Femininity through the eyes of guys, or a look from the side. How to create feminine style in spring

Describing the ideal representative of the beautiful half of humanity, guys often mention such a characteristic as femininity. This quality is glorified by singers and writers, portrayed by artists and composers.

What does femininity look like? Perhaps it's all about the right clothes and makeup? Or does a beautiful figure play a special role? Of course, external data is not the last place in the concept of "femininity", however, young people appreciate the inner female power more.

Beautiful girls, who do not understand at all why the opposite sex considers them more like friends, sooner or later begin to ask the right question: what is femininity and is it not what men expect from young ladies?

According to numerous sources, femininity is a combination of characteristics that are usually attributed to the weaker sex or expected from girls, such as sensitivity, honesty, devotion, tenderness, gentleness.

All this makes the representatives of the strong half of humanity feel like a man. Of course, in different cultures and eras, femininity was interpreted in completely different ways. However, the qualities listed above are inherent, perhaps, in every time and people.

But! Modern ladies are becoming more confident in their own abilities, free and wanting independence. To cope with difficulties, women make their efforts without asking for help from men. Femininity is slowly disappearing...

Guys love with their eyes, as you know, that's why a feminine lady for them is the one whose figure and appearance arouses desire. This is the so-called external femininity, which creates a certain set of impressions for the stronger sex with just one look at the girl.

How to become feminine and desirable for a man? Is the figure and selectivity in clothes important?

  1. A feminine woman, according to many men, has long hair. Historically, young ladies with a thick "mane" to the waist are considered more attractive than girls with short haircuts. However, the main thing is well-groomed and natural hair, it is better to do without high and overly complex hairstyles.
  2. A beautiful figure is not just a tribute to fashion. You should not think about beauty standards, it is better to think about normal weight, exercise and nutrition. A slender figure, optimal body weight are signs of femininity.
  3. Femininity through men's eyes is the presence in the girl's wardrobe of dresses, high heels, transparent blouses. In clothes, materials that are soft to the touch are preferable, which flow and give the figure lightness and airiness. Excessively brutal things destroy the feminine essence.
  4. Polls on men's forums show that, not really understanding the intricacies of using cosmetics, guys subconsciously consider excessive "coloring" on the face to be vulgar. In their opinion, a feminine woman prefers soft and delicate shades in makeup.
  5. The figure, of course, is important, but a well-groomed and neat appearance is considered an equally essential condition for the external attributes of femininity. Beautiful skin, clean, smooth hair, neat manicure are the most feminine signs of a true lady.

It is extremely difficult to explain and talk about what inner femininity is through the eyes of men. Each representative of the stronger sex is aware of what a feminine woman she is, but rarely can anyone convey in words.

This is not a figure, not hair, but something so personal that it can induce a guy to action, arouse in him a desire to achieve a girl.

Let us turn again to the men's forums. What do guys mean by "femininity"?

  1. A feminine woman is relaxed and calm. Irritability, nervousness and hysteria do not adorn a sweet lady. She is like a kitty that lies on the soft, but at any moment is ready to get together, concentrate and go on the "hunt".
  2. The ability to trust a man is an important quality of girls. A commanding tone, numerous teachings and a heavy look are unlikely to adorn a woman. The guys, looking at the young lady, should want to stand up for her, hide behind her back and keep her from any problems in every possible way.
  3. True femininity is the ability to listen and communicate. This means both the ability to feel and "infect" the emotions of the interlocutor, and general erudition, the possession of certain knowledge, speech skills. In addition, it is important for a girl to be able to keep secrets.
  4. Emotionality is also a sign of femininity, so you should not succumb to feminist sentiments and forget about your nature. But! Excessive expression of feelings can transfer you to the rank of an unbalanced person and a hysterical personality. An important rule is naturalness and, oddly enough, reasonableness in emotional manifestations.
  5. Figure, pretty face, good taste in clothes? No. Women have long been associated with motherhood. Not a single beauty can be compared in femininity with a future mother, with a girl raising a child. This is a natural instinct, if you like, a female destiny.

Men's forums are full of opinions and comments regarding the feminine essence, femininity and the ideal image of the second half. So, what is she - a feminine woman?

She is charming, distinguished by sophistication, good manners, the ability to profitably teach herself, which produces an incredible effect. What is femininity in the eyes of men?

This image includes criteria such as:

  • inner softness;
  • trust and respect for the partner;
  • the ability to avoid conflict;
  • affectionate character;
  • love for a child
  • a slim body;
  • long hair in natural shades;
  • love and desire for purity in all aspects;
  • desire for self-development;
  • no bad habits.

