Fresh flowers in your hair. How to attach fresh flowers to your hair

Date: 07.25.14 / 18:07

Flowers for wedding hair, selection of colors for hairstyles, instructions and photo tutorials

Dress, shoes, veil, bouquets, beautiful stylish hairstyle... This list of unchanged wedding attributes can only be complemented with jewelry that the beautiful bride will wear. And flowers (live or made of silk, metal, beads, etc.), perhaps best addition gentle romantic image.

However, flowers should be selected and prepared with special care, based on the style of the wedding event, its season, appearance bride (hairstyle, hair color, temperament) and taking into account the meaning that each petal in the hair carries.

The best fresh flowers for hairstyles and their meaning

If you want to tell others about your feelings, carefully choose the buds and their shade, then the “language of flowers” ​​will fully emphasize your mood.

Most brides choose a rose, the queen of flowers, for their hairstyles. White buds speak of innocence and purity, pink and red ones speak of deepness. strong feelings(lush peonies carry the same subtext), love and affection, yellow roses- a symbol of jealousy.

Bright gerberas are a symbol of flirting, Have a good mood and smiles. Freesia is sincerity itself. Callas are a combination of simplicity and elegance, beauty and admiration. Lilies in a hairstyle will symbolize purity, beauty, purity and devotion. And delicate alstroemeria will serve as a real amulet, protecting from enemies and evil glances. Daisies also look great in hair and signify youth and romance. Orchids in hair and bouquets look luxurious, simultaneously symbolizing splendor. And chrysanthemums are perhaps the best hair decoration in autumn period, mean happiness and nobility.

How to choose flowers for your hairstyle

It is advisable to choose shades of colors for hairstyles so that they are combined with others. wedding accessories– the bride’s bouquet, the groom’s boutonniere, etc.

It is believed that hairstyles with large elements are best complemented with large buds. But you shouldn’t turn your hair into a flowerbed, because flowers are just a nuance, a “highlight” that emphasizes the beauty of the strands and weaves, and not the main element of the image. If you have chosen large flowers, then there can be no more than three of them in your hairstyle.

Please note flowers big size do not look very attractive on very thin and thin hair.

Small inflorescences and greenery beautifully emphasize curls, braids, and tall complex hairstyles with many elements.

Fresh flowers are capricious, it is better to trust their preparation professional florist and order their delivery exactly on the day wedding ceremony, then throughout the holiday the petals will remain fresh and not wither.

Prepare or order a slightly larger number of flowers for your hairstyle, in case something unexpected happens during the picking process and the bud gets damaged.

If you decide to prepare the buds yourself, then put the flowers in ice water for a day so that they are maximally saturated. Then take them out of the water, take sharp knife and cut the stems at an angle. Leave the length of the stem slightly longer than the length of the bud. Now prepare a solution of water and aspirin (or a saline or sugar solution), soak a piece of cotton wool in this solution and wrap the cut of the stem. It will help to fix the cotton wool cling film and a green silicone rubber band or tape.

The top of the flowers should be sprayed with hairspray.

After this treatment, the petals of fresh flowers will retain their pristine appearance and freshness much longer.

Often florists take apart the petals and put them together, fixing them with wire and special glue. But at home, without proper experience, repeating the procedure is problematic.

Flowers are secured in the hair with silicone rubber bands, hairpins and bobby pins. And the places of attachment are sometimes masked with gypsophila branches.

In the place where the bud will be located, make a backcomb, strengthen it with varnish, after which silicone rubber tie the flower to the strands.

If the use of elastic bands is unacceptable (for example, in tall, complex hairstyles), then the flower is inserted into the hair, the stem is secured with a hairpin and the hairpin is additionally strengthened with bobby pins, placing them crosswise on the ends of the hairpin.

Artificial flowers

Artificial flowers look no less attractive, and it is much easier to attach them to your hair (hairpins, headbands, headbands, etc.). When choosing jewelry, pay attention to ensure that the material from which the bud is made is in harmony with the material of the dress and shoes.

