Frequent pulse in pregnant women. Pulse during pregnancy: normal

In medicine, there are a lot of types of pulse, and there are also different characteristics of it (rhythmic / arrhythmic, high / low amplitude, and so on). But most often, when they talk about the pulse, they mean the heart rate (HR). This value can change under the influence of a large number of external and internal factors. In particular, the pulse in children is always slightly higher than in adults, because they still have a small heart. But for athletes, the opposite is true: a trained heart muscle is able to pump the same volume of blood, making fewer contractions.

The work of the cardiovascular system also has its own characteristics during the period of bearing a child. The pulse rate in pregnant women may differ from that adopted for adolescents and adults. But, firstly, not much, and secondly, the expectant mother should feel good at the same time. Otherwise, you will have to look for the cause of the violation.

What pulse during pregnancy is considered normal

As we have already said, heart rate is an unstable value and can quickly change under the influence of various factors. For example, an increase in heart rate during pregnancy can lead to:

  • physical exercise;
  • emotional turmoil;
  • unhealthy lifestyle and nutrition;
  • deficiency of certain nutrients (in particular potassium, magnesium, iron);
  • caffeine intake;
  • prolonged lying on the back;
  • hormonal changes.

In addition, you should be aware that an increase in heart rate can provoke the use of certain medications. Among these are nasal Ginipral, Brikanil, Partusisten, Naphthyzin spray and others, which are often prescribed to expectant mothers.

Each person has his own "normal" pulse, in which his body functions normally and he feels good. Physicians have determined the scope in which physiologically normal heart rate can be: it is from 60 to 90 beats per minute. The higher it is, the greater the likelihood of developing pathological conditions. But during pregnancy, this rule has some exceptions.

Already from the first weeks after conception, serious changes begin to occur in the body of the expectant mother. Hormonal changes can, among other things, change a woman's heart rate. Acceleration of heart rate especially often occurs against the background of early toxicosis, when a pregnant woman is sick, she feels unwell and weak, sometimes even loses consciousness.

Such a temporary increase in heart rate is considered normal if, closer to the second trimester, the indicators return to normal. However, already on time 25-27 weeks they may start to rise again. Approximately by this period, the amount of blood circulating in the vessels is already sufficiently increasing, which leads to an acceleration of the heart rate: the heart has to work harder, because blood volumes are constantly increasing: by the end of the period, they can exceed the norm by 1.5 liters. The mother's heart pumps blood, which supplies oxygen and nutrients to the organs and tissues of not only her, but also the child's body. That is, now he definitely has to work more intensively than usual - this also affects the heart rate.

In addition, the unstable emotional state of many expectant mothers also contributes to the acceleration of heart rate: they are nervous - and it is already difficult to breathe, it becomes stuffy, dizzy. Please note that immediately after eating (especially plentiful) or performing physical work, the pulse will be higher than usual at rest.

A rapid pulse during pregnancy can normally remain so until at least 32 weeks: by the end of the period, the heart rate can return to its normal.

Of course, if a pregnant woman lies on her back for a long time, carries heavy bags from the market, gained excess weight or drank a lot of coffee, then an increased heart rate in such situations would be quite natural. If the heart rate accelerates at rest, then it is necessary to look for a reason for this. Often it is neurological: it is worth getting nervous - and the pulse of the pregnant woman immediately rises, the heart begins to pound, it becomes more difficult to breathe. You should avoid such exciting moments and learn to respond to different life situations calmly. Rapid heart rate during pregnancy does not in itself affect the heart rate of the fetus. But the emotional state of the mother, resulting from the acceleration of the heart rate, may not have the best effect on the baby. So staying calm during this period is very important.

So, a slight increase can be considered as a physiological norm that does not harm the expectant mother and her baby in any way, except when there is a sharp increase in heart rate. However, you should be aware that, compared with the usual (non-pregnant) state, the pulse during pregnancy can only increase by 10-15 units, that is, normally it should not exceed 110-115 beats per minute. At the same time, the expectant mother should not experience severe discomfort and malaise.

The vibrations in the walls of the arteries that carry the blood can often be seen very well from the outside, especially when the heart is beating fast. Therefore, it is not at all surprising that a high pulse during pregnancy is accompanied by some unpleasant sensations: shortness of breath and difficulty in breathing, tachycardia, a feeling of lack of air, heat in the chest or head. But such conditions should be passing and not accompanied by other dangerous signs.

If, against the background of an increased heart rate, a woman loses consciousness, experiences severe dizziness, weakness, nausea, or it is difficult for her to breathe, then she must certainly tell the doctor about this. Fears should also cause both low blood pressure and high pulse during pregnancy. Such symptoms may be signs of disorders of the cardiovascular, nervous, endocrine systems.

