What is a moral choice? (1) Nina has long existed in a state of perpetual spiritual tension. Reasoning about self-doubt according to the text Lubenets Nina has long existed in a state of enduring emotional tension (USE in Russian) What

Option No. 647344, teacher Yulia Vladimirovna

When completing tasks with a short answer, enter in the answer field the number that corresponds to the number of the correct answer, or a number, a word, a sequence of letters (words) or numbers. The answer should be written without spaces or any additional characters. Separate the fractional part from the whole decimal point. Units of measurement are not required. When writing a grammatical basis (task 8), consisting of homogeneous members with a union, give an answer without a union, do not use spaces and commas. Do not enter the letter E instead of the letter Y.

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Exam options consist of a text and tasks for it, as well as a text for presentation. This version could have included a different presentation. A complete list of presentations can be seen in the Job Catalog.

Nina Kiryanova stood at the window in her own room and looked out into the street. The February day was wet, snowy and windy. A wooden slide in a children's town, usually pleasing to the eye with bright colors, seems to have faded, covered with matte rough ice. The wind was throwing small snow pellets, and the railing of the hill turned white right before our eyes. But time passed too slowly. It seemed to the girl that she came from school almost last year and silently stood at the window for all twelve months. The seasons succeeded each other, days flowed into nights, nights into mornings, and she looked out the window, unable to move. Here! Even the feet began to tingle, and the fingers clinging to the curtain became numb.

Nina glanced at the wall clock. It had only been twenty minutes since she returned home. Very strange. Will she now always live in slow motion? Or has the clock just stopped? The girl pulled out a mobile phone from her school bag. No, that's right... She's only been home for twenty-two minutes. What is it? Why are these minutes crawling like snails?! However, it is clear ... Because she has nowhere to put herself! She doesn’t want anything: she doesn’t want to watch TV, or read, she doesn’t even want to go to the Internet. I'm tired of all! All!!! She doesn't need minutes or hours... so they mock her.

The girls at school were bragging about their boyfriends again today. Just about everyone has a friend. Lie, of course. Take Svisyaeva... What kind of guy would covet her? From one surname badly done! Yes, and Dinka herself is not a beauty: short, wide, with a thin ponytail of hair of an indefinite color, but there too! Boy, you see, she has! My name is Slavik! Ugh! Slaviki, Stasiki, Vadiki... Should a real guy have such a name?! And what? Well ... for example, Yaroslav! No, the Yaroslavs are abbreviated as Yariki. Slavik - Yarik ... one raspberry. Well ... here's another good name - Igor! No, Igor is no good either ... This name has no diminutive at all. Is that - Igorek ... Igoreshka. Igoreshka is a ladle, a nightmare! Not a single decent name...

However, it's not about the name. Now, if she, Nina, had a friend, she would not care what his name is ... One could even agree to some Stasik. She would call him Stas. Stylish! And Vadik can be called Vadim. Although no, Vadim - somehow very adult, officially ... But some Vadims, by the way, are called Dims. Yes! Dad has a friend who is Vadim, and so he is Uncle Dima. Dima, Dmitry... Good name! Courageous. But it's too common. They have two Dimas in the class. So what? She would call her Dmitry, for example, Mitya ... Ha! His! Where can I get it, my own? There is no one in the class to look at. Both Dimas are real cretins! And the rest are no better! In parallel classes, you also won’t look at the guys without tears! Whoa! Where are you real guys?

It seemed to Nina that she had been thinking about this question for quite a long time, and therefore the minutes-snails should have already decently crawled forward. She glanced at her watch again and even stamped her foot in annoyance. It's only been three minutes. Only three! And there's still half a day to go! What are they to a person who has nowhere to put himself and in whom everything has gone wrong in the body?