For work you will need: thin wire, fabric for petals, Transparent fabric 40x40, long thin feathers (ostrich), beads to match the fabric, transparent second glue, headband or hairpin, scissors, cutter's chalk.

  • Carefully iron the fabric, then lay it out on the table and mark out an arbitrary number of petals in the shape of drops. Draw them with chalk and carefully cut them out with scissors. It is advisable to cut the edges of the petals into a wavy shape.
  • Glue a thin wire into the center of each petal, leaving a tip up to 20 cm long.
  • Now fold each petal in half (the fold line should coincide with the place where the wire is attached).
  • Now comes the hard part. We put left hand on the fabric, press and hold the petal with it. Right hand We begin to move the fabric in the direction from thumb to the little finger, describing a semicircle. In this case, the pressure of the left hand should be released only at the moment when you completely move the entire fabric towards the little finger. We make movements smoothly, without jerking.
  • We wrap the ends around a headband or hairpin.

Beautiful large flower ready for wedding hairstyle. All that remains is to fix it in your hair.

Peony - complex, but very beautiful lush flower, which will become a worthy decoration for the bride’s hairstyle.

For work you should prepare: threads and a needle, scissors, a candle and matches, chiffon of the desired shade (white, cream, etc.), a simple pencil and thick paper for patterns, pins and a piece of foam.

Draw on paper big heart and cut it out. Cut out the next heart a little smaller size. The third heart, accordingly, is even smaller. Now cut out a couple of petals different sizes in the form of drops.

Take the chiffon and iron it. We fold it into eight folds. To prevent the fabric from moving, we pin the edges with pins.

We lay the petals on the fabric, trace them with a pencil and cut them out. The more petals, the more magnificent the peony will be.

Now light the candle and carefully begin to singe the edges of each petal. Under the influence of temperature, they will melt and bend beautifully. We put the petals in piles, sorting them by size.

Thread a long thread into a needle. Let's take foam plastic and stick this needle into it, point up. This way we will collect the flower.

We start with the largest petals. We prick the tip of the petal on the tip of the needle and lower it onto the foam. We lay out the petals in a spiral (the edge of the upper petal should overlap part of the lower one).

When all the large petals are used up, we begin to string pieces of fabric in the form of smaller hearts. We insert the droplet petals last.

Now that the flower has become quite lush and beautiful, carefully remove the needle and thread from the foam and make several stitches in the center of the flower, fastening all the elements together.

All that remains is to spray the petals with varnish to make them more rigid and attach a hairpin (glue or sew). A gorgeous flower in your hair for a wedding is ready!

Ribbon roses can be made larger or very tiny by decorating your hair with them.

Selecting the tape desired shade and width. We process the tip with a lighter. Then we begin to roll up the tape and fasten the turns with hot glue. When the rose is ready, cut the ribbon and glue a hairpin or sew the rose onto a hairpin. You can additionally decorate roses with small rhinestones and use artificial leaves.

Video – DIY roses in your hair for a wedding

Wedding fashion is changing, and the traditional white veil is no longer mandatory element bride's outfit. Girls are increasingly choosing hoops, tiaras, and miniature veils for weddings. But the most current trend recent years- These are wedding hairstyles with flowers woven into the curls. This decoration emphasizes the grace, beauty and style of the newlywed, and also looks incredibly impressive and matches any wedding dress.

Hairstyle options with fresh flowers for long hair

Fresh flowers in the hairstyle of a bride with long hair must be combined with the bride's bouquet or the groom's boutonniere. Plants should be freshly cut so as not to lose their appearance during the wedding. Wedding stylists The emphasis is on the right combination:

  1. Length of curls and type of flower.
  2. Hair colors and decorations.
  3. Hairstyle and flower.

To preserve the freshness of flowers, their ends are packaged in special capsules. You need to purchase jewelry with a reserve to replace the flower that broke during the creation of your hairstyle. You need to select the type of plants based on the conditions of the wedding: time of year, place of celebration. The basic principle of creating wedding hairstyles with flowers on long hair is restraint in the volume and number of buds. Divided long hairstyles, as a rule, into two categories: loose or braided curls.

