Report “Game technologies in work with preschool children. The use of gaming technologies in the educational process of preschool educational institutions in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard

The game is a huge bright window through which a life-giving stream of ideas, concepts of the surrounding world flows into the spiritual world of the child. The game is a spark that ignites the flame of inquisitiveness and curiosity. V. A. Sukhomlinsky
On October 17, 2013, Order No. 1155 was issued
. Moscow "On approval of the federal state educational standard for preschool education", where
basic principles of preschool education:
1) full living by the child of all stages of childhood (infant, early and preschool age), enrichment (amplification) of child development; 2) building educational activities based on the individual characteristics of each child, in which the child himself becomes active in choosing the content of his education, becomes the subject of education (hereinafter referred to as the individualization of preschool education); 3) assistance and cooperation of children and adults, recognition of the child as a full-fledged participant (subject) of educational relations; 4) supporting the initiative of children in various activities; 5) cooperation of the Organization with the family; 6) introducing children to socio-cultural norms, traditions of the family, society and the state; 7) the formation of cognitive interests and cognitive actions of the child in various activities; 8) age adequacy of preschool education (correspondence of conditions, requirements, methods to age and developmental features); 9) taking into account the ethno-cultural situation of children's development. According to the Federal State Educational Standard, today we need new forms of work that would allow teachers, figuratively speaking, to teach preschoolers in such a way that they do not even know about it and use different pedagogical technologies for this.
What is educational technology?
\ In modern domestic preschool pedagogy, the term "pedagogical technologies" is considered as:  A component of the pedagogical system, a method of constructing the pedagogical process by the educator using a system of means and methods of educating and teaching preschoolers in specially created didactic conditions of a kindergarten in order to solve the problems of preschool education.  A teacher's professional activity tool, which has a pronounced phasing (step by step), as well as the specificity and clarity of the goal and objectives of the teacher's activity.  A system of methods, techniques, steps, the sequence of which ensures the solution of the problems of education, training and development
the personality of the pupil, and the activity itself is presented procedurally, that is, as a certain system of actions; development and procedural implementation of the components of the pedagogical process in the form of a system of actions that provide a guaranteed result. The Federal State Educational Standard emphasizes that the game is the main form of work with children and the leading activity.
A game
- the most accessible type of activity for children, this is a way of processing impressions and knowledge received from the outside world. Already in early childhood, the child has the greatest opportunity in the game, and not in any other activity, to be independent, communicate with peers at his own discretion, choose toys and use different objects, overcome certain difficulties logically related to the plot of the game, her rules. In the game, he develops as a person, he forms those aspects of the psyche, on which the success of his social practice will subsequently depend. Therefore, the most important task of pedagogical practice is the optimization and organization of a special space in the preschool educational institution for the activation, expansion and enrichment of the preschooler's play activities. The idea of ​​including the game in the learning process has always attracted domestic teachers. More K.D. Ushinsky noted that children learn new material more easily during the game, and recommended that teachers try to make classes more entertaining, since this is one of the main tasks of teaching and educating kids. According to the author, entertainment should not blur the boundaries between play and learning. We are talking about the wider use of didactic games and game techniques in the classroom. Many scientists note the important role of educational games that allow the teacher to expand the practical experience of the child, to consolidate his knowledge about the world around him (A.S. Makarenko, U.P. Usova, R.I. Zhukovskaya, D.V. Mendzheritskaya, E.I. Tikheeva and others). The use of a role-playing game in the ecological education of children is based on a number of theoretical positions expressed by well-known researchers, teachers and psychologists. So, according to A.V. Zaporozhets, the game is an emotional activity, and emotions affect not only the level of intellectual development, but also the mental activity of the child, his creative abilities. The inclusion of elements of a role-playing game in the process of forming children's ideas about nature will create an emotional background, thanks to which preschoolers will quickly learn new material. Mastering knowledge about nature during the game contributes to the formation in children of a consciously correct attitude to the flora and fauna. This is confirmed by the results of a study by L. A. Abrahamyan, which show that, thanks to the game, children develop a positive attitude towards the environment, positive feelings and emotions are formed. The use of a role-playing game in the ecological education of children is based on a number of theoretical positions expressed by well-known researchers, teachers and psychologists. It is known how multifaceted the game is, it teaches, develops, educates, socializes, entertains and gives rest. But historically, one of its first tasks is teaching. Not
It is doubtful that the game, almost from the first moments of its inception, acts as a form of education, as a primary school for reproducing real practical situations in order to master them, in order to develop the necessary human traits, qualities, skills and habits, and develop abilities.
Game learning has the same features as the game:
 free developing activity, undertaken at the direction of the teacher, but without his dictates and carried out by students at will, with pleasure from the very process of activity;  creative, improvisational, active activity;  emotionally intense, elevated, competitive, competitive activity;  activities taking place within the framework of direct and indirect rules that reflect the content of the game and elements of social experience;  activities of an imitation nature, in which the professional or social environment of a person's life is modeled.  activity isolated by place of action and duration, space and time limits. The other side of the phenomenon is also important: ecological knowledge that causes a positive reaction in children will be used by them more actively during the game than those that affect only the intellectual side of the personality. S. L. Rubinshtein believes that play is a child's activity in which he expresses his attitude to the surrounding reality. "People who protect and create it on the basis of its wealth, material and spiritual values." I.A. Komarova, suggests using game learning situations in the practice of working on the environmental education of preschool children, and S.N. Nikolaev, who believes that game learning situations contribute to the formation of a system of ideas about nature in preschoolers, and this, in turn, is an effective means of educating children. A huge role in educating children in a consciously correct attitude to nature belongs to game learning situations. The use of role-playing games and a variety of gaming learning situations in the practice of working on the environmental education of preschoolers was suggested by ecologists S.N. Nikolaeva and I.A. Komarova.
What is IOS?

