Black and white cards for the development of children. The first black and white pictures for the development of the baby (from zero to six months)

Good day everyone!
As you know, we have replenishment in the family and now I will often delight you with games and benefits for the little ones.
Today, I want to tell you about

Why do babies need black and white images?
Indeed, for what?
Visual perception is of great importance in the development of the human brain, the main share of information comes to a person through vision. Seeing objects, the baby tends to reach out to him with his hands, take him, crawl and go to him, because there is curiosity and a desire to explore everything he sees around him.

A little about age-related features of vision in children.

The child sees the world that surrounds him from the first days, but only with time does he begin to understand what he sees.

Newborns are characterized natural farsightedness(distinguish objects at close range), since their eyeball size is small and the rays of light from objects that are far away converge behind the retina. Optimally, he sees at a distance of 20 - 30 centimeters, his field of view is limited (left and right up to 30 degrees, and up and down no more than 10 degrees).

Up to two years, the eyeball increases by 40% of its original volume, by the age of five, 70%, by the age of 12, it reaches the size of the eyeball of an adult.

One of the visual reactions of a newborn is an orienting reflex to light irritation, a flashing object, to which the baby reacts by turning his head.

In the first days of a child's life, the eyes move independently of each other - there is no coordination of eye movements. From 3-6 weeks, the baby is already able to fix his eyes, but the duration of this reaction is not more than 1-2 minutes. With age, the duration of fixation is longer.

The newborn sees, but does not distinguish or differentiate colors. This feature of the human body is due to the fact that in the retina of the eye there are cells called "cones" and "rods". "Cones" allow you to see colors and their shades, and "rods" allow you to see only black and white drawings. In the first months of life, “rods” work more actively, and “cones” begin to develop intensively by 5-6 months, so the newborn sees only black and white pictures.

This suggests that you should not overload the child's visual and nervous systems in the first months of life with a large number of bright toys around. So far, black and white pictures are perfect for him.

Up to 2 months of life, he distinguishes only high-contrast, clear images.
Black and white pictures are recommended for the development of good eyesight in babies.

The perception of space in children is formed from the age of three months.

The perception of the shape of an object begins to form from the age of five months.

By 7-8 months, he begins to perceive the remoteness of objects.

Babies of the first months are best able to distinguish between high-contrast images - black and white. The use of just such pictures stimulates the formation of connections between neurons in the cerebral cortex, spurs the natural curiosity of children, develops attention, and calms down during a period of overexcitation.

You can make pictures yourself - draw with a black felt-tip pen, pencil, paints, gouache, on a blank sheet of paper. Pictures can be varied: geometric shapes and patterns, animals and vehicles, birds and trees.
The size can also be any: in A4 format or 10 * 10 centimeters in size. They can be hung, pasted on cardboard in the form of a collage, on boxes, cubes, on disks. On the crib, you can stick them with adhesive tape, if you moved with the child to the kitchen (mother, besides the baby, is still doing housework), then they can be bent in half and hung on the side or door handle, anywhere where it will be convenient for you and the child to fix on him his gaze. You need to arrange the drawings so that they are in the field of view of the baby and no further than 20 - 30 centimeters from him.

We offer to download and print black-and-white and black-white-red pictures to stimulate the organs of vision in babies, which you can place in the baby's crib, on the changing table, or simply hang on the walls in the children's room to create a developing environment.

What pictures do newborns need

The use of contrasting black-and-white pictures and images with a minimum number of colors is a very popular technique for stimulating vision in foreign countries. newborn babies. It is based on the developments of the American physiotherapist Glenn Doman, the Japanese professor Makoto Shichido (the author of the Shichido method) and the world-famous pediatrician Sarah Brewer, who emphasized the importance of developing a black-and-white environment for the development of visual processes in infants.

In the first months of life, babies see only black and white colors, and perceive all other colors in shades of gray. By about 3 months, babies begin to distinguish between yellow and red, and then blue and green.
Looking at contrasting black and white images contributes to the earlier development of the brain, visual acuity and the ability to focus on objects, develops attention, improves color perception and even calms the child during periods of overexcitation.

