-infection.

How can you quickly boost immunity?

As soon as the baby is born, parents try to protect him from infectious diseases and ask themselves: how to boost baby immunity y. It is not necessary to carry out various experiments on a fragile organism - the most important thing is not to overdo it and do no harm.

  1. Try to breastfeed your baby, since breast milk contains not only useful and nutritious substances for the development of the baby, but also antibodies that help prevent the disease. Through mother's milk, babies receive her immunity, which protects them from infections.
  2. Carry out hardening- It improves the functioning of the immune system. Start with air baths, gradually proceeding to water procedures. Try to wrap the child less, because babies get sick not from hypothermia, but from overheating.
  3. Make sure the toys your baby plays with are clean.. This is especially true of those that he pulls into his mouth. Wash plastic toys more often, it is better to refrain from playing with soft toys, as they are a place for dust accumulation.
  4. Don't experiment with food. Complementary foods are best introduced after 6 months. Introduce new foods gradually at intervals of 3 to 4 days, as soon as the baby gets used to the previously introduced foods. Monitor the reaction of the body and the absence of allergic reactions. From 8 - 9 months, gradually introduce fermented milk products - they create a beneficial microflora in the intestines and prevent the development of infectious diseases.
  5. In case of illness, be sure to consult a doctor- Medications should be given only in consultation with the doctor. During colds, give your baby plenty of fluids so that toxins leave the body faster without causing serious damage.
  6. Don't give up vaccinations. Serious diseases are better to prevent than to try to cure and overcome the consequences of their occurrence.

Remember: it will be easier for the baby to stay healthy if other family members are not sick too. Therefore, take care not only of the baby's immune system, but also of your own.

Let's take a closer look at the main means to increase immunity in children of different ages.

Vitamins and products that increase the child's immunity

In order for your child’s immunity to guard his health, you need to consume a number of vitamins every day. The basis of a balanced diet is food filled with vitamins, microelements, macronutrients and other useful components.

Take care of your baby's health by including vitamins in his diet that increase immunity in children. Their main list, as well as the useful elements contained in the products, are presented in the table:

Substances Impact on the child's body Products
Vitamin A Protects the baby's body from infectious diseases Found in liver, eggs, milk, carrots and pumpkin
Vitamin B2 Takes part in metabolic processes, filling the cells with oxygen, reduces the risk of toxic effects on the body It is present in large quantities in fish, meat, egg whites, cereals.
Vitamin B5 Actively acts in the metabolic processes of fats, proteins and carbohydrates, which will be required for the production of amino acids important for life Found in peas, cauliflower and yeast
Vitamin B6 Helps produce antibodies to fight infectious diseases High in fish, chicken, whole grains
Vitamin B12 Involved in the production of red blood cells Present in poultry meat, milk, fish, eggs
Vitamin C Helps to improve the protective properties of the body, thereby increasing immunity Citrus fruits, green vegetables and berries are rich in this vitamin.
Vitamin D Stimulates the immune system, occurs under the influence of ultraviolet radiation A small proportion of this vitamin is present in butter, egg yolk
Vitamin E Protects against destruction of immune cells Found in nuts, cereals, sunflower seeds
Selenium Its activity is aimed at maintaining the functioning of the immune system. It is present in large volumes in seafood, meat, cereals.
Zinc It has a beneficial effect on the performance of the immune system, activates the restoration of the skin Present in red meat
Iron Increases the proportion of hemoglobin in the blood, fills the cells with oxygen Beets, beans, blueberries, apples, sea buckthorn are rich in such a microelement
Magnesium Actively involved in biochemical reactions Found in beans and nuts
Calcium Stimulates the activity of enzymes, under its influence, bone tissue develops better Present in milk, yoghurt products, cottage cheese
Omega-3 fatty acids Activate the functioning of the brain and nervous system, improve resistance to infections and various ailments Contained in marine fish and cod liver, as well as in linseed oil
Prebiotic Protects the intestinal microflora, filling it with beneficial bacteria and enzymes It is present in significant amounts in dairy products.

There are situations when the child's body is severely weakened and cannot get the optimal proportion of vitamins and nutrients from food.

Means, including vitamins that increase immunity in children, are most often taken once a day in the morning or after meals, since at this time the body is most active, so useful elements will be better absorbed.

