Pregnancy and computer safe distance. Can pregnant women work on a computer? Influence of electromagnetic and electrostatic fields

Today, there is no reliable information on the topic of an increase in the threat of miscarriage due to computer exposure, an increase in the frequency of defects during the formation and development of the baby, the likelihood of pathologies, placental abruption, etc. A computer monitor does create electromagnetic and electrostatic fields, but they do not in any way affect the genetic apparatus, and there is no relationship between them and possible mutations in human cells, at least that is what official science claims today. It is likely that these data will not change in the process of development of scientific thought.

But the harm of working at a computer can be considered not only from the point of view of possible radiation, but also in terms of lifestyle and type of activity. And in this case, some other aspects may be revealed that influence the female body during pregnancy. We will consider these points further.

Computer harm and pregnancy

Pregnancy is characterized by changes in blood circulation, and this naturally affects the eyes and their functioning. This is fraught with changes in the fundus of the eye, myopia may occur or begin to progress if it has already been observed in the expectant mother. The strain on a woman's eyes during pregnancy already increases, so working at a computer can aggravate these processes.

Working at a computer requires a sitting position, which causes stagnation of blood in the pelvis. The organs located in the abdominal cavity, and especially the uterus, are less supplied with blood, and metabolic processes slow down. This leads to the fact that blood flows worse to the developing fetus, and this is not a very good situation.

During pregnancy, hemorrhoids often develop or worsen. Due to the formation and growth of the fetus, the uterus increases in size over the course of pregnancy, occupying most of the abdominal cavity. Typically, this causes the moving organs to shift upward and press the rectum to the pelvis. Due to compression of the venous vessels, the carvenous corpuscles become overfilled with blood and, as a result, hemorrhoids are formed.

And a sitting position when working at a computer is an important risk factor for the development of hemorrhoids even for an ordinary person, not to mention pregnant women, in whom the above conditions also play a role.

During pregnancy, weight inevitably increases, the body's center of gravity shifts forward, and the load on the pregnant woman's spine seriously increases. In addition, expectant mothers often suffer from calcium deficiency in the body. A sitting position when working with a computer, and even more so an uncomfortable position due to improper organization of the workspace, which is quite common, pose a threat to the development of osteochondrosis and other diseases that may affect the spine and joints. The last weeks of pregnancy are especially dangerous in this regard. The phenomenon of back and lower back pain is familiar to almost all pregnant women.

Working at a computer, especially in an office, means that the expectant mother will spend a long time in a poorly ventilated room. And oxygen is very important for both the health of the mother and her unborn child.

The psychological state of the mother in labor is also important during pregnancy, and work, both in general and at the computer in particular, is fraught with constant stress. Therefore, pregnant women should evaluate the potential for creating stress in the workplace and decide accordingly whether it is worth working during pregnancy, including at the computer.

Preventing computer harm during pregnancy

Of course, in an amicable way, a pregnant woman should minimize her time at the computer. But if, nevertheless, such a need or desire is present, it is worth organizing your time at the computer as much as possible and taking preventive measures to reduce the harm from the computer for a pregnant woman to a minimum.

  • Organize your workplace correctly, make it convenient and comfortable, monitor the correct working posture.
  • Maintain a work and rest schedule. Spend as little time as possible at the computer, take breaks from work for at least fifteen minutes, during this time it is good to do exercises for the neck, hands, eyes, stretch, combine this with special exercises for pregnant women. The ideal option is to go out into the fresh air during breaks. When working, change your position, move your shoulders, arms, and head.

Try to limit your time at the computer to a minimum. Every hour, take 15-minute breaks from work; during these breaks, be sure to stand up, stretch, walk around, and do a few light physical exercises (bending and turning your head, exercises for your hands, stretching). If the situation allows, perform a special set of exercises for pregnant women. It is very useful to get out of the room during a break and get some fresh air. And while working, change your position as often as possible, every 10-15 minutes, move your shoulders, legs, and head.

