Amla hair oil - benefits, recipes, who suits, how to use. Application and benefits of amla oil for hair

Thanks to Bollywood, the beauty of Indian women has become known to the whole world. A bright appearance, an appetizing figure in a traditional sari and luxurious long hair - this is how a woman of India appears. Many will not agree, because everything can be faked - with the help of clothes, cosmetics, shapewear, you can turn any woman into a beauty. But hair alone cannot be turned into thick strong long curls. Indian beauties know the secret that is passed down from generation to generation - amla hair oil. This magnificent remedy is obtained from the fruits of the amla plant, in another way it is called "Indian gooseberry".

Indian oil helps against hair loss, premature graying, strengthens the roots, promotes hair growth. Amla oil contains a huge amount of beneficial ingredients that contribute to hydration, nutrition and, most importantly, treatment and hair growth. Regular use of oil returns shine, strength, silkiness to hair, increases the number of hairs. As a result of the use of the product, the hair acquires a well-groomed healthy look. Amla oil is great for both dry and oily hair. You can buy oil in cozy shops selling Indian goods, in cosmetic boutiques, in a pharmacy for 250-350 rubles (200 ml). Reviews about the product are completely opposite: someone admires, but the oil simply did not fit someone. So, out of 17 people: 3 left negative reviews, the rest - positive (according to the results of a study of manufacturers Baraka (Sri Lanka) and Dabur (UAE).

Origin and receipt

Amla, amalaki or Indian gooseberry (Emblica officinalis) is an elegant tree with a sparse crown, giving spherical juicy fruits of light green color. Amla has been a valuable nutritional product for numerous Indian tribes since ancient times. The fruits contain a record amount of vitamin C (30 times more than in an orange), which determines the strong healing properties of the plant. The fruits of the tree tend to restore human vitality, immunity, tone. Amla is used in folk medicine as an Ayurvedic medicine against diseases:

  • anemia;
  • diabetes;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • gastritis;
  • colitis;
  • eye ailments.

Amla has a diuretic, cleansing, regenerating, immunostimulating, antioxidant, strong anti-inflammatory properties. Amla acts as a mild natural catalyst on curls, accelerating hair growth by 2-3 times.

Amla for hair is actually a tincture of berries in vegetable oil. To obtain 1 ml of oil extract, it would take at least 10 tons of fruits. Therefore, the use of concentrate is economically unprofitable. To obtain an infusion, vegetable oils are used as base oils: palm, artificial mineral base. Two manufacturers are especially popular on the market: Baraka (Sri Lanka) and Dabur (UAE or India). Amla Baraka is made on the basis of sesame oil without mineral additives, and Amla Dabur contains a complex of ingredients aimed at restoring hair. The composition of the Dabur trademark includes: palm oil, mineral supplements. As the reviews say, Dabur oil has an effective effect, but the composition of the product confuses many women - mineral supplements are an undesirable component for cosmetic use. Amla Dabur oil is combined with natural additives that allow you to purposefully apply the product on different types of hair: with henna, jasmine, lemon, rosemary, menthol, almonds.

properties of Indian gooseberry

Indian women have long used amla berry tincture for hair care. Proof of this is the luxurious long curls to the waist, which are a hallmark of the female population of India. The unique property of amla to stimulate hair growth is now being successfully used in other countries. Amla oil helps to cope with the problems of dry and oily hair. Amla oil infusion gently moisturizes, nourishes dry damaged hair, and oily curls dries and normalizes the secretory secretions of the sebaceous glands.

Amla oil eliminates problems:

  • dandruff;
  • irritation, pustules;
  • dry scalp:
  • split ends;
  • the appearance of premature gray hair;
  • hair loss.

The tool perfectly tones the skin, stimulates the follicles, nourishes the skin. As a result, each hair receives the necessary nutrition, tone, begins to grow faster, becomes thicker. The use of oil helps to achieve thick strong hair in a relatively short time. Numerous reviews with photos on the Internet confirm the statement that hair "grows by leaps and bounds."


Oil with amla for hair can be bought ready-made, or you can cook it yourself using dried berries, which, however, are sold more expensive than the oil infusion of the same name. The application of the oil is not difficult: start from the ends of the hair, distributing the product over the entire head, and finish with a light massage of the skin. It is better to leave the drug overnight, but if this is not possible, 1-1.5 hours are enough for effective treatment. You can wrap your head in polyethylene and wrap it in a warm towel.

