Urine color. The influence of various factors on changes in urine color

Normal urine color ranges from pale to bright yellow, as a result of the presence of a pigment called urochrome, the color also depends on whether the urine is concentrated or liquid.

The color of urine may not always be normal. Vitamins can change the color of urine to bright green, carrots can turn it orange. Porphyria is a disease that affects the skin and nervous system, it changes the color of urine to the color of wine.

Most changes in urine color are temporary and do not cause serious consequences and develop as a result of eating certain foods, dyes, or medications. Sometimes, however, changes in the color of urine may indicate the presence of an infection or other serious illness. Tell your doctor about changes in urine color that do not seem related to food or medications.

Symptoms of changes in urine color

The color of your urine changes depending on how much liquid you drink. The liquid contains yellow pigments, so the more you drink, the lighter your urine becomes. When you drink less, the color of your urine becomes more concentrated; severe dehydration can lead to amber-colored urine.

Sometimes urine may take on a color that is far from normal, such as red, green, blue, dark brown, and white.

Symptoms of urinary infections

Most color changes are not painful and go away without other symptoms. If the change in urine color is due to a urinary tract infection, you may experience:

A strong, constant urge to urinate
frequent urination
fever, chills, sweating
abdominal pain
strong odor of urine (normal urine should be odorless or have little or no odor)

When to see a doctor:

if you have visible blood in your urine
if you have a change in the color of your urine that is not related to food, medications, supplements or dyes.
if the color of your urine is dark brown, especially if your stool has become light, and the sclera of your eyes and skin are yellow, which indicates serious problems with your liver. In this case, you urgently need medical help.

Causes of urine color change

Urine consists of excess water and waste products that are filtered from your blood by your kidneys. The yellow color of urine is due to the presence of urochrome, a pigment that is produced during the breakdown of hemoglobin, which carries oxygen in red blood cells.

Discoloration of urine is often caused by medications, certain foods, and food colorings. For example, dyes used in small quantities in sweets can be found in the urine of children. In some cases, however, changes in urine color may be caused by health problems.
Conditions that can cause urine color to change:

Red or pink urine

Although this condition may be alarming, the appearance of red urine is not necessarily associated with serious problems. Causes of this condition include:

Blood. The presence of red blood cells is the main reason for the red color of urine. Usually the bleeding is not serious and occurs without associated symptoms. Factors that can cause blood in the urine, medically called hematuria, include urinary tract infections, enlarged prostate gland, kidney or bladder stones, kidney disease, and sometimes kidney or bladder cancer.
Food. Beets, blackberries and rhubarb pie can make your urine red or pink.
Medications. Some herbal laxatives. Prescription drugs may have the same effect, including antipsychotics (chlorpromazine, thioridazine, the anesthetic propofol (Diprivan)
Toxins. Chronic lead and mercury toxicity can cause urine to turn red. This may be the result of high levels of porphyrins, the same pigments that discolor the urine of people who have porphyria.

Orange urine color

Reasons that can cause orange urine

food products and supplements. Most often it is vitamin C and carrots, carrot juice. High amounts of carotene, the orange pigment in carrots and other vegetables, also changes the color of your soles and palms.
medications that can turn your urine orange: antibiotics (rifampicin), warfarin (coumadin), phenazopyridine (pyridine), some laxatives and chemotherapy drugs.
dehydration. Drinking too little fluid may result in concentrated urine containing urochrome.

Blue and green urine color

food. Asparagus can give urine a greenish tint and a characteristic odor.
medications. Many medications cause blue urine, including amitriptyline, methindole (indocin), Tagamet, the antiemetic drug phenegran, and some multivitamins. Dyes used in some pain medications (urised) can cause blue urine.
diseases. Familial hypercalcemia, a rare inherited disorder that causes high levels of calcium in the blood, is sometimes called "blue syndrome" because children with the condition have blue urine.

Urine that is dark brown or tea-colored

Food. Eating large amounts of beans, rhubarb, and aloe can cause dark brown urine.
medicines. Many medications can make urine darker, including the antimalarial drugs chloroquine and primaquine, the antibiotic metronidazole, nitrofurantoin, which are used to treat urinary tract infections, laxatives containing cascara or sena, and metoclopramide.
medical problems. Liver dysfunction, especially hepatitis and cirrhosis, a rare hereditary disease - tyrosinemia, can cause dark brown urine. Also acute glomerulonephritis, a kidney disease in which the ability of the kidney to remove excess fluid and waste is impaired.

Cloudy or dark urine

Urinary tract infections or kidney stones can make your urine dark or cloudy.

Risk factors

Eating foods that can affect the color of urine, such as berries, asparagus, rhubarb, and taking certain medications, changes in urine color will not harm you. Your body’s reaction to these products depends on the amount of food and medications consumed, as well as on the characteristics of your metabolism.

