Desires that come true. Conspiracies for the fulfillment of desires - the most powerful rites of white magic

Do you think that the realization of your dream is impossible? But no! Any wish can come true, the main thing is to make it right. With the help of a simple technique for fulfilling a wish, you can make any of your dreams a reality. If you are ready to meet your dream, then start right now!

Wish Fulfillment Technique

First of all, you need to find out exactly how wishes come true, and what needs to be done for this. The days of genies and firebirds are long gone. Now a person can independently achieve whatever he wants. To do this, you just need to talk about your dream of the Universe. How to do it? Everything is simple - with the help of the power of your thought. Here is a step-by-step algorithm of the wish fulfillment technique that will allow you to make your dream a reality.

  1. Your desire should concern only yourself. You do not need to think of something for your friends or relatives. They themselves can ask the Universe for help. There is one more condition in the technique of fulfilling desires - the realization of your dream should not harm the people around you, including your enemies. Goodness and joy should come from your dream. Only positive emotions and thoughts will help you fulfill your desire in the shortest possible time.
  2. Your desire must be formulated in the present tense. For example, if you want to buy a house, then write like this: "I have a house". Incorrect formulations of this desire look like this: "I want a house" or "I will have a home". Another condition - no denials! If you want, for example, to get rich, then your wording should not contain the negative particle “not”. Wrong: "I don't want to be poor." That's right: I'm rich.
  3. Write down your desire on a piece of paper and be sure to set a deadline for the fulfillment of the desire. When would you like to receive what you want? Year? Month? A week? Write the exact date when your wish should come true.
  4. Describe your desire in detail. The more specific, the better. It is much easier for the universe to fulfill dreams that come to it with clear requirements and formulations.
  5. After that, you need to fix your desire with a charm phrase: “Let everything envisioned enter my life and bring me joy and happiness. Let it be so!"
  6. A piece of paper must be burned and try to forget about the performed ritual for the fulfillment of desire. You just need to let go of your dream and not think about it for a while.

Will the Wish Fulfillment Technique Help You?

Your desires will be fulfilled only if you take the above ritual with all seriousness. You must be truly confident that your dream will come true within the time frame you set.

In addition, in order to translate what was conceived into reality, you need to muster up the courage and try to make at least some effort to implement your plan. The Wish Fulfillment Technique will not help you if you are inactive. The universe will never lend a helping hand to a lazy and indifferent person to his life.

If you really want to change something in your life, then act! You will succeed if you believe in yourself and start persistently achieving your goals. After the ritual for the fulfillment of desires, you may be surprised at how many new opportunities the Universe will give you to realize your dreams. We hope that this wish fulfillment technique will help you to realize your plans. Tell us in the comments what you are doing to make your wishes always come true and don't forget to press the buttons and


Incredibly effective wish fulfillment technique

Oleg Filishin claims that his wish fulfillment technique is the most effective possible.

Important! This technique echoes other similar systems, including my method, which allows you to achieve incredible results, such as, for example,

Try Oleg's wish fulfillment technique and share the results!

Universal technique for fulfilling desires

Do you know the universal technique for fulfilling desires, regardless of their scale?

Do you know how to reprogram your beliefs and influence the course of life circumstances in just a few days without any difficulties and long-term practices?

I suppose not, otherwise you have no reason to be interested in resources of this kind ...

This is the exceptional case when you are provided with incredible knowledge that can influence the world around you, based on your preferences, for free.

Thank the Universe for such a wonderful and long-awaited gift!

My Wish Fulfillment Technique: How Do I Know It?

For several years in a row, I have been actively practicing and researching the skills of deep self-programming.

I conducted many experiments, tested many methods and theoretical aspects of entering the Special States of Consciousness.

I have tested the effect of this knowledge hundreds of times on myself and on those around me. I have not the slightest doubt about its incredible effectiveness. I can bet on anything that after a while, you will be ready to bless the moment you get acquainted with this wonderful material.

Personally, I have no reason to deceive you.

I have repeatedly observed fantastic phenomena in my own life using this practice, and I believe that you will also follow in the footsteps of your mentor.

What is the "Open Source of Cosmic Power"?

This is a bottomless repository of valuable information, power and Divine energy.

This is an indescribable line between "earth and sky." This is the greatest path of enlightenment and mystery at the same time. This is a unique chance to rise to the level of spiritual, physical and material prosperity.

The Source of Cosmic Power knows the answers to any questions, it knows your desires and preferences.

With its help, you can find the right solution to each problem, achieve moral balance, realize the subtleties of your own "I", discover phenomenal superpowers and talents, achieve your goals quickly, easily and efficiently.

It will not be difficult for you to attract any benefits, the right people and circumstances into your life. Now the road is open for you anywhere and everywhere. There is no intention that you cannot fulfill.

How it works?

I think it has become clear to most of you that you first need to learn how to properly connect to the source of Cosmic power. In order to gain a powerful connection with the bottomless storehouse of power, one should realize and do the whole process especially carefully and deeply.

Take this practice seriously and with dignity. Soon you will learn something that will radically change your subsequent life.

Now consider why I call this source "open source"?

There is a fairly simple and logical explanation.

Because you can connect to it at any time of the day, anywhere and at any location of events. There are no restrictions and there cannot be. Therein lies its true value.

What is the genius of this technology?

Genius is a combination of superiority and simplicity at the same time.

Each of you dreams of learning a technique that does not require special training, excessive complexity in execution and a long investment of time, and which in return will be the easiest and most effective, both in mastering and in its application.

I can assure you, dreams do come true!

Wish Fulfillment Works!