Amla oil is difficult to wash off, so after the mask you need to wash your hair at least 2 times. For oily hair, the product is ideal, for dry curls, a balm or rinse should be used after washing off the preparation. For dry and normal hair, it is enough to add 2-3 drops of amla oil to shampoo or balm.

Pay attention to the color of the oil: the bright green shade of Amla Dabur with henna can stain blonde hair. Therefore, blondes should use the product after preliminary testing on individual strands. For blond hair, Amla Dabur with Jasmine, which has a lighter shade, is suitable. Some people don't like the smell of amla. We recommend using a product with a few drops of essential oils of lavender, orange, rosemary.

The composition of Baraka oil is best used by women with sensitive skin, as it does not contain mineral paraffins. And it is advisable to look for Dabur oil in Indian shops or order from India, since it is in this imported product that the necessary proportions are preserved.

Get rid of hair loss, cope with dandruff, oiliness, split ends, grow a braid to the waist - this will help a great Indian remedy based on amla berries. Regular use of the drug makes the hair shiny, thick, stimulates their growth, prevents gray hair. Amla oil is an inexpensive, effective drug for the treatment and maintenance of healthy hair.

Amla (Indian gooseberry, amalaki) is a unique plant with an extra high content of ascorbic acid, widely used in Ayurveda. Indian beauties, always famous for their luxurious waterfalls of shiny smooth hair, use this remedy as one of the basics in home cosmetology. Having bought a bottle of amla oil for hair at a pharmacy or store, you can provide them with vitamins and comprehensive care for a long time.

Benefits of amla oil for hair

Healing qualities are possessed not only by amalaki berries, but also by other parts of this tree (bark, leaves, flowers, roots). The widest range of useful properties makes Indian gooseberry an indispensable tool for solving such hair problems as dryness, dullness, brittleness, hair loss, weak roots, split ends, increased sebum secretion, dandruff, irritated skin, early gray hair.

How to use it?

  • Apply oil to dry hair from the root zone to the tips with light massaging movements.
  • When rubbing, gently massage the skin to increase subcutaneous blood flow.
  • Put on a plastic cap and wrap a towel over the top.
  • The procedure time is from half an hour to 8 hours (it is permissible to leave it overnight).
  • After the time has passed, wash your hair with shampoo.

Review of amla cosmetic oils - photo

Amla oil for hair is produced by the countries of Southeast Asia, where this plant grows: India, Sri Lanka, UAE, etc. For use in medicine and cosmetics, the fruits insist on base oil (coconut, sesame, almond or mineral). Powdered amalaki powder is widely used in homemade beauty recipes.

When choosing oil preparations with Indian gooseberry extract, pay attention to the composition - the less mineral (petroleum) and other artificial ingredients it contains, the more useful it is. Ideally, the composition should be completely natural.

Dabur oil for dark hair

Ingredients: a mixture of mineral and vegetable oils, amla, henna, rosemary essential oil, dye.

Indications: The effect of the drug is due to the unique properties of the Indian gooseberry (antioxidant, antibacterial, regenerating). The hair shaft is strengthened from the inside, nourished and smoothed. Gray hair disappears, the growth of hair follicles is activated.

Application: Rub into the root zone, distribute along the length. Massage, wrap with a towel, leave for at least an hour. Wash off with shampoo.

Cost: 400 r.

Dabur (Dabur amla Jasmine) for blond hair

Ingredients: mineral and vegetable oils, amla extract, jasmine, rosemary, silicone, dye.

Indications: For fair hair of all shades (natural, dyed, highlighted). As a result of the procedures, the keratin structure of the rod is restored, the ends are fastened, stop splitting, the hair thickens, becomes smooth, elastic, acquires a healthy shine.

Application: Apply to the roots, then spread over the entire length. Put on a waterproof hat, cover with a towel, leave for an hour or longer. Wash off with shampoo.

Cost: 400 r.


Ingredients: coconut oil, amla, black cumin, fenugreek extract, henna.

Indications: Prevents hair loss and split ends, activates hair follicles, relieves dandruff, has antifungal properties, reduces skin irritation.

