which has a positive effect. Positive attitude towards life

Can positive thoughts reflect on us with more than just a smile on our face? Yes. This is convinced Barbara Fredrickson (Barbara Fredrickson) - holder of a Ph.D. from Stanford University. Fredrickson is one of the world's leading scientists studying social psychology. Her works have been widely disseminated and have been awarded honorary awards. In her 20 years of scientific activity, Barbara has conducted a number of studies aimed at studying the influence of emotions on human life in the future. What conclusions did she come to? Let's find out.

How negative thoughts affect the brain

Let's imagine that you are walking through the forest and suddenly meet a wolf on your way. In such a situation, your brain registers a negative emotion - fear.

Scientists have long known that negative emotions program the gyrus to perform certain actions. For example, when crossing with a wolf, you start to run away from him. The rest of the world ceases to exist. You focus solely on the beast, the fear, and the desire to get away as soon as possible.

In other words, negative emotions narrow thinking and limit thoughts. Looking objectively at the situation, you could try to climb a tree or defend yourself with a stick, but the brain ignores the options available. There is no other way out for convolutions when the eyes of a predator are looking at you.

Of course, millions of years ago, the self-preservation instinct inherent in our ancestors helped them survive and procreate. But in our modern society, there is no need to worry about an unexpected encounter with a dangerous piece of wildlife. The problem is that your brain is still programmed to respond to negative emotions in the same way - by disconnecting from the outside world and rejecting alternative courses of action.

Why composure and the ability to restrain one's emotions are almost the most important qualities of a good boxer? Because anger and emotions in battle narrow down mental abilities and prevent tactical thinking. Looking at your to-do list for the day, find it not very realistic and can't get started? Yes, you have been paralyzed by the horror of contemplating a long list of tasks. Do you feel bad about not taking care of your health? Now all your thoughts come down to how weak, lazy and loafers you are.

In each similar situation, the brain closes off from the outside world and concentrates on negative emotions: fear, anger or stress. Negative emotions keep your head from looking around for the alternatives and opportunities that surround you. It's just a survival instinct.

How positive thoughts affect the brain

Fredrickson studied the effect of positive thoughts on the brain during a small experiment. She divided her test subjects into groups of five and showed each company a different video.

The first two groups were shown clips that evoke positive emotions. Group 1 was filled with a sense of joy. The second five watched frames that create a feeling of pleasure.

The third company looked at images that were neutral or did not contain significant emotions in terms of their emotional richness.

The last two groups “enjoyed” the video that generated negative emotions. The fourth five absorbed the feeling of fear, and the final five absorbed the feeling of anger.

After that, each participant was asked to imagine themselves in a situation where such feelings could arise, and write down what they would do. Each subject was given a sheet of paper with 20 blank lines that began with the phrase "I would like to ...".

Participants who watched videos of fear and anger wrote the fewest responses. And the subjects who admired the images of joy and pleasure completed a significantly larger number of lines, even in comparison with the neutral group.

Thus, when you experience positive emotions, such as joy, pleasure, love, you pay attention to more opportunities in your life. These findings were among the first to really prove that positive experiences increase one's sense of one's own strength and open up new possibilities of thinking.

But this is only the beginning. The most interesting impact of positive thinking comes later...

How Positive Thinking Develops Skills and Abilities

The benefits of positive emotions are not limited to a few minutes of pleasant sensations. Positive experiences help you acquire skills and develop resources for later life.

Let's consider a real example.

A child running down the street, jumping in puddles, waving a branch and playing with friends develops athletics (physical skills), communication skills (social skills) and the ability to discover new things and explore the world around him (creative skills). Thus, positive emotions from play and joy bring up in the child skills that will be useful throughout his life.

Acquired skills live much longer than the emotions that initiated them. Years later, a strong physical form can grow a real athlete, and communication skills can reveal a competent manager to the world. Happiness, which gave the base to the skills, has long passed and forgotten, but the skills themselves are not lost.

Fredrickson calls this feature the theory of expansion of boundaries and development. Because positive emotions increase a sense of one's own strength and give rise to thoughts, which in turn develops new skills that will certainly come in handy in other areas of life.