She, Nina, has long existed in a state of perpetual spiritual tension. Previously, she lived for herself and lived quietly, went with the flow, not particularly thinking about anything. She was quite satisfied with the youth series "Schoolchildren" and girlish glossy magazines. She always signed up for attachments that could be cut into cardboard dolls and dressed up in princess dresses. She had a whole collection of these dolls. But this August, after returning home from her grandmother, who had a rest for two months, Nina took all the cardboard dolls to the garbage chute. Without any regret. They seemed very absurd, clumsy and tasteless to her. After that, Nina scooped out bright hairpins in the form of butterflies and hearts, multi-colored baubles, glass pendants, plastic earrings from all the boxes and sent this wealth after the dolls. She acted decisively and methodically. On their own initiative. She, without realizing it, seemed to be preparing for some new life, freeing her room from cheap trash, toys and stupid magazines.

For several months after that, Nina lived happily in a new and, as it seemed to her, almost adult life, enjoying the change of values. She cut her hair, which she used to always curl into tight curls. Her haircut was stylish, asymmetrical. The long slanting bangs, however, prevented her from looking, but Nina easily put up with it. Not only beauty, but also style require certain sacrifices. Instead of large plastic earrings, she now wore her mother's silver roses with pink amethysts, and instead of her favorite bright crimson jacket with a trim, she wore a strict dark brown sheepskin coat, which she was ashamed to wear even in severe frosts.

Her friends, of course, noticed the change that had happened to her. Some approved of this change, others did not, but Nina did not care. Almost all her friends, except for Irishka Mikheeva, she also cut off from herself in the most ruthless way, like cardboard dolls. They were angry and tried to weave intrigues behind her back, but there was nothing to weave them out of. Nina did not give the intriguers any reason. She just studied with pleasure, read books that were now advised to her not by her friends, but by her mother, and comprehended the wisdom of a new social Internet network under the funny name “All to us!”.

And after the meeting of the New Year, Ninina's life for some reason went wrong. She suddenly realized that all the changes, by and large, were only external. Curls and haircuts are just options for hairstyles. And plastic, and silver - all the same earrings. The books advised by my mother are, of course, more interesting than girlish magazines, but they are about someone else's life. And her, Ninina, life is still empty, boring and very monotonous: school, home, books, the Internet ... and so on without end and without edge.

Nina somehow put up with such a meager life fullness, until her best friend Irishka suddenly fell in love overnight. And to whom! In Valerka Selivanova, with whom they studied together from the very first grade. Of course, Selivanov was highly respected in the class, but his appearance, from Nina's point of view, was no good. He was ugly blond and indecently snub-nosed, but for some reason this did not bother Irishka at all. At the sight of Valery, she either fainted, then blushed, then turned pale alternately, until finally at the New Year's disco she invited him to dance and in the most daring way she confessed her ardent love. Selivanov, whom no girl ever paid any attention to as an object of sighing, was so stunned by the unexpected happiness that now he would not let Irishka go anywhere. The lovers walked everywhere together, touchingly holding hands, and Nina was left alone. As they say, in your own interests. At first, she took up her studies with even greater zeal, especially leaning on physics, which was not very good for her, and one morning she suddenly woke up with a feeling of emptiness around her. Ringing. Cold. And what does she need this physics for? Why do you need everything at all, if in this everything she is completely alone? And stretched exhausting their infinity days.

At school, time still went a little faster than at home, but Nina now felt superfluous among her classmates. The guys seemed funny and small compared to the heroes of recently read books, and the girls looked like stupid chickens who only had clothes and talk about love in their minds. Even Irishka, ever since she fell in love with Selivanov, could not talk about anything but her Valera. You might think that Nina is interesting to listen to!

Although ... if she could oppose Irishkin Valera with her friend ... perhaps they would have found common topics with their friend - they would have discussed their relationship, they would have boasted, for example, of the gifts of their boyfriends ... But there is no friend ... no ... And if not, maybe is it worth inventing it? And what! She has already found a name for him - Dmitry, who can be called Mitya. Surname? Yes, you don’t need a surname ... What is it for? What does Mitya look like? Well, how ... how ... He just has to look good! Let him be tall, slender, broad-shouldered, as it should be for real men, even young ones ... And be sure to be a brunette! It's only Irishka who likes chicken blondes. Let Mita's eyes be gray to ... contrast with her hair. It is so beautiful when pure light eyes look out from under the dark bangs! Dark-haired people, of course, are most often brown-eyed, but Mitya is not real ... He is, so to speak ... a virtual hero! Virtual, virtual... Virtual?! Exactly! Idea!