In general, the computer itself does not cause any harm to the health of a pregnant woman and her unborn baby. Only improper organization of the work process can cause some discomfort and contribute to the development of unwanted diseases. To avoid the undesirable consequences of working at a computer, it is important for a pregnant woman to follow a set of preventive measures. Then working at the computer will not affect pregnancy in any way.

In the modern world, the vast majority of people can no longer imagine life without a computer. This is not only an attribute for games and entertainment, but also an indispensable assistant at work. But are pregnancy and a computer compatible? This question plagues many women. It is worth considering the most likely consequences of a pregnant woman’s “communication” with an electronic friend.

It is impossible to say unequivocally that a computer is very harmful to a pregnant woman’s body, since the generation of children conceived and born in the conditions of technological progress has not yet grown up. But the issue of radiation of electromagnetic waves has not been fully studied. So, we can only speculate, but not confirm.

It is generally accepted that pregnancy and computer work do not go well together. And it’s not just about the radiation that the expectant mother can receive. Moreover, this phenomenon is still considered controversial. But spending a long time at the computer poses a real threat to the organs of vision, joints and blood vessels.

Pregnancy is already considered stress for the body, and an immobilized lifestyle does not have the best effect on the baby’s health. Sitting at the computer for a long time, the expectant mother runs the risk of developing myopia, the development of which is directly proportional to the time spent in front of the monitor.

The risk of developing or worsening hemorrhoids also increases. This disease is not uncommon during pregnancy, and sedentary work will only speed up the process.

It has been noticed that pregnancy and working at a computer place increased stress on the spine. Therefore, do not be surprised if after a hard day you cannot straighten your lower back.

Another influence of the computer on pregnancy is sometimes expressed in problems with the gastrointestinal tract and veins. And poor blood circulation prevents the baby from getting enough oxygen.

How much time should you spend on the computer during pregnancy?

Any doctor will answer this question - as little as possible. However, the women themselves disagree. Some argue that it is possible, but not more than 4 hours; others say that you need to remove the computer from the house altogether; still others share their experience of how they spent 16 hours in front of the monitor and gave birth to a healthy child.

So, there is no clear answer to how a computer affects pregnancy. Naturally, if work requires you to spend time at the monitor, you will have to sit as long as necessary. But if the computer is just entertainment and is needed for communication in different forms, then it is worth reducing it to a minimum, replacing it with walks in the fresh air and real communication with friends. After all, during pregnancy it is so important not to drop out of society, but, on the contrary, to expand your horizons in search of new positive emotions. And you can find them not only on the Internet.

Safety precautions for expectant mothers

If working at a computer is unavoidable, it is necessary to minimize its impact on the body.

  • First of all, you should abandon a desktop computer with a power supply in favor of a laptop. This will reduce the number of electromagnetic waves.
  • You should also not place the laptop on your lap, where it will be in close proximity to your growing belly and female genital organs.
  • Make sure that the distance from your eyes to the monitor is at least half a meter.
  • keep your back straight during the entire time spent at the computer.
  • Be sure to place your laptop on a special table and sit in a comfortable chair selected according to your height.
  • position the monitor in such a way that you do not have to tilt your head back and look up - this will add strain to your neck and eyes.
  • give your feet complete freedom under the table without cluttering the space with unnecessary junk.
  • install an additional light source to the left of the keyboard.
  • sit with your back to the window - this will provide natural light during the day.
  • give preference to a liquid crystal monitor rather than a beam monitor.
  • While typing, look at the keyboard, thus reducing eye contact with the laptop screen.
  • Working at a computer wearing anti-glare glasses will help avoid headaches.
  • Place your elbows on the armrests of the chair and your wrists on the table. Do not hold your arms up.
  • follow the time formula 1:4. After spending time at work? give time? rest.
  • do not sit in one position, change your center of gravity, or move your limbs.

Pregnancy is often not a refusal to work. And now remote work at a computer is possible as an ideal solution for a pregnant woman. But in such cases, many have questions about such activities. For example, how much time can you spend at the computer or how often do you take breaks while working. Let's look at all the components.