form of learning game
a teacher with children that has a specific didactic goal can be called a game learning situation (ITS).
Purpose of gaming technology
- do not change the child and do not remake him, do not teach him some special behavioral skills, but give him the opportunity to "live" in the game the situations that excite him with the full attention and empathy of an adult.
Her tasks:
1. Achieve a high level of motivation, a conscious need to acquire knowledge and skills through the child's own activity. 2. Choose the means that activate the activity of children and increase its effectiveness.
But like any pedagogical technology, the gaming one should also

meet the following requirements:
Technology system
– description of the technological process with division into logically interconnected functional elements. 2
. Scientific base
– reliance on a certain scientific concept of achieving educational goals. 3.
- technology must have logic, interconnection of all parts, integrity. 4.
- the possibility of goal-setting, planning the learning process, step-by-step diagnostics, varying means and methods in order to correct the results is assumed. 5. E
- must guarantee the achievement of a certain standard of training, be effective in terms of results and optimal in terms of costs. 6.
– application in other educational institutions.
Gaming technology is being built
as a holistic education, covering a certain part of the educational process and united by a common content, plot, character.
It includes in sequence:
games and exercises that form the ability to identify the main, characteristic features of objects, compare, contrast them; groups of games for the generalization of objects according to certain characteristics; groups of games, during which preschoolers develop the ability to distinguish real phenomena from unreal ones;
groups of games that bring up the ability to control oneself, the speed of reaction to a word, phonemic hearing, ingenuity, etc.
Feature of gaming technologies
is that game moments penetrate into all types of children's activities: work and play, educational activities and play, everyday household activities related to the implementation of the daily routine and play.
Using a game learning situation

in the pedagogical process

important for a number of reasons:
 they provide an opportunity to develop the cognitive abilities and speech of the child, contribute to the development of personality, the preservation of health, and in addition, they meet the needs of children in communication and knowledge of the surrounding nature, therefore they should be as widely used in environmental education as in its other areas ;  direct educational activity with the inclusion of a game learning situation brings joy to the child, therefore, the knowledge of nature and communication with it, taking place against the backdrop of the game, will be especially effective; the game creates optimal conditions for education and training;  direct educational activity with the inclusion of a game learning situation puts an adult and a child in partnership;  all game actions provide for the psychological security of the child, his emotional comfort;  the game complex includes games and game training situations for the development of different analyzers (hearing, vision, touch, smell, etc.);  environmental knowledge obtained in play activities and evoked an emotional reaction in children will be better included in their independent play activities than knowledge, the impact of which affects only the intellectual side of the child's personality. In the work on the environmental education of children, it is important to use different types of game learning situations in which there would be an active, environmentally oriented or developing activity in accordance with the educational tasks set.
When selecting game training situations, first of all, it is necessary

pay attention to the following issues:
 formation of understanding of nature's intrinsic value;  child's awareness of himself as a part of nature;
 fostering a respectful attitude towards all species of animals and plants without exception, regardless of personal likes and dislikes;  formation of an emotionally positive attitude to the surrounding world, the ability to see its beauty and uniqueness;  understanding that in nature everything is interconnected and the violation of one of the connections entails other changes;  formation in children of the desire to preserve the environment, their awareness of the relationship between their own actions and the state of the environment;  formation of skills of environmentally competent and safe behavior in the nature of everyday life.
IOS is a full-fledged, but specially organized role-playing game

