How to treat a runny nose during pregnancy - effective means and methods in different trimesters. Spray from the common cold for pregnant women

) has no age preference, it appears both in children and in the elderly. During a cold or an allergic reaction, the immune system reacts to viruses, bacteria or foreign agents and thereby stimulates the sinus mucosa to produce secretions intensively.

The secreted mucus contains components that have antiviral and antibacterial effects. Ridding the body of infection, it loses its bactericidal properties, so it must be constantly updated.

The remnants of the used secret exit the nasal passages, washing out viruses and bacteria. Hence the appearance of a runny nose, which causes a lot of inconvenience, in the form of irritation of the skin around the sinuses and shortness of breath.

It depends on the nature of its origin and on the age of the patient. For treatment, nasal sprays, lavages, inhalations are used. If rhinitis of allergic origin is sufficient to eliminate the allergen, and the runny nose will stop. As for women during pregnancy, not all nasal sprays are suitable for treating their runny nose. It depends on the composition of the drug and its side effects.


The period of pregnancy for a woman is complicated by the fact that colds cannot be ignored, since pathogenic microflora adversely affects the development of the fetus. And it is necessary to use drugs for the common cold with caution, no matter what the constituent substances harm the development of the child. There are several causes of rhinitis during pregnancy:

Important. Whatever the nature of the origin of rhinitis, only a doctor can identify it and determine which nasal sprays can be used by pregnant women in each individual case.

Nasal sprays allowed for pregnant women

The basic requirements for drugs, nasal sprays during pregnancy should consist of natural ingredients, the components of the sprays should be aimed at destroying the infection. Nasal preparations for rhinitis can be divided into several groups:

  • sprays based on extracts from medicinal plants;
  • vasoconstrictor drugs;
  • antihistamines;

Attention. When prescribing drops and sprays, the duration of pregnancy and the individual tolerance of the components in their composition are taken into account.

Saline solutions

In the first trimester, the embryo forms the main organs of the future organism, including the nervous system. And nasal preparations must be selected taking into account this factor.

In this case, a spray and nasal congestion drops for pregnant women based on saline solutions are allowed:

  • Salin;
  • Humer;
  • Physiomer;
  • Aqualor;
  • Marimer;
  • Alergol.

They consist entirely of sea water or ionized salt solution. Sprays contain a sufficient amount of minerals and are completely harmless to the unborn child. Means eliminate the swelling of the nasopharyngeal mucosa, which normalizes the function of the respiratory tract.

At the initial stage of pregnancy, the use of Pinosol is possible. It is based on essential oils of natural origin. The spray has antibacterial and antiseptic properties.

In the second and third trimester, the range of sprays used increases. These periods are less dangerous for the fetus, since the anatomical and physiological features of the future organism have already been formed.

Homeopathic preparations

Sprays and drops are made from extracts of medicinal plants or based on minerals. They not only eliminate the cause of rhinitis, but also restore the ability of the immune system to fight infection. The most widely used drugs include:

Eucacept is widely used to treat a runny nose in pregnant women, it includes eucalyptus oil with an antiseptic effect, mint oil and fir oil, which have antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects.

Antibacterial sprays and drops

Antibacterial drugs based on antibiotics are prescribed in the case when the pathological secret from the sinuses is yellow-green. It has a specific smell, thick consistency with purulent secretions. The use of antibiotic-based sprays is contraindicated in pregnant women due to the risk of pathological effects of the drug on the child.

But if there is a bacterial infection that can only be eliminated with the help of antibacterial agents, apply:

  1. Polydex. At eliminates the inflammatory process in the nasopharynx, serves as a vasoconstrictor with antimicrobial action. Peculiarity. The drug consists of dexamethasone, neomycin, polymyxin, so it is taken only under the supervision of a doctor.
  2. Bioparox. The composition of the drug is fusafungin, a topical antibiotic. When taking the drug, it must be borne in mind that bronchial spasm is possible, so the course of treatment does not exceed seven days. Although Biaporox is not absorbed into the lymph, there is a risk of addiction.

The use of antibacterial sprays for the common cold, such as Isofra, Funentin, is strictly contraindicated during pregnancy. If a runny nose does not go away for a long time, self-medication is not welcome. Therapy, with the use of antibiotics, is prescribed only by a doctor.