As noted earlier, negative emotions have the opposite effect. It is they that hinder the construction of new skills due to the existence of a threat or danger.

In conclusion of the above, a completely logical question arises: if positive emotions are so useful for our future, how to become positive?

How to get positive thinking

So how do you increase the amount of positive emotions in your life and apply the effect of the theory of expansion and development on yourself?

Any spark of joy, satisfaction and love will certainly do its job. But only you know exactly what works for you. Maybe it will be playing the guitar, taking a walk with a loved one, or carving a wooden gnome for your favorite flower garden.

Nevertheless, it is worth paying attention to some activities that are suitable for many earthlings.

Meditation. A recent study by Fredrickson found that daily meditators experience more positive emotions than non-meditators. As expected, meditating had a positive effect on long-term skills. For example, three months after the end of the experiment, daily meditators had increased attention and purposefulness, and their health improved.

Letter. The study, published in the Journal of Research in Personality, looked at two groups of 45 students. The first group wrote for three days about strong positive feelings. The other one is on a regular topic.

Three months later, the members of the first team had a better mood, they were less likely to get sick and seek help from doctors. Just three days of writing about positive things affected the improvement of health.

A game. Fit playing sports into your life schedule. You plan meetings, negotiations, events and various duties, putting them on your calendar, but why don't you find time for amateur sports?

When was the last time you indulged in an experiment and discovered new things for yourself? When was the last time you planned entertainment? Is happiness less important than a meeting on Tuesdays?

Give yourself permission to smile and enjoy the benefits of positive emotions. Plan a futsal game with your friends or a little adventure with your significant other. Thus, you will experience satisfaction and joy, as well as learn and develop new skills for yourself.

What comes first: happiness or success?

There is no doubt that happiness is manifested as a result of achieving success. For example, winning a championship, moving to a new high-paying job, meeting a loved one will surely bring joy and satisfaction to your life. But do not mistakenly believe that happiness is ALWAYS preceded by success. Have you ever thought: “As soon as I get (achieve) something, I will immediately be in seventh heaven with happiness”? In fact, there is no need to postpone your happiness until a certain event occurs. Be happy here and now.

Happiness is both the precursor to success and its result!

The life of happy people is like an upward spiral. They enjoy everything that surrounds them. Thus, they develop themselves and their skills that help to achieve success, and success itself saturates a person with even greater joy. And so round after round.

What now

Positive thinking is not just a bland and fluffy term for wellness. Yes, it's great to just be happy. But moments of joy are also essential to your mind, helping it push boundaries and acquire skills that will become valuable in other areas of your life.

You need to look for ways to build your happiness and bring positive emotions into your life. Meditation, writing, playing and whatever - it's not just a momentary reduction in stress and a few smiles. Do interesting things, chase the ball, rush into experiments. Your brain will do the rest for you.



" Why should we influence our guests?

The main product of the entertainment business is the emotions that our guest receives in the process of visiting a park or entertainment center. It depends on what kind of emotions these will be, how positive and bright they will be, whether they will come to us again or not!

Literally everything affects our visitors: the atmosphere of the entertainment complex, its design, the work of the staff, and so on. Achieving that all this gives emotions with a plus sign is our daily concern. In addition to all this, knowledge of consumer psychology gives us the opportunity in our work to use a number of techniques that increase the positive impact on guests and push them to make decisions that are beneficial for our business.

But if your park or entertainment center is dirty, the staff is indifferent, the rides and playground equipment are of poor quality, then the use of these techniques will rather increase your disadvantages than allow you to get a positive effect!

What is a "positive influence"?

It is important to understand that positive influence is not coercion! We do not force the guest to take any action against his will, we do not manipulate him. Positive influence is our step towards the guest, which gives him positive emotions in return and provokes him to increase the cost of the services of our entertainment business.

The basic principle of positive influence techniques is that the emotions caused by these techniques should give rise to joy inside a person, additional pleasure from owning something valuable, self-pride, confidence and other positive emotions. Therefore, when planning to use this or that technique, always evaluate it from the position of a guest - how would I react if I faced such an impact? And if the planned action causes a feeling of deceit and that you are being "swindled" in yourself, then think about what should be changed in your proposal so that this feeling disappears. .