Write an essay - reasoning on the quote "How little we know about the professions of ordinary people living next to us, and how rarely there is a conversation about

this". Give examples from the text of S. Lvov, confirming the reasoning.

*** TEXT S. LVOV ***

For a long time, in some books and films, professions were designated by “hieroglyphs”. And even now they are sometimes portrayed as such. Geologist - backpack, cowboy shirt, river crossings, campfire songs; doctor - a person in a gauze bandage, bent over a surgical table. The next frame: relatives are waiting at the door of the operating room for the outcome of the operation, but we know in advance that the operation will end successfully. The steelworker on the screen or on the poster shows a courageous face, a protective visor, eyes inquisitively peering into the open-hearth taphole... It is easy and simple to portray the external signs of the profession. It is difficult to talk about the essence of the profession. To do this, you need to talk about the prose of the profession, because without prose its poetry cannot exist. The life of a geologist is long months of painstaking processing of materials. Untraveled paths are not only the beauty of mountain gorges or untouched thickets, but also hordes of taiga midges. Neither a special ointment nor mosquito nets protect against it! The life of a surgeon is a long string of ordinary operations, long hours of physical and mental stress. This is an anatomical theater during the years of study, and patient nursing of the sick, where nothing can be disdainful, these are the everyday life of an outpatient reception and the anxiety of night shifts. And it is often the gravest moral obligation to be the first to tell relatives that it was not possible to save the patient. A brilliant operation, about which the newspaper is in-pigput - and it is not only an inspiration. This is the result of a huge work, and not everyone is able to do it. The life of a teacher is not only the eyes of former students shining with gratitude who have gathered for the mentor's anniversary; these are mountains of notebooks that need to be checked until late at night; and endless plans and reports; noise in the classroom, hustle and bustle at recess; these are forty people with different, sometimes difficult, characters that you need to cope with, and even parents who also have their own characters, and often also difficult ones. On journalistic business, I once had to get acquainted with the driver of a diesel locomotive. When I was about to go to his depot, my memory immediately prompted the usual words: steel lines, trains rush along them day and night, the driver peers into the distance with keen eyes ... The driver took me with him on a flight. Our squad didn't race. He walked slowly along the Moscow ring road, it has long been within the city. Every now and then people strove to run across the rails, shortening their path. My new friend has worked on this road all his life. Tens, hundreds of thousands of kilometers, all in the same orbit. How little we know about the professions of ordinary people living next to us, and how rarely there is a conversation about it.

