Amethyst stone deposit. Amethyst stone - types, magical and medicinal properties, applications

Amethyst- one of the most beautiful and valuable varieties of quartz. Its color can vary from pale purple to dark purple. Amethyst crystals can be either completely transparent or practically not translucent in the sun. It belongs to the macrocrystalline varieties of quartz and owes its violet-purple color to admixtures of iron and aluminum.

See also:


Amethyst consists of silicon dioxide SiO 2 with iron impurities. Crystal structure: trigonal, hexagonal prism. Three segments of axes of equal length intersect in one plane at an angle of 60°, the third axis is perpendicular to this plane, and the segment cut off on it has a different length. In the hexagonal system, three unit cells form a regular prism on a hexagonal base.


Mohs hardness - 7. Density about 2.65 g/cm 3 . Refractive index: 1.544 - 1.553. It can be transparent or semi-transparent. The color of amethyst is very varied in shades and varies from almost colorless pale purple, pink-bluish-violet, bluish-violet to purple, dark purple, to lavender blue, sometimes to almost black. Violet-smoky zone-colored amethysts are also found. The distribution of color is usually uneven; zoning of color is characteristic, sometimes pronounced: intensely colored zones are parallel to the faces of rhombohedrons or are distributed in spots along growth pyramids in the crystal.

The color of amethyst can be very rich and depends on the iron impurities in the mineral. The stone can lose color under the influence of high temperatures: at 200 ° C, amethyst turns very pale, but can return color when it cools; at 300–500 °C amethyst becomes colorless irrevocably (Only directed ionization can help); and at temperatures from 500 to 600 °C, amethyst acquires a bright yellow color and turns into citrine.

The color stability of amethysts from different deposits is not the same; Thus, amethyst crystals from crystal veins are usually resistant to even direct sunlight, while amethysts found in geodes among sedimentary rocks usually fade quickly when exposed to even diffuse sunlight.


Amethyst usually grows on a gray opaque quartz substrate. Common in drusen and crystalline brushes within agate geodes and in tonsils and fissures in volcanic rocks. Unlike simple quartz, the prismatic facets on amethyst crystals are usually weakly manifested; the facets of its crystals are dominated by rhombohedron faces. In addition to the simple forms of crystals inherent in quartz, amethyst often appears in the form of skeletal sceptre-shaped forms, when the subsequent generation of the mineral grows on the previous one at the end of an early generation crystal in the form of a short pyramidal-prismatic formation resembling a mace or scepter.

Sometimes an amethyst contains thin crystalline plates of hematite or needle-shaped crystals of goethite and is then called “hairy”. Common for amethyst crystals, especially large ones, are liquid and gas-liquid inclusions; often they have the form of very thin tubular tubes with constrictions and are located along radii from the center of growth. A natural mixture of amethyst and citrine is called ametrine.


Amethyst was born in the depths of the earth under high pressure and exposure to water. Formed in hydrothermal veins and lava amygdalae. Often deposits are found in volcanic rock and growths on rock crystal. High-quality amethysts are mined in the Urals, Uruguay and Brazil. Another unique deposit has been developed on the Kola Peninsula, famous for amethyst brushes with a fairly even dark purple color. And yet, the most expensive amethysts in the world are mined in Mexico, the Jaerrero deposit. These are dark purple prismatic crystals surrounded by clear or white quartz, growing straight from the center. There are also deposits of the mineral in the USA, Canada, Uruguay, Italy and Germany.


A valuable semi-precious stone, widely used in jewelry and as a material for artistic carving. Beautifully colored violet-red and violet specimens are highly prized and are used in high-end jewelry in conjunction with diamonds and emeralds. During processing, the amethyst is given a diamond, step, fancy cut, and cabochonted. Beautiful natural specimens are popular among collectors.

Most often in Rus', amethyst was used to decorate religious paraphernalia (icons, books, crosses, etc.). Both crowns and expensive dresses were decorated with this stone. The amethyst stone became most widespread as a decoration for the insignia of monarchs and priests. Today, the most common use of amethyst is as amulets. The amulets themselves can have completely different shapes and appear before you, either in the form of a ring or pendant, or in the form of a figurine or rosary.

Amethyst - SiO 2


Strunz (8th edition) 4/D.01-10
Nickel-Strunz (10th edition) 4/DA.05
Dana (7th edition)
Dana (8th edition)
Hey's CIM Ref. 7.8.1

Good afternoon, dear readers! Amethyst is a stone, the very sight of which causes mystical experiences in many, not to mention purposeful work and interaction with it. In this article you will learn what this semi-precious clot of energy is and how you can use it for your benefit, what each color of the mineral means, and what its beneficial, healing properties are.

In addition, after reading the article, you can choose an amethyst for yourself and your loved ones. We'll take a closer look at what this natural stone means for each zodiac sign. And if you dream of buying products made from amethyst or plan to give original products made of this material to your friends, our publication will not only help you make the right choice, but will also warn you against purchasing fakes.

The nature of the material or everything about the amethyst stone

Amethyst is a representative of the quartz rock, which is rightfully considered the most expensive of all the silica family existing in nature. In nature, amethyst is a diamond-shaped rock formation that cannot be missed. As a rule, the mineral has a purple color that stands out against the background of the gray mountain substrate.