Positive Influence Techniques

1. "Reciprocity Rule"

According to sociologists, one of the basic, most widespread norms of human culture is embodied in the rule of reciprocity. In accordance with this rule, a person tries in a certain way to repay what another person has provided him. That is, if something is given to us, we feel some internal obligation to do something pleasant in return. Thus, by giving a small gift or giving a guest the opportunity to use one of our services for free, we increase the likelihood that our guest will spend more money in return than originally planned. It is important to understand that, like any positive influence technique, this approach does not guarantee that 100% of our guests will behave this way. Many, having received a gift, will not spend more than they planned. But the rest of the visitors, on whom this technique has had a positive impact, will more than pay back all your expenses and allow you to earn more. According to our statistics, the use of this technique gives an increase in daily revenue by 10-15% compared to working on the same day without using this technique.


Attraction for free (for weekdays)

Distribution of candy, clown caps or "nose" at the entrance to a park or entertainment center.

2. "Commitment and Consistency"

Psychologists have long discovered that most people strive to be and appear consistent in their words, thoughts, and deeds. Three factors underlie this tendency to consistency. First, consistency in behavior is highly valued by society. Secondly, consistent behavior contributes to the solution of a variety of tasks in everyday life. Thirdly, consistency orientation creates opportunities for the formation of valuable stereotypes in the complex conditions of modern existence. In addition, initial commitments are extremely important. Having made a commitment (that is, having taken a position), people tend to agree to demands that are in line with that commitment. Therefore, having received certain obligations from our guest, we are more likely to expect that they will be fulfilled!


Registration for the birthday/holidays in the park. In order to increase the likelihood that visitors will come to this event, we asked them, if they were going to do so, to write on a small piece of paper any of their contact details (phone, email) and throw them into the drum. Strengthening this impact, we, applying the Rule of reciprocity, gave a small souvenir to everyone who did this. As a result, more than 3,000 people visited our holiday (with the usual average flow of visitors for previously organized holidays of 1,200 people a day).

3. "Social Proof"

According to the principle of social proof, people, in order to decide what to believe and how to act in a given situation, are guided by what other people believe and do in a similar situation. The tendency to imitate was found in both children and adults. This propensity manifests itself when performing a variety of actions, such as deciding to buy something, donating money to charitable causes, and so on, if others do the same.


Wall or alley of Birthdays

Reviews of events posted on the territory of the park or entertainment center so that visitors can easily read them

"Most Popular Attraction" sign. In our experience, such a sign increases the profitability of almost any attraction by 5-20%. Of course, provided that the attraction is fully functional!

4. "Goodwill"

People prefer to agree with those individuals who are familiar and sympathetic to them. For children, these are, as a rule, the heroes of their favorite cartoons, which is why they are most often used for applying to children's products. For adults, the appearance of your center staff is of great importance. A common mistake that we observe is the use of repulsive characters in the design of a park or center. In one of the projects, we specifically conducted an experiment and placed the most profitable devices for a short time next to a very realistic figure of a skeleton in armor. So, the profitability of these devices decreased by 40-50%, although this place was located on the traffic of guests.


Techniques for creating a first impression: reception staff, design of the entrance group, costumes of animators.

It is often convenient for people to follow the orders of certain authorities, since they usually have a large store of knowledge, wisdom and strength. For these reasons, reverence for authorities may arise unconsciously. Following authority is often presented to people as a rational way of making a decision.

This is probably one of the most used tricks. Very often, in restaurants or hotels you can see many photos of famous and famous people who visited this institution.


Using the “Best-of-the-best” principle (“The kindest carousel!”, “The biggest / extreme / safest attraction”, etc.)

Use in the design of the Superhero Center (for children under 10 years old). Here you need to be careful with respect for copyright! At the same time, you can create your own Superheroes in your park or entertainment center, and this will be an important point when choosing a place for the child to have the next day off together with their parents.

6. "Deficiency"

According to the principle of scarcity, people value more what is less available. This principle is often used to capitalize on positive influence techniques such as quantity-limiting tactics or deadline-setting tactics, by which "influencers" try to convince us that access to what they offer is severely restricted.