Factors related to medical problems that may accompany changes in urine color:

age. Many men over 50 may have blood in their urine due to prostate cancer.
floor. More than half of women have a recurring urinary tract infection, which causes blood to appear in the urine. In men, the condition is likely to be associated with the presence of bladder stones or kidney stones.
recent infection. Inflammatory changes in the kidney after a bacterial or viral infection (post-infectious glomerulonephritis) is one of the common causes of blood in the urine in children.
family history. A family history of kidney disease increases the likelihood of these problems occurring in relatives. These conditions can cause the presence of blood in the urine. This is one of the leading causes of blood in the urine. Long-distance runners can often experience blood in their urine, as can anyone who does intense physical activity.

Preparing for your treatment

You will probably initially contact your family doctor or general practitioner. However, in some cases, you may want to initially see a doctor who specializes in urinary tract pathology (urologist).

Here is some information to help you prepare for your appointment with the Doctor:

You should be aware of any restrictions. When you go to the doctor, make sure you follow all the restrictions before diagnostic tests.

Here's some information to help you prepare for your appointment, and what to expect from your doctor:

What can you do:

Be informed of the necessary restrictions. Before visiting your doctor, learn how to prepare for possible diagnostic tests.
Write down any symptoms, including even those that may seem unrelated to the reason for your visit.
Make a list of key medical information, including any other conditions for which you are being treated and any medications, supplements, or vitamins you are taking.
Make a list of questions you want to ask your doctor. Bring paper and pen with you to write down the necessary information.

There are several basic questions that are commonly asked when urine color changes:

What are the possible causes of my symptoms?
What research do I need? Do these studies require any special preparation?
Are my symptoms temporary?
Will I need treatment?
What treatment methods are there?
Do you have any brochures or other printed material that I could take with me? What websites do you recommend visiting?

Urine color for kidney stones

You can also ask questions during the consultation if anything is unclear to you.

What will your doctor be interested in?

The doctor will probably ask you questions. Be prepared to answer them to leave more time for the points you want to discuss.

The doctor may ask:

What color is your urine?
Do you have blood in your urine or blood clots?
When did you first notice a change in the color of your urine?
Does this happen constantly or periodically?
Does your Urine have an unusual odor?
Do you have frequent or less frequent urination?
Do you have pain when urinating?
What other symptoms do you have?
How has your appetite changed?
Are you feeling thirstier than usual?
Have you previously had problems with urination?
Do you have any allergies?
What medications do you take?

Research and diagnostics

In addition to your medical history and physical examination, your doctor may order additional tests, including:

Analysis of urine. A general urine test is the first step in the examination. With this examination, you can find an admixture of red blood cells, an increase in protein levels, which may indicate a violation of the excretion of metabolic products, which can lead to stone formation. Your urine is also tested for bacteria or infection.
blood analysis. It is prescribed to determine the level of creatinine and blood urea nitrogen - waste products that are in your bloodstream when kidney function is impaired. This study can also detect increased levels of liver enzymes and diabetes mellitus.
other studies. You may have other tests depending on the results of your medical history, physical examination, urine test. The most common reason for continuing further testing is the presence of red blood cells in the urine.

Treatment and medications

If urine color is abnormal, there is no specific treatment; your doctor will prescribe you treatment aimed at eliminating the cause.
Lifestyle and regime

When you are dehydrated, your urine becomes more concentrated and darker in color. If you notice this, you need to increase your fluid intake. Make sure you drink enough fluids every day to keep you healthy.

Necessary to prevent changes in urine color caused by vitamin supplements, medications, and foods.

To prevent diseases that can cause changes in urine color, you may need to do the following to reduce your risk.

Urinary tract infections

Measures to prevent urinary tract infections:

Drink more fluids
urinate when you feel the urge to urinate and immediately after sexual intercourse.
wiping after urination from front to back.

Kidney stones

Measures to prevent kidney stones:

Drink more fluids
Limit your intake of salt, protein, and foods such as spinach and rhubarb.

Kidney and bladder cancer

Measures to prevent kidney and bladder cancer

Quit smoking
avoid exposure to toxic chemicals
drink more fluids
Maintain a normal weight, eat healthy foods, and exercise.

Human urine is an important and useful diagnostic tool in medicine. Its color, density and smell will “tell” a lot about the state of your health. Do the analysis without spending a penny. In addition, it will help pinpoint urinary tract infections and kidney diseases.

Visual examination of a patient's urine has been used by doctors for a very long time. Before the beginning of our era, the Greeks understood the full value of this analysis. And European doctors began to regularly conduct this diagnosis in the Middle Ages.

In this article we will find out the answers to questions about what is the normal color of urine in a healthy person, and what deviations from the norm exist.

What is urine?

From a medical point of view, urine is a by-product liquid that contains substances unnecessary for the body. It is secreted by the kidneys and is excreted from the body through the urethra during urination. In other words, urine is one of the types of human waste.

Consistency, smell and color are often indicators of your lifestyle and health status. Each of these signs may vary depending on what you ate or drank, or what medical condition you have (all of which affect the color of a healthy person's urine).

