Remove cherry stain at home. We wash cherry juice correctly - important rules and methods

Sweet cherry is a noble delicacy for children and adults. No one will refuse sweet and juicy fruits from the home garden. But it is not always possible to enjoy delicious berries without incidents in the form of hard-to-remove stains on a dress or T-shirt. How to remove cherries from clothes in order to restore their former purity and not damage the structure of the fabric?

To remove stains, it is necessary to use products that are as gentle as possible in contact with clothing. You need to be guided by the information on the product label and on the packaging of the product.

Only removal methods comparable to the characteristics of the tissue may be used. If the product indicates that it can only be used on white fabrics, then they are forbidden to wash colored products.

Important rules:

  1. Stubborn stains should be removed immediately. The fresher the stain, the easier it is to remove.
  2. You can wash cherries from clothes at the maximum allowable temperatures indicated on the product label.
  3. Exceeding the allowable doses of shop liquid for removing stains, as well as other wrong actions when trying to remove cherries from clothes, leads to damage to things.
  4. It is necessary to wash cherries from clothes made of delicate fabrics using harmless compounds. They carefully care for the fabric and do not contain aggressive compounds. If you neglect this rule, then shrinkage, fading, deformation of things or a change in tone are not excluded.
  5. The test will help to avoid negative consequences from the use of store-bought or home-made products. The test involves applying a small amount of stain remover to an area of ​​fabric that is not visible to prying eyes. If the fabric is not damaged, has not changed color, has not been deformed, then the technique is suitable for use. Otherwise, look elsewhere.

2 Household chemicals will help remove cherries from clothes

Check out the list of chemicals that are most likely to help solve the problem, and things will regain the desired purity.

We offer to put your clothes in order with the help of:

  • bleach;
  • laundry soap;
  • antipyatin;
  • dish liquids.

Bleach choose according to the color of the fabric. Multi-colored clothes do not need to be washed with bleach with a high concentration, since the color will also go away with the pollution. Use powder or gel products with delicate properties, designed for colorful things.

The method of application is extremely simple - the product is applied to the stain, left for 15 minutes. The item must be washed thoroughly.

Laundry soap proven to be effective on colored and denim items. It contains a huge amount of alkali, which helps to eliminate stains, even if they are old and extensive in localization.

Laundry soap can be used in two ways. We offer to wash cherries from clothes by applying soap to contamination. Wait until it dries completely (the soap will turn into a crust). After that, the crust should be moistened with warm water and the dirt removed.

The second method consists in wetting the stain with warm water and applying soap for 0.5 hours. Soap works with hot water.

The procedure can be repeated several times if the stain is not gone after a single wash.

Antipyatin is offered by manufacturers in several variations - soap, gel, powder. Used to remove old dirt. Read the instructions carefully, and then use for washing. Usage - apply to the area for ¼ hours. Wash the thing, first filling it with boiling water.

Dishwashing liquid effectively removes not only fat, but also other contaminants from dresses, T-shirts, jeans.

Apply as follows: water the contaminated area with an abundant layer, leave for 15 minutes, rinse with warm water. Wash the shirt. Didn’t manage to remove the cherry from the clothes the first time? Soak it literally for 10 minutes in a solution with detergent. Wash your shirt or t-shirt.

3 Folk ways to remove cherry juice from clothes

It is desirable to use the removal of cherry juice by folk methods in relation to clothes made from light, natural materials that do not shed during the washing process.

Improvised means to help remove cherries from clothes:

