Alternative rainbow or names of color shades. From turquoise to olive: the names of shades of green

Primary color theory illustratedcolor wheel. This circle shows how the colors, called tones, are related. Colors oncolor wheeldivided into primary and secondary.

The combination of these colors characterized as adjacent or as additional, depending on their position oncolor scale.

Primary colors- red, yellow and blue, and orange, green and purple -additional colors .

adjacent colorsare the colors that are next to each other on the color wheel. For example, red and orange are adjacent.

Additional colors are colors that are opposite each other on the color wheel. So, blue is complementary to orange.

Neutral colors - shades of white gray or beige. Most neutral colors are slightly tinted with another color.

Tint tone- is determined by the amount of white and black and is expressed by the amount of lightness or darkness.

Saturation- describes hue brightness. Saturated (bright) shades are intense shades that are not diluted with black, white oradditional shade .

Desaturated (muted) colors - are formed by diluting the shade with black, white or an additional shade.

Single color composition . In a composition based on one color,various shades the same color. They give a feeling of peace.

Composition based on adjacent colors. Compositions basedadjacent colors created withvarious shades two or three colors next to each other on the color wheel. Contiguous light colors have a relaxing effect.

Composition based on complementary colors . Composition basedadditional colors varies from bright and lively to attention-grabbing and impressive. These compositions are formed withcolor variations , located opposite each other oncolor wheel . An easy way to work with this composition is to select one groupwarm colors and another groupcold colors .

Names of colors and shades

Quite often we find it difficult to determineshade And colors . The perception of color is very subjective, as it is determined by both the physiological and cultural characteristics of mankind.

Also very often there are such descriptions of colors and shades of fabrics, threads, cosmetic products, paints, etc., the meaning of which is sometimes incomprehensible. Some consider it professional color jargon, while others find them simply interesting and amusing.

Aventurine- [from aventurine "a mineral, a kind of quartz, yellowish, brownish-red or green, pierced with sparkles of the smallest inclusions of mica"; opened by accidentper adventure) in 1750< фр. aventurine < aventure "приключение"] – серебристо-черный, черный с металлическим блеском.

Adelaide, adelaidine- [from Adelaide (ancient German "noble" + "state, position") - the name of the heroine of Beethoven's song of the same name to the verses of F. Matisson] - a red shade of blue or purple, close to purple; the name was extremely fashionable in the middle of the 19th century. In the original text of Mathisson, we are talking about the purple color (purpur), which is associated with a sad, melancholy mood. "He was dressed in an old, tattered frock-coat of the color of adelaide, or, as we say, odellonide" (I. Turgenev. Office). Color legal in Japan.

Adrianople - bright red, from the name of the paint, which was made from madder.
Dahl has Adrianople - [after the name of the Turkish city of Adrianople, where the art of paint production flourished] - bright red, paint from madder.

Hellfire, hellfire, hellfire - [tracing paper from French. flame d "enfer] purple shade of red. Or pearl red. Or black with red stains.

alabaster, alabaster - (obsolete) - [from alabaster "a dense, fine-grained variety of white gypsum used for construction and various crafts"< греч. < Alabastron – название города в Египте] - бледно-желтый с матовым оттенком, матово-белый. Чаще о цвете лица, кожи человека.

Alizarin- color of red alizarin ink.

Almandine- [from almandine "gemstone from the group of garnets"< верхн.нем. Almandin < по названию горы Алабанда в Малой Азии] - темно-красный с фиолетовым оттенком, темно-вишневый.

Acajou- [from fr. acajou< яз. тупи-гуарани acaju "тропическое дерево семейства сумаховых, т.н. «красное дерево»"] цвет красного дерева.

amaranth- a color close to purple, violet. From the name of the plant "amaranth" beauty, velvet, velvet, cockscomb (shiretz - red grass). Or the color of rosewood wood, lilac-pink, light purple, crimson.

Amethyst night, amethyst - [from amethyst "a semi-precious stone, a transparent variety of quartz"< нем. Amethyst, фр. am?thyste < греч. < "не" + "опьяняю"; название связано с древним поверьем, согласно которому этот камень притягивает винные пары и таким образом предохраняет его обладателя от сильного опьянения] – темный фиолетово-синий, насыщенный искрасна-синий, фиолетово-красный с синевой, вишнево-лиловый.

Amiantovy- color of amianth (asbestos varieties): whitish, off-white. most of all - about the color of the sky.

Anthracite- [from anthracite "the best grade of hard coal"< греч. "уголь"] - насыщенно-черный, с сильным блеском.

harlequin, harlequin - [from Harlequin - the name of the character of the Italian national theater (the so-called commedia dell "arte), a witty jester servant, whose characteristic accessory is a suit sewn from pieces of matter of various colors< ит. arleccino] - пестрый, разноцветный. В нач. XIX в. арлекином называли также модную ткань из разноцветных треугольников, а также играющий всеми цветами драгоценный камень - благородный опал. Ныне часто употребляется при характеристике окраса животных. Арлекиновый окрас, при котором цветные пятна разбросаны отдельными участками по голове, холке, спине и крестцу кошки…

slate- the color of slate-asp, used in the past for the manufacture of educational boards: black-gray.

bottlenose dolphin- [from the bottlenose dolphin "mammal of the dolphin family of the order of whales"] - silvery green-blue.

gaff- deep red with a bluish tint, dark red with a bluish or lilac tint. Name options:gaff, scarlet, crimson, crimson, crimson, purplish, scarlet.

Crimson- color of crimson: bright crimson.

Purplish- an obsolete form of the word crimson.

market fire- the definition of the shade is almost impossible due to the complexity of the associations that arise in connection with this name: fiery red with an admixture of yellowish blue or gray. The name originated at the end of the 19th century. - in memory of a terrible fire at a charity bazaar in Paris in May 1897, when a considerable number of people died in fire and smoke.

Cormorant, cormorant, cormorant - bright red cochineal paint used in painting [< тюрк. и араб. bakkam] - красная краска - ярко-красный, багряный.

Barkansky- [from barkan "dense durable woolen fabric, patterned and dyed, used for furniture upholstery instead of expensive silk damask"<итал. barracano < араб.-перс. barrakan] – один из оттенков красной гаммы. Упоминается как цветообозначение в 30-е-40-е гг. XIX в.

Thighs of a frightened nymph - a shade of pink. Perhaps it arose at the beginning of the 19th century with the advent of a new variety of roses. (There is also the color "nymph's thigh". It is pale pink, the nymph is calm.) According to other sources, it was pink with an admixture of ocher. Under Emperor Paul, the lining of military uniforms was painted with this color. But since the fabric for officers and soldiers was of different quality, the officer's shade was called "the thigh of a frightened nymph", and the soldier's "thigh of a frightened Mashka".

- by the name of beryl, a transparent greenish-blue stone, greenish-blue.

Prussian blue, Prussian blue - [by the name of the paint obtained by the action of iron oxide salts on yellow blood-alkaline salt] intense blue. Alsoprussian blue.