write a summary of these stories

1) Mobile phones seem to be everywhere and are now in the hands of many children and teenagers. It is very comfortable. You can stay in touch with parents and friends. You can either talk to them or send SMS and MMS. Students can access the Internet and use the various features of e-mail, calendar, contacts and tasks in mobile cell phones. In phones, as a rule, there is a telephone directory, a timer, a calculator. There are usually some games and add-ons. With your phone, you can listen to music, download and share it with your friends. There is also a digital camera. I always have my mobile phone with me. I can make plans, listen to music, send and receive photos with friends, play games, take photos and videos at concerts. I also have a mobile phone at school. All schools are different, but most allow students to bring their phones, but turn them off in class. Children should use their phones after, but not during the school day.2) I can say that sports are very popular all over the world. Many people take the sport in clubs or societies, schools and universities. Some people take sports to be fit, for others it's a job. But still sport is a must, I must say! Many countries have national sports. So, in GB it's football, rugby, golf, rowing. In Russia, the most popular sports are football, basketball, wrestling, boxing, gymnastics. at competitions there are many fans crying for their team or athlete. Our city has a sports palace, swimming pools, sports clubs and gyms. In winter, skiing and ice skating and hockey are popular. Every four years the Summer or Winter Olympic Games are held here. It is a leading international highlight event in which thousands of athletes compete in a variety of competitions. There are also Paralympic Games and Youth Games that have taken place. The Winter Olympic Games 2014 will be held from 7 to 23 February 2014 in Sochi, Russia. 15 winter sports disciplines or 7 Olympic spots. three speed skating sports: figure skating, speed skating and short track. six skiing disciplines: alpine skiing, cross country skiing, freestyle skiing, Nordic combined, ski jumping and snowboarding. two luge disciplines are: bobsleigh and skeleton. other howling sports: biathlon, curling, ice hockey, luge. We wish our team success and look forward to victories and records. 3) We don't remember a single day without music. music can be heard everywhere: on the streets and at home, on radio, television, in shops and parks. People all over the world are into music. they listen to music, they dance to the music they learn to play musical instruments. Tastes could not be discussed. so people's interests, their range is from pop and rock music, classical music and opera. There are different types of music. Some of them appeared a long time ago, some are decorated in a modern style. various genres of pop music: avant-garde, blues, country, electronic, heavy metal, hip-hop, R&B, rock and many others. Folk music appeared a long time ago, but it is still alive. There are many local performers, choirs and folk groups in Russia. Classical music is often the music of the past. But we can still talk about modern classical music, too. Rap is a modern musical style where singers speak or shout worlds in time with the music with a steady beat. Singer like Eminem or House of Pain are leaders in this style. when i have free time i listen to their records.I also like having background music while working or warlking or traveling. It's a pity that many young people would like to bludgeon only up to modern music. as for me, I also like to listen to classical music. It is always a complex emotion. it gives pleasure, pleasure and a sense of os happiness. But I like sad music too. I don't mind listening to Jazz and Blues

Pavlik already knew that it was a tree. Getting used to the darkness, Pavlik saw a table with gifts in the corner and immediately rushed to it, forgetting about the tree for a minute. Present

were excellent, much better than he expected: a bow and arrows in a velvet quiver, a luxurious book with multi-colored pictures “Grandma Tatyana’s Poultry Yard”, a real “adult” loto and a toy horse. Pavlik did not expect such wealth. The table is full of toys and sweets - and all this belongs only to him. The boy turned to the tree again. He had long been disturbed by one very large gingerbread doused with pink sugar, hung quite low on a yellow thread. The beauty of this star-shaped gingerbread with a hole in the middle caused an irresistible desire to eat it as soon as possible. Seeing no big trouble that there would be one less gingerbread on the Christmas tree, Pavlik unhooked it from the branch and put it in his mouth. He bit off a decent piece, but, to his surprise, noticed that the gingerbread was not at all as tasty as one might think. Moreover, the gingerbread was simply disgusting: tight, greasy, unsweetened, with a strong smell of molasses. But in appearance, one might think that snow-white Christmas angels, singing in the sky from the notes, eat exactly such gingerbread. With disgust, Pavlik hung the bitten gingerbread back on the branch. It was obvious that this was some kind of misunderstanding. Probably, a worthless gingerbread was accidentally put in the store. Then Pavlik noticed another gingerbread, even more beautiful, doused with blue sugar. He hung quite high, and had to substitute a chair. Without removing the gingerbread from the branch, the boy bit off a corner and immediately spat it out - this gingerbread turned out to be so unpleasant. But it was hard to come to terms with the idea that all the other gingerbread was no good either. Pavlik decided to try all the gingerbread, no matter how many hung on the Christmas tree. And he set to work. Sticking his tongue out to one side, groaning and sniffling, the boy dragged a heavy chair around the Christmas tree, climbed on it, bit into the gingerbread, made sure that it was rubbish, got down and dragged the chair further. Soon all the gingerbreads were tried.