  1. Lemon juice with vinegar. Prepare a mixture of a tablespoon of lemon juice and vinegar. Apply to the contaminated area (use a soft sponge) with gentle movements, moving from the edge to the middle. After an hour, pour warm water into the basin, rinse the dress.
  2. Boiling water. Pour boiling water in a thin stream onto a T-shirt stretched over a container (sink). Pollution should go away with hot water.
  3. A mixture of lemon juice, baking soda, hydrogen peroxide. Prepare a solution (a tablespoon of each ingredient). The solution is applied to the contamination. After 1/3 hour (if the stain is old, then you can leave it for 0.5 hours), wash the T-shirt. First in hot water and then in the washing machine.
  4. Hydrogen peroxide. Apply with a soft sponge to the stain (from the edges to the center). Wash in the machine after 30 minutes.
  5. Ammonia is effective for various types of stains. They can wash cherries from clothes, after leaving the applied liquid for 0.5 hours. After that, wash the T-shirt.
  6. Salt is especially effective on jeans and other similar fabrics. It is necessary to take a sufficient amount of salt, mix with water to a mushy consistency. Apply to contaminated area. Wait until the salt dries. Take hot water and moisten the crust, then remove the salt and wash the T-shirt.
  7. Warm milk. The dress is soaked for ¼ hours, washed in the desired mode in the washing machine. Instead of milk, you can use kefir.

To remove the juice from a light-colored T-shirt, use only water at a temperature of 50 ° C. Room temperature does not eliminate contamination.

How to wash cherries from colorful clothes?

Colored T-shirts and tops make up a significant part of the women's and children's summer wardrobe. Not surprisingly, many of the tips for removing cherry juice stains apply to colored T-shirts, T-shirts, dresses, and skirts.

Ways to remove cherries:

  • Ethyl alcohol is diluted with water, heated to 45 ̊С, poured onto the material. In order to remove the berry juice, 0.5 hours is enough. Then the thing is washed and rinsed thoroughly. When preparing a solution, 2-3 parts of water are taken for one part of ethyl alcohol (depending on the type of tissue).
  • Glycerin will help solve the problem of removing cherry juice from delicate materials. It belongs to gentle means, therefore, it will carefully, but effectively cope with the task. Firstly, glycerin can be used in its pure form by melting it and applying it for 60 minutes. Glycerin is removed, the T-shirt is washed. Secondly, glycerin can be poured into the washer (into the drum) and set to the mode corresponding to the type of material.
  • Gasoline is applied with a sponge on the dress, left for 0.5 hours. Then the thing is rinsed and washed at the desired temperature. Gasoline can be used differently - liquid is applied to the dress, sprinkled with starch, shaken off. The cycle is repeated until the pollution disappears.

5 How to wash cherries from woolen clothes

It is much more difficult to remove berry juice from woolen and semi-woolen items than from cotton or synthetic T-shirts. But this task cannot be called impossible, since there is a proven method that allows you to remove traces of cherries from woolen fabric.

Gasoline will come to the rescue. It is used in the same way as for removing stains from colored clothes. An alternative to talc, starch is semolina, which can be found in every home. After the procedure, you need to wash the item in the machine, using the mode for delicate items.

Removing cherries from clothes is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. And there are many ways. If one of them doesn't work, try another. Either way, you don't have to throw away your favorite T-shirt or tank top.

17.07.2017 1 10 465 views

Pollution from berries and fruits is considered difficult to remove and is quickly eaten. Find out how to wash cherries and how to remove cherry stains on clothes to return things to cleanliness.

Before you start washing things stained with cherries or cherries, study a few recommendations, following which will not only remove the stain, but also preserve the original characteristics and appearance of the product.

So here are some important rules:

  1. Remember that it is much easier to remove a fresh stain than an old and stubborn one. Therefore, the sooner you begin to act, the more likely you will be to completely remove complex pollution.
  2. Be sure to carefully read the tag or label of the soiled item for information regarding laundering. Data on the maximum allowable water temperature and recommended washing modes are especially important.
  3. If you use a store-bought stain remover, then carefully read the instructions on the package before using it. The instructions given by the manufacturer must be strictly observed in order to achieve the desired effect and protect the item from damage as a result of incorrect actions or exceeding the permissible doses.
  4. When choosing a specific tool, consider the features of the product and the material from which it is made. So, delicate fabrics require careful and gentle cleaning, because they can be damaged under the influence of aggressive compounds. And some materials shrink, warp, fade, or change color.
  5. Having finally decided on the choice of means, it is advisable to conduct a test. To do this, apply a small amount to a small inconspicuous area of ​​\u200b\u200bthing and observe the changes. If the material remains the same, then nothing will happen to it when washing. If you notice that the fabric is damaged or faded, then it is better to use another tool.

What funds will be needed?