Buffalo- dark orange.

billiard cloth , billiard tire - poisonous green.

Biscuit- [from biscuit - porcelain, not glazed, but fired twice< фр. biscuit < bis "дважды" cuit "печеный"] - белый с сероватым или зеленоватым оттенком.

Biskr- yellowish leather colors for upholstery of upholstered furniture.

Bismarck- [from Bismarck - the names of the Reich Chancellor of the German Empire in 1871-1890] - grayish yellow or brown.

Bismarck furioso- brown with a red tint.

Bisnoy- arch. gray, silver, white.

Bystrovy- [from bistres - a transparent brown paint made from wood soot mixed with water-soluble vegetable glue; used by European artists of the 15th-18th centuries. for drawing with pen and brush, after giving way to sepia and ink< фр. bistre < ниж.-герм. biester "темный"] - густой коричневый, бурый.

Blange, or flatbed(from French blanc white), - yellowish-white, white with a creamy tint, flesh-colored.

Bleu Raymond, ble-raymon- [from French. bleu "blue" + male name Raymond (Raymond (d))] - a shade of blue.

blocky- (Polish) bright blue, blue-blue. Dahl has blue, cornflower blue.

blond- [fr. blonde "golden, reddish, fair-haired, blond"] - light, with a golden yellowish tint. More about hair color. The adjective blond in the 18th - 19th centuries. it was often used in a different sense: blonds were called lace made of raw silk, originally golden, and then also white or black.

Bolkaty- black, dark.

Bordeaux wine (Bordeaux, Burgundy) - red-violet, dark red with a lilac tint.

Abdel-Kader's beards - [on behalf of the popular in the middle. 19th century historical figure: Abd-el-Kadir - Algerian commander, orator and poet (1807-1883), in 1832-1847. led the uprising of the Arabs against the French colonialists] - white, shimmering in gray.
he is Abdel-Kerim's beards - [on behalf of the popular in the middle. 19th century historical figure: Abdul-Kerim Pasha - Turkish general (1811-1885), participant in Russian-Turkish military conflicts].

bronze armor- green with a purple tint.

Armored- [cf. armor, brun, armor "ripe ear", armor "ripe"< возможно, др.-инд. Bradhnas "рыжеватый, буланый"] - беловатый, бело-серый.

thrown- crimson, purple.

bristol blue - bright blue.

lingonberry- [from the name of the lingonberry] - one of the shades of red: the color of ripe lingonberries, light red, deep pink. However, for a long time this word in Russian meant green (according to the color of the lingonberry leaf). The color under this name was included in the description of the banner of Ivan the Terrible.

brusyany, beamed- red, crimson, lingonberry colors.

Bransoliter - [from French. brun solitaire "unique (of its kind) brown or swarthy"; another meaning of solitaire "precious stone"] is a shade of brown.

Bulany- [from the Turk. bulan "deer, elk"] - yellowish, of different shades, especially light ones; sometimes with a dark tail and mane and with the same stripe on the ridge.

Burmatny- [possibly from Polish. brunatny "brown, brown"< ср.-в.-н. brûnât "темная ткань", ср.-нем. braun "коричневый"] - темно-серый, как бы подернутый пылью.

Stormy, brown-haired- the same as brown, reddish-brown.

Busy- [possibly from other Turkic. boz "gray, dark"] - dark bluish-gray; sometimes about indefinite coloring. At Dahl (Sib). dark blue-gray, izbura-gray, brown-smoky, brown-ash; about wool, dark brown with blue, gray-brown (V. Dal. Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language). Tatar litharge is greenish-beaded / Adjacent to the Venetian bead (M. Voloshin).

bull blood- black with a reddish tint.

Vidovy- dark blue, blue. Woad was used instead of indigo. Later, in connection with the development of the synthetic production of indigo, the cultivation of indigo almost ceased.

Currency- gray-green, the colors of the dollar.

wenge- [from wenge "a hardwood tree native to the tropical jungles of West Africa". Wenge wood is distinguished by a variety of color shades: from golden to dark brown with black veins] - dark reddish brown with black veins.
As if from myself :) - this color became my madness during the repair !!! Now he is at the peak of fashion! Look around! - laminate or parquet board - wenge color, locker - wenge color, bedside table - wenge, moidodyr - wenge, glass - wenge, door - wenge, chair, table, all kinds of furniture, etc.! Solid WENGE!!!

Verdepeshevy- [from fr. vert-de-peche "peach green"] - a yellowish or pinkish shade of green, similar to the color of an unripe peach. Most of all, such names were popular in the first half of the 19th century.

Verdepomovy- [from fr. vert-de-pomme "apple green"] - light green, the color of unripe apples.

Verdigri- green-gray, from the French. vert-de-gris.

Verdragon- [French. vert dragon "green dragoon"; the green color of the dragoon uniform; another interpretation is possible: dragon "dragon"] - a shade of dark green.

Vermillion, vermilion- [French. vermillion "bright red, scarlet; blush"] - bright scarlet with an orange tint.

The Merry Widow- a shade of pink. The name was popular in the 18th century.

viardot- [distorted fr. vert d "eau "green water"] - light green, aquamarine. There is an optionwater green.

Wine- yellowish red.

Toad in love- greenish grey.

raven eye- black, deep black shade - recommended for expensive tailcoats, only wool of the highest quality could be of this color. Any other very soon acquired a reddish tint.

raven wing- black with a bluish tint.

Vohra, vokhryany- the same as ocher.

waxed, wax- color of wax, from yellow-gray, honey to amber-yellow.

Otter- the color of the fur of an otter, dirty green.

Havana or havana brown- dark brown, chocolate and lighter, chestnut or slightly lilac, reminiscent of the color of Havana cigars.

Haiti- or blue and red - the colors of the flag of Haiti, which symbolizes the union of blacks and mulattos.

jet- black amber, with a bright resinous sheen, jet color - black or brown-black.

heliotrope- 1) the color of heliotrope (bloody stone, blood jasper, bloodstone), mineral, a variety of chalcedony; dark green chalcedony with bright or dark red (“bloody”) spots and stripes. 2) heliotrope flower, garden fragrant plant with dark purple flowers. 3) arts. organic paint for painting cotton fabrics in red-violet color.

Hemorrhoidal - a fashionable word of the early twentieth century: the red complexion of an unhealthy person, in Ushakov's dictionary - gray-yellow, haggard. Alsoparalytic.

hyacinth- the color of hyacinth (stone), red or golden-orange.

Negro head- since the 18th century, people from Africa have often met on the streets of Moscow or St. Petersburg, so one of the brown shades got its name.

stuffed cabbage, mountain blue, English mountain blue - bright blue paint.

pigeon neck- a shade of grey.

pea- the color of boiled gray peas, yellow-gray, wild yellowish.

Hydrangea- light pink.