The most popular vitamin complexes include:

  1. Pikovit. Various versions are available according to the age of the child. It is made in the form of tablets to be chewed and swallowed, and as a syrup. In its structure there are 9 vitamins and minerals that normalize the processes of biochemistry in the body. This drug is prescribed:
    • when observing increased fatigue in children of school age;
    • high physical and mental overload;
    • poor appetite;
    • lack of proper nutrition;
    • after illness;
    • to stimulate the immune system to resist infectious and colds;
    • seasonal vitamin deficiency;
    • in general therapy with other drugs.
  2. Kinder Biovital. Available in the form of a gel and chewable bears. It can be taken by children from 1 to 13 years old. The structure of such a remedy includes vitamins, macroelements and microelements. This complex of vitamins prevents the formation of beriberi, normalizes the protein, fat and carbohydrate metabolism, activates the immune system, and allows you to recover faster from various ailments.
    Appointed in case of:
    • preventive and therapeutic purposes to increase the insufficient proportion of vitamins in the body;
    • high need for vitamin complexes;
    • activation of the immune system;
    • during the rapid growth of children and adolescents;
    • lack of a balanced diet.
  3. Vitrum Kids. It contains 12 vitamins and 10 minerals, macroelements and microelements. Can be used by children aged 2 to 5 years. Most often it is prescribed if the child has a need for:
    • macroelements and microelements;
    • improving the activity of the immune system;
    • preventing the development of beriberi;
    • with a lack of nutrients due to poor nutrition;
    • activation of attention and memory;
    • coping with high school workloads.
  4. Imuno Kids "Plus" from the manufacturer Multi tabs. The structure contains not only vitamins, but also a probiotic. Its use activates the protective properties of the body, normalizing the state of the immune system, protects the child's digestive system, enriches the body with useful components.
    It is recommended to take it if:
    • it is necessary to take preventive actions to avoid infection with ARVI during epidemics;
    • you need to overcome vitamin deficiency;
    • the immune system should be strengthened while taking antibiotics;
    • it is necessary to stimulate the adaptive properties of the child's body.
  5. Alphabet. It has 13 minerals, 9 vitamins and prebiotics to improve the immune system and normalize the intestinal microflora. Such a complex should be taken:
    • during the active growth of the child;
    • to improve immunity;
    • after prolonged use of antibiotics;
    • in the absence of a balanced diet;
    • to eliminate hypovitaminosis.

Please note that such vitamins must be given strictly following the instructions, as well as observing the reactions of the child's body. In the event of an allergic reaction, stop taking the remedy and seek medical advice. If after taking this drug, the child's stool is disturbed, then the drug taken is not suitable for him and his intake should be stopped.

Herbs for children that increase immunity

The use of medicinal plants to stimulate the performance of the immune system contributes to the fact that children's body becomes more resistant to colds.

Consider the most commonly used herbs that increase immunity for children:

  1. Echinacea differs in antiviral, antibacterial characteristics and possesses accumulative properties. The use of this plant for a long period of time, helps to reduce the number of colds. Echinacea is taken as a tincture or decoction.
    To prepare a decoction, you will need 2 tablespoons of this plant (leaves, twigs, flowers are used), which must be poured with 1 liter of boiling water. Insist for 30 minutes. To improve the taste, add a little honey or lemon juice. It is necessary to use this remedy for 1 tablespoon an hour after the main meal.
  2. Rosehip berries make the child's body more resistant to infectious diseases, enhancing the protective properties and normalizing metabolism. The healing properties of this plant are explained by a large proportion of vitamin C, which is contained in rose hips. It activates the process of producing interferon. Berries need to be crushed a little and poured with boiling water. After insisting, you can drink it like tea.
  3. Licorice naked characterized by the ability to relieve pain, protect against colds, as well as tone the body.
    To prepare a decoction from the root of this plant, you need 1 teaspoon of this plant and a glass of boiling water. Drain the broth for about 20 minutes, and then leave for an hour to infuse. After this time, strain, add boiling water to make a glass of this drink.
    This remedy must be given with caution, checking the absence of an allergic reaction in the child. Start with 10 drops, gradually increasing to 1/3 tablespoon. It should be consumed 30 minutes before meals 3-4 times a day.

Along with these plants, also used in herbal medicine and other herbs that boost immunity for children, for example:

  • chamomile;
  • St. John's wort;
  • Linden;
  • mint;
  • thyme.