Svetlana Anatolyevna Lubenets

Love online and in reality

Birth of the perfect hero

Nina Kiryanova stood at the window in her own room and looked out into the street. The February day was wet, snowy and windy. A wooden slide in a children's town, usually pleasing to the eye with bright colors, seems to have faded, covered with matte rough ice. The wind was throwing small snow pellets, and the railing of the hill turned white right before our eyes. But time passed too slowly. It seemed to the girl that she came from school almost last year and silently stood at the window for all twelve months. The seasons succeeded each other, days flowed into nights, nights into mornings, and she looked out the window, unable to move. Here! Even the feet began to tingle, and the fingers clinging to the curtain became numb.

Nina glanced at the wall clock. It had only been twenty minutes since she returned home. Very strange. Will she now always live in slow motion? Or has the clock just stopped? The girl pulled out a mobile phone from her school bag. No, that's right... She's only been home for twenty-two minutes. What is it? Why are these minutes crawling like snails?! However, it is clear ... Because she has nowhere to put herself! She doesn’t want anything: she doesn’t want to watch TV, or read, she doesn’t even want to go to the Internet. I'm tired of all! All!!! She doesn't need minutes or hours... so they mock her.

The girls at school were bragging about their boyfriends again today. Just about everyone has a friend. Lie, of course. Take Svisyaeva... What kind of guy would covet her? From one surname badly done! Yes, and Dinka herself is not a beauty: short, wide, with a thin ponytail of hair of an indefinite color, but there too! Boy, you see, she has! My name is Slavik! Ugh! Slaviki, Stasiki, Vadiki... Should a real guy have such a name?! And what? Well ... for example, Yaroslav! No, the Yaroslavs are abbreviated as Yariki. Slavik - Yarik ... one raspberry. Well ... here's another good name - Igor! No, Igor is no good either ... This name has no diminutive at all. Is that - Igorek ... Igoreshka. Igoreshka is a ladle, a nightmare! Not a single decent name...

However, it's not about the name. Now, if she, Nina, had a friend, she would not care what his name is ... One could even agree to some Stasik. She would call him Stas. Stylish! And Vadik can be called Vadim. Although no, Vadim - somehow very grown-up, officially ... But some Vadims, by the way, are called Dims. Yes! Dad has a friend who is Vadim, and so he is Uncle Dima. Dima, Dmitry... Good name! Courageous. But it's too common. They have two Dimas in the class. So what? She would call her Dmitry, for example, Mitya ... Ha! His! Where can I get it, my own? There is no one in the class to look at. Both Dimas are real nerds! And the rest are no better! In parallel classes, you also won’t look at the guys without tears! Whoa! Where are you real guys?

It seemed to Nina that she had been thinking about this question for quite a long time, and therefore the minutes-snails should have already decently crawled forward. She glanced at her watch again and even stamped her foot in annoyance. It's only been three minutes. Only three! And there's still half a day to go! What are they to a person who has nowhere to put himself and in whom everything has gone wrong in the body?

She, Nina, has long existed in a state of perpetual spiritual tension. Previously, she lived for herself and lived quietly, went with the flow, not particularly thinking about anything. She was quite satisfied with the youth series "Schoolchildren" and girlish glossy magazines. She always signed up for attachments that could be cut into cardboard dolls and dressed up in princess dresses. She had a whole collection of these dolls. But this August, after returning home from her grandmother, who had a rest for two months, Nina took all the cardboard dolls to the garbage chute. Without any regret. They seemed very absurd, clumsy and tasteless to her. After that, Nina scooped out bright hairpins in the form of butterflies and hearts, multi-colored baubles, glass pendants, plastic earrings from all the boxes and sent this wealth after the dolls. She acted decisively and methodically. On their own initiative. She, without realizing it, seemed to be preparing for some new life, freeing her room from cheap trash, toys and stupid magazines.

For several months after that, Nina lived happily in a new and, as it seemed to her, almost adult life, enjoying the change of values. She cut her hair, which she used to always curl into tight curls. Her haircut was stylish, asymmetrical. The long slanting bangs, however, prevented her from looking, but Nina easily put up with it. Not only beauty, but also style require certain sacrifices. Instead of large plastic earrings, she now wore her mother's silver roses with pink amethysts, and instead of her favorite bright crimson jacket with an edge, she wore a strict dark brown sheepskin coat, which she was ashamed to wear even in severe frosts.