Of course, some guys are crazy about girls with a strong character, purposeful and able to solve their problems on their own.

However, these men still prefer to link their fate with feminine girls, who are distinguished by weakness and softness.

How to become more feminine?

True femininity lies in simple truths that are available to every girl. But as it usually happens, simplicity is an extremely complex thing. The men's forum and the guys' comments show what they expect from potential life partners.

So, what should a girl change in herself so that a man considers her feminine?

  1. Inaccessibility. A girl is a goal for the representatives of the stronger sex, because they still remain warriors and hunters. A man wants to conquer a fortress, to conquer the peak. A feminine woman is valued for her inaccessibility and the ability to be proud (of course, without too much fanaticism).
  2. Happiness. Joyful carelessness, smiling and easy communication give the girl more femininity. Many men aspire to such a young lady. However, today's ladies are less and less happy with trifles, small surprises, acquiring detachment, masculine traits.
  3. Weakness. Modern girls enter into a tough confrontation with men for social dominance, equal rights and more significant social roles. Such a struggle does not contribute to femininity, because by their nature, lovely ladies are weak creatures in need of a male shoulder. Men on the forums are sure that the charm of a woman lies in her weakness.
  4. Effectiveness. An attractive and charismatic girl stands out from the general crowd. A sweet young lady seems more feminine than a beauty whose clothes are dominated by a masculine style. Figure-hugging dresses and additional accessories always attract guys.
  5. Romance. Who said sentimentality is out of fashion these days? Admiring the sunset, walking and kissing under the moonlight, watching a melodrama together - romance, which, unfortunately, gradually disappears due to the oversaturation of impressions and emotions in our lives.
  6. The ability to love. The uniqueness of a woman lies in her desire and ability to love, give her feelings and take the emotions of the chosen one. What a beautiful girl in love! Especially when the love is mutual. However, some modern young ladies prefer short-term relationships that do not involve deep feelings.
  7. The ability to inspire. Inspiration makes representatives of the strong half of humanity write poems and poems, perform feats, and improve themselves. However, only a feminine girl is able to inspire with her figure, voice, love - by any means available. There is a curious phrase that says that behind every great man there was a great woman.
  8. Thrift. The ability to create comfort in a home, to preserve the hearth and the desire to raise a child are qualities inherent in an economic woman. However, they are also present in a feminine girl, since both of these characteristics are taken into account by men when choosing a future wife.
  9. Moderation. Femininity does not mean the desire to fill the entire living space of a guy. Do not forget that a real woman is somewhat inaccessible, mysterious. She is a riddle that a man wants to solve. You should not fully open up at the very beginning of an acquaintance, simultaneously demanding the same step from a partner.

Femininity through the eyes of men is a combination of multiple factors. Beautiful figure, romance and softness ...

With the beginning of the autumn season, you feel that you are starting to lose your femininity, dressing more often in jeans, jackets, coats and warming up in oversized sweaters and jackets. It was so easy to look elegant and sophisticated in the summer, wearing a win-win option - a flying dress ... Unfortunately, with the advent of cold weather, this simple trick is becoming less and less acceptable. Fortunately, you can be feminine and delicate at any time of the year, read our tips on how to do it with the help of a regular seasonal wardrobe.

1. Wear your perfect fit

It seems to you that this advice is very simple, because you always buy clothes in your size. But this is only at first glance. In fact, it is very rare to buy a thing that fits the figure perfectly, because such clothes are tailored according to one pattern, and the figures of all women are very different. Women often put up with small inconsistencies in the waist, chest, shoulders ... Do not put up with the wrong thing, if you like it, take it to the studio and fit it exactly to the figure, you will see how comfortable it has become to wear it. In addition, your self-confidence and self-esteem will increase. Not to mention the main goal: clothes will gently hug the figure, placing the right accents on all its feminine charms.

2. Complete the look with jewelry

An elegant chain around your neck or a cute bracelet on your wrist, dangling stones in earrings or glittering rings on your fingers - all this creates your unique, cute and feminine image. When shopping for a new blouse or dress, consider how you can spruce it up with jewelry. If you do not have a suitable brooch or beads in your arsenal, you should pick up something delicate and quite simple. Avoid flashy and bulky jewelry, they will not be able to emphasize your femininity. These are decorations for other purposes. Stop at elegant products, by the way, they will also be appropriate in a business style.