Urine contains more chemicals than saliva or cerebrospinal fluid. Thanks to this, its analysis can reveal countless information details: the condition of the kidneys, liver, stomach and pancreas, urethra, as well as the degree of exposure to harmful microorganisms. With this knowledge, doctors are one step closer to catching potentially catastrophic health complications before the disease becomes chronic.

Characteristics of “healthy urine”

A urine sample, without signs of any disease, has several characteristics:

Yellow color;

Smell: none;

PH ranges from 4.8 to 7.5;

Lack of ketones, hemoglobin (from blood), bilirubin (from liver bile) or its oxidized products (biliverdin);

No white blood cells or nitrites.

What color is urine in a healthy person?

Urine gets its from a pigment called urochrome. This hue usually ranges from pale yellow to dark amber, depending on the concentration.

Beets, blackberries, rhubarb, fava beans and other berries are the main foods that affect the color of human urine. And excessive consumption of carrots will lead to the formation of an orange tint. When taking certain oral medications, the color of a healthy person's urine may turn green or blue. Often vitamin preparations make it brighter. A disease called porphyria can “color” the urine red.

But sometimes a change in color becomes a marker of the appearance of various diseases. Let us carefully consider the main “unhealthy” shades of urine, and also find out what the reasons for their occurrence are.


When drinking a large amount of liquid, the normal color of a healthy person's urine becomes almost colorless. Excessive consumption of alcohol, coffee drinks and green tea also causes discoloration.

Clear urine is a byproduct of diabetes. This disease occurs when the body does not produce enough insulin, glucose levels begin to rise, and excess sugar is excreted in the urine. A complete blood count will also confirm abnormal glucose levels.

A colorless tint can also indicate the occurrence of a rare disease such as diabetes insipidus, which affects the production of a substance that regulates fluid retention in the kidneys. People with these conditions often develop extreme dehydration and electrolyte imbalances.


This shade indicates not only that you need to consume more liquid during the day, but also the development of serious diseases.

Sometimes the color of a healthy person's urine (density and concentration are assessed separately) turns orange due to the presence of bilirubin. If its level is abnormally high, this indicates obstruction of bile flow in the liver, liver disease, or an increased rate of destruction of red blood cells, which is associated with the appearance of jaundice. If you shake the urine, this will help determine what pigment is in it: bilirubin forms a yellow foam.

The orange color with a pink tint appears due to the crystallization of uric acid, as well as due to the occurrence of acute and chronic nephropathy and kidney stones.

Fever or sweating leads to dark urine.

Many drugs, such as dehydrators and antibiotics, turn the shade into a bright tangerine. This is also facilitated by excessive consumption of carrots, sweet potatoes, and pumpkin, due to the high content of carotene in the products.

Vitamin C and riboflavin create the same effect.


When the urine of a healthy person acquires a color, this indicates the presence of red blood cells, hemoglobin and myoglobin in it (appears from the breakdown of muscle cells).

Hemoglobin may indicate the onset of a disease such as Nutcracker syndrome, which leads to constriction of the veins in the kidneys, destruction of blood cells, accompanied by severe anemia.

Injuries resulting from intense training, where there is significant muscle damage, create elevated levels of myoglobin in the urine.

A red tint may appear due to the use of medications containing phenolphthalein. Rhubarb, beets and blackberries create the same effect.

Red urine is also a symptom of mercury poisoning. The disease porphyria and taking medications such as warfarin, ibuprofen, rifampicin, etc., give a reddish tint.


The color of the urine of a healthy person (the norm is described above) acquires a pink tint with excessive consumption of sleeping pills and alcoholic beverages.

Adding large amounts of beets, blackberries or other dark red foods to your food will also cause pink coloration.

A specific smell of urine, pink color, chills, pain in the lower abdomen and back indicate a urinary tract infection.


This rare shade is often the result of the body's reaction to drugs such as Viagra and methylene.

People with blue diaper syndrome have an impaired ability to break down and absorb the amino acid tryptophan, which leads to its massive elimination through urine, turning it blue.

Eating food with blue dye produces the same effect.


The color of the urine of a healthy person takes on a green tint when a pseudomonas bacterial infection or urinary tract infection occurs in the body.

The pigment biliverdin, which appears in the urine, is a likely indicator of the appearance of diseases in the liver and kidneys. In order to confirm its presence, you need to shake the urine sample a little, then green foam appears.

Dietary supplements with chlorophyll also create a dark green color.


A deep purple hue indicates kidney failure, as well as a high concentration of waste products in the blood.

This coloration may be the result of urinary tract infections.

The disease porphyria leads to an abnormal accumulation of porphyrins in the body, which color the urine red, which darkens to purple when exposed to light.

Brown and black

The color of the urine of a healthy person (the photo is presented above) acquires a dark brown tint due to the appearance of excess bilirubin and oxidized red blood cells, which indicates the appearance of functional abnormalities in the liver.

People with cirrhosis of the liver, hepatitis, or Wilson's syndrome produce brown-colored urine. Phenol poisoning leads to the same effect.

Black urine is not uncommon after receiving an intramuscular iron injection.


Cloudy, strong-smelling urine is often a symptom of urinary tract and kidney infections and may also indicate acute glomerulonephritis, infections in the vagina, cervix, or external urethra.