Grid-pearly- pearl shade of grey. At the beginning of the century, it was called and written only in French.

glyafny- astra. rose, rosan; rose hip. Gulyafnaya water, rose water, distilled on rose petals, wild rose.

Goose droppings (merdua)
- yellow-green with a brown tint.

two-faced- with a tide, an ebb, with a play, multi-colored, as if two colors on one side.

Edward's children- a shade of pink. Painting by Delaroche "Children of Edward IV"<1830—1831, Париж, Лувр>, which brought him great popularity, even the hairstyle "under the children of Edward" came into fashion).

jalo santo- yellow, obtained from unripe berries of buckthorn or joster.

Wild, wild- light grey. the natural color of the original material, not bleached or dyed

dragon green - very dark green.
"That's how I first saw dragon glass.
I'm sure nothing like it has ever existed. At first, you see only a greenish shimmering transparency, like in the sea, when you swim underwater on a calm summer day and look up ... There are splashes of scarlet and gold around the edges, the glow of emerald, the sparkle of silver and the sheen of ivory. And at the base is a topaz disk framed by red flames sparkling with small yellow tongues.

Dragon Blood- it was the original color of the Mikhailovsky Castle, the color of the gloves of the beloved maid of honor of Paul I.

drokovy- bright yellow, the color of paint from the dye flower of the gorse.

Smoky, smoky- similar in appearance or color to smoke; gray, wild, mousey, blue, dark water.

Gendarme- a shade of blue. There was even the expression "blue pants", which denoted the employees of the gendarme department.

Hot(aka hot) - orange, rich orange.

Burnt coffee

toasted bread- a complex shade of brown.

Zhirazol- milky with a rainbow tint, girazole - the old name for a noble opal.

giraffe- yellow-brown.

giraffe belly or giraffe belly- a combination of light brown and yellow with a reddish tint. In the summer of 1827, a small female giraffe appeared in the Paris Botanical Gardens, sent by Mehmet-Ali, the viceroy of Egypt, as a gift to the French king Charles X. The most fashionable colors of the summer of 1827 were called color"giraffe belly" , color "Giraffe in love" or color "giraffes in exile" .

Zhonkilevy- golden yellow, jonquil - one of the species of the genus Narcissus.

Zekry- light blue, gray. Blue-eyed. Zekry (blue) eyes.

Isabella- pale straw, dirty straw pink. Named after the Spanish Queen Isabella, who gave in 1604. vow: three years not to change shirts.

Indigo- dark blue paint. Extracted from the juice of a tropical plant of the legume family.

Incarnate- (from lat. "carneus" meat) the color of raw beef, crimson, raspberry.

Frightened mouse- soft gray color.

Judas tree- bright pink, like the flowers of the Judas tree.

cocoa shua- (French "cacao-choix" selected cocoa). This is a dark brown liqueur. camelopard- yellowish brown.

Cardinal on straw - combination of yellow and red. When Cardinal de Rogan was arrested and imprisoned in the Bastille, the Parisian milliners, in mockery of the queen, invented a ladies' hat, called "Cagliostro" or "Queen's Necklace" (259). Since it was made from the straw of the colors of the coat of arms of the cardinal, it was also called the hat of the "cardinal on the straw" and, in order to pity the public, the rumor was spread that his Eminence had to sleep in the prison on the straw. The hat was also adorned with a necklace reminiscent of the famous necklace of Beumer and Bessange.

, carmesine- (French cramoisi) bright scarlet, crimson; from bright scarlet cloth crimson.

Carmine- bright red.

Carmelite, capuchin- a pure shade of brown. As early as the 18th century, pure shades of brown became widespread: "carmelite", "capuchin", etc. In the future, shades of brown became more complex, complex colors appeared. For example, there was a hint of "burnt bread" or "burnt coffee" and "forest chestnuts".

castor- dark gray, the color of castor, woolen cloth.

saucepan- reddish-red, the color of polished copper utensils, often applied to cars.

or catechu- red-brown, brown, tobacco. It is obtained from the wood of acacia catechu (Acacia catechu) of the mimosa family, originally from India and Sri Lanka (Ceylon). By digesting the crushed wood, an extract is obtained, which is evaporated into a solid red-brown mass. Porridge gives with alumina - yellow, with iron salts - olive, with copper. and chrome - brown and black.
Sometimes porridge means two completely different colors: blue or bright red. In explanatory dictionaries, this color is often interpreted as tobacco.

Boiled, boiled white- white, like boiling, snow-white, the color of white foam from boiling.

columbine- (from the French "colombin" dove) pigeon, gray.

- from "cinnamon" the same as brown.

royal blue - tracing paper from English. royal blue, bright blue.

cochineal- from paint cochineal, extracted from insects, crimson, worm, bright red, slightly crimson.

kraplachny, maroon- scarlet, madder, bright red, from him. Krapplack, the color of krapplak dye obtained from madder root.

Dye- red color, redness, redness.

Kumachovy- sometimes meaning red, scarlet, the color of red calf.

Vitriolic- piercing blue, the color of a solution of copper sulfate.

Vat- bright blue, deep blue, from the name of the cube plant (it is also indigo).

partridge eyes - indicated in the periodicals as light red.

Labrador - the color of labradorite, a feldspar stone, with an iridescent tint, from the smallest cracks in it. The Labrador himself is colorless, white or gray in color, forms complex twins, often with a beautiful iridescence of light of blue-green and golden hues.
Lavalier - leather shade of brown - yellowish light - brown. It came into fashion, unlike yuft, only in the middle of the 19th century.

Lani(from the name of the animal) - yellowish brown.

Forest chestnuts- dark brown with a reddish tint.

Lily- pale white, whiteness, tenderness reminiscent of a lily, that is, a lily Lily forehead. Lily chest.

London smoke - dark grey.

Lord Byron or byrons- [on behalf of the English. poet J. Byron] - a reddish, but rather dark shade of brown, close to dark chestnut.

Elk- off-white, the color of leggings.

Frogs in a swoon - light grey-green.

Magovo-gulyafny- red-pink.

Magenta- from Italian. - bright red, magenta, from English. - purple, between red and purple. Color from a mixture of red and blue light, narrowed range from the magenta sector. Looks like a fuchsia flower. Perhaps the name arose after the battle near the city of Magenta (northern Italy) in 1859.

Chafer - red-brown color with a golden tint.
poppy color [most often about the face] - c red poppy color: ruddy, crimson.

Marengo- Gray with black accents. It appeared after the Battle of Marengo in 1800. The fact is that local handmade fabrics were mostly dark gray.

marengo-clair- light grey.

Marin, marina- the color of a light sea wave, from the French. marine, marine.

Marchioness Pompadour - a shade of pink. She took an active part in the work on the creation of Sevres porcelain. A rare pink color, obtained as a result of numerous experiments, is named after her - Rose Pompadour.

Massaca- dark red with a blue tint. Well known in the first half of the 19th century. It is found in "War and Peace", however, there he is "masaka": "The countess should have been wearing a masaka velvet dress."

