Magic world of stone: cat's eye. Cat's eye stone, properties, description of the stone, zodiac sign, who suits

Cat's eye stone was especially revered in ancient Egypt, where there was a cult of deified cats. The properties of the stone had a magical bias. The description of the stone says that the "cat's eye" is a jewelry effect, as a result of which a light, shiny strip is visible on the stone. Sign The zodiac can tell who suits the cat's eye.If you choose stones according to the Zodiac, then the cat's eye can be recommended to representatives of the signs of the water element - Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces.

Since ancient times, mankind has known magic stones, which, by their influence on a person, help to overcome difficult periods of life, help straighten fate and attract good luck. Stones-talismans or have accompanied a person in all ages. Stones can be chosen by birth, that is, based on their belonging to the sign of the Zodiac. The color of the stone is very interesting - a deep green tint with yellow tints. In the middle of the stone, a light strip is visible, in the form of a cat's pupil, for which the stone got its name. Cat's eye can be called one of the most valuable stones for jewelry.Numerous magical properties were also attributed to this stone.

Chrysoberyl is the rarest and most expensive cat-eye mineral. Its cat-eye variety is popular with jewelers and magicians. The golden or green surface of the Cat's Eye stone is soft and velvety. With proper processing, a brilliant white line appears in the center of the stone, which causes the effect of an inner glow. This is what the real "cat's eye" is.

This effect is especially pronounced if the stone is viewed in bright light. The light source is recommended to be placed above the head. If you turn the mineral from side to side, you can see that the line of the so-called "pupil of the cat" slides the surface of the stone. This effect was the reason that incredible powerful magical abilities were attributed to this stone in ancient times.

The cat's eye comes in yellow and green colors. There are also almost transparent specimens, but less often.

Among the stones of the cat's eye there are minerals, on the surface of which appears during rotation not a stripe in the form of an eye, but everywhere.

"Cat's eye": magical properties

In ancient times, magicians believed that the cat's eye stone teaches to understand animal language. This valuable mineral was used to see the secrets of the future, understand what is happening and objectively evaluate the past. The cat's eye at the same time draws everyone's attention to the owner, and dissipates the energy that is directed at him.

The cat's eye remembers its owner slowly, but forever. This is the reason for the dissipation of energy flows. Also, this mineral brings happiness and success to the owner. It was actively used in gambling, as it helped to improve the financial condition.

People also believed that the light strip of the mineral carefully observes everything that happens in order to protect its owner from troubles and failures. Since cats have 9 lives, this stone was also a symbol of the long life of the owner.

Medicinal properties

For sore throats, arthritis and rheumatism, it used to be advised to take cat's eye powdered inside. It was also believed that if you wear jewelry made of this mineral for a long time, then the blood vessels and blood circulation will have a positive effect. That is why such jewelry was recommended to be purchased for cardiovascular diseases.

TaroTaro wishes you success and prosperity.

The "cat's eye" stone is a type of cymophane with a specific light effect of a glare running over the surface. The second name of the stone is "alexandrite cat's eye".

The word "cymophane" was introduced in 1798 by the famous French mineralogist René Just Gayuy. The name comes from the Greek words: "kima" - "wave" and "panos" - "light". Only an opaque chrysoberyl cut into a cabochon is considered a cymophane, under the surface of which a moving light patch is visible. This effect is called "cat's eye".

Characteristics of natural stone "cat's eye"

Since cymophane is an opaque variety of chrysoberyl, the basic physical properties of these gemstones are identical. The characteristics of the "cat's eye" can be seen in the table:

What does the "cat's eye" stone look like: photo and description of the mineral

The color of a mineral depends on the impurities in its composition: elements of beryllium can partially replace iron oxide, aluminum sometimes supplements chromium. The proportions of the content of these substances determine the shade of the stone.

The mineral is valued for its special light reflection - glare on the surface, which is associated with cat pupils. This property appears due to the presence of needle-like inclusions of rutile and microscopic voids in its structure that resemble tubes in the composition of the gem. Some specimens of the "cat's eye" change color, like alexandrite stone, depending on the lighting. For this effect to manifest itself, the light must fall on the mineral from different angles.