The milky color is also caused by the presence of red blood cells or mucus.

Calcium and phosphorus, which are contained in some medications, turn urine white. Consuming large amounts of milk has the same effect.

Tuberculosis of the urinary tract also contributes to the formation of a white tint.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that the color of urine is important for identifying various diseases. However, more information is required to identify the exact problem. The color of urine is only part of the puzzle and a good starting point in studying the human body. And if there is any change, you should contact a specialist.

Harmful substances and metabolic products are removed from the body through urine. Its color is an important indicator that can tell about the condition of the urinary system and many organs. So what color should urine be in healthy people? Normally, the fluid secreted by the kidneys has a yellow color of varying intensity. It can vary from light straw to amber.

What affects the color of urine

The following factors have a certain influence on the color of urine:

  • concentration of pigments,
  • taking certain medications
  • eating certain foods
  • metabolic rate,
  • drinking regime, etc.

The normal color of urine is explained by the presence of pigments in it: urochrome, urolysin, urobilin, uroerythrin and others. The color intensity of urine depends on their concentration. Drinking regime is of great importance. The more fluid a person drinks, the less concentrated and lighter the urine will be. If the body loses a lot of fluid through sweat (for example, during hot weather, high physical activity), then the kidneys produce more concentrated dark urine.

Normal urine concentration is determined by the level of vasopressin. This hormone is produced in the pituitary gland at different times of the day, which also determines the color of urine. Since vasopressin is released mainly at night, in a healthy person the urine has a more intense color in the morning.

Causes of changes in urine color

Pathology can presumably be determined by the color of urine.

  1. Pale yellow color due to the low concentration of dyes. Light urine occurs with diabetes insipidus, diabetes mellitus, and chronic kidney failure. At the same time, polyuria may occur (excretion of a large volume of urine per day - more than 2 liters).
  2. Dark yellow color: occurs with stagnant kidneys, dehydration (vomiting, diarrhea), toxicosis of pregnancy, burns, during a febrile state when the urine has a high concentration.
  3. Dark brown shade urine indicates increased formation of urobilinogen. This happens with hemolytic anemia of various origins (snake bites, the action of hemolytic poisons, hypersplenism, heavy metal poisoning), with malaria, hemophilia and other pathologies.
  4. Black color urine may appear in melanosarcoma, alkaptonuria, acute hemolytic kidney.
  5. Red or pink urine may become contaminated when blood enters it. Erythrocyturia is observed with glomerulonephritis, tumors of the kidneys and bladder, and infarctions of the renal tissue. Blood can be excreted in the urine during kidney stones, when stones damage the mucous membranes of the urinary tract. But sometimes pink urine is normal. For example, when eating beetroot dishes.
  6. Tea or dark beer color Bile pigments - urobilin, bilirubin - can add to urine. They are excreted by the kidneys in case of liver damage (hepatitis, cirrhosis) and obstructive jaundice.
  7. Milky color urine acquires in the presence of a large amount of pus (pyelonephritis, cystitis), lymph (nephrosis), lipids (fatty degeneration of the kidneys), phosphates (with urolithiasis).

Important: if your urine remains unusually colored for a long time, you should consult a doctor and get tested.

What medications can color urine?

To prevent changes in urine color from causing shock, you should know what color urine should be when using certain medications. Redness of urine is observed when taking antipyrine, amidopyrine, phenolphthalein (in some laxatives), sulfazole, santonin, and anti-tuberculosis drugs. Acetylsalicylic acid, when taken in large doses, can turn urine pink. Riboflavin gives the orange color to urine.

Sometimes urine takes on bright, unusual shades. For example, blue-green - when taking methylene blue and triamterene. Many vitamins make urine bright yellow.

Test strips for urine analysis at home

When to see a doctor

If your urine has changed its color, you need to remember what you ate the day before and what medications you took. Normally, color is restored quickly. If the color does not return to normal within a few days, you should visit a doctor. When the color of urine changes due to some disease, there are almost always additional symptoms.

What signs should you be wary of:

  • fever,
  • pain in the lumbar region or right hypochondrium,
  • yellowing of the skin and sclera,
  • itchy skin,
  • headache, weakness,
  • poor appetite
  • severe thirst, dry mouth,
  • frequent and painful urination,
  • change in the amount of urine
  • discharge of discolored stool,
  • weight loss,
  • high blood pressure.

Important: if you have any of the listed symptoms, you should undergo a medical examination.

And the saffron tint of urine is found in a mixture of hot wind with bile, and it does not last long and the matter of urine passes into the mixture black bile.

Thickness always indicates heaviness illnesses and occurs on burnt materials. They are mixed with a complex multi-material character, with a predominance of coldness. With the complexity of the displacement of matter in the composition, it is observed depending on the nature wind During the urine, cutting, stabbing, unbearable pain is felt in a terrifying and unquenchable thirsty from the mucous membranes of internal organs.

