Begonia cat's claw. Cat's claw: indications for use and contraindications, reviews from doctors

(English Cat’s claw, Latin Uncaria Tomentosa, Spanish Una de Gato), second name Uncaria Tomentosa(pubescent) is the name of a vine (belongs to the Rubiaceae family) that grows in the tropics (Amazonia, Peruvian Highlands). The plant received its name because of its small, but very tightly clinging spines, with the help of which the vine is able to cling to the trunks and branches of trees.

Cat's claw: plant

Because of its tiny distribution area, the plant for a long time was known only to local residents: the Indians (who, by the way, used it for almost all diseases). But in the 18th century, the plant became known to French scientists, who, however, did not discover medicinal properties Uncaria Tomentosa. Only in 1974 did the Australian K. Kleppinger begin large-scale research into the medicinal properties of Cat's claw, more and more amazed at the capabilities of the rare plant (along with such well-known medicines as, and).

Raw materials from vines have a fairly high price not only because of the rarity of the plant, but also because of its relatively slow growth: to Unkariya fully matured, it takes twenty years (the plant can live about thirty in total).

Cat's claw: dietary supplement

dietary supplements from Cat's claw may differ not only in the types of packaging (tablets, capsules, liquids), but also in the content of the medicinal substance.

When buying dietary supplements, you need to carefully look at the Latin name, since there are several plants called “” and “Cat’s claw” in Russian and English, but cost much less (average price for a month’s supply Uncaria good quality is 30-40 USD, there are places much cheaper - read below), in addition you need to pay attention to the quantity Uncaria in the preparation - if it is very small, it makes sense to buy an extract Cat's claw, which costs a little less.

Cat's claw: properties

Properties Cat's claw amazing and rich. Bark Uncaria very rich in alkaloids (rhynchophylline, pteropodin, isopteropodin, mitraphylline), which activate lymphocytes, normalize immunoglobulins, and reduce the likelihood of blood clots. In addition, it contains sterols, polyphenols and terpenes, due to which the plant has anti-inflammatory properties.

The use of Cat's Claw is carried out for diseases such as:

  • allergy;
  • various infections of viral origin;
  • infections of bacterial origin;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • oncological diseases (is a strong immunostimulant; in 1988, a report was presented on the successful fight against oncology with the help of four years of use Uncaria);
  • peptic ulcers;
  • unstable hormonal levels;
  • arthritis;
  • diabetes;
  • problems with the genitals;
  • various skin diseases;
  • muscle pain;
  • diseases of the circulatory system;
  • intoxication of the body;
  • mental and nervous system disorders.

Cat's claw: instructions for use

Instructions for use Cat's claw- 2 capsules of 500 mg/day. If you purchase a ready-made drug in the form of capsules, you need to consult with a specialist or strictly follow the manufacturer’s instructions.

In case of purchase of raw materials (bark) Cat's claw, the following application options are available:

  • brewing strong tea (if desired, you can add green tea, or additives to it: citrus fruits, hibiscus). It is recommended to drink no more than four cups of this tea per day;
  • alcohol tincture (about 40 grams of plant are needed per liter of vodka);
  • adding grated bark to food.

Cat's claw: capsules

The capsule has long been considered one of the best ways to prepare medicine from Cat's claw, since for packaging in a capsule the bark must be well crushed, and the capsule also prevents the drug from interacting with air.

There are 2 types of capsules: animal and vegetable fat. Of course, it is better to choose the latter because they will dissolve better and in most cases are not capable of causing allergies.

Cat's claw: tea

Usually teas from Uncaria used to combat mental illnesses, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and skin diseases.

Cat's claw: bark

Bark Cat's claw- this is the main ingredient of medicines and dietary supplements due to its unique properties: it is in the inner bark of the vine that the main beneficial substances are concentrated (however, the entire composition of the plant and all its beneficial properties have not yet been studied), in addition, other parts of the plant (for example, roots) it is very inconvenient and unprofitable to use - they are used for subsequent propagation of the vine.