3. Bright colors

In the cool season, when it is difficult to play with light fabrics, try another win-win option: add bright accents to your wardrobe in the form of juicy colors. Try colorful shoes or scarves, hats or bags. If you don’t like pinks and reds, then try other equally cheerful colors: pearls, emeralds, purples and blues. Once you get the hang of it, you might even try wearing a cherry-coloured coat one day, don't be surprised if your femininity indicator goes off scale.

4. Use perfume

Perhaps this should have been written as the first paragraph, because, in fact, being feminine means feeling like that. Femininity generally comes from somewhere inside, is created in the subconscious and spreads to the entire aura of a woman. Not surprisingly, a flirtatious and delicate scent of perfume can help you feel more feminine. Like a cloud of pollen, it envelops you and gives you self-confidence, femininity and originality, which cannot be hidden under any sweater and jeans.

5.Elegant shoes

Shoes are like the basis for your entire appearance. You can be super sexy, dainty dramatic or formal, depending on the shoes you choose for a particular outfit. In an effort to create a feminine look, you can dress in ruffles, ruffles, bows and lace, but a simple pair of styles or sneakers will mercilessly destroy the carefully crafted image. There are times when mixing femininity and edgy elements works great, but if you don't know how to do it perfectly, you risk ending up looking old-fashioned and inappropriate! Pay attention to graceful ballroom shoes, chic ankle boots, elegant high boots - all these models can enhance and highlight your femininity and elegance.

6. Your hair

Fall hair styling can be one of the toughest things to do when it comes to creating a feminine style. Of course, when you visit the hairdresser you can get the perfect look, but everyday hairstyles should not take much time. Curls and curls are the quintessence of feminine and romantic style, requiring significant time and effort to create them. Try creating a romantic look with cute, age-appropriate hair accessories instead of torturing yourself with feminine curls. How to make some graceful hairstyles from medium length hair, we already wrote in the article.

7. Wear nice underwear

We have already touched on the inner dimension of femininity - your own sense of self. Wearing beautiful sexy clothes is the second key to feeling more feminine and sexy. An oversized sports bra and bulky panties may keep you warm, but don't make you feel like a real lady. It kills your attractive curves, so opt for beautiful modeling lingerie, you will feel much more attractive.

8. Know your body type

This tip may sound similar to the first one, but it is much broader, because knowing what types and forms of clothing are right for your body type helps you build the right wardrobe and look your best. Knowing the features of your figure, you can win-win underline its advantages and level out some of the shortcomings. Curvy or thin, tall or short, you can be feminine in any case, knowing what details of the toilet adorn your personality and attractive forms.

9. Think about accessories

Just like adding jewelry, incorporating bright, stylish accessories into an outfit is one of the simple and versatile paths to a more feminine style. A stylish bag and a beautiful neckerchief can spice up your look. Please note that accessories should be harmoniously balanced with the rest of the clothing, both in color terms and in shape, texture and materials. This is the key to good taste.

10. Add some feminine accents

It's easy enough to add a touch of femininity to almost any wardrobe with some romantic touches like bows, flowers, lace, sequins, pearls or embroidery. None of these pieces are frilly, but if you start wearing them all at once, you risk looking ridiculous. Try simply adding a ribbon to the braid, or a flower brooch, or a butterfly pin. Apply some shimmery makeup or a subtle nail polish. Throw a light scarf around your neck or tie a scarf over your purse, throw a pashmina or shawl over your shoulders ... Notice how your look changes every time. When you change this or that accent.

There are many more easy ways to look more feminine, but the key thing to remember is to stay true to your personal style and wear what you feel most comfortable with. Avoid global image changes, do not copy someone and just love yourself and your femininity.

Almost every representative of the fair sex dreams of looking feminine, which means attractive.

But here's the paradox: ask any woman about what a feminine style is, and she will definitely give you her own "original recipe" for creating a feminine look. Yes, yes, we can easily distinguish retro from punk, sports style from glamorous, but we know almost nothing about feminine style in clothes.

What is the feminine style of clothing?