With the predominance of bloody, painful matter in the body, a hot wind with a black tint is born, which, burning blood and bile, generates malignant black bile, which turns everything that comes in its way into and generates tumors. The waste from these clots gradually settles in various organs and over time, in turn, also forms blockages and small tumors, which can also become malignant over time if they are not liquefied in time with strong medications.

The more old thick sediment in the body fluid that forms sticky and mucous clots in the organs of the body, the more a person will suffer from chronic intractable diseases. Therefore, human health depends on the health of the filtering organs: liver And kidney And their health is recognized in most cases by color and viscosity.

Acute diseases arise when people with a hot nature acquire a saffron color, and in people with a cold nature, the color of urine becomes white to a greenish tint. When the heat is acute, a malignant wind is born in the body fluid and the body temperature rises. At this time, if the fever is brought down with medications without diuretics and without thinning substances, the disease remains within the body fluids, that is, it becomes chronic.

Gradually, rottenness begins in the weak spots of the body. The colder and thinner it is, the easier it is for the body to cope with the disease and self-healing occurs. For example, dilution of body fluid by multiple leeches. The saliva of a leech matures pathogenic fluids, and nature itself, the immune system, removes diseases from the body.

When the residual in the composition of the body fluid has intensified to the limit of fieryness and acquired a fiery color, in connection with this a malignant hot wind is born in the composition of the fluid and the output becomes scanty; when the body fluid cools, it should gradually become red and the color of the urine is transparent. In this way, the administration of medications is regulated by color. urine.

For example, in acute putrefactive diseases, the color becomes bloody. Color changes immediately after bleeding urine towards normalization. Opponents of bloodletting should take this into account. Otherwise, while they want to reduce the malignancy with medications, the patient will lose their wind. Therefore, in cases of fiery disease, treatment always begins with bloodletting from large veins. Then it is calmly treated with thinning and cooling medications, selected according to the patient’s nature.

When the excretion becomes depleted, the stench of the body fluid increases, and this indicates the danger or malignancy of the disease; one must also be afraid of suffocation of the patient or hemorrhage in the organ cavities.

In this case, after cooling and thinning medications urine becomes abundant, the patient gradually recovers. Here, if the doctor uses diuretic without diluting the liquid, it kills the patient or the disease becomes incurable. Then nothing can be done to correct the mistake, and the patient gradually dies.

If diuretics and thinning medications do not work on the patient, which means the kidneys or liver have stopped working. It is necessary to stop treating the patient with internal medicines and to temporarily help him with external remedies: in the form of a bath, rubbing, medicinal bandages to relieve the pain.

You also need to remember. Avicenna says: “With jaundice, the redder, up to the transition to black, and she paints clothes with dye that does not come off, and the more of it, the better. The fact is that urine if the jaundice is white or only slightly red, and the jaundice continues as before, then you can be afraid of dropsy. Hunger is one of the factors that increases coloration and greatly enhances it.

This is followed by shades of green, such as pistachio, verdigris, sky, indigo and leek. The pistachio color indicates cold, as does any color that has green in it, except the color of verdigris and leek, they indicate strong burning of urine, and the color of leek is more favorable than the color of verdigris. Urine the color of verdigris after fatigue indicates spasms.

Green urine in children indicates spasms, and sky-colored urine in most cases indicates severe cold, and is preceded by green urine. It is also said to indicate the ingestion of poison. If there is a sediment, then we can hope that the patient will live, but if not, then the patient’s condition is cause for concern. Urine the color of verdigris is a clear sign of approaching death.

As for the shades of black urine, they include a saffron color that turns into black, as happens with jaundice. It indicates severe thickening and burnout of yellow bile and even the formation of black bile from yellow bile, as well as malignant jaundice. This also includes the red color, turning into black - it indicates the predominance of bloody black bile - as well as green and indigo colors, turning into black; it indicates the predominance of pure black bile.

Black urine generally indicates either severe burnout or severe cold. Either it indicates imminent death, or the demise of innate warmth. Or because of the crisis and the fact that nature is expelling excess black bile. The fact that urine was formed in the presence of burnout is concluded from the fact that the urine itself is strongly burnt out and its appearance was preceded by red and yellow urine. Burnt urine sediment sticks to the dishes. And it is not very uniform, does not look like the dense and compact sediment of ordinary urine, and at the same time it is not very black, but rather has a saffron, yellowish or reddish tint.

If the urine sediment has a yellowish tint, this often indicates jaundice. The fact that urine was formed due to cold is also judged by the fact that its appearance is preceded by greenish and grayish urine, and the sediment from it is small and compact, as if dried. The blackness of such urine is purer.

Cold and hot natures are sometimes distinguished as follows: if there is a strong odor with black urine, this indicates a hot nature, and if with black urine there is no odor or its strength is weak, this indicates coldness; the fact is that when the nature is very broken - weakened, urine has no smell.