Dry bark Cat's claw(it can be purchased at markets for raw materials for medicinal products) can be used in the form of decoctions, food additives, or simply chewed (as the indigenous people of Peru often did).

Cat's claw: extract

Extract Cat's claw sold in the form of tablets or capsules and is used mainly to increase immunity (since in such a medicine the bark is usually diluted in a ratio of 1:10 or even more).

Capsules are considered preferable to tablets (especially for people with a weak gastrointestinal tract), since they are easier to digest, and the bark is better crushed.

In addition, extracts may contain bark Uncaria with oils such as, .

When using the extract Cat's claw You must follow the directions on the packaging.

Cat's claw: contraindications

Despite the many beneficial properties, there are contraindications for Cat's Claw:

  • tuberculosis,
  • autoimmune diseases,
  • pregnancy and lactation (since the drug has a contraceptive effect),
  • childhood,
  • persons who have had organ transplants (there is a risk of rejection due to the fact that cat's claw increases the body's immune properties).

In any case, before using the drug, consultation with a specialist is necessary, who will help the patient choose the right dose to increase the effect of taking it. Uncaria.

Cat's claw: buy, price

Here is such a large assortment of forms, dosages and manufacturers cat's claw:

1. You can buy at a low price and with guaranteed quality in the famous American online store of organic products.
2. Step-by-step instructions for placing an order: How to place an order on iHerb Photo source:

Cat's claw: reviews

Below you can read real reviews about cat's claw. Based on people's opinions, it will be easier for you to decide on the choice of dosage and manufacturer. Don't forget to leave your own review - it is very important for people with similar problems.

How does it help you? Your feedback is very important for newbies!

Rooted cuttings 100g. glass. 4 pcs available. Cat's Claw, Uncaria tomentosa, is a world-class plant that has the ability to stop and reverse the development of deep-rooted pathologies, leading to a rapid return to health. The world is full of miracles! But we don’t always know about them or, taught by pragmatic time, are in no hurry to believe in them. For example, a plant such as cat's claw grows on the ground. There are many legends about him. An ancient Peruvian legend says that jaguars, the strongest and fastest representatives of the cat family, feed on the juice of this plant. The alkaloids rhynchophylline, iso- and mitraphylline, pteropodine and isopteropodine are responsible for the medicinal properties of Cat's Claw. Isopteropodine (isomer A) activates the functions of T-lymphocytes, macrophages, and normalizes the level of immunoglobulins. Rincofeline is an alkaloid that improves the rheological properties of blood, reduces the likelihood of thrombosis in the vascular bed, preventing platelet aggregation. Polyphenols, terpenes, as well as plant sterols determine the anti-inflammatory and cytostatic properties of the drug. Sligosidic glycyrrhizin and glycyretinic acid are able to inhibit the proliferation of viruses in cells. Proanthocyanidin, also part of the plant bark, blocks free radical processes in the body. Working at the level of cellular immunity, this plant has the strongest immunomodulatory properties, and also has antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal effects.

In terms of medicinal properties, Cat's Claw has surpassed well-known plants that have long been used in medicine - such as ginseng, echinacea, ant tree, astragalus, as well as the famous mushrooms (reishi, shiitake and maitake).

The leaves of the plant are glossy on top, yellowish-green, covered with delicate down below, oval, oblong-elongated, up to 10-11 cm in length and 6-9 cm in width. Cat's claw flowers are white or yellowish, grow in pairs on opposite sides of the stem and are easily pollinated. Short curly shoots on the surface of the vine gradually harden and turn into hooks. Sharp, curved claws protect the vine from enemies.

But sometimes people get caught in these claws through carelessness or ignorance. Peruvians say that the spectacle in this case is terrifying - horror films take a break.