Bearish, bear's ear

Milori - dark blue, blue,Prussian blue .
mov- mauve. Mauvéine (fr. Mauvéine - aniline purple) is the first synthetic dye obtained in 1856.

Mordor, mardor- red-brown color with a golden tint. The name comes from the French more dore, literally "gilded Moor". This color was especially fashionable in the 1st half of the 19th century.

Moscow fire - similar to the color of crushed lingonberries.

Muramny, moire- grassy green.

Naked- bodily.

Nakaratovy- a shade of red, "hot", scarlet. From the French naca-rat.

Navarino flame with smoke (or smoke with flames) - a dark shade of gray, a fashionable color of cloth, which appeared after the victory of the Russians over the Turks in Navarino Bay in 1827. Mentioned in Dead Souls.

Nankovy (nanca, Nanjing) - the color of coarse cotton fabric, once brought from Nanjing: dirty yellow.

Jade- Intense golden yellow, like some teas.

Cloudy- cloud colors.

converted- crimson.

Orletsovy- red-cherry-pink, the color of an eagle.

Opal- milky white, matte white with yellowness or blueness.

Oreldursovy- reddish, but rather dark shade of brown.

Aspen- green with a grayish tint.

ophitic- the color of ophit, greenish marble.

Peacock- bluish-purple.

Pale yellow- pale yellow, dull yellow, pinkish-beige shade of yellow, from the French. paille "straw". Dahl's is straw-colored, pale yellowish. White-yellowish, yellowish-white; yellow-whitish; about horses: nightingale and isabella; about dogs: sexual; about pigeons: clayey. Karamzin sang of pale cream.

Paris blue- bright blue.

Paris blue - light blue.

Parisian mud- dirty brown. Appeared after the public got acquainted with the essays of Louis-Sebastian Mercier "Pictures of Paris".

parnassian rose- a shade of pink with a purple tint.

Spider plotting a crime - the same dark gray color as marengo. According to other sources - black with redness.

Pelesy- dark, brown.

Pervanche- grayish blue, pale blue with a lilac tint.

Barley- (from French perle, pearl, pearl) pearl, white, with a bluish tint.

orange- orange, ore-yellow, hot. Dahl has an orange - a tree and a bitter orange fruit.

porphyry- purple, crimson; (from the Greek porphýreos - purple) the name comes from a kind of red rock with white large orthoclase phenocrysts (antique P.), widely used for jewelry and sculptures in ancient Rome. Purple paint was in great use in Babylon in ancient times. Since ancient times, respectful attention to persons who can afford to purchase expensive products has been preserved - including valuable dyes: purple, lapis lazuli, later - carmine ... Therefore, in particular, purple and porphyry are ancient symbols of power, signs of royalty of their owner. Purple dye was obtained from the juice of a certain kind of shell or snail found in the Mediterranean Sea, and sometimes from the juice of an insect found in one of the species of oak trees (cochineal).

Puketovy- (from spoiled "bouquet"), painted with flowers. From Ostrovsky: "Give me a piece of fabric for a dress and a French handkerchief."

Crimson- bright, thick or dark scarlet (worm).

drunken cherry- brown with a reddish tint.

Pusovy- a brown, brown shade of red, the color of a crushed flea from the French puce "flea". The New Russian Dictionary describes it as just dark brown. (There are also links to shades "flea", " flea"; " flea belly ", color " fleas in puerperal fever ", " flea that fainted ", " flea back", " flea in love ", " dreamy flea "...). In 1775, one summer, Marie Antoinette appeared in a dress made of dark silk taffeta. "This is the color of a flea!" The king exclaimed. And the word and fashion, of course, were picked up, and the whole court was dressed in " the color of a flea." Paris and the provinces, naturally, hastened to imitate him.

range- the same as orange.

Smaragdine- the color of emerald (an obsolete name for emerald).

Smury- brown shade of gray, dirty gray, dark, mixed color, izbura-black-gray, dark gray, dark brown. So the peasants called the dark gray color. It turned out that way. At home dressing of woolen fabrics, the yarn was rarely dyed. Materials from it were obtained in various dirty gray shades of the color of natural wool - sometimes with a brownish tint.

soldier- the color of the gray cloth of the soldier's greatcoat of the tsarist army.

Nightingale- gray-yellow. The nightingale is named after this color. strizovy- bright red.

sealing wax- brown, the color of postal sealing wax.

Dauphin Surprise. He is the color of children's surprise. According to legend, in Paris they began to dye fabrics in the color of trimmed diapers after Marie Antoinette showed the courtiers her just-born two-hour-old son, who “disgraced” in front of them.

Tango- orange with a brown tint. Name after the dance of the same name. It was first used in 1897 in the musical play Creole Justice.

taucine- blue, from the word "peacock". Blueish purple. According to Dahl, dark blue, according to the New Dictionary of the Russian Language, dark blue with a cherry tint. There are options tagashin, tagash.

Terracotta- brown shade of red brick, rust.

tourmaline- dark crimson, the color of semi-precious tourmaline stone.

Furnambuc- yellow-red, a dye obtained from fernambuco wood - red sandalwood, Caesalpina dye tree, Brazilian wood, and yellow paint made from it. Fernambuco paper, dyed with it, turns brown from alkalis, and therefore liquids are tortured with it for alkali.

pistachio- dirty green.

cutters, milling- [from French. "fraise" strawberry] crushed strawberry color, light raspberry. According to the New Dictionary of the Russian Language, pink with a lilac tint.

- Intense pink.

Khaki- complex grayish-brownish-greenish color. Usually uniform. Title from English. - khaki, dating back to Ind. from pers. hak - earth, dust.

Chrysolite Shamoub- [from French. "chamoi" ​​camel] light tan.

shanzhan- color with iridescent shades. Shanzhan is a multicolored fabric with a contrasting texture. Using differently colored threads for the warp and weft in the production of smooth fabrics, an iridescent color effect is obtained, the so-called. effect "shanzhan".

or sherlac- bright red, from the name of the paint, the color and paint is bright crimson, scarlet.

Chartreuse- yellow-green.

Schmalt, yuhotny- leather shade of brown - yellowish light brown. The color of yuft was widespread in the first quarter of the 19th century.

verdigris, verdigris- a bright green paint obtained by oxidizing copper.

Red, green and blue serve as the basis for many other colors. The palette is so diverse that the names of colors and shades are collected in catalogs. But even such a systematization does not allow to fully convey all the beauty. Very often people define and name the same habitual shade in different ways. What can we say about rare shades. Today we will try to understand these names and the general rules for the formation of a palette and shades of colors.

Colors with unusual names

The names of many colors and shades are often arbitrary, subjective. They can be very different in neighboring cultures. At the same time, different spectral composition can be equally perceived by visual receptors. Scientifically, this is called the color metamerism effect.

The desire of a person to give a name to any process, phenomenon, action or object has led to the fact that many shades have their own names. They can be unusual and very rare in use.