Phenomena that depend on the fall of innate strength are inferred from the accompanying fall and dissolution of the patient’s powers. Black urine indicates phenomena occurring in the order of purification and crisis, as happens at the end of a four-day fever and with the resolution of diseases of the spleen, with pain in the back and in the uterus. With black gall fevers and injuries resulting from delayed monthly cleansing and bleeding from the anus that is usual for a given patient, especially when the nature and nature of the work contribute to copious outpouring of urine, as happens with women whose monthly cleansing is delayed, and nature no longer accepts excess blood.

This is then preceded by an outpouring of immature watery urine, after which the body experiences relief. Urine flows profusely, in large quantities.

If this is not the case, then black urine is a bad sign, especially in acute diseases, especially when the amount of urine is small; by its scarcity it is known that burnout has destroyed the moisture in the body. The thicker the urine, the worse it is; the thinner it is, the less harmful it is.

Sometimes it happens that a person urinates black or blood-red urine because he drank a drink of that color, and the person’s nature has absolutely no effect on the drink, so it comes out as it was. There is nothing dangerous about this.

Sometimes a sign of a favorable crisis in acute diseases is also the urine that the patient emits in liquid form. This state of urine is associated with various factors. Often it indicates headache, insomnia, blockage of the ear canal, mental disorder, especially if the urine flows little by little for a long time, has a pungent odor and occurs with fever, then this is a clear sign of headache and mental disorder.

If there is insomnia, mental disorder, headache and stuffy ears with liquid urine, this indicates that there will be bleeding from the nose. Such urine may be the cause of a kidney stone. Rufus said: “Black urine is beneficial for diseases of the bladder and diseases caused by thick juices. This is a fatal sign in acute diseases.” And we say: black urine can also be bad in diseases of the kidneys and bladder, when there is severe burnout. You should pay attention to other signs too.

Black urine in old people, for reasons you know, is never good and appears only in cases of great health disorder. It's the same for women.

Black urine after fatigue indicates spasms. In general, black urine at the beginning of fevers is deadly, as is black urine at the end of a fever, unless its appearance is accompanied by relief and it is not a sign of a crisis.

When it comes to white urine, the word “white” means two things. First, white is that which is liquid and transparent; after all, people sometimes call transparent white, just as they call transparent glass and clear crystal white.

Secondly, these are really white things, that is, things of a color that distracts the eye, such as milk and paper. These things are not transparent and the gaze does not pass through them, for transparency is in reality the absence of any color.

White, in the sense of “transparent” urine, is generally a sign of coldness and does not give hope for maturation, and if there is thickness in it, then this indicates the presence of mucus. As for real white urine, it is only thick. This includes urine, the whiteness of which is mucous whiteness, indicating an abundance of mucus and phlegm, as well as urine, the whiteness of which is greasy, indicating the dissolution of fats.

Fatty white urine indicates the presence of mucus, as well as dissolution that has already occurred or will occur; bright white urine, moreover, liquid and with pus, indicates suppurating ulcers in the urinary organs, and if it is without pus, it is because it is dominated by very raw and immature matter.

Sometimes such urine occurs with a stone in the bladder. This also includes urine that looks like semen. Sometimes this happens during a crisis with mucous tumors, if the insides are flabby, and with diseases that occur from glassy mucus.

When the urine resembles semen not as a result of a crisis with mucous tumors, but, on the contrary, this happens at the beginning of the disease, then such urine portends sakta or paralysis. If the urine is white during all periods of fever, then such a fever will almost develop into a four-day fever.

Lead urine without sediment is very bad; milky urine is also destructive in acute diseases. The white color of urine in acute fevers, whatever the nature of the whiteness, after the color disappears, indicates that the bile has deviated to some organ where a tumor should form, or to impending diarrhea. Most often, this indicates that the bile has deviated to the head area.

When the urine during fevers is thin and then immediately turns white, this also indicates an impending disorder of the mind. If the urine remains white in good health, this indicates a lack of urine maturity.

Oily urine, similar to olive oil, in acute fevers foretells tabes or death.

Know that urine is sometimes white when it is hot and bilious, and red when it is cold and mucous. The fact is that if bile has deviated from the path of urine and does not mix with urine, the urine remains white. Therefore, you should carefully observe white urine: if its color is bright and the sediment is abundant and thick, and the consistency is thick, then know that the whiteness comes from cold and mucus.

If the color is not bright, the sediment is not abundant and does not separate, and the whiteness does not have a gray tint, then know that the whiteness occurs because the bile is hidden.

If the urine in an acute illness is white, but at the same time there are signs of health in which one cannot be afraid of sarsam or something like a brain tumor, then know that the acute matter has deviated to another path, and the intestines are in danger of abrasion - erosion.

As for the reason that urine in cold illnesses is reddish in color, this is due to one of the following factors: either severe pain that dissolves bile, as happens with cold kulanzha, or a blockage that has arisen in the passage between the gallbladder and the intestines, from predominance of mucus. So bile does not pour into the intestines in a natural and usual way, but is forced to accompany the urine and come out with it, this also happens with cold kulanj.