From local residents, members of the expedition heard a lot of interesting, simply incredible things about this plant. Since time immemorial, Peruvian Indians have used decoctions, infusions, medicinal ointments and powders from the leaves, roots and bark of the cat's claw to get rid of serious illnesses, fight poisoning and various infections, and to make tea that improves health and gives strength. For headaches, apply the leaves to the head. In addition, some tribes use the leaves and bark of the cat's claw as snuff or for smoking, and chew the bark itself.

Transparent juice from fresh shoots of the plant, which tastes like ordinary water with a spicy bitterness, is drunk to quench hunger and thirst. This drink also tones.

Scientists have noticed that the natives of Peru practically do not suffer from cancer. This fact was of great interest to a number of laboratories in the USA and medical centers in Western Europe - the University of Innsbruck (Austria), the University of Munich (Germany), the Hintinton Research Center, the University of Milan (Italy), and the University of Naples (Italy). In the 70s, studies were conducted that surprised and delighted scientists. It turned out that cat root actually has a strong antioxidant, antitumor and anti-inflammatory effect, removes waste products and heavy metals from the body, significantly improves immunity, improves the functioning of the heart and gastrointestinal tract.

According to the results of independent studies, cat's claw has been recognized as one of the most powerful immunomodulatory plants in the world. In 1989-90, the Australian scientist Dr. Keplinger received a patent for the groups of hydroxyindole alkaloids he discovered and isolated, which constituted the active principle of drugs from this plant.

Preparations made from cat's claw also help fight everyday troubles such as scratches, wounds, sexual weakness, and bad mood. The use of preparations from cat's claw is effective as an antitumor agent that has the ability to stop the growth of malignant tumor cells. Thus, in 1988 in the city of Lima (Peru), at an international congress on traditional Peruvian medicine, a message was announced about the effective use of cat's claw in the treatment of 700 patients from 1984 to 1988 with various types of cancer.

Cat's claw is also used for inflammatory changes in the reproductive system, for the treatment of prostate adenoma, candidiasis and joint diseases, for high blood pressure, atherosclerosis, for the treatment of stomach and duodenal ulcers, dysbiosis and liver diseases.

Cat's claw has antimicrobial and antiviral effects, so it combats flu, colds, treats ear inflammation, conjunctivitis, and is used in the treatment of fistulas and healing of old wounds.

Herbal tea improves physical and mental performance and helps fight fatigue. After playing sports and during heavy sports activities, cat's claw tea helps to quickly restore strength.

A decoction of the herb is used in cosmetology. A simple wipe with a cotton swab dipped in a decoction of cat's claw promotes the healing of small wounds, eliminates acne, pimples, various skin roughness, and effectively fights cellular aging of the skin.

In magic, a cat's claw is used as a bewitching agent. To do this, two claws are tied together with a red silk thread, wrapped in linen, then sewn into a blue satin or silk piece of fabric and hidden under the mattress of the marital bed.

Pharmacological properties of Cat's Claw:
- antioxidant effect;
- anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects;
- immunomodulating effect;
- oncoprotective effect;
- general detoxification;
- antiallergic effect;
- vasodilating effect.

Clinical Applications of Cat's Claw:

Immunodeficiency conditions, including AIDS
prevention and treatment of influenza and other viral diseases
Inflammatory diseases
Viral infection
Various types of intoxication
Crohn's disease
Cirrhosis of the liver
Stomach ulcer
Joint diseases (arthritis, arthrosis, bursitis, rheumatism)
Thrombophlebitis, varicose veins
Benign tumors (fibroadenomas, cysts, fibroids, etc.)
Malignancies, including leukemia
Chronic fatigue syndrome
Premenstrual syndrome, menstrual irregularities
Radiation or chemotherapy
Cardiovascular diseases, including hypertension
acute and chronic infections
autoimmune diseases (including lupus erythematosus)
arthrosis-arthritis, bursitis, rheumatism
gastrointestinal diseases of various etiologies (gastritis, ulcers, enterocolitis, Crohn's disease, hemorrhoids, dysbacteriosis and candidiasis)

