This must be done before you start losing weight. Realize that you have a long enough work with your own habits and lifestyle

The advantages of shellac and gel polish are obvious. These materials dry quickly under UV rays and last a long time. The resulting layer is durable. But, despite all the advantages, in the medical environment, disputes about whether such a coating is harmful do not subside.

The need to dry under a lamp

Coatings from different manufacturers have different properties, differ in composition and structure. All varnishes have a different consistency, and in their own way affect the nail plate. One thing unites them - the need for drying under ultraviolet rays.

The main concerns of doctors are associated with the use of a UV lamp. By themselves, UV rays are harmless to humans. And quality lamps are safe. But they have an expiration date. Masters, to save money, change them less often than expected. After the expiration date, the lamps begin to emit harmful substances. The main advice of doctors is to require a certificate for the lamp, which indicates the end date of its use.

Traumatic withdrawal

Under no circumstances should shellac be peeled off nails. So, along with a layer of varnish, you will remove the upper part of the nail plate. Do the nail polish removal in the salon. You should also check the composition of this product so that it does not contain formaldehydes and formaldehyde salts. They contribute to the poisoning of the body.

If you want to get rid of gel nail polish at home, use regular nail polish remover. In this case, it is worth increasing the exposure time. Soak a cotton swab in the solution and apply it to the nail for 15 minutes. Once the shellac has dissolved, gently remove it with a swab. The remaining varnish can be scraped off with a wooden stick or a toothpick.

Don't wear nail polish all the time. There is a 7 day rule for this time. It is better to alternate the coating during the week with a rest for the nails. Its period must also be equal to 7 days. Constantly covering the plate, and not allowing the nail to "breathe", you will significantly weaken it. A negative factor is also the need to cut the top layer. If you often make a correction, the stratum corneum gradually becomes thinner. Ultimately, this can lead to complete abrasion of the nails and the appearance of an open area. Having lost its natural protection, delicate skin will be defenseless against external influences.

Doctors' opinion

Doctors remind that the coating of the nail plate is done for beauty, and not for strengthening. Lacquers should only be applied to healthy nails. It is not necessary to mask with varnish the spots or irregularities that have appeared. If you notice unhealthy changes in the nail plate, immediately consult a dermatologist and stop applying varnishes until the nails are completely healed.

Have you ever wanted to get yourself a tattoo? Or maybe you want to do it now? Here are 5 things you need to know before getting a tattoo.

Rest problems

On average, a tattoo heals in two weeks. Therefore, during this period, you can only take a shower, otherwise there is a risk of infection.
Every time you go out into the sun, you should smear the tattoo with a thick layer of sunscreen. Because sunlight can cause the ink to disintegrate, making it less visible (and sometimes colorless). The skin cells containing the ink can be killed by sunlight, and the breakdown products of the ink can spread throughout your body and weaken your immune system.
Scientists have also found that red and yellow inks cause allergic reactions on the skin when exposed to sunlight. While black, purple, and green paints almost do not cause allergies.

Problems during an MRI

Black paint is known to contain iron oxide. During an MRI, the iron heats up and can cause swelling or burning of the tattooed area.

Choosing the Right Place for a Tattoo

You can get tattoos all over your body. However, several facts must be taken into account. First, the ribs, legs, and buttocks will hurt the most. Therefore, take painkillers if you plan to get a tattoo in one of these places. Secondly, on the hands and feet, the skin regenerates faster, so the ink in these places will begin to disappear faster. Thirdly, the area between the shoulder and thigh is considered the most difficult part of the body for a tattoo. Tattooing the torso, as a rule, requires a lot of time. This area is incredibly sensitive and therefore painful.

Compliance with the correct mode

Before starting a tattoo session, you need to get enough sleep, eat a full meal. You will need a lot of energy to endure the pain of a tattoo. You can not get a tattoo with a hangover or drunk, because alcohol thins the blood.

Tattoo reduction

The only way to reduce a tattoo is laser removal. But it is much more painful than the tattoo itself. So if you can't decide if you want a tattoo or not, wait. You can always do it in the future.