Attention! There is a specific set of security rules that are important to know

What is the main principle and feature of the technique?

You will not do any rituals, systematic experiments or reinforce new skills.

You don't even need to have relevant experience.

You can start practicing right now, tomorrow or in a month. Whenever.

You risk nothing and give nothing in return. Just a heartfelt thanks.

This technique is so simple that its descriptions fit into the size of a medium format article, and so useful that it deserves the close attention of millions of people.

This is not an idiosyncratic or personal approach.

This is the universal conclusion of all known, little-known and unheard-of discoveries in the field of parapsychology, esotericism and self-programming ().

People who use this knowledge achieve tremendous results. Now I will tell you something incredible...

To get started, ask yourself a few questions:

  1. How do you relate to your "I", to your personality? Who are you and what do you mean to yourself? What is your self-esteem?

Treating yourself better will help

2. Analyze your attitude to the world around you, to circumstances, to people, to society. What are they: positive or negative?

3. Do you primarily blame yourself or someone else for the events that are taking place?

If someone from outside, then you are here:

4. Do you believe in your future success? What is the extent of this faith?

5. Are your problems really as serious as you are used to describing them?

6. Do you see a way out of the current conditions? Is there really no plus in this or that situation? Is your attitude to the problem justified by 100%?

7. Have you tried to look at the world, at yourself, at people and your experiences from a high position, from a more thorough and optimistic point of view?

Right now, try to get yourself out of the routine of despair, if you need to. Try to humble yourself and accept your life as it is.

Take as an experiment any problem and at least superficially analyze and realize it.

Agree with her, let all the pain, all resentment, longing and hatred come out so as not to disturb you at all.

Laugh at your problem, mentally reduce it.

At some point, you will definitely feel that you have become more calm, that your worries have dissolved, like clouds in the sky, that now you have a different attitude to the world. Start small.

Gradually, you will be able to free yourself even from psychological stress.

If you are still in despair, take a few deep breaths in and out, this will help you relax and enter a state of peace. Remember or imagine something pleasant for yourself.

Get rid of old worries.

This is necessary in order to start a free and full practice (avoid tension).

Why do you think people often fail to achieve their goals?

Where is the mistake?

Because most of us are in a low state of consciousness, therefore, we are attached to our mind, which creates an immovable barrier for ourselves. This is the reason why we do not set a program for the fulfillment of our goal from within..

When you are angry, negative towards yourself and the world, when you just want to lie low and run away from problems to the ends of the world, you will not be able to achieve something better.

First of all, change your state (get rid of tension completely according to the above instructions). The recording of a new program should take place on a pure consciousness.

Wish Fulfillment Technique: Practice

You can sit down, lie down or even stand, you can close your eyes and ears (with earplugs), or you can even be in the crowd.

Of course, it is better when you are not disturbed, but as such there is no need for this.

If you want, turn on meditative music without words. In general, no special wishes.

Do everything exactly as your heart tells you.

When you are absolutely calm and focused, there are no doubts, no fears, no worries, we begin to establish a connection with the source of Cosmic power.

First stage:

Feel your own power, inimitability, significance.

Imagine yourself as a Deity, a creator of your own reality, a genius, whoever you would like to see yourself as. Rise in your eyes.

Remember past exploits, merits, or imagine your new ideal.

Create a picture of a new life in your head against the backdrop of calmness and spiritual pleasure.

Second phase:

Get away from time.

Forget who you are and what your options are at the moment.

Remember that the inner world is the main thing you need to pay attention to. Your attitude towards yourself is the attitude of people towards you.

Third stage:

You will definitely feel a fleeting state of bliss (a couple of seconds is especially powerful).

Don't drive it away, don't force it, just be in it, don't lose control of your emotions.

Fourth stage:

Establish a connection with the source of Cosmic power.

Start developing this feeling of joy, thank the Universe for everything that happens, send love and sincerity inside yourself.

You will create a powerful burst of energy (vibration) that will surround you and comfort you.

Consider that contact has already been established. Try to hold the bliss for at least one minute.

1+1=2 Your relationship is steadily developing in a favorable direction. Your chosen one is faithful to you, and you most likely have nothing to worry about - nothing indicates a possible betrayal. Do not torment yourself and your partner with jealousy and baseless suspicions.

1+2=3 This combination suggests that your partner recently made a new acquaintance with an interesting person of the opposite sex. As such, there has not yet been a betrayal, but your significant other is clearly interested in continuing. At this stage, it is easiest for you to turn your partner's attention to yourself and avoid cheating.


1+4=5 This number suggests that you have nothing to worry about - your partner is faithful to you, and there is no threat of betrayal in your relationship. However, you should be more attentive to your soulmate, show more care, love and warmth. Try to devote more time to communication, intimate conversations, joint recreation and common hobbies.

1+5=6 In the near future, difficulties are possible in your relationship. If you and your partner often have misunderstandings and conflicts, this may force him to leave home in search of love and support. If your loved one stays at work for a long time, unexpectedly leaves on business trips or leaves “on business”, this means that he is looking for a new place where he will be accepted and warmed up.

1+6=7 This sign indicates that your partner really needs you, he loves you very much. Do not deny him love and affection, go towards him, try to understand him. Otherwise, in a few years, a serious crisis may occur in your relationship due to the infidelity of your soulmate.

2+1=3 The rolled dice indicate that your partner recently made a new acquaintance with an interesting person of the opposite sex. As such, there has not yet been a betrayal, but your significant other is clearly interested in continuing. At this stage, it is easiest for you to turn your partner's attention to yourself and avoid cheating.