Vasoconstrictor drugs

Vasoconstrictor sprays during pregnancy, like drops, are prescribed in extreme cases, when purulent discharge from the nasal passages appears. Treatment is carried out under medical supervision. When exposed to sprays, not only the vessels of the nasal passages narrow, but also the capillaries located in the placenta. The fetus does not receive enough oxygen, there is a risk of developing hypoxia.

In the treatment of a protracted runny nose, vasoconstrictor drugs such as Nazivin, Fazin, Ephedrine and their analogues are prohibited. They negatively affect blood circulation in the placenta.

Of the existing nasal sprays and drops used in medical practice for the treatment of rhinitis in pregnant women, it is possible to prescribe:

  • Tizin;
  • Xymelin;
  • Vibrocil.

Dosage during pregnancy is prescribed in a smaller amount than prescribed in the annotation.

Vibrocil can be used only under medical supervision, in the second and third trimester, if the need for it exceeds the risk of pathological effects on the fetus.


During pregnancy, a woman's body works in an enhanced mode, which cannot but affect the immune system. The immune system reacts to external irritants with allergic rhinitis. This is due to hormonal instability and a weakened protective reaction.

An allergic runny nose can be caused by irritants to which the body did not react before the pregnancy period. Pet hair, dust particles, components in cosmetics and household chemicals. This is a serious reason for contacting an allergist, only a specialist will be able to determine the allergen that caused the reaction and prescribe adequate treatment.

For the treatment of rhinitis in pregnant women, antihistamines are used, such as:

In the case of an allergic rhinitis, if measures are taken to identify the allergen at the time, there are no problems. It passes immediately after the elimination of the stimulus.

As an alternative to traditional therapy, folk methods for the treatment of rhinitis in pregnant women are used. They do not act as quickly as sprays, but are completely harmless to the mother and unborn child. Compliance with preventive measures during a viral epidemic by a future mother will reduce the risk of rhinitis.

During pregnancy, women often experience rhinitis. There are many reasons for the appearance of a runny nose, especially since the body is weakened at this time. They can be viral or bacterial infections, hypothermia, hormonal failure or an allergic reaction. Only a doctor can identify the nature of the rhinitis that has arisen and pick up a spray from a cold. During pregnancy, it is allowed to use products based on sea water on your own.

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    Types of nasal sprays and how to choose the right one

    Preparations for rhinitis during pregnancy are divided into several groups:

    • saline solutions;
    • vasoconstrictor sprays;
    • sprays with antihistamine effect;
    • phytotherapeutic preparations;
    • homeopathic sprays.

    When choosing an aerosol, it is necessary to focus on the following factors:

    1. 1. The period of pregnancy. In the first 12 weeks, the use of drugs with potent components is undesirable, because it is at this time that the laying and formation of all the organs of the child takes place, and therefore the risk of complications is quite high. Incorrect use of sprays with antibiotics or vasoconstrictor components can lead to serious deviations.
    2. 2. The composition of the drug. Some medicinal components are able to cross the placenta and affect the fetus. Sprays allowed during this period are those whose active substances are not able to penetrate into the systemic circulation.
    3. 3. Individual intolerance to the components. During pregnancy, immunity works differently, so sensitivity to certain substances often occurs. Drugs should be used with caution and only as prescribed by a specialist.

    The use of sprays during pregnancy is necessary only in case of nasal breathing problems.

    Salt based sprays

    These preparations consist entirely of sea water or ionized salt solution. These are the safest sprays. Expectant mothers are allowed to use them from the first days of pregnancy. These funds are used to treat various types of rhinitis - viral, bacterial, allergic. Salt solution thins mucus, moisturizes the nasal passages, and has an antiseptic effect.

    Name of the drug Description Dosage
    Aqua MarisThe drug contains in its composition the water of the Adriatic Sea. The mucosa is moistened, inflammation is reduced, local immunity is stimulated due to the content of useful components of sea water. Can be used for allergic rhinitis3-6 times a day, 2-3 sprays in each nasal passage
    salinThins mucus, has an anti-inflammatory effect. The composition of the drug includes components that have an antiseptic effect. Due to this, it is possible to reduce the frequency of use of vasoconstrictor drugs and restore breathing.2 inhalations in each nostril 3-4 times a day
    HumerHas a cleansing and moisturizing effect. Water from the reservoirs of Brittany (France) contributes to the destruction of pathogenic microorganisms and relieves swelling of the mucous1-2 sprays 2-3 times before meals
    PhysiomerIt has an anti-inflammatory and cleansing effect, accelerates the process of regeneration of epithelial cells. Removes mucus and reduces swellingDaily up to 6 irrigations of each nasal passage for 7 days
    AqualorRelieves irritation and swelling of the mucosa, increases the therapeutic effect of local drugs with antibiotics, vasoconstrictors and antihistaminesWashing is done 4-6 times a day
    MarimerHelps maintain the physiological state of the mucosa. Trace elements improve the functioning of the ciliated epithelium. In allergic rhinitis, reduces the number of allergens on the surface of the mucosa1 spray 4-6 times a day
    QuicksThe composition includes water from the Atlantic Ocean. Additionally contains aloe vera extract. Effectively reduces swelling and inflammation, improves breathing and prepares the mucosa for the use of other drugs1-3 irrigations several times a day