It should also be noted that not only a frequent pulse (or tachycardia), but also a rare pulse during pregnancy (or bradycardia) should be a reason to see a doctor. If the heart rate does not reach 60 beats per minute, then you should definitely consult about this. A medical examination is also required in the case when an arrhythmia develops in a pregnant woman, that is, heart beats are not rhythmic.

How to lower high heart rate during pregnancy

If the doctor discovers some kind of pathology or disorder in the health of the expectant mother, then he will certainly recommend her an effective safe therapy that will help reduce the high heart rate during pregnancy by eliminating the cause. Otherwise, no drugs at their own discretion can not be used. If the high pulse is caused by nervous overstrain, then after consulting a doctor and his approval, you can drink soothing teas or drugs approved for use by pregnant women (motherwort, valerian).

However, in most cases, it is possible to bring down the increased heart rate during pregnancy and improve well-being by following simple recommendations:

  1. Drink water - in small sips.
  2. Lie down and relax.
  3. If the pulse increased while lying on your back, gently, without sudden movements, turn on your right side and sit down.
  4. Inhale and exhale slowly and deeply.
  5. Be outdoors more often.
  6. Eat foods rich in magnesium and potassium, as well as iron and vitamins.
  7. Eliminate caffeinated drinks and foods from your diet.
  8. Do not overeat, eat fractionally.
  9. Watch your weight gain.
  10. Do not overwork, do not allow lack of sleep.

Especially for - Larisa Nezabudkina

During the period of bearing a child in the body of a woman, cardinal restructuring of all processes and the functioning of organs takes place. This is necessary to ensure that the necessary substances reach the fetus.

Often expectant mothers have a noticeable heartbeat, shortness of breath. Also, the pulse during pregnancy may slightly increase, usually by no more than 10-15 units per minute.

From the point of view of physiology, this is a normal phenomenon, but if the numbers significantly exceed the norm or do not reach the borderline values ​​​​and at the same time the woman feels dizzy, nausea, vomiting, then this may indicate the development of serious diseases.

In this case, it is necessary to consult a doctor and undergo the necessary examinations in order to prevent negative consequences for yourself and the child.

Pulse during pregnancy

Normally, in an adult, the pulse should be from 80 to 90 beats per minute. This value is so unstable that it can fluctuate under conditions of changes in humidity and air temperature, when taking drugs or during psychological and physical overstrain.

At the same time, the number of contractions varies slightly.

In expectant mothers, in view of the correction of hormonal levels, uterine growth and other features of pregnancy, an increase in contractions by 10-20 units is considered the norm and does not cause much concern.

When the heart pushes blood into the vessels, they dilate and vibrate. This phenomenon is called heartbeat.

If there is an increase in the number of strokes, then the heart begins to contract intensively to ensure the supply of oxygen, activating metabolic processes.

This is often observed during pregnancy, when the heart needs to pump a large volume of blood due to physiological characteristics. At the same time, the load increases along with the weight, which forces the organ to accelerate movement.

Why is it important to monitor your heart rate?

When there is a stable increase in the index upwards, tachycardia develops. If there is a prolonged slowing of the pulse below 60 beats, then bradycardia appears. An irregular rhythm is called an arrhythmia.

This can be dangerous for both the mother and the child, as often the cause of failure is heart disease or other organs. Therefore, if this indicator changes and symptoms of pathology appear, you should consult a doctor to eliminate discomfort.

How the lack of treatment can affect pregnancy

If the value is slightly higher than the normal pulse, then usually a change in the indicator does not cause any complications. Tachycardia during pregnancy can only be a temporary phenomenon and disappears on its own after delivery.

However, with a significant increase in the pulse, the expectant mother sometimes loses consciousness, which is fraught with injuries. Prolonged stay in this state is dangerous due to oxygen starvation, which can cause a delay in the growth and development of the fetus.

A constant extremely low pulse, in turn, can cause spontaneous cardiac arrest.

Features by trimester

During the gestation period, the pulse rate is in the range of 100-115 beats. But despite this, in certain weeks, the indicators may increase or decrease somewhat, depending on the physiological processes taking place at this stage.

Normal in early pregnancy

From the very first days from conception, the woman's body has to provide the fetus with everything necessary. He needs to work for two to provide oxygen and other nutrients in sufficient quantities to the unborn baby.

Therefore, a rapid pulse is considered a physiological norm.

In addition, toxicosis can increase the heartbeat. At the same time, if discomfort is not felt and the woman feels good in the early stages, even with increased or decreased values, then there is no reason for concern.

The rate of reductions in the first three months

In the first trimester, the level should not be more than 110 strokes. If there is a slight increase at rest, this may indicate increased physical activity due to pregnancy. Which also will not be a pathology.

