What to draw in a profile for friends. How to make a questionnaire for girls with your own hands

The result of the study directly depends on how your questionnaire is compiled. Thus, a questionnaire that is incomprehensible to respondents and has an incorrectly structured logic will reduce the number of completions and will not bring the desired result. How to create a questionnaire that meets all the requirements? In this article we will talk about how to compose a questionnaire correctly so that respondents not only find it interesting, but are also able to collect information on the basis of which useful conclusions can be drawn.

Rules for compiling a survey questionnaire

  • Decide on tasks upcoming research. It is their solution that should be addressed by the questions sequentially asked in your questionnaire.

Example: if your goal is to find out the attitude of buyers towards Samsung cell phones, ask questions about the interface, technical characteristics of the models, consumer properties, etc. In this case, you should not be interested in what time it is more convenient for your buyer to come to the N store to make a purchase You have a clear goal - to find out your attitude towards the brand and you must follow it throughout the entire questionnaire.

Avoid spelling mistakes. A competent questionnaire always speaks of the seriousness of the company, arouses trust and respect.

  • Greet respondents in the introduction to the questionnaire, briefly describe the purpose of the survey, if necessary instruct How to fill out your form. When you complete the survey, be sure to thank the interviewee for their time.
  • Write smart, short, and understandable survey questions. Give short and clear answers to them.

Avoid ambiguity in questions - you may be misunderstood and this will distort the results.

Try to offer all possible answers to the question and, if necessary, the “other” field for a free answer.

When creating a questionnaire, do not make spelling mistakes. A competent questionnaire always speaks of the seriousness of the company, arouses trust and respect.

Example: Wrong question – “Do you prefer Samsung phones over other brands because of their user-friendly interface or wide range of applications?” The correct question is “Assess the consumer properties of Samsung phones (model N) on a 5-point scale.”

  • Use a minimum of special terms. Your questionnaire should be understandable to the maximum number of survey participants. You need to understand that these people are not experts in your field. If you use terms when compiling a questionnaire, explain them. It's better to avoid it altogether. The more accessible the questionnaire is for the respondent to understand, the more willing he is to answer it.
  • Don't do more than 3 questions on one page. This is simply convenient for perception and encourages the survey participant to further fill out the questionnaire.

The total number of questions in the questionnaire can be very different - it all depends on the objectives and depth of the research being conducted. However, if when you create the questionnaire, it turns out to be too large, do not forget to reward respondents for the time they devote to you - give them branded souvenirs, bonus cards, or simply pay them for their participation in your study. Believe me, this will increase loyalty to your company.

  • Be sure to follow logic when compiling the questionnaire. The correct logic will not cause bewilderment and the desire to quit filling out your application halfway.

When you’re putting together a questionnaire, it’s easy to get confused with the logic. Be careful when asking branching questions. Note that the branch is directed to the page, so the question for which the branch is asked must be only one on the page.

  • Follow the order of questions. The same questions placed in different sequences can provide different information and even distort the results of the study. Therefore, sociologists and psychologists, when answering the question of how to compose a questionnaire correctly, advise composing questions from simple to complex.
  • Be sure to leave fields for respondents to express their opinions: “Your wishes to improve the work of the store”, “What do you think...”, “Express your opinion about...”.
  • Be careful in your expressions and polite. Nothing in the questionnaire should offend, embarrass or cause hostility.
  • Test the survey. After compiling the questionnaire, review it again, remove all unnecessary words that “clog” the questions. Make sure your wording is clear. Let your acquaintances, colleagues, and friends fill out the form. If they find inaccuracies or broken logic in it, adjust the questionnaire according to the recommendations.

As you can see, creating a questionnaire is not easy. But creating a correct questionnaire will not pose any particular difficulties, especially if you have practice.

A questionnaire is an interesting and simple way to find out more about your comrades, preserving the memory of them for many years. Memories will become even warmer and more pleasant if you make a profile for friends with your own hands.

Making a questionnaire

First, you need to choose an album or a thick and beautiful notebook. You can decorate it yourself by pasting magazine clippings and photographs onto the cover. Then you will need to secure it all with tape. The profile will be both beautiful and durable at the same time.