By the way, when amethyst is heated to 200 degrees, the nugget changes color: as a result of a thermal reaction, the stone becomes colorless, and as it cools, it returns to its natural color.

The answer to the question why a mineral changes color lies in its composition. In its structure, this mineral contains impurities that, when heated, change their valence and become colorless. After cooling, everything returns to normal.

The main deposits of the stone are the territories of South America, Africa, Asia, Germany, Armenia, and Ceylon. In some countries, the extraction of precious nuggets is carried out at different depths. In Russia, amethyst is found in the Urals, and also occasionally in the spurs of the mountainous Crimea.

However, the quality of the Crimean stone allows it to be used exclusively for collection purposes. It is not suitable for the jewelry industry, which cannot be ignored for the luxury gems of the Middle Urals.

As a rule, the thickness of amethyst crystals ranges from 5 mm to 10 cm. Individual crystals can reach up to 1 meter in girth and the height of an adult. The mass of such a crystal can reach half a ton.

The color of the stone varies from violet shades of varying saturation to blood red, blue and green. This color variation is determined by the percentage of iron, manganese, cobalt and nickel in it.

It is worth noting that cobalt and nickel are only rarely found in amethysts, which is why their color is predominantly purple.

Interesting information: in the National Collection of America there is a Brazilian amethyst weighing 1362 carats, which in everyday language is 272.4 g. Of course, you can say that the weight is small. However, it is worth taking into account the fact that only stones suitable for jewelry processing are measured in carats. Brazilian amethyst:

  • transparent;
  • evenly colored;
  • does not contain any foreign inclusions;
  • has no chips or cracks.

In a word - an ideal stone for the jewelry industry.

However, none of us will ever wear earrings with inserts made of this amethyst. And not because its carats are not enough for all the fair sex of our planet. The reason lies in the fact that such crystals are very rare and they must remain untouched for future generations.

Today, the most precious and high-quality amethyst is mined in the Urals, which is known throughout the world as “Ural” or “deep Siberian”. Minerologists claim that this stone has high hardness (7 points according to the Mohs table) and density (2.6 g per cm3).

By the way, the weight of one carat is 0.2 g. Therefore, the next time you go to a jewelry store, you will have something to start with when considering the numbers: 2, 3, 5 or more carats. In the meantime, let’s continue our acquaintance with amethyst.

Amethyst stone in legends

If you translate the word “amethystos” from ancient Greek, you get the adjective “not drunk.” Scientists associate this translation with a beautiful romantic story-myth of Ancient Greece.

There is a legend that the God of wine, Dionysus, fell in love with the beautiful nymph Amethyst. However, the girl's heart was occupied. After numerous attempts by Dionysus to be with his beloved, the goddess of female chastity Artemis intervened in the situation, who turned the nymph into a hard stone of a rich purple hue. As a reminder of the love of Dionysus, Artemis endowed the mineral with the unique property of protecting against intoxication.

According to legends, during feasts, the ancient Greeks often decorated their dishes with amethyst, and also put on various jewelry made from a precious (at that time) gem. In this way, they protected themselves from the strong effects of the intoxicating drink.

There are other names for the gem, for example, “bishop” (Old Russian) and “apostolic” (in the Christian tradition) stone. It is interesting that back in the 16th century. in Rus', amethyst, which has a red tint, was called “dumpling” or “amephis”.

At that time, this mineral was valued higher than ruby. The gem was the favorite stone of the church fathers, which is why the altar, icons of saints, and crosses were often decorated with the help of a purple nugget.

Amethyst is also called the “widow’s stone” (together with pearl and alexandrite). The mineral is a symbol of a woman’s strong love and fidelity. Such jewelry is worn by beautiful ladies who have lost their beloved husband, or who have taken an oath of eternal fidelity to their lover.

Medicinal properties

Experts studying the influence of natural stones claim that natural unprocessed amethyst is beneficial for women, men, and children.

  • The mineral strengthens the central nervous system, normalizes metabolism, stabilizes hormonal levels, as well as the production of endocrine glands.
  • In addition, lithotherapists confirm that the amethyst mineral enriches the blood with oxygen, which as a result promotes the normal functioning of the intestines, kidneys, liver and stomach.
  • Lithotherapists recommend using the stone for women who want to maintain youth, because the mineral helps reduce the number of wrinkles, improve skin color, as well as relieve swelling and eliminate bruises.
  • For absolutely everyone, jewelry made from an amethyst nugget helps in the treatment of fears, insomnia, and headaches. To do this, you need to apply the stone to the temples and forehead.
  • The mineral can relieve stress, overexertion, and negativity. It is often used during the course of treatment of mental disorders, schizophrenia, and paranoia.

White metal, such as steel, silver, white gold, platinum, perfectly emphasizes the appearance, color, and enhances all the beneficial properties of amethyst.

However, it is important to know that amethyst should be placed in a white gold frame only if it is combined with other precious or semi-precious stones.