2+2=4 The combination of the dropped numbers is considered unfavorable. In the near future, showdowns, quarrels, conflicts are likely. Take a closer look at your partner's behavior and try to look at him with different eyes. There is a good chance that you will notice too many small signs that indicate a possible betrayal.

2+3=5 This is a good sign. You have nothing to worry about - your partner is faithful to you, and there is no threat of betrayal in your relationship. However, you should be more attentive to your soulmate, show more care, love and warmth. Try to devote more time to communication, intimate conversations, joint recreation and common hobbies.

2+4=6 Be careful - in the near future, difficulties are possible in your relationship. If you and your partner often have misunderstandings and conflicts, this may force him to leave home in search of love and support. If your loved one stays at work for a long time, unexpectedly leaves on business trips or leaves “on business”, this means that he is looking for a new place where he will be accepted and warmed up.

2+5=7 This sign suggests that now it is best to show tolerance for other people's opinions and calmness. Your partner really needs you, he loves you very much. Do not deny him love and affection, go towards him, try to understand him. Otherwise, in a few years, a serious crisis may occur in your relationship due to the infidelity of your soulmate.

2+6=8 This combination of rolled dice predicts a period of calm and even relations. Nothing threatens your happiness, your partner is honest with you, he is devoted to you with all his heart and soul. Do not wind yourself up with excessive jealousy and suspicion, do not paint in your imagination gloomy pictures of betrayal. Do not forget that all our thoughts are material and tend to be translated into reality.

3+1=4 This combination is considered unfavorable. Quarrels, showdowns, conflicts are likely. It is time to take a closer look at the partner and look at him with different eyes. You will probably notice too many signs that indicate a possible betrayal.

3+2=5 Positive sign. He says that you have nothing to worry about - your partner is faithful to you, and there is no threat of betrayal in your relationship. However, you should be more attentive to your soulmate, show more care, love and warmth. Try to devote more time to communication, intimate conversations, joint recreation and common hobbies.

3+3=6 This combination advises you to be more careful - in the near future, difficulties are possible in your relationship. If you and your partner often have misunderstandings and conflicts, this may force him to leave home in search of love and support. If your loved one stays at work for a long time, unexpectedly leaves on business trips or leaves “on business”, this means that he is looking for a new place where he will be accepted and warmed up.

3+4=7 The combination that has fallen out suggests that now it is best to show tolerance and calmness. Your partner really needs you, he loves you very much. Do not deny him love and affection, go towards him, try to understand him. Otherwise, in a few years, a serious crisis may occur in your relationship due to the infidelity of your soulmate.

3+5=8 This combination predicts a period of calm and even relations for you. Nothing threatens your happiness, your partner is honest with you, he is devoted to you with all his heart and soul. Do not wind yourself up with excessive jealousy and suspicion, do not paint in your imagination gloomy pictures of betrayal. Do not forget that all our thoughts are material and tend to be translated into reality.

3+6=9 Now you better devote yourself entirely to strengthening your relationship. If you do not change your behavior, you will continue to suspect your partner of treason, this will eventually happen. Nothing irreparable has happened yet, but your loved one is already tired of your jealousy and suspicion. Try to trust your loved one more - he loves you.

4+1=5 This is a good number for the romantic realm. This sign suggests that you have nothing to worry about - your partner is faithful to you, and there is no threat of betrayal in your relationship. However, you should be more attentive to your soulmate, show more care, love and warmth. Try to devote more time to communication, intimate conversations, joint recreation and common hobbies.

4+2=6 This combination advises you to be more careful - in the near future, difficulties are possible in your relationship. If you and your partner often have misunderstandings and conflicts, this may force him to leave home in search of love and support. If your loved one stays at work for a long time, unexpectedly leaves on business trips or leaves “on business”, this means that he is looking for a new place where he will be accepted and warmed up.

4+3=7 This combination suggests that now is the best time to show calmness and tolerance. Your partner really needs you, he loves you very much. Do not deny him love and affection, go towards him, try to understand him. Otherwise, in a few years, a serious crisis may occur in your relationship due to the infidelity of your soulmate.

4+4=8 A very favorable combination. It predicts a period of calm and even relations. Nothing threatens your happiness, your partner is honest with you, he is devoted to you with all his heart and soul. Do not wind yourself up with excessive jealousy and suspicion, do not paint in your imagination gloomy pictures of betrayal. Do not forget that all our thoughts are material and tend to be translated into reality.

4+5=9 A difficult period lies ahead. Now you better devote yourself entirely to strengthening your relationship. If you do not change your behavior, you will continue to suspect your partner of treason, this will eventually happen. Nothing irreparable has happened yet, but your loved one is already tired of your jealousy and suspicion. Try to trust your loved one more - he loves you.

4+6=10 The dropped sign predicts a wonderful period of love and happiness. Your partner is devoted to you with all his heart and soul. He loves only you, and for him you are the only beloved person in the world, that second half that many have been looking for all their lives, but far from everyone can find it. Throw away all doubts and suspicions, enjoy life and happiness.

5+1=6 The combination that has fallen out predicts that difficulties may arise in your relationship in the near future. If you and your partner often have misunderstandings and conflicts, this may force him to leave home in search of love and support. If your loved one stays at work for a long time, unexpectedly leaves on business trips or leaves “on business”, this means that he is looking for a new place where he will be accepted and warmed up.

5+2=7 The rolled dice indicate that now it is best to show tolerance and calmness. Your partner really needs you, he loves you very much. Do not deny him love and affection, go towards him, try to understand him. Otherwise, in a few years, a serious crisis may occur in your relationship due to the infidelity of your soulmate.