Her friends, of course, noticed the change that had happened to her. Some approved of this change, others did not, but Nina did not care. Almost all her friends, except for Irishka Mikheeva, she also cut off from herself in the most ruthless way, like cardboard dolls. They were angry and tried to weave intrigues behind her back, but there was nothing to weave them out of. Nina did not give the intriguers any reason. She just studied with pleasure, read books that were now advised to her not by her friends, but by her mother, and comprehended the wisdom of a new social Internet network under the funny name “All to us!”.

And after the meeting of the New Year, Ninina's life for some reason went wrong. She suddenly realized that all the changes, by and large, were only external. Curls and haircuts are just options for hairstyles. And plastic, and silver - all the same earrings. The books advised by my mother are, of course, more interesting than girlish magazines, but they are about someone else's life. And her, Ninina, life is still empty, boring and very monotonous: school, home, books, the Internet ... and so on without end and without edge.

Nina somehow put up with such a meager life fullness, until her best friend Irishka suddenly fell in love overnight. And to whom! In Valerka Selivanova, with whom they studied together from the very first grade. Of course, Selivanov was highly respected in the class, but his appearance, from Nina's point of view, was no good. He was ugly blond and indecently snub-nosed, but for some reason this did not bother Irishka at all. At the sight of Valery, she either fainted, then blushed, then turned pale alternately, until finally at the New Year's disco she invited him to dance and in the most daring way she confessed her ardent love. Selivanov, whom no girl ever paid any attention to as an object of sighing, was so stunned by the unexpected happiness that now he would not let Irishka go anywhere. The lovers walked everywhere together, touchingly holding hands, and Nina was left alone. As they say, in your own interests. At first, she took up her studies with even greater zeal, especially leaning on physics, which was not very good for her, and one morning she suddenly woke up with a feeling of emptiness around her. Ringing. Cold. And what does she need this physics for? Why do you need everything at all, if in this everything she is completely alone? And stretched exhausting their infinity days.

At school, time still went a little faster than at home, but Nina now felt superfluous among her classmates. The guys seemed funny and small compared to the heroes of recently read books, and the girls looked like stupid chickens who had only clothes and talk about love in their minds. Even Irishka, ever since she fell in love with Selivanov, could not talk about anything but her Valera. You might think that Nina is interesting to listen to!

Although ... if she could oppose Irishkin Valera with her friend ... perhaps they would have found common topics with their friend - they would have discussed their relationship, they would have boasted, for example, of the gifts of their boyfriends ... But there is no friend ... no ... And if not, maybe is it worth inventing it? And what! She already found a name for him - Dmitry, who can be called Mitya. Surname? Yes, you don’t need a surname ... What is it for? What does Mitya look like? Well, how ... how ... He just has to look good! Let him be tall, slender, broad-shouldered, as it should be for real men, even young ones ... And be sure to be a brunette! It's only Irishka who likes chicken blondes. Let Mita's eyes be gray to ... contrast with her hair. It is so beautiful when pure light eyes look out from under the dark bangs! Dark-haired people, of course, are most often brown-eyed, but Mitya is not real ... He is, so to speak ... a virtual hero! Virtual, virtual... Virtual?! Exactly! Idea!