  • The first page always belongs to the owner of the profile. Here you can write something about yourself, talk about your hobbies and entertainment, and stick a personal photo on it. Use markers and markers to decorate each page.
  • Now it's time to come up with questions. They can be written on the second page of the notebook (or on each page separately). The list should start with questions about name, date of birth, telephone number and address. And after that, you can ask questions on any topic: about pets, parents, hobbies, music, actors, favorite films. You even have the power to ask some tricky questions.
  • Don't forget to decorate each page with clippings and stickers. Ask your friends to design the page to their own taste, and not just enter answers.
  • You can fill out the form with a variety of information and tests (then your friends won’t be bored). You can add something like the following sections: “Pets”, “Interview” (here everyone can ask their own question), “Secret” (everyone who fills out the questionnaire can put some surprise in the folded corner), “Did you know” and so on.

Such a questionnaire will remind you of the friends who filled it out, even after many years. Every time she catches your eye, you will receive positive emotions.

Questionnaire for friends questions

Suitable for a 4 year old child. 3 years is too early. It is very interesting what the children answer. questions under the cut

1. Favorite color?

2. Least favorite color?

3. Favorite book?

4. Favorite cartoon?

5. Favorite time of year?

6. Favorite normal food?

7. Least favorite normal food?

8. Favorite sweets?

9. Favorite drink?

10. Least favorite drink?

11. Favorite toys?

12. Favorite game?

13. What are you afraid of?

14. What do you like to do most?

15. What don’t you like to do?

16. Where do you like to go?

17. Who do you want to be?

18. Favorite animal?

19. Favorite fish?

20. Favorite bird?

21. Any insect?

22. Favorite fruit?

23. Favorite vegetable?

24. Favorite tree?

25. Favorite flower?

26. Favorite time of day?
27. Favorite car?

28. Favorite clothes?

29. Favorite city?

30. Favorite place in our apartment?

31. Favorite item in this room?

32. Which of the places you have visited do you like best?

33. What would you be interested in learning about?

34. What do you like to cut out, draw, sculpt or glue more?

35. What do you dream about?

36. Where do you dream of going?

37. Favorite transport?

38. Not your favorite transport?

39. Favorite boy name?

40. Favorite girl name?

41. Favorite form of exercise?

42. Favorite geometric figure?

43. Favorite letter?

44. What music or song do you love most?

45. What is your favorite activity that we do as a family?

46. ​​Do you like warm or cold more?

47. What animal do you like to transform into the most?

48. What distant place would you like to visit?

49. What is your favorite word?

50. Where do you like to walk?


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I once wrote that I am also Plyushkin. I collect and poke around the corners of all the seemingly unnecessary trash in the hope that it will come in handy someday. To give to someone, to please someone, to remember something pleasant yourself. So recently I was sorting out my closet, and from its gray, forgotten depths, dozens of old letters, packed in a large box, fell out on me.

These were not even letters, but correspondence: at school we had a favorite pastime - tearing off a double-checked piece of paper from a notebook and writing on it about all sorts of little things. You can't talk in class, and you can't laugh either. And no one forbade writing. Moreover, when suddenly serious love came or problems arose at home with parents.

We then kept such notes for a long time: we re-read them, laughed, and remembered the past. I don’t know if my friends still have them, but it turns out I saved them. There are lines about my first school love, and about plans for life, and about secret desires. I re-read it, smiled, and put it back in the box and on the table. While I was hiding it, I found another funny little thing: a questionnaire.

Do you remember what profiles we started as children? Thick notebooks, covered with writing, drawings, and decorated with felt-tip pens. At first they were standard: first name, last name, nickname, date of birth, favorite color, sound, song, flower. But then I personally got bored with it and began to come up with all sorts of tricky questions and jokes myself. It probably worked out well, because I had more than one such questionnaire, but it was filled to the brim.

And those first ones - they were so sweet and naive! You open it, and there:

“Someday, after many years, under a thick layer of dust, you will find your notebook and remember how we were friends.” Or “There was a glass on the table, and in the glass there was a lily, with the letter... my name, with... is my last name.” And this questionnaire usually began like this: “The questionnaire is not a notebook, do not tear out the pages, and I also ask you not to write in pencil! Or like this: “It wasn’t a writer who wrote, it wasn’t a poet who wrote, it was written by a 12-year-old girl!”

Everyone had these poems, you just open the questionnaire and already know what will be written there. But they would try not to have these lines there! Disgrace! “She doesn’t have these poems in her profile! Is she from the moon? Lolhuuushka...” Then you sit, write, sticking out your tongue, so as not to lag behind others. For example, I even wrote my own poem there. And then I saw how the girls copied these poems for themselves, and did not believe my cries that I created them and did not steal them from someone.