Tucked curls at the back

careless when collected hair- this is the most popular direction wedding fashion, because this hairstyle suits absolutely any bride’s dress, face type, and therefore is considered universal. Soft curls Easily hide any imperfection on the face or neck. The cascade of curls formed at the back will add a gentle charm to the newlywed, and fresh flowers will effectively decorate her, as beauties used to decorate their heads Ancient Greece. Green leaves, harmoniously entwining the bride’s curls at the back, will add color to the image.

The most common flowers for long curls- This:

  1. Roses have long become classics of wedding fashion. They don’t have to be white; pink or scarlet look chic on blondes, and cream or yellow on brunettes.
  2. Freesia, which is inserted with small branches or buds. Pick up desired shade It is very easy to grow this plant, because freesia has a wide color palette.
  3. Lily, which looks very gentle on long hair. Only for a wedding you need to choose an odorless variety, because this flower has a pronounced aroma, which by the end solemn day may cause headache.
  4. The orchid will harmoniously complement the royal image of the bride, emphasizing her femininity. This flower will be appropriate for a wedding at any time of the year.
  5. Alstroemeria, similar to a miniature lily. But unlike the lily, this flower is not allergenic, less fragile and does not have a pungent odor.

Greek braid with woven flowers

A Greek braid, decorated with fresh flowers, will allow the bride to create a unique and enchanting image. So wedding hairstyle will suit blonde, brown-haired, brunette and even a red-haired newlywed, which is why braids are becoming more and more popular as a wedding hairstyle. The classic Greek braid is hair wrapped in elegant hairstyle with a gracefully open forehead that gives great opportunity photographer to take stunning pictures at a wedding photo shoot.

Hair, twisted in a complex weave and decorated with fresh flowers, also claims to be a braid, turning the newlywed into greek goddess, descended from Olympus. Greek braiding is sometimes complemented by curls and curls that flow freely down the back or down to the side. This great option for brides who want to have a wedding in a medieval style.

Hairstyles using flowers for medium hair

Most modern brides hair middle length Therefore, there are a large number of hairstyles for shoulder-length curls. With medium-length hair, it’s easy to experiment with any style: loose curls, buns, braids. But the main task stylist - to choose wedding option, ideally suited the newlywed to the style of the dress and type of face, skillfully hiding flaws and emphasizing the girl’s advantages. Universal and stylish decoration For medium-length hair, fresh flowers are used, which allow you to create a masterpiece of art on the bride’s head.

Unique wedding image can be created with a bob hairstyle, bangs and big flower on the side. It will suit any face shape, and bangs can be:

  • lush;
  • shortened;
  • long;
  • oblique;
  • straight.

Adding to hairstyle small bouquet flowers, the bride immediately becomes romantic. Newlyweds prefer traditional white buds, but girls who like to deviate from standards choose delicate ones for their styling. pastel shades. The latest in wedding fashion is turquoise, lilac, pink or purple buds in the bride’s hair. They are secured using bobby pins, hairpins, barrettes or a hoop.

Volumetric braid on the side

The braid has always been considered the best decoration brides, and now it does not have the reputation of being an outdated hairstyle. On the contrary, it is experiencing a rebirth with new weaves: French, Dutch, spikelet. And an unusual configuration, for example, a side braid, will perfectly hide insufficient hair length, giving it volume. Depending on what the bride wants to achieve, the side braid is woven from two, three or four strands.

The classic option is to collect combed hair from the left into a bun and divide it into the required number of parts, gradually weaving small, fresh curly flowers into the braid. artificial buds, petals or plants. Bright shades flower arrangements fully compensate for the simplicity of the hairstyle, making it festive and unusual. A combination of weaves, for example, Dutch and french braids sideways or a combination of a classic braid with a waterfall of loose curls.

Loose curls with a wreath of flowers

The most common wedding hairstyle with flowers is loose curls with a wreath on the head. This trend will be at the peak of popularity for many seasons to come, thanks to the fashion for eco-weddings and original style execution. They make wreaths for the bride using large buds of roses, peonies, lilies and even orchids. The main thing is light palette and volume, but small wildflowers also sometimes find their place on the newlywed’s head.