Getting cherry stains out is not easy. Removal may require the following tools:

  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • glycerol;
  • ammonia;
  • laundry soap;
  • stain remover;
  • lemon juice;
  • table vinegar;
  • finely ground salt;
  • baking soda;
  • water;
  • solvent;
  • milk;
  • petrol;
  • serum;
  • starch.

You will also need additional accessories: a container for mixing the components, a sponge or a soft, well-absorbing cloth. Some recipes call for heating mixtures, so a stovetop may come in handy.

We use household chemicals

To wash cherry stains from clothes, you can use modern household chemicals:

  • Stain removers such as Vanish or Antipyatin. They may contain surfactants or components based on the active component, and in increased concentrations. But such products should be used carefully, as they can disrupt the structure of delicate tissues. Be sure to follow the instructions on the stain remover packaging.
  • Bleaches can be used to clean white items, as they can remove dyes along with dirt, so they are definitely not suitable for washing colored or dark items.
  • Dishwashing detergents also work well on a variety of stains, including those left by berries and fruits. They contain substances that penetrate the structure of materials and dissolve pollution. The selected product should be applied to a sponge or soft cloth, after which the problem areas are treated: rub them actively, if necessary, leave the composition for a while, and then rinse the product and wash it manually or in the washing machine in the usual way.
  • Laundry soap. The alkali contained in it can remove even stubborn and old contaminants, but it can also damage delicate materials, so you should be careful with this tool. To remove the stain, you can simply lather it thoroughly with soap, wait twenty to thirty minutes and start rinsing. And if the pollution is strong and numerous, then you can act differently: grate about 50 g of soap on a grater and dissolve the resulting chips in a glass of hot water. Use this concentrated solution to treat dirt and add to a basin or washing machine when washing.

Folk methods

You can remove the stain from cherries or cherries using folk remedies:

Removing stains from cherries and sweet cherries on white

White clothes stained with cherries or cherries will become absolutely clean only if you use really effective and proven products. The following recipes will allow such things to return purity and whiteness:

Many housewives are interested in what to do if, after cleaning, the thing is no longer snow-white? Whiteness, which must be used after the stains have been completely removed, will help restore its former pure color.

Cherry is one of the main summer berries, the appearance of which many look forward to. Enthusiasm wanes when cherries get on clothes and leave bright red stains, and victims wonder how to get cherry stains out with minimal damage. Throw away the thought of getting rid of your clothes instead of learning how to get cherry stains out - there are many proven ways to get rid of cherry stains without the hassle and risk to your clothes. Take some free time to read this guide so that in a few minutes you will know how to remove cherry and cherry stains, as well as what products to use for this.

We try household chemicals - what means should I take?

Since it is far from always possible to remove cherries with improvised means, and often not the first time, it is worth first talking about how to remove a cherry stain using household chemicals. There are only two options here:

  • You can remove cherry stain from light and white clothes with bleach. Before you remove cherry stains with bleach, you need to choose the right product for the type of fabric. It is worth paying attention to the composition of household chemicals - it should not include chlorine, which negatively affects the color of the treated fabric. How to remove the cherry stain in this case? Make a choice in favor of bleaches, the action of which is based on active oxygen. It does not spoil the appearance of clothes and removes stains well.
  • How to remove a cherry stain from colored clothes for which bleach is not suitable for obvious reasons? Obviously, the only worthy option is a quality stain remover. This tool will also help if you don’t know how to remove cherries from white clothes, because stain removers do a good job with white and colored things from various materials. Before removing cherry stains, you should choose a stain remover for a specific type of fabric. Must be used according to instructions.

If the pollution is small, you can not resort to the indicated methods at all, how to remove cherries from clothes. Those stains that were literally just put on can simply be washed with washing powder - this is sometimes enough. If it didn’t work out, you should resort to folk methods of how to remove stains from cherries.