Adelaide is not only a beautiful female name with French roots. This color was used in their writings by Dostoevsky and Turgenev (the work "Office"). Today, Adelaide is called a red shade of lilac or blue, close to purple.

Purple with a red tint is a shade of hellfire. Also referred to as hellfire or the color of hellfire. Sometimes depicted as pearl red or red and black.

"The color of the thigh of a nymph" sounds playful. This is the name given to pale pink. A direct association leads to the ancient image of nymphs and the invented goddess of the dawn, Aurora. There is a version that the name arose at the beginning of the 19th century when a new variety of roses appeared.

The "color of the market fire" does not have a well-defined hue. Described by people with a good imagination as fiery red with a grayish (yellow-blue) admixture. Its name arose at the end of the 19th century as a memory of a tragic event - a fire in Paris at a charity bazaar. Then, during the tragedy, many people died.

Lingonberry for a long time in Russian denoted the color of a lingonberry leaf - green. Today it is considered a shade of red. Ripe cranberries are deep pink or light red. Interestingly, it was this color that was taken in the description of the banner of Ivan the Terrible.

Optimism and tragedy merged in the popular shade of the 18th century - "black widow". For some unknown reason, one of the semitones of pink was called that.

Blonde is associated with blondes and the color of their hair. The name comes from French, translated as fair-haired, golden, reddish, blond. It was all these shades that blond absorbed. Light, with a yellowish-golden tint - this is a more accurate verbal description of this color. Until the 19th century, the word had a different designation: special laces were called blondes. These laces were made from golden raw silk. Later it was allowed to add white or black to the thread.

The "color of the belly of the giraffe" really resembles the color of the animal's coat in this particular area. It is defined as a combination of two shades: reddish yellow with light brown. Additional names are "giraffe in love" and "giraffes in exile." The history of its appearance begins in 1827. A new guest has appeared in the local Botanical Garden - a female giraffe. She was sent as a gift by the Viceroy of Egypt.

From the French word for "straw", came a pale yellow hue called Fawn. It is sometimes described as a dull yellow or rosy-beige, with a lot of yellow in it. Dahl identified it as straw. A horse with wool of this color will be called a nightingale or isabella, a dog - sexual, a dove - clay.

"Widow" acts as a synonym for indigo. It is verbally described as dark blue or blue. Today it is used very rarely due to the popularization of "indigo", which is extracted from plant materials. The basis is the juice of a tropical plant of the legume family. Defined as dark blue.

Modern harlequin denotes scattered color spots on the surface. It was originally used to determine the variegation and variegation. At the beginning of the 19th century, a fabric that was very fashionable at that time, consisting of multi-colored triangles, was described in this way. Sometimes the color of opal was called harlequin because of the play of light on the sun's rays with all the colors of the rainbow. Today, it is most commonly used to describe the color of an animal that has spots on its coat scattered throughout its body.

Havana cigars differed not only in their composition, but also in color. Therefore, this product began to be called havana due to its color design. Or havana brown. Havana is designated as dark brown, with a hint of chocolate. Another version of the shade, denoted by the same name, is a little lighter, similar to a mixture of chestnut and lilac.

Professional use of colors

Reference books containing the names of more than a thousand colors and shades have been published on the Internet. Simple online programs allow the user of the service to independently set the color according to certain parameters. The name is determined automatically. Such catalogs are in demand by people of different professions and are actively used by them.

In the modern world, selling things has become an art with fine lines, serious research and psychological tricks. Work on the visual perception of the product is defined as the most important criterion for the successful sale of products. 93% of buyers are guided by the appearance of the packaging if they purchase a product for the first time. 85% of people take from the shelves those packages whose color matches the product and they personally like.

Studies have shown that color solutions are not universal. That is, the same shade causes a different associative array in different peoples. In particular, the following color characteristics are true for North Americans:

  • yellow - youth, optimism. Optimal use: the color of shop windows, to attract attention;
  • red is energy. It is used for total sales;
  • blue - trust, security. In this region, banks and large offices are painted with it;
  • green is a relaxing color. Associations with wealth make it in demand in business;
  • black - glossy, powerful. Optimal use: promotion of luxury goods;
  • orange - aggression. Useful as a call to action;
  • pink - romance, femininity. Used as a way to attract clients;
  • purple - peace, tranquility. The use of purple is justified in the industry of anti-aging beauty products.

The unique ability of color to change the behavior of buyers is also used in the design of electronic resources. Very convenient for web designers are automatic tables "Names of colors and shades", which allow you to generate HTML code.

The definition of color in this profession is more important than anywhere else. The fact is that the same shade can be displayed differently on the monitor. The lack of gamma correction leads to the fact that, for example, all dark shades are perceived as black.

Teaching children about colors

Based on associations and studies on the impact of color on brain and motor activity, psychologists give their recommendations for children's rooms. The room where the child plays or sleeps should not be painted in bright colors. Red and juicy orange stimulate activity. The child is naturally active, so an additional stimulus is not needed in this case. Dark colors (blue, green, purple) can be overpowering. Therefore, their use is also not recommended.

The color of the children's room should be associated with an ideal childhood. For example, it can be peach, soft light green, muted yellow. Bright accents will be added automatically. Children often draw - their creativity will certainly decorate the room.

Designers, learning the basics of the profession, get acquainted with the theory of color. At the same time, it is always mentioned in the learning process that the shade belongs to the subjective category. Color theory as a whole science allows us to explain some of the connections in the "perception-emotion" chain.

It is important for a successful designer to learn how to combine colors from different (non-adjacent) groups to create their own designs. Cold and warm shades - that's where the difficult, but the most successful creative solution. However, the right combination of shades is a matter of both taste and experience.

Psychologists say

The study of various groups of professions led scientists to unusual results. It turned out that representatives of the exact sciences prefer green. The combination of green and blue colors is typical for inventors. The sphere of interests of such people lies in engineering and design activities. Green color is chosen by accountants, military, economists.

Blue is not a characteristic color of any profession. A connection has been found between love for blue and such personality traits as concentration, thoughtfulness, and accuracy. "Blue" people do not like to make decisions on their own, they are afraid of responsibility. At the same time, they are good performers. The best option for working is an office where the number of external contacts is minimized. Together with high intelligence, love for this color is characteristic of art historians, writers, and scientists.

Sympathy for the color red is also uncharacteristic of any particular professional group. The preference for this color means the desire for leadership and purposefulness. Many high-ranking managers, social activists, administrators, although they do not wear red suits, love this color. Creative independence is defined as a love for the combination of red and purple.

The love of communication and involvement in social networks are typical for people who prefer yellow. Color describes the freedom to which politicians, scientists, businessmen are drawn in their daily activities. The predominance of an artistic mindset and imagery in perception are the characteristics of people who prefer yellow.

It is one of the three most common colors in nature. In addition, there are countless shades of it. It is very difficult to list all the names of shades of green. After all, if there are only two hundred and fifty-six of them in the RGB computer color palette, then the human eye is able to distinguish several thousand of them, and some animals see tens of thousands of tones. Therefore, it is worth mentioning only the most common shades.