The first and most important visual objects that stimulate the development of a newborn's vision are the faces of mom and dad. It is important to look at your child as often as possible, communicate with him and smile.

In second place are developing contrasting black and white pictures that the baby can “look at”. In the first weeks, the newborn is interested in simple images, consisting of straight and broken lines, concentric circles and various geometric shapes. A little later, the baby will begin to prefer bright simple colors and more complex patterns.

This is a set of 8 double-sided pictures that are laid out like an accordion. On one side you will find 8 black and white images, and on the other side you will find 8 pictures using the four primary colors. This book will help develop your baby's vision from birth.

Educational pictures for printing


Educational black and white pictures, 60 sheets, A4 format, PDF file. The recommended age of the baby is 0-2 months.

WE RECOMMEND TO LABYRINTH.RU (click on the image to find out the details):

Educational black-white-red pictures, 60 sheets, A4 format, PDF file. The recommended age of the child is 2-4 months.

How to use black and white pictures

In the first months of his life, the baby spends a lot of time in the crib, so it is so important to create a favorable developmental environment for him.

  • Fasten sheets of paper with black and white pictures along the inner wall of the baby's crib (the recommended distance for placing the picture in front of the baby is about 30 cm);
  • Glue the pictures onto cardboard and make a double-sided flip book. Spread and place the book in a semicircle around the child on a developmental mat, changing table or anywhere else your child is;

  • Hang pictures on the walls of the children's room and show when the baby is awake.

  • Take the picture and start slowly moving it in front of the child's face. By 2–3 months, the infant is already able to follow moving objects;
  • Look at the pictures for as long as they interest the child.

With the help of black and white pictures, you will help the baby develop vision, learn to concentrate and form a harmonious color perception. A child whose perception is properly stimulated from the very first days develops faster!


Educational game "Baby's first pictures" (c, c).

What is the feature:
- Cards can be taken with you on the road.
- Each card is double-sided.
- The cards are made of thick cardboard and will last a very long time.
- Cards can be hung by the holes on the wall of the crib, mobile or any other place in the baby's field of vision.

Cards for the development of the vision of a newborn

(Click on image for details)

For the development of vision, it is useful to hang a mobile over the baby's crib.

Read more: ".


Download black and white pictures for newborns. How to make a mobile from cubes for a child with your own hands and how to deal with printouts correctly.

Black and white pictures for newborns perfectly stimulate the development of vision in the first months of life. Early development gurus such as Cecile Lupan and Sarah Brewer wrote about them in their book Superchild. In the first days of life, a child's vision is not as sharp as that of an adult. It distinguishes objects at close range better, and black-and-white images are more visible than color ones due to the structural features of the retina during this period.

The period from birth to six months is very important for the development of a child's vision, because it is during this period that the eyeball, the paths leading from it to the brain, and the areas of the brain responsible for receiving and processing visual information are most quickly and intensively formed.

How a baby's vision develops from Newsweek magazine.

Photo courtesy of Irina's babyblog.

Psychophysiologists speak of this period as critical for the formation of the visual system. It is the first 6 months of a child's life that are most favorable for external stimulation and development of the visual system. As a result of such exercises, visual functions are significantly improved: light perception, visual acuity, color perception, contrast sensitivity, field of view.

Classes can be carried out on a changing table, in a crib, on a bed, etc., but it is better that the light source is behind the baby's head.

It’s worth starting with the simplest lines and following a clear black / white contrast.

In the first months, it is important to teach the child to look at pictures, focus and follow objects.

Where to hang black and white pictures

  • in bed
  • stick on walls
  • hang on the fridge
  • into large cubes
  • make cards, collages or a book, show the baby in turn,
  • a ball or a mobile over a bed with drawings,
  • development mat.

How to use black and white pictures for newborns

    Show your baby pictures while you walk around the apartment with him, feed him or put him on his tummy. A visually rich space (and constant visual stimulation) has a direct relationship with a baby's restful sleep.