The influence of a computer on a pregnant woman is ambiguous. Some may say that such computer work is harmful to the future baby, because electromagnetic waves have a detrimental effect on the entire body, but others will not consider this a problem. In any case, there is harm, at least due to the often long stay at the monitor.

A woman is either overtired or does not monitor her sleep patterns or diet.

But it is impossible to say unequivocally that the computer has a detrimental effect on a pregnant woman.. This influence is individual for everyone. But you can reduce the negative consequences in the form of deterioration in the quality of vision or back pain.

Important! The longer you sit at the computer, the more often you need to take breaks.

How long can you sit at a computer per day?

Children are recommended to sit at the computer no more than 1.5 hours a day. In this case, the length of stay at the device depends on age. But there are no clear restrictions for pregnant women. Every woman should determine the time she spends at the computer..

After all, for some, 5 hours is enough, but for others, 8 hours will not be enough.

Conditional harm exists, if only because the child in the womb may be in an uncomfortable state for a long time. Moreover, there is a high chance of developing osteochondrosis or a number of other diseases.
To minimize any negative consequences, you need to choose a comfortable place to work and know what exercises to do during breaks.

The first thing you need to start arranging a place with is a chair.. It should not only be comfortable, but also give you aesthetic pleasure. Your favorite color or material. The chair must be chosen according to your characteristics.

If you have developed scoliosis or other curvatures of the spine, then this should be taken into account. An important feature of convenience will be the lack of distance between the back of the chair and your back. This will prevent you from putting the entire weight of your body on your lower back. If there is no such distance, the tension in the back muscles will be uniform.

The back of the chair should be easily adjustable and adapt to your inclinations. Some models have adjustable seat reclines. When choosing a chair, keep in mind that the armrests must be adjusted to a comfortable height. This will allow you to type faster and strain your hands less.
Please note that your feet should be perpendicular to the floor. If you are short, you can buy a small stool or chair so that your legs don’t get tired. Such devices will also be needed for those for whom the minimum chair height is uncomfortable.

Important! Armrests should not rest against the table or restrict forward movement.

A chair can be considered comfortable if its back, armrests, and seat are easily adjusted to suit the characteristics of your body, if you like the material and color of the chair, if your arms, back or other parts of the body do not hurt during work, and if you do not feel tired after work .

Characteristics of the chair:

  • seat width at least 40 cm;
  • seat height is adjustable within 40-55 cm;
  • seat tilt +-10°;
  • The width of the back of the chair is more than 40 cm;
  • backrest angle +-30°;
  • adjustment of the distance from the front point of the seat to the back within 24-40 cm;
  • armrest length from 25 cm, width - from 5 to 7 cm;
  • armrest height adjustment within 24-26 cm;
  • the distance between the armrests is within 35-55 cm.

The comfort of the chair is very important for pregnant women, as the back is always under tension.
If you can't buy a new chair, you can upgrade yours. To do this, just place a hard pillow under your lower back, tighten the back so that it supports your back and adjust the armrests.

Did you know? A microwave oven in a pregnant woman’s home will not harm the health of the unborn baby.

Distance from the monitor is important for both your back and your eyes. The eyes are especially affected if the distance is too small. The distance between the monitor and your eyes should be at least 50 cm. This will preserve your vision and prevent your eyes from getting tired so quickly. The degree of tilt at which the monitor is positioned is also important. You should not look up at the monitor.
Otherwise, your neck will be very sore and a number of diseases may develop. You should look at the monitor as if from above and at an angle of 30°. You can place something under the monitor to achieve the desired angle.

Watch your posture

“During pregnancy, watching your posture while sitting at the computer is the last thing you need to do.” For some reason, many women think so. They are mistaken. After all, monitoring your posture while sitting at a computer is much more convenient and easier than standing somewhere near a mirror.