Finally, are these questions for the owner of the questionnaire? In addition to name, age, interests, there was always the following: “Your attitude towards x/a.” Then, when the questionnaire is returned to you, the first thing you look at is the answer to this question. What do they write? “Okay”, “Norm”... The most popular is “I won’t tell”. What a ram, why did they give you the questionnaire? If I like you, I turned her on for you. I tried to figure out one guy, but he turned out to be impenetrable. Didn't even fill it out.

And how important this was for all the girls! After all, if it says “I like it”, but there is no signature, here are some thoughts for the day! And you look closely at your classmates - what if someone gives a secret sign that he likes you? Sometimes, of course, your classmates would just laugh at you to see your reaction. But this is when you are only 12, you wear a ponytail and a skirt that is too big for you. Some generally filled out the questionnaires only with the words “Yes”, “No”, “Later”. When then? When will I have children?

What about the drawings? How much joy it brings you if someone takes the time to play with a colored pen on you! Pale profiles without pictures meant that they had neglected you. But some, especially diligent and not greedy, in addition to the graphic joys, even put a sticker on it. Shiny.

A special word about secrets. Pages glued together, wrapped, closed. You will definitely climb in - and there: “Oh, what a pig you are, because it is written: “You can’t!”.” You're a pig yourself, I'm just curious.

On the folded corners of the notebook they wrote in other masterpieces: “Whoever opens this leaf looks like this worm,” and next to it a nasty worm is drawn. Do you think they didn't open it? How, and then carefully wrapped the accordion so that no one would know about your sin.

In addition to the questions and advice in the questionnaires, your favorite ones also wrote songs. Sometimes those who had a special passion for lyrics started entire songbooks for this. To show off your knowledge of show business. “Folk art” or otherwise “compassionate, tearful songs” about unhappy love were included there: “...In the distance stood a white house, and Mary sat in it and waited for the prince shu-lu-la.” Or this one that I had written down: “What happened to you, dear boy? If you’re sick, I’ll call the doctor! Mom, mom, the doctor won’t help, I fell in love with a girl alone.”

My classmate once stole such a songbook from me and mocked me, singing “Lilies of the Valley” and “Doves” at the top of her lungs. It was embarrassing, I still don’t understand why. After all, she obviously had the same notebook.

There were also “fortune tellers” in the questionnaires. The survey participant was asked to choose a favorite flower and then find out its “meaning.” So the rose meant passion, the cornflower endowed the girl with modesty, and the chamomile - tenderness. I believe that, having learned the meanings of these fortune-tellers from other questionnaires, sexually developed girls chose only roses.

It was possible to find out the future from the questionnaire. You folded back the corner of the notebook, and there: Oh, God! “Today they’ll give you a 2!” You sit and shake, what if it turns out to be true? Even if you have learned your lesson, you are still afraid. Because the questionnaire itself told you: “Danger!”

If you had few friends, there was one method that allowed you to score points among your peers: you filled out your own questionnaire several times in a different handwriting, so that later it would not seem that you had few friends. There are all sorts of casual phrases about how you “went out yesterday” and “how cool you are.” Who didn't lie? Girls with boobs in 8th grade? Yes, perhaps they weren’t lying...

Social inequality

I did that, to be honest. Because until the 10th grade, only particularly kind girls wrote in my profiles. Or those who had a penchant and mania for filling out questionnaires. And it was so bitter for me when I realized my uselessness and minimal significance for society. After all, just like today, when you are judged by the number of subscriptions, friends on a social network, likes and reposts, earlier your popularity was evidenced by the thickness of your profile and its content.

These questionnaires, although ridiculous and cute, spoke about your status in society, and about your secret desires. Now these are cars, iPhones, iPads. Now also in the questionnaires - if they exist: ASEC numbers, website addresses. You won't see any stickers, much less drawings. And it seems like just yesterday a simple checkered notebook could tell everything about you. Who are you, who are you with, what are you talking about. Even if it was feigned, fictitious, it was all you.

True, she didn’t have much individuality, no matter how hard her owners tried, but she had soul and maturity. Stage of life. And it was also creativity, no matter how you look at it. Some even compare it to scrapbooking, although Marina, who is experienced in this matter, can argue with the free Internet statement.