Or when the liver is weak and its strength is insufficient to separate aqueous humor from the blood, as happens with dropsy and, most often, with diseases from weakness of the liver; then the urine looks like water in which fresh meat was washed. Or it is caused by constipation of urine caused by blockage, and occurs from a change in the color of mucus in the vessels that has undergone decay. The signs of this are that the watery part of the urine and the sediment are as mentioned above, and its color is weak and dim, whereas the color of bile urine is bright.

It often happens that the urine at the beginning of the disease is white, then turns black and becomes foul-smelling, as happens with jaundice.

After eating, the urine turns white and remains white until the stomach begins to digest, and then the urine begins to color; This is why the urine of people suffering from insomnia is white.

Discoloration of urine is facilitated by the dissolution of innate warmth, but the whiteness is not bright, but rather cloudy due to lack of maturity. In acute diseases, red urine is better than watery urine; White urine is also better in consistency than watery urine. Blood-red urine is safer than red-yellow urine; however, red-yellow is also not so scary if the bile is motionless, but it is dangerous if the bile moves - it pours into some organ. .

Red urine in kidney disease is bad; it most often indicates a hot tumor, and with pain in the head it portends a mental disorder. When urine in acute illnesses is red from the very beginning and remains that way, without leaving sediment, then one can fear death, and this indicates a tumor in the kidney. If the urine is cloudy with a red tint and remains so, this indicates a tumor in the liver and a weakness of the innate warmth.

The varieties of urine colors include complex colors. This is, for example, a color similar to the water in which fresh meat was washed, or similar to blood diluted in water. This happens from weakness of the liver, and it also happens from an abundance of blood, but most often it happens with weakness of the liver, when any of the disorders of nature has overcome.

This is indicated by weakness of digestion and dissolution of strength; if the force is great, then such a color can only be due to the abundance of blood, exceeding the amount that the separating force can completely separate.

This also includes the color of olive oil, that is, yellow with a hint of beetroot. Such urine is similar to olive oil in its viscosity, transparency and oily sheen, as well as its consistency - quite thick, despite its transparency. In most cases, this coloring indicates evil and does not indicate goodness, maturity and fitness, but sometimes, in rare cases, it indicates the emptying of fatty substances in a crisis way. This only happens in cases where, after excreting such urine, you feel well.

Such urine is destructive if its fatty substance is offensive, especially when it is released little by little. If something similar to the water in which fresh meat was washed is mixed with it, then it is the worst of all: this mostly happens with dropsy, consumption and malignant ulcer - with prostate cancer.

Olive urine often appears after the black urine that precedes it, and this is a favorable sign. Often olive urine on the fourth day of illness indicates that the patient will die on the seventh day, I want to say: in acute diseases.

In general, there are three types of olive urine: it is either all oily, or only on the bottom, or it is oily on top. It is either oily only in color, as in consumption, especially at the beginning, or only in consistency, or both in color and consistency at once; This happens with kidney diseases, with the full development of consumption and at the end of it.

This also includes urine the color of arjuvoni - scarlet, this urine is bad and deadly, since it indicates the fumes of both types of bile - yellow and black. Sometimes blackness breaks through the red color of such urine; this indicates complex fevers and fevers from thick juices. If the urine is cleaner and the black color tends to the top, this indicates pleurisy."

Urine is the most important indicator of human health. By its color, experts judge the state of health in general and individual organs in particular. It happens that urine becomes brown or tea-colored, which does not always indicate pathology.

Brown urine - what does it mean?

A slight change in the color of urine is not considered dangerous, because in the morning urine is often dark due to the high content of urochrome. And if a person drinks a lot of liquid, then his urine takes on a bright yellow tint. But there are situations when a change in the color of urine indicates serious health problems.

The causes of dark urine can be different - from the foods you eat to the medications you take. But the picture is much more dangerous for those who observe such changes in connection with renal pathologies. Out of their own ignorance, they attribute them to harmless reasons.


There can be many factors that can cause urine color to change. Starting from products and ending with serious kidney pathology.

In general, the reason for urine discoloration to dark brown can be:

  • Fluid deficiency – due to this, the concentration of urochrome in the body increases;
  • Taking medications - Salol, Neftol, some laxatives change the color of urine;
  • Hypersweating caused by climate change or physical activity;
  • Consumption of low-quality products containing dyes;
  • Jaundice – the process of removing enzymes that color the urine is disrupted;
  • Prostatic pathologies;
  • Renal-hepatic pathologies of an inflammatory nature - such changes often occur due to impurities of blood or pus caused by the disease;
  • Genitourinary pathologies;
  • Women's diseases.


An explanation for why the urine turned dark brown may be the consumption of certain foods that contain pigment substances. Urine can become brown after eating rhubarb or beef, legumes like peas, soy or beans, etc. In addition, drinks with dyes, for example, Coca-Cola or strong tea, etc., darken the color of urine. Urine can acquire an orange tint if the diet will contain a large amount of persimmons, carrots or oranges.

If the urine becomes dark due to the consumption of these products, this is not considered a dangerous symptom and can be eliminated by changing the diet.


Urochrome, which gives the rich color of urine, is water-soluble, so when drinking a large amount of liquid, the urine becomes very light, and in the morning, due to the high concentration of urochrome, it is too dark. If a person is taking certain medications, their urine may also become darker.