a game. It is characterized by the following points:
 it has a short and uncomplicated plot, built on the basis of life events or a fairy tale or literary work that is well known to preschoolers;  equipped with the necessary toys, paraphernalia; space and objective environment are specially organized for it;  the content of the game contains a didactic goal, an educational task, to which all its components are subordinated - the plot, the role interaction of characters, etc.;  the teacher conducts the game: announces the name and plot, distributes roles, takes on one role and performs it, maintains an imaginary situation in accordance with the plot;  the educator directs the entire game, monitors the development of the plot, the performance of the roles of children, role-playing relationships, saturates the game with role-playing dialogues and game actions through which the didactic goal is realized.
Game situations are based on the following principles:
 Absence of coercion;  Support of the game atmosphere, real feelings of children;  Relationships between play and non-play activities;  Transition from the simplest forms and ways of performing game actions to complex ones. Game training situations (I.O.S.) is a special form of role-playing game developed by Svetlana Nikolaevna Nikolaeva.
She identifies several types of IEE, with the help of which various program tasks of familiarizing children with nature and their environmental education are successfully solved.
Game training situations are divided into three types:

The first type of IOS
- the use of analogue toys depicting various objects of nature.
The second type of IOS
associated with the use of dolls depicting characters from literary works familiar to children.
The third type of IOS
- a variety of travel options
1. Game training situations with analogue toys
Analogues are such toys that depict objects of nature: specific animals or plants. There are many toy analogues of animals, they exist in a variety of designs (soft, rubber, plastic, clockwork, etc.). There are not so many toy analogues of plants - these are plastic Christmas trees of various sizes, trees and shrubs from a flat theater, mushrooms, sometimes foam fruits and vegetables, figures of heroes from the fairy tale "The Adventures of Cipollino" by G. Rodari. starting from 2-3 years old, it is possible to form clear ideas about the specific features of living beings based on a number of essential features. Young children can be shown the main differences between a toy-object and a living animal, if they are simultaneously perceived and compared. With the help of such toys it is easy to demonstrate: what can be done with an object and what can be done with a living being, i.e. show fundamentally different forms of activity with living and non-living objects.
IOS with analog toys can be used in all ages

, and they can be compared not only with living objects, but also with their images in paintings, visual aids. Analogue toys can be included in any IEE, in any form of environmental education of children: observations, activities, work in nature. They can be taken on an excursion to the nearest natural environment, combined with reading educational literature, watching slides, videos. In all cases, they will help in the formation of clear realistic ideas about nature in children. In some cases, it is advisable to demonstrate an analogue toy before getting to know the animal. This applies to some
mammals (cat, dog, rabbit, etc.), which evoke bright and strong emotions in children, the desire to communicate with them - an ordinary toy fades against their background. They can only compete with an interestingly designed wind-up toy that reproduces elements of behavior (for example, a dog that moves forward, wags its tail, barks, rises on its hind legs). An analysis of such a comparison will undoubtedly arouse interest among older preschoolers, helping them to better understand the specifics of living things.
2. Game training situations with literary characters
The second type of IOS is associated with the use of puppets depicting characters from works that are well known to children. The heroes of favorite fairy tales, stories, filmstrips, cartoons are perceived by children emotionally, excite the imagination, become objects of imitation. In the environmental education of preschoolers, various characters are successfully used on the basis of their literary biography - the main events, characteristic situations, and striking features of behavior. In IOS, fairy-tale characters "go beyond" the plot of the work, act in new, but similar situations, and necessarily continue their characteristic line of behavior. To achieve the goals of environmental education, such literary works are suitable, the content of which is somehow connected with nature, and the characters have a puppet incarnation. There are many such works in the children's literary repertoire - first of all, folk and author's tales "Turnip", "Ryaba the Hen", "Little Red Riding Hood", "Doctor Aibolit", etc. With dolls depicting the main characters of fairy tales, you can build many different IOS, which will help solve various program tasks of familiarizing children with nature, developing the necessary skills in them. Each individual IOS solves a small didactic problem with the help of a literary character of his questions, statements, advice, suggestions and various game actions. When developing an IOS, the educator should remember that all the words and actions of the doll must correspond to its literary biography; in a new situation, it should manifest itself in the same way as in the work. Thus, a literary hero introduced into the pedagogical process is not just a cute toy that entertains children, but a character with a certain character and form of expression, who solves didactic problems. He is interesting to children because in a completely new situation he shows his typical features, i.e. acts in his "role", and interacts directly with them. It is important that each literary hero in a separately taken game training situation can act in one of two functions: to play the role of a knowledgeable hero who is well aware of any material
or, conversely, a naive simpleton who knows nothing. In the first case, the educator sets the task of indirectly teaching children - through the mouth of the character, he reports new information, teaches the rules of behavior (for example, as Dr. Aibolit does). In the second case, the teacher sets the task of consolidating the material, clarifying and updating the children's ideas about nature. Another circumstance is of fundamental importance. In a traditional lesson, the teacher is always “over the children”: he asks questions, teaches, tells, explains - he is an adult and smarter than children. When using a simpleton character (for example, Dunno), who shows complete ignorance of events, the status of children changes: they are no longer “a teacher over them”, but “they are standing over a doll”: they teach her, correct, report what they themselves know. This ratio of positions in the IEE gives preschoolers confidence, they gain authority in their own eyes. There is a strong game motivation, and the children do not take into account what the teacher says for Dunno: they are at the mercy of the game situation, and therefore speak confidently and extensively, supplement, explain, and thereby exercise in applying their knowledge, clarify and consolidate them. In other words, the use of a doll-character based on his literary biography is an indirect form of teaching children, entirely based on a fairly strong game motivation.