Application: Rub into the skin and roots, rub through the hair. Wrap the top with a towel. Keep on the head for at least 40 minutes.

Cost: 250 r.

Hashmi (Amla Plus Hashmi)

Ingredients: sesame oil, amla, henna, rose petals, haritake extract, musky root.

Indications: Saturates with vitamins, strengthens, thickens the hair shaft, prevents hair loss, gray hair, stimulates growth. Regular procedures will ensure a healthy glow and normalization of the sebaceous glands. Rose petals turn simple care into healing aromatherapy.

Application: Rub into the skin at the roots, then spread over the entire length. An insulating cap must be used.

Cost: 200 r.

Vedica (Vedica)

Ingredients: oils of coconut, ginger, amla, extracts and extracts of terminalia, rose, licorice, aloe vera, lotus, nutmeg, etc.

Indications: Natural Ayurvedic composition will provide thick, strong, silky hair like Indian Bollywood beauties. The strands will become smooth, obedient and healthy. Eliminates brittleness and dry ends. Prevents the appearance of gray hair.

Application: Apply from the roots to the entire length, leave for 3-8 hours. Vedic's oily cocktail rinses off easily without leaving a greasy feeling.

Cost: 400 r.

EVERSTRONG Deep Repair Shampoo

Ingredients: water, detergent base, panthenol, amla extract.

Indications: Deep restoration of the hair shaft from the inside. Ideal for hair growth and root strengthening. Natural amla extract will help porous, dry, weakened strands, add shine and smoothness.

Application: Apply a small amount to wet hair, lather while massaging the skin, rinse with warm water. For best results, use with Everstrong Conditioner and Mask.

Cost: 130 rubles.

Indian amla is a tree that grows in the Middle East and India. Amla or Indian gooseberry has been traditionally used in Ayurvedic medicine for thousands of years. And today the fruits of this tree are used to make medicines. But amla oil received special popularity and love. This oil is known for its hair care properties. It improves their growth, prevents hair loss, fights dandruff, moisturizes the scalp well. In addition, the oil has other beneficial properties, which will be discussed in this article.

Amla oil beneficial properties

Amla is scientifically called Phyllanthus emblica. There are other names for this fruit tree: Emblica, Amalaki, Mirabalan, Indian Gooseberry. It received the last name for the similarity of its fruits with gooseberries. The fruit and oil are highly respected all over the world. And Amla deserved this respect not only for juicy fruits, but also for the healing properties of the oil obtained from them. Indian gooseberries are considered one of the healthiest and healthiest foods due to their varied nutrient content.

The chemical composition of the oil contains:

Vitamin C, A and others;

Polyphenolic compounds;


and other useful substances that give a wide spectrum to this oil.

The oil is rich in antioxidants, which is important when used to prevent the growth of tumor cells. Antioxidants protect cells from free radical damage. This oil has a high activity of oxidizing action.

Amla oil is so rich in vitamins and minerals that it is great for the prevention of diseases of the heart and blood vessels, the nervous system, brain health, and improves memory. It improves blood circulation and provides a large amount of oxygen to all cells.

Fatty acids of the oil can reduce the total level of cholesterol in the blood, which helps protect blood vessels from the deposition of cholesterol plaques, prevent the development of atherosclerosis, heart attacks, and strokes.

The antibacterial properties of the oil help protect the body from bacteria, reduce the risk of infections, and strengthen the immune system.

Its anti-inflammatory properties make it suitable for joint inflammation and muscle pain.

Summing up, we can say that the beneficial properties of the oil are:

Improving the health of the skin and hair;

Prevention of aging;

Strengthening the immune system;

Prevention of constipation;

Removal of inflammation of the joints and muscles;

Improving the health of the nervous system;

Improving memory;

Maintaining the health of the cardiovascular system;

Protection and prevention of diabetes.

Amla oil for skin and face

People who use amla oil regularly experience less dry skin, wrinkles, and age spots. As an oil rich in antioxidants, it can minimize all of these signs of premature skin aging, stimulate cell regeneration and detoxify.

In addition, the oil can be used for:


It is important for skin care, whether for medicinal or cosmetic purposes, to use natural oils.