Along with this, blood pressure also changes, the elasticity of blood vessels decreases, which makes it possible to provide the placenta and the child with the necessary substances without interruption. When the vessels are relaxed, blood pressure goes down, so the 1st trimester is marked by low blood pressure and a high pulse.

Norm from 13 to 25 weeks

During this period, most of the vital organs of the child are formed, the indicator gradually decreases, the pulse ranges from 85 to 90 beats.

But in the second trimester at week 25, the load on the cardiac system increases again, which entails an increase in the frequency of strokes.

By this time, the formation of the cardiovascular system is completely complete, and in order for the child to receive the necessary oxygen, the blood circulation in the mother's body increases again. Therefore, after 25 weeks, the pulse should be about 120 beats per minute.

Indicators in the 3rd trimester

At the last stage of pregnancy, the load on the heart is very large, as the child grows intensively and the volume of circulating blood increases by 1.5 liters.

The body of a pregnant woman, in addition to ensuring the blood supply to the unborn baby, lays a reserve in case of bleeding during delivery.

A woman may experience increased heart rate, shortness of breath, swelling. The norm in the third trimester reaches 120 beats per minute, and the average value is from 110 to 135 beats. To prevent the development of complications, a woman is recommended to undergo regular examinations by a gynecologist.

How to take your own pulse

The doctor measures the pulse at each consultation, but sometimes situations arise when the necessary device is not at hand. In this case, self-control can be carried out even at home.

It is enough to press down the pulsating artery on the neck or wrist with your finger.

Feeling the blows, you need to detect one minute and calculate the number of taps. It is very important to check at rest, some time after eating.

What does a fast pulse mean?

An increased pulse is a rapid heartbeat. Usually, when a rhythm disturbance occurs, the patient complains of:

  • Instability of blood pressure. It can rise or fall to extremely high or low numbers.
  • Shortness of breath, shortness of breath.
  • Discomfort in the area of ​​​​the heart and sternum.
  • Cold clammy sweat that comes with a feeling of fear, and for no apparent reason.
  • The manifestation of a distinct frequent heartbeat.
  • Instability of cardiac work in an unborn child. Violation can be seen on CT. Fetal tachycardia and signs of oxygen starvation are diagnosed. On ultrasound, you can see a violation of blood flow in the uteroplacental areas.

Main reasons for high values

In addition to physiological characteristics, an increase in heart rate can be caused by increased workload, excessive weight and growth of the fetus. In addition, there are a number of reasons that lead to pathological changes:

  • Prolonged stay in the supine position.
  • Avitaminosis.
  • COPD, pulmonary emphysema.
  • Tachycardia provoked by chronic pathologies of a woman.
  • Violation of metabolic processes or diseases of the thyroid gland.
  • Having bad habits.
  • Pathology of the structure of the upper chamber of the heart, when any overexcitation can provoke an increase in heart rate.
  • Loss of blood, disease of the circulatory system.
  • Taking medications that provoke the development of tachycardia.
  • Improper nutrition, in particular the abuse of coffee, energy drinks, strong tea.
  • Overeating, love of fatty and salty foods.
  • stressful situations.
  • anemia.
  • Electrolyte imbalance.
  • Cardiac pathologies such as hypertension, ischemia, pericarditis, loss of arterial elasticity and heart disease.

How to reduce the rate

If the heart rate is constantly elevated, then it is necessary to identify the causes of this. When no comorbidities requiring immediate intervention are found, stabilization is recommended.

For this, appoint:

  • Performing breathing exercises.
  • Walks in the open air. Swimming or yoga classes, which helps to normalize the functionality of the nervous system and vascular tone.
  • Massage the carotid sinuses when attacks occur to quickly lower the pulse. To do this, you can easily rub the surface of the neck from the side in the zone of the carotid artery, the procedure takes no more than 10-15 minutes.
  • Take herbal sedatives, such as motherwort, valerian, lemon balm, mint, hawthorn.
  • Use vitamins to replenish all the necessary substances, including potassium, magnesium.
  • Adjust your diet and daily routine, if necessary, lose weight.

When a high pulse is diagnosed and the onset of an attack, it is necessary to plant a woman, give her water. After drinking 250 ml in small sips, she needs to lie down and relax. Take several deep breaths.

Low heart rate

A low rate is quite rare and means a slowdown in heart rate. When it is below 60 beats, the condition is referred to as bradycardia. Most often, this situation is found in professional athletes.

A woman in this state complains of nausea, dizziness and pre-syncope. When the rate is below 40 beats, cardiac arrest may occur due to a sharp decrease in pressure, so consultation with a cardiologist is mandatory in this case.