When working at a PC or simply reading various recipes, a chair helps you monitor your posture. If it is correctly adjusted to you, then every time your posture is not correct, your back will warn you about it. Signals will be heard in the form of unpleasant pain. Only by changing the position to the correct one will the pain stop.

When you sit, your hip angle should be 100-130°, not 90°. To prevent poor posture, the position of the legs is also important. They must be perpendicular to the floor.

Taking breaks from computer work is as important as having the right chair. Breaks should be every 30-40 minutes. During them, you can just walk around, drink tea or have a full meal. It is important to follow a diet when working at a computer.
The main thing is to eat not at your desk, but in a specially designated place. During pregnancy, when many women's appetite increases, it is important not to starve. Doctors recommend placing a bottle or glass of water near you and drinking regularly, thereby taking short breaks on the road.

Did you know? The average weight of a full-term baby in developed countries is 3.5 kg. 40 years ago, the average birth weight of a child was only 2.7 kg.

Exercises for the body and eyes

Breaks from work should not be accompanied only by food. It is useful to do exercises for the body and eyes, which will tone the muscles and relieve you of fatigue or possible pain.

Eye exercises:

  1. Close your eyes. Keep them tightly closed for 5 seconds. Then open it wide and try not to blink for 10 seconds. Do 3 repetitions.
  2. Look to the left and choose any point. For example, the apple in the picture. Then look to the right and choose a point on that side. For example, the upper right corner of the monitor. Look from side to side: from the apple in the picture to the corner of the monitor. Such horizontal eye movements will help relieve tension. The same exercise can be done by selecting the points below and above. Do the exercise for 20 seconds. Alternate with other exercises.
  3. Rotate your eyes clockwise and counterclockwise helps in the fight against fatigue.
  4. You can use a pen or pencil for this eye exercise.. Take, for example, a pencil, holding it out in front of you. Start slowly moving towards the tip of your nose to bring your eyes together. Repeat the exercise 3 times alternating with others.
  5. Place the thumb of your right hand in front of you. Slowly move your hand to the right, following the finger only with your eyes. Don't turn your head. Return your hand and eyes to the starting position in the same way. Repeat this exercise with your left hand. You need 6-10 repetitions with each hand.
  6. The simplest exercise is to close your eyes and sit for 2-3 minutes..
  7. By closing your eyes you can also roll your eyes in a circle.
  8. Blink quickly. Within 10-15 seconds. Rest 5 seconds and do 5 more reps. This simple exercise will allow your eyes to quickly relax.

Video: gymnastics for the eyes

  1. Sitting on a chair, you need to stretch your legs in front of you. Try to keep them hanging for at least 5 seconds.
  2. Stand up and stretch your arms up. Don't raise your shoulders. Watch your breathing. It should be uniform.
  3. Place your hands behind your head, palms together. Lower your shoulders and place your feet shoulder-width apart. Bend forward, keeping your chin perpendicular to the floor. To make it easier, you can select in advance the point where you will look while bending. Don't bend too low; your torso should be parallel to the floor.
  4. Get into your normal position. Place your right foot on the heel and pull the toe towards you. Try to do this with your hand. Don't overdo it. You should feel a stretch in the back of your leg. If it is difficult for you to do this, then do not bend over, but simply pull your toes.
  5. Sit on a chair. Raise your hands up. Stretch your right hand to the left, bending slightly. Repeat the same with your left hand. You need 10-15 repetitions on each hand. 2 approaches each.
  6. Exercise for the hands is one of the simplest. Clench your hands into a fist and rotate clockwise for a minute. Then counterclockwise.
  7. You can also use a resistance band for exercises. It helps stretch the muscles in your hands and makes your grip stronger.
  8. To get the blood flowing, simply shake your hands in the air several times. Then quickly clench and unclench your hands into a fist.
  9. The simplest exercise is walking. Just walk around the apartment, do small household chores. go out onto the balcony.

Important! Monitor your breathing and heart rate during exercise, and take breaks between each exercise.

You can do all the suggested exercises, or some of them. But do not forget that it is important to devote at least 10-20 minutes a day to such exercises.