    Sprays can also be used to wash the nasopharynx. To do this, a sprayer is inserted into the nostril, after which you need to press the dispenser. The liquefied mucus must be blown out through the nose. Similarly, the second nasal passage is cleared.

    After washing with saline in the cold season, it is undesirable to go outside for 30-40 minutes. This can lead to local hypothermia and the development of inflammation of the nasal mucosa.

    Homeopathic preparations

    They are also considered safe drugs, but their positive effects have not been confirmed by clinical trials. The composition of homeopathic sprays includes minerals, vitamins and herbal ingredients. They do not have a quick effect, but contribute to the regeneration of the mucosa, increasing local immunity and facilitating breathing.

    The most effective drugs are presented in the table:

    Phytotherapy for a runny nose in pregnant women

    Herbal components of sprays from the common cold during pregnancy are safe. The anti-inflammatory effect is only on the nasal mucosa, the incoming components do not enter the general bloodstream. The therapeutic effect does not appear immediately, but lasts for a long time.

    The most popular drugs are presented in the table:

    Means with antibacterial effect

    Antibacterial sprays are prescribed for bacterial rhinitis, when the mucus has a thick consistency and purulent contents, as well as with the development of various complications (gasopharyngitis, sphenoiditis).

    Aerosols are allowed to be used only from the second month of pregnancy. It should be remembered that they affect only the nasal mucosa. In severe diseases, it is necessary to use systemic drugs. They are used in a strict dosage (most often it is for children). Higher doses harm the developing fetus and cause side effects in the expectant mother.

    Permitted drugs are listed in the table:

    Name of the drug Description Dosage
    IsofraActive ingredient: framiceten . Active against many bacteria that cause inflammation in the upper respiratory tract. When the spray is injected, the necessary concentration is created, due to which the development of microorganisms is reduced.1 spray 4-6 times a day for 10 days
    PolydexIt helps to reduce the inflammatory process, has antimicrobial and vasoconstrictive effects. The use of the drug is carried out under the supervision of a doctor1 injection 3 times a day. Duration of treatment - from 5 to 10 days
    MiramistinMultifunctional antiseptic and antimicrobial agent. It is allowed to use from the 1st trimester. Animal studies have proven the safety of the drug1-2 sprays up to 8 times a day for 7-1 days

    Vasoconstrictor drugs

    Vasoconstrictor drugs during pregnancy are prescribed very rarely - only in the presence of purulent discharge. Under the influence of these drugs, not only the vessels in the nasal passages narrow, but also the capillaries of the placenta, as a result of which hypoxia may occur in the fetus. During pregnancy it is forbidden to use the following drugs:

    • Otrivin, Dlyanos, Galazolin;
    • Nazivin;
    • Fazin;
    • Xymelin;
    • Ephedrine.

    Permitted funds are indicated in the table:

    Name of the drug Description Dosage
    TizinThe active substance xylometazoline reduces swelling and has a vasoconstrictive effect. Breathing improves, mucus comes off easier. The drug begins to act after 5-10 minutes. Cannot be used before 1st trimester2 sprays in each nostril up to 4 times a day
    NazivinContributes to the narrowing of the blood vessels of the mucosa, thereby eliminating swelling and hyperemia. Facilitates breathing, does not irritate the mucous membranes. The action occurs a few minutes after application and lasts 10-12 hours1-2 injections of the drug 2-3 times a day
    VibrocilCombination product containing phenylephrine (vasoconstrictor) and dimethindene (antihistamine)1-2 sprays in each nasal passage 3-4 times a day
    SanorinThe therapeutic effect is achieved after 5 minutes and lasts from 4 to 6 hours. Reduces hyperemia and edema, improves nasal breathing1-3 doses are injected into each nasal passage 3-4 times. Duration of application - no more than 1 week

    Sprays for the treatment of allergic rhinitis

    Allergic rhinitis is a disease accompanied by severe swelling of the mucosa with simultaneous respiratory failure. The danger of this condition lies in the fact that the edema leads to blockage of the air channels connecting the cavity and paranasal sinuses. Stagnation of mucus can lead to sinusitis.