Possible Causes of a Low Heart Rate

A decrease in the rate in athletes is not a pathology, since they have a trained cardiovascular system. In other cases, the development of bradycardia can be observed with:

  • Diseases of the kidneys, liver.
  • Heart problems.
  • Pathologies of the thyroid gland.
  • Hypotension.
  • Damage to the central nervous system.
  • Lowering blood pressure after taking medications.
  • Lack of nutrients and trace elements, in particular calcium and potassium.
  • Pathologies of the circulatory and endocrine systems.

When to sound the alarm

If a woman notices a significantly slowed down or frequent pulse, then it is necessary to consult a doctor.

In addition, you need to pay attention to such symptoms:

  • The presence of constant nausea, regardless of the gestational age.
  • Increased fatigue, constant weakness and apathy to everything.
  • Frequent dizziness up to fainting.
  • Breathing problems, shortness of breath.
  • Poor general health.

Since all these symptoms can, if ignored for a long time, develop into diseases of the cardiovascular system, it is necessary to consult a doctor in a timely manner to exclude such complications. If the examination does not show pathological changes, drugs that strengthen the heart are prescribed, for example, Eufillin, atropine sulfate, magnesium, calcium, potassium.

The presence of a very high heart rate may indicate:

  • Nausea with gag reflex.
  • Dizziness with low blood pressure, sometimes loss of consciousness.
  • Headache with palpitations, which may indicate hypotension.
  • Pulsation in the abdomen with varying intensity, usually localized in the lower part.

Ways to normalize the indicator

If you feel unwell, a woman needs to see a doctor. But if she knows what heart rate is typical for her, certain measures can be taken.

  • Eat right, remove strong tea and coffee from the diet, eliminate overeating.
  • Refrain from increased physical activity.
  • Take herbal anti-anxiety medications.
  • Observe the regime of the day, while it is necessary to have enough rest day and night.

With bradycardia, in order to normalize the health of a pregnant woman, doctors recommend:

  • Walk more often and ventilate the room.
  • Eat right, avoid weight gain and heavy meals.
  • Adjust your regimen so that night and daytime rest take the right number of hours, and avoid overwork.
  • Train the cardiovascular system with the help of special gymnastics for pregnant women.

A change in heart rate during pregnancy is a physiological norm. But when the indicators reach the borderline figures and the woman feels a deterioration in well-being, an urgent need to consult a specialist.

You can increase or decrease the pulse with minor deviations at home by normalizing the regimen, nutrition, physical activity and taking vitamin complexes.

During pregnancy, the body receives an increased load. It also applies to the cardiovascular system. After all, changes in the balance of hormones always affect its functions, and not only in an “interesting” position. But in every case, is palpitations during early pregnancy healthy and natural? Unfortunately no.

Read in this article

Tachycardia during pregnancy: when to worry

Normally, the acceleration of the heart rate occurs against the background of an increase in adrenaline, activation of metabolic processes. After all, now the body of a pregnant woman works for two. But the physiological causes of an accelerated pulse do not cause pronounced symptoms, a sharp deterioration in well-being. And for the occurrence of tachycardia, additional conditions are needed: excitement. In this case, her attacks do not bother too often.

But an increase in the number of heartbeats over a certain time may indicate a serious illness or an urgent need to radically revise the lifestyle:

  • anemia;
  • intolerance to medications taken and;
  • hyperthyroidism;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • inflammation of the lungs, other problems with the respiratory system;
  • ectopic location of the fetal egg;
  • strong, requiring medical attention;
  • pathology of the heart and blood vessels;
  • sharp;
  • the presence in the body of an infectious agent, sepsis;
  • serious consequences or alcohol intake.

Features of tachycardia as a symptom of the disease

In evaluating such a serious manifestation as tachycardia in early pregnancy, it is important to take into account the following criteria:

Criteria Recommendations
Attack duration If it is long, does not stop in a state of rest and relaxation, this is a reason to be alarmed and go to the doctor. The same applies to the frequency of seizures.
Intensity When the pulse quickens slightly, this can be attributed to pregnancy. The number of beats per minute, exceeding a hundred, requires careful consideration, as it is most likely caused by a pathological condition.
Associated features This is the most important criterion for assessing heart palpitations. If it significantly worsens the condition not only in the minutes of an attack, but also later, tachycardia is an unconditional symptom of trouble in the body.

Very often, these are heart problems, congenital or acquired, but not previously identified. You should pay attention to:

  • severe weakness,;
  • drowsiness and

Their presence eloquently insists on examination. This happens with sinus tachycardia, when it is not caused by pregnancy, but by pathologies of the corresponding parts of the heart or medication.

It happens that an attack, in which the pulse is 140 - 220 beats in 60 seconds, is accompanied by:

  • numbness of any parts of the body;
  • dizziness, buzzing in the ears,;
  • and the resulting weakness;
  • constricting pain in the region of the heart;
  • profuse sweat;
  • digestive disorders.