    Don't show the baby too much pictures immediately and watch the reaction. If he does not focus on the drawing and does not show interest in it at all - do not be discouraged (everything has its time).

    Practice tracking: we catch our eye on the picture and move it slowly to the right, to the left, up and down, then over time we complicate the trajectory: in an arc, diagonally, in a circle.

    Use while lying on your tummy and crawling. The kid tries to raise his head higher and higher, and he will be interested in seeing something there that catches the eye.

    Attract and switch attention, soothe.

Changeimage can once every 3 days. If you like the picture, you can leave it for a longer time.

Distance from child's eyes to image aged 10 days - 1.5 months - about 30 cm . The size of the drawings is better than A4 or A5 (its quarter).

From 3 months old, images can be replaced with colorful, complex and “hygienic” ones - the baby will begin to drag them into his mouth.

How to do:

  1. You can draw any picture by hand.
  2. print
  3. Make a mobile with your own hands from cubes. We print out pictures from a pdf file (there is already a ready-made layout for cubes), cut it out, glue it in the form of cubes, hang it on a ribbon (here is your imagination).

I made two toys for the baby from 10 cubes. I printed it on medium-thick photo paper, it turned out glossy and very beautiful) They hold even without glue, but still it’s worth gluing for strength.

Download black and white pictures for newborns:

This is true, but it does not fully apply to newborns.

Kids love bright toys because their eyesight is not yet developed, pastel colors and halftones are not for them.

And newborns see so vaguely that for them the perfect contrasting combination of black and white.

Black and white pictures for newborns are the best way to stimulate vision. They really like such pictures, they look at them for a long time and carefully.

These should not be any real pictures, complex images at all. Best of all, simple motifs, geometric patterns, faces, but large enough, clear and contrasting.

But what to do - where to get such pictures and how to show them? There are several options for this.

1. Clothes, diapers, bedspreads, rugs with a black and white pattern

No, no one is asking you to decorate the entire nursery in black and white. But if the kid comes across something with a black and white pattern, he will be very interested. It can be a mother's shirt with polka dots or a checkered bedspread.

2. Actually pictures

These can be either special black and white pictures for newborns that can be found on the Internet and printed, or your own hand-drawn drawings with black marker on white paper.

Face pictures for newborns are especially interesting. Pictures can be shown or attached in some way in the field of view of the baby - to the crib, for example. The kid will love everything.

3. Black and white crib mobile

Since you are unlikely to find such a thing on sale, you can make a mobile with your own hands. For example, sew black and white toys for newborns on a felt mobile. You can also hang just pictures “facing” the child to the mobile, or special black and white cubes for newborns.


4. Cards and books for newborns with black and white pictures

For example, “Hey baby! Book for newborns”, which is a separate card connected by a ring into a book.

Other books come with special clips for cribs or strollers.

Such cubes can be found on sale, but an easier option is to print a “pattern” of such a cube (see below), cut it out and glue it. Cubes can be hung over the crib or attached to the mobile. Your baby will be enchanted!

Anything can be drawn on the cubes, but remember that face pictures for newborns are very useful. Offer him painted emoticons or animal faces with eyes.

Here are some options for cubes that you can save to your computer and print.

The child is constantly exploring the world around him. At first, he listens with interest to all the sounds around him. And later he takes up the study of his body: fingers, hands, feet, face. The baby, being in the mother's belly, may already experience feelings, sad with his mother, or smiling when he sleeps.

Once, at a consultation about lactostasis in a nursing mother, I happened to see black and white pictures for newborns, according to which the mother was engaged in the development of the baby. The situation was a little paradoxical: my mother has a temperature of about 40, and she tells me that you can’t miss classes with a one-month-old baby, because this helps him develop faster.

It became interesting to me what kind of technique it is and I will tell you about it today.

Why are black and white pictures useful?

The study of black and white pictures helps to form:

  • color perception;
  • line of sight;
  • visual acuity;
  • contrast sensitivity.

The period from birth to six months is an active stage for the formation of the vision system of a newborn. Therefore, visual stimulation favorably affects the overall development of the newborn.

What pictures to choose?