    Antiallergic sprays have a decongestant and anti-inflammatory effect on the tissues of the nasal passages. There are several types of antihistamines:

    1. 1. Mast membrane stabilizers - protect the membranes in mast cells, so that the cells that cause inflammation do not penetrate into the tissues. Vividrin and Cromolyn are allowed during pregnancy.
    2. 2. Sprays with hormones - inhibit the synthesis of prostaglandins, which cause inflammation. These include Baconase and Aldecin. The abuse of these drugs leads to a negative effect on the nasal mucosa, to disruption of the functioning of the kidneys and nosebleeds.
    3. 3. Barrier aerosols (Prevalin and Nazaval) - form a film on the mucous membrane of the nasal passages, which prevents allergens from getting onto the mucous membrane.

    Description of drugs is presented in the table:

    Name of the drug Description Dosage
    VividrinThe active ingredient is cromoglycic acid. It has anti-allergic and membrane-stabilizing effects. Contraindicated in early pregnancy. Is an analogue of Cromolyn1 dose of aerosol 4 times a day
    BaconaseIt is an intranasal form of a topical glucocorticoid that has anti-inflammatory, decongestant and anti-allergic effects. The drug is safe for long-term use1 dose 3-4 times a day or 2 doses 2 times a day
    AldecinReduces swelling and mucus production. It is allowed to use if the benefit to the pregnant woman is higher than the risk of developing pathologies in the child1-2 inhalations 4 times a day, depending on the severity of rhinitis
    PrevalinThe remedy reduces the symptoms of allergic rhinitis. The spray, thanks to a unique combination of emulsifiers and oils, turns into a gel upon contact with the mucous membrane and forms a film that protects against contact with allergens.1-2 sprays up to 3 times a day
    AldecinThe drug includes micronized cellulose, mint extract. Aldecin does not have a systemic effect. When sprayed, the medicine settles on the mucous membrane in the form of a gel-like coating that protects against the negative effects of allergens.Inject the powder and hold your breath for 2 seconds, take a deep calm breath so that the powder enters the nasal passage

    It is advisable to identify the allergen and, if possible, get rid of it.

    There are quite a few sprays used to treat rhinitis. Before using these drugs, every pregnant woman should consult with her doctor in order to avoid negative effects on the fetus.

Many expectant mothers are afraid to use nasal nasal drops during pregnancy, so they choose safer, in their opinion, methods of treatment in the form of aloe juice and saline. In fact, there are pharmacological agents that productively eliminate the symptoms of a runny nose, while absolutely not harming the intrauterine development of the fetus. Effective vasoconstrictor drops during pregnancy are chosen by the attending physician, do not ignore the valuable recommendations of a specialist.

What drops in the nose can be during pregnancy

Before choosing a reliable medicine, the doctor determines the nature of the pathology - the predominant type of rhinitis. For example, a runny nose can be triggered by increased activity of a pathogenic infection in the nasal passages, it can accompany such unpleasant diseases as influenza, measles, scarlet fever, and even diphtheria. Doctors do not exclude hormonal, seasonal and allergic rhinitis, which is considered a consequence of exposure to an allergen. The disease proceeds in an acute or chronic form, and in the second case it is prone to a long course, frequent relapses.

Saline solutions

During pregnancy, the choice of a homeopathic remedy is welcome, since herbal medicines are less harmful to health and provide a positive trend in the underlying disease. For the successful treatment of a runny nose, you can choose saline solutions that are sold in pharmacies. However, healing formulations can be prepared at home with minimal financial costs. This appointment is appropriate for allergic rhinitis, flu and colds. Here are effective medical preparations with sea salt in a natural composition:

  1. Aquamaris. A bright representative of nasal preparations, which treats all forms of rhinitis, has no medical contraindications. With congestion of the nasal passages, it is better not to find a medicine, inject the composition into each nostril up to 3-5 times a day.
  2. Humer. It is a nasal spray for the treatment and prevention of rhinitis. A red vial is prescribed for the acute stage of a characteristic ailment, blue - to strengthen immunity, prevent an acute attack. Two discharges into each nostril, and the runny nose during pregnancy will disappear.
  3. Salin. Another representative of nasal drops to treat a runny nose. It is necessary to drip a nose, use drops for a week. In the absence of the desired effect, during pregnancy and not only it is indicated to change nasal drops.
  4. Marimer. For effective treatment of rhinitis, you can use a nasal spray or drops in a full course. It is shown to inject 2 drops into each nostril, continue intensive therapy for 5-7 days.

