Women's misconceptions about love, sex and men. Women's misconceptions about men

    • Many women are convinced that they are experts in the field of male psychology. However, research by modern scientists suggests that these beliefs are fundamentally wrong. The existing stereotypes, which are considered characteristic of the stronger sex, do not correspond to reality. What are the most common misconceptions?


      First: men do not like and are even afraid of smart women.

      Refutation. According to surveys conducted among men of various ages and nationalities, they are unanimous in their opinion: stupid women are annoying. Smart ones are preferable, but here it is better to find a middle ground.

      Second: When meeting a man, first of all, he evaluates a woman’s appearance.

      Refutation. Not appearance, but one, but bright detail. It could be breasts, thighs... whatever!

      Third: the way to a man's heart... and so on.

      Refutation. Well, of course, no one will refuse something delicious - neither man nor woman. But you won’t be able to keep a man near you just by feeding him. He will find himself a more versatile woman.

      Fourth: For a man, the most important thing is sex.

      Refutation. It depends on the man’s temperament and is not a dogma at all. There are many representatives of the stronger sex who prefer an interesting conversation to sex.

      Fifth: a man should be able to do all the “man’s” work.

      Refutation. Is not a fact. There are men who are convinced that everyone should mind their own business and that wiring is the responsibility of an electrician whose services he can pay for. And there are no flaws in this logical construction.

      Sixth: if the woman had not insisted, the man would never have married.

      Refutation. 80% of men want to have a full-fledged family and at least two children. Of course, 20% are afraid of marriage, but this does not mean that they do not want to get married. It's just that these men are very careful in choosing their other half.

      Seventh and last: For a man, his appearance does not matter.

      Refutation. Most men strive to impress, no less than women. They just have different methods.

      Dear women, be attentive to your chosen ones, do not be guided by stereotypes, and then it will not be difficult for you to find an approach to such a gentle and capricious creature as a man!

Sometimes we women are sure that we do everything flawlessly and we are the best, and let the whole world revolve around us. And when it comes to men, we are simply experts in this matter. We know what they need from us, what they want from life, how they think and how they will behave in some situation. But, unfortunately, this is the most important female mistake. Don't be too sure about this. In this article we will highlight the most important mistakes that women make in relation to men.

Perhaps, Our biggest mistake is the myth that men only need one thing from us, and they don’t really care about our inner world and all our feelings, emotions and experiences. Maybe this was the case before, and men were too tough, but now a lot has changed. In the modern world, a man is considered the main breadwinner, so he spends all his everyday life at work, and all his thoughts are occupied with his career, and when he gets home, he no longer has the strength to think about some kind of romantic evening, or especially sex. The woman sees all this and thinks that the man has stopped loving her and is more interested in lying on the couch than talking to her. In fact, he just needs rest now, but that doesn't mean he's so insensitive. Men, just like women, know how to experience and experience feelings, and sometimes it gives them much more pleasure to talk heart-to-heart with you than to have a sexual marathon in bed.

Another common mistake among women is that the way to a man's heart is through... Well, I think you already know the end. Of course, a girl should at least sometimes cook for her man, but some people do it well, and some do it worse. Yes, your ability to cook is another plus in your favor, but remember, for a man this is not important, much less a determining factor. And you will certainly never keep a man nearby with your excellent cooking, you can even conduct an experiment: first approach your loved one with a plate of borscht, and then in a spicy outfit. Which option do you think he will like best? I think you already guessed it yourself.

It is also believed that appearance is not at all important for a man, and in general he should be a little more beautiful than a monkey. Of course, on the one hand, this is true; we don’t love people for their appearance. And if he has a number of other qualities, for example, he is a good conversationalist, smart, kind and cares about you, then you will not be too worried about the fact that he has a crooked nose. He compensates for his shortcomings in appearance with internal qualities. Well, we women are not always beauties. But there is also a downside to this issue, we girls are also to some extent aesthetics and want to see with us, if not a sultry handsome man, but at least a pleasant and well-groomed man, and sometimes we ourselves fall for beautiful eyes or a figure. Maybe this sounds a little rude, but it really is, and in life this is often how things happen.

Another common mistake women make is thinking that all men are polygamous and they will definitely cheat on her at the right opportunity, and they will do it without much remorse. Yes, there are undoubtedly men who will easily go left, but there are plenty of girls like that now. So let’s not shift all responsibility to men, because we, too, are not always angels.

The following misconception: there are no real men now, not what they used to be. Stop, now think about it, how do you know what men used to be like? Have you seen them or maybe met them somewhere other than books or films? What makes you think that in past times men were much more ideal and better than they are now? The male brain is structured completely differently than ours, so we will never understand many things, and should we, because the female and male sexes are interesting to each other because they are completely different. And besides, every girl can fashion her ideal from her chosen one, and if she shows by her behavior and actions that she doesn’t care about the man who is nearby, then there will be no return from him, much less any men's actions.