To make working at a computer during pregnancy comfortable, it is also important to follow some rules:

  • monitor your diet and breaks, set an alarm clock that will remind you of this;
  • do not eat at your workplace in front of the computer, because an accidentally spilled cup of tea can ruin the functionality of the same keyboard;
  • do not forget to ventilate the room you are in;
  • do not work at the computer if you are feeling unwell, such work will only aggravate the condition;
  • a comfortable environment in the workplace will allow you to complete all the work faster;
  • do not work at night or late in the evening, so as not to disrupt your routine.

All tips are universal and you can use each or just one. The main thing is to remember to take care of your health and that of your child and not stay in front of the computer 24 hours a day.

Pregnancy and computer. Doctors have not yet formed a consensus on this matter. And this is not surprising. After all, the “computer era” lasts only a little more than two decades - such a period of observation is clearly not enough for serious conclusions about the influence of the computer on the course of pregnancy. In addition, the computers we work on now are strikingly different from those 10-15 years ago.

On the one hand, there is no reliable data that a computer during pregnancy increases the risk of miscarriage, increases the incidence of fetal malformations, or can cause other pathologies, such as, for example, an ectopic or frozen pregnancy. The monitor is not a source of radioactive, ionizing radiation, which is certainly harmful. The monitor is a source of electromagnetic and electrostatic fields that do not lead to damage to the genetic apparatus and mutations in human cells. In any case, scientists have not yet discovered such an influence, and it is quite possible that it will never be discovered.

On the other hand, pregnancy is a state of the body that requires a woman to mobilize all her strength, physical and moral, and under these conditions all the negative aspects of the computer’s influence on health increase their impact. Let's talk about this in more detail.

During pregnancy, significant changes in blood circulation occur, which greatly affect the eyes. This often leads to changes in the fundus and the onset or progression of myopia. In combination with the negative influence of the monitor, the eyes of a pregnant woman are subjected to very serious tests.

Prolonged sitting leads to stagnation of blood in the pelvis.

The blood supply to all organs located in the abdominal cavity, including the uterus, deteriorates, and the metabolic process slows down. During pregnancy, this means, among other things, a decrease in blood flow to the fetus with all the ensuing consequences: hypoxia, slow removal of metabolic products from the fetus...

Pregnancy and labor during childbirth often provoke the development and exacerbation of hemorrhoids. The uterus, growing as the fetus develops, occupies an increasing part of the peritoneum. In this case, the movable organs shift upward, and the rectum, on the contrary, is pressed against the pelvis. As a result, the venous vessels are compressed, filling the cavernous bodies with blood. Intense efforts during childbirth also stimulate the formation of hemorrhoids.

Considering that prolonged sitting, which is inevitable when working on a computer, is in itself one of the main risk factors for hemorrhoids, we can confidently say that if a pregnant woman works a lot on a computer (as, indeed, does any other sedentary work), then the appearance or exacerbation of hemorrhoids, the development of complications in her is very likely.

Weight gain during pregnancy and a forward shift of the body's center of gravity seriously increase the load on the spine. In addition, pregnant women often experience calcium deficiency in the body. The combination of these factors with a sitting position and especially with an uncomfortable working posture that occurs when the computer is not positioned correctly in the workplace is a serious risk factor for the development of osteochondrosis and other diseases of the spine and joints, especially in the last weeks of pregnancy. Almost all pregnant women experience back pain, especially in the lumbar region.

Staying in a closed, unventilated area for a long time. This is bad for any person, but especially for a pregnant woman - not only herself, but also the baby lacks oxygen.

The most important factor in the normal course of pregnancy and the birth of a healthy child is the woman’s comfortable psychological state and the minimum amount of negative experiences and stress. Working on a computer only adds stress to our lives.

All these factors can affect the course of pregnancy and the well-being of the fetus. And at any stage of pregnancy.

What to do if you have to work on a computer during pregnancy?