5+3=8 You have no reason to be concerned. This combination of rolled dice predicts a period of calm and even relations. Nothing threatens your happiness, your partner is honest with you, he is devoted to you with all his heart and soul. Do not wind yourself up with excessive jealousy and suspicion, do not paint in your imagination gloomy pictures of betrayal. Do not forget that all our thoughts are material and tend to be translated into reality.

5+4=9 The combination that has fallen out warns that a difficult period is ahead, it will be accompanied by serious problems. Now you better devote yourself entirely to strengthening your relationship. If you do not change your behavior, you will continue to suspect your partner of treason, this will eventually happen. Nothing irreparable has happened yet, but your loved one is already tired of your jealousy and suspicion. Try to trust your loved one more - he loves you.

5+5=10 This combination is a great sign. He predicts you a long period of love and happiness. Your partner is devoted to you with all his heart and soul. He loves only you, and for him you are the only beloved person in the world, that second half that many have been looking for all their lives, but far from everyone can find it. Throw away all doubts and suspicions, enjoy life and happiness.

5+6=11 This combination is not a clear indication of treason, but it warns that someone is trying to hide something from you, moreover, this is not necessarily your loved one. Someone dishonestly acts behind your back, thinking that it will be possible to successfully get away with it. Take a closer look at your surroundings, do not believe rumors and gossip, and before making claims to your partner and accusing him of infidelity, carefully check all the information.

6+1=7 The dropped combination advises - show tolerance for the partner's opinion and calmness in behavior. Your partner really needs you, he loves you very much. Do not deny him affection and love, go towards him, try to understand him. Otherwise, in a few years, a serious crisis may occur in your relationship due to the infidelity of your soulmate.

6+2=8 Cubes predict you a period of calm and even relationships. Nothing threatens your happiness, your partner is honest with you, he is devoted to you with all his heart and soul. Do not wind yourself up with excessive jealousy and suspicion, do not paint in your imagination gloomy pictures of betrayal. Do not forget that all our thoughts are material and tend to be translated into reality.

6+3=9 This sign warns of possible difficulties and problems. Now you better devote yourself entirely to strengthening your relationship. If you do not change your behavior, you will continue to suspect your partner of treason, this will eventually happen. Nothing irreparable has happened yet, but your loved one is already tired of your jealousy and suspicion. Try to trust your loved one more - he loves you.

6+4=10 The combination that has fallen out predicts a wonderful period of love and happiness. Your partner is devoted to you with all his heart and soul. He loves only you, and for him you are the only beloved person in the world, that second half that many have been looking for all their lives, but far from everyone can find it. Throw away all doubts and suspicions, enjoy life and happiness.

6+5=11 Difficult, unstable situation. The dropped sign is not a clear indication of treason, but it warns that someone is trying to hide something from you, moreover, this is not necessarily your loved one. Someone dishonestly acts behind your back, thinking that it will be possible to successfully get away with it. Take a closer look at your surroundings, do not believe rumors and gossip, and before making claims to your partner and accusing him of infidelity, carefully check all the information.

6+6=12 This is the best sign ever! You can only envy - in all spheres of life a beautiful, stable situation. And here it is important that it will be so stable and constant that it completely excludes the possibility of any deterioration. And we don’t even have to talk about some mythical betrayals. Your partner is crystal clear with you.

The various rituals, technology, conspiracies, prayers And rites help fulfill your desire this is a fact that needs to be recognized, accepted and used to your advantage. Someone considers himself a wizard, magician or witch, someone on the contrary thinks that he is the most ordinary person. But all of us different, among other things, are united by the ability to dream and invent. Oh, how many would like their wish to be fulfilled, but here's the catch - they don't know how? Or they know how, but they understand that without the intervention of higher powers or without someone's help, it is not possible to do this. We are who we are and must use all possible measures to fulfillment of dreams.

First you need to understand the reality of the fulfillment of your desires and, most importantly, do not be greedy. For example, if you want to become the richest person in the World, but at the same time you are an average Russian, then with 100% probability you can say that your wish will not come true. Firstly, this is not realistic for you, and secondly, you were greedy. Now, if you make a wish - "to improve the current financial condition by 50%", then this dream has a chance to come true.
You did the right thing by visiting our website and having the opportunity to get acquainted with the material presented here. Among the many described here, you will certainly find something that should and must help you exclusively, and not to anyone else. See what suits you best. If you are a devout person, then the prayers presented here will not bring you sin, but will provide grace. Pay special attention to prayers to Nicholas the Wonderworker- Pleaser. Fans of magic and magical rituals will find here interesting rites and rituals that will add knowledge to their luggage of the magical and unusual. Well, for everyone else - we recommend using folk conspiracies. A conspiracy is the easiest way to fulfill a desire for a person who has not yet found himself and his recognition.

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Wish Fulfillment Conspiracy on bread
The plot is done only on homemade bread (own baking).
They slander specifically on the seeds that are added to the bread before baking. And everyone who eats three pieces of the spoken bread will not know the need. Take a handful of regular sunflower seeds and peel them. Put in a small bag, add a pinch of salt there and shake well. After that, pour the seeds onto a white saucer without gold patterns, take a pinch of salt in your left hand and say:
“Behind seven castles, behind seven courtyards, behind seven seals sits a bitter grief, A burning grief, sheds tears, It yearns in deathly sadness, Yes, it wrings its hands, Yes, it pulls out hair, Yes, it pierces itself with a knife. The mountain guards the serpent fuel and does not let it out, And when that serpent falls asleep, the fuel mountain crawls out, Opens seven locks with seven keys, Breaks the seven seals. Yes, it passes through the seven courtyards. Goes grief fuel in people. Look for a victim and make friends, So that she bursts into tears, Yes, she poked herself with a knife. Salt can not be counted (you need to throw a pinch of salt over your left shoulder) And we do not know grief. Snake grief to guard not to sleep, And we put down the sun. Sunny, rise from the sea, fill the house with gold! Key, lock, tongue. Amen.”
You need to speak the seeds for three days in a row, and do not sweep the salt from the floor, you can sweep it only when the conspiracy is done for the last time. Seeds each time should be left in a saucer, covered with a scarf on top. Home should be warned not to touch these seeds. On the fourth day, you need to add these seeds to the dough from which you bake bread. The ceremony is carried out only on the growing moon.