Application of Cat's Claw:
It is recommended to take Cat's Claw by brewing strong tea from it. Can be mixed with green tea, add lemon or Hibiscus (Rosella - Hibiscus sabdariffa). The daily norm is 3-4 cups of tea.
You can also prepare an alcohol tincture from a cat's claw. Half a liter of vodka requires 20 grams of Cat's Claw.
Cautions when using Cat's Claw:
Decoctions have a contraceptive effect, so they are not recommended for pregnant women.
Also, as a result of the very strong effect on human immunity, it is not recommended to use such decoctions for people with transplanted organs.
Only from us you can purchase natural live cuttings of Cat's Claw, and not a dietary supplement or food additive. The effects exceed all expectations!

Availability: Yes
Price: 300 rub.

Uncaria tomentosa (Cat's Claw) is a tree-like vine of the Rubiaceae family, growing in the tropical forests of South and Central America, along the banks and foothills of the Amazon in Peru.

The plant got its name from the sharp, curved thorns that help it curl around trees and resemble a clawed cat's paw in appearance.

Asthenia cat's claw grows in a single place on earth - in South America, in the dense humid Peruvian forests along the Amazon River and is a woody vine with sharp “claws” with which it clings to neighboring plants. Lianas can grow up to 40 meters and live up to 30 years. Residents of that area widely used decoctions of bark, roots and leaves, ointments and other medicines to strengthen the body (that is, to strengthen the immune system), for poisoning (and therefore to cleanse the body) and inflammatory processes (in other words, in the fight against diseases ).

Uncaria tomentosa was first described in the 18th century, and the first studies were carried out in 1952 in France. No important discoveries were made, but in 1974 the cat's claw plant was rediscovered by a scientist from Austria (Klaus Kleppinger) while researching the life of the Peruvian Indians. He was amazed by the powerful healing properties of the vine; the oncoprotective effect of the cat's claw seemed especially important at that time (it was noted that the Indians did not suffer from cancer). Soon, in various European laboratories in Germany, Great Britain, Austria, Italy, research on the plant continued and real scientific discoveries were made. After the discovery of quinine (a natural cure for yellow fever and malaria) in the 17th century, the discovery of cat's claw was the second such significant event in herbal medicine.

It turned out that the cat's claw plant is superior in its properties to the well-known echinacea, ginseng, mushrooms (shiitake, maitake and reishi), astragalus, ant tree and can be used for neurodermatitis, duodenal and gastric ulcers, allergies, joint inflammation, genital herpes, shingles and other diseases. And in 1988, at an international congress, a report was read on the successful use of the cat's claw plant in the treatment of oncology in 700 patients over 4 years.

The scientific world was also amazed by the fact that, due to its strong antioxidant properties, this plant can affect the immunodeficiency virus that causes AIDS, especially if used in the early stages of the disease. The famous Dr. Brent W. Davis praised the properties of the cat's claw plant: "Uncaria Tomentosa is a world-class plant that has the ability to stop and reverse the development of deep-rooted pathologies, leading to a rapid return to health."

It has been established that the preparations of this amazing vine are able to activate the cells of our immune system, which are responsible for the destruction of tumor cells (malignant and benign), improve the condition of the blood (including reducing the risk of blood clots) and even block the reproduction of viruses in our cells and stop the chain reaction of formation free radicals without causing addiction or side effects.

The healing properties of the cat's claw plant can be grouped into several main actions:

To summarize: the cat's claw plant helps the body in many problems, reflects aggression in several directions at once, so it is indispensable not only in the treatment of already formed diseases, but also for competent prevention.

Cat's claw, which is the basis of this Coral Club product, is a plant that actively affects the human immune system. It contains a huge amount of biologically active and anti-inflammatory substances, as well as antioxidants. As a herbal immunomodulator, cat's claw prevents the formation of blood clots and the proliferation of viruses in cells.

