Hardening can be different. Proper hardening of children

Good day, dear parents. Today we will talk about how to strengthen a child’s immunity. You must understand that the hardening procedure has a beneficial effect on strengthening the baby’s heart and respiratory system, and protects him from frequent colds. It will be easier for such a child to adapt to kindergarten and then to school. You need to understand that in order for hardening to benefit your little one, you must follow all the rules and recommendations. If you do something incorrectly or inappropriately with the child’s age, then you will not only not improve the baby’s health, but will also kill him. In this article, you can learn how to behave so that the hardening process is beneficial, how to carry out procedures if the baby has a weak immune system, and how to properly build the process without leaving home, without additional help.

Rules for successful hardening

In order for the procedures to be beneficial, it is necessary to follow the basic principles, rules and take into account the age characteristics of children. Let's look at how to properly harden a baby:

  1. Individually select for your child those procedures that are most suitable for him: hardening with air, water or the sun (read more in the article “Hardening procedures for children”). There is no need to use all methods at once.
  2. Before you start hardening your baby, consult your doctor to see if you have any contraindications to such procedures. If you are allowed to harden, then do not forget to monitor the baby’s health; if there is the slightest change, consult a doctor; perhaps these procedures are not suitable for the child.
  3. First of all, it is recommended to harden with air, and then with water and only then with the sun.
  4. The hardening process can begin from an early age, but you need to take into account the child’s health status, past illnesses, and characteristics of the nervous system.
  5. It is recommended to accustom your baby to hardening during the warm season. It is important not to stop hardening your little one with the onset of the cold season. If there is a long break, you will have to start all over again.
  6. Follow the regime. It is important that the procedures take place daily, preferably at the same time.
  7. Take things gradually. For example, you cannot immediately put your baby under a shower with cold water. First, you need to accustom him to wiping and dousing, and start with warm water and gradually, half a degree at a time, reduce the temperature.
  8. Safety comes first. Make sure that the baby is dressed for the weather, that before starting the procedures he is in a good mood, his body is pink, and his limbs are warm. Also remember the risk that you can overcool your baby if you keep him in cold water or in a cold room for longer than necessary, and also overheat him by staying in the sun for a long time.
  9. And the most important thing. Hardening alone will not be enough if the baby does not have healthy sleep, proper and balanced nutrition, and even minimal physical activity.

Features in children from newborn to one year

  1. When you change your baby's clothes, make sure that he takes air baths. Make sure it doesn't get too cold when doing this. The air temperature in the room is not lower than 22 degrees.
  2. When the little one's umbilical wound heals, you can start swimming lessons.
  3. Give your child a massage, this will also help strengthen the child’s immunity.
  4. Rub and tug your baby's earlobes.

Features from one to three years of age

At this age we continue to add new procedures:

  1. Active games and moderate physical activity.
  2. Let the baby run around naked for 10 minutes.
  3. A child of 2 years old can be taught to shower. Start with 35-degree water, gradually decreasing to 28 degrees.
  4. Let your child start running barefoot at 3 years old. This will not only strengthen the child’s immunity, but will also contribute to the proper development of the foot and will be a good prevention against flat feet.
  5. Let the little one take sunbathing, preferably in the morning.

Features between the ages of three and six years

In addition to the fact that the degrees when taking water and air procedures are reduced, new activities are added:

  1. We do ten minutes of morning exercises.
  2. Teach your child to dry himself with a towel soaked in 28-degree water. Gradually the temperature decreases.
  3. A child of 4 years old can rinse his mouth and throat. Use herbal infusions. Start with a water temperature of 35 degrees and gradually decrease to 18.
  4. We teach the child to wet his limbs. Start with a water temperature of 28 degrees, end at 16, do not forget to make the transition slowly and gradually.

It is important not to forget about walks in the fresh air, starting from the first month of the baby’s life, and about sunbathing. The main thing is to do everything in moderation and with knowledge, and monitor the condition of the little one.