6 most effective and proven folk ways to remove cherries

Our ancestors knew very well how to remove a cherry stain without household chemicals, which used to be not as widespread as it is today. Below you can learn about the most popular ways to remove cherry stain:

  1. Before removing a cherry stain on clothes, heat a sufficient amount of water to 70-80 degrees. Now gently water the area with the stain with heated water, pouring little by little. You will notice how the stain disappears right before your eyes. It is worth noting that this method of how to wash cherry stains is only suitable for fresh dirt that has not yet had time to soak deep into the fabric. Sometimes it is necessary to repeat the procedure.
  2. How to remove cherry stains from white clothes? Use hydrogen peroxide, which can be found in any home first aid kit or purchased at a pharmacy for a penny. For light-colored items, it is better to use a solution of peroxide in water, and for pure white items, a peroxide concentrate is better. Apply the product with a cotton swab, gently rubbing the stain from the edges to the center to prevent smearing.
  3. How to remove a cherry stain from clothes if there is no way to use hydrogen peroxide? Find some whey and dip the area with the cherry stain in it. How to remove a stain from cherry juice if there is no serum? You can replace with regular milk, you have to soak for 20 minutes.
  4. If none of the above is at hand, how to remove a cherry stain on white and color? Do not despair - ordinary laundry soap will help, which is not difficult to find. Just rub soap on the area with cherry juice on the fabric, leave for 15-20 minutes to absorb, then wash.
  5. Table salt is a great way to get cherry juice out of your favorite clothes. It is necessary to mix a small amount of salt with water so that a thick mass is obtained. It must be smeared on the cherry stain and wait 15-20 minutes before wiping off the cherry juice. Next, you need to wash your clothes.
  6. How to wash cherry juice on a white sweater if there is no hydrogen peroxide? You can use a mixture of vinegar and lemon juice. Mix these components in equal proportions, soak a cotton swab in the prepared solution and blot the stain several times. The procedure must be repeated until the stain disappears.

The above methods for removing cherry juice stains are the most effective, so you should try them first. Do not give up if the means to remove cherry juice from white and colored did not help the first time - repeat the procedure after a while, or choose another recipe given.

Use the knowledge gained on how and with what to remove the stain from cherry juice in practice every time you encounter an unpleasant situation. Remember - it is better to use cherries carefully than to remove stains from them.

Stains from berries are classified as difficult to remove. But nothing is impossible. And there are several recipes for how to remove cherry or cherry stains without resorting to dry cleaning.

Folk recipes will help

Any stain is best cleaned if it is fresh. If the fabric is characterized by a persistent color coating, then the trace of cherry juice on it is easy to remove with the help of boiling water. To do this, stretching the stained product over a wide vessel - a saucepan or a basin, pour boiling water over the stain from the teapot. The pollution will soon disappear.

Disadvantage of this method: not suitable for fabrics with unstable color, shedding.

Other ways to get cherry stains out:

  • Salt. A moistened layer of salt is applied to the contaminated area. Hold for 10 minutes, and then wash in hot water with dish detergent or stain remover.
  • Fresh cherry traces are well removed with an ammonia solution.
  • A solution of hydrogen peroxide in water will remove cherry juice from light-colored clothing, while a peroxide concentrate can be cleaned cleanly. white clothes.
  • For colored fabrics you need to mix one yolk with 50 grams of glycerin. Spread this mixture on stains, soak on the fabric for several hours, and then rinse in warm water.
  • Prepare a solution of acetic acid (2 parts) in water (5 parts). Pour a small amount of the resulting mixture onto the contamination and, after holding for about half an hour, wash the product.
  • Table vinegar can be mixed with freshly squeezed lemon juice in equal amounts and a sponge or cotton swab to rub the stain. So that a halo does not form around it, it is necessary to get wet, starting from the edges to the center. After that, wash the thing. This mixture is able to remove cherries or cherries from white clothes. If necessary, the procedure can be repeated.
  • If it is possible to use whey, then it is necessary to immerse a piece of clothing stained with cherry or cherry juice into it. If there is no whey, ordinary milk will help out, in which it is soaked for 20 minutes. Suitable for processing linen and cotton fabrics.
  • Cherries or cherries from clothes can be removed with an alcohol solution of citric acid. The ingredients are taken in a ratio of 20 g of alcohol - 2 g of "lemon". Warm the mixture slightly (up to 40 °) and dip the soiled areas of clothing into it. Keep until the stains disappear. Then you should thoroughly rinse the product first in warm water, then in a solution of ammonia (1%), then again in water with the addition of a few drops of vinegar or a small amount of citric acid.
  • Regular laundry soap is still a reliable cleaner. He can even remove old stains from cherries and cherries. To do this, they should be well lathered and left for 15 minutes. After that, the affected product is poured with boiling water for half an hour and washed in the usual way.