"Cat's eye" has a high hardness, which is second only to the characteristics of diamond. It is also resistant to acids, so it is quite difficult to damage it.

Chrysoberyl (alexandrite) "cat's eye"- very rare and very valuable jewelry stone. It is mined in Sri Lanka, Madagascar and in Russia (Ural, Malyshevskoye field). The crystal is found in Brazil and also in southern India.

In order for the highlights on the gem to be clearly visible, a cabochon shape is chosen for its cutting. Look at the photo, how amazing the “cat's eye” effect on the stone looks like: the smoother and more continuous the reflective strip, the higher the value of the mineral:

Given the characteristics of cymofan, it is worth considering that the jewelry needs additional care. Dirt can accumulate in microscopic tubular voids that are close to the surface. To prevent this from happening, the gem must be cleaned regularly. Do not use chemical solutions. You can get rid of dust on the surface of cymofan manually by wiping it with cotton swabs.

We must not forget about this detail in the description of the characteristics of the “cat's eye” stone, because the gem can fade over time from accumulated dust.

How much does a cat's eye gemstone cost: price per 1 carat

The best possible color of cymophane is the so-called “milk and honey”, when a bright white “milky” highlight moves under the “honey”, bright yellow, opaque surface of the stone. A stone with this combination of colors is the most expensive. Cheaper cymophane surface shades are grey, brownish yellow and brown.

Low quality cymophane, gray in color and with surface defects, are valued at $50 to $900 per carat. How much a gold-hued cat's eye gemstone costs depends on the saturation of the color and its light reflectance. Milk and honey gems typically fetch between $950 and $6,500 per carat.

The high cost of cymophane has led to the emergence of a large number of fakes. Other gems have similar light reflection features: opaque tourmaline and quartz. These stones are often used to create fake specimens, because their cost is much lower than that of cymophane.

Much more often fake "cat's eye" are synthetic. Stones are created from artificial materials, including:

  1. Carbonite.
  2. Glass.
  3. Catsite.

In the first case, it is not difficult to determine the imitation: the hardness of a synthetic gem is close to the characteristics of amber, so scratches from sharp hard objects remain on the mineral. Artificial carbonite is dyed in different shades, and the stones can be either monochrome or colored. They are often used as inserts in bracelets or rings. At the same time, jewelry is created from precious metals - gold or silver.

How to distinguish a synthetic cat's eye fake from a natural stone

For fakes of natural stone "cat's eye" glass is also used. This material is distinguished by too bright and uniform color, fragility. A glass gem is more difficult to damage than an imitation carbonite gem, but it also gets scratches from contact with sharp objects. Such a fake has a low cost and is not found in products with precious metals.

Often there are artificial stones from catsite, a material that is a by-product of fiber optic production. It has several layers of a characteristic green color, but with the addition of synthetic dyes, the shade can vary. Catsight is stronger than glass and carbon dioxide, but is easily damaged by sharp steel. This material is very light, with an unnaturally even hue and a dull streak in the center. A fake "cat's eye" has a low price: stones cost no more than $20 per carat.

It is important to remember that natural cymophane is not used in earrings, because it is very difficult to find two similar gems. Beads from these stones are also rarely created: the mineral has a very high cost and significant weight.

One of the main features that allows you to determine cymophane is the opalescent effect. If you look at a natural mineral from different angles, it will slightly change the shade.

There is another simple way to distinguish a synthetic fake of a natural stone: the “cat's eye” should be held in the palm of your hand, warming it. Cymofan will remain cool for a long time, and the imitation will quickly heat up in the hand. In addition, real stones are much heavier than artificial counterparts.

To be sure of the quality of cymofan, it is purchased only in specialized stores. The stone must have all the necessary accompanying documentation. In addition to the main characteristics, it will indicate whether the mineral has been artificially ennobled. This procedure is very rarely applied to cymophane, but in some cases it is irradiated with microparticles to enhance the color. Such refinement does not significantly affect the appearance of natural stone: the irradiated "cat's eye" becomes a little brighter.