Amla oil for hair

One of the causes of hair loss and brittleness can be a lack of moisture in the scalp. Amla oil is an excellent remedy that can increase the strength of your hair. It is useful for:

Hair breakage;

Hair loss.

The use of oil can significantly improve the appearance of hair. With many beneficial substances, including antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, it is able to eliminate any causes and problems that may arise with hair. No wonder this oil is considered one of the best for hair care.

The emollient, moisturizing properties of this oil help to retain moisture in the hair, which can improve its appearance, and also protects the scalp from dryness (which often leads to dandruff).

By adding amla oil to your shampoo or buying a natural conditioner that contains amla oil, you can add extra shine to your hair and protect the follicles from oxidative stress. It can reverse premature hair loss and protect against possible infections, thanks to the immune-restoring properties of this legendary oil.

It removes toxins that accumulate with constant use with chemical additives in shampoos and conditioners, strengthens the hair from the inside, stimulates their growth, nourishes the scalp, and prevents the appearance of premature gray hair.

How to make amla oil

Most people are familiar with ready-made butter and don't know how it's made. Amla oil is not pressed from nuts or seeds like most oils. This oil is obtained by mixing amla fruit juice or filling them with base oil. Most often, virgin (not refined) coconut oil is used for this purpose. You can use other oils, such as sesame or olive oil. Therefore, you can easily make it yourself by buying the original ingredients.

There are many recipes for making your own oil. For those who have access to fresh Indian gooseberries, you can use these methods.

Fresh Fruit Oil Recipe

1 cup Indian gooseberries

1 tablespoon coconut oil

Squeeze the juice from the fruits. Filter it further through a sieve or cheesecloth to remove the pulp.

Mix oil with juice. To mix more evenly, you can melt the coconut oil. Pour into a jar and chill.

The oil prepared in this way can be eaten. Start with small portions to avoid allergies.

Dried Fruit Oil Recipe

According to the second method, you need to chop fresh or dried fruits and pour them with oil. Leave for several days in a bright place. After infusion, the oil is filtered. The finished oil should have a strong musky aroma.

How to make amla powder oil

To make amla oil with powder, you need to take:

2 teaspoons of powder

5 tablespoons coconut oil (or any other oil)

Place the coconut oil and amla powder in a small saucepan. Put it on the lowest temperature on the stove. When the coconut oil is melted, hold for another 1-2 minutes, stirring constantly.

Take the pan off the stove and cover. Leave until the oil has cooled completely.

Amla oil application

Most often, this oil is used specifically for hair care. This is a natural remedy that will help improve the appearance of hair. When applied, the oil is applied, as a rule, directly to the hair and scalp.

Massage with oil well moisturizes the skin, relieves skin itching. Usually oil is used after shampooing instead of conditioner. With this use, the oil is rubbed into the scalp with light massage movements and distributed along the entire length of the hair.

After application, the head is covered with a shower cap and a towel. Leave for 15 minutes. Can be more. Rinse afterwards with warm water.

For dandruff, the oil is applied to the scalp daily for 15 minutes and then the hair is washed.

In the same way, oil is used to restore dyed hair.

Amla oil has a strong musky aroma. Therefore, it must be applied very sparingly, i.e. in small quantities.

Amla oil for hair growth

Amla oil contains compounds such as antioxidants and fatty acids that promote hair growth. Studies show that the most effective oil is derived from sesame.

To improve the properties, essential oils are added to it, which improve hair growth and color. The best essential oils to promote growth are:

Peppermint essential oil;

Essential oil of rosemary.

It should be noted that with signs of baldness, you need to use oils for a long time. The first results can be seen not earlier, in six months.

For use in the form of masks in amla oil, add 3-4 drops of rosemary or peppermint essential oil to a tablespoon. Gently rub the resulting mixture into the scalp and leave for half an hour. Then rinse your hair. You need to make such masks twice a week.

Amla oil for dandruff

Amla oil has antifungal properties. This means that it can be used for dandruff, which is often caused by a yeast infection or fungus of the scalp.

To solve this problem, tea tree oil, which is often found in anti-dandruff products, can be added to the oil. Coconut oil works well for this problem.

To combat dandruff, you can make this mask:

Mix 3-4 drops of tea tree essential oil with half a tablespoon of amla oil and half a tablespoon of coconut oil.