There is another female misconception: at the moment when it comes to living together or family life, all men seem to dissolve and become slackers.

Maybe, after reading this article, you don’t want to lose faith in your misconceptions about men or find it too emotional, but wherever there are feelings you can’t do without unnecessary emotions. We really hope that you will take note of the advice from the article and your family life will become more harmonious, and you will know how to react to male behavior in a given situation and avoid sharp corners.

Especially for LadySpecial - Natella

Most men live quietly and have no idea about the subtleties of female nature. Therefore, it is much easier for women to manipulate a man, since the conclusions that have formed in the male mind are erroneous and do not reveal the full depth of a woman’s character.

The magazine "Krasnaya Burda" compiled a list funny, but sometimes the most common male misconceptions about women are quite true:

  1. The woman herself does not know what she wants. It's a delusion. The woman knows perfectly well what she wants, she saw it in the store yesterday.
  2. For a woman, the most important thing in life is family. This is not entirely true. Without a family hearth, a woman, at the very least, can live for years. He can live without new boots for months, but without oxygen - no longer than a minute. So the most important thing in a woman’s life is oxygen.
  3. If a woman starts getting ready earlier, she will be able to leave the house on time. Nothing like this! If it takes longer to get ready, it will simply take longer to get ready.
  4. If a woman goes “to the left,” it means she is missing something at home. Again, wrong! The house is always full of everything. In particular, a complete wash. And in general there is a lot to do.
  5. Women should not be allowed to drive cars. Nonsense. When you two are visiting, she simply has to drive home, she’s such a great driver!
  6. Women have short memories. Not true. A person with a short memory cannot remember your wedding day, the day you met, when you first kissed, remember when and what you promised her, what state you were in a month ago, what nasty thing you said to her mother at her father-in-law’s anniversary, remember that you This is the third time in a year you’ve celebrated your boss’s birthday at work and there’s no Svetlana among your co-workers!
  7. Prostitutes make excellent housing office chiefs. But this is not a misconception! We know one.
  8. After sex, you need to immediately marry the woman. This is a serious mistake. After sex you should smoke immediately.
  9. A woman can forgive betrayal for a fur coat. It's the other way around. The fur coat will just remind her of your betrayal until a new fur coat appears.
  10. If she finds out that I cheated on her one hundred and thirty-two times, she will leave me. This is ridiculous. Tell some other fool about your heroic one hundred and thirty-two times! Better yet, go get some potatoes!
  11. Women were not hired to wash dishes and cook for the entire shobla. This is not entirely true. They, of course, were not hired to do all this. But they will.
  12. All women are beautiful in their own way. Nonsense. There are also, in my opinion, scary ones.
  13. Any woman will spend the night with you for a thousand-carat diamond ring. Actually this is not true. There's no way in hell you'd give that ring to anyone, right?
  14. Women are fragile and delicate creatures. Rave. In Singapore, a woman fell from a twenty-eighth floor balcony and was left unharmed. In Naryan-Mar, one woman sat on a man’s lap and broke his legs. Or here’s another thing: in Krasnoyarsk, a woman beat up and threw out the driver of a KrAZ truck.
  15. Women first of all pay attention to a man’s buttocks. And this statement is also, unfortunately, incorrect. Many women first pay attention to whether he paid for the fare, and only then to the buttocks.

Sometimes we women are sure that we do everything flawlessly and we are the best, and let the whole world revolve around us. And when it comes to men, we are simply experts in this matter. We know what they need from us, what they want from life, how they think and how they will behave in some situation. But, unfortunately, this is the most important female mistake. Don't be too sure about this. In this article we will highlight the most important mistakes that women make in relation to men.

Perhaps, Our biggest mistake is the myth that men only need one thing from us, and they don’t really care about our inner world and all our feelings, emotions and experiences. Maybe this was the case before, and men were too tough, but now a lot has changed. In the modern world, a man is considered the main breadwinner, so he spends all his everyday life at work, and all his thoughts are occupied with his career, and when he gets home, he no longer has the strength to think about some kind of romantic evening, or especially sex. The woman sees all this and thinks that the man has stopped loving her and is more interested in lying on the couch than talking to her. In fact, he just needs rest now, but that doesn't mean he's so insensitive. Men, just like women, know how to experience and experience feelings, and sometimes it gives them much more pleasure to talk heart-to-heart with you than to have a sexual marathon in bed.