Alcohol is not an "anesthesia"

Alcohol dilates blood vessels and increases blood pressure, so the blood will wash out the paint and the tattoo will turn out faded and can take a very long time to heal. For tattooing, good health and the absence of serious chronic diseases are important. “In no case should you get a tattoo for a cold and feeling unwell, pregnant and lactating women, it is undesirable for menstrual pain. Tattoos for minors are made only in the presence of their parents. If the tattoo artist turns a blind eye to the age and illness of the client, then he automatically does not care about the quality of his work and sterility during the process. Regarding medical contraindications, it will not be superfluous to consult with your doctor and tell the tattoo artist about all the nuances in advance,” says Katya Holt, tattoo artist at The Hateful Seven Tattoo Studio.

tattoo is painful

Everyone's pain threshold is different, but getting a tattoo is never completely painless. “As a rule, women tolerate pain a little better than men, but the most painful places for all are the same: the head, face, hands, chest, elbows, ribs and abdomen, buttocks, inner thighs and knees, ankles and feet. If the tattoo is small or medium in size, then it can be done in one session. Large works are done in several sessions with a healing break,” explains Sasha Unisex, tattoo artist, founder of Sasha Unisex Brand. Katya Holt says that in her practice there were cases when the client was tickled or even put to sleep. Pain sensations are best tolerated on a full stomach, so before the session it is worth eating and taking food with you to have a snack.

The style of the master must be the same

If you decide to get a tattoo, carefully choose the master. “First of all, you should study the portfolio yourself, without relying on the opinions of friends and relatives. Work must be done neatly, in the same style. If in the portfolio of a tattoo artist you see a mixture of styles, pictures from the Internet with a proposal to fill them, photos of tattoo inscriptions, stars and other simple works, you definitely should not go to him. As the founder of modern tattoo Jerry the Sailor said: “Good tattoos are not cheap, and cheap tattoos are not good,” Katya Holt advises.

Studio doesn't mean good

There is an erroneous opinion that fashion studios or even entire tattoo networks are reliable and of high quality. However, this is not always the case. “You need to understand that not a studio, but a specific person will make a tattoo for you, so you must first of all know which of the masters of this studio will work with you. Make sure that all safety measures are followed in the cabin. If disposable devices are used, then they must be opened strictly in your presence,” says Sasha Unisex.

“Sometimes it seems to people that good craftsmen work in well-promoted fashion salons, and “partachs” work at home. For a tattoo, we go to the master, not to the studio. A good tattoo artist works according to all sterility standards, no matter where - in a studio or at home in an isolated room equipped with everything necessary, ”adds Katya Holt.

Side effects after a tattoo - normal

Bruising, swelling, fever are all normal. Tattooing is a stress for the body, and it can react to such an intervention in different ways. It is better to warn the master about the tendency to faint. Immediately after the tattoo, it is better to go home to rest.

Tattoo care depends on its quality

After getting a tattoo, it is important to follow the rules for caring for damaged skin. As a rule, masters prescribe Bepanten and Panthenol as ointments. In no case should you scratch the tattoo and peel off the crust that appears during the healing process. Otherwise, scars may remain. In the sun, use a sunscreen with a high SPF (40 or higher).

“The quality of a tattoo is 60% dependent on healing, so do not neglect the rules for caring for it. The healing methods for each tattoo style may vary. Listen to the advice of your master. After applying the tattoo, he is obliged to give you instructions for healing, which must be strictly adhered to, ”Sasha Unisex says.

“If the work of the master is done well, and the care of the tattoo is of poor quality, then you will have to make a correction. The master will always understand where his mistake is and where the client is, so corrections can be both paid and free, ”- adds artist tattoo master Sergey Parshin, better known as "character is not sugar."

Removing a tattoo is painful, expensive and time consuming

The timing of tattoo removal and the cost depend on many factors: the size of the tattoo, its color and the overall quality of the work. For example, a tattoo measuring 10x10 cm can be removed in an average of 5-7 minutes, and it will cost about 6,000 rubles. Black tattoos are removed faster, color ones are more difficult (the most difficult pigments to remove are green and yellow).