Typically, the following drugs have a similar effect:

  • Antimicrobial drugs like Metronidazole, Furadonin, Rifampicin, etc.;
  • Aloe-based preparations
  • Quinine medications such as Chloroquine or Primaquine, Delagil, etc.;
  • Carbolic acid preparations - Creosote, Naphthol, Salol or Phenol;
  • Laxative drugs containing cascara or senna extract;
  • Vitamin preparations like ascorbic acid or B vitamins.

Such manifestations do not at all mean that a particular medication is not suitable for the patient and therefore does not need to be replaced.

Drugs that color urine brown


It is much more dangerous if a change in the color of urine occurs due to various types of pathologies:

  1. Severe kidney damage such as urolithiasis, when stones injure tissue, causing blood to appear in the urine. If tumor processes or polycystic disease occur, the urine turns brown, resembling meat slop;
  2. Kidney diseases, in which a large amount of different pigments such as bilirubin are released into the urine. A similar phenomenon is observed with jaundice;
  3. Inflammatory pathologies such as urethritis or cystitis, glomerulonephritis or pyelonephritis can also lead to changes in the color of urine;
  4. High concentrations of bilirubin are observed in hemolytic anemia;
  5. In addition, changes in urine are observed in cirrhosis, hemochromatosis, vasculitis and collagenosis, tyrosinemia and autoimmune pathologies, as well as in oncopathologies in the liver and pancreas.

In children

Darkening of urine can also occur in children under certain circumstances. Like the adult population, in a child the color of urine is affected by the food and drinks consumed. If the baby ate beets, carrots, rhubarb or blueberries, then the coloring pigments from these products will definitely color the urine dark brown or orange.

Affects the color of urine and dehydration, taking medications, intestinal infections and dyspeptic disorders, uncontrollable vomiting or diarrhea. If changes in urine are accompanied by hyperthermia and pain, then they are classified as pathological signs indicating the development of a disease, for example, pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis, etc.

Among women

In the fairer sex, brown urine can be observed during pregnancy, when the patient is worried about severe toxicosis, in which severe dehydration occurs due to vomiting.

In addition, female urine acquires dark shades due to various types of gynecological pathologies in the water:

  • Cervical tumors;
  • Diseases of venereal origin;
  • Nonspecific inflammation of the female genital area.

If the drinking regime and diet have been changed, and the urine still remains dark, then it is necessary to undergo an examination.

In men

The male half of humanity can undergo changes in the shades of urine for various reasons. Dehydration or pathologies, food or drinks - all of this can affect male urine. If such a symptom is provoked by a disease, then signs appear that make it easier to identify the underlying pathology. Typically, in men, darkening of urine is accompanied by nausea, hyperthermia, pain in the abdominal area, painful or foul-smelling urination.

The cause of such a symptom complex can be pathologies such as:

  • Prostatitis. With such a disease, stagnation in the gland is observed, which causes the release of red blood cells into the urine. This is what causes it to darken;
  • Inflammation of the vas deferens, testicles or prostate;
  • Traumatic injuries to the testicles, epididymis, etc.

In the male half, changes in the shades of urine can be both pathological and physiological in nature. With the pathological nature of such a symptom, additional signs are observed such as hyperthermia and nausea, painful and unpleasant-smelling urination, abdominal pain, etc. In this case, urgent consultation with a specialist is necessary.

In older people

In an elderly person, brown urine may be due to prostatic adenoma, stones in the bladder or kidneys, excessive physical strain, or genitourinary infections.

Dangerous combinations

In some cases, when a change in the color of urine is combined with certain symptoms, it is necessary to urgently consult a specialist.

  1. If dark brown urine is accompanied by intense lumbar pain or painful urination, swelling and fever, this often indicates renal pathologies;
  2. If dark urine is accompanied by diarrhea or vomiting, this further aggravates the situation by dehydrating the body. A similar picture is often observed in acute intestinal pathologies;
  3. Another dangerous combination that requires immediate intervention from a specialist is dark urine combined with difficulty urinating and painful sensations in the testicles, especially if the testicles have recently been injured.

The specifics of the appearance of colored urine in different groups of patients may differ, so treatment is also selected differently.

Reason to see a doctor

Any changes in urine require the patient's attention. If they are triggered by loss of fluid or certain foods, then with a change in diet and sufficient drinking regimen, the color of the urine will be restored. If changes are observed over several days and do not go away for a long time, and what is even worse, are supplemented by painful sensations in the abdomen or lower back, then you must immediately seek the help of a urologist or nephrologist.

The doctor will carry out appropriate diagnostic measures, prescribe the necessary tests and studies such as biochemical and general analysis, urine, blood samples, etc. Most often, pathological causes are associated with renal pathologies and diseases of the female/male reproductive system, therefore treatment is aimed at eliminating these factors. If the urine has changed due to tumor processes, then the prognosis for treatment depends on the degree of malignancy of the formation and the timeliness of contacting a doctor.