For example, for a woman it could be a gold ring with amethyst and crystal or gold earrings with amethyst and zirconium, and for a man it could be a ring with a purple gem and quartz.

Magical properties of the mineral

The stone has not only healing properties, but also magical, or more precisely, esoteric properties. If we talk about the interpretation of the mineral using Tarot cards, then the amethyst crystal belongs to the category of the Major Arcana - Temperance.

It is believed that the mineral can remove anxiety, mental pain, has a beneficial effect and fills the human aura. A quartz nugget is used as an amulet against drunkenness, bad thoughts, and promotes prudence and wisdom. The energy of the stone helps cleanse the space of accumulated negativity.

  • You should not wear amethyst jewelry all the time. It is recommended to remove such jewelry 1-2 times a week.
  • Amethyst jewelry is recommended to be worn by women wishing to become pregnant and men suffering from infertility.
  • If the stone is worn around the neck in a gold frame, the human body will constantly be in energy balance.
  • Amethyst in silver, whose properties are also beneficial for most people, is best worn around the neck or wrist. It is believed that a silver amethyst bracelet normalizes a person’s thought processes and improves his memory.

Before wearing the products, it is recommended to test the properties of the stone in the house. It is important to know that the amethyst mineral influences and cleanses the frontal chakra, as well as the crown chakra, revealing the magical abilities of each owner. In a closed space, natural amethyst has Yin energy, i.e. transform negative vibes into positive ones.

There are several amethyst stone conspiracies for protection from everything bad and negative, which will help in life, regardless of the year of birth, gender, faith, or zodiac sign of the owner of the purple mineral.

According to Feng Shui theory, amethyst also has a positive effect in love. In addition, the stone attracts wealth to the home, stone crystals attract material well-being in the family. To do this, you simply need to place a raw amethyst or druse (a mineral aggregate from a collection of crystals randomly fused together) in the southwestern side of the room.

Today you can buy amethyst figurines and interior decorations. Druses look quite impressive in spacious and small rooms.

Which zodiac sign is suitable for an amethyst nugget?

The amethyst mineral represents the element of Air, so the stone is suitable for people of all zodiac signs belonging to the air element, as well as those under the influence of the planets Saturn, Venus and Neptune. When choosing products from a nugget, it is important to pay attention to its color, because its effect on a person depends on the color of the mineral.

  • For Aquarius, Gemini And Capricorn It is better to choose a pink stone that personifies tenderness, calmness, and harmony. For people of these zodiac signs, pink amethyst will help normalize the functioning of the heart muscle and strengthen the nervous system. In addition, wearing jewelry made from pale pink mineral every day reduces the negative effects of stress on the human body.
  • Black amethyst is the perfect gift for Libra, Virgo, Cancer And Scorpio. Autumn zodiac signs have selfishness and increased emotionality. The “black king” will help you cope with all this, harmonize and calm your inner state.
  • For people who want to be the center of attention, e.g. Aries And Lviv, it is preferable to opt for a purple color scheme: lilac or lavender shades. The stone will help you make important decisions, help you cope with personal ambitions and drive away all the surrounding negativity.

Especially green, blue, blue amethyst jewelry is useful to wear Aries. It is the owners of this sign who will be helped by a natural gem to discover the supernatural abilities that they possess from birth.

  • For personal development, establishing business relationships, success in business and career Pisces And Sagittarius It is recommended to purchase a lilac stone. This color of the nugget can remove all angry feelings, protect against envy, and bring peace of mind.

Exactly the opposite is the picture of the influence of the lilac mineral on Taurus. In contrast to the positive impact on such a sign as Fish, For Taurus Amethyst stone does not work, it can even neutralize the positive emotions of the owner.

If we talk in general about the horoscope, then representatives of the sciences of numerology and astrology agree that an amethyst gem of any color is a real “C” mineral. This means that the nugget has a triple effect on people who have the numbers “3”, “12”, “21” and “30” in their date of birth.

In addition to numbers, the stone has a connection with people's names. An amethyst nugget can become a real talisman for Arkady, Evgeniy, Leonid, Marina, Elizaveta, Anton, Violetta.

How to distinguish an amethyst stone from a fake

It is impossible to clearly determine from a photo whether an amethyst is natural or not. The authenticity of a material can be determined by several criteria. By color - the natural material has a violet color range. The second parameter is color saturation, i.e. the brighter the color, the better and more expensive the stone.

Here are some simple tests that can tell you whether the material is natural or synthetic:

  1. Check the color: uneven tone and the presence of a cloudy coating indicate naturalness.
  2. Heat the material: non-synthetic stone takes longer to heat up than artificial stone.
  3. Examine the nugget under a magnifying glass: in natural amethyst you can see a heterogeneous structure.

Whether the stone is expensive or artificial (for example, completely transparent), amethyst requires care. You can preserve all the properties and appearance of a gem if:

  • Protect from direct sunlight and high temperatures.
  • Store it in a soft cloth.
  • Rinse once or twice a month with running cold water.

In the video below you can see in more detail what a natural crystal looks like, find out its deepest characteristics and meaning in spiritual practice.