In order to avoid manipulation, it is important to remember that this technique should not be a deception. If you have limited time or prizes, then there should be no "extra time" or "prizes" that suddenly appear after the amount declared at the very beginning has been distributed. Of course, those who were left without prizes will be upset, but it is important to remember that those who did everything on time and put more effort into getting a prize will be much more disappointed in this situation!


Introduction of "Happy Hour" - the time when the use of all services occurs at a big discount

Be sure to add to any promotions: “Limited offer! Only valid for __ days!

Promotion "The first 100 visitors - a bonus!"

Perhaps our brief article left you with some questions about how to most effectively use positive influence technologies or other low-cost ways to attract additional guests to your park or entertainment center. Let's face it, we have been collecting our 1000 and 1 ways to solve this problem bit by bit during more than ten years of work in this business. And we are ready to share our achievements with you. To do this, you just need to get in touch with us, ask your questions or describe a situation that needs to be resolved. I am sure that together we will find the necessary tools to improve the efficiency of your business!

Ira Morgunova debunks the myth about the absolute benefits of positive thinking. No, we have not become pessimists, we just advise you never to go to extremes. And that's why.

Once upon a time, the word "positive" migrated from the field of photography to everyday life, giving the name to the most popular way of perceiving reality. From books and articles written in praise of positive thinking, one can make a tower no lower than Ostankino. A positive attitude is probably the most lightweight philosophy, attracting with its simplicity and accessibility of common truths. Agree, it’s much easier to quote outwardly beautiful phrases and brush off saddened friends with the words “everything will work out.” And if it doesn't work, then what? Everything will collapse and hands will drop? Fortunately, life is unpredictable and much more difficult than all human research on it. Any attempt to bring everything to a common denominator, whether it be positive or gloomy, fails miserably as soon as you leave the house and get on the street - into reality. Every coin has two sides, and even optimistic people have their shortcomings.

Svetlana Shevchenko

Director of Social Projects and Programs at the Art of Training Company, Gestalt Psychotherapist, Business Coach

Negative emotions are an essential part of our life, and being always “on the positive” means depriving yourself of a huge range of feelings and states that every person needs to experience. Sometimes you need to be sad and worry, because you can’t experience only good emotions. Absolute optimism is rather an emotional blocking of experiences and serves as a kind of defensive reaction, an attempt to relieve oneself of responsibility for the miscalculation of possible risks. Permanently positive people are most often infantile, unable to take an adult position and deal with difficulties. The roots of such behavior go back to childhood: the ban on the expression of aggression, complex feelings and the suppression of negative emotions in a child leads to a violation of the formation of the emotional-volitional sphere, which is closely related to intellectual development. Such people do not know how to respond adequately emotionally and often have a low intellectual potential: they are not able to understand fiction, historical events, and the experiences of other people. And the process of development itself takes place only after the crisis.

If a person does not face a problem, experiencing negative feelings, frustration, the inability to fulfill their needs, then progress will not happen. A crisis is always an opportunity for development, and comfort is a path to stagnation. Positive thinking, of course, is good, but this does not mean that you need to stop seeing the other side of reality as well. It is important to understand the context of life and proceed from the situation in which certain emotions are appropriate, and not react according to the “tune in to the positive” pattern. And sometimes you don’t need to think positively / negatively, but just think: turn off emotions and focus on a specific task, look for resources and predict possible difficulties.

Life is not a rainbow with magical unicorns

Of course, a person is created for happiness, like a bird for flight, sneakers for running, and morning for coffee. A beautiful plot about obligatory happiness rarely correlates with reality. And a person in the pursuit of absolute plus falls into his own trap. Scientists note: positive thinking does not allow you to relax, as negative thoughts are blocked deep at the subconscious level.

The quality of life is strictly proportional to the effort expended. As soon as you start thinking that everything good in life is a matter of course and that you, like no one else, deserve everything that you have, fate will already be waiting on the threshold to correct this bold but erroneous judgment. The secret of happiness is hidden not in the absence of sadness and permanent success, but in the ability to appreciate what is, and the ability to say thank you for everything that is not.