Gently massage this mixture into the scalp and put on a shower cap. Wrap the top with a towel.

Leave on for 2-3 hours or overnight. Then rinse your hair.

Amla oil for face and body

Amla oil massage helps to calm and relax, which promotes healthy sleep. The advantage of such a massage is the saturation of the skin with useful nutrients, cleansing of toxins and toxins.

In addition to hair care, this oil is used for skin care. It can be used like many cosmetic oils, adding to face masks. Can be used instead of a cream for dry, irritated skin affected by pimples and blackheads. The basic rule is moderation. In the presence of acne, oil is applied pointwise.

This oil is also interesting for men: it stimulates, improves the growth and appearance of the beard. To do this, simply massage the oil on your face with massage movements and leave for 15-20 minutes. Then rinse.

Where to buy amla oil

Amla oil is available in many online stores. You can buy it in specialized stores selling goods from India. The main thing is to buy natural amla oil, which does not contain synthetic additives, i.e. made with natural oils, not mineral oils.

You can buy dried Indian gooseberries or amla powder and make your own oil.

Contraindications and side effects

Amla oil has no contraindications. An exception can only be individual intolerance to the fruits of the plant or the oil on the basis of which it is made. But such cases are not noted in wide practice.

Has no oil and no side effects. The only side effect may be hair pigmentation, ie. when using it, the hair becomes darker. Therefore, fair-haired and natural blondes need to be careful with him.

Amla oil beneficial properties

The incredible beauty and density of braids of Indian girls is simply amazing. Gorgeous hair is not only a feature of their race, to a greater extent it is the result of good care, which is based on Indian amla oil. This product is still little known in our area, but slowly but surely gaining popularity. Amla hair oil is obtained from the leaves, bark, fruits and seeds of the Indian gooseberry.

Benefits of amla oil for hair

You can talk endlessly about the benefits of Indian gooseberries, hair treatment at home with oil from it gives irresistible results thanks to a complex of vitamins and minerals. It helps to restore even curls damaged by dyeing, curling and hot appliances.

Useful Ingredients:

  • minerals: iron, phosphorus, calcium;
  • vitamins of groups B and A;
  • fatty acid;
  • proteins;
  • carbohydrates;
  • polyphenols;
  • flavonoids.

Healing properties for hair

The use of amla oil for hair is mainly prescribed for the prevention of baldness, it will help with alopecia, in addition, it helps to solve the following trichological problems:

Important advice from the editor

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, you should pay special attention to the shampoos you use. A frightening figure - in 97% of shampoos of famous brands there are substances that poison our body. The main components, because of which all the troubles on the labels are indicated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate. These chemicals destroy the structure of the curls, the hair becomes brittle, loses elasticity and strength, and the color fades. But the worst thing is that this muck gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in the organs and can cause cancer. We advise you to refrain from using products containing these substances. Recently, the experts of our editorial staff conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos, where the first place was taken by funds from the company Mulsan Сosmetic. The only manufacturer of completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date, it should not exceed one year of storage.

  1. Prevents the appearance of premature gray hair;
  2. Used to nourish the roots in order to increase the growth rate of the strands;
  3. Performs good moisturizing and nutrition of hair;
  4. Reduces the intensity of greasing of the head;
  5. Gives silkiness, shine and additional volume;
  6. Eliminates dandruff, thinning, brittleness and section;
  7. Treats abscesses, irritation and acne on the head.

Ayurvedic amla oil is a natural product that, like all others, can cause an allergic reaction. Before using it, it is recommended to read the item "Contraindications" on the label and do an allergy test. If after a couple of hours after applying the oil to a delicate area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin there are no unpleasant sensations, then the harm from it is reduced to zero.

Where can I buy?

You can buy strengthening oil with amla in Indian shops selling spices and herbs, in cosmetic stores, a pharmacy and, of course, on the Internet. Three manufacturers are very popular in the modern market: dabur, baraka, hashmi. All of them are time-tested and have their pros and cons. The average price of oil is 300 rubles per 200 ml. It should be borne in mind that in cosmetology, folk recipes use not only oil, but also powder from the plant. The price of the powder is about 200 rubles per 100 grams.