I began introducing my child to hardening procedures by getting used to cold air. So, from the cradle, I taught the baby to be naked as long as possible. Of course, I did everything gradually. Also, starting from the first month of my son’s life, he and I regularly went for walks, sometimes three times a day, no matter what the weather was like outside. Naturally, in severe frosts I did not take it outside, but we still went out onto the balcony, literally for a few minutes. When my son got older, I taught him to always wash his hands, wash his face, and rinse his mouth. When Nikitushka was three years old, I began to gradually reduce the water in the bath while bathing. The child reacted normally to all hardening procedures, and he liked swimming in cool water much more than in warm water.

How to strengthen a child with weak immunity

Children with poor health require a special approach and adherence to certain rules. But you shouldn’t think that if a toddler has a weakened immune system, then it’s not worth hardening it, so that it doesn’t get worse. This is a wrong opinion. In fact, such children need to be hardened, the task of parents is to strengthen the immunity of their little one.

There are these rules:

  1. Keep the room where the baby is located clean. Make sure that there are no objects in the room that will accumulate dust in layers.
  2. Be sure to ventilate the children's room at least three times a day.
  3. It is necessary to walk with your baby every day, preferably at least twice a day. Create a routine and go outside at the same time every day. But you shouldn’t take your little one out into heavy rain, wind or cold.
  4. Make sure your little one has enough water in their diet. Drinking plenty of fluids helps strengthen the body.
  5. Do exercises with your baby. Gymnastics allows you to strengthen not only the child’s immunity, but also the musculoskeletal system.
  6. Teach your little one to wash his face and wash his hands. Teach an older child to rinse his mouth and throat.

Who is contraindicated for serious hardening?

  1. Children with diseases of the respiratory system: bronchitis, pneumonia, bronchial asthma.
  2. Toddlers with cardiovascular diseases.
  3. Children with kidney pathologies.
  4. Children with skin problems.
  5. Toddlers with deviations in the development of the nervous system.
  6. If your baby has an infectious or viral disease.

How to harden children at home

Of course, it is better when the hardening procedure is carried out by an experienced specialist. For example, a specially trained person who has already worked with children for many years and knows all the features of children’s physiology may be invited to a kindergarten. But this is not possible in all preschool institutions. In other kindergartens, the teachers themselves conduct hardening classes. However, not all children go to kindergarten, and besides, hardening can be taught from an early age. Let's look at what rules must be followed when hardening a toddler at home:

  1. Start procedures () from early childhood. Let them be minimal and mostly introductory, but this will already be a preparatory stage.
  2. Everything must be systematized. Make a routine and determine when and what hardening procedures need to be carried out for your little one.
  3. Don’t rush to accustom your baby to sudden changes in temperature right away; everything should be gradual and change in small steps.
  4. If during certain procedures your baby begins to cry a lot, think that you are probably doing something wrong. Perhaps you are using the wrong temperature setting and your child is simply very cold. In addition, not all children are suitable for all types of hardening, and it is not worth carrying out the procedures by force. Hardening should evoke only positive emotions in the little one, and not constant fear and stress, as this will not strengthen the immune system.
  5. It is advisable for all family members to harden at the same time. This will make it easier for the baby to adapt. In addition, he will have a clear example and may want to be like his parents or older brother.
  6. At home, it is recommended to combine water procedures with light massage or gymnastics. This way you will achieve greater effect.
  7. When you are just starting to harden your toddler at home, you need to make sure that the child is healthy so as not to aggravate his condition. It may even be better to go to see a doctor or get clinical tests to be completely sure of this.
  8. Make sure that your baby does not overheat or become hypothermic.
  9. Before starting the procedures, check that the baby’s arms and legs are warm.