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A magnificent mineral - the amethyst gemstone, from which you cannot take your eyes off, captivates with its beauty and extraordinary color. This luxurious creation of nature will win the heart of everyone at first sight. Its history stretches back centuries, but even now it remains in great demand: it is used to make jewelry and talismans, and is also used in magic and lithotherapy.

Amethyst is one of the few stones that reveals to its owner the secrets of existence, bringing him to a high level of spiritual development. A variety of quartz of extraordinary beauty, amethyst is surrounded by mystery and enigma, which entails, leaving no one indifferent.

Amethyst legend

The mineral received its name back in ancient times. There is a legend about amethyst, in which a young beauty of indescribable beauty - a nymph with the beautiful name Amethys - became the object of passion of the god of wine - Dionysus. But the beauty was in love with the simple shepherd Sprikos, and Dionysus was rejected. However, this did not stop the immortal, and he decided to achieve his goal in another way, turning a blind eye to decency. The girl was frightened by this turn of events and decided to flee.

But the fact is that she is a mere mortal, and he is a god, and she was unable to hide from the not entirely sober Dionysus, who, despite his mood, was unable to harm the beautiful nymph - a preoccupied Artemis intervened in the situation, turning the beauty into stone. Dionysus tried to bring Amethys back to life by sprinkling her with magic wine, but it only absorbed into the shining mineral, giving it an unsurpassed purple hue, but the girl did not come to life.

Dionysus was overwhelmed with grief, and Zeus, so that mortals would not forget to worship the gods of Olympus, used lightning to split the petrified nymph into many pieces, which turned into wonderful, sparkling amethysts.

A little history

In Russia, the stone was valued for its transparency, purity and unusual color range. High-ranking persons and noble citizens wore items made of purple quartz, which was considered a sign of high status in society.

Amethyst attracted the attention of clergy and the church. Ancient monks mined amethyst crystals on the shores of the White Sea and decorated church utensils with them. The priests inlaid their clothes with it. The stone was used so widely among religious adherents that it acquired the name “bishop’s” or “cardinal’s”.

In Ancient Greece, it was highly valued because, according to the Greeks, it helped get rid of drunkenness. Another name for amethyst is “not drunk.” To protect against excessive consumption of alcohol, products with it were worn when going to festivities, and cups were decorated with it.

For the same reason, Italians put minerals in a glass when drinking wine, and in Egypt, magnificent quartz was a symbol of peace and wisdom.

In ancient China, it was believed that if you wear amulets with amethyst, you can avoid death in battles and battles.

Description and properties of amethyst stone

The mineral belongs to the quartz family, but is its most expensive representative. What does amethyst look like? In nature, the stone is found in the form of many diamond-shaped crystals fused with each other (amethyst druse), as well as scepter-shaped crystals (expanding upward).

The color varies from pale purple to dark, almost black. Color depends on many factors - dark stones are obtained from the increased content of impurities in them and the severity of ionizing radiation. Under the influence of high temperatures, the stone changes its color: at temperatures above +250 degrees, purple and lilac specimens turn into faded green or pale yellow stones. When cooled, the color of the mineral may be restored.

It has been noticed that natural stones, when worn continuously for 25 years in a climate where there is a lot of sunlight, lose 20% of their color - amethysts from geodes are the least durable. Those specimens that were extracted from rock crystal veins are not afraid of sunlight.

Png" alt="" width="47" height="78"> The chemical formula of amethyst is SiO2. The physical and chemical properties of the stone largely coincide with quartz. It has high hardness (7 points on the Mohs scale), transparent structure and relatively uniform density.

In Soviet times, a technique was developed for growing and coloring artificial crystals. The low cost of such quartz was combined with high jewelry qualities, but it was precisely the fact that the stones had no defects and practically did not fade that was the main difference between them and natural ones.

Types of mineral

What color is drusy amethyst found in? Classic - purple amethyst comes in different shades: from soft lilac to deep purple hue. In the light of the sun it loses its color, which is restored with great difficulty.

It has the following types:

  • One of the rare ones is a green mineral (prasiolite) characterized by needle-shaped inclusions and colors ranging from emerald green to lemon.
  • Another rare species - pink amethyst is distinguished by opaque inclusions - specks. It is very sensitive to the sun, so it is necessary to store the stone in the dark.
  • The rarest type - black mineral is the most mystical of all existing types of purple quartz. It is mainly used by people with superpowers - magicians and sorcerers.
  • If you process simple rose quartz appropriately, you can get a more noble stone - lavender amethyst.
  • It is very rare to find a crystal of a blue hue.

Amethyst can be a precious or semi-precious stone - it all depends on its appearance and properties (the purity of the stone, its transparency, and the color of the mineral). Specimens of deep purple color are most prized. The cut is also important - the price of amethyst products depends on it.

Meaning of amethyst

The meaning of the amethyst stone is quite varied, but it is believed that the stone symbolizes the recently arrived era of Aquarius. It also personifies spirituality and wisdom, modesty and sincerity. Lilac amethyst is used in spiritual practices - as a connecting thread with the world of the mysterious and unknown. The crystal is a symbol of wisdom, high spirituality and purity, helping its owner to become fairer and more noble.