Building the IOS:
has a short and simple plot based on life events or a fairy tale or literary work that is well known to preschoolers
Organization of PPRS for IOS

Game content:
didactic goal, educational task, to which all components are subordinated - the plot, the role interaction of characters.
Playing the game
: announcement of the title and plot on behalf of the character, distribution of roles, performance of the character in one of two functions: playing the role of a knowledgeable hero who is well aware of any material or, conversely, a naive simpleton who knows nothing, maintaining an imaginary situation in accordance with the plot with with the help of a playable character
Game guide:
constant maintenance by special techniques of an imaginary situation of the space in which the game takes place, observation of the development of the plot, the performance of roles by children, role-playing relationships; Saturation of the game with role-playing dialogues and game actions, through
which is carried out didactic purpose.

playful learning situations such as travel
Another type of IEE is important in the implementation of the game as a method of ecological education of children.

in this case, it is a collective name for various kinds of games in visiting exhibitions, agricultural farms, a zoo, a nature salon, etc., in excursions, hiking, expeditions, trips and travels. These games are united by the fact that children, visiting interesting places, in the game form, they acquire new knowledge about nature, which is facilitated by the obligatory role of the leader (guide, expedition leader, farm manager) in the game, which is performed by the educator. It is through him that preschoolers get acquainted with new places, animals, plants, receive a variety of information about the surrounding nature and human activity in it.In each case, the plot of the game is thought out in such a way that children, visiting new places, get acquainted with new objects and phenomena as travelers, tourists, sightseers, visitors.As part of role-playing behavior, children listen to explanations, "take pictures", In order for the game to be full-fledged and through it the teacher could realize the set didactic tasks, he carefully thinks over his role (words for contact with visitors, meaningful messages, possible game and role-playing actions). The game will captivate children if the teacher constantly supports the imaginary situation of the space in which it takes place (a winter snowy forest, a summer forest with rubble or swampy places, a hot desert, Arctic ice) with special techniques.
Journey game
as a kind of game situation, it implies the presence of a single plot, which is based on the imaginary journey of children, overcoming difficulties, meeting different characters. Travel games can have a variety of content - a journey through the country and the city, the world of sizes, colors, sounds. Learning with the use of travel games can in some cases go beyond the allotted time - this is not dangerous, since the quality of the game, creating a certain emotional mood in children, provides the maximum developmental effect. It is important that travel games are the only type of game, the plot and roles of which allow direct teaching of children, the transfer of new knowledge to them.