Spell fulfillment of desires on an empty bottle
For the fulfillment of any dream, tell all your plans to an empty bottle: say aloud what you desire, holding the neck of the bottle near your lips. When you finish your speech, immediately cork the bottle. If you are going to where your fate will be decided, take this bottle with you and, once there, open it. When performing such witchcraft, you can use not only an ordinary bottle, but also a small vial or any other vessel that will not take up much space in your pocket and will not arouse anyone's suspicions. You can perform such a ritual when you hope to get a cash loan, solve problems in court, or seek the location of the person you need.

A conspiracy to fulfill a wish with a handkerchief
Think of a wish, take a handkerchief in your hand and say three times:
“My great desire will be fulfilled by the spirit of the Lord’s help, for the Lord helps those who ask for help. Help will come in unknown ways, and my desire will grow into reality, events will acquire a path for fulfillment, and by the spirit of the Lord I will be given what I ask Him for. Handkerchief I'll tie it up and wait. Amen."
Tie a scarf in a knot and carry it with you until the wish is fulfilled, and then burn it without untying it

Conspiracy to fulfill a wish with knots
Take nine pieces of rope, each the length of a shoelace. State your desire out loud. Lay them on the table and slowly tie a loose knot on each rope so that all nine form a circle, while speaking louder and louder:
"Let's start the spell with a knot,
Knot two - to make the dream come true,
Knot three - this power is in me,
Node four - I'll do more
The fifth knot - and my spell will come to life,
Node six - my fate is not unchanged,
Node seven - my case is decided,
Node eight, my goal is clear,
The ninth knot is my wish."
Throw the knotted ropes into the air and twist them into a spiral, waving them around and singing:
"My strength will be renewed, the dream will come true, the Wish will be released, so everything will work out."

Gradually slow down your movements and lower your voice to a whisper until you are completely silent.
Sit down and make a nine-day plan for the fulfillment of your desire, and every morning untie the knot, repeating this spell.

Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker for the fulfillment of desires
With its help, you can achieve the fulfillment of your own desire, as well as help your family and friends. Read 3 times in the morning and 3 times in the evening. "Lord, in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Nicholas Ugodnik, Mother of God of Kazan, help me (name your desire)". Then read the Lord's Prayer "Our Father". For someone it will help to realize the desire in two weeks, and for someone in 2-3 months.
After the fulfillment of your desire, do not forget to read thanksgiving prayers.

Strong prayer for seven icons for the fulfillment of desires
You need to buy seven icons (it is possible in a paper image, small ones: the icon of the Savior, the icon of the Kazan Mother of God, the icon Nicholas the Wonderworker, a nominal icon (of the saint in your name), the icon “To All Saints”, the icon of the Virgin “Joy” (“Consolation”), the icon of Seraphim of Sarov. Write your wish on seven sheets of paper the size of an icon. Attach a note with a wish with wax to each icon on the reverse side. Cover the table with a white cloth. Set icons in a row. Place a candle in front of each icon and light it.
We read the appeal: “Lord! Holy Mother of God and all the holy Wonderworkers, hear my prayers and help me, the servant of God (name) "to fulfill my desire. I, (name), want (desire)." The candles are burning. Read "Our Father", and then in your own words ask the saints for help until the candles burn out. Icons put in the Bible on different pages for 40 days.

Prayer ritual for four icons for the fulfillment of desires.
Buy four icons: the icon of the Savior, the icon of the Mother of God, the icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, the icon I name (a saint by your name). Cover the table with a white cloth. Set three pyramid icons. On the pyramid of icons we put our desire, written on a white sheet of paper. On paper with a desire, we put an icon (nominal) with the image up. We set and light a candle in front of each icon. We read the appeal and prayers, as in the previous rite. Candles burn out. Desire - we put a note in the Bible, from Matthew, on the page with the prayer "Our Father" for 40 days.

Wish Fulfillment Prayer"Help Through Angels"
"I conjure you, Angels of God, mighty saints, by the great name of God himself, mighty strong, towering over all heavens, who created on the first day the world, heaven, earth, sea and everything that is there, sealing them with his holy name "I conjure you also by the names of the Holy Angels who rule the fourth legion and serve the mighty Salamia, the great and titled Angel. In the name of the star called the Sun, its sign, the great name of the living God, I implore you, oh great Angels, that you work for me and helped to fulfill my requests according to my will and desires regarding the reasons known to me and my deeds."

Strong prayer for the fulfillment of a wish with a broom
This ritual is very simple and accessible to almost everyone.
What do you need? From three different brooms, one rod each. From three different trees, one branch each. From three different brooms, one rod each. Take everything in hand and say:
As Solomon achieved his goal, so I, the servant of God (name), will achieve mine. The morning dawn with the sun, the sun with the evening dawn, and the evening dawn with God's moon, and God's moon with the first star. And I, the servant of God (name), in the fulfillment of my desire. Amen."
And then they take this composition to the crossroads. They leave without looking back. While walking back and forth, they don’t look back, they don’t turn their heads, they don’t talk to anyone.
To do on Sunday from the growing moon to the full moon. But not after sunset.

