Azerbaijani men love Russian girls. About Russians marrying Azerbaijanis ()

They were brought up in the spirit of their compatriots: they respect their elders, value family and religion. Being outside their country, they can give the impression of unbridled, loving, hot guys. All because hot southern, Caucasian blood flows in them. Azerbaijanis are sincere, brave, straightforward. These qualities can both frighten and, at the same time, attract girls.

If, by the will of fate, you fell in love with a guy, then you should know that perhaps your serious relationship is doomed to collapse. Muslims usually do not and, having enjoyed the accessible intimacy with them, return to their homeland and find themselves a young, faithful wife, who from birth was raised in the spirit of Eastern traditions and knows how to please her husband and how to build a strong family life.

If you don't want your relationship to be fleeting, first of all, don't be too available. If a guy is truly in love, he can wait for intimacy with a girl as long as necessary. And if you are a virgin, then this will double your importance and attractiveness in his eyes.

If you want to build a serious relationship, then you should consider changing your faith. This will make your future life together much easier and may help win over his relatives.

Do not forget that Muslim women have their own characteristics of upbringing and behavior. Read special literature, this will help you adjust your behavior for the sake of your loved one. For example, a wife should become the highest pleasure for an Azerbaijani, a consolation in grief, a reason for joy. She must arrange the family nest in such a way that her husband enjoys being there, so that he can rest in body and soul.

When dating an Azerbaijani guy, you need to put his interests and values ​​above your own. Eastern men are used to dominating, being first and in charge in everything, and in the family - first of all. His companion must be faithful and obedient, these are the main qualities of a good wife. She should be able to admire a man, even if he is not rich or successful. Eastern men bring rich gifts to good wives and surround them with tenderness and care.

An Azerbaijani girl should dress modestly and behave decently in public. Forget about short skirts and T-shirts above the navel - an Azerbaijani guy will not tolerate this. The main principle in clothing for Muslim women is to look modest in public and amaze with your beauty at home. By the way, when meeting an Azerbaijani, avoid frequent trips to clubs, on visits, and even to shops. A decent girl, she spends most of her time at home, taking care of children and household chores.


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Often, Russian girls are extremely disappointed in their compatriots and look for a husband abroad. Some people marry an American, some an Egyptian, and there are women who marry Azerbaijanis.


Accept your future husband's faith. Before getting married, very often a woman has to change her religion to Islam. True, there are cases when relatives are not so categorical and allow the bride not to accept their faith. Also a prerequisite for a wedding is the voluntary consent of the bride and her relatives.

Listen to the guy's opinion. When planning to marry a man, every girl should know that she will have to settle at home and run a household. Plus, the choice of clothing always remains with the husband. If the young people live in the guy’s homeland, then the girl is required to wear a headscarf covering her face and head, with a small slit for her eyes.

Respect each other's principles. A girl should listen to the guy’s opinion and take care of him in everyday life. An Azerbaijani, in turn, must take care and financially provide for his beloved.

There was a time when the Azerbaijani lands were in the possession of the Ottoman and then the Russian Empire, and if we delve into the details, we can remember that we have Albanian and other roots. If you intend to date an Azerbaijani man, then I would like to point out a few nuances that you can expect from them. But please note that everything I wrote is a generalized opinion and may not apply to everyone. Let's get started. There will always be another woman between you! Please don't be nervous after reading this title. By another woman I meant his mother. You must be willing to share your love with his mother. Remember one thing, his mother is always right. His mother never lies, takes advantage of his opportunities, or intrigues. All bad qualities and actions are inherent only in you, of course, all good is inherent in his mother. In any case, each of us loves our parents, but the Azerbaijani son loves a little more. Azerbaijani men are complacent! I'm not saying they're smug, they're just very confident. An Azerbaijani man is always happy with the work he has done, and even if he has not done it very well, he will never allow anyone to talk badly about him. An Azerbaijani man always walks with his head held high and demonstrates his self-confidence by walking proudly with his hands in his trouser pockets. Azerbaijani men are owners and love to rule. When it comes to women, an Azerbaijani man can be possessive. You must live by his rules. If you are looking for a free, open, carefree relationship that would allow you to do whatever you want, then reconsider your desire to date an Azerbaijani man, as he will not agree to these terms. If he gave you his heart and won yours, then you have already become his property. He will not share you with anyone, and sometimes even with his girlfriends. Just understand that this is part of Azerbaijani culture! God help you! He loves beautiful poetry. Beautiful and high-quality things, fashionable clothes, breathtaking perfume, clean shoes, neat hair, a freshly shaved face - all this and much more are very important for an Azerbaijani man. Azerbaijani men are interested in fashion in parallel with women and take serious care of their appearance. In short, you will never see an Azerbaijani man come on a date with a girl wearing a torn shirt or dirty shoes, while in America this is sometimes a normal occurrence. Let us remember, the Azerbaijani man is always right! Even if you are right for the hundredth time and the end of the world has come, there is not a force in the entire galaxy that would prove to the Azerbaijani man that he is wrong! Remember, he is always right (just don’t put pressure on him and keep quiet). Just accept it and trust that he will appreciate it later. If you don't believe me, then read the paragraph above about self-confidence. If necessary, he will pull the moon out of the sky for you. Let me now tell you about the positive qualities of Azerbaijani men, that is, about what you might like. If you're ready to run away after reading all of the above, take a minute and finish reading this first before making your decision. Azerbaijani men are considered the most caring. They know how to make a woman feel the happiest and most beautiful. Believe me, he will love you at least as much as he loves his mother and will take care of you. An Azerbaijani man understands the needs and desires of a woman well and has the power to appreciate her. And at the end I want to note one of the important points. Azerbaijani men are very handsome and attractive, I think you already understand this.