In fact, the conditions of this technique allow you to use your imagination, the only condition when creating your own types of black and white blanks, consider the rules of use. It is not at all difficult to find black and white pictures for printing, or to redraw them. When choosing pictures, you can focus on the age of the newborn:

  1. The first month of life (learn how the baby develops during this period from the article: What should a child be able to do at 1 month?
  • simple geometric shapes;
  • dots, cells;
  • straight, wavy and broken lines.
  1. Up to 3 months inclusive (read about what a child can do at 3 months in the article:
  • outlines of animals;
  • figures of various sizes and shapes.
  1. The period from 3 to 4 months (what changes at this age can be found in the article: What should a child be able to do at 4 months?>>>):
  • complicated forms;
  • drawn emotions;
  1. From 4 months to 6 (a child at six months is already changing a lot, unlike a newborn. Read more about development in the article What should a child be able to do at 6 months? >>>):
  • simple ornaments;
  • carpet patterns;
  • Khokhloma painting.

The limit of using only the black and white version is 4 months, after 4 months you can add other colors.

Important! Do not focus on the development of only visual perception. For the full improvement of your crumbs, you need to pay attention to the development of all the senses.

Where to hang pictures and how to deal with them correctly?

Not everyone succeeds in developing a child from the first days of life. As a lactation and newborn care consultant, it seems to me that in the first months of life, it is worth focusing on getting used to a new role. After all, you have so many changes in your life in connection with the birth of a child.

You need to be a little ahead, knowing the needs of the child and be ready for a new stage of his development. In general, by actively including a child in your life, you create an immense field for his development.

Interesting! The zone of proximal development is an area of ​​additional development of new knowledge by a child with the help of an adult, which is not capable of being revealed during individual activity without the participation of an adult.

Imagine that the child is in your arms, and you do some household chores with him: bending over, squatting, telling stories, confidently holding the child in your arms and at every moment the child is included in this life: somewhere he will group his legs, where something will strain your back more, somewhere it will blossom from your story and an affectionate word addressed to him.

On the other hand, with an adequate approach, when pictures and black and white patterns are simply present in a child’s life, but without distortions, you can use them too.

If you do not systematically conduct classes with pictures, the result will not be visible. It remains to include active classes with black and white visual aids in your daily schedule and choose the right place to attach these pictures.

Here are some ideas for hanging black and white pictures:

  1. Baby bed:
  • mobile;
  • bed walls.
  1. Game option:
  • Homemade cubes with selected pictures;
  • Do-it-yourself book or printout cards;
  • Floor mat with black and white pattern.
  1. Zone of active movement:
  • doors;
  • Window;
  • Walls;
  • Fridge;
  1. Mirror.

These are just a few of the ideas I suggested, but don't forget that there are no clear boundaries and rules, so turn on your imagination and help your newborn develop in a fun way.

If you have a desire to help the baby in its development, you need to consider a few rules on how best to use developing black and white pictures for newborns:

  1. Start simple: introduce your newborn to the simplest black and white elements (lines, circles);
  2. Much and often is bad. Do not carry pictures in front of the baby's eyes too often, the eyes of the newborn will quickly get tired and he will start to get nervous. Do not hang too many pictures around the apartment, so they will cease to attract his attention, becoming an element of the interior;
  3. Make use of your baby's active time. Develop the attention of your baby during the period of active wakefulness: when he lies on his tummy, or looks at the moving elements of the mobile, or walk past the pictures with him in his arms;
  4. Don't forget to change pictures. The recommended period for active perception of the picture is 3 days. Try to change them within a given period, and if you catch the child’s interest in certain patterns, do not rush to change the picture, let the baby study it for his own pleasure;
  5. We complicate the task. When the newborn gets used to constant visual stress, you can add a new exercise - the baby fixes his eyes on a black and white picture, and the mother slowly moves the picture left and right, as well as up and down.

Development should be like a game. No overvoltage, monitor the behavior of the newborn and do not let him get tired of the pictures. Otherwise, your baby will begin to react negatively to the appearance of black and white patterns.