It is believed that the mineral protects against poisons and poisoning, and also brings peace and tranquility to those who wear it constantly, brings good luck and calms the nerves. A person who owns an amethyst will always be able to avoid conflict situations.

Amethyst - stone of loneliness

Amethyst, or as it is also called “widow’s stone,” is not such at all. It most likely attracts love more than it loses, but the name probably came from the fact that women who had lost their loved ones and did not want to have any more love relationships wore rings with amethyst, which helped them remain faithful to their departed lovers , letting others know about it.


There are amethyst deposits:

  • in Brazil and North America. Brazilian deposits of these minerals are quite extensive, but the stones mined there are not of high quality.
  • The mineral is also mined in South America;
  • Africa;
  • Asia;
  • Russia;
  • Germany;
  • Armenia;
  • on the island of Ceylon;
  • in Madagascar.

Stones mined in different places differ in their properties and characteristics. High quality nuggets are mined in Asia, but their quantity is very small.

Where is amethyst mined in Russia?

In our country, purple quartz is mined in the Urals. Ural stones are of the highest quality and are called “deep Siberian”. There is another Russian deposit, which is the most unique. They call it “Cape Ship” or “Amethyst Coast”. It is located in the Murmansk region on the Kola Peninsula. The crystals mined in this place are distinguished by their valuable dark purple color.

The world's largest amethyst was found in Uruguay and was named "Queen of Uruguay". It reaches a height of 3 meters and weighs 2.5 tons.

Amethyst magical properties

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The magical properties of amethyst are based on its purple color, which represents high spirituality and purity. It promotes the opening of the “third eye” and belongs to the Ajna chakra. A magical mineral opens a gate to the unknown for its owner, revealing a different vision and knowledge of higher spheres.

The stone protects against alcoholism, drug addiction and bad intentions, relieves aggression, hot temper and encourages good deeds.

The crystal is able to neutralize any negativity, as well as free from negative emotions - anger, malice, envy, jealousy, etc. Helps a person achieve harmony with himself and the world around him.

Violet quartz is the very first assistant in the fight against insomnia. If you put it under your pillow, all anxious thoughts will disappear, anxiety will go away, and your sleep will be sound and serene.

Amethyst crystal is a wonderful talisman in love relationships. It is able to attract love and bring mutual understanding, as well as unleash the creative potential of its owner.

The mineral is also used to maintain cleanliness, freshness and vitality of homes. It supports positive energy, cleanses the house from negative influences, if the stone is placed near the window, and if moonlight falls on it, it will bring peace to every resident of the house.

Before the approach of rain, thunderstorm or hurricane, the stone changes its color, which is able to predict cataclysms and natural disasters. It is for these reasons that it is used by sailors and fishermen, who consider the stone to be their talisman.

Healing properties

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The mineral is used to boost immunity and treat viral diseases. To do this, place it in water overnight, and in the morning drink the liquid charged with the stone. This water also cleanses the liver, blood vessels, kidneys and intestines.

The healing properties of amethyst are widely used in lithotherapy. With the help of a crystal they treat:

  • headache;
  • blood and lung diseases;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • mental disorders;
  • joint pain;
  • skin diseases.

Data-lazy-type="image" data-src="" alt=" amethyst jewelry" width="110" height="147">!} Also, if you wear amethyst jewelry, your vision will improve, emotional arousal will go away, insomnia will disappear, and the functioning of the endocrine and nervous systems will return to normal. The mineral can relieve pain if you apply it to a sore spot. Those who want to lose weight can overcome hunger with the help of a natural healer.

How to wear a stone? In order for the healing properties to fully manifest themselves, you need to wear the product correctly - the ring is put on: women - on the ring finger of the left hand, men - on the right. The most effective amulet for men is a black amethyst amulet.

Amethyst - who suits it?

Data-lazy-type="image" data-src="" alt="Aquarius" width="50" height="50">.jpg" alt="Twins" width="50" height="48">.jpg" alt="Scales" width="50" height="50"> Основным знаком зодиака аметиста является Водолей, так как камень относится к стихии воздуха. Также его любимчиками можно назвать Близнецов и Весы, которым он принесёт пользу в любых сферах их деятельности. Водолеям подарит удачу и поможет развить интуицию, а Близнецам — раскрыть все их способности, а также камень принесёт в жизнь этих знаков счастье и гармонию.!}

Jpg" alt="Aries" width="50" height="50"> Овны смогут унять свой эгоизм и негативные эмоции. Женщинам — Овнам минерал подарит долгожданную беременность.!}

Jpg" alt="Sagittarius" width="50" height="50"> Стрельцы найдут мир в семейных отношениях, разрешив все конфликтные ситуации.!}

Jpg" alt="Capricorn" width="50" height="50">.jpg" alt="" width="50" height="50">.jpg" alt="" width="50" height="50"> Все знаки земной стихии также смогут извлечь пользу из прекрасного талисмана. Козероги заглянут внутрь себя и займутся самосовершенствованием. Девам аметист добавит сил и твёрдости духа. Тельцы с его помощью построят карьеру.!}