Now you know what rules must be followed when you begin to accustom your child to hardening. Do not forget that we do all this for the benefit of our children, and not for harm. Therefore, if the baby doesn’t like something, don’t force him, try to choose a different method of hardening. Do not forget that all procedures are gradually introduced into the child’s life. I wish that hardening procedures successfully become part of your routine! Be healthy!

Maria Muraleva
Consultation for parents “Toughening up children 3–4 years old at home”

Consultation for parents

"Hardening children 3-4 years old at home".

To those whom parents began to harden them from the first days of life, undoubtedly, it will be easier to study, they will not have to miss classes due to frequent runny noses and sore throats. But having started hardening a child at three or four years old and even at five or six years old can accomplish a lot.

The child’s daily routine must include, with the same commitment as food, sleep, walks, hardening procedures. We offer the following schedule.

In the morning - an air bath for 15 minutes; We recommend doing gymnastics for 6-7 minutes of this time.

After an air bath and gymnastics, wash up to the waist with water, the temperature of which is 16-14 degrees, and if water procedures have not been carried out before, 27 degrees.

Before and after washing, gargle. In the first days with warm water - 36-33 degrees; every 5 days, reduce its temperature by 1 degree, bringing it to 18-16. This procedure is especially useful for weakened and often ill children. The initial water temperature for them is the same, but it must be reduced more slowly - every 7 days. If the child is sick, do not stop rinsing, but the water temperature should not be reduced. It is even better to gargle with warmer water - one degree higher than before the disease.

The most favorable time for sunbathing is from 8 to 11 hours, lasting up to 30 minutes, but in two doses. The child lay down in the sun for 5-15 minutes, then rested in the shade and again in direct sunlight for 5-15 minutes.

Seasoned For a child, morning washing up to the waist can be replaced with a general douche or shower; or, getting out of bed, let him wash himself and wash himself to the waist, and douse himself after a sunbath.

Foot contrast baths - after a nap.

This procedure can be replaced by dousing the feet. The initial water temperature is 28 degrees, lowering it every 8-4 days (for weakened children - every 7 days, bring to 16 degrees.

All hardening It is better to carry out procedures in the morning and afternoon, around 9 and 15 hours. Research has shown that at this time of day, children Preschool children develop better adaptive reactions to temperature fluctuations.

Basic Rules hardening the child

1. Get started hardening possible at any time of the year.

2. Hardening effective only when it is carried out systematically; Without constant reinforcement, the results achieved decrease.

3. Do not sharply increase duration and strength. hardening effects. Violation of the principle of gradualness can cause hypothermia and illness in the child.

4. Hardening procedures cannot be started if the child is sick.

5. Efficiency hardening procedures increases if they are carried out comprehensively.

6. The child should like the procedure and evoke positive emotions.

Together with mom and dad

It is known that children love to imitate adults, and it will be very good if this child’s ability parents use it for to instill in him a strong habit of gymnastics and hardening procedures. Morning exercises for children and parents can do together!

Special observations have established that children that even only three times a week (dressed accordingly in autumn and winter) perform gymnastic exercises in the air, the activity of the bacterial flora of the nasopharynx decreases, in other words, they begin to be less threatened by acute respiratory diseases.

By the age of 4, the child is already noticeably more resilient than in the third. He can, for example, walk continuously for 20 to 40 minutes. Get him used to walking! A walk with mom and dad outside the city, to the park, will leave him with a joyful impression and will be very useful.

One of my favorite summer activities children this age - cycling. At 3-4 years old, children can easily master a three-wheeled vehicle, and from the age of 5, two-wheeled ones. The duration of continuous cycling is from 15 to 30 minutes.

in winter children always attracts sledding down the mountains. Very good! Let only the child, according to the famous Russian proverb, fall in love with the sleigh carry: make sure he climbs the mountain with them himself! This way he won’t get cold, and physical training will be more effective.

Teach from 4-5 years old children go skiing; first, stand on them correctly, then walk without sticks, and only when they have mastered this skill well, can you hand them the sticks.