Building an IOS
: has a short and simple plot based on life events or a fairy tale or literary work that is familiar to preschoolers
Organization of PPRS for IOS
: the presence of toys, attributes, specially organized space and object environment
Game content
: didactic goal, educational task, to which all components are subordinate - the plot, the role-playing interaction of characters.
Playing the game
: announcement of the title and plot, which is based on the children's imaginary journey, overcoming difficulties, meeting different characters, assigning roles, taking on a role, maintaining an imaginary situation in accordance with the plot.
Game Guide
: constant maintenance by special techniques of an imaginary situation of the space in which the game takes place, observation of the development of the plot, the performance of roles by children, role-playing relationships; Saturation of the game with role-playing dialogues and game actions through which the didactic goal is realized.
Thus, we conclude that:
1. All game learning situations require certain preparation from the educator. He must think over the plot, create an imaginary situation for the role-playing interaction of children, and prepare paraphernalia. It is very important that the educator himself easily enters the game - in some cases he plays two roles at the same time: he conducts a dialogue on behalf of the character doll and at the same time remains the educator who conducts the game with the children. 2. Learning using game learning situations in some cases may go beyond the allotted time, but this is not dangerous, because. a good game, creating an emotional mood in children, provides the maximum developmental effect. 3. Each topic of game training situations should have its own purpose, content, not repeat the previous situation, but be related to it. 4. Each game learning situation should contain a small amount of new knowledge that will allow preschoolers to gradually and more reliably learn the material;
5. Include more questions of a productive nature in the content of game situations, this achieves the mental and speech activity of children; 6. To maintain interest in the character, an element of novelty should be introduced into each meeting: costume details, natural objects, didactic posters, sets of small pictures, video material, toy TV, slide presentations, etc. 7. To create interest, it is necessary to create conditions and conditions for conducting gaming learning situations, especially ITS such as travel. 8. Game learning situations will give a positive result if they are combined with other forms of work with children.
: Summarizing the above material, it should be noted that the game is the leading activity of preschool children, it enriches and develops the personality, therefore it is widely used by us in practice. The game brings joy to the child, so the knowledge of nature, communication with it, taking place against its background, will be especially effective; the game creates optimal conditions for education and training. The game brings joy to the child, so the knowledge of nature, communication with it, taking place against its background, will be especially effective. The game creates optimal conditions for education and training. The game, as a method of environmental education, is a game specially organized by the educator and introduced into the process of learning about nature and interacting with it. The game helps children to assimilate the quality of objects and clarify the ideas obtained in the process of observation in nature. Forms a motivation for learning in children, taking into account the age characteristics of children, creates conditions for emotional comfort, contributes to the formation of responsiveness, as one of the necessary moral qualities of preschoolers. Children are immersed in the game action, actively participate in creating an imaginary situation.
Through the use of IOS:
- the main educational tasks are solved; - the activity of children in the learning process increases; - fatigue is reduced, interest in cognitive activity is formed; - develops emotional responsiveness. -Game training helps the child to feel their own abilities, to gain self-confidence.
Game learning situations help children gain new knowledge, give them a practical model of correct behavior in nature, which is of great importance for environmental education. The alternation of such game learning situations with other forms of work contributes to the formation of a consciously correct attitude towards nature and all living things in preschoolers. When using game situations in the classroom, children become more attentive, they listen with interest to stories, ask many additional questions that interest them. In conclusion, I would like to say that in working with preschoolers, IEE can be used not only in environmental education, but also in all areas of development and education of children (in all OO), as well as in organizing children's independent activities.
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Game technologies in preschool educational institutions

The game is the leading type of activity most accessible to children, it is a way of processing impressions and knowledge received from the outside world. Already in early childhood, the child has the greatest opportunity in the game, and not in any other activity, to be independent, communicate with peers at his own discretion, choose toys and use different objects, overcome certain difficulties logically related to the plot of the game, her rules. In the game, he develops as a person, he forms those aspects of the psyche, on which the success of his social practice will subsequently depend. Therefore, I believe that the most important task in pedagogical practice is to optimize and organize a special space in the preschool educational institution to activate, expand and enrich the play activities of preschoolers.


The problem of play has attracted and continues to attract the attention of many researchers: educators, psychologists, philosophers, sociologists, art critics, and biologists. For example, in the studies of L. S. Vygotsky, A. N. Leontiev, A. V. Zaporozhets, D. B. Elkonin, the game is defined as the leading type of activity that does not arise through spontaneous maturation, but is formed under the influence of social conditions of life and education. . The game creates favorable conditions for the formation of abilities to perform actions in the mental plane, for the implementation of psychological replacements for real life situations and objects.

The purpose of the game technology is not to change the child and not to remake him, not to teach him some special behavioral skills, but to give him the opportunity to “live” in the game the situations that excite him with the full attention and empathy of an adult.

Her tasks:

1. Achieve a high level of motivation, a conscious need to acquire knowledge and skills through the child's own activity.

2. Choose the means that activate the activity of children and increase its effectiveness.

But like any pedagogical technology, the gaming one must also meet the following requirements:

1. Technological scheme - a description of the technological process, divided into logically interconnected functional elements.

2. Scientific base - reliance on a certain scientific concept of achieving educational goals.

3. Consistency - the technology must have logic, interconnection of all parts, integrity.

4. Controllability - the possibility of goal-setting, planning the learning process, step-by-step diagnostics, varying means and methods in order to correct the results is assumed.

5. Efficiency - must guarantee the achievement of a certain standard of training, be effective in terms of results and optimal in terms of costs.

6. Reproducibility - application in other educational institutions.

Therefore, using gaming technologies in the educational process, I follow the principle of benevolence, I try to provide emotional support, create a joyful environment, and encourage any inventions and fantasies of the child. I believe that only in this case the game will be useful for the development of the child and the creation of a positive atmosphere of cooperation with adults.

I try to organize the pedagogical process in such a way that gaming technologies, like gaming moments, penetrate into all types of children's activities: work and play, educational activities and play, regime moments and play.