And after it there is an irresistible craving to urinate, and a lot of fluid is released. This is how paroxysmal tachycardia manifests itself, which cannot be considered only a consequence of the increased load on the body due to pregnancy. This is either a serious heart problem or intoxication.

The increased rhythm of contractions, which has the listed signs, can be dangerous not only for the fetus, which, in this regard, will not receive the necessary nutrition, but also for the expectant mother. If a disease is to blame for it, it is important to do everything so that it does not interfere with gestation. And for this, proper nutrition, regimen and rest are not enough for a pregnant woman.

How to help yourself with tachycardia

If the heart rate has increased moderately, it still causes discomfort and anxiety. It is necessary to take measures to get rid of an attack:

  • for your own calm, breathe slowly and deeply;
  • rinse your face with cool water;
  • take a relaxed position, that is, it is convenient to sit or lie down, try to relieve tension.

After restoring the rhythm of the heart, you need to get up slowly, without sudden movements.

What will the doctor advise for a rapid heartbeat in a pregnant woman

Treatment of tachycardia during pregnancy depends on the culprit of this symptom. If it is caused by hormonal changes, it is known that the future mother definitely does not have any diseases, it will be enough:

  • the correct mode of existence, that is, full sleep, nutrition with a predominance of fruits and vegetables, avoidance of psychological overload;
  • taking sedatives that are safe for the expectant mother, for example, Valerian, Motherwort;
  • use in exceptional cases, according to the doctor's prescription, of the preparations "Verapamil", "Ritmilen";
  • drinking decoctions of lemon balm, oregano, coriander;
  • taking magnesium preparations, other vitamins and minerals indicated during pregnancy;
  • weight control, as overweight women have to put more stress on their hearts than thin women;
  • avoidance of tobacco smoke, .

If palpitations are caused by a disease, the efforts of doctors and the patient are directed to its therapy:

  • for cardiological problems, they take beta-blockers ("Corvitol", "Metoprolol", "Propranolol"), antiarrhythmic drugs ("Concor"), the already mentioned sedatives, as well as calcium channel blockers ("Verapamil");
  • with hyperfunction of the thyroid gland, Tiamazol, Metizol, which reduce its activity, are needed;
  • infections are treated with antibiotics acceptable during pregnancy (Amoxicillin, Amoxiclav, other penicillins);
  • with asthma, if it is first detected, inhalations with "Budesonide" or "Pulmicort" are prescribed.

If tachycardia is found, symptoms and treatment during pregnancy should be evaluated by a specialist. Some of the drugs that oppose it are undesirable at an early stage, so they are intended as a last resort.

Is tachycardia dangerous during pregnancy

If a rapid heartbeat occurs as a result of the presence of a fetus in the body, it does not pose a threat. In this way, the female body responds to the need to ensure the development of the unborn child. After all, the more actively the heart works, the more intense the blood circulation, therefore, the more nutrients the embryo will receive.

But if the heart "trembles" because the disease forces it to do so, there is a threat to pregnancy. The danger may lie in the approaching probability of a miscarriage, the deterioration of the mother's health.

Therefore, the cause of heart palpitations should be identified as early as possible. Then the pregnancy complicated by the disease can be saved with the help of the exact prescriptions of a doctor, prepare for possible birth risks, minimize the danger to the life of the mother and the health of the baby.

In most cases, tachycardia while waiting for a baby is nothing to worry about. But still it is better to play it safe and listen to this information from the doctor.

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In the article we discuss the pulse during pregnancy - its norm, the reasons for the decrease and increase, recommendations for the prevention of changes. You will learn why the pulse rate rises during pregnancy and whether it is normal, what are the pulse rates in pregnant women and its norm in the second trimester, and what to do with a low heart rate.

During pregnancy, it is important to monitor the heart rate

A pulse is a pulsing movement in the walls of blood vessels that occurs when the heart muscle pushes blood into the arteries and expands them. Due to the normal heart rate, the heart functions properly, so it is important to keep your pulse in the normal range, especially during pregnancy.

With regular checks of the pulse in pregnant women, the heart rate rate allows you to assess the health of the child and his mother and prevent dangerous situations in time.

The rate of heart rate of pregnant women depends on what pulse the woman had before conception, what her physical fitness is. The following factors also affect the heart rate:

  • age of the expectant mother;
  • her height and weight;
  • Body temperature;
  • emotional stability;
  • Times of Day.

In addition to measuring the pulse at the wrist or cervical artery, it is important to monitor the pulsation in the lower abdomen. The pulse in the abdomen during early pregnancy is due to the fact that the growing uterus presses on the nearby inferior vena cava, and you feel it move as the blood is pumped. In the first trimester, this pulsation is not very noticeable. It is felt much brighter in the second and third trimesters, as well as during multiple pregnancy and during the bearing of a large child.