The wreath looks best with curled loose curls or with a French twist: selected strands of different lengths, fixed with hairpins. Traditional wreaths are hoops, rims or elastic bands with fresh or artificial flowers attached to them. This women's accessory has always been a symbol of femininity and beauty, so loose curls with a wreath have successfully survived to this day.

Wedding hairstyles with flowers for short hair

Who said that wedding styling is impossible for short hair? This opinion is fundamentally wrong, because a haircut is new world With great opportunities show your imagination. To make the look feminine even with an ultra-short haircut, you can add accessories in the form of live or artificial flowers. For example, style your haircut, decorating it with one large bud on the side. Or wear a veil with beautiful flower, or attach a hoop decorated with many small petals to your head.

Look great on short hair ah, small graceful roses. Especially if they are carefully woven into curls, which are as popular now as they were in the distant 30s. A bride with short hair can look like a queen at her wedding even if she combs her hair back smoothly, adds shine to her hair with gel, and wears a headband with several artificial flowers on her head. Only in this case is perfect makeup necessary, since all attention will be paid to facial features.

If the bride has a classic White dress, and she generally prefers classics in everything, then she will definitely like a bun hairstyle with side decoration in the form white flower. Many celebrities, when going out in public, choose this classic, but a win-win styling This hairstyle should be entrusted to a professional, because it can be done beautiful bun It's difficult on your own. A regal rose, a magnificent orchid and even modest wildflowers will add sophistication to the bun.

It is better to attach one large bud to the side. Brides often choose to add a short veil that is attached directly to the flower. But to prevent such decoration from looking vulgar, you need to exercise restraint. Bright colors Suitable only for brunettes. They are allowed to attach yellow, red, purple flowers. For blondes, stylists recommend white, pink or soft lilac shades of buds. And only brown-haired women can use absolutely any color in their hair.

Light curl styling

Curly hair turns the bride into a real seductress, but looks modest and natural. It is not surprising that curls and waves are popular among girls with different lengths hair. Wedding styling with light curls Decorated with flowers, you can easily make it yourself using a special curling iron or curlers. How larger than curlers, the looser and softer the curls will look. To obtain spiral curls, you need to use the most small size curlers.

For example, short bob can be turned into a chic wedding hairstyle with volume at the roots, light curls and a side parting. And for cascading haircut make a “feather” styling, when using a hair dryer and a round comb, several curls are pulled out, and the rest are left curled. A special hair pomade or gloss will make even the shortest women's haircut festive.

Shell hairstyle

Laying options french shell great multitude. It was created at the beginning of the last century, but is still only gaining popularity. The name of the “shell” hairstyle speaks for itself - it looks like sea ​​shell. With the help of such original styling and the bride can easily arrange beautiful fresh flowers in her image stylish accents. Over the 100 years of its existence, stylists have come up with many different modifications of the shell wedding styling, introducing into it a little fantasy, fairy tales, slight negligence and royal grandeur.

The shell option depends entirely on the imagination of the newlywed. For example, you can twist one strand into an elegant curl or leave it freely to frame your face. Stylists use not only flowers as hair decorations different shades, but also combs, hairpins that are attached to the shell itself or around it. The legendary shell that Audrey Hepburn wore in the movie “Breakfast at Tiffany’s” is especially popular among brides.

Video review of wedding hairstyles with fresh flowers

Wedding hairstyles with live flower buds are at the intersection of two arts: hairdressing and floristry, so it is better for newlyweds to leave their hair in the hands of professionals if they want to create something exceptional on their heads. Selecting and arranging floral elements is a very painstaking and delicate work, and independent experiments can easily ruin your mood on the day of the celebration.