Question: 1) Nina has long existed in a state of permanent mental tension. (2) Today, the girls at school again showed off their boyfriends. (3) Just about everyone has a friend. (4) But she doesn't. (5) Previously, she lived for herself and lived, she was quite satisfied with the youth series “Schoolchildren” and girlish glossy magazines, from which cardboard dolls could be cut out and dressed in dresses for princesses. (6) But the day came, and Nina raked out cardboard dolls from all the boxes, hairpins in the form of butterflies and hearts, baubles, glass pendants, plastic earrings and sent this wealth to the garbage chute. (7) She acted decisively and methodically, as if preparing for some new life, freeing her room from cheap junk, toys and stupid magazines. (8) And after some time, she suddenly realized that all the changes, by and large, were only external: her life is still empty, boring and very monotonous: school, home, books, the Internet ... (9) Nina how she put up with such a meager life, until her best friend Irishka suddenly fell in love with Valerka Selivanov overnight, and now the lovers walked everywhere together, touchingly holding hands. (10) If she could oppose her friend to Irishkin Valera ... (11) But there is no friend ... (12) And if not, maybe it’s worth inventing one? (13) What! (14) She already found a name for him - Dmitry. (15) What might it look like? (16) Let him be tall, slender, broad-shouldered, as it should be for real men, even young ones ... (17) And be sure to be a brunette! (18) Let his eyes be gray to contrast with his hair. (19) It's so beautiful when pure bright eyes look out from under the dark bangs! (20) Dark-haired people, of course, are most often brown-eyed, but Mitya is not real. (21) He is, so to speak, a virtual hero! (22) Virtual… (23) Virtual?! (24) Exactly! (25) Idea! (26) Nina ran to the nearest mobile phone shop, bought a new SIM card there. (27) At home, she activated it, and then turned on the computer. (28) Here it is, the “Everything to us!” network ... (29) Registration ... (30) First name, last name, mobile phone number, password ... (31) What would you think of a password? (32) But what is it ... (33) We type “my dream” in Latin ... (34) Do you suggest adding some number? (35) Please ... (36) It turned out "my dream at 15" ... (37) Yeah, they missed it! (38) Great! (39) She came up with a biography for the virtual Mitya without difficulty, and took a photo from her mother's album: a young man sits astride some kind of fence and smiles beautifully. (40) His eyes are light, and his hair is dark, as if by order ... (41) Having done everything necessary to fill in Mitina's page, Nina exhaled with satisfaction and leaned back in her computer chair to admire her handiwork. (42) In the network "All to us!" a new user Dmitry Alekseev has appeared, who will look after Nina Kiryanova so beautifully that with envy he will warp not only Dinka Svisyaeva with her Slavik, but also all the other classmates! (According to S.A. Lubenets)? Answer: ______________________ From sentences 1-6, write out the word in which the spelling of the prefix is ​​​​determined by its meaning - “approximation”. Answer: ______________________ From sentences 39–42, write out the word in which the spelling of the suffix is ​​determined by the rule: “The adverb has the same number of H as in the word from which it is formed.” Answer: ______________________ Replace the bookish word "permanent" in sentence 1 with a stylistically neutral synonym. Write this synonym. Answer: ______________________ Write down the grammatical basis of sentence 26. Answer: ______________________ Among sentences 26–36, find a sentence with a separate application. Write the number of this offer. Answer: ______________________ Indicate the number of grammatical bases in the sentence 12. Write the answer in numbers. Answer: ______________________ In the sentences below from the read text, all commas are numbered. Write down a number indicating a comma between parts of a complex sentence connected by a coordinating link. She came up with a biography for the virtual Mitya without difficulty, (1) and took a photograph from her mother's album: a young man sits astride some kind of fence and smiles beautifully. His eyes are bright, (2) and his hair is dark, (3) as ordered ... Having done everything, (4) what is needed, (5) to fill out Mita's page, (6) Nina exhaled with satisfaction and leaned back in her computer chair, ( 7) to admire the work of their hands. Answer: ______________________ Among sentences 39–42, find a complex sentence with consistent subordination of subordinate clauses. Write the number of this offer. Answer: ______________________ Among sentences 5–8, find complex sentences with an allied and allied subordinating connection between the parts. Write the numbers of these proposals. Answer: ______________________