Of course, this gap should be urgently filled by memorizing 10 distinctive features of feminine style:

  1. Silhouette. Clothing should emphasize all the advantages of a female figure: beautiful breasts, hips, a thin waist, well-groomed legs. This does not mean at all that your dresses and blouses should only be tight-fitting and open. Your outfit may be voluminous, but it should fit the figure without distorting its proportions and without giving it a shapeless look.
  2. Styles. Models of women's clothing with their seams and reliefs, folds and finishes, are distinguished by softness and smoothness of lines. Sharp, hard graphic elements create a feeling of aggression and imbalance, which is unlikely to attract the opposite sex to you.
  3. Color spectrum. Color plays a decisive role in creating a feminine look, so pay attention to clothes in delicate pastel colors. Colors can be very diverse, but we should not forget that the most feminine color was and remains red, as well as all its "derivatives" from pink-coral to lilac-violet shades.
  4. Fabrics. The main fabrics of the feminine style are chiffon, silk, velvet, satin and knitwear. Here, the same principle plays a decisive role - the fabric should be light, airy and soft, i.e. creating a feeling of tenderness, warmth and comfort.
  5. Decor. Women's style should be elegant. Ruffles, lace, flounces and frills give the clothes elegance, femininity and a special charm. The main thing is to choose the right color. You should not get too carried away with black, it is better to pay attention to pastel shades, which are the best fit for clothes in a feminine style.
  6. Pattern. Stripes, cage, strict lines - this is not your choice. The feminine style is characterized by delicate color transitions, as well as floral, fantasy or watercolor patterns.
  7. Hat. This accessory can be very different - with and without fields, with a bright decor of feathers, flowers, draperies and veils. The main thing is that it looks appropriate and harmoniously combined with your outfit.
  8. Shoes. A platform, a massive toe and a wide heel are definitely not your option. Choose shoes with thin high heels, with neat straps and clasps.
  9. Scarf. Lightweight chiffon fabric, delicate colors and a pleasant floral pattern - this is the perfect scarf, "seasoned" in the best traditions of feminine style. With it, you can add charm and elegance to even the most simple and modest image.
  10. Decorations. Beads, pendants, earrings and bracelets are a must-have addition to a feminine outfit. Refuse massive jewelry, giving preference to miniature and sophistication.

Most beautiful ladies prefer to wear feminine style clothes. Even girls who wear only jeans and T-shirts in everyday life, sooner or later think about how to make their image more feminine. But when choosing a feminine set of clothes, there is a risk of creating an image that is too frank, defiantly sexy (for example, very deep necklines or ultra-short skirts).

In principle, the concept of "feminine style" is rather abstract. A girl can look feminine in a sports outfit. Here we are talking more about a feminine image, created with the help of properly selected clothes.

Feminine image

There are two basic rules, based on which you can easily choose a girl's wardrobe in a feminine style:

  • choose things that men will never wear;
  • opt for things that men themselves consider feminine.

The main item of any feminine wardrobe is a dress. What is characteristic of a dress in a feminine style? It should favorably emphasize the female dignity of the figure - the waist, chest, legs - in general, everything that nature has endowed.

Sporty feminine style

Do you want to stay feminine while dressing sporty and comfortable? Opt for a dress in a sporty style. Its main feature is that it is very comfortable, usually made from natural materials.

The second plus of a sports dress is a simple cut, so this outfit will not hamper movement. The style of a sports dress can be tight-fitting, or it can be loose, but always comfortable. And, despite all these qualities, a sports dress can be attractive and seductive.

The shades that are most common in are very diverse. The most popular natural tones are white, shades of brown, gray, khaki.

The high pace of life and the bustle of the metropolis have led to the fact that many of the fair sex have lost the desire to be feminine. But still, the natural essence takes precedence over acquired habits, and the desire to please men looks quite natural. How can you demonstrate to others the fragility and defenselessness of the emotional nature? Good help in this will have a feminine style in clothing. With the help of a well-designed wardrobe, it is possible to organically express the natural qualities of character.

Components of the female image

It would be erroneous to believe that in order to achieve the goal of a modern girl, it is enough to grow long hair, put on a dress and shoes. These actions alone are not enough, because fashion is distinguished by a rich palette of colors and a variety of styles. Therefore, the impression that a lady makes on others depends on the silhouette, shape, proportions and color of the selected items.

Feminine style is a very relative category. This concept mostly consists of ethical parameters and psychological attitudes, supported by material elements. Therefore, when it comes to the femininity of style, most often it means the ability to form a wardrobe according to certain rules:

  • wear only those clothes that a man will never wear;
  • always choose things that the stronger sex approves of.

Long-term studies of fashion publications allow us to draw certain conclusions about men's preferences. From them it becomes clear that the strong half does not approve of long skirts that hide women's legs, bright colors, colorful fabric colors, and rough shoes.