Drops with oil extracts

When carrying a baby, drops from a runny nose for pregnant women with herbal ingredients can cause side effects in the form of acute allergic reactions. This is the only drawback of such a pharmacological purpose, but the advantages of drops with oil extracts are much greater: restoration of the mucosa, reliability of washing the nasal passages. Here are the most effective medicines made from herbal ingredients:

  1. Pinosol. No less reliable drops that are approved for use by babies after birth. They have a pleasant aroma, normalize nasal breathing. Daily dosage - 1 drop 5 times a day for a week.
  2. Eucacept. Drops can be used for no more than 10 days. The drug has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect, prevents swelling of the mucous membrane, facilitates nasal breathing, and accelerates granulation.

Vasoconstrictor drops in the nose during pregnancy

With nasal congestion in pregnant women, you can drip vasoconstrictor drugs that act locally and do not harm the intrauterine development of the fetus. The daily dosage during pregnancy is shown to be selected individually, use drops for no more than 5-7 days, then take a break and choose an analogue. Here are effective positions in a given direction:

  1. Sanorin. These are drops and spray for nasal use. The drug has many medical contraindications, you can drip the nasal cavity up to 3 times a day for a week.
  2. Vibrocil. Combined remedy with anti-inflammatory and antihistamine effect, which has several forms of release - nasal gel, spray, drops.
  3. Tizin. Drops are not recommended for use in dry rhinitis, and in other clinical pictures, the active ingredients relieve swelling and improve nasal breathing.

Homeopathic preparations

Acute rhinitis, accompanied by increased swelling of the mucous membranes, can be safely eliminated with natural remedies. During pregnancy, homeopathy is especially popular and especially with nasal congestion. Here are some reliable medicines:

  1. EDAS-131. This homeopathic remedy removes the symptoms of a runny nose, is prescribed for infectious and allergic rhinitis in a full course. Since there are medical contraindications, treatment is indicated
  2. Euphorbium compositum. Homeopathic medicine in the form of an odorless spray, allowed during pregnancy, able to treat rhinitis of various etiologies. With congestion, it is supposed to perform 1-2 emissions in each nostril.

For nasal congestion

When choosing an effective medication, it is important to consider the trimesters of pregnancy and medical indications. Use vasoconstrictors for infections and colds. Among the benefits: easier breathing, restoration of damaged mucosa. Disadvantages: irritation on the mucous membranes. Here are effective remedies in the 2nd and 3rd trimester:

  • Nazivin;
  • Farial;
  • Naphthyzin.

With a cold

In such a clinical picture in the second and third trimesters, it is recommended to use xylometazoline-based drops with great care and under strict medical supervision, which productively constricts the vessels of the mucous membrane, relieves swelling, and restores breathing through the nose. Patients with rhinitis of pregnant women can be healed by purchasing and properly using the following synthetic remedies:

  • Galazolin;
  • For the nose;
  • Xymelin.


In case of an acute allergic reaction in expectant mothers, the main question arises, which nasal drops can be used by pregnant women without harm to the health of the fetus. The main goal is to quickly remove a runny nose, return a healthy and full sleep, relax a tense nervous system. It is recommended to instill the nose with the following antiallergic drugs in the form of drops:

  • Delufen;
  • Allergodil;
  • Kromoheksal.

What not to drip into the nose of pregnant women

In the first trimester, the choice of drugs should be treated with extreme caution, to exclude superficial self-medication. The following medications with a vasoconstrictor effect and oxymetazoline in the chemical composition are contraindicated for pregnant women:

  • Nazivin;
  • Nazol;
  • Fazin;
  • Fervex.

What is the spray for the common cold for pregnant women and how to choose it correctly? - there is such a question for expectant mothers with a runny nose. Everyone knows about the contraindications of many drugs for expectant mothers. However, not treating at all is not the best and far from the correct way out of this situation. Difficulties in breathing can lead to a decrease in the amount of oxygen for the fetus, which can adversely affect the unborn child. The nose serves as a kind of filter that traps disease-causing organisms and prevents them from penetrating inside. Therefore, it is necessary to immediately begin treatment for the common cold.