Scientists have found evidence that positive thinking also has a negative impact on the psyche. For example, a positive person who is afraid of appearing insecure and weak because others are used to considering him a complete optimist begins to feel driven out, because he SHOULD always be happy and cheerful, but for some reason he is sad and lonely. It is not difficult to predict the consequences: self-flagellation (“I am unhappy, which means I am doing something wrong”), stress and depression. Denial is another side effect of positive thinking. “Everything is fine”, “I will believe in the best” and “this will never happen to me” are the bricks that make up the tall wall between the optimist and reality. Listen, it is quite possible that behind this wall someone close needs your help and participation.

People for whom positive thinking is a shield against real problems are vulnerable at the moment when they need to make decisions and act. A little excitement mobilizes, and the awareness of possible negative consequences motivates not to sit back and think about a plan "B" in case something goes wrong. The sooner you start solving the problem, the higher the likelihood of a successful outcome, because delay is sometimes expensive. But hiding fear under the mask of a carefree smile and repeating the mantra that you need to believe in the best - alas, this will only delay the inevitable collapse for a while.

Defensive pessimism

Thus, a drop of negativity not only does not harm, but also helps. Negative thinking makes you think more carefully, calculating all possible consequences. So, scientists conducted an experiment that showed that people in a bad mood proved their opinion more convincingly than their cheerful opponents. And here the main task is to learn how to manage negative thoughts, which means less high expectations and more control over your own life. A boring job doesn't get any more interesting because you really want it to suddenly become incredibly interesting, and relationship problems won't solve themselves as long as you keep repeating that everything is fine as it is.

For many of you, the concept of positive thinking is not something new and incomprehensible. So, maybe someone deliberately tries to stick to positive thoughts in order to attract more positive things into their lives, someone avoids thinking about bad things so as not to spoil their mood, but someone just thinks only about good things. things, because in life he is an optimist. Consciously or unconsciously, we understand that negative thoughts do more harm than good, and for this understanding it is not necessary to study such topics as the law of attraction or the power of thought. However, in some cases, especially if you do not think about whether good or bad thoughts come to your mind, knowing about the benefits of positive thinking can help you stop thinking in a negative way, and even change your life.

Positive thinking is really a great thing, it can affect not only mood, but also health and even life circumstances. A wealth of research conducted by national institutions around the world shows that the benefits of positive thinking are not limited to a beneficial effect on a person's emotional state, but affect almost all areas of human life, from relationships, to finances, to improving overall well-being. One of the most important benefits of positive thinking that should be mentioned is the impact of positive thoughts on human health. Thousands and thousands of people all over the world are seeing improvements in their physical health just because they keep a positive mindset and try not to dwell on negative thoughts for too long. The reason for this is probably an increase in resistance to stressful situations and an easier release from depressive states. Next, we will look at the main benefits of positive thinking for a person and his life.

Benefits of positive thinking:

1. Better health. There is a widespread assumption that positive thoughts about one's health contribute to the improvement of a person's condition and help to cope with various diseases, including serious ones. To what extent this is true, I do not know. However, from different parts of the world we can read stories about miraculous healings of people due to positive thinking. It is very likely that the placebo effect is involved here, a person's belief in healing, which helps him not to lose heart and continue to fight the disease.

2. Strengthening immunity. Thoughts can have a significant impact on immunity, leading not only to its strengthening, but also to its weakening. The researchers came to this conclusion not by chance, but on the example of the fact that the activation of brain regions associated with negative emotions led to a weakening of the immune response to vaccines against viral diseases, including the influenza virus. Mankind knows many stories when despair and loss of hope led to an increase in mortality in cities captured by an epidemic of terrible infections. On the other hand, we can see from the example of our relatives and close people when a positive attitude and an optimistic attitude towards life helps to maintain a high level of immunity and increase the effectiveness of the fight against infections.

3. Directing your attention. This benefit of positive thinking is that by maintaining a positive way of thinking, we turn our attention more often to the things we want in our lives and less often to the things we don't like. Accordingly, it becomes easier for us to make efforts to achieve them, and at the same time, the effectiveness of our actions increases. Positive thinking helps us to focus on our goals without inventing or imagining the negative consequences of our decisions and actions.