Very strong Prayer to Saint Martha for the fulfillment of desires
Prayer is very powerful; Fulfills all desires (if it is pleasing to Heaven, it means that you will not harm anyone with your desires voluntarily or involuntarily); desires are often granted before the end of the reading cycle.
It is necessary to read in a cycle - 9 Tuesdays in a row. If one of the Tuesdays is missed, start all over again. If the wish came true earlier, read it to the end of the cycle anyway (all 9 Tuesdays).
Nearby (on the right) a candle should burn on the table. You can use any candle, but preferably a church, small one.
Time of day, morning or evening, it doesn't matter. If the candle is church, let it burn out to the end; if otherwise, let it burn for 15-20 minutes, and then you can put it out (do not blow it out!). It is better if the candle is lubricated with bergamot oil (palm, from bottom to top, from the base of the candle to the wick). And it’s also better if there are fresh flowers nearby! But bergamot and flowers are not necessary, but very desirable!
It is also highly recommended to swim and wear light-colored clothes before reading prayers (any); to be alone in a room!
It is better to write down the desire on paper so that it always sounds the same when reading the entire text of the prayer. One cycle, one wish.
Prayer cannot be printed and read; you need to copy all the texts by hand and already use them! The text you have rewritten cannot be transferred to others - each person himself must rewrite the text of the prayers with his own hand (you can dictate to him or just give your or this printed text for rewriting)

1. Prayer to Saint Martha - Read 1 time
“Oh Holy Martha, You are Miraculous!
I turn to you for help! And completely in my needs, and you will be my helper in my trials! I promise you with gratitude that I will spread this prayer everywhere!
I humbly, tearfully ask, comfort me in my worries and hardships! I humbly, for the sake of the great joy that filled your heart, I tearfully ask you to take care of me and my family so that we keep our God in our hearts and thereby deserve the Saved Almighty Mediation, first of all with the care that now burdens me (further desire, for example, help me find a well-paid job, help me meet a loved one and create a happy family, etc.)
I tearfully ask you, Helper in every need, conquer hardships the way you defeated the snake, until you lay at your feet!

2. Prayer "Our Father" - read 1 time
3. Prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos - Read 1 time
“Virgin Mother of God, rejoice! Blessed Mary, the Lord is with you! Blessed are You in Wives and Blessed is the Fruit of Your Womb, as if you gave birth to the Savior if our souls!

4. Read 1 time
“Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit! And now, and forever, and forever and ever! Amen!"

5. Read 9 times
"Saint Martha, ask Jesus for us!"

Ritual fulfillment of any desires: key to all doors
Take the key to the old lock and throw it into the iron or into the cauldron of boiling water. Think about what "doors" this key will have to open: is it the key to money, fame and new positions, or will it open a new love for you. Make the focus of your thoughts on the goals and problems that your talisman will have to solve. When the water has completely cooled, remove the key from the boiler and wipe it on your clothes. Keep such a talisman under your pillow at night and carry it with you during the day.

Magic rite fulfillment of desires - reflections
If your dreams are in no hurry to come true, use the magic of wish fulfillment. Write your desire on a small mirror, for example: "I want more money or love or a promotion." To prevent the inscription from being accidentally smeared, cover the surface of the glass with varnish (you can use regular hairspray). Arriving at the place where your plans should be realized (the house of your loved one or your own apartment), take a mirror in your left hand, catch the light in it (sunny or from a lamp or lamp) and point the spot of light at the ceiling and all the walls premises. Having done so, hide the mirror and keep it secret and intact until your dream comes true. When everything happens as you wish, remove all inscriptions from the glass surface.

Ritual for the fulfillment of your desire: "Lamp of the fulfillment of desires"
To make your wish come true, write it down on a small piece of paper. Place this paper in the bottom of a small plate and fill it two thirds with olive oil. Also add three pinches of granulated sugar or a little honey to the oil. Twist a small wick out of cotton threads (you can also use a regular wick removed from a candle), which you place in the oil so that one end of it rises above the surface of the liquid. Light this oil lamp, imagining that this action adds strength to your dream and helps it come true.

A powerful magical ritual for the fulfillment of all desires- "Sacrifice of the Fire Element"
Describe your dreams on a piece of paper, fold it and put it in a bag made of blue fabric. Also put the bread crust in the bag. Go to a deserted place, make a fire of nine logs there and throw the bag into the fire. Having thus made a sacrifice to the fiery element, you can hope for its patronage in your affairs and aspirations.

Rite with a stone of fulfillment of desires
It is no accident that amber is called the stone of fulfillment of desires: it can really help you fulfill your dream. Note that the most powerful talismans are those pieces of amber that have inclusions - prehistoric insects, fish scales, particles of primitive plants. Rub a small piece of amber with the thumb of your right hand (the movement of your finger should be circular and clockwise), thereby changing the internal energy tension of the magic talisman. Then hold it in your left fist, concentrate on your problem or desire and imagine a favorable outcome of your plans.

Technique for the fulfillment of desires with a photo
On a blank sheet of paper, draw a circle counterclockwise.
Then paste your photo in a circle and write what you wish to attract into your life, you can make drawings of what you wish to have. After you have written and drawn everything, draw the second circle, already clockwise, so that the first circle with the photo is inside the second circle.
In the space between the two circles, write the motto:
"I am surrounded by three Rings of Power. I am surrounded by the Energy of Creation and the Realization of my plans and desires."
This motto will become a protective shield so that negative energy does not invade your plans. Then, after re-reading what you wrote, you can place this circle of desires in a place where you often visit. And during the month you must work with this circle of desire. This is a very powerful ritual.