How to use amla oil for hair

The simplest and most popular method of use is mixing with cosmetic products, they also massage the scalp with it and, of course, make homemade masks with their own hands. Any chosen hair care brings the maximum effect.

Add to shampoo or balm

To enrich washing cosmetics for hair, it is enough to mix 2 tbsp. l. oils. Washing the head with such a product is carried out as standard: we wet the head, lather the product on the hair, hold for 3 minutes, then wash off the hair, and finally use the balm.

Scalp massage

Any massage stimulates blood circulation in the dermis, thereby enhancing the nutrition of hair follicles and improving growth. The massage procedure is standard: we dip our fingers in warm oil and in a circular motion begin to massage the head, distributing it over the skin for 5–10 minutes, then wrap the head with a film and leave it under a turban from a towel for 15 minutes, then rinse. We have already considered the best massage techniques for hair growth.

How to make amla powder oil

If you wish, you can make homemade amla oil. The advantage of this approach is that you mix the components necessary to solve your particular problem, rather than buying a finished product. All base oils, as well as esters, are suitable for cooking.


  • 25 gr. amla powder;
Recipe preparation:

We mix the components, place in a glass container with a lid, wrap in a cloth and store for 14 days in a cool, dark place, shaking occasionally. After the allotted time, the product is ready for use as intended.

Useful video: How to make amla oil at home

  1. In order for the process of healing the hair to be the most pleasant and effective, it is recommended to buy ready-made oil with amla. The scheme of using the product does not differ from the usual home use of other care products.
  2. To exclude an allergic reaction on the skin, we apply a pre-prepared mask with Indian gooseberry powder or oil to a delicate area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin, if after a couple of hours there is no itching, irritation, redness and other unpleasant results, then it can be applied to the top of the head.
  3. To prepare the simplest mask with amla powder, it is diluted with hot water in proportions of 1: 1. The result is a creamy mass that fits well on the hairline.
  4. When choosing an oil, pay attention to the manufacturer. For example, one of the oils from Dabur contains henna, and the greenish color of the oil can give the same shade to the hair, this is especially true for blond hair.
  5. The oil does not have a very pleasant aroma, this should be taken into account. If you find the aroma of this product difficult to tolerate, try adding a few drops of fragrant esters such as rosemary, lavender, or citrus.
  6. Like any other vegetable oil, it is also recommended to warm it up before using it, but do not boil it.
  7. It is worth starting to apply oil from the roots with massage movements, then distribute it over the strands, lastly the ends are greased. The procedure is performed on dry hair.
  8. After application, the amla oil compress is wrapped with a film and a towel. The greenhouse effect enhances the effect of the therapeutic composition.
  9. The exposure time of the oil is 7-8 hours, that is, it is recommended to leave the masks with this product all night. If the mask needs to be done quickly, a standard hour or two will be enough.
  10. Separately, I want to say about flushing. Indian gooseberry oil is very greasy and does not wash out well. Be prepared to apply shampoo twice.
  11. The last rinse can be done with decoctions of herbs or lemon water.

Homemade recipes for hair masks with amla oil

Amla oil can be added to masks in the form of both the main and auxiliary components. It goes well with many products and with all oils.

growth mask

Hair Growth Blend makes strands silky and soft. Improves blood circulation and nutrition of the roots.


  • 30 ml amla;
  • 10 gr. mustard powder;
  • 1 tsp coconut oil.
Preparation and application:

We combine the base oils, heat in a bath, mix the powder. We process the roots with the finished mass first, then distribute along the length. We wrap the head with a film with a towel, stand for 30 minutes, rinse with warm water. If the mustard burns strongly, the time can be reduced.

Video recipe: Mask for hair growth, strengthening and nutrition with amla oil

Anti-fall mask

Indian gooseberry oil is often prescribed by trichologists for the treatment of intense alopecia, as well as for the prevention of this disease.


  • 70 ml of oils: amla and castor;
  • ½ lemon.
Preparation and application:

As in the previous recipe, we mix the base oils, heat them, then add the juice from half a citrus to them. Mix everything thoroughly and distribute through the hair. We cover the top of the head with a plastic cap with a scarf, after an hour I wash my head traditionally.


Strengthening mask

Honey is a rich source of vitamins and minerals, which is why it is often added to hair products. It improves the overall appearance of the hair, heals and restores the structure of the shaft, moisturizes, gives shine and elasticity.