Fresh flowers look much more beautiful and delicate in a wedding hairstyle than all other decorations, but they require perfect makeup and minimum bright accessories in a newlywed outfit. Beautiful buds will emphasize the freshness and youth of the bride, will suit any dress, and will make the image more tender and romantic. Watch our video selection of wedding hairstyles with decoration in the form of fresh flowers:

Photos of wedding hairstyles without a veil with flowers in hair

Living flower buds will decorate any wedding look. The bride will only have to buy a simple cut dress from thin fabric, pick up some discreet accessories, and perfect image ready! In addition, a girl with such a hairstyle will be comfortable at her wedding even without a veil. We have collected for you a collection of the most beautiful wedding hair styling with flowers without using a veil.

Fresh flowers will be a wonderful decoration for any bride! It is important to choose their shape, think about durability and comfort throughout the day.

Flower wreaths

In the old days, girls got married wearing a wreath and veil, but nowadays the wreath is used as an independent element of the bride’s image. It goes well with dresses made of light, flowing fabrics, silk, chiffon or lace.

Choosing flower wreath, it is important to consider the style of the wedding hairstyle. This can be either loose long hair or neat hairstyle with hair pulled back or braided. Large wreaths are suitable for girls who want to highlight their facial features. Such a wreath attracts maximum attention, so it is better to choose simple and discreet dresses and accessories. This decoration will be the perfect complement to a loose-fitting dress and will look great with long soft curls.

Minimalistic wreaths are suitable for hairstyles in the “perky” style with completely or partially loose hair. They will also be good for high hairstyles decorated with braids or twisted strands. Such wreaths add sophistication to the bride's image and highlight her natural beauty.

Another hairstyle that will look great paired with a minimalist flower crown is the French twist. This styling involves selected strands of hair that are secured with hairpins.

The trend of this season is pronounced asymmetry and cascades that lengthen a certain part of the wreath. This wreath is suitable not only for those with long hair, but also for those with stylish short haircuts! For short hair it is preferable to use small flowers and a thin bezel with a small asymmetrical group of flowers. If the bride has long hair, this wreath is best combined with loose, soft curls.

Floral comb and hair clips

Short wedding bun and a comb with flowers - perfect combination, which will emphasize the elegant and feminine image brides You should not use large flowers in this decoration, as they may look bulky.

The clips are smaller in size than the comb, so they are suitable for brides with short haircuts. They will add a touch of romance and grace to the image. Both the comb and hairpins are small decorations and look great in the bridesmaids' hairstyles.


The floral headband has something in common with a wreath, but this option is more compact and allows you to change the location of the flowers on the head - near the forehead or in the center of the head. Slight negligence in hair or soft waves hair goes perfectly with this accessory. When choosing a headband, it is necessary to take into account the structural features of the face.

For owners of round and square shape For the face, it is not recommended to place flowers in the area of ​​the temples; the face will visually become wider. If you place the headband in the center of the head, it will make the face more elongated, and flowers located in the center will add growth to the entire figure - great option for short girls!

Woven flowers

Delicate flowers woven into a braid or secured with hairpins in high hairstyle, attach special charm bride! A hairstyle with a braid, braided crown and decorated with small flowers also looks charming. This hairstyle should be agreed upon in advance with the stylist and florist, because the flowers must undergo special preparation.

Note that the bride's bouquet should match the floral decoration of the hairstyle and the groom's boutonniere. This adds cohesion to the look and will support the floral theme. The bride can choose her favorite color scheme, but the task of the florist is to select flowers that will easily survive the turmoil wedding day and will maintain a beautiful appearance and freshness.

A wedding is one of the most exciting and anticipated events in the life of every girl. Therefore, thinking through the image (down to the smallest detail) is quite important stage in preparation for such a reverent event. Everything is important here: the dress, the shoes, the accessories, and, of course, the hairstyle. Wedding hairstyle trends change quite often, but there are some that, having appeared, remain popular today. These include flowers in wedding hairstyle.

Floristry in hairdressing– the trend is quite new, but at the same time rapidly developing. And this is not surprising. After all, a flower is a symbol of youth, innocence and tenderness, which will add lightness, romance and femininity to the bride’s image.