Ritual for the fulfillment of desires with bay leaf
You will need: three bay leaves, a piece of paper and a red ink pen. On the new moon, write your wish on a piece of paper and say it out loud three times. Fold the leaf three times and put laurel leaves inside, again say the desire three times. Fold the paper three more times. Hide the folded sheet of leaves in a dark place. Say your wish three times every morning until it comes true. When the wish is granted, take out the leaf and burn it without unfolding, along with the enclosed leaves, and thank the universe

Dream fulfillment ritual
To further increase your chances of success in business, do the following. Sit on a rug spread on the floor. Surround yourself on four sides with yellow burning candles. Write your innermost desire in red pencil on pink paper. Light the paper at the four corners of each candle. While the paper is burning, figuratively imagine the process of fulfilling your dream, the events and circumstances associated with this, the consistent development of the situation, the actions and actions of the people around you, and in the final - your very victory and success. When the paper turns to ash, place it in a bag made of blue fabric, in which also pour dry lavender grass and a cut section of your hair. Hang this pouch next to your bed or wear it around your neck with a long cord. If within three days your dreams do not come true, then throw the bag into a fire made of birch logs and once again create in your imagination a picture of a favorable end to your affairs.

Technique for the fulfillment of desires: "Big Candle"
You will need a large enough candle, as you will be lighting it for more than one evening. The candle should be of the same color, without patterns and with a smooth surface. Candle color - choose.
Red- strength, increased self-esteem, sexual pleasure, conquest, healing, victory.
Yellow- creativity, communication, new friends, trips and travels, joy.
Green- money, new job, love, recovery, nature.
Blue- health, meditation, development of intuition, peace.
Pink- romantic love, wedding, tender feelings, reconciliation.
Orange- career, success, self-expression, luck.
White- cleansing, protection from everything bad, healing.
In addition to a candle, you will need a beautiful candlestick, it must be new, use it only for magic, a piece of paper, a pen and a heat-resistant vessel.
First of all, clearly and concisely write your desire on a piece of paper. At the end, be sure to write the following phrase - "The path of my desire will bring only good!".
This phrase is a kind of defense mechanism, because your desire may inadvertently harm someone.
Place the candlestick on the wish paper and light the candle. Look at the fire and imagine what you will get when your wish comes true. Dream for 10-15 minutes. You will know when to stop.
Now take the paper, set it on fire from the flame of a candle and throw it into a heat-resistant vessel. Let it burn completely. After that, put out the candle, and throw the ashes from the balcony.
Let the wind take your wish to heaven!
After the ritual, try to forget about your desire, let the higher forces calmly do their work!
You can repeat the ritual several times.

Wish Fulfillment Technique- Voodoo sorcery
In order for your wish to come true, you need to write it with the tip of a needle on a flat piece of wax, plasticine or putty. Then squeeze this plastic material with your hands, giving it various shapes, and finally make a ball out of it (if the wax or plasticine is not very plastic, then first dip them in a bowl of hot water). Roll the ball between your palms, imagining that your hands are transmitting the energy of your desire to the ball and that simple mental images become more and more material. Hide the ball in a secret place and keep it there until your dream comes true.

Chinese Wish Fulfillment Magic
To successfully implement your plans, purchase nine Chinese coins with square holes in the middle. Put all these coins on a red cord or thread and keep such a necklace in your home. From time to time, hold this amulet in your hands and imagine that your dream is coming true.

Witchcraft technique for obtaining a talisman for the fulfillment of desires
For witchcraft that helps in the fulfillment of desires, you will need a large, thick candle and a sufficient amount of sunflower oil. Use a needle to write your wish on the candle. For example: “By the end of the week I will be paid back” or “I will be loved (or loved) by such and such a person.” Having done this, dip the candle in oil so that it soaks the entire surface of it. Then take the candle out of the oil, wait a bit for the excess to drain off, and place it in the candlestick. Light a candle. Look at its flame and mentally imagine that the events you have planned are already happening. Let the candle burn out to the end. You do not have to be around all this time: just think that the fire gradually melts the wax, turning your thought into reality. When the candle burns out, collect all the remaining wax in a small envelope and keep it as a talisman until the plan is fulfilled.

Strong witchcraft for the fulfillment of desires - "Mirror Desire"
Write your desire on a small mirror, for example: "I want more money, love and promotion." Then wash off this inscription from the surface of the mirror with clean water. After that, do not pour out the water, but collect it in a small vessel. You can also lower the mirror into a deep plate filled with water and wait until the ink with which your dreams are written on it dissolves. Pour all the ink water or spray it from a spray bottle in the place where your plans are to be implemented, or add a few drops of this water to the drink of the one who is responsible for fulfilling your dream.

Magic beans for fulfilling a wish
To fulfill your dream, hold one large bean in your left fist, concentrate on your problem or desire and imagine a favorable outcome of your plans. Then rub the bob with the thumb of your right hand: the movement of the finger should be made in a clockwise direction. Wear this bean close to your heart for seven days and your wish will surely come true. True, at the same time, one should not forget that any desire must be reasonable: if, for example, you want to become a millionaire in a week, then at the moment at least half of the amount you need should already be in your pocket. If you are trying with the help of magic to achieve something that is completely not intended for you by fate, or, having performed a ritual, you decide not to participate in your fate in any way, then most likely you will remain on the beans.