The popularity of the stone came in 1879, when Prince Arthur William Patrick of Great Britain, Duke of Connaught and Straharn, proposed to Princess Louise Margaret of Prussia, daughter of Friedrich Karl of Prussia. He gave her a ring with cymophane. This immediately drew attention to an unusual stone, the price of which in the jewelry market immediately rose by several orders of magnitude.

Look at the photo of products with a "cat's eye": an expensive stone looks elegant and mysterious at the same time:

Currently, this gem is practically unknown to the mass buyer due to its rarity and relatively high price.

Tsimofan is not included in the official list of birthstones of the American and British Jewelers Associations. Due to its rarity and high cost, the cat's eye is practically unknown to either astrologers or lithotherapists.

Some healers claim that cymophane can help relieve anorexia. There is a belief about other magical properties of this stone: natural "cat's eye" was used to find spiritual harmony, treat skin diseases. It is also recommended for people who have problems with the pancreas, liver, intestines or lymphatic system. But in order for these properties to appear, the gem must not have visible defects. You should use cymofan with a size of at least 3 carats. To frame the "cat's eye" it is preferable to choose silver.

Legends about the "cat's eye", the unusual properties and magical meaning of the stone appeared in ancient Egypt. People believed that the mineral gives its owner the opportunity to understand the language of birds and animals. And according to the Indian Vedas, the gem forces its owner to pass tests that will lead him to spiritual rebirth.

Modern researchers believe that the healing mineral "vaidurya", described in Tibetan books, was cymophane. This ancient Indian name has only green chrysoberyl with a "cat's eye" effect. In Buddhism, it was used to treat the "404 diseases" and endowed the "cat's eye" with amazing properties. The precious stone not only healed, but also gave its owner amazing insight.

Due to its high cost, today the stone is rarely used as a talisman. He remained popular in the countries of Southeast Asia, Japan. Most minerals from deposits in Sri Lanka, Madagascar or Russia are sent to the East, where people still believe in their healing power.

In Europe, cymophane is endowed with slightly different magical abilities. There is an opinion that the mineral gives its owner courage, the ability to perform bright and bold deeds. Among those who are suitable for the amazing properties of the stone are entrepreneurs: the "cat's eye" will help them overcome difficulties in business, make extraordinary decisions. Tsimofan is also recommended to be worn by representatives of creative professions - artists, writers, actors. He will inspire them to new ideas, contribute to the achievement of the most ambitious goals.

Chrysoberyl "cat's eye" helps people who like to gamble or regularly participate in speculative activities. This is a godsend for lovers of risk and adventurers.

The cat's eye stone is suitable for most zodiac signs. The mineral will bring good luck to those born in January and October - Scorpio, Capricorn and Libra. Cymofan "absorbs" excessive aggression, calming its owner. It gives spiritual harmony and contributes to the development of the ability to smooth out conflicts.

For Libra and Capricorn, the stone will become a constant assistant in moving up the career ladder. With him, these signs of the zodiac fully use all the opportunities provided to them and implement their projects.

For Cancers, the stone has a special meaning: the "cat's eye" helps them develop strong intuition. The mineral will attract luck into their lives, restore peace of mind. The gem will be an indispensable talisman in family life, because it is considered the guardian of love.

But in order for the cymofan to show its extraordinary properties, its owner needs to restrain negative emotions and not commit immoral acts.

As a talisman, the mineral should not be used by all signs of the zodiac. Despite its positive influence, the gem can also harm its owner. Among those to whom the stone does not suit are Aquarius: the "cat's eye" takes away their energy, giving nothing in return.

For the rest of the signs of the zodiac, the stone will become a reliable talisman that will help you find a way out of difficult life situations, make the right choice or make the right decision. Cymofan prevents the manifestations of chronic ailments, helps to keep the cardiovascular system in good shape. There are legends that the "cat's eye" is able to ward off misfortune from its owner. At the same time, the mineral is a strong amulet against the evil eye for all signs of the zodiac. The amazing magical properties of the unusual cat's eye stone manifest themselves in different cases. According to legend, if you give a gem to your enemy, the enmity will stop. And cymofan in the interior will not only preserve home comfort, but also help improve family relations. To do this, it must be in a conspicuous place: a beautiful stone will complement any style in an original way and show its properties.