His majesty is green

To admire the whole palette of green, just walk along the lawn or in the park on a sunny summer or spring day. Then you can see all of it, because thanks to the chlorophyll contained in the leaves, most plants have such an amazing shade.

In the old days, green was considered a symbol of life. It is noteworthy that in Christianity (Orthodoxy) he was a symbol of many saints and blessed. Therefore, icons were often painted in green tones. And in Islam, in general, green is the sacred color of the religion itself, it is colorfully sung in the Koran.

In printing, in order to get a full-fledged green color, you must either mix one hundred percent blue and the same amount of yellow (for CMYK), or set the green value to two hundred and fifty-five (for RGB). And the color itself has the coordinates #00FF00.

The most common shades of green

The names of all shades of green are very difficult to count, because there are about several thousand of them. However, you can focus on the most common of them, which, in turn, have a lot of their own colors.

So, the most common names for shades of green are lime, turquoise, aquamarine, emerald, olive and pistachio.

light green

Light green color (coordinates # 99ff99), or, as it is correct to say, yellow-green, is familiar to everyone. Its "folk" nickname comes from the name of an annual herbaceous plant called "lettuce".

Light green color refers to light shades of green, only slightly different from the classic green tone. In English, this color is called light green.

In turn, the light green tone has its own shades of green. Palette, the names of these shades include several dozen names, and even more nameless shades. Lime regular, french, green and electric; chartreuse pear (regular and yellow), neon green and meadow green - these are just a small list of the most famous colors of light green.

Interestingly, psychologists have experimentally proven that only light green color and its shades tend to have a positive effect on the development of the psyche of preschoolers. Perhaps for this reason, illustrations for children's books and computer games are full of light green colors.

Aquamarine and turquoise

Unlike the light green tone, aquamarine (coordinates #7FFFD4) and turquoise (coordinates #30D5C8) are not directly green: they are transitional colors. Their names are also very diverse, especially when you consider that some of the colors belong to the blue palette, and some to green.

So, there are light, dark, pale, bright and medium turquoise colors. Not to mention the electric color and turquoise pearls.

It is worth noting that it is often considered one of the shades of turquoise.

An interesting fact: both shades - both turquoise and aquamarine - are named after minerals of natural origin.


If light green is most positively perceived by preschoolers, then emerald green (coordinates # 50C878) is one of the most pleasant for adults to perceive. And although it also belongs to the blue-green range, it stands apart from turquoise and aquamarine. Although, just like these names of shades of green, it comes from the name of the mineral - emerald.

Unlike the above colors, the emerald color does not have such a huge variety of names for its tones. Like turquoise, its shades range from light, bright and similar to dark emerald. There are also individual tones such as jade, dark spring green and sea red.

Olive and pistachio

Names for shades of green such as olive (coordinates #808000) and pistachio (coordinates #BEF574) refer to the fact that they both come from the name of plants. However, unlike light green, they are darker.

Olive tone is called correctly. Its standard is the color of the fruits of the olive tree. As a rule, to get this shade, yellow and black tones are added to green. Sometimes an olive color palette can be very close to beige tones.

Olive tones include not only its dark and light varieties, but also colors called olive wreath, olive feast and whisper of the forest, heavenly freshness, the noise of herbs (although the last tone can be attributed to pistachio in the same way).

The pistachio color is quite similar to olive, but is much lighter and is often considered its shade. Its tones are very close to beige and light brown.

There are different colors of green shades. Unfortunately, not everyone has a name. In most cases, for convenience, each color and its shade has a certain digital value, knowing which, it is easy to find the tone in the catalog or reproduce it on a computer in one of the graphics programs. However, in order to do this, one must initially know the basic shades of green, since all others are just their varieties.

Adelaide is a red shade of lilac. According to other sources, dark blue. In the 40-50s of the XIX century. used in the press: found in Turgenev and Dostoevsky.

Hellfire is a purple shade of red. Or pearl red. Or black with red stripes.

The thighs of a frightened nymph - (French "cuisse de nimfe émue") - a playful name for a pale pink color associated with the aesthetics of the French Rococo style of the first half of the 18th century. Associated with ancient images of nymphs and the goddess of the morning dawn, Eos, or the Roman Aurora (in other versions of the translation from French: “the color of the thigh of a touched, embarrassed or hurt nymph”). Perhaps it arose at the beginning of the 19th century with the advent of a new variety of roses. There is also the color of the "nymph's thigh" - it is pale pink, the nymph is calm. According to other sources, it was pink with an admixture of ocher. Under Emperor Paul, the lining of military uniforms was painted with this color. But since the fabric for officers and soldiers was of different quality, the officer's shade was called "the thigh of a frightened nymph", and the soldier's "thigh of a frightened Mashka." In Russian, this expression first appeared in L. N. Tolstoy's novel "War and Peace", in the action taking place in the salon of A. Scherer (vol. 1, part I, III; 1863-1869), it had an ironic connotation. Once again, I. Ilf and E. Petrov recalled this funny expression in the feuilleton "I am burning - and I do not burn out" (1932).

Blange, or planchevy (from fr. blanc - white) - a creamy shade of white.

Blakitny - blue-blue.

Busy - dark blue-gray or gray-blue.

Vidovy - blue.

Verdepeche - a yellow or pink shade of green (similar to a green peach).

Wine - yellowish red.

Toad in love - greenish-gray.

Waxed - the color of wax, from yellow-gray to amber-yellow.

Havana is gray with a hint of brown.

Haiti is either pink or bright blue.

Pea - gray or dirty yellow.

Hydrangea - pale pink.

Grid-pearly - a pearl shade of gray.

Goose droppings - yellow-green with a brown tint.

Edward's children are a shade of pink.

Wild - grey.

Gendarme - a shade of blue. The word appeared at the end of the 19th century due to the color of the gendarme uniform.
Giraffe - yellow-brown.

Jonquile - the color of narcissus.

Zekry - dark, light blue, gray.

A frightened mouse is a shade of gray.

Judas tree - hot pink.

Camelopard - yellowish brown.

KashU - blue, or bright red, or tobacco.

Cubic (indigo) - blue, from the name of the cube plant.

Partridge eyes - light red.

Lani (from the name of the animal) - yellowish brown.

Frogs in a swoon - light gray-green.

Magenta is bright red.

Marengo is black and grey. That was the color of the trousers of Napoleon, who with his army in 1800 defeated the Austrian troops in the Italian town of Marengo.

Marquises Pompadour - a shade of pink.

Massaka - dark red with a blue tint.

Bear (aka bear ear) is a dark chestnut shade of brown.

Moscow fire - similar to the color of crushed lingonberries.

Nakarat - a shade of red, "hot".

Navarino flame with smoke (or smoke with flame) is a fashionable cloth color that appeared after the victory of the Russians over the Turks in Navarino Bay in 1827.