My work experience shows that game moments play an important role in the pedagogical process, especially during the period of adaptation. Starting from two to three years, their main task is to form emotional contact, children's trust in the teacher, the ability to see in the teacher a kind, always ready to help person (like a mother, an interesting partner in the game. I organize the first game situations frontally so that no one the child did not feel deprived of attention.For example, these are such games as the round dance "Loaf", "Try, catch up", "Kulich for Masha", etc. Further, I include game situations like "What is rolling?", "Who will roll the ball faster" - at the same time, organizing children in the game - competition.

Game activity performs various functions:

Entertaining (entertain, inspire, arouse interest);

Communicative (mastering ways of communication);

Self-realization in the game;

Game therapy (overcoming various difficulties that arise in

other types of life activity);

Diagnostic (detection of deviations from normal behavior, self-knowledge during the game);

Corrections (making positive changes in the structure of personal

indicators) ;

Socialization (inclusion in the system of social relations).

The main features of the game are:

1. free developing activity;

2. creative, improvisational, active character;

3. emotional side of activity;

4. the presence of rules, content, logic and time sequence


I direct game technologies to develop the attention of children.

In preschool children, there is a gradual transition from involuntary attention to voluntary attention. Voluntary attention requires focus on the task, even if it is not very interesting. Therefore, it is necessary to develop children using game techniques.

For example, I offer a game situation for attention: “Find the same one” - you can offer the child to choose from several balls, cubes, figures, toys “the same” (in color, size, like his. Or I suggest the game “What's wrong?” , deliberately making a mistake in their actions, and the child should notice it.

The use of gaming technologies helps me with the development of children's memory. These are such games as “Remember and name”, “What first, what then”, etc.

Gaming technologies also contribute to the formation of the main forms of thinking: visual-effective, visual-figurative and logical.

In this I am helped by the inclusion of gaming techniques and methods in the educational process. At the same time, the child learns to compare, highlight the most essential in objects and can carry out his actions, focusing not on the situation, but on figurative representations. I form logical thinking in the process of teaching a child the ability to reason, find cause-and-effect relationships, and draw conclusions.

The use of game techniques and methods in non-standard, problematic situations that require a choice of solutions from a number of alternatives forms flexible, original thinking in children. For example, in classes to introduce children to fiction (joint retelling of works of art or writing new fairy tales, stories), children gain experience that will allow them to play games later.

The complex use of gaming technologies of different target orientation helps to prepare the child for school. Each game situation of communication of a preschooler with adults, with other children is for the child a "school of cooperation", in which he learns to rejoice at the success of his peer, and calmly endure his failures; regulate their behavior in accordance with social requirements, equally successfully organize subgroup and group forms of cooperation.

As experience shows, gaming technologies are closely related to all aspects of the educational and educational work of the kindergarten and the solution of its main tasks. They are aimed at improving the quality of the pedagogical process through the solution of situational problems that arise in the course of its implementation. Thanks to this, gaming technologies turn out to be one of the mechanisms for regulating the quality of education in kindergarten.

Folk games with dolls, nursery rhymes, round dances, and joke games are one of the effective types of game therapy. Their use in the pedagogical process not only implements the educational and developmental functions of gaming technologies, but also various educational functions: they introduce pupils to folk culture, traditions, cultivate tolerance and respect for different peoples. This is an important direction of the regional component of the educational program of the kindergarten.

The development of modern society requires the generalization and systematization of the experience of pedagogical innovations, the results of psychological and pedagogical research. One of the ways to solve this problem is a technological approach to the organization of educational work with children.

In preschool education, pedagogical technology is a set of psychological and pedagogical approaches that define a set of forms, methods, methods, teaching methods, educational tools for the implementation of the educational process both in several preschool educational institutions and in a particular kindergarten or even a group.

The need to use pedagogical technologies is due to the following reasons:

Social order (parents, regional component, GEF requirements);

Educational guidelines, goals and content of education (educational program, priority area, monitoring results, etc.).

The value of pedagogical technology is that it:

Concretizes modern approaches to assessing the achievements of preschoolers;

Creates conditions for individual and differentiated tasks.

Preschool age is a unique and decisive period in which the foundations of the personality are laid, the will is developed, and social competence is formed.

These and other important qualities are not only in the process of special classes, but also in the game, which gives the child:

Opportunity to "try on" the most important social roles;

To be personally involved in the phenomenon under study (motivation is focused on the satisfaction of cognitive interests and the joy of creativity);

Live for a while in "real life conditions".

The meaning of the game is not that it is entertainment and recreation, but that, with the right guidance, it becomes:

way of learning;

Activities for the implementation of creativity;

The method of therapy;

The first step in the socialization of the child in society.

The educational and educational value of the game depends on:

Knowledge of the methodology of gaming activity;

The professional skills of the teacher in organizing and managing various types of games;

Accounting for age and individual capabilities.