Spray, like a medicine, is effective and easy to use.

Benefits of using sprays during pregnancy

Spray from the common cold during pregnancy has the following advantages:

  • unlike drops, they are more convenient to use;
  • when spraying, an accurate dosage is obtained, which means that the overspending of the drug is excluded;
  • spray consumption is slower than a drug of a different form of release;
  • spraying the medicine, it enters all areas of the sinuses.

What sprays can be used by pregnant women?

It can be different: allergic, atrophic, viral, or which is directly related to pregnancy and comes from changes in hormonal levels during the period of bearing a child. Therefore, treatment should be carried out based on the type of rhinitis. During pregnancy, care should be taken with taking medications and, if possible, minimize it. Thus, the best nasal products with greater efficiency and ease of use are selected, such as sprays.

Nasal sprays that can be used during pregnancy differ in the form of release and components. Sprays have the following varieties for their intended purpose:

  • solutions from sea salt, necessary to cleanse the nasal cavity and relieve swelling. They are recommended for use as a preventive measure or in the first stage of rhinitis;
  • antiallergic sprays, which are used for allergic rhinitis;
  • hormonal, which contribute to the removal of the inflammatory process in the sinuses, while not affecting pregnancy and the fetus;
  • homeopathic;
  • vasoconstrictor sprays, the use of which is possible in extremely rare cases, when the doctor believes that it is impossible to do without them;
  • antibacterial.

All medications should be prescribed by a doctor, based on the duration of pregnancy, the cause of a runny nose, the degree of nasal congestion, taking into account the woman's possible intolerance to the component in the spray.


Only a doctor should prescribe nasal antibacterial sprays, since the effectiveness of such drugs has not been proven, which means that their use can be dangerous for both the woman and the fetus she is carrying.

Antibacterial drugs are bioparox and. The last medicine cannot be taken in parallel with others, as for bioparox, you should be careful when using it, as it can irritate the mucous membrane and provoke sneezing. In general, it is considered the most effective drug that eliminates infectious and inflammatory diseases. Due to the herbal antibiotic in the composition of bioparox, its healing components are not absorbed into the blood, however, clinical studies associated with a risk to women and their child have not been conducted. Side effects of bioparox are minimized and burning, allergic reactions, tingling and frequent sneezing are extremely rare. Before using the drug, the nasal passages should be cleared of mucus, and the medicine bottle and its nozzles should be treated with alcohol.


Sprays with a vasoconstrictor action are designed to relieve swelling from the nasal cavity, which can form due to an allergic reaction, an infection caused by viruses and bacteria. The sinuses are stuffed up, it becomes difficult to breathe, eat and sleep. Frequent use of vasoconstrictor sprays is addictive, so they should not be used for more than a week.

In addition to addiction, vasoconstrictor drugs have a number of side effects, for example, increased blood pressure, increased heart rate, nausea and headaches may occur. Vasoconstrictor sprays are dangerous because the drug is absorbed into the blood through the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity.

Pharmacy chains offer a variety of drugs from different manufacturers, excellent in price and quality. The use of vasoconstrictor drugs can only be prescribed by the attending physician, having assessed the complexity of the situation before prescribing, because the advanced form of rhinitis can lead to a number of other diseases.


Sprays based on glucocorticoid hormone are called hormonal. They are not addictive and do not change the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity. Hormonal drugs have anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory effects. It is important to use hormones for the common cold in the form of a spray, since the dosage should be adhered to as much as possible during treatment.

The disadvantage of this drug is the hormones themselves, which can disrupt the action of hormones inside the body. Despite the fact that hormonal drugs, or rather, their components, do not penetrate the bloodstream and do not threaten the life of the unborn child, they should be prescribed exclusively by the attending physician.


Homeopathic sprays are based on mineral and plant components that do not harm either the unborn baby or his mother. It will not be possible to cure a runny nose with homeopathic sprays, they are only able to moisturize the mucous membrane and calm the woman in position. Side effects in this type of nasal preparation are not observed, however, individual intolerance to the components of the drug may occur.

Delofen homeopathic spray is able to eliminate irritation of the mucous membrane, relieve swelling, discomfort and moisturize the nasal cavity.