At the same time, most men like knee-length dresses with small flowers. They admire women's legs in pumps with stilettos. And brightly painted lips and natural makeup easily spur the male imagination.

Research observations will prompt girls with ideas for gentle and sensual images for every day.

Typical features of a feminine style in clothing

The formation of a characteristic ladies' wardrobe should be based on some rules.

  • fabrics- Preference should be given to light and soft materials that flow beautifully when moving. The texture of the fabrics should make you want to touch them with your hand. Materials such as cotton, wool, denim have long passed into the unisex category. Therefore, in creating feminine bows, it is better to use thin and delicate fabrics such as silk, organza, satin, chiffon, velvet, and lace.

  • Colors- the dominance of pastel shades of yellow, pink, blue, lilac paint. Particular attention is paid to red, because it is the color of feminine and self-sufficient persons, confident in their beauty and irresistibility. From prints, it is better to choose delicate floral arrangements or various types of peas.

  • Silhouette- Clothing should be completely or half-fitting to the figure. Tight or too loose items are not allowed. Femininity is well emphasized by the hourglass silhouette. Pencil skirts, high-waisted models, fitted jackets and dresses help with this. Smooth curves and soft contours of the figure are enhanced by raglan sleeves, rounded collars, the use of buttons, bows and braid instead of zippers.

  • Length- midi is considered optimal. Floor-length dresses and skirts are ideal for evening bows. The mini length, which demonstrates the physiological features of the physique, looks defiant, therefore it is incompatible with the concept of femininity.

  • Finishing- any kind of jewelry that makes clothes more elegant is allowed. For this purpose, flounces, frills, draperies, lace inserts are suitable. A soft neckline, a slightly bare shoulder, a delicate pattern on stockings - such details can subtly emphasize seductive feminine virtues.

  • Shoes- Be sure to have a heel. Enough 3-4 cm of support to feel comfort and convenience. Even at a low height, the leg looks more slender and elongated. For those women who have difficulty wearing heels, a great alternative is offered - elegant ballet shoes or open sandals with woven straps.

  • Accessories- a variety of jewelry, neckerchiefs, light capes, thin gloves, elegant handbags. The ability to combine elements, effectively tie belts and scarves in different ways significantly affects the current image.

A worthy completion of a feminine bow is unobtrusive makeup. The basis is a natural skin tone, the accent is expressive eyes and well-defined lips.

Who suits feminine outfits? Photo

With the help of individual parts of the costume, you can easily correct the shortcomings of the physique. The main principle of choice in this case is the combination of opposites.

The thin outlines and soft lines of the raglan sleeve smooth out the angularity of the shoulders and the wrong proportions of the body. Pleated skirts and peplum jackets add missing volume to lean hips. A flowing neckline and a rounded collar soften sharp features and a square face shape. A lush bow and gathered jabot perfectly replace the missing chest.

Those whom nature has generously endowed with feminine features should be moderate and careful in choosing clothes. A lush bust, mouth-watering hips and a round face should not be emphasized additionally. For girls with such a figure, straight lines and concise forms inherent in military style, sports, safari, business classics are more suitable.

What styles are considered feminine?

Most fashion trends contain elegant and delicate details of the toilet in their arsenal. The greatest manifestation of characteristic features is inherent in romantic and vintage style.

  • Silhouette styles. It can be a cut-off dress with a fitted bodice and a fluffy skirt, semi-adjacent sundresses, blouses made of thin cambric with foam of fine lace, a floor-length skirt, densely gathered at the waist. For sewing such outfits, fabrics with prints of peas, small flowers, bows, and hearts are often used.

  • Fabrics with a smooth and delicate texture. Feminine style is impossible without the use of velvet, silk, satin, crepe de chine.

  • Soft cut lines. Styles with reliefs, undercuts, folds, gathers, draperies are preferred.

Fashion lovers know another style that celebrates femininity. This is Orientalism, characterized by subtle oriental notes. In his wardrobe there are dresses, skirts, blouses made of natural silk, woven with colorful patterns and decorated with shiny threads.

All clothing styles that use feminine features prefer characteristic style colors - pink, red, coral. It is also necessary to display soft overflows in pastel colors - creamy, beige, blue, mother-of-pearl.

Creating a delicate evening bow, it is enough to turn to the traditional black color. A long, flowing floor-length dress with a beautiful decorative trim is the best option for a stylish outfit. For sewing such a product, you need to use only expensive fabric of the best quality.