Fawn - a pinkish-beige shade of yellow, from the French. paille - "straw".

Parisian mud is a dirty brown color. Appeared after the public got acquainted with the essays of Louis-Sebastian Mercier "Pictures of Paris".

Parnassian rose - a shade of pink with a purple tint.

A spider plotting a crime is a dark shade of grey.

Jaco's last breath is yellow-red. Perhaps because before death, the eyes of a Jaco parrot turn yellow.

Floating - light yellow.

Prunel is a shade of black, the color of a ripe mulberry.

Pusovy - brown, brown shade of red, "the color of a crushed flea", from the French. puce - "flea". There were also shades of "flea in a swoon", "flea belly" and the color "flea in puerperal fever".

Gray - the color of a dove, then just blue.

Silk - blue, cornflower blue.

Blue-scarlet - dark purple.

Blue is an ecclesiastical word meaning "all blue".

Blue - with a blue tint.

Smury - a brown shade of gray, dirty gray.

Nightingale - gray. The nightingale is named after this color.

Solferino is bright red. Named after the Battle of Solferino in the Austro-Italian-French War.

Somo is pinkish yellow. Found in War and Peace.

Dauphin's surprise, also known as the color of children's surprise. According to legend, in Paris they began to dye fabrics in the color of crap-up diapers after Marie Antoinette showed the courtiers her just-born two-hour-old son, who “disgraced” in front of them.

Tango - orange with a brown tint.

Tausinny - blue, from the word "peacock".

Pistachio - dirty green.

Mills - the color of crushed strawberries.

Scarlet - bright red.

Schmalt - blue, from the name of the paint, which was made from crushed blue glass (smalt).

Yakhontovy - red, purple or dark blue.

Since childhood, we know the names of the primary colors and their shades. But in the world there are many of the most exotic names, meaning one or another tint variant of the color we know.

Sometimes these names sound so outlandish that many people cannot understand what kind of color it really is. Let's take a look at their rarest and most unusual names together.

Rare and unusual colors

Among the rarest and most unusual names of flowers and their shades are the following:

  • Adelaide
  • Hellfire
  • Thighs of a frightened nymph
  • Blange (plan)
  • Blakytny
  • Busy
  • Vidovy
  • Verdepeshevy
  • Wine
  • Toad in love
  • waxed
  • Havana - gray color with a slight brown tint
  • Haiti - two color options: pink or bright blue
  • pea
  • Hydrangea
  • Grideperlevy - pearl shade of gray
  • Goose droppings
  • Edward's children delicate shade of beige-pink color
  • Wild
  • Gendarme
  • giraffe
  • Zhonkilevy
  • Closed (closed) - dark gray or grayish blue
  • Frightened mouse (sick mouse)
  • Judas tree - bright pink shade
  • camelopard - yellowish brown tint
  • KashU
  • vat (indigo)
  • Partridge eyes
  • Lani
  • Frogs in a swoon
  • Magenta
  • Marengo
  • Marchioness Pompadour
  • Massaca
  • Bear (bear's ear)
  • Moscow fire - blood-red shade of crushed cranberries
  • Navarino flame with smoke
  • Pale yellow
  • Parisian mud
  • parnassian rose
  • Jaco's last breath
  • Floating - light yellow
  • Prunel - a shade of black, the color of a ripe mulberry
  • Pusovy
  • bluish
  • Silk - cornflower blue, bright blue
  • Blue - scarlet - dark purple color
  • Blue - deep blue
  • Blue - with a blue tint
  • Smury - brown shade of gray or just dirty gray
  • Nightingale
  • Solferino - blood-red
  • Somo
  • Dauphin's Surprise (color of children's surprise)
  • Tango - orange with brown tint
  • taucine
  • pistachio
  • cutters
  • Sharlakh - bright red
  • Schmalt
  • Yakhontovy

That's how many tint options of different colors with outlandish names exist. And now let's find out the meaning and, if possible, the origin of each of them.


Adelaide - such a beautiful name was given to the red shade of purple. However, in some sources, including literary ones, the color of Adelaide is interpreted as a dark blue hue.

In the middle of the 19th century, the name was widely used in the press. It can also be found in the works of F. M. Dostoevsky and I. Turgenev.


To indicate the nature of this color, there are several options:

  • Lilac shade of red
  • Pearly red
  • Black with a reddish tint

Most often, fabric merchants gave such poetic names to shades, describing the color scheme of their goods and thus attracting buyers.

In the future, the word was fixed and continued to be used for a long time. A significant role in this was played by literary works, in which the peculiarities of the speech of their time were preserved.

Thighs of a frightened nymph

This playful name for the most delicate shade of pink arose in the 17th century in connection with the development of the Rococo style. During this period, artists depict mythical creatures - nymphs, whose naked parts of the body are painted precisely with soft pink paints.

According to another version, soft pink is the color of the ancient goddess of the dawn - Eos (or Aurora among the Romans). That is, a shade of pink called “thighs of a frightened nymph” is the color of dawn.

blanche color

Blange or planche is the name of a creamy shade of white. The word comes from the French "blanc", which literally means "white".

The choice from ancient times testifies to the presence of refined taste. And today it is often used as the main shade in interior design.

Blakit color

Blackite is a bright blue shade of cyan. In Ukrainian, the word "blakytny" is the name of a rich blue color, symbolizing a clear sky.

At the same time, blackite can have many shades, from light blue to bright, almost blue tint. Some linguists point out that the word "blakitny" has the same root as the word "cloud". Therefore, its application to the description of the sky-blue color is quite justified.

Busy color

Busy is a dark grey-blue shade. The name comes from the word "beads" - gray dust that occurs during the grinding of rye grains. In fact, it is a mixture of flour and stone dust from millstones.

Vid color

Vido is a pure shade of blue. In the old days, woad dye was used instead of indigo.

Woad dyer is a plant from the cruciferous family that was cultivated in European countries to produce blue dye.

Subsequently, with the further development of the synthetic production of indigo, the cultivation and cultivation of woad was significantly reduced in volume and almost ceased.

verdepeche color

Verdepeche is a pink or yellow shade of green, similar to an unripe peach. This is a very gentle and eye-pleasing color with a slight sheen of shade, which fashionable young ladies liked so much in the old days.

wine color

Wine color is a yellowish-red tint characteristic of elite wines. Most often, men preferred clothes of this color, but older women also ordered dresses made of wine-colored fabric from tailors.

The color of the toad in love is a bright greenish-gray hue. During the mating season, frogs acquire a similar natural color to attract a partner. However, subsequently it loses its brightness and becomes more calm and inconspicuous.

Waxed color

Waxed color includes all shades of natural beeswax: from grayish yellow to amber. As it turned out, beeswax can have both a different consistency and color.

pea color

Pea color is gray or dirty yellowish. Pea puree gives the right idea. However, even it can have several different, slightly different tint options.


The color of hydrangea is a soft pink color with a bias towards purple hues. The best illustration is the flowers of the garden hydrangea, although brightly colored, but at the same time very elegant.