4. Self-control. Again, through positive thinking, it becomes easier for us to brush aside negative thoughts, deliberately false judgments, or stupid decisions as something inconsequential. This circumstance is a direct consequence of the practice of positive thinking, since maintaining a positive mindset requires some effort from us, which serves as a kind of exercise for the "muscles" of our attention.

5. Attract positive things. The Law of Attraction says: Like attracts like. Positive thoughts attract positive things and circumstances. Negative thoughts attract negative things and circumstances. Whether you believe in the Law of Attraction or not, it doesn't matter if you think positively - attract more positive into your life, if you think negatively - you get the result corresponding to your negative thoughts. Such conclusions are prompted by the observations of millions of people from all over the world, many of whom have not even heard of such a concept as the Law of Attraction. And the point is not so much in the metaphysics of the Law of Attraction, but in the very consequence of the predominance of positive thoughts over negative thoughts, with which you perform more positive actions and get a positive result.

6. Expansion of awareness and perception. Practicing positive thinking allows you to see things in a different light than other people see them. For example, losses or failures are seen by most people as something bad, and are considered only from the bad side, while you gain the ability to see their positive side: as another step towards victory, an opportunity to become stronger, or a test of your faith or patience. With positive thinking, you begin to see the whole picture, not only from the good side, but also from the bad side, only in the context of your future, with the understanding that life goes on, no matter what, and “chewing” negative thoughts cannot bring anything good.

7. Good health. Our health, and especially well-being, directly depends on the quality of our thoughts. So, it has been noticed that people with an optimistic outlook on life are able to endure even serious illnesses without any special nervous shocks. They believe in themselves and their strengths, they know that by succumbing to their illness, they only aggravate the situation, and therefore they hold on with all their might and often win the fight against time. On the other hand, people who are used to thinking negatively can worsen their own well-being almost out of the blue. Doctors in their practice meet a lot of suspicious people, gloomy and emotionally exhausted, who come for examination in search of non-existent, far-fetched sores. The longer negative thoughts last, the more likely the appearance of a real illness. But do not think that positive thinking makes you ignore the manifestation of symptoms of possible diseases, on the contrary, listen to your health and the signals of your body is one of the most important conditions for our well-being, but you should not diagnose yourself if you are not competent enough for this.

8. Development of healthy self-esteem. A person who practices positive thinking tends to have a good opinion of himself. He does not allow himself and other people to speak negatively about himself and those around him, condescendingly treats his mistakes and shortcomings, knows how to forgive himself and other people. He dismisses any thoughts about his own insufficiency and does not compare himself with other people, he respects the opinions of other people, but does not put their opinion at the forefront, a sense of superiority or excessive pride is alien to him. He loves life and tries to choose a worthy place for himself in it, while based on an adequate assessment of his abilities.

9. Eliminate negative habits. It would seem that, starting the practice of positive thinking, a person should consider negative habits only from the good side, and not pay attention to their negative consequences. In reality, this is not true. Positive thinking is based on creation, namely, the creation of such an environment and such a way of life that causes the least harm to the well-being of a person and the nature around him, or does no harm at all. Any activity of a person practicing positive thinking should bring maximum benefit to him and his environment, so there is simply no room for negative habits in his life.

10. Less stress. By practicing positive thinking, a person stops replaying stressful situations that happened to him earlier in his head. Of course, he can consider them once or a couple of times, in order to learn lessons from them for his life, but he will not return to negative experiences again and again, primarily because this implies the need to return to thinking in a negative way. The past remains in the past for him, especially if the memories of him do not bring joy. In addition, the practice of positive thinking can increase a person's resilience to any stressful situations, allowing him to deal with them more calmly.

11. Improve relationships. The practice of positive thinking involves the ability to control the appearance of negative thoughts and restrain your emotions, therefore, in communication between people, you will appear as a rather gentle and calm person. And not only look, thanks to positive thinking you will feel the same way. As a result, in relationships with other people, you will less and less often come to disagreements and disputes. You will learn to take for granted that other people have opinions that differ from yours. You can easily resist the temptation to point out to other people their mistakes, and if necessary, do it calmly, without escalating the situation.