Jpg" alt="Cancer" width="50" height="38">.jpg" alt="Fish" width="50" height="50">.jpg" alt="Scorpion" width="50" height="50"> Водные знаки тоже попадают под его магическое влияние. Раки, нося изделия из камня, смогут поправить здоровье, Рыбы обретут уверенность в себе, а Скорпионов амулет оградит от негативного воздействия.!}

Jpg" alt="Lion" width="50" height="50"> Единственный знак зодиака, для которого минерал является нейтральным, — это Лев. Ему подойдут более сильные камни.!}

Amethyst is recognized as the official zodiac stone of July. Amethyst belongs to the macrocrystalline varieties of quartz and owes its violet-purple color to admixtures of iron and aluminum. Without such dyes, Amethyst would simply be transparent, colorless ordinary quartz. Like other varieties of macrocrystalline quartz, Amethyst is transparent to translucent with a glassy luster. Cryptocrystalline varieties almost always exist from translucent to opaque.

Amethyst vs Citrine

Purple Amethyst is related to the citrine, a yellow variety of quartz. Color-Zone is a two-tone combination of both Amethyst and Citrine. The only difference between Amethyst and Citrine is the level of oxidized iron impurities in Amethyst. When Amethyst is heated at a high temperature of about 470ºC to 750ºC, the amount of iron impurity decreases and can turn purple Amethyst into golden citrine. Low grade Amethyst stones are often heated to produce golden-colored citrine. Heated citrine tends to appear more reddish compared to unheated citrine.

Since purple is considered one of the royal colors, Amethyst has historical significance as a sign of power. Picturesque Amethysts, which are included in the British Crown, were favorites of Catherine the Great as well as Egyptian kings. Amethyst also holds a high place in the ranks of the Christian church, being called the "stone of bishops." The Greek word "Amethystos" translates to "not drunk" and was often worn as an amulet to protect against intoxication. Since Amethyst was considered an antidote against drunkenness, many wine goblets were carved from Amethyst stone. However, to this day, it is still a symbol of sobriety.

Recognizing Amethyst

Under artificial light, Amethyst does not display all the beauty of its color. Amethyst looks best in daylight, just after sunrise but before sunset, when the light is soft and warm. Amethyst is distinguished by its violet-purple color. The best examples should be deep purple and well saturated with minimal color zoning.

The most important deposits of Amethyst are found in Brazil, namely the "Palmeira" Amethysts of Rio Grande do Sul and the "Maraba" Amethysts of Para. Other significant deposits of Amethyst are located in Bolivia, Canada, India, Madagascar, Mexico, Myanmar (Burma), Namibia, Russia, Sri Lanka, USA (Arizona), Uruguay and Zambia.

Amethyst color

Amethyst owes its color to admixtures of iron and aluminum. Colors range from purple, violet to pale red-violet. Deep colors are the most prized, especially rich purples with flashes of pink. "Siberian" dark purple Amethyst with red and blue radiance is the most expensive. The so-called is produced by heat treatment, but since Amethyst determines its purple color, green Amethyst is not considered true Amethyst.

Purity and brightness of Amethyst

Amethyst is transparent, which means that light passes through the stone unhindered. Translucent Amethyst slightly reduces the transmission of light through the stone. The best quality is when Amethyst is clean and free of visible inclusions of any kind. Since there are quite a lot of Amethysts on the market, it is unlikely to purchase stones with visible inclusions.

Amethyst cut and shapes

Due to the variability of color distribution in crystals, Amethysts are cut into round or oval shapes. Very rarely, Amethyst is cut into a cabochon. Other shapes, modifications and cutting styles are quite popular, but generally only Amethyst specimens with good color distribution are cut into unusual shapes. Amethysts can be cut into almost any shape and size. Calibrated sizes are easy to find and come in fancy shapes such as trillions, hearts and plaques. Many artisans prefer to reduce the ornamentation of the Amethyst cut.

Amethyst Processing

Amethyst, as a rule, is not processed. Some stones can be enhanced by heating, but heating Amethyst will reduce the dye and result in a "warmed-up citrine" appearance. Amethyst sellers must inform the buyer about this. Heat treatments between 878ºF and 1382ºF typically produce light yellow, red-brown, green or colorless results.

Chemical formula: SiO2 – silicon dioxide
Crystal structure: Trigonal, Hexagonal prism
Color: Violet, pale red-violet, magenta
1.544 - 1.553
Transparency: Transparent to translucent
Double refraction: +0.009
Shine: glassy
Fluorescence: Faint blue

There are many different gemstone varieties of quartz. Most are based on optical properties such as color and crystal structure, but some variations are determined by the origin or environment of the quartz. The name of the area in the name of the stone is used mainly by sellers or collectors.

Quartz stones can be classified into one of two branches: cryptocrystalline or macrocrystalline. The two varieties can be distinguished by their transparency and shine. Amethyst is a macrocrystal, and there are many other varieties of stones.

The most popular types of Amethyst:

Rose quartz, chalcedony, agate, rutile quartz, ametrine, citrine, star quartz, cat's eye, gold quartz, carnelian and chrysoprase are the most popular varieties of amethyst.