“The hardest thing to get rid of is a tattoo that has damaged the skin. That is, the master could drive the car too slowly, not pull the skin, and not observe the angle of inclination. Such a tattoo looks like a scar and is convex to the touch. Removing a tattoo is not very painful, I would say tolerable. I use an anesthetic cream in 5% of the cases of removal, but with it the paint comes out much worse, the site of removal takes longer to heal and the skin is more injured. If the tattoo is large, then the interval between sessions should be from one to one and a half months - then the skin is completely restored and the lower layer of paint rises to the surface as much as possible, ”says Grigory Pukhov, the most qualified tattoo and tattoo removal master in Russia.

“If you decide to remove a tattoo, do not spare money on it, because by resorting to cheaper methods, you risk getting scars and scars,” advises Sasha Unisex.

Faktrum publishes an article in which tattoo artists will tell you everything you need to know about the preparation and process of applying a tattoo.

If you want to take a friend with you - please, but you do not need to take ALL friends

Getting a tattoo is a process that requires concentration from the master, and the crowd of your noisy "cheerleading group" risks pissing him off. You don't need the support of all your friends, trust me.

Getting a tattoo is a long process

Often people show up at the salon without an appointment, hoping that they will have their back or entire arm tattooed in just a couple of hours. It will take several sessions to apply such a voluminous tattoo, so take the process seriously. For example, to apply a "sleeve", it will take approximately 4 sessions of 6 hours each.

Think about how much pain you can endure. 'Cause it hurts, yeah

About the pain

Sensitivity to pain is an individual thing. Some have a higher pain threshold, some lower, but it hurts everyone. However, the vast majority of people can endure this pain. Some even smile and joke.

Soreness also depends on the place of tattooing. Chest, neck, sacrum, inner thighs, ribs are very painful places.

Back, shoulders, forearms, calves, hips - tolerable. And on the palms and feet, the tattoo does not hold, as the skin is updated too quickly.

You must not move while getting a tattoo.

If your pain threshold does not allow you to remain calm and still during the procedure, then tattoos are not for you, as by doing so you jeopardize the entire aesthetic of your permanent body art.

As one tattoo artist said: “There can be no mistake on my part, but if this happens through the fault of the client, then, of course, they will blame me for everything.”

Get ready to spend

High-quality large tattoos are not cheap. Almost all tattoo parlors set the minimum price for a tattoo, which often surprises those people who planned to spend no more than a thousand rubles on extremely painstaking and time-consuming work.

However, a small tattoo is very rarely good. Do you want a high-quality drawing, with clear, well-defined contours? So, you need an area not less than the shoulder.

Decide at least roughly what you want

Before you go to a tattoo parlor, you should at least roughly know what you want. Discuss your ideas with the master, and he will help you finally decide on the choice of pattern and place for the tattoo. Do not ask your friends to help you with the choice - it’s not for them to go around with this tattoo always and everywhere.

Do what you want

Among the masters, there are occasionally those who can try to dissuade you from a stupid tattoo, but they are very few. You are the master of your body, and only you can decide how it should look. The job of a tattoo artist is to fulfill any desire of the client, no matter how strange it may be.

So the responsibility for your choice lies only with you. However, freedom of choice too.

Eat and take a shower before going to the tattoo parlor

Food will keep you strong and reduce your sensitivity to pain. And as for the shower - you just can not imagine how many adults neglect the basic rules of hygiene, knowing that they will have to spend several hours indoors.

Do not take children with you

You will be busy, and the children will have no choice but to run around and touch everything, causing inconvenience to the workers of the tattoo parlor.

"Think carefully before getting a tattoo with someone's name."

99% of people who get tattooed with someone else's name later regret it. Fact. However, it's up to you. The owner is a bar.

And a few more points:

  • The tattoo needs to be renewed about once every 3-5 years, because over time the skin stretches and the colors fade.
  • Hair will grow in place of the tattoo.
  • Tattoos are very effective at hiding scars.
  • Moles are not tattooed, but built into the drawing.
  • Before applying a tattoo, you should not drink alcohol for at least two days, so that the capillaries are not dilated and do not bleed.
  • You can remove the tattoo if you want. For this, a laser procedure is used, which is expensive and painful, but quite effective.