A 4-5 year old child can also be put on skates. At first he will get tired after 10-15 minutes, but the more confident he begins to feel on the ice, the longer he will be able to skate - 40-60 minutes each (with breaks every 20 minutes).

Bathing and swimming.

Swimming in open water is the most effective hardening procedure. Many parents now they are successfully teaching swimming in home bath for infants. Children Young children are taught swimming in the pools of children's clinics. But if your child isn't a swimmer, use the summer to teach him how to float.

Of course, the baby can start swimming at an air temperature of at least 25 degrees (if he hardened - not lower than 24, on windless days and only in a clean body of water, with a gently sloping sandy shore, where there are no snags, algae, or stones. Teach him to calmly enter the water and not be afraid to open his eyes in the water. Let him play with the ball, try to take a dip, and you, standing next to him, help him maintain his balance. And watch - is he cold? If appeared "goose pimples"- Go ashore now, dry yourself off and warm up in the sun!

After the first acquaintance with water, task games are already possible to prepare for swimming.

"Get it". The child must quickly find a toy or stone placed on the bottom (in shallow water, of course).

"Who is faster". Enter the water up to your waist, turn to face the shore and, on command, quickly run to the shore.

"Who is taller". Sit down and jump out of the water as high as possible.

"Hide Underwater". Plunge headlong without covering your nose and mouth with your hands.

First explain to your child how to breathe properly in water. Let him, after taking a short breath, lower his face into the water and exhale slowly through his mouth, as if blowing on hot tea, but so that small bubbles form on the surface of the water. On account "once" inhale over the water "two three four five"- exhale into the water. After repeating this exercise 12-16 times, you can proceed to the next stage of preparatory exercises.

"Rinsing laundry". Enter the water so that it is just below your waist, put your feet apart, bend over, put your hands in the water and move them left and right, back and forth.

"Mill". Row with your hands in water: One hand rows, the other flies through the air.

"Float". While standing in the water, take a breath, hold your breath, sit down, immersed under the water, clasp your knees with your hands, and press your chin to your chest. The water will push the baby to the surface.

"Jellyfish". After the baby learns to do "float" After completing this exercise, spread your arms and legs to the sides.

"Scissors". Sit near the shore in shallow water and move your straightened legs up and down.

If within a few days the child becomes comfortable with these exercises and does them with pleasure, try placing his chest on a rubber circle with his arms extended forward. By kicking the water from top to bottom, balance is maintained, and the child floats. At first, without immersing your face, then exhaling into the water, and to inhale, turning your face to the side.

The next stage is to learn to lie on your back. Let the child, standing with his back to the shore, slowly sit down so that his chin touches the water, maintain balance with his arms extended to the sides, then tilt his head back, plunging the back of his head into the water and gradually taking a lying position. Helping himself with movements of his hands, he will lie on the water.

If this doesn’t work out right away, it doesn’t matter; at first, lightly support the beginning swimmer.

All that remains is to learn how to slide on your chest. Having entered the water, the child should turn to face the shore, sit down, extend his arms with palms down and, after inhaling, push off from the bottom. Show him how to swim to the shore in a position resembling an arrow; then teach him to alternate rowing with his arms and quick movements with his legs.

The child’s thermoregulatory mechanisms are trained under the influence of both strong, but short-term cooling and relatively weak, longer-term cooling. In addition, the researchers found that hardening It is most effective when not only individual areas of the body are cooled, but the entire body. This means that contrasting foot baths or douses alone, for all their benefits, will not give the maximum effect. If you want your child to grow up strong, use the whole complex that we talked about!

If you temper the child is not the first year, we can recommend a combination of water procedures followed by air baths, first in the room, and in the summer and in the open air. After dousing or showering, do not wipe your child dry. Remove only large drops of water with light touches of a terry towel. Let it dry while remaining naked: As a result of evaporation of moisture, further cooling of the body occurs.