At the present stage, gaming activity as an independent technology can be used:

To master the topic or content of the material being studied;

As a lesson or part of it (introduction, explanation, consolidation, exercise, control);

As part of the educational program formed by the staff of the preschool educational institution.

The main goal of gaming technology is to create a full-fledged motivational basis for the formation of skills and abilities of activity, depending on the conditions for the functioning of a preschool institution and the level of development of children.

Her tasks:

1. Achieve a high level of motivation, a conscious need to acquire knowledge and skills through the child's own activity.

2. Choose the means that activate the activity of children and increase its effectiveness.

But like any pedagogical technology, the gaming one must also meet the following requirements:

1. Technological scheme - a description of the technological process, divided into logically interconnected functional elements.

2. Scientific base - reliance on a certain scientific concept of achieving educational goals.

3. Consistency - the technology must have logic, interconnection of all parts, integrity.

4. Controllability - the possibility of goal-setting, planning the learning process, step-by-step diagnostics, varying means and methods in order to correct the results is assumed.

5. Efficiency - must guarantee the achievement of a certain standard of training, be effective in terms of results and optimal in terms of costs.

6. Reproducibility - application in other educational institutions.

Game pedagogical technology - the organization of the pedagogical process in the form of various pedagogical games. This is a consistent activity of the teacher for:

Selection, development, preparation of games;

Inclusion of children in play activities;

Implementation of the game itself;

Summing up the results of gaming activities.

The main feature of a pedagogical game in gaming technology is a clearly defined learning goal and the corresponding pedagogical results, characterized by an educational and cognitive orientation.

The types of pedagogical games are very diverse. They may vary:

1. By type of activity - motor, intellectual, psychological, career guidance, etc.;

2. By the nature of the pedagogical process - teaching, training, controlling, cognitive, educational, developing, diagnostic.

3. By the nature of the gaming technique - games with rules; games with rules established during the game, games; games where one part of the rules is set by the conditions of the game, and is set depending on its course.

5. For gaming equipment - desktop, computer, theatrical, role-playing, director's, etc.

The main component of gaming technology is direct and systematic communication between the teacher and children.

Its meaning:

Activates pupils;

Increases cognitive interest;

Causes an emotional upsurge;

Promotes the development of creativity;

Maximally concentrates the time of classes due to clearly formulated conditions of the game;

Allows the teacher to vary the strategy and tactics of game actions by complicating or simplifying game tasks depending on the level of mastering the material.

Game classes are very lively, in an emotionally favorable psychological environment, in an atmosphere of goodwill, freedom, equality, in the absence of isolation of passive children. Game technologies help children to be liberated, self-confidence appears. As experience shows, acting in a game situation close to real life conditions, preschoolers more easily learn material of any complexity.

Conceptual foundations of gaming technology:

1. The game form of joint activity with children is created with the help of game techniques and situations that act as a means of inducing and stimulating the child to activity.

2. The implementation of the pedagogical game is carried out in the following sequence - the didactic goal is set in the form of a game task, educational activity is subject to the rules of the game; educational material is used as its means; successful completion of the didactic task is associated with the game result.

3. Game technology covers a certain part of the educational process, united by a common content, plot, character.

4. Games and exercises that form one of the integrative qualities or knowledge from the educational field are included in the gaming technology. But at the same time, the game material should activate the educational process and increase the efficiency of mastering the educational material.

The game, as a rule, is the children's own initiative, so the teacher's guidance when organizing game technology must meet the requirements:

The choice of the game depends on the educational tasks that require their resolution, but should act as a means of satisfying the interests and needs of children (children show interest in the game, actively act and get a result veiled by the game task - there is a natural substitution of motives from educational to gaming);

Game proposal - a game problem is created, for the solution of which various game tasks are offered: rules and techniques of action);

Explanation of the game - briefly, clearly, only after the interest of children in the game has arisen;

Play equipment - should maximally correspond to the content of the game and all the requirements for the subject-play environment according to the FGT;

Organization of the game team - game tasks are formulated in such a way that each child can show their activity and organizational skills. Children can act depending on the course of the game individually, in pairs or teams, collectively.

The development of the game situation is based on the principles: the absence of coercion of any form when children are involved in the game; the presence of game dynamics; maintenance of the game atmosphere; the relationship between gaming and non-gaming activities;

Consultation "Game technologies in kindergarten". Klyuka Natalia Alexandrovna, educator of MBDOU "Kindergarten of the combined type No. 46" Sun ", Korolev, Moscow Region. This material may be useful to methodologists and educators of preschool organizations, as well as interested parents of kindergarten students.

"Game breeds joy,
freedom, contentment,
peace in and around yourself,
peace with the world"

Friedrich Fröbel.