A pulse on the abdomen during pregnancy is normal. Be careful if you feel pain or other physical discomfort at the same time. See your doctor to rule out the risk of an internal aortic aneurysm.

Why the pulse slows down (bradycardia)

The condition when the heart rate drops below 60 beats per minute is called bradycardia.. It is often accompanied by dizziness, darkness in the eyes, trembling in the arms and legs, and sometimes fainting. The pulse during pregnancy can naturally slow down only if you exercised before conception. In all other cases, bradycardia indicates the following pathologies:

  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • thyroid disease;
  • kidney and liver diseases;
  • diseases of the central nervous system.

If you do not see a doctor in time and do not eliminate the cause of bradycardia, the child may be born with a lower weight or symptoms of hypoxia.

Why does the pulse accelerate (tachycardia)

Rapid pulse during pregnancy is called physiological tachycardia, since it occurs due to a global restructuring of the body during the bearing of a child and disappears after childbirth. With physiological tachycardia, the mother’s heart begins to work literally “for two”. An additional circle of blood circulation is formed - placental, which provides oxygen and nutrients to the growing baby. The double circle of blood circulation puts a greater strain on the heart, and it is forced to beat more often.

Especially high heart rate during pregnancy in the third trimester, when the child has all the vital organs, and he needs an uninterrupted supply of nutrients for full development. An increased pulse in pregnant women in the later stages sometimes reaches 110-115 beats per minute.

What other reasons why the mother has a rapid heartbeat:

  • heart disease;
  • overweight;
  • tea, coffee, overeating;
  • SARS, influenza;
  • lack of B vitamins;
  • release of the hormone adrenaline;
  • medications.

When carrying a child in women, blood pressure often jumps:

  • If you have a high heart rate with normal pressure during pregnancy, you should not worry. The only cause for concern is nausea and vomiting. They may indicate cardiovascular disease.
  • If you have low blood pressure and high heart rate during pregnancy, it is best to see a doctor. Even if this condition is rare, it almost always brings great discomfort - you feel short of breath when you walk normally, it becomes difficult to breathe, a feeling of heat grows in your chest. Breathing difficulties can cause oxygen starvation of the fetus, which is dangerous.

Weekly and trimester heart rate table

The pulse is also checked in the lower abdomen

If you are interested in what should be the pulse of a pregnant woman in the early stages, or what should be the norm during pregnancy in the third trimester, the heart rate table by week and trimester will help you figure it out.

In this table, the rate of heart rate is estimated by two parameters. These are heart rate indicators during the period of bearing a child and age-specific pulse rates - the norm for ages in pregnant women. The older the woman, the higher the natural values ​​of pulse fluctuations. Therefore, closer to the age of 40, her heart rate always rises.

As for the trimesters, the table shows that the pulse rate during pregnancy in the first trimester almost does not change. But by the middle of the second trimester, a sharp jump up in heart rate is noticeable, as the heart pumps an increased volume of blood.

All figures in the table are averaged. The normal pulse during pregnancy for each woman is determined only by a doctor, taking into account the individual characteristics of the body and the results of the diagnosis.

Should You Panic When Your Heart Rate Changes?

Changes in the pulse during pregnancy are quite common, and doctors usually do not prescribe treatment. They determine what the pulse should be during pregnancy in this trimester, and observe the expectant mother, measuring the heart rate at a scheduled appointment. Doctors also recommend self-measurement of heart rate every day.

You should be concerned if you:

  • Heart rate dropped below 40;
  • Heart rate exceeded the allowable maximum;
  • there was a sharp weakness, fainting, nausea.

In this case, be sure to consult a doctor, because it is not only about your poor health, but also about the threat to the health of the baby.

What to do if I have a low heart rate

If symptoms of bradycardia are mild, try the following:

  • review your diet and add black or green tea to it;
  • lead a more active lifestyle, do exercises, gymnastics;
  • walk more often in the fresh air, but not alone;
  • include compulsory rest in the daily routine;

If the doctor decides that a slow pulse is dangerous for you and your baby, you will be prescribed special medications that will speed up the pulse and improve the condition.

What should I do if my heart rate is high

A high pregnancy pulse in a healthy young woman rarely causes serious complications. Her body tolerates such loads without problems.

With age, the situation changes, and the risk of developing gestosis - late toxicosis of pregnant women - increases. It is manifested by a feeling of nausea, weakness, apathy, frequent dizziness, shortness of breath and fainting. If you notice any of these symptoms, do not let the situation take its course and consult a doctor for a diagnosis. He will prescribe safe drug therapy, gradually reduce the heart rate and eliminate the cause of tachycardia.