The perennial Peruvian climbing vine - Uncaria tomentosa - also called "Cat's Claw", in the wild clings to tree trunks with special thorns that resemble the claws of a cat. The homeland and only place where this plant grows is the Amazon forests of the Peruvian highlands. It lives no more than 30 years, and during this period of time it can grow up to 40 meters in length.

Indians have long used Cat's Claw to make a strengthening tea, as well as as an antidote and a means of fighting a variety of infections. Some believe that thanks to the centuries-old use of this plant, the natives of Peru are practically unfamiliar with such a terrible disease as cancer.

In addition, Uncaria tomentosa is included in many drugs, including the Coral Club product, which help with:

Metabolic disorders;

Gastrointestinal diseases;

Problems with the genitourinary system;

Chronic fatigue syndrome;


The medicinal qualities of Cat's Claw are based on the substances of oxyindole alkaloids, namely pteropodine and isopteropodine. They stimulate the activity of the human immune system, allowing the plant to be one of the most powerful natural immunomodulators.

Using substances contained in the Peruvian liana, drugs are produced that normalize the level of immunoglobulins in the blood and prevent blood clots.

Cat's Claw contains polyphenols, triterpenes and plant styrenes, which have cytostatic and anti-inflammatory effects. In addition, the plant contains a large amount of glycosides, as well as glycyrrhizin and glycerietic acid, which do not allow viruses to multiply in the cells of the human body.

Tannins – cahetins, gallic and ellagic acids, contained in Uncaria tomentosa, have an antiseptic, hemostatic, anti-inflammatory and astringent effect. And the flavonoid proanthocyanidin, also found in this vine, gives a diuretic, hypothetical and choleretic effect.

Thanks to its composition, Cat's Claw has not only antiseptic, immunomodulatory and detoxifying properties, but also general strengthening and adaptogenic properties.

Looking at this vine, with sharp thorns that look like cat's claws (hence the name of this plant - Cat's Claw), it is difficult to imagine what this plant can be used for, and even more so, what benefits it can bring to you and me. However, this plant has benefits. And, the residents of Peru, where such a plant grows, know very well about it.

They apply the leaves of this vine to their temples so that teas and decoctions from Cat's Claw are used to treat influenza and acute respiratory diseases (despite the hot climate, people there also suffer from such diseases), and the bark of the vine and poultices from it speed up the processes recovery of skin diseases. It is noteworthy that on this list of medicinal properties of cat's claw is not limited to - it can be used to treat gastritis, arthritis and even cancer...

Some of our readers may ask, What does the liana from Peru have to do with us – residents of our country’s open spaces? Today, when international transport links are well established, and the supply of medicinal plants and preparations prepared from them is commonplace, it will not hurt us to know about this plant. Perhaps this is what can help us restore our health...

A Brief History of the Cat's Claw

For the first time in the West they became acquainted with this plant in the seventies of the last century. It was then that a German researcher named Klaus Keplinger, who closely communicated with Peruvian healers, became interested in this plant and brought it to Europe in order to study such vine samples in detail and finally give an exact answer - what is more useful or magical in this Cat's Claw.

It is noteworthy that Keplinger's research confirmed his first theory that this plant is really useful and can be used for medicinal purposes, and the German researcher even patented his experimental results.

Medicinal properties of cat's claw

He managed to isolate six types of alkaloids from the root of the Cat's Claw, and the most interesting for science and medicine is alkaloid isopteridine, which has powerful stimulating properties in relation to the functioning of the immune system. Four other alkaloids demonstrated their ability enhance phagocytosis processes(the property of white blood cells to destroy bacteria, toxins, viruses and even cancer cells). The last alkaloid is rhincofilin– had the property prevent the formation of blood clots. Recent characteristics have led to the conclusion that this plant can be used for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, to normalize, improve blood circulation...