The influence of cymophane also depends on its color: a green mineral gives the owner the ability to see better in the dark, and an emerald gem attracts good luck in financial matters and adds confidence in the future.

Properties of blue and golden brown cat's eye stone

The rare blue "cat's eye" has other properties: such a stone will help win over those around you. It is the gem of dreamers and romantics whom it will inspire. The gray-blue mineral also contributes to the fulfillment of cherished desires.

Golden brown cymophane is ideal for people in positions of power. It will help them to maintain authority among colleagues and subordinates, to remain calm in unforeseen situations. The mineral will protect its owner from the negative impact of envious people.

Often, stones are chosen only according to the horoscope, but it is better to purchase a "cat's eye" after drawing up a natal chart. Cymofan has a positive effect on all signs of the zodiac, except for Aquarius. By the date and time of birth, you can determine exactly how the stone will affect the life of its owner. For example, phlegmatic signs of the zodiac do not need its calming properties, but they need the inspiration and courage that the gem gives.

A natal chart will help to avoid contradictions: in order to create it, you should contact an astrologer or use one of the common computer programs.

In order for the properties of the cat's eye gemstone to coincide with the signs of the zodiac, Ketu (descending lunar node) must be at a certain point. For example, for Aries, he needs to be in the fifth, ninth and twelfth houses; for Taurus and Gemini, in the ninth or eleventh. For Cancers, it is placed in the tenth and eleventh, Lviv - eighth, ninth, eleventh. Virgos need to focus on the third, fourth or ninth house, Libra - on the second, third or eleventh. The properties of the gem are ideal for Pisces if the descending lunar node is placed in the first, second and tenth houses. The rest of the signs of the zodiac, which expect an unusual influence of the mineral, should consult an astrologer.

But regardless of the manifestation of the magical properties of the stone, the processed natural "cat's eye" remains one of the most valuable and rare minerals in the world.

One of the strongest amulets and simply mysteriously beautiful stones is the cat's eye. Its properties are known both in astrology and in medicine, and the magical properties of the cat's eye are closely related to its owner.

The color of a cat's eye can be very different. In most cases, it is golden green or gray-green in color and has a stripe that is very reminiscent of a cat's constricted pupil due to its interesting overflow. Traditionally, yellow chrysoberyl and green quartz are attributed to this stone. Used to make cufflinks, bracelets and beads, as well as rings and earrings. The extraction of this unique stone is established in Russia and the Russian Urals, where chrysoberyl eye stones are mined. There are also deposits in Sri Lanka and Madagascar, and quartz cat's eye is mined in countries such as India, Brazil and the Czech Republic.

It is recommended that children wear cat-eye jewelry, preferably as a neck amulet. From the point of view of Astrology, it suits representatives water element: Cancers, Scorpios and Pisces, since the stone itself is associated with water. Those born under the influence of the constellation Libra can also use the power of this stone to emphasize the romantic feelings and tenderness of their own nature. Very well suited for creative people and those who are designers, artists, writers and musicians by profession. It will bring them new ideas and a fresh look at everyday things.

Healing properties of cat's eye stone

Healers use it to treat the respiratory tract, bronchial asthma and throat diseases. In some countries, he is prescribed the ability to positively affect the nervous system and even treat mental illness. It relieves phobias and fears, helps to cope with depression. Can be used as a stress reliever as it has the ability to relax a person. It is not bad to keep caskets or jewelry made of this stone in sight with frequent surges. It is also believed that due to its healing effect, wounds heal faster, and protective reflexes develop better in the body. Develops the will, favorably affects the pancreas.