But you cannot allow the child to tremble. If he is cold, you need to give him a light massage, rub him with a towel. Over the course of several days, repeat the dousing followed by an air bath - and the child will get used to it, no additional warming will be required.

We remind you that this is a strong procedure, and start with it hardening is not possible.

Caution, gradualism, systematicity - three principles that must be strictly adhered to, hardening the child.

We all have known since childhood that hardening is beneficial. But many parents refuse to harden their child, believing that this requires pouring ice water on the baby, bathing him in an ice hole, or walking with him in the snow barefoot. Is it so? What is hardening actually?

Hardening is a set of health measures aimed at increasing the body’s resistance to the adverse effects of environmental factors, and primarily to cold, since it is hypothermia that most often becomes the cause of colds. To carry out hardening procedures, the main natural factors are used - sun, air and water. The basis of hardening methods is the gradual training of the adaptive capabilities of the child’s body through systematic dosed exposure to these factors or their combination. As a result, a gradual restructuring of thermoregulation processes occurs (coordination of the processes of heat production and release improves), allowing the baby’s body to quickly adapt to changes in external conditions without harm to health.

To understand how hardening works, you need to know what processes occur in the human body under the influence of cold. The body's response to cooling can be divided into 3 stages:

- at the 1st stage, a strong constriction of the blood vessels of the skin and mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract occurs, the skin turns pale, the difference in temperature between the skin and the surrounding air decreases, thus reducing heat transfer;

- at the 2nd stage, the body adapts to cold - the blood vessels dilate, the skin becomes warm, while blood supply and tissue nutrition improves, metabolism is activated, and the body’s defenses are mobilized;

- at the 3rd stage, with prolonged exposure to cold, the body exhausts its protective capabilities - the skin turns pale again, acquiring a bluish tint, hypothermia sets in and the child may get sick (hardening at this stage will have the opposite effect).

In an unhardened or weakened child, when cooling, the stage of adaptation to cold may not appear at all, then the 3rd stage immediately sets in - hypothermia, a sharp narrowing of blood vessels leads to poor blood supply to the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract, local immunity decreases, and the body becomes vulnerable to viruses and bacteria . As a result of training the ability of blood vessels to change their lumen, in a hardened child, after a short-term spasm, a sharp dilation of blood vessels occurs, thanks to the flow of blood, protective forces are activated, and the baby’s body as a whole becomes more resistant to adverse factors, including various types of infections.

Hardening can only be effective if the following principles are observed:

individual approach. When choosing a set of hardening procedures for your baby, you need to take into account his individual characteristics and capabilities, as well as his desire to engage in one or another type of hardening.

- systematicity. Hardening procedures should be carried out daily at any time of the year without breaks. They should become a natural part of the child’s lifestyle and be performed along with other activities of the usual daily routine (washing, walking, bathing, sleeping). The training effect of hardening is achieved in a few months, and when the procedures are stopped, it disappears much faster, within 2-3 weeks, and in children of the 1st year of life after 5-7 days, therefore, when starting to harden your child, it is advisable to carry out hardening activities throughout for the rest of his life.

gradualism. The intensity of the impact of the hardening factor must be increased gradually, avoiding sudden jumps, moving from mild to more intense procedures (for example, rubbing - dousing - showering - bathing). When moving from weak hardening procedures to stronger ones, it is necessary to focus on the child’s condition and his reaction to this influence. You should also gradually increase the duration of the procedures and the area of ​​influence of the “stimulant” on the baby’s body.

safety. Avoid hypothermia or overheating of a child from excessively prolonged exposure to low or high temperatures. You can start hardening procedures only if the baby’s body, arms and legs are warm; otherwise, you won’t be able to get a positive effect from hardening, and the child may get sick from hypothermia. During hardening procedures, the baby’s skin should be pink (not pale or bluish), and the child himself should be active and cheerful.

positive attitude of the child. The results of hardening largely depend on how the child feels about these procedures. Hardening procedures should bring joy and pleasure to the baby, so children are recommended to carry out hardening in the form of a game.