  • 50 ml amla;
  • 60 ml of honey.
Preparation and application:

We combine both components into a single mass, heat it in a bath to 35 degrees, process each strand and skin. It is especially good to lubricate the ends. We wrap the top of the head with cling film, put on a warm hat and walk like this for 2 hours. Wash off as standard.

Oily hair mask

This mixture reduces the intensity of the work of the glands of external secretion, the hair does not get dirty so quickly, acquires basal volume and softness along the length, the mixture disinfects the scalp well, preventing the appearance of seborrhea and dandruff.


  • 30 ml amla;
  • 5 drops of tea tree essential oil;
  • 3 drops of lavender essential oil.
Preparation and application:

We heat the base oil, enrich it with esters, stir and coat the roots, apply the remainder along the length. We put on a warm cap, after 2 hours we wash it.

Mask for dry and brittle

The mixture nourishes and moisturizes each strand well, glues the scales, preventing cuts and brittleness. The hair acquires a neater appearance, shines, it is good to lie down during styling.


  • 2 yolks;
  • 40 ml amla.
Preparation and application:

Beat the yolks, mix well with warm butter. We apply boldly along the entire length of the curls, paying special attention to the tips. We wrap the top of the head with polyethylene, put on a turban from a towel, walk like this for 60 minutes. Rinse out as standard.

Mask for split ends

A wonderful blend for moisturizing and repairing split ends. After its application, the strands become very soft and airy, acquire radiance and elasticity.


  • 20 ml amla;
  • 1 st. l. sour cream;
  • 3 drops of rosemary ether.
Preparation and application:

We heat the oil, mix with the fermented milk product and ether. Apply to the hair, build a greenhouse, leave for 90 minutes. We wash our hair with shampoo.

Dandruff Mask

This mixture not only treats seborrhea and dandruff, but also perfectly washes away dirt from the hair and cleanses the skin from sebaceous plugs. Gives softness and moisture to strands.


  • 2 tbsp. l. Indian gooseberry oil;
  • 2 tbsp. l. yogurt.
Preparation and application:

Mix yogurt at room temperature without flavorings and additives with amla oil, apply on the head under a warm cap for 1 hour. I wash my hair as usual with shampoo. At the end of the procedure, it is recommended to rinse with chamomile decoction.

Mask against gray hair

Regular use of the proposed mixture restores the production of melanin (color hair pigment) and stops the appearance of gray hair. Hair is intensively moisturized, receives all the necessary vitamins, acquires shine, volume and gets rid of dullness.


  • 40 ml amla;
  • 15 ml of honey;
  • 60 ml almond oil.
Preparation and application:

We thoroughly rub all the ingredients together, heat to a comfortable temperature, process the head and strands with the composition. We wrap ourselves in a film and a woolen scarf for 2 hours. When time passes, wash your hair with warm water and shampoo.

Amla powder mask

The mixture promotes the rapid growth of strands, reduces their thinning, restores healthy microflora on the skin, preventing the development of all kinds of fungi.


  • 2 tbsp. l. amla powder;
  • 2 tbsp. l. shikakai bean powder;
  • water.
Preparation and application:

We mix the powders, dilute them with warm water, not higher than 40 degrees, until the consistency of thick sour cream is obtained. We process the hair roots with paste, distribute the rest with a comb over the curls. We put on a shower cap and a scarf on our heads, after 35 minutes we wash it off with shampoo.

An Indian miracle guarding our hair is a good phrase to describe this Indian gooseberry amla oil.

Women "in service" have hundreds of all kinds of recipes for preparing hair care products at home. Ladies actively use a wide variety of products for washing, rinsing, restoring:

  • eggs;
  • sour milk (kefir, sour cream, yogurt);
  • aromatic oils;
  • fruit and berry cocktails;
  • ready-made products (shampoos, masks, conditioners, serums; sprays ....);
  • and even ash!

This list is endless. Some of them have an amazing effect, some bring nothing but trouble. However, even disappointed in the effectiveness of the "folk" remedy, women continue to search for a "magic potion" that would be easy to prepare, act quickly and do not require regular use.