The game is a special activity that blossoms in childhood and accompanies a person throughout his life. It is not surprising that the problem of play has attracted and continues to attract the attention of researchers: educators, psychologists, philosophers, sociologists, art critics, and biologists.
In the studies of L. S. Vygotsky, A. N. Leontiev, A. V. Zaporozhets, D. B. Elkonin, the game is defined as the leading type of activity that does not arise through spontaneous maturation, but is formed under the influence of social conditions of life and education. The game creates favorable conditions for the formation of the ability to perform actions in the mental plane, carries out psychological replacements for real objects.
The game is the leading activity of the child. In the game, he develops as a person, he forms those aspects of the psyche, on which the success of his social practice will subsequently depend. The game is a testing ground for children's social tests, i.e. those tests that are chosen by children for self-examination and during which they master ways of solving problems of interpersonal relations that arise during the game. The game creates the basis for a new leading activity - educational. Therefore, the most important task of pedagogical practice is the optimization and organization of a special space in the preschool educational institution for the activation, expansion and enrichment of the preschooler's play activities.

Game features:
- entertaining (this is the main function of the game - to entertain, deliver satisfaction, inspire, arouse interest);
- communicative: mastering the dialectics of communication;
- self-realization in the game as a testing ground for human practice;
- game therapy: overcoming various difficulties that arise in other types of life;
- diagnostic: identification of deviations from normative behavior, self-knowledge during the game;
- correction function: making positive changes in the structure of personal indicators;
- interethnic communication: the assimilation of social and cultural values ​​that are common to all people;
- the function of socialization: inclusion in the system of social relations, the assimilation of the norms of human society.

Four main features inherent in the game:
- free developmental activity, undertaken only at the request of the child, for the sake of pleasure from the process of activity itself, and not just from the result (procedural pleasure);
- creative, largely improvisational, very active nature of this activity ("field of creativity");
- emotional elation of activity, rivalry, competitiveness, competition, attraction (i.e. a feeling of attraction for an individual of another person, disposition towards him), etc.;
- the presence of direct or indirect rules that reflect the content of the game, the logical and temporal sequence of its development.

The structure of the game as an activity:
- goal-setting
- planning,
- goal realization,
- analysis of the results in which the person fully realizes himself as a subject.

Game structure as a process:
- the roles assumed by the players;
- game actions as a means of realizing these roles;
- game use of objects, i.e. replacement of real things with game, conditional ones;
- real relationship between the players;
- plot (content) - the area of ​​reality, conditionally reproduced in the game.

Game as a learning method:
- as independent technologies for mastering a concept, topic, and even a section of a subject;
- as elements (sometimes very significant) of a more extensive technology;
- as a lesson (class) or part of it (introduction, explanation, consolidation, exercise, control);

The concept of "game pedagogical technologies" includes a rather extensive group of methods and techniques for organizing the pedagogical process in the form of various pedagogical games. Unlike games in general, a pedagogical game has an essential feature - a clearly defined learning goal and a pedagogical result corresponding to it, which can be substantiated, explicitly identified and characterized by an educational and cognitive orientation.

By the nature of the pedagogical process, the following groups of games are distinguished:
teaching, training, controlling and summarizing;
cognitive, educational, developing;
reproductive, productive, creative;
communicative, diagnostic, career guidance, psychotechnical, etc.

Typology of pedagogical games according to the nature of the game methodology:
- subject,
- plot,
- role-playing
- business,
- imitation
- Dramatization games.

The specifics of gaming technology are largely determined by the gaming environment: Distinguish between games with and without objects, board, indoor, outdoor, on the ground, computer games, as well as with various means of transportation.
Game environment:
- games with objects
- no items
- desktop,
- room,
- street,
- on the ground
- computer
- with various means of transportation.

Game technology is built as a holistic education, covering a certain part of the educational process and united by a common content, plot, character. It includes in sequence:
games and exercises that form the ability to identify the main, characteristic features of objects, compare, contrast them;
groups of games for the generalization of objects according to certain characteristics;
groups of games, during which preschoolers develop the ability to distinguish real phenomena from unreal ones;
groups of games that bring up the ability to control oneself, the speed of reaction to a word, phonemic hearing, ingenuity, etc.
At the same time, the game plot develops in parallel with the main content of education, helps to activate the educational process, master a number of educational elements.

The compilation of game technologies from individual games and elements is the concern of each educator.
Education in the form of a game can and should be interesting, entertaining, but not entertaining. To implement this approach, it is necessary that educational technologies developed for teaching preschoolers contain a clearly defined and step-by-step described system of game tasks and various games, so that using this system, the teacher can be sure that as a result he will receive a guaranteed level of assimilation. child of one or another subject content. Of course, this level of achievement of the child should be diagnosed, and the technology used by the teacher should provide this diagnosis with appropriate materials.