- complexity. Hardening can only be effective in combination with other components of a healthy lifestyle: adherence to a daily routine, a nutritious and balanced diet, and adequate physical activity. The combination of procedures with massage and gymnastics significantly increases the effectiveness of hardening.

As a result of properly carried out hardening, the immunity and resistance of the child’s body to sharply changing environmental conditions increases, the baby easily and painlessly moves from one season to another, adapts more easily to new living conditions and suffers from chronic diseases, the child’s sleep and appetite improves, and endurance increases. to physical and mental stress.

The right approach

How to harden a child? This question worries many parents. Almost all mothers and fathers know that hardening helps get rid of frequent colds, strengthen the child’s immunity and health. But how to properly harden a child? How to get the maximum effect from hardening?

How to harden a child: a few secrets

The key to proper hardening is systematic and methodical. If you decide to improve your child’s health, then you need to take a comprehensive approach to this issue; just hardening yourself is not enough; you need to generally reconsider the child’s daily routine and diet.

So, the first step to health is not hardening, but changing the child’s lifestyle. Only after your baby begins to live according to the schedule and eat properly can you begin a systematic hardening program.

Why harden children?

Hardening is the most effective prevention of colds, respiratory diseases, acute respiratory viral infections, and heart diseases. It is hardening that allows you to keep your body in good shape and maintain good spirits. This is why it is important to know how to harden a child?

If you decide to start hardening your child, then it is worth finding out whether the kindergarten your child attends has special health groups. If yes, then you can rely on the experience of professionals and entrust the hardening of your child to educators. If there is no such group, then you need to take the initiative into your own hands.

How to toughen up a child: 10 rules for parents

1. The main factors for hardening are sunbathing, water procedures, and fresh air.

2. It is advisable to start hardening from the first months of the baby’s life. If you didn’t teach your child to harden in infancy, don’t worry, this can be done at any age.

3. The main thing for hardening a child is your perseverance and determination. If you have started hardening, do not take breaks, because even after a short break you will have to start all over again.

4. The nature of hardening should correspond to the age of the child. Innovations in hardening should be introduced gradually, with a uniform increase.

5. Before you start hardening your child, you should consult a doctor. It is possible that the doctor will give some contraindications, then hardening should not be started. If there were no contraindications and you started hardening, visit your pediatrician regularly from the first days of the procedures. If the child’s health worsens during hardening, then the procedures must be stopped and consult a doctor.

6. You need to start hardening with air and water.

7. consists of daily ventilation of the room where the child is. Such ventilation should be done about three times a day, even in winter. In summer, when it’s hot, you don’t have to close the windows at all. The temperature in the room should not be lower than 18 degrees. Walk outside with your child more often. In the warm season, walking barefoot on seashells, crushed stone, grass, and stones is beneficial.

8. Along with hardening, do traditional procedures - bathing and washing.

Start washing your child with cool water (28C) and gradually reduce the water temperature to 20C.

9. You can also perform douches: bathe the child in warm water (36 C) for 8 minutes, then pour cooler water over the baby. Every 5 days, reduce the temperature of the water for dousing by one degree, it is necessary to reduce it to a temperature of at least 28C.

10. Before you start hardening your child, try hardening yourself to get your own idea of ​​the process.

How we would like our children not to get sick, then maybe we wouldn’t need to harden our children at home; ordinary walks would be enough. But, unfortunately, the statistics are not encouraging. Therefore, we, parents, are initially responsible for the health - the physical education of our child.

Home hardening of preschool children.

Remember your positivity will be passed on to your child, make this event a game, your little one will take the initiative.

Rules for hardening children at home.