Another common mistake among women is that the way to a man's heart is through... Well, I think you already know the end. Of course, a girl should at least sometimes cook for her man, but some people do it well, and some do it worse. Yes, your ability to cook is another plus in your favor, but remember, for a man this is not important, much less a determining factor. And you will certainly never keep a man nearby with your excellent cooking, you can even conduct an experiment: first approach your loved one with a plate of borscht, and then in a spicy outfit. Which option do you think he will like best? I think you already guessed it yourself.

It is also believed that appearance is not at all important for a man, and in general he should be a little more beautiful than a monkey. Of course, on the one hand, this is true; we don’t love people for their appearance. And if he has a number of other qualities, for example, he is a good conversationalist, smart, kind and cares about you, then you will not be too worried about the fact that he has a crooked nose. He compensates for his shortcomings in appearance with internal qualities. Well, we women are not always beauties. But there is also a downside to this issue, we girls are also to some extent aesthetics and want to see with us, if not a sultry handsome man, but at least a pleasant and well-groomed man, and sometimes we ourselves fall for beautiful eyes or a figure. Maybe this sounds a little rude, but it really is, and in life this is often how things happen.

Another common mistake women make is thinking that all men are polygamous and they will definitely cheat on her at the right opportunity, and they will do it without much remorse. Yes, there are undoubtedly men who will easily go left, but there are plenty of girls like that now. So let’s not shift all responsibility to men, because we, too, are not always angels.

The following misconception: there are no real men now, not what they used to be. Stop, now think about it, how do you know what men used to be like? Have you seen them or maybe met them somewhere other than books or films? What makes you think that in past times men were much more ideal and better than they are now? The male brain is structured completely differently than ours, so we will never understand many things, and should we, because the female and male sexes are interesting to each other because they are completely different. And besides, every girl can fashion her ideal from her chosen one, and if she shows by her behavior and actions that she doesn’t care about the man who is nearby, then there will be no return from him, much less any men's actions.

There is another female misconception: at the moment when it comes to living together or family life, all men seem to dissolve and become slackers.

Maybe, after reading this article, you don’t want to lose faith in your misconceptions about men or find it too emotional, but wherever there are feelings you can’t do without unnecessary emotions. We really hope that you will take note of the advice from the article and your family life will become more harmonious, and you will know how to react to male behavior in a given situation and avoid sharp corners.

Especially for Lucky-Girl - Natella

1. A man can watch a woman work endlessly.
This statement is only half true, or rather, the lower half of a woman washing the floor for an endlessly long time.

2. Men constantly throw everything everywhere.
It is not true. Men scatter only socks, underpants, shirts, watches, cell phones, cigarettes, licenses, fishing tackle, and bread crumbs around the house. But they keep everything else in perfect order and almost never throw lingerie, hairpins, keys or nail scissors around.

3. The fume is produced only in the male body.
Not only. Academician Pavlov's experimental dogs were also able to emit fumes after drinking laboratory alcohol.

4. If a man snores, it means he has lost interest in his woman.
This is wrong. It is enough to push a snoring man aside several times a night and ask him: “Do you love me?” Literally the third time you will see that a spark of wild, genuine interest in you flashes in his eyes.

5. The larger a man’s nose, the larger his foot size.
It is not true. We at the editorial office checked and did not find any correlation. But they established another relationship: the larger a man’s nose, the more Jewish he is.

6. Men love fools.
This is mistake. Men fool fools, they only pretend that they love fools, and while the fools rejoice, drooling happily, they run to the smart ones. One of our friends, a candidate of sciences, has ten men running to her!

7. The man doesn’t remember his wedding day.
It's a lie! The man not only remembers the wedding day, but also what the boys drank, who went with whom, what nonsense Uncle Kolya gave or said. He just doesn't remember when it all happened.

8. All men are bastards.
This is a blatant mistake. If all men are bastards, then so are our president and prime minister, too???.. Think first, and then be mistaken, dear women!

9. All men with a/o, b/u, w/p and a/m are handsome!
This misconception is true! Any owner of a military, private, female, female and a/m will happily subscribe to this wonderful, truthful misconception.

10. Men look first at a woman’s breasts, and then at her butt.
This is true, but only in those cases when the woman does not walk butt forward!

11. Men are afraid of doctors.
Nonsense. Men are afraid of injections, the sight of blood, instruments, the cold screen of an X-ray machine. And men are not afraid of doctors at all. There is a known case where a man single-handedly attacked two orderlies and a psychiatrist.

12. Men never lift the toilet seat.
Rave! Men are capable of much! They can even lift a toilet easily!

13. All men are vile animals.
Oh, how's that? Well, we will answer this misconception with a joke. Or better yet, let’s refute it with folk wisdom. It says: “All women are fools!” Like this.

14. Men love some and marry others.
It is not true. Many men love the same ones and marry the same ones!

15. Men don’t understand anything about beauty.
Of course, men cannot distinguish pretty from pretty. Here we are forced to agree and get rid of it. And a beer!