1) Nina has long existed in a state of permanent mental tension. (2) Today, the girls at school again showed off their boyfriends. (3) Just about everyone has a friend. (4) But she doesn't. (5) Previously, she lived for herself and lived, she was quite satisfied with the youth series “Schoolchildren” and girlish glossy magazines, from which cardboard dolls could be cut out and dressed in dresses for princesses. (6) But the day came, and Nina raked out cardboard dolls from all the boxes, hairpins in the form of butterflies and hearts, baubles, glass pendants, plastic earrings and sent this wealth to the garbage chute. (7) She acted decisively and methodically, as if preparing for some new life, freeing her room from cheap junk, toys and stupid magazines. (8) And after some time, she suddenly realized that all the changes, by and large, were only external: her life is still empty, boring and very monotonous: school, home, books, the Internet ... (9) Nina how she put up with such a meager life, until her best friend Irishka suddenly fell in love with Valerka Selivanov overnight, and now the lovers walked everywhere together, touchingly holding hands. (10) If she could oppose her friend to Irishkin Valera ... (11) But there is no friend ... (12) And if not, maybe it’s worth inventing one? (13) What! (14) She already found a name for him - Dmitry. (15) What might it look like? (16) Let him be tall, slender, broad-shouldered, as it should be for real men, even young ones ... (17) And be sure to be a brunette! (18) Let his eyes be gray to contrast with his hair. (19) It's so beautiful when pure bright eyes look out from under the dark bangs! (20) Dark-haired people, of course, are most often brown-eyed, but Mitya is not real. (21) He is, so to speak, a virtual hero! (22) Virtual… (23) Virtual?! (24) Exactly! (25) Idea! (26) Nina ran to the nearest mobile phone shop, bought a new SIM card there. (27) At home, she activated it, and then turned on the computer. (28) Here it is, the “Everything to us!” network ... (29) Registration ... (30) First name, last name, mobile phone number, password ... (31) What would you think of a password? (32) But what is it ... (33) We type “my dream” in Latin ... (34) Do you suggest adding some number? (35) Please ... (36) It turned out "my dream at 15" ... (37) Yeah, they missed it! (38) Great! (39) She came up with a biography for the virtual Mitya without difficulty, and took a photo from her mother's album: a young man sits astride some kind of fence and smiles beautifully. (40) His eyes are light, and his hair is dark, as if by order ... (41) Having done everything necessary to fill in Mitina's page, Nina exhaled with satisfaction and leaned back in her computer chair to admire her handiwork. (42) In the network "All to us!" a new user Dmitry Alekseev has appeared, who will look after Nina Kiryanova so beautifully that with envy he will warp not only Dinka Svisyaeva with her Slavik, but also all the other classmates! (According to S.A. Lubenets)? Answer: ______________________ From sentences 1-6, write out the word in which the spelling of the prefix is ​​​​determined by its meaning - “approximation”. Answer: ______________________ From sentences 39–42, write out the word in which the spelling of the suffix is ​​determined by the rule: “The adverb has the same number of H as in the word from which it is formed.” Answer: ______________________ Replace the bookish word "permanent" in sentence 1 with a stylistically neutral synonym. Write this synonym. Answer: ______________________ Write down the grammatical basis of sentence 26. Answer: ______________________ Among sentences 26–36, find a sentence with a separate application. Write the number of this offer. Answer: ______________________ Indicate the number of grammatical bases in the sentence 12. Write the answer in numbers. Answer: ______________________ In the sentences below from the read text, all commas are numbered. Write down a number indicating a comma between parts of a complex sentence connected by a coordinating link. She came up with a biography for the virtual Mitya without difficulty, (1) and took a photograph from her mother's album: a young man sits astride some kind of fence and smiles beautifully. His eyes are bright, (2) and his hair is dark, (3) as ordered ... Having done everything, (4) what is needed, (5) to fill out Mita's page, (6) Nina exhaled with satisfaction and leaned back in her computer chair, ( 7) to admire the work of their hands. Answer: ______________________ Among sentences 39–42, find a complex sentence with consistent subordination of subordinate clauses. Write the number of this offer. Answer: ______________________ Among sentences 5–8, find complex sentences with an allied and allied subordinating connection between the parts. Write the numbers of these proposals. Answer: ______________________