  1. Early hardening measures are the most effective. Without putting it off until tomorrow, without wasting time, you need to start right now. If mommy starts this from infancy, it will help her avoid many problems with the child’s health in the future.
  2. Systematic hardening is very important, no matter which method you choose.
  3. Gradual increase in the duration of hardening procedures. No jumps: since I haven’t been sick for two days, you can add a couple of extra minutes. No no. This couple of minutes may turn out to be critical; you will be treating instead of hardening the child. And then you have to start all over again. Do you need it?
  4. Positive emotions and excellent mood are the key to success; if the baby is capricious, do not force him.
  5. Probably the most difficult point for many parents: everything should be supported by your own example.
  6. Comprehensive physical education classes, massage + hardening activities will give a more noticeable effect.
  7. We begin procedures only with a healthy baby, when there are no stressful situations, teeth are not cutting, and the little one has not gone to kindergarten.
  8. No hypothermia. This applies to jumping into a snowdrift, choosing clothes for cool weather.
  9. Overheating is also dangerous; there is a chance of sweating and catching a cold, since the child will take off his clothes or walk around damp.
  10. Warm up the arms and legs by rubbing them, only then proceed to the procedures.

Constant hardening activities will strengthen the child’s health and lift his spirits; you just need to choose the right method.

Health work or hardening children at home.

If you now take at least one Soviet manual on hardening, you can sincerely laugh at the existing advice. Such hardening can only pick up one of the symptoms that manifest themselves in different ones. Bathing from 36-40°C was lowered to 35°C, every week it was lowered by 1°C, and the babies managed to catch a cold, the temperature was + . Hardening was postponed, then everything started again. The events, spread out over time for who knows how long, brought little benefit. Now, in recommendations for bathing children, many write the optimal temperature as 30-28°C.

Radical parents naturally did not accept this and immersed their children in natural reservoirs and ice holes all year round; at home they wore only panties and T-shirts. It is clear that the incidents were different: few survived, the rest were sick and mothers and fathers “broke down”, putting on warm pants and a blouse for them and tightly closing all the windows. Fortunately, there weren’t many such parents; they all somehow got by without any hardening at all. So these children grew up, became parents themselves and had “0.0” knowledge in hardening. Experts simply insist that hardening must be started together, otherwise:

  • you yourself will quickly get tired of it;
  • this is more like sadism: the mother shudders, says that she cannot stand cold water, and stubbornly pours ice water on the struggling child;
  • this will not bring any benefit, because the mother believes that hardening procedures are just dousing with water, after which she dresses the child in two sweaters at home, without opening a single window.

Methods for hardening children at home.

The golden mean of hardening.

In any case, when hardening children at home, you need to adhere to common sense. If a toddler is crying, he is not comfortable, well, don’t force him to walk around in panties and barefoot at 20 degrees at home. Remember, any measures for hardening procedures must be agreed upon with the treating pediatrician so that he knows what to “save” you from, if anything.)))

If you don't know how to start hardening.

  • Ventilation of premises. Stagnant air is an accumulation of microorganisms + microbes, arrange for them to “fly” outside. If you are afraid to open it when your baby is nearby, do it at night and when going for a walk.
  • Put your slippers aside. Some children simply love to run barefoot - so let them run, don’t insist that they put on their socks and slippers.
  • Remove excess clothes. You probably remember the rule when going for a walk with a child who is sitting in a stroller - wear 1 layer of clothing more than you have. Do not do that. I know people who, in cool weather, walked their baby in a jumpsuit with short arms and short legs. Never got sick. Like this.
  • We run barefoot to the balcony. For extreme sports enthusiasts, if there is a snowdrift on the balcony (with non-glazed structures), go out there with your child barefoot for a couple of seconds, then go back into the house to rub your feet.
  • Swimming everywhere. Rivers, lakes, seas, swimming pools - all have different temperatures, take advantage of this.

By the way, an important nuance: hardening procedures are not carried out at night, this will only agitate the baby and he will not fall asleep.

Harden your children at home according to all the rules; colds will not overcome you.