Now international unions in the Russian Federation are practically the norm.

Girls from Russia very often marry foreign citizens who came to the country to study or work. Some are looking for a groom from another country through marriage agencies and dating sites.

Why are local representatives of the fair sex so eagerly looking for husbands from other countries?

There is an opinion that the great popularity was due to the fact that local beauties were disappointed in Russian men. After all, they do not strive to conquer a girl with tenderness, do not do romantic things, do not show the necessary respect, and many are also addicted to alcohol.

Eastern guys know how to beautifully give compliments and courtship, and they drink very little alcohol and in establishments designated for this. As you can see, they look more advantageous.

Girls planning to marry a foreigner and move permanently abroad should know that modern Western traditions are common in most eastern countries, that is, in their later lives, their views on the family, as well as the girl’s position as a whole, will change.

For example, a marriage between a Russian and an Azerbaijani will not result in her ending up in a harem. By the way, such unions are found quite often in the Russian Federation. At the same time, newly-made families sometimes remain to live in Russia. It happens that Azerbaijani citizens deliberately marry Russians in order to obtain the legal right to live, work, and, after a while, citizenship. It is possible that a man in Azerbaijan has a first wife and will send her money. According to Islamic traditions, a Muslim can have several wives at once (maximum four). All this is written in the Koran. Although in a modern state this is not very encouraged. If a citizen has several wives, then he is obliged to provide for each one financially, and equally fairly. In view of this, many representatives of the stronger sex of eastern countries, who are confident that they can fulfill this condition, prefer monogamous unions.

Do Azerbaijani guys marry Russian girls? Undoubtedly. Let us note that they are very responsible towards both marriage and the family as a whole. They are guided by the Koran. And it states that marriage is already half of religion, and the best believers are those who respect their wives.

The Koran, by the way, does not prohibit marriages between a Russian girl and an Azerbaijani, but it is considered not particularly desirable until the other party has converted to Islam. In general, such unions can be concluded if, of course, the consent of relatives on both sides is obtained.

Russian women who marry Azerbaijani men begin to live by new rules. Moreover, each party to this union will have its own rights and, of course, responsibilities.

Firstly, a man must provide for his family financially. Secondly, he is obliged to pay attention to his wife, take care of her, as well as her spiritual education and, of course, development. A woman must listen to her husband unquestioningly, right down to the selection of outfits. In such marriages, there are also divorces, but they can only happen because one of the partners (husband or wife) does not fulfill their responsibilities. First, the spouses are given time to think, during this period they live separately, and then they will be officially divorced. Time is being waited for another purpose, namely to detect the wife’s pregnancy. Children are a protected segment of the population in Azerbaijan.

If a Russian and an Azerbaijani married, after which they moved to live in her husband’s homeland, then the girl will have to get used to the new state, customs that, at first glance, may seem slightly unusual, perhaps even wild.

Firstly, if the husband and his family do not live in a big city, then the wife will have to be at home all the time. As you know, in the village many girls do not study or work, that is, local representatives of the fair sex do not realize themselves and do not develop. What then do the fair sex do in Azerbaijan? They run the household (if there is no housekeeper), raise children, go to visit (if the spouses do not mind), and tend to the garden. The breadwinners in the country are men. As a rule, they are engaged in the purchase and sale of goods and trade.

Secondly, it is difficult to get used to the way of life of religious citizens. It is necessary to fast, follow religious traditions, pray and much more. Thirdly, you need to get used to the local climate. It’s hard to eat local food at first, it’s all very fatty

These citizens have hospitality in their blood, so they have plentiful meals, several times a day, not to mention tea parties.

Fourthly, it is necessary to abandon short and revealing outfits, trousers, and colorful colors both in clothes and in make-up. It is possible that in the husband’s family it is customary for women to wear headscarves, then his wife will also need to do this. Of course, drinking alcohol is prohibited, as is smoking tobacco.

In general, the attitude of Azerbaijani citizens towards Russians, including representatives of the fair sex, is positive, but with some disdain, as infidels. If a woman who comes to Azerbaijan respects the state and its traditions, then the country will become a real homeland for her (certainly the second).

There are certain unspoken rules and agreements in society

Let's start with a nice list:

1. Amazing compassion

In this country you can count on charity. Money for operations is collected all over the world, as a rule, without any document checks or doctor’s certificates. The poor are given generously, even to those who look and dress better than the givers themselves.