Fire Magic Technique for Wish Fulfillment
In order for your dream or the plans of people close to you to become a reality, use the magic of fire. Toward evening, go with your friends to a deserted place, build a fire there from nine birch logs. When the fire burns well and all the logs turn into red coals, stir them with a poker so that sparks fly from them, and, looking at these sparks, imagine the desired event. But do not forget that any magic will only be valid if you actually use all your skills to fulfill your dreams.

Technique for making an amulet for the fulfillment of desires
To achieve some important goal for you, make through holes in nine beans. Put all the beans on a green thread and keep such an amulet in your home. At the beginning of the day, before you go about your business, take it in your hands, touch the beans with your fingers (like a rosary) and think about what you need to do today to fulfill your dream.

Wish fulfillment rituals will help those who often dream of different things - get married, find a good job, buy a car, lose weight, look younger, quit smoking, get rich ... The list is almost endless. Of course, the fulfillment of our desires depends not only on magic, but also on ourselves.

In the article:

Rituals for the fulfillment of desires - theory and practice

When making a wish, you need to focus on the goal, and not the way to get what you want, because the Universe can choose a way that you don’t even know about, but which can turn out to be very useful.

The wording of the desire is very important and should be thought about before you start the ritual. The results of witchcraft depend on its correctness, as well as whether it will harm you and your loved ones. Keep in mind that the desire must be feasible - it is unlikely that you will be able to become the president of Brazil or find a treasure without leaving your apartment. Inaction regarding your goal will negate the effect of magic.

To perform this ritual for the fulfillment of a wish, you will need a large candle - the larger, the better. The color is chosen based on the goal you are achieving:

White - recovery, purification.
Black is protection. If black candles are unpleasant for you, you can replace it with white.
Orange - career, luck, self-expression, creativity.
Pink - reconciliation, family, wedding.
Red - love, sex, conquest, strength and confidence.
Blue is mental health.
Green - money and health.
Brown - nature, gardening.
Yellow - travel and trips, friends.

The candle must be placed in a new candlestick or on a new saucer. Every night before going to bed, light a candle, contemplate its flame and imagine what will happen when your wish comes true. You yourself will feel when the session will need to be stopped until the next evening. The action of this ritual begins much earlier than the candle burns out, but you should still burn it completely.

Nodular magic for the fulfillment of desires

It is necessary to tie 9 knots on the cord of the color that matches your desire (see color meanings above), moving alternately from the ends of the cord to the center. When tying each of the nine knots, you need to concentrate on your plan, peer into the knots and feel the fulfillment of your desire. For each knot, the corresponding words are said:

The first knot the spell begins,
The second knot fulfills the desire,
The third knot frees the magic,
The fourth knot fixes my word,
The fifth knot weaves a spell,
The sixth knot binds witchcraft,
The seventh bundle with my word flies to heaven,
The eighth knot completes the magic,
The ninth knot helps to take what you want.

Until the wish is fulfilled, the cord should be carried with you. As soon as it comes true, you should burn it on the street or near the window.

For 3 days before the ceremony, fast without meat. Buy 40 thin candles ahead of time. They do not have to be church, the fact is that this ceremony requires candles that will burn quickly. You can buy tablet candles, but they burn for quite a long time - about 4 hours. Church and thin shop candles burn out in a few minutes.

The time for this witchcraft is just after midnight. You shouldn't start early. Later you can - until 3 o'clock in the morning, but remember that you will depend on the burning time of the candles, and it is advisable to finish the ceremony before dawn.

In addition to candles, you also need to prepare a beautiful tray (not necessarily new, but clean and non-flammable - remember about candles that will burn out to the end) and a mirror. Unlike a tray, a mirror must be bought new, and it cannot be used for its intended purpose.

Place 40 candles on a tray in a circle. Place a mirror on the floor, leaning it against the wall. The tray should stand so that all the burning candles are completely reflected in it. After you arrange the items necessary for the ritual and light the candles, you should look at the reflection of the flame and ask for the fulfillment of a wish as if you could not live without it. This must be done until all the candles go out.

After the candles go out, it is not necessary to remain in complete darkness. Moreover, it is unpleasant for many, and it is simply impossible to see in the dark. Pick up a mirror, thank him for his help, wrap it in a piece of red fabric and hide it.

You can look into this mirror when you experience strong emotions. It will collect your energy and help in carrying out even the most complex rituals. Wax from 40 candles should not be thrown away either - make a new candle out of it. It will be good to help you get rid of depression, bad mood and ailments of any kind.

Water conspiracy for desire

Pour water into a transparent glass, focus on what you want to receive from the Universe and say:

Voditsa, voditsa, you give me a drink,
You let me wash
So give me some water three drops of luck, five drops of luck and a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bhappiness
I close it with a key, wash it with water, according to my word, let everything come true. Amen!

After pronouncing the plot, say your desire aloud. The plot is read once, once you need to say your desire, and repeat it three times. That is, the conspiracy and desire must be spoken 3 times. Then drink the water very slowly.

Almost everyone knows what it is. This is a fundamentally new type of magic based on faith, imagination and the impact of positive energy, which takes place, because Simoron rituals are usually very fun and can not only help you achieve what you want, but also cheer you up.

For the Simoron ritual for a wish, you need a lace. It can be used or new, but you cannot choose black. Pick it up and make a wish. Avoid unnecessary words. The desire should be formulated in the present tense, as if the event you need is already happening, and you are enjoying what you have achieved. Do not use negations and the word "I want." There are no more restrictions.

Speak this desire on a string and complete it with a conspiracy:

I tie the lace, I tie the desire to myself