Firstly, from the very first days of pregnancy, a woman needs to be observed in an antenatal clinic. A qualified and experienced doctor will be able to promptly recognize any negative changes in her condition, see the very first warning signs and give the necessary recommendations, and prescribe treatment in a timely manner. As soon as the pregnancy test shows a positive result, go straight to the consultation! And it’s better even earlier, when planning a pregnancy.

Secondly, current legislation obliges employers to transfer pregnant women to easier work while maintaining the same average earnings and all the benefits entitled to her according to labor legislation. The Labor Code, as well as SanPiN (Sanitary Norms and Rules) contain provisions obliging the administration to provide a pregnant woman with work that does not involve using a computer or to limit the time she works with a computer during pregnancy (no more than 3 hours a day).

But if a woman still needs to continue working on the computer during pregnancy (or really wants to chat and play computer games), it is especially important for her to strictly follow all preventive measures for safe work on the computer. Let's look at the most important of them.

Correct organization of the workplace and correct posture when working on a computer during pregnancy.

Balanced, nutritious nutrition.

Work and rest schedule.

Try to limit your time on the computer to a minimum during pregnancy. Every hour, take 15-minute breaks from work; during these breaks, be sure to stand up, stretch, walk around, and do a few light physical exercises (bending and turning your head, exercises for your hands, stretching). If the situation allows, perform a special set of exercises for pregnant women. It is very useful to get out of the room during a break and get some fresh air. And while working, change your position as often as possible, every 10-15 minutes, move your shoulders, legs, and head.

If you smoke, of course, you should stop smoking during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Moreover, it is highly advisable to stop smoking at least 3-4 months before the onset of a planned pregnancy.

When you come home after work, don’t immediately jump into household chores, lie down and rest for an hour or two. Do not refuse the help of colleagues or household members, if offered. In general, take every opportunity to relax, and don’t forget about getting good sleep.

And always try to maintain a good mood and peace of mind. Remember that the main thing for you now is to safely carry and give birth to a healthy baby. Everything else matters much less. Don’t worry or be nervous about any trifles like computer freezes, swearing in chats or nagging from your superiors. All this is pure nonsense compared to the miracle that is growing in your tummy. Be healthy! Have a successful birth!

Is it possible for pregnant women to work on a computer?

After a woman learns about her changed situation, first, of course, joy comes, and then doubts begin to torment her. The lifestyle she previously led is subject to critical analysis and revision. Many habitual actions seem (or actually become) potentially dangerous: fitness classes, a glass of wine on Friday, going to the sauna with friends. Restrictions also apply to work activity: pregnancy and computer work - how compatible are they?

Some believe that during gestation it is worth minimizing the time spent interacting with consumer electronics, while others believe that quiet sedentary work using a PC will not harm a pregnant woman, provided that the norms of the Labor Code are met.

  • Is it harmful for pregnant women to work on a computer?
  • How many hours can you spend in front of a monitor?
  • Working at a computer during pregnancy: law and rights
  • How to sit correctly while working with a laptop and desktop computer

Is a computer harmful during pregnancy?

The development of the unborn child is influenced by a huge number of factors, some of which can have an adverse effect. Regarding computers, not everything is clear. Medical harm can occur to the fetus if a woman uses an old monitor (CRT). The first monitors - the same ones that worked with a kinescope - actually have an electromagnetic radiation spectrum that is dangerous to the fetus. This is related to the restriction of work (or rather, a complete ban) for pregnant women, which was in force according to SanPiN standards in the 90s of the last century.

The influence of the computer on pregnant women was extremely negative: the electromagnetic field could create the preconditions for the development of various pathologies in the fetus (including autism) from the moment of conception to the last trimester of pregnancy. The question of whether it was possible to sit at a computer was not raised in most state-owned companies: expectant mothers were transferred to light work as soon as they presented a doctor’s certificate confirming pregnancy and recommendations regarding the nature of their work activity.