12. Longevity. Improving health and immunity, creating positive habits, relieving stress in a timely manner, and improving the quality of relationships with other people, as a result, can increase your life expectancy. It is not possible to test this in practice, since research would require observation of different people over several generations. But it is also impossible to deny such an opportunity, which the practice of positive thinking provides, at least, so the logic suggests.

13. Increasing the level of motivation. There are two main factors contributing to the increase of human motivation - it is encouragement and punishment. Using the reward method or "carrot" method for those who practice positive thinking is not difficult, it is enough just to imagine the positive changes that the implementation of the tasks required of you will lead to. The whip method is a little trickier, as it involves creating negative images in our minds, which we usually avoid by practicing positive thinking. However, if you present negative images in order to increase your own motivation, this can not hurt. On the other hand, the practice of positive thinking alone can solve most motivation problems.

14. Easy overcoming difficulties. Getting difficulties and obstacles? No problem! With the practice of positive thinking, you will learn to see opportunities in your difficulties and obstacles. Opportunities to improve your skills, opportunities to gain invaluable experience and learn important life lessons. Difficulties cease to look like something frightening and erase your aspirations and motivation. On the contrary, with a little practice in overcoming difficulties, you yourself will begin to look for them, so that you have the opportunity to express yourself and develop your skills and abilities.

The listed benefits of positive thinking are by no means an exhaustive list of all that you can gain through this wonderful practice. This is just a small part of all the benefits. Well, the most valuable thing that you can get by starting the practice of positive thinking is that you will take a giant step towards your goals, dreams and aspirations. Practicing positive thinking will soon allow you to feel the changes taking place within and around you. You will see the world with different eyes, from its best sides, a world of boundless joy, a world full of kind, honest and sympathetic people. A world in which you will learn to be more indulgent to the stupidities of other people, a world where bitterness and sorrow will not dominate your mind, a world with which you will learn to live in harmony. I wish you success!

How positive thinking canaffect human health?The way we think can have a huge impact on our health and well-being. Good health and positive thinking are interconnected. A person's thoughts largely determine his health. Naturally, not 100%, but half of it for sure. More You can learn about this and much more on the website meds.ru.

This article was created for those people who monitor their health. It will help those who wish to preserve and improve it, as well as get rid of diseases. Very important! The information below does not cancel all the achievements of physicians and modern technologies, but, rather, it complements them.

The impact of our thoughts on health
Studies have shown, have shown that optimistic, cheerful and kind people are much less likely to get sick than pessimistic and gloomy citizens. Peter Brugger, together with a group of Swiss scientists, conducted an experiment.

Pessimists and optimists were recruited, and both received flu shots. After 30 days, the researchers found that optimists produce more antibodies in their bodies that help prevent the flu. After 90 days, scientists saw that more than half of the pessimists still got the flu. This is what proves the existence of a certain connection between health and thinking of people.

Positive thinking is the first step to recovery
The power of thought can destroy any barriers ... And here is another study that was conducted in a French hospital by aspiring psychologist Emily Kyi. The doctor made her patients repeat the phrase "Today I feel much better than yesterday" several times a day. It doesn't matter if it was spoken out loud or mentally.

Emily convinced her patients that this phrase should be pronounced as sensually and emotionally as possible. In fact, the doctor encouraged people to use the power of their thoughts.

The result that exceeded all expectations

It is not difficult to guess what the results of this experiment were. A month later, all of France was talking about this hospital. Surprisingly, it is a fact: sick people recovered much faster, some seriously ill people even got rid of the need for surgical intervention.

Thinking positively is very helpful
The main conclusion that can be drawn from the above experiments is that the way we think has a direct impact on human health. If you do not want to get sick, then you should not waste time on irritation, resentment, anger and regret. It won't help in any way.

be kinder

Our life is too short to do stupid things. You need to stop being offended and annoyed over trifles. It will only harm our health. Be kinder and more forgiving to your neighbors. Kind and creative thoughts can do a lot.