2. Willingness to help strangers on the street

If you feel bad and fall on the street, you will receive help. Even if you just stumble, you can hear the clatter of helpers running from all sides before you even reach the ground. They are the ones running to catch you.

3. Respect for elders

Of course, not everyone treats their own and other people’s elderly with understanding and care. But in the public consciousness there is a certain line that cannot be crossed - for example, if a young man uses swear words towards an older person, this will cause rejection among people, so strong that such things happen extremely rarely.

4. Careful attitude towards women

Five workers and a girl are waiting for the elevator. The elevator arrives. The workers shyly turn away, the girl gets into the elevator and leaves alone. They don't want to embarrass or scare her.

A girl comes to the tax inspector about a failed business. The inspector shakes his head, asks why she needed all this, fatherly advises how to suspend the activities of the enterprise, and lets her go in peace, although he would have acted completely differently with a man.

5. Hospitableness

Trite and not at all surprising for a Caucasian country. But the fact remains that we do not ask the guest whether he will drink tea. Tea is the default, everything else is provided if the guest is not in a hurry.

Unfortunately, these qualities have five evil brothers:

1. Show yourself at any cost

Expensive smartphone on credit and debts for electricity and water? Easily! If there are no debts for electricity and water, it means that a villa with a swimming pool was built on credit. There wasn’t enough money for a swimming pool, but they managed to plant palm trees, and they sway sadly in the Baku wind.

2. Infantility

Traditional Azerbaijani education is to wrap the child warmly, feed him more, even if he doesn’t want to, force him to school with a stick, then buy him a diploma, a car and a driver’s license, then find a wife or husband. Of course, we have many people who are autonomous from their families and independent in all respects, but it is better not to count how much this will be as a percentage of the entire population, so as not to get upset.

3. A woman is not completely human

Men are ready to sing the praises of their mothers, wives and daughters from morning to night. However, women in general in most families are not independent members of society; they are, as it were, an appendage of men. In addition, to have a good reputation, women must either follow strict rules or fight prejudice and stereotypes throughout their lives.

4. Failure to usefully integrate

Our people don't see their business as a family. A company is not a family. The street is not a family. People are not family, especially not. Therefore, assistance that requires serious effort is most often provided to relatives; otherwise, the principle “my house is out of reach” applies.

5. Hypocrisy

Our people have very strong index fingers. We love to condemn - and discuss - everything that we consider wrong. We especially like to judge someone's “wrong” sex. Therefore, for years, Azerbaijani society has enthusiastically condemned young people kissing on benches, premarital sex, and other forms of debauchery, and gossipers completely forget about their own big and small sins.

P.S. The author does not believe that it is nationality that determines any qualities of people. But in society there are certain unspoken rules and agreements, and if you personally do not follow them, this does not mean that they do not exist. I'm not talking about workers in neat city offices who read Marquez and went to Rome. I'm talking about the most ordinary ordinary people - workers, saleswomen, nurses. If in doubt, go down from heaven to the subway and talk to them.

I have one friend. She fiercely hates almost all representatives of the Russian and Ukrainian peoples, publicly calling them prostitutes and sluts. I don’t know the reason for such great hatred, which sometimes reaches the point of racism, and therefore I am at a loss. Most likely, there are purely personal reasons for this: maybe she or her close friend had some Slavic woman who stole the man, I don’t dare say, but most likely this is exactly what happened. But as a full-blown liberal, I am always embarrassed by such statements in the style of the 3rd Reich. Well, you can’t generalize an entire nation. However, there is some truth in everything and I think this issue should be analyzed. Firstly, we cannot dispute the fact - Azerbaijanis are really greedy for Russian ladies. They have exactly what they cannot find in Azerbaijani women. For the most part, they take care of themselves, they are not so incriminal, they are blondes. Secondly, for a typical Azerbaijani, love is something purely physical. Came, undressed, inserted. That's all love is. It's like at the level of a 15th teenager. The trouble is that, my brothers by gender, they often remain such teenagers until they are 50 years old. They will never grow up, they will never know true love. I honestly feel sorry for them. That’s why they run to Russians and Ukrainians and my friend shouldn’t be sad. Well, these little ones aren't worth love, they're not worth it.

However, I would like to write specifically about real Azerbaijanis. A real Azerbaijani can only love a real Azerbaijani woman. This is not racism in any way. We simply belong to the type of people who have traditionalism in their blood. This is not the notorious mentality or religious views, which often no one cares about when the hormones in the blood begin to play. This is something different. A normal, healthy, educated Azerbaijani who does not suffer from sexual perversions, in my purely personal opinion, can only be happy in marriage with an Azerbaijani woman who has similar qualities. I will not explain this in detail, I will only say that a person’s life in a family is not only sex. Life together means conversations, discussions, and finally conflicts. Can you imagine the insanity that results when a husband shouts in Azerbaijani and his wife shouts in Russian or, even worse, in Ukrainian.

Why am I writing such a non-standard post for myself? In the morning I felt how disproportionately little love we had. All my friends get married exclusively, no matter what their intentions. I want to say that you need to love and marry only the right and necessary people. Do not be deceived by physical attraction, love with all parts of the body, soul and mind.
I kiss and run away.