How to lower your heart rate during pregnancy without medication:

  • give up black coffee and chocolate;
  • add foods rich in potassium and magnesium to your diet;
  • exclude situations when you are nervous or overtired;
  • walk in the fresh air with each jump in heart rate;
  • sleep 8 hours or more.

For more information on how to measure the pulse yourself, see the video:

What to remember

  1. Tachycardia during pregnancy occurs due to hormonal changes, bradycardia is explained by a sports past or pathologies.
  2. The normal heart rate in the first trimester is 65-95 beats per minute.
  3. The normal heart rate in the second trimester is 75-105 beats per minute.
  4. The normal heart rate in the third trimester is 95-120 beats per minute.
  5. In case of any deviation of the heart rate from the norm, consult a doctor.

The body of a pregnant woman undergoes major changes. This happens so that the child receives the right amount of oxygen and nutrients. Therefore, the pulse during pregnancy may deviate from the standard indicators. In some cases, this is considered a variant of the norm, in others it requires a detailed examination. So, what should be the pulse of a pregnant woman?

The very concept of the pulse lies in the expansion of blood vessels, which appears with the contraction of the left ventricle of the heart and is felt during palpation. The heart is responsible for pumping blood into the vessels. At this moment, their walls expand, which leads to the appearance of oscillations. They are perceived by a person as heart contractions.

In the normal state, the normal heart rate is 60-80 beats per minute. At the same time, high physical or emotional stress leads to increased heart rate. This is due to the fact that the heart begins to work more intensively. This process is required in order to increase the supply of oxygen to the body. This is especially important when activating metabolic processes.

It's no secret that during the period of bearing a child, the heart pumps more blood. This volume can increase by 1.5-2 liters. Also, the load on the heart increases due to an increase in body weight.

All these factors provoke a more intensive work of the organ, which causes an increase in heart rate by at least 10-15 points. If, before becoming pregnant, a woman had a pulse of 70-80 beats per minute, an indicator of 90 beats during the period of bearing a baby will be quite normal.

If the woman's well-being is not disturbed, and the child develops correctly, the pulse rate in a pregnant woman can be 100-120 beats per minute. Exceeding these figures may be a cause for concern. In this case, we are talking about the development of tachycardia. You should also see a doctor if your heart rate is less than 60 beats per minute. In such a situation, a specialist can diagnose bradycardia.

If a pregnant woman has a heart rhythm disorder, she is diagnosed with arrhythmia. In healthy people, this condition is extremely rare. Therefore, in this situation, it is necessary to diagnose and immediately begin treatment.

You can determine the pulse yourself - it's easy to do at home. To do this, just follow these steps:

  • sit down and relax;
  • place the index and middle fingers on the wrist in the area of ​​​​the protruding vein;
  • turn on the stopwatch for 1 minute and start counting the pulsation.

Also, the pulse can be determined on the cervical artery. In a polyclinic, an electrocardiogram or an ultrasound examination of the heart can be used for this purpose. However, the most detailed examination of the work of the heart will provide Holter monitoring. When it is carried out, it is possible to determine the functioning of the body during the day.

Factors affecting the pulse

The normal pulse in pregnant women depends on many parameters. These include the following:

  1. Physical training. Athletes tend to have lower heart rates. Systematic training strengthens the heart and lungs, and also balances the pulse parameters during pregnancy. For girls who are used to leading a sedentary lifestyle, an increased heart rate is characteristic - it can reach 80 beats.
  2. Age. In young girls under 25, the heart rate may be higher than in mature women.
  3. General health before conception. Women who are overweight are more likely to increase heart rate than slender girls.

High pulse: causes and methods of help

The pulse rate during pregnancy should normally increase. This is due to more active pumping of blood by the heart. Doctors call indicators at the level of 110-120 beats per minute the physiological norm for pregnant women. Also, the parameters of the pulsation depend on an increase in the content of hormones and an increase in emotional sensitivity in women.

In addition, this condition becomes a consequence of toxicosis, which often appears in the early stages of pregnancy. As a rule, this condition is observed only in the first trimester and passes with time. At 25-27 weeks, a reappearance of such symptoms may occur.

The heart rate is directly related to the amount of blood pumped through the body. Pulse rates in pregnant women during the third trimester almost always increase. This is due to the active growth of the child, which needs more oxygen and nutrients.

Also, a rapid pulse occurs if a pregnant woman lies on her back for a long time. This condition is caused by increased pressure of the uterus on the abdominal aorta. In the third trimester, the weight of the child increases significantly, and the artery is compressed quite strongly. As a result, the body experiences an acute lack of oxygen.