The least known varieties of Amethyst:

Sardonyx, onyx, mystic quartz, strawberry quartz, aventurine, rock crystal, blue quartz, hawk's eye, prasiolite, bloodstone, chrysocolla and chalcedony (silicon dioxide) are the rarer and lesser known varieties of amethyst quartz.

The legend about the origin of Amethyst came to us from Greek myth. Dionysus, the god of intoxication, was outraged by the insult from a mortal man and vowed to take revenge on any person he met along the way. The lions were supposed to tear the man to pieces. Amethyst, a beautiful young maiden, was the first to meet him on the way, bearing gifts to the goddess Diana. To save the girl, the goddess Diana turned her into white quartz. Dionysus, shedding tears over quartz, colored it purple, which is how the famous purple color came about. Amethyst is the birthstone for those born in February or under the zodiac sign Pisces.

In ancient times, as in the Middle Ages, people believed that the cosmos was reflected in precious stones. Amethyst is assigned the planet Neptune. Esoteric movements have revived ancient beliefs, and the gem industry uses this as a marketing ploy.

The healing properties of gemstones remain a controversial issue, but have been mentioned for centuries by healers, shamans and healers. Whether it's a fact or a placebo effect, it really doesn't matter as long as it helps or improves the health of the person wearing it. To achieve maximum benefits from your gemstone, it is recommended to wear the stone in direct contact with the skin, especially directly on the problem area of ​​the body. Amethyst is said to help with headaches, pancreatic pain, back pain and alcoholism.

Amethyst is ideal for any type of jewelry design because it is both tough and durable. Amethyst was typically worn as a pendant, necklace or ring. Due to the purple-violet color of amethyst, many believe that amethyst should be worn by women. However, purple is the color of royalty, and the monarchy has no gender preference. Thus, it is an excellent choice of stone for both men and women. Amethyst is harder than most other materials, making it very resistant to wear and tear. Amethyst is a favorite of many jewelers due to its availability in large sizes and shapes. Amethyst is the most popular purple-violet colored gemstone on the market today, followed by blue-violet tanzanite, spinel, sapphire and iolite.

Amethyst is easy to clean with warm water and mild soap. Wipe the Amethyst with a soft cloth or toothbrush. Amethyst, although relatively hard and durable, has a number of other gemstones that can scratch it easily. Therefore, be careful not to place other gemstones near Amethyst when storing, cleaning or wearing Amethyst jewelry. As with most other colored stones, do not use harsh chemicals when cleaning Amethyst stones. Avoid prolonged exposure to high temperatures as high temperatures can cause permanent damage to gemstones. When storing Amethyst, always use a cloth pad inside the box or wrap Amethyst in a soft cloth. Amethyst should be kept separately from other stones that are stronger or softer than it.

Amethyst is one of the most famous stones. Probably everyone can imagine what he looks like. However, collectors and lovers of mineralogy will be interested in learning everything about the mineral amethyst - its application and properties, all information useful for stone lovers - in this article.

The name of the stone comes from the ancient Greek word "methystos", which means "to be intoxicated", and the prefix "a" - negation. The gem received this name because there was a belief: it can protect its owner from cravings for alcohol. Well, in English they call it “amethyst”. Crystals can be 10-45 centimeters in size.

Classification (colors, varieties, types)

Varieties differ in color and number of inclusions. They are like this:

  1. Brandberg. The mineral is a combination of amethyst and smoky quartz crystals. This rarity is found only in Africa (Namibia), according to the legends of the local population, it is capable of healing.
  2. Chevron. The shape of such a stone is in the form of the letter “V”; it is a combination of amethyst and quartz, but white. It is almost never used in jewelry, but esotericists value it. Mined in Mexico.
  3. Ametrine. Amethyst plus citrine - the result is a gem of a purple-golden hue.
  4. Rutile amethyst. Contains natural inclusions of rutile quartz and goethite. Many believe that it can even make a wish come true.

Transparent amethysts are considered semi-precious stones, while opaque amethysts are considered ornamental.

Chemical composition

Is silicon dioxide. Its chemical formula is: SiO2. Often contains iron (Fe) impurities.

Physical properties

The stone has the following characteristics:

  • Hardness on the Moss scale - 7;
  • Specific gravity - 2.65 grams per cubic centimeter;
  • Density is 2.63 - 2.65 grams per cubic centimeter;
  • Refractive index - ne = 1.553; no = 1.544; ne – no = 0.01;
  • Maximum birefringence - δ = 0.009.

The color of the line is white, the luster is glassy or pearlescent, and is transparent. Quite fragile, the fracture is conchoidal, the system is trigonal. The most common forms of discharge are crystals, brushes, and druses.

Amethyst has a weak ability to luminescent in green shades, slightly pleochroic in lilac-brown tones. If the mineral is heated to high temperatures, it changes color: 500 degrees gives it a yellow color, 575 gives it an orange color.

Production (fields)

Deposits are found in the following regions:

  • Germany (Idar-Oberstein, Birkenfeld, Chemnitz);
  • Austria (Zillertal);
  • Russia (Middle Urals, Murzinka);
  • Sri Lanka;
  • Brazil;
  • North America;
  • Madagascar;
  • Uruguay;
  • Armenia.