And it’s so touching now to reread your own thoughts, thoughts about life and remember your secret admirers and faithful school friends. Now for some reason this purity is sorely lacking. But there are so many social networks in which you can show all your intelligence, imagination, and creativity. But it’s not so interesting to store, and you can’t hide it in the table from your parents. They themselves have the same “profiles” saved in their computers, along with their secrets.

So it turns out that this personal social network has become available to everyone. And you shouldn’t spend three hours decorating your notebook and another three hours coming up with questions. You can just spy on someone’s clever thoughts, then magically copy and paste it quite simply. The main thing is that these are very smart thoughts. So that no one understands anything at all. Then they will definitely become friends with you and even fall in love with you.

Girls, did you throw away your profiles or leave them? Or am I the only one who still has this paper memory? And why? I don't know myself. Because when he grows up, you can’t show him to your son: he’ll laugh at his mother. But in old age you will be able to read and smile with a toothless mouth. The same thing, you know, entertainment.

Women's company is much better than men's -
a friend will always understand and accept everything
that the representative of the stronger half
will consider it an insignificant detail.

Each of us had, has and will have girlfriends. But sometimes a strange wall of misunderstanding and alienation grows between us.

How to get to know your girlfriend better and how to learn to resolve conflicts quickly and pleasantly for everyone? Today we will talk about such an exciting and important topic for every girl.

Fun profile

I don’t know about you, but in my childhood every girl had a questionnaire. These could be either notebooks, beautifully designed by hand, or branded albums that were sold in the store. Usually the questionnaire contained a huge number of questions about the person. Why not make such a profile for your friends?

In the 21st century, you no longer need to use notebooks; you just need to have email, Photoshop or Word on your computer and the job will be done. This way, you and your friends will not only be able to learn interesting little things about each other - favorite color and movie, but also other, more important things.

To make it easier for you to form your profile, I offer a small questionnaire that will allow you to get to know your favorite friends better. In addition to banal questions about age and zodiac sign, favorite singers and films, as well as animals and TV series, you need the following list of questions:

1. Favorite color

2. Favorite dish

3. I really like to do...

4. I love...

5. I don't like...

6. My dream is...

7. I can’t forgive my friend...

8. If I had the opportunity to return time back, I would...

9. I regret...

11. I am against...

12. I collect...

13. I can do something that other people cannot and this is -

14. I can’t do without... (or I can’t imagine my life without...)

15. I don’t like my character (appearance)…

16. It pisses me off...

17. My fear is...

18. I'm into...

19. What objects and what people would you take to a desert island?

20. My mood improves from...

21. My mood worsens from...

22. If I caught a Goldfish, I would ask her -

23. As a child I loved...

24. The hardest moment in life is...

25. I want to change myself...

26. If you had to spend the whole day alone, what would you do?

27. What do you value most in a gift?

28. What is the hardest emotion for you to admit?

As you can see, such a questionnaire can not only help determine your friend’s tastes, but also help you understand the characteristics of her character, dreams, desires and goals. By the way, such questionnaires significantly improve the likelihood of buying the right gift, because you can know your friend’s favorite color, preferences, hobbies and interests.

We're going to a bachelorette party

In order to get to know the person next to you better, you just need to want it. Cocoa, a good movie, board games and endless conversations will lead to the fact that you can learn more about each other.

In order to get ready for a bachelorette party, all you have to do is ask your parents for permission to spend the night with your friends at your place or at theirs. Put on your pajamas, have a party, discuss boys or other equally interesting topics and I’m sure you will find each other incredibly interesting!

You can also come up with your own secret language at the bachelorette party :). It’s very exciting to talk in phrases that mean nothing to others, the meaning of which only you know!

Go shopping

By trying on things, recommending new and interesting models to each other, you become closer and allow yourself to get to know your friend better. This way you can find out her tastes and preferences in clothes and shoes, tell her about yours, and perhaps even have your own favorite store.

Go on a double date

If each of you has a boyfriend or friend with whom you can go to the skating rink, to the cinema or to a cafe, then a meeting of four is a great way to spend time! By the way, if only one of you has a boyfriend, then you can arrange a blind date - introduce your friend to your friend and perhaps this will be the beginning of a romantic relationship!

Arrange yourself a photo shoot

Collect clothes for different looks at home, do your makeup and spend the whole day carefree, getting to know each other better and making new avatars :).

As you can see, getting to know each other better is not so difficult! Good luck to you, my dears!