Household chemicals: what to choose?

Fresh stains of cherries or sweet cherries can be removed with ordinary washing powder. It is worse when the stains have already eaten into the fabric. Then you have to turn to the help of household chemicals - bleach or stain removers. The rules for their use are indicated on the label.

It is necessary to choose a bleach based on whether it is suitable for this type of fabric or not, and paying attention to the presence of chlorine in its composition, which negatively affects the color of the processed product.

A better choice if the action of the bleach is based on active oxygen. Lon will help not only to remove traces of cherries, but also preserve the original appearance of clothing.

However, bleach is not suitable for colored clothes. In this case, the only way out is to buy a high-quality stain remover, especially since this tool is equally suitable for processing white products, and from a wide variety of materials.

To remove cherry or cherry stains, you need to choose a stain remover for the appropriate type of fabric and use it exactly following the instructions.
Video on how to remove a cherry stain with boiling water:

How to remove stains from cherries and sweet cherries

Staining clothes or furniture upholstery with cherry juice is not difficult at all, but getting rid of bright, clearly visible stains will not work without difficulty. Ordinary washing or powder cleaning, most likely, will not return things to their original appearance. However, there are several simple and effective ways in which you can deal with traces of cherry juice at home.

It should be remembered that it is most effective to remove fresh stains. However, even if the cherry juice has managed to soak into the fabric and dry out, it still remains possible to remove the pollution without a trace.

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General rules

In order to quickly and efficiently wash cherry juice, you must follow a few important rules:

  • It is necessary to take into account the manufacturer's recommendations for the care of the item indicated on the product label;
  • It is desirable to remove fresh stains before washing;
  • When removing a stain, it is recommended to put an absorbent white cloth under it - dirt in most cases will pass to it;
  • It is better to start treating the stain not from the center, but from the edges, otherwise the pollution will spread;
  • Before using the stain remover, you need to read the instructions, as well as test its effect on the fabric in an inconspicuous place;
  • After removing the stain, it is required to remove the remnants of the stain remover itself.

fresh spots

In order to eliminate fresh traces of cherry juice from clothes or fabrics, you can use one of the suggested recipes:

  • Immediately after the appearance of the stain, it is recommended to boil some water and, stretching the fabric over the basin or pan, direct a stream of boiling water to the contaminated area. Water should be poured until the stain completely disappears. However, this method is not applicable to products with unstable color;
  • You can sprinkle the contaminated area with a thick layer of table salt, leave for 2-3 minutes, then rinse the product in a hot solution of washing powder;
  • Mix 1 tablespoon of vinegar with the same amount of lemon juice. Moisten a gauze swab in the resulting mixture and treat the stain, then wash the clothes with the addition of powder;
  • Soak the soiled item in a container of milk, leave for 10-15 minutes, then wash.

old stains

Removing old stains from cherry juice is somewhat more difficult than fresh ones. You can do this in the following ways:

  • Thoroughly rub the place of contamination with laundry soap (you can use a special tool called "Antipyatin"). The product must be left for about 10-15 minutes, then pour boiling water and wash in the usual way;
  • All-purpose stain remover should be generously applied to the stained area and left for a while. After that, you need to wash the item using a powder with the addition of a stain remover.

white clothes

To get rid of cherry stains on white or very light fabrics, the following methods will help:

  • It is necessary to mix hydrogen peroxide or ammonia with hot water (1 teaspoon per 0.5 cup of water). Wipe the stain with a swab dipped in the solution, then rinse the product with water;
  • Dissolve 2 tablespoons of vinegar or acetic acid in 5 tablespoons of water. Apply a small amount of the product to the stained area, wait about 30 minutes and wash the item thoroughly;
  • You can also use bleach, applying it according to the instructions.