It is no secret that during pregnancy, a woman's immunity weakens, which means that she is able to catch viruses, bacteria, or succumb to allergens. Allergies can appear after a woman becomes pregnant, and go away when the baby is born. You should not endure, suffer during pregnancy, because an allergic reaction can be accompanied by an inflammatory process of the mucous membrane, frequent sneezing, nasal congestion and other manifestations. Nasal sprays, which are more effective than regular drops, come to the rescue. The use of nasal preparations for allergies is necessary only on the recommendations of the attending physician. Pharmacy chains provide a huge selection of antiallergic sprays:

  • vasoconstrictors, the period of use of which should not exceed four days;
  • combinatorial, which can reduce mucosal edema and remove accompanying symptoms;
  • steroid, their use is relevant during the period of exacerbation, and the duration of treatment should not be longer than seven days.

The most popular sprays that are not dangerous during pregnancy:

  • suprastin;
  • tavegil;
  • allertec.

Before using this or that drug, be sure to consult a doctor, and not rely on information from the Internet.

289 02/13/2019 6 min.

Runny nose in pregnant women occurs quite often. And the point here is not only in the weakened immunity of a woman who runs the risk of catching a cold or acute respiratory infections very quickly. There are other factors that cause nasal congestion in a future mother. But whatever the reason, a runny nose causes discomfort to both the mother and the unborn child, and therefore requires treatment. How to eliminate a runny nose in a pregnant woman? What methods of treatment are the safest during this period?

Symptom Definition

Runny nose, or rhinitis, is the most common symptom that occurs due to diseases of the respiratory tract and ENT organs. Nasal congestion does not develop spontaneously and for no reason. The fact is that the nasal mucosa purifies the air we inhale from low temperatures, dry and dusty air, viruses or bacteria, therefore it often becomes inflamed when it encounters various pathogens.


The following factors can provoke a runny nose:

  • Diseases occurring in the body;
  • Allergy;
  • Hormonal changes;
  • Unfavorable environmental conditions.

In early pregnancy, a runny nose is unlikely to be directly related to the position of the woman. Most likely, nasal congestion will cause various diseases that occur in the body of a pregnant woman. Most often these are banal infections,. In this case, a runny nose will be accompanied by other symptoms characteristic of colds.

If there are no other symptoms of a cold, and a runny nose stubbornly poisons the life of the expectant mother, preventing her from enjoying her interesting position, then other causes of this symptom should be looked for. It can be:

  • Polyps in the nose;
  • Tumors.

To determine the true cause that provokes a runny nose, you need to contact an otolaryngologist who can make an accurate diagnosis after a thorough examination.

A safe treatment regimen for a runny nose in a pregnant woman will also be needed for allergies, which can be triggered by contact with one of the allergens. In this case, drug therapy is indispensable, but it is necessary to select therapy very carefully, always together with an allergist.

Another cause of a runny nose in a future mother can be hormonal changes. In this case, nasal congestion begins to disturb the pregnant woman shortly before the baby is born (). A provoking factor can be a large volume of circulating blood. And the treatment in such a situation will consist only in facilitating breathing, and then you just need to wait for childbirth.

The appearance of a runny nose can also be triggered by adverse environmental conditions: dry air in the room, too low or high ambient temperature.

Possible diseases

Runny nose in pregnant women can be a symptom of diseases such as:

  • . An ailment appears with the development of the body's sensitivity reaction to the effects of various allergens (chemical, food, organic).
  • Hormonal runny nose. This is a physiological process that develops due to the restructuring of the hormonal background of a pregnant woman. An increase in the content of estrogen and progesterone in the blood of the expectant mother causes swelling and thinning of the nasal mucosa, which is the cause of the development of a runny nose.
  • Infectious runny nose, developing as a manifestation of diseases of the upper respiratory tract, which have penetrated.

Diagnosis and treatment methods

It is also important to know which one is prescribed. First of all, a pregnant woman needs to see a doctor so that he can establish the true cause of the common cold and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Medical therapy

There are several safe methods to relieve the condition and eliminate the symptom of nasal congestion in pregnant women.

Nasal drops

This is the most common remedy for rhinitis. But can they be used during pregnancy? The answer is: yes, but not all.. in the nose can quickly relieve swelling and ease breathing, but are not recommended during pregnancy. Unfortunately, their action extends not only to the vessels in the nose, but also to the capillaries of the placenta, through which nutrients and oxygen are delivered to the fetus.