Goose droppings

The color of goose litter is yellow-green with a brown tint. The villagers are well aware of the shade of this color, because geese were kept in many yards. But among the capital's dandies, this color has been very popular for a long time.

wild color

Wild is called an ordinary shade of gray. It is believed that this name comes from the color of the stone - a savage, or "wild stone". And how can one not remember the classic writers who painted frightening pictures of gray and gloomy stone dungeons in which prisoners languished!

Gray stone is a savage


The color of the gendarme is a rich and strict shade of blue. The name appeared at the end of the 19th century due to the color of the gendarme uniform of those times.

giraffe shade

Giraffe is yellow-brown shades close to the natural color of this long-necked representative of the African fauna. Colors and shades of natural origin are always difficult to describe, so in the old days people did not philosophize, and called the color by analogy with any animal, plant or object of inanimate nature. So it happened in the case of the giraffe color.


Jonquile is the color of narcissus. Narcissus flowers can have a different color, but it was the light yellow color that was associated with these delicate flowers in the old days.

Frightened mouse color

The scared mouse color (or sick mouse color) is a very light shade of grey. Apparently, a small rodent acquires such a pale color at the sight of its worst enemy - a domestic cat, or as a result of illness.

In the old days, tailors were very careful not to confuse the color of a frightened mouse with a mouse - rich gray.


The color of porridge can have as many as three different meanings:

  • Blue
  • bright red
  • tobacco color

vat (indigo)

The vat color is a deep blue. The name comes from the cube plant, which was used to dye fabrics for the production of the famous cube scarves.

Partridge eyes

In the old days, the color "partridge eyes" meant a light red hue. And indeed, above the upper eyelid of the bird's eye, we can see a bright strip of light red.

doe color

This color is named after the peculiar natural coloration of a wild artiodactyl animal - fallow deer. It is characterized by calm, yellowish-brown hues.

The color of the frog in a swoon

The color of a faint frog is a complex shade formed by the fusion of several colors: swamp, gray and. The result is a unique shade of grey.

Apparently, according to our witty ancestors, it was precisely this color that a frog should have acquired if it fainted from unexpected grief or at the sight of danger.

At the same time, many modern designers consider it calm, strict and at the same time elegant.


The magenta color is a bright red hue and a range of purple colors. Therefore, the name "magenta" is suitable for many shades of reddish-purple colors.

Outwardly, it is very similar to the modern one, which has been at the height of fashion for many years.


Marengo color is one of the most popular and fashionable shades of gray, black with a gray tint or gray-blue color these days. Artists define it as "the color of the sea storm wave."

This color is known in history. This was the color of Napoleon's trousers when he defeated the Austrian troops in the Italian town of Marengo in 1800 with his army.

Marchioness Pompadour

A seductive and sensual shade of pink. We know from history that the Marquise de Pompadour was a very loving woman. And the color of eternal love, as you know, is pink. That is why the name of the Marquise was given to the bright and attractive shade.


Massaka is the name of a dark red with a blue tint or deep lilac color, known in Russia since the beginning of the 18th century. But the name of the color was especially popular in colloquial speech in the 30s of the 18th century.

bear color

Bear (or bear ear color) is a dark chestnut shade of brown. This is a very pleasant color, which was appreciated by respectable aged men.

Navarino flame with smoke

The color of Navarino flame with smoke (or smoke with flame) is a dark shade with a slight pink-red tint. The name was given to the cloth after a well-known historical event - the victory of Russian troops over the Turks in the Navarino Bay of the Ionian Sea in October 1827.

The name of this shade can be found in the literary source - the novel by N.V. Gogol "Dead Souls", the main character of which, Mr. Chichikov, went to the shop to buy fabric for his suit.

Pale yellow

Fawn is a pinkish-beige or straw shade of yellow. The name comes from the French word "paille", which means "straw".

Parisian mud

From the name itself, you can understand that we are talking about some kind of dark and dirty color. Indeed, Parisian dirt is dirty brown. The name arose after the reading public got acquainted with the essays of Louis Sebastian Mercier "Paintings of Paris".

parnassian rose

Parnassus rose is a beautiful shade of pink with a purple tint. In general, this color is very close to lilac, but it is more delicate and saturated.

Spider plotting a crime

A dark shade of gray is called the color of the spider plotting a crime or "preparing to kill", as this color can also be called.

The name is fully justified by the behavior of the spider, which, in the process of tracking down its prey, changes its color somewhat in order to merge with the environment and remain unnoticed by the victim.

Jaco's last breath

The color of Jaco's last breath is yellow-red. Ornithologists say that before death, the eyes of a parrot acquire this shade and become brightly colored.


Pus color is a brown, brownish shade of red. Among other, even more outlandish names of this tint option are the following:

  • Crushed flea color
  • Flea in a swoon
  • Flea belly
  • Flea in puerperal fever

dove shade

The bluish shade is the color of the dove's feathers. Subsequently, the bluish was simply called blue.


A pure shade of grey, close to the natural plumage of a nightingale. By the way, this small and inconspicuous songbird was named due to the nightingal color.


Somo color combines several shades of yellow, orange, red and fawn. Simply put, the color of somo is salmon, because the word "saumon" is translated from French as "salmon".

Somo is a shade that is on the border of the transition from orange to red in the spectrum. Salmon color was popular at the end of the 19th century, and in the middle of the 20th century it was also at the height of fashion.

Dauphin Surprise

This color variant of a delicate greenish-yellow hue has another witty name - "the color of children's surprise."

According to legend, in Paris, all the ladies of the court began to re-dye fabrics in this shade after Queen Marie Antoinette showed them her newborn son. The baby was only a couple of hours old. The tiny dauphin relieved himself on snow-white diapers, after which in France the color of children's surprise for some time became the most fashionable.

taucine color

Tausine is a vibrant shade of blue. The name comes from the word "peacock". Indeed, if you look closely at the natural color of peacock feathers, it is difficult to find an analogue of a brighter, fresher and purer blue.


Pistachio color has a dirty green tint. It was and remains very popular for decoration today.


Frez is a bright and rich, juicy and attractive shade of scarlet. In ancient times, it was called "the color of crushed strawberries."

Schmalt color

Schmalt is a shade of blue. The color got its name from the name of the paint, for the manufacture of which crushed blue glass (smalt) was used.

Yakhont color

Yakhontovy is the name of several color shades at once - pink, red, blue and purple. Such a variety of meanings is explained by the origin and lexical meaning of the word "yahont".

Yakhont is the old name for bright and luxurious, having a rich color and emitting an intense sheen when exposed to light.

Today, this word is practically not used, because it was replaced by the modern names of minerals:

  • Azure (blue) yacht is a sapphire
  • Red Yacht- ruby

  • – corundum

Thus, we learned the most rare, unusual and often poetic names of outlandish flowers, many of which came to us from ancient times or arose as a result of some historical event.