Properties of preparations from cat's claw

Preparations from this plant are an alternative to antidepressants, as they have a beneficial effect on people in a state of chronic and acute diabetes, and as an auxiliary means for the prevention of diabetes - as they normalize blood sugar levels, have a restorative effect on the functions of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, and liver. It is noteworthy that it is Cat's Claw, as a natural biostimulant, that is indicated for patients with cancer and AIDS.

In summing up, we can clearly outline the range of main indications for the use of drugs based on this Peruvian liana.

1 year ago

In America there grows an amazing plant with a mysterious name - cat's claw. It has general strengthening and immunostimulating properties. In our country, we can only find cat's claw as an active biological additive. Indications for its use and other important aspects will be discussed in today’s article.

The liana grows on the Amazon coast and in other parts of the tropical regions of the American continents. Its shoots resemble the claws of a cat in appearance, hence the name of the plant. The inner part of the bark has healing properties.

Cat's claw has a unique component composition, but most of all this plant extract contains organic acids, bioflavonoids, and steroids.

The properties of cat's claw are inextricably linked with the component composition. This remedy is recommended for people who are exposed to grueling physical and mental stress every day.

On a note! In practice, traditional healers and supporters of alternative medicine recommend cat's claw for the treatment of malignant diseases. This supplement also has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties.

What benefits does the product contain?

The rich component composition makes cat's claw very useful for the human body. Reviews from doctors about the use of this dietary supplement are different. But most qualified experts believe that it is possible to take cat's claw to strengthen the immune system.

Do not forget that herbal supplements are not classified as pharmacological drugs. You can take cat's claw in combination with prescribed pharmaceuticals.

The beneficial properties of cat's claw include:

  • relief from allergic reactions;
  • activation of the body's immune defense;
  • fight against pathogenic microorganisms, viruses;
  • improvement in inflammatory processes of various origins and localization;
  • restoration of hormonal balance;
  • normalization of the functioning of the digestive tract;
  • treatment of gastric ulcers.

As part of complex therapy, cat's claw is used to cure a number of ailments and pathological conditions, in particular:

  • arthritis;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • prostatitis;
  • diseases of a gynecological nature;
  • myalgia;
  • impaired blood clotting;
  • psychoemotional disorders;
  • intoxication;
  • dermatological ailments;
  • thrombosis

Important! Cat's claw is often used in the treatment of cancer. This biological supplement improves overall well-being and increases the body's defenses. Cat's claw is especially useful after radiation or chemotherapy.

About dosage in detail

A dietary supplement with an unusual name is sold over-the-counter. Despite the environmental friendliness and absolute herbal composition of cat's claw, it should be taken only after consultation with a specialized doctor and careful reading of the annotation.

Today, cat's claw is produced in various pharmacological forms. You may find the supplement in the form of a dried herb, oil extract, ointment, tablets, or capsules.

Which of the given forms to choose is up to you and your doctor to decide. For preventive purposes, to strengthen the body's immune system and increase endurance, cat's claw is taken twice a day, 1 capsule. It is advisable to take the supplement with meals so that all the components contained in the cat's claw are better and more fully absorbed.

The daily dosage and duration of the treatment course are determined only by the treating specialist, taking into account the patient’s age, physiological characteristics and health status.

Important! People suffering from malignant diseases should pay special attention to taking cat's claw. But there is no need to self-medicate. To ensure that medications and other treatments are effective, strictly follow all instructions from your doctor.

Cat's claw: contraindications

Even ancient healers who lived on the banks of the Amazon discovered the amazing properties and healing power of a cat's claw. The inner bark of the vine, which is used today to prepare a dietary supplement, was regarded by many as an effective contraceptive.

In the modern world, no one has conducted such experiments, but during pregnancy it is strictly prohibited to take such a supplement. Experts who studied this dietary supplement came to the conclusion that it has a contracting effect on the reproductive organ, and therefore spontaneous abortion can occur during pregnancy.

It is not recommended to take cat's claw during breastfeeding. Do not forget that the product contains alkaloids, which are considered plant poisons. This dietary supplement should not be taken by children at an early age.