Originally, flowers were woven into various braids and braids to complement them. At the same time, today flowers can be used in the most unusual styles and areas of hairdressing. Here are the main ones:

Minimalism reigns here. The hairstyle should not be pretentious or shiny, but, on the contrary, light and simple. This can be loose hair, tied in a ponytail, pulled to the side, etc. For this look, one is best, but big flower orchids or lilies.

Shabby chic

Light curls or combed hair will suit this style. Flowers in this hairstyle should be delicate: peonies or alstroemeria.

This hairstyle will not do without large quantity foam and varnish. It can be either high or low. The main condition is chic and shine. Fresh flowers in hair should also be glamorous. One will do big rose or hydrangea. But wildflowers and small roses are definitely excluded.

This style involves hair pulled back into a tight bun, but with a completely open forehead. The presence of luxurious hairpins and noble flowers is welcome.

Rustic or rustic

IN this style the main emphasis is on simplicity. A wreath that includes wildflowers, as well as hydrangeas, irises, etc. is ideal for loose or gathered hair.

Eco style

Close in concept to the previous one - eco style. It is also based on simplicity and naturalness. Therefore, simple curls or a braided braid for long hair will do perfect. Flowers should be small (for example, limolium) and distributed along the entire length of the hair.

Choosing a flower, or How not to get into trouble

In addition to the style you like, fresh flowers in hair need to be selected depending on its characteristics, as well as taking into account the features of the bride’s appearance and hair and the time of year in which the wedding is held. An important factor There will also be a compatibility of the selected flowers with the bride’s bouquet and the groom’s boutonniere.

To begin with, let's look at color scheme , since it is important to choose the color of the plant based on the color of the bride’s hair. Everything is quite simple here.

For blondes perfect fit bright shades: red or deep pink. Roses in this case are the most suitable flowers. Red will do and burning brunettes, however, to create more gentle image white and various flowers are suitable light shades. For example, white lilies or orchids. Red-haired It is best to choose flowers in peach or light pink shades.

However In addition to the color of the flower, it is worth paying attention to its size.

So, if the bride is short, thin, or, conversely, with curvaceous, volumetric flower in hair will be inappropriate, as it can make it look comical. Large buds will add elegance to the hairstyles of tall beauties, which cannot be said about miniature flowers. They are definitely not suitable for tall or large girls.

Concerning hair structure, then for Lush and thick flowers should not be chosen in bulk , as they can visually enlarge the head, creating an undesirable effect. Flowers V such hairstyle small ones will do, but Large buds are best left for those with thin hair .

Weather conditions and flower preservation

On such a special day as a wedding, it is necessary that the image of the bride retains its freshness and beauty until the very end of the celebration. Therefore, color stability is very important: both in the bouquet and in the hair. It is also worth considering the time of year.

Of course, best season Spring and summer are the best time to weave flowers into your hair, as they will last for a very long time. At the same time, no one bothers to use living beauty in winter.

In order for the flowers to remain fresh longer, they must be placed in a capsule with water. This capsule is very small in size and mainly green in color, so it is not visible on the hair, and the flowers remain fresh until the evening.

However, there are times when nature takes its toll, and the flower withers by the middle of the evening, and the bride’s mood follows suit.

To prevent this from happening, please note: that orchids and lilies behave better in warm time years, but roses will not let you down even in cold weather. in winter can be used as large buds of roses and sprigs of small flowers. Unpretentious also and alstroemeria.

WITH orchids On the contrary, you need to be more careful and use them in warm spring, but not in hot weather. IN the latter case they will be perfect feel chrysanthemums and various wild flowers.

  • Everything should be in moderation. If the choice fell on large flowers, there should be few of them so as not to look ridiculous.
  • Order flowers for your hairstyle in advance. After all, if hairpins and barrettes can be bought at any time, the process of delivering fresh flowers can take a long time.
  • It is best to order flowers to decorate the entire image of the bride, as well as to decorate the hall - from one florist and in one style. It’s so important that everything fits together.
  • Think in advance about the hairstyle, mounting the flowers, and whether there will be a veil. After all, the fundamental difference is whether the flowers will be woven in or whether it will be a separate wreath, or whether they will be attached directly to the veil.