The magical properties of the stone

Since ancient times it has been considered a talisman, so it is worn to protect against damage, the evil eye and from enemies. It is believed that it helps its owner to get behind enemy lines, but does not allow evil people to approach its owner. It has a strong reaction to the enemies of the owner, treats them aggressively and does not tolerate them at all. Therefore, when a person who wishes harm to the owner of the cat's eye stone pays attention to such an amulet, he is likely to get into trouble: the stone deals with him in this way. In communication with friends, he sets up a frank and sincere conversation, and the owner of the stone will always be able to distinguish love and kindness from other people. It cultivates prudence in a person and teaches to foresee, developing intuition. It is also believed that by giving such a stone to a person with whom you are in a quarrel, you are very likely to quickly improve relations and restore harmony between you.

If you want to enhance your positive aspects for which the cat's eye is responsible or you need strong amulet- use the unique properties of this stone. All the best and don't forget to press the buttons and

13.04.2016 00:30

Like all signs of the zodiac, Capricorns have amulets that favor them in life, ...

There is a huge amount of jewelry and semi-jewelry ornamental stones. Among all this splendor, a mineral stands out that has the effect of a cat's eye. Therefore, many healing, magical properties have been attributed to the stone since ancient times. So what is this cat's eye? We give a description and properties of the stone.


The optical effect, in which a vertical strip is formed on the mineral under the action of a light beam, is called the "cat's eye". When you change the viewing angle, the strip will move across the surface, creating the illusion that you are being watched.

This feature is obtained due to the parallel arrangement of the smallest fibers of the mineral, creating a diffraction grating, familiar from the course of physics. The human organ of vision is able to capture only rays reflected strictly perpendicular, so the eye moves its "pupil" in the direction of your gaze.

Not just one mineral has such an interesting structure. Here's a complete list.


  • topaz;
  • beryl;
  • ruby;
  • sapphire;
  • tourmaline;

DIY option:

  • quartz;
  • nephritis;
  • jade;
  • ulexite, some others;

However, initially only chrysoberyl could be called a cat's eye.

A bit of history

Archaeologists for a long time and still find processed and unprocessed precious and not very stones during excavations, which indicates the love for beautiful minerals of all generations. Amulets with a cat's eye are especially common, which were an obligatory attribute of shamans with seers.

In Europe, the mineral gained popularity after a British prince gave it to his fiancee in the late 19th century. After that, the ring or ring with a cat's eye became the latest fashion and was used by both women and men.

According to legend, Russian nobles with a cat's eye bracelet managed to leave their homeland even before the start of the October Revolution, these stones warned them of impending danger.

Known deposits

The mineral itself is not widely distributed and is usually found in sedimentary rocks. There are only a few countries that mine these beautiful and rare stones:

  • Sri Lanka. The island boasts the largest deposits;
  • Russia. The deposit is located in the Ural region;
  • Czech Republic;
  • Brazil;
  • India;


Now more about the properties of the stone.


The mineral may differ in color depending on the impurities that make up the composition. But most often there are green and olive shades. The cat's eye is characterized by an opaque structure with a characteristic glassy luster.

Chrysoberyl is a very hard material (8.5 on the Mohs scale), while the quartz variety is much less hard and has the characteristics of silicon oxide.

Precious and semi-precious stones (quartz, jadeite) also differ in structure. In silicon oxide, the fibers are quite large, visible to the naked eye, and the valuable analog has microscopic components, so it seems completely homogeneous. The photo will help to understand this difference.


No wonder he was loved by sorcerers of all stripes from ancient times. The stone is credited with many different effects on the owner, but most often they recall such of its capabilities:

  • able to ward off misfortune and warn about it in advance;
  • strong protection against damage and evil eye;
  • good for charm which captivates those around;
  • rings with precious stones, when worn constantly, clear the mind, bring clarity to thoughts, contribute to the opening of the third eye;
  • full disclosure of talents improves concentration;
  • attract luck when gambling(but you should not abuse it, you can achieve the opposite effect);
  • increase influence among colleagues that help you achieve your goals.


The whole world knows about his ability to heal. Experts define several main healing effects:

  • a bracelet made of a cat's eye will strengthen the joints and relieve pain in them;
  • breathing is greatly facilitated, spasms are relieved;
  • the work of the digestive system is normalized;
  • acceleration of cell recovery in bones in case of fractures or accelerated regeneration of muscle tissues in case of dislocations and bruises;
  • restoration of the nervous system of the body.