In pharmacies, you can also find ready-made fees. containing several plants.

If your child is taking other medications, such as vitamins or immune boosting medications, check with your doctor before using herbal medicines. The fact is that not all drugs and herbs can interact with each other for the benefit of the body, so their combination should be carefully selected.

Medical preparations

In severe conditions, when the child's body cannot cope with frequent colds or infectious diseases, the doctor may recommend taking special medications to improve the functioning of the immune system.

Please note that it is necessary to take all medications strictly in agreement with the pediatrician and under his supervision, according to the instructions, without violating the dosage.

There are several types of immunostimulating agents:

  1. Based on plant extracts:
    • immunal - contains echinacea, used for prevention;
    • Eleutherococcus extract;
    • tincture of ginseng.
  2. Having a bacterial origin. The structure of these drugs includes enzymes of bacteria that cause infectious diseases, such as pneumococcus or staphylococcus aureus. They have a strong immunostimulating effect. These drugs include:
    • ribomunil;
    • broncho-munal;
    • licopid;
    • imudon.
  3. with nucleic acids. These drugs are characterized by immunomodulatory, restorative and wound healing characteristics. These include Derinat.
  4. Drugs containing interferon have the greatest positive effect on the primary stages of the disease. They belong to:
    • viferon;
    • fluferon;
    • anaferon;
    • amiksin.
  5. Thymus preparations are used to seriously stimulate the immune system. Can only be prescribed by a doctor. They belong to:
    • thymalin;
    • vilozen;
    • thystimulin.

How to raise immunity folk remedies?

Traditional medicine is rich in many recipes that help stimulate the immune system.

  1. cook apricot and raisin compote. To make the compote really useful, you should not add sugar there. If the child refuses to drink an unsweetened drink, you can add a spoonful of honey. A similar drink can be prepared not only in summer, but also in winter, using frozen or dried apricots. You will need:
    • 1 kilogram apricot;
    • 2 tablespoons of raisins;
    • 5 liters of water.
  2. Make sure your child eats clove of garlic. Even if he eats it not every day, but 1 time in 2-3 days, this will significantly strengthen his immunity.
  3. Prepare Lemon Tea. Such a drink will be not only tasty, but also useful, as it contains ascorbic acid and essential oils contained in the lemon peel.
  4. Radish and carrot juice a child of any age will like it if you add a spoonful of honey and a few drops of lemon juice to it. It is worth adding juice from these vegetables in equal proportions.
  5. pollen also able to strengthen the immune system. It should be taken 1 teaspoon 2 times a day (morning and evening). With such a product, you should be extremely careful - it is allowed to use it only if the child does not have allergic reactions to bee products.
  6. Aloe and honey syrup has a high content of nutrients. But be prepared for the fact that his taste is not very pleasant, so the child may refuse to take it. Squeeze juice from lemons, add honey and aloe juice. Place the mixture in the refrigerator for 2 hours. Use 1 teaspoon 1 time per day. To make syrup you will need:
    • 250 grams of honey;
    • 150 milliliters of aloe juice;
    • 5 - 6 pieces of lemons.
  7. A decoction of rowan has excellent healing properties. To prepare it, take 1 tablespoon of dried rowan berries and 200 milliliters of water. Pour the fruits with water and boil over low heat for 10 minutes. The broth should stand for at least 3 - 4 hours, so that it is well infused, it is better to leave it all night. In the same way, you can brew decoctions of wild rose, hawthorn and cranberries. Adolescents aged 12 years and older can drink this infusion of 50 - 100 milliliters 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.
  8. Part fruits of viburnum includes not only useful vitamins, for example, A, C, P and group B, but also antioxidants. The presence of natural red dyes allows you to cope with infectious diseases, not only with SARS, but also with herpetic viruses. 20 viburnum berries must be ground through a meat grinder or in a blender, add 1 spoonful of honey and a glass of warm water. It is better to drink such a drink before going to bed, since viburnum not only has a positive effect on the immune system, but also normalizes sleep, calming the nervous system.

Use these recipes, and you can quickly increase the immunity of kids and teenagers 16-17 years old with folk remedies without resorting to chemicals.

Now you know what you need to do to quickly get your child's immune system working and avoid frequent illnesses.