Among Russian deposits, since the 16th century, stone has been mined on the Kola Peninsula. In the Murmansk region there is even the area “Amethysts of Cape Korabl”, which is a geological monument.

History (mythology)

Amethyst has been known since ancient Egyptian civilization. The ancient Romans considered it very valuable, then they began to believe that it was able to protect the owner from intoxication. Not everyone, however, believed in it: the famous writer Pliny the Elder laughed at those who attributed such a wonderful property.

Theologians of the Middle Ages called the mineral “apostle’s stone.” The first followers of Christianity made rings with amethyst for themselves, then they began to be worn by the highest ranks of the clergy.

With the advent of modern means of extracting deposits from the bowels of the Earth, amethyst began to be found on a large scale. Now the main methods are quarries or underground workings. Sometimes a gem is broken off directly from the earth’s surface. And when it comes to placers, washing is used.

Scope and scope

By zodiac sign

Astrologers recommend wearing it primarily to those whose zodiac sign belongs to the water element. The aura of the stone suits Pisces, Cancers, Scorpios:

  1. It will help Pisces in literally everything: family relationships, career, peace of mind. This is perfect compatibility.
  2. Nervous Cancers will be most helped to maintain peace of mind. That is, amethyst in this case allows you to establish relationships with yourself, your personality.
  3. Scorpio will be able to better concentrate on important matters if he wears amethyst jewelry. And all sorts of little things will be erased from the owner’s consciousness.

However, representatives of other zodiac signs can also wear items with amethyst or store it on a shelf at home; it can bring something to them - for everyone:

  1. It will give Aries prudence, restraint, and pacify their hot-tempered temperament; in addition, it is very suitable for expectant mothers born under this sign.
  2. For Taurus whose birthday falls before May 1, the gem will remove all negativity and, in addition, sharpen their mind. Business Taurus will bring good luck in business.
  3. For Gemini, it is suitable for cases of increased anxiety and insomnia. It will also bring success on the love front.
  4. Cancers should be worn if they were born before July 1st. Then the stone will bring harmony and peace into life - including with other people.

Who is not suitable for amethyst? There are also such signs:

  1. Leos need to beware of the gem. He is too calm for the stormy energy of this sign, however, he will not cause harm.
  2. Virgos are already pragmatic, so there will be no benefit or harm.

Medicinal properties


Actively used by jewelers. Natural stone is inserted into necklaces, rings, and pendants. Thus, among the museum exhibits there are amulets that were made in Ancient Egypt 6 centuries BC. This continued much later, in the New Time a tradition arose of using the mineral to make mourning jewelry.

The traditional cut is circle or oval. The fancy, rare type includes the “cabochon”. In general, the mineral can be modified into any shape; for example, there are products in the shape of a heart. As for heat treatment, it is usually not used unless there is a purpose to change color.

The cost of amethyst several centuries ago was much higher than today - after all, some deposits were discovered quite recently. Now jewelry with it is available not only to elite circles. Prices vary depending on the color of the mineral: the more saturated, the more expensive. Additionally, purer amethysts also cost more.

Now you can buy a stone at approximately the cost:

  • 3 carats (30x15 millimeters) - 3100 rubles;
  • 14 carats (20x10 millimeters) - 3,700 rubles;
  • 51 carats (40x33 millimeters) - 6,500 rubles.

If we talk about eye color, it is best suited for owners of brown eyes, as well as women of the “Winter” color type. Where to wear rings? On the ring finger of the left hand.

As for clothing, it is better to combine such jewelry with comfortable things in calm colors; amethyst “does not like overly flashy” ones.

Stone and name


However, there are a couple of household methods:

  1. It has high hardness and is therefore very difficult to scratch. If damage appears easily, it is most likely a fake made of glass. True, synthetic stone cannot be distinguished that way.
  2. The color and clarity of real amethyst are not completely even and saturated to the same degree. Nature “injects” errors. You can examine the gem through a magnifying glass and thus note if there are any inclusions.
  3. You can put it in water for half a minute. If you then look at its edges, they will look discolored; if the shade does not change, the amethyst is not real.

Stone care

If the decoration has become dull or lost its brightness, alas, it is impossible to return the properties back. Therefore, it is better to take care of the products in a timely manner.

So, if grease stains or dust appear, it is worth cleaning. It is best to leave it in the hands of professionals - they can do it using ultrasound. This “gentle” method will not harm, and the dirt will come off entirely.

However, it is also worth caring for at home. You should not use caustic household chemicals; it is better to simply prepare a soap solution and soak the stone or product for half an hour. For severe dirt, you can use a brush with soft bristles. Having finished cleaning, you need to wipe the jewelry again with a damp cloth, then with a dry soft cloth - everything will shine!

You should not expose amethyst to direct sunlight; it is better to choose a dark and dry place, even a jewelry box. High temperatures are also contraindicated for stone. Finally, do not store it in the bathroom - household chemicals are harmful to it.

The beautiful mineral amethyst is one of the most popular. Almost any fashionista will be able to use jewelry with it to complement her style, and a collector cannot do without such a stone on the shelf.