Talismans and amulets with a cat's eye

Given the beneficial properties of the stone, it is advised to use it in amulets and talismans for people of the following professions:

  • soldiers of the diplomatic front;
  • teachers and lecturers;
  • artists;
  • writers;
  • employees whose activities imply a creative component.

A ring with a beautiful cat stone or a pendant will help a girl in search of true and mutual love, he will attract a desired partner, fulfill her most secret desires.

A rosary composed entirely of these precious and semi-precious stones(most importantly natural) will help you make the right decision in the most stressful moments. This is quite often used by coaches in various sports, especially those from Asia.

Types and colors of stone

Today, the cat's eye is not one mineral, but a whole group of the above. The effect is most pronounced in cymofan, it is a standard.

However, minerals are distinguished according to the following characteristics:

  • Transparency. The higher this indicator, the more expensive;
  • The intensity of the effect. This is a rather subjective indicator and is compared with cymofan. But the latter has an extremely high price, so high-quality photography comes to the rescue of specialists;
  • Color. There are enough options here, so it’s worth talking about the shades in more detail.

Color spectrum

Different colors are endowed with their pronounced properties. Bright shades of the cat's eye family:

  • White stone. Best suited as a talisman for mothers. It enhances the intuition that is so necessary for everyone and strengthens the invisible thread that connects with the child;
  • Pink stones. Helps to cope with insomnia. Pink stones with a strip drive away nightmares, replacing them with pictures that are pleasant for a person;
  • blue stones will do everything to fulfill the dream of the owner. They will push you to the right decision on the way to the cherished goal;
  • green mineral better than others demonstrates healing properties. It is also worth having in your wallet for the safety and multiplication of banknotes;
  • purple stones favorably affect the nervous system, they cope especially well with the consequences after a concussion;

There are other shades on the shelves:

  • orange;
  • grey;
  • lilac;
  • olive, others.

But the common feature of all representatives is the same - it is impossible to take your eyes off the photo where these gems are present.

How to distinguish an original from a fake

In most cases, ornamental stones (quartz) with this effect are widely used in jewelry. Therefore, they are inexpensive and there is no point in forging them, except that you can fall for an artificial analogue from China.

Its main differences:

  • Excellent transparency at small sizes and complete turbidity at large;
  • The fibers are extremely small in diameter and can be up to 8 kilometers in one product. But a natural copy of this price category is distinguished by large, easily noticeable components.

But it makes sense to fake only cymofan, since its cost is comparable to a ruby. But here simple actions will help to identify the discrepancy:

  • Try scratching iron or glass. The mineral should leave a mark on them, and not vice versa;
  • Darkness check. If a real eye is rubbed with a cloth, it will begin to sparkle more than before.

Price characteristics

Natural chrysoberyl is comparable in value to diamond, therefore, only wealthy people can afford earrings with precious stones of this kind. Other precious stones are not far away.

Here is a description of one of them: tourmaline, weighing 16 carats of light green color with the effect of "cat's eye", the cost is 48,100 rubles.

But representatives of the quartz family or artificial analogues (though, apart from beauty and the name, there is no benefit from them) are quite accessible to a simple layman.

Here are examples of natural stone prices in an affordable price category:


There are no special requirements for the storage of the mineral, but if you want to have cat's eyes as in the photo in magazines, you must follow a number of recommendations:

  • Avoid interaction with any chemicals, even household;
  • The mineral is cleaned with a regular cotton swab using a mild soapy solution;
  • With constant wear, you need to hold the cat's eye once a month for 5 minutes under running water to cleanse from negative energy;
  • Long-term storage is acceptable in a dark place at room temperature(regular box), but separately from other stones. You can simply wrap it in natural fabric, and then put it with the rest of the jewelry.

Which zodiac signs are suitable

Like every mineral that has magical properties, the cat's eye according to the horoscope is not suitable for everyone. Let's figure it out.

Fits Perfectly:

  • scorpion;
  • Virgo;
  • twins.

Can be worn, but the possibilities of the stone will not fully open:

  • Capricorn;
  • Aries;
  • Sagittarius.