In medicine, this condition is called inferior vena cava syndrome. It can cause dizziness and even fainting. To improve well-being, a woman should change her body position - sit gently or lie on her side. Then take a few deep breaths.

If an increase in heart rate is accompanied by nausea, vomiting, an increase in pressure, you should consult a cardiologist. Such manifestations often indicate the presence of pathologies of the heart.

In addition, a significant increase in heart rate may be the result of such disorders:

  • increased synthesis of thyroid hormones;
  • acute respiratory viral disease;
  • the use of certain drugs;
  • active development of the infectious process in the body;
  • the presence of hypertension or hypotension before pregnancy;
  • heart disease;
  • severe stress;
  • smoking;
  • alcohol consumption.

If the increase in heart rate is observed constantly and has a paroxysmal character, this may indicate the development of tachycardia in a pregnant woman. In such a situation, dizziness, lack of air, fainting occur.

This phenomenon negatively affects the development of the child. In women suffering from tachycardia, the fetus experiences a lack of oxygen, which provokes growth retardation. The baby may be born prematurely, with low birth weight.

Please note: Sometimes this condition threatens the development of hypoxia. It can lead to a delay in the development of the child, the appearance of lesions of the nervous system. In the early stages of pregnancy, there is a possibility of deviations in the development of the baby's brain.

To normalize the pulse, it is necessary to determine the causes of this phenomenon. With small deviations from the norm, it is enough just to lie down calmly. As a rule, this condition does not cause discomfort and does not pose a health risk.

If a woman has sharp fluctuations in the pulse or unpleasant symptoms appear, this indicates a violation of the course of pregnancy. In such a situation, you need to get advice from a specialist who will determine the severity of the violation and select the optimal therapy. In simple cases, it is enough to use vitamins and medicines that contain magnesium and potassium.

If pulse fluctuations are due to neurotic conditions, the doctor may prescribe mild sedatives. It is important to ensure that drugs are not contraindicated in pregnant women. If you do not want to take tinctures for alcohol, you can drink decoctions of medicinal plants - mint, valerian, lemon balm.

If an increase in heart rate is observed at rest, you should definitely undergo an examination. In case of a slight excess of the indicator, you can perform the following actions:

  • lie down calmly;
  • drink a glass of water in small sips;
  • take a deep breath and exhale.

In addition, you need:

  • normalize the diet;
  • increase the duration of walks in the fresh air;
  • to establish a mode of work and rest, to abandon excessive physical exertion;
  • sleep at least 8 hours a day.

Important: If you can’t reduce your heart rate on your own, you need to see a doctor. The specialist will conduct a detailed examination and determine the causes of the problems. If pathologies are detected, the doctor will select an effective and safe treatment for the fetus.

Low pulse: causes and methods of therapy

A decrease in heart rate in pregnant women is much less common. In medicine, this condition is called bradycardia. Most often, this symptom is observed in women who were actively involved in sports before pregnancy. They have a fairly trained heart, which easily adapts to high loads.

However, sometimes bradycardia is provoked by chronic pathologies. The main reasons for this state of affairs include the following:

  • damage to the thyroid gland;
  • pathology of the circulatory system;
  • kidney disease;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system.

With bradycardia, pregnant women experience general weakness, nausea, dizziness. In some cases, even fainting is observed. If the heart rate is less than 40 beats per minute, there is a risk of complete cardiac arrest. This is due to a marked decrease in blood pressure.

With a slight bradycardia, the following measures will help to improve the condition:

  • lead a healthy lifestyle;
  • rational and balanced diet;
  • provide moderate loads;
  • walk more.

In severe cases of bradycardia, treatment should be prescribed by a cardiologist. To cope with the problem, the doctor may prescribe special medicines. In special situations, it becomes necessary to install a pacemaker.

Pulse normalization methods

In order for the pulse rates during pregnancy to constantly remain within the normal range, it is worth following a number of recommendations:

  1. Eat more often and in small portions. At the same time, overeating should be avoided.
  2. Avoid alcohol and caffeinated drinks. It is recommended to give preference to compotes and decoctions of dried fruits.
  3. Establish a work and rest schedule. It is important to normalize sleep.
  4. Avoid excessive physical activity.
  5. Walk outdoors more often. Also, do not neglect feasible workouts.

If the available home methods for restoring heart rate indicators do not work or if accompanying symptoms appear in the form of vomiting, general weakness, fainting, you should immediately consult a doctor. The facts of increased heart rate should be noted in the diary of a pregnant woman and notify the gynecologist about them.

A slight increase in heart rate during the period of bearing a baby is considered a variant of the norm. This is due to the increased load on the body of a pregnant woman. If this condition is accompanied by symptoms of malaise, you should consult a doctor. Sometimes it is a manifestation of dangerous pathologies.