The electromagnetic field extends from behind and to the sides of the monitor (on both sides), so it is especially dangerous when there are several old monitors in a room where a pregnant woman is forced to stay for several hours a day. The distance to which the rays extend reaches 1-1.5 m.

The above applies to monitors of the previous model, which is what SANPIN 1996 is talking about.

How long can you sit at the computer while pregnant?

Modern monitors (liquid crystal) do not affect the health of the expectant mother and baby, unless, of course, you sit for 12 hours a day, enthusiastically typing reports. They do not have harmful radiation as such - the danger here lies elsewhere.

Pregnancy and sedentary work at a computer are quite compatible if you comply with the legal limit of 3 hours a day.

First of all, damage is caused to the mother's visual organs. Surely everyone has noticed that long-term work without breaks leads to the “dry eye effect”:

  • redness of the eyelids and conjunctiva;
  • feeling of “sand in the eyes”;
  • eye irritation;
  • lacrimation;
  • photophobia.

During the period of bearing a baby, the eyes already experience increased stress. Changes in the fundus of the eye, problems with the retina, and progression of myopia cannot be ruled out. By additionally straining her eyes by working on a laptop or desktop computer all day long, the expectant mother increases the risk of progression of existing diseases and the appearance of new ones.

According to the Labor Code, there are no clear instructions on how many hours a day you can sit in front of a switched-on monitor, but modern SANPIN standards regulating work with computer equipment give the go-ahead to work for 3 hours. They were adopted in 2003, when old CRT monitors began to be gradually replaced by LCD ones. For the employer, compliance with these standards is mandatory.

Pregnant woman working at the computer

If a woman fears harm to her health due to the use of a computer for work, she can consult a doctor for recommendations on transferring to light work. According to the law (in particular, the Labor Code), a pregnant woman can exercise the right to establish a part-time working day. Payment in this case will be made in proportion to the time worked. The employer and employee will stipulate the work norm in an additional agreement to the employment contract.

Since the norm for working at a computer for pregnant women is no more than 3 hours a day, the organization’s labor protection specialist should insist on transferring to light work or part-time work in cases where such a transfer is not possible. A woman must write a statement and attach to it:

  • pregnancy certificate;
  • doctor's recommendations.

Limiting the duration of work is especially important for those who work on a laptop, since the laptop is often placed too quickly in front of the eyes and care is not taken to take the correct posture while working.

How to sit at the computer when pregnant

A pregnant woman's work at the computer should not only be limited in time, but also adjusted according to other parameters.

Potential harm if you work almost without breaks (as we are all used to) for 8 hours can be as follows:

  • pain in the back and shoulder girdle (due to prolonged stationary load);
  • (result of overvoltage);
  • fatigue;
  • blood stagnation in the pelvic organs (as a result, fetal hypoxia is possible);
  • increased risk of developing hemorrhoids;
  • problems with blood circulation in the lower extremities.

However, pregnancy and a computer are not mutually exclusive concepts if you follow the rules for working with office equipment. According to current standards, to ensure that work is not harmful for mother and child, it is necessary:

  • place the screen at a safe distance - no closer than 500 mm from the eyes;
  • sit up straight;
  • blink more often;
  • arrange yourself so that your elbows do not hang down, but lie on the table;
  • use anti-glare glasses;
  • sit so that the light source is on the left.

In addition, you need to take 10-minute breaks every 45 minutes. In this case, you should not sit, but be sure to walk around, stretch your arms and legs, and do eye exercises.

Many women continue to work even after they have received the right to maternity leave, literally until giving birth. This is not dangerous if you take advantage of the benefits provided by law and do not overwork yourself at work.

The harmful effects of a laptop or desktop computer on the fetus and the health of the pregnant woman herself cannot be ruled out if you spend hours in front of a screen, ignoring occupational safety requirements.

If you follow the doctors’ recommendations, avoid fatigue, and alternate working at the computer with other activities, then nothing bad will happen to either the mother or the baby. He will definitely be born strong and healthy. Work for pleasure and take advantage of all the benefits provided. When will you be able to afford it again?