Experts also warn people who have undergone surgical interventions related to the use of donor organs. Of course, the side effects of cat's claw are not so dangerous, but if you have donor organs, you need to be careful not to provoke their rejection.

On a note! In some European countries, cat's claw is classified as a potent substance, so it is not available for free sale. For example, in Germany you will have to take a doctor's prescription to purchase the supplement.

Friends, I greet you!

Let's continue today to get acquainted with those plants that exist on our Planet and that have unique, sometimes even incredible properties in their strength, okay? ☺

In this article, I am proud to present to you another creation of Nature - this plant called “cat’s claw”.

An amazingly powerful plant with an original name and amazing healing and healing properties, which certainly deserves to be known about it and to be used!

From this article you will learn:

Cat's claw - benefits and indications for use

What is "cat's claw"?

“Cat's claw” is a plant that grows exclusively in one and only place on our Planet - in South America, and resembles a vine in appearance.

This plant received such an original name because it has interesting “claws”, reminiscent of the claws of a cat, with the help of which this vine clings to neighboring plants.

Such vines live on average for thirty years and can reach a length of forty meters.

Residents of South America have long used this vine in their folk medicine, using the bark, leaves and roots of the “cat's claw” for this purpose in order to strengthen their immunity, to combat poisoning for the purpose of detoxification (removing poisons from the body) and for various diseases inflammatory in nature, the list of which is quite impressive.

Research scientists became interested in this plant during one of their regular studies of the life of the Indians of South America. Namely, they were interested in the fact that the Indians practically did not suffer from cancer AT ALL!

Their “investigations” led them to this particular plant.

And very soon all the leading European laboratories in Germany, England, Italy, Austria and other countries began intensively studying the properties of this mysterious vine.

As a result, amazing discoveries were made, and the whole world became aware of the fact that “cat’s claw” has the most powerful cancer-protective properties!

The study of the properties of this plant did not end there, and scientists discovered its amazing properties one after another.

What are the benefits of cat's claw?

What else did they find out?

What is the main power of the “cat’s claw”?

Scientists have found that this plant is many times stronger in its properties than the well-known ginseng, shiitake, maitake and reishi mushrooms, as well as astragalus and ant tree!

These discoveries really shocked the world!

Therefore, preparations from this South American liana can treat diseases such as neurodermatitis, duodenal ulcers, stomach ulcers, any allergies, severe inflammatory processes in the joints, as well as genital herpes, shingles and many, many others.

And in 1988, at one of the international congresses, a report was read out in which the results of one successful experiment in the use of “cat’s claw” were officially announced to those present, namely: seven hundred cancer patients for three years systematically used the drug “cat’s claw” in complex treatment. , and the treatment showed 100% results - complete recovery!

Another report added “fire”: it was officially announced that the use of a drug from this tropical liana, thanks to its strong antioxidant properties, can effectively influence the immunodeficiency virus, which subsequently causes AIDS in humans, especially if it is started on time , that is, as early as possible, in the early stages.

If you have time to do this, you can restore your health, while simultaneously healing other pathologies in the body that can accumulate over the years!

“Cat’s claw” preparations are capable of qualitatively and in a short time:

  • cleanse the blood
  • strengthen the body's immune defense,
  • heal and prevent thrombosis disease,
  • completely block the reproduction of any viruses in the cells of the body, interrupt at the root the chain reaction in which free radicals are formed in the cells, without causing absolutely no addiction or side effects!!!

Cat's claw - indications for use

For a more complete understanding, all the healing and healing properties of this wonderful plant can be divided into groups, depending on their effect on our body:

How to choose a really high-quality “cat’s claw” product and avoid counterfeits: important recommendations!

You need to understand that the higher the quality of the drug, the more expensive it is, of course.

This is because, in addition to the so-called main raw materials (bark and leaves of the plant), there are also technological wastes, which are also sold. Of course, much cheaper.

Whether it is worth saving on this is something everyone decides for themselves.