The use of vasodilating drops can lead to prolonged oxygen starvation of the fetus, which will negatively affect further development. It is especially dangerous to use them with high blood pressure.

In the case of a very, which is not removed by more gentle means, vasoconstrictor drops can be used once in the acute phase. And it is better to purchase drops approved for use in children:

  • Nazivin;
  • Rinazolin;
  • Vibrocil;
  • Nazik spray.

They must be used very carefully, not exceeding the dosage and not using more than 3-4 days, so as not to be addictive.

Plant-based nasal drops, such as Pinosol, are safe during pregnancy. However, it should be remembered that this drug helps with the infectious nature of the common cold and is contraindicated in case of allergies to essential oils that are part of it (eucalyptus, mint and mountain pine oil).

There are also a number of homeopathic remedies for the common cold:

  • compositum;
  • Euphorbium;
  • Ointment Evamenol and others.

Nasal lavage

An effective and safe way to quickly get rid of rhinitis in pregnant women is frequent. To do this, you can use saline (saline), which is sold in any pharmacy, as well as special sprays and drops based on sea water and salt:

  • Salin;
  • Aquamaris;
  • Dolphin;
  • Humer.

Pregnant women can safely wash their nose with decoctions of herbs: chamomile, calendula, sage.

Folk remedies

As nasal drops, women in position can try using carrot or apple juice. It is necessary to instill into the nose up to 6-8 drops in each nostril 3-4 times a day.

Another method of traditional medicine is soda-tannin drops. To prepare them, it is necessary to brew 1 teaspoon of black tea with 1 cup of boiling water and evaporate for 15 minutes. Next, strain the broth and add 1 teaspoon of baking soda. This solution should be instilled into the nose 3 times a day, 2 pipettes in each nostril.

Plentiful drink

Drinking a lot of warm liquid with a runny nose is simply necessary, since the body loses a large amount of fluid along with mucus. And these losses must be replenished regularly. It is best to drink teas, fruit drinks, compotes, herbal decoctions, milk, mineral water without gas. Rosehip decoction and currant compote are very useful, which contain a large amount of vitamin C, which is necessary to fight infection. In order to prepare a rosehip decoction with the preservation of vitamins, it is necessary to boil the dried inflorescences for 5 minutes with a small amount of sugar.

With a runny nose, it is useful to use infusions of strawberry leaves, plantain, willow bark, oregano or St. John's wort. This requires 2 tbsp. Spoons of grass pour a glass of boiling water and let it brew for 30 minutes. Then strain and drink 2-3 times a day for 0.5 cups.

warming up

You must always keep your feet warm. For this purpose, it is best to wear woolen socks, you can even go to bed in them.

The sinuses can be heated with boiled eggs, bags of salt or sand heated in a pan, heated pebbles. Another option is to use a special blue heating lamp (Minin reflector).


With a cold, they are very useful and effective. So, you can try the onion-garlic inhalation. To do this, you need to chop the onion and garlic, then pour boiling water over them and breathe over this steam.

Herbal infusions, essential oils (menthol, eucalyptus, tea tree oil) are suitable for the inhalation procedure.

Steam inhalations should be performed 3-4 times a day, which will significantly alleviate the condition. However, this procedure cannot be performed at elevated body temperature.


Acupressure will help reduce nasal congestion in a pregnant woman. It is necessary to massage with the pads of the index fingers the points at the wings of the nose, above the bridge of the nose, under the nostrils. During massage, you can use Doctor Mom ointment, Asterisk balm. These funds can simply be applied to the bridge of the nose, temples, outer corners of the nostrils.

Favorable microclimate

In order for the runny nose to go away faster, it is necessary to create a favorable microclimate in the room. To do this, it is necessary to ensure optimal humidity (about 60%), air temperature (18 - 20 ° C). In addition, it is necessary to ventilate the room more often and carry out wet cleaning. It is recommended to periodically light an aroma lamp using essential oils for steam inhalation.

Facilitate breathing at night sleep on a high pillow. This measure will slightly reduce the swelling of the mucous membrane and nasal congestion.



During pregnancy, it is imperative to treat a runny nose in order to prevent the development of diseases such as, and others. Indeed, the child also suffers from the discomfort that this unpleasant symptom causes to the expectant mother. It is necessary to take any measures only after consulting a doctor who will recommend exclusively harmless remedies for treatment. Safety is the main condition for successful treatment.