Of course, some ladies understand that such a remedy will never be found. Any treatment requires an investment of money and time, and it is impossible to do without fulfilling this condition. However, there are ready-made tools that exclude several conditions for their use at once. For example, self-preparation, the need to use daily or very often, and others.

These include amla oil - a wonderful tool for the care, restoration of hair, even those that have been exposed to aggressive influences (lightened, often dyed, straightened with irons, curled, etc.). What is this remedy, what is its uniqueness, and how is the effectiveness of the application for hair confirmed?

Amla is called Indian gooseberry, which is recommended by Ayurveda. It contains a huge amount of ascorbic acid. This substance is able to prolong the youth and health of curls, as well as restore them after damage.

In addition to ascorbic acid, amla oil contains a lot of vitamins of groups E, A, F, trace elements, minerals and other useful substances. All of them are necessary for normal hair growth, nourishing the scalp, strengthening the follicles. If the scalp does not have diseases (acne, ulcers), and the follicles are strong, the hair will not fall out, their growth will accelerate significantly, the ends will stop splitting.

It seems that all the properties of amla oil are just magic that rarely happens in our lives. However, one has only to remember how attentive the Indians are to their nutrition and the health of the whole organism, as doubts about the benefits of amla for hair disappear.

This tool was invented in India. Unfortunately, to get 1 ml of care product, you need to process several tons of gooseberries. Naturally, the cost of oil under such production conditions was really astronomical. Then the wise Indians decided to insist amla on oils (basic), as a result of which they managed to achieve the following goals:

  • the product is offered to customers at an affordable price;
  • it became possible to prepare separate formulations for light and dark hair (in the first case, jasmine oil is used, in the second, henna is added);
  • the product has become even more effective due to the additional beneficial effect of oil formulations, which are the basis for amla infusion (coconut, palm);
  • two versions of the release form: in the form of oil and powder.

It is worth saying that the Indians are extremely picky about the observance of technology and manufacturing recipes. Now amla hair oil is made by manufacturers in European countries, but they are allowed to do this only if they exercise strict control over all stages of production, use high-quality, environmentally friendly ingredients and use state-of-the-art equipment. That is why the hair care product is really effective, always of high quality and certainly “working”, as evidenced by the numerous reviews of people who have used oil for hair care.

Why is amla oil more effective than other hair products?

Unlike masks, serums and curl care sprays from well-known manufacturers, this tool works on a completely different principle. It primarily nourishes the scalp, eliminates the problems of the integument, if any. In other words, the “work” of amla oil begins at deep levels. Only in this case, you can achieve a quick, and most importantly, lasting effect.

Other products simply fill each hair with some substances (depending on the composition), make them smoother so that they do not pull out when combing, and make them shine due to the formation of a film on the surface of the hair. This is not to say that “store” products are not effective, they just have completely different properties and effect on curls.

Amla oil, as mentioned above, "deals" with the elimination of problems with the scalp. Penetrating into the follicles, it also nourishes their root, due to which healthy hair grows. The effectiveness of amla oil can be measured at least by the fact that gray hair (even if it previously grew abundantly) no longer appears. As you can see, the product is really worthy of attention, especially considering all the laudatory reviews about the use of oil.

Applying Amla Oil for Hair – 7 Steps

Men will especially like its use, because you don’t need to prepare masks on your own, saturate shampoos with aromatic oils, buy numerous tubes and jars with all kinds of products. Here, as they say, everything is in one bottle, and the use of amla oil for hair is as simple as possible:

  1. rubbed into the scalp with fingers;
  2. palms dipped in oil with amla, pass along the entire length of the hair;
  3. dip the ends in oil (for women with split ends);
  4. a protective cap is put on;
  5. the head is wrapped in a large terry towel;
  6. withstands from an hour to eight;
  7. Washes off with regular shampoo.

This procedure does not have to be daily. Enough once a week (with advanced forms of baldness) or twice a month. Moreover, the frequency of applying amla oil depends on the condition of the hair - the better it becomes, the less often the procedure is required.

Surprisingly, finding a really high-quality product for sale at an affordable price is not so easy. Basically, you can buy amla oil only in specialized stores / pharmacies or on the Internet. However, you should be careful about choosing a seller, giving preference to someone who specializes in selling body care products, aromatic and base oils.