How will such “savings” affect the effectiveness of treatment and recovery from diseases? What if the matter is serious and requires immediate treatment?

Therefore, of course, it is better to trust trusted manufacturers who have a good world-class reputation and also have quality certificates that meet international standards.

  • It is important to analyze all certificates for this drug BEFORE making a purchase. And not only sanitary and hygienic certificates, but also quality certificates for the production of the drug. Find out what the reputation of this manufacturer is. Find out what raw materials they use, what requirements they place on them for their purchases. Do they have their own laboratories in which they conduct their clinical research? Do they publish these results?

Do they have their own proprietary manufacturing technologies? What criteria for the safety and preservation of benefits in the raw materials do they use when processing and manufacturing their drugs?

And also take an interest in real reviews from real people who have used this drug (look for them, it’s possible!). What results did they get and in what time frame?

All this will give you a more complete guarantee that you will purchase a truly high-quality product.

  • Be sure to pay attention to how much cat’s claw plant itself is contained in one capsule (or tablet). Are there other components in the composition? How many are there? Estimate the number as a percentage or in their absolute quantity.
  • Calculate for what period (term) of use this drug is designed, in other words, how long will it last for you? Then calculate the cost of your full course.

Do this with each drug that you “notice” from the manufacturers you choose. Compare the duration and price of each drug, and then you can draw conclusions.

  • If you have problems with your stomach or digestive system in general, then when choosing this drug in capsules, give preference to those made not from animal gelatin, but from plant gelatin, they are much easier to digest than capsules made from animal gelatin, and do not cause allergies at all .
  • I do not recommend choosing “cat’s claw” preparations in liquid form. Why? Because if it is an alcohol solution, then it is definitely NOT useful for the body, even if you do not have problems with the liver and other internal organs. Ethyl alcohol is harmful to EVERYONE! IN ANY quantity. Even in miniscule amounts is NOT good. And does it make sense if you can choose a drug in tablets or capsules, right?

And in the production of aqueous preparations, preservatives are ALWAYS added, otherwise they cannot be preserved! Again, there is no point in such a drug.

Why do we need extra “chemistry” in the body? Why do we need to “treat one thing, and cripple the other,” right?

  • Cat's claw preparations are very, very in demand and are incredibly popular, despite the fact that they cost quite a bit. This “plays into the hands” of dishonest people who produce not only low-quality products, but downright harmful ones. Simply put, they produce blatant fakes that have nothing to do with “cat’s claw” at all,” while setting a significant price and thereby confusing the buyer, who believes that “if it’s expensive, it means it’s real.” Don’t be fooled by this, friends, be vigilant and check everything carefully before purchasing!

And yes, a pharmacy in our time is no longer a guarantee of quality, unfortunately... Take all this into account!

Large selection of high-quality organic preparations based on cat's claw, see Here

To summarize this article, friends: preparations from the “cat’s claw” plant perfectly help our body cope with many problems, powerfully reflect external aggression on our body in several directions at once (see above the groups of purpose of all “cat’s claw” actions).

Therefore, we can safely say that this drug is capable of actively healing both already formed diseases of the body and still hidden diseases (but ALREADY existing!).

And also actively contribute to the most powerful and - important! – COMPETENT prevention of the occurrence of absolutely any disease, including very complex and severe ones, including oncology.

Personally, I came to the conclusion that such a drug is simply NECESSARY in a comprehensive health system for any person!

And here’s what else I read, friends. I really remember the phrase about what famous immunologists say about how you need to competently approach the issue of improving your health and preserving your immunity.

“Before you start using any medications, and especially stimulants, “feed” first of all your immunity, give your own immune system support in the form of proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle. Give your immune cells the OPPORTUNITY to cope with viruses and bacteria on their own, and then it will be quite possible that you will not need synthetic drugs at all!”

That's a strong word, isn't it? ☺

Do you personally already have experience using “cat’s claw” preparations?

Maybe your family or friends were healed with its help?
