French and Senegalese braids. French braid: beautiful hairstyles for yourself

The French braid is considered one of the most popular weaves, as evidenced by numerous photos in fashion magazines. On its basis, unique and inimitable images are created, besides, this hairstyle suits all women. A French braided braid is appropriate for any situation. The hairstyle is perfect for both business style and for a walk or a party.

French braid weaving

Classic method

Many are interested in the question of how to braid a French braid and whether it is possible to do it yourself. It will take a little skill to hold the escaping strands with your fingers, but after a few workouts, a stylish and beautiful braid will turn out easily and naturally.

Before you start weaving, you should prepare an elastic band or hairpins to fix the braid, a mirror and a comfortable comb, and then follow the instructions and repeat the techniques shown in the photo:

  1. First, you need to carefully comb all the curls and comb them back without parting. Then a wide strand is separated, it is divided into three equal parts, which will form the braid.
  2. The beginning of the French braid repeats the weaving of classic braids in three parts: the strand on the right side is intertwined with the strand lying in the center, as a result, they change places. The left side of the curls is intertwined with the central one, and then everything repeats. A regular three-piece braid forms the top of the French braid, making the hairstyle neat.
  3. Firmly holding with your fingers the strand lying on the left side and the central part of the braid, you should separate with your right hand the hair that lies below the strand on the right and stretch it tightly to this strand of hair. This manipulation is called pickup and allows you to make the strand thicker.
  4. The resulting wide strand on the right should be intertwined with the central part, then firmly hold these two strands, forming the left component of the braid.
  5. The strand of hair on the left is also formed with the help of an additional captured part of the hair, as the right part was formed, and is also intertwined with the central one.
  6. By alternating these manipulations, the braid is braided to the back of the head.

At the back of the head, the hairstyle can be fixed with hairpins or an elastic band, or you can continue weaving a regular three-strand braid. To keep it better, it should be sprinkled with a styling fixative. The photo shows in detail how to weave a French braid so that it turns out beautiful and neat.

The sequence of weaving a classic French braid

The tie-back strands fix the shape of the braid, so the smaller the extra strands of hair, the better the hairstyle will hold.

Reverse way

If the classic version seems boring, you can braid a reverse braid.

Such weaving is a little more complicated than the classical method, but it looks voluminous and original. The principle of weaving is practically the same as the classical method, however, the reverse braid is formed by laying the strands not on top of the central part, but under it, as shown in the photo below.

Reverse French braid pattern

For weaving, the curls are divided into three equal strands and weave a classic braid, laying the side parts under the central part. After the upper part is formed, weaving should be used with the pickup of additional strands. In addition, each strand also fits under the central one. Thus, everything is intertwined to the end.

You can diversify this hairstyle by braiding two braids. To do this, all hair should be divided into two equal parts, each of which, in turn, is divided into three strands. Each braid should be braided separately. An ordinary braid is formed in the upper part of the hairstyle, then the pickup of strands is gradually introduced to form a French one. After the braids are braided, they should be fixed with an elastic band or hairpin.

After completion and fixing, you can give the braids additional volume. To do this, gently pull the strands with your fingers, as if fluffing them. This method will allow you to create a spectacular and voluminous hairstyle, as in the photo.

Three braid hairstyle

The reverse weave or reverse weave method is an excellent basis for many styles. The advantage of this method is the ability to “stretch” the strands and visually give the braid thickness and volume.

An interesting and unusual option is the weaving of three braids on the eversion. To do this, you need to divide all the hair on your head into three parts. First, the middle braid is braided and its tip is fixed. Then you need to carefully fluff the strands so that the styling becomes more voluminous. Next, the side braids are braided, and the strands that form the weave are also stretched. Then all three braids should be fastened together with hairpins in such a way as to hide the resulting parting, and fix the ends of the braids together with an elastic band, as shown in the photo.

Three braids on an eversion

Weaving options

French weave and weave are the basis for many original everyday looks. The main advantage of weaving is that it suits absolutely every woman, regardless of the thickness of the hair. Braids can also be woven on not very short hair, as long as in a bob hairstyle.

French weaving will help to make original evening and daily hairstyles:

  1. In grunge style: braid a thin pigtail at the temple, and comb all other hair to the opposite side.
  2. For romantic women, a French braid with a loose bottom part of the hair is a good option.
  3. For volume: separate a small strand from the top of the head and braid a thin reverse pigtail with a hook, and then carefully fluff the braided strands.
  4. With loose curls, two braids braided from narrow strands look good, as in the photo.
Loose curls and braid

In order to remove hair from the face or braid at the temple, you should use the pickup of strands on one side only. This will allow you to make a beautiful and elegant braid from a small strand of hair.

Using artificial curls of unusual colors during weaving will allow you to create a bright and unique image without dyeing your own hair.

Evening hairstyles

Using French braids, you can make a lot of original evening styling. Combinations of braids and curls with decorative elements will help create a spectacular solemn look.

For example, you can braid two small reverse braids on the sides, and curl curls from the central part of the hair. Weave the braids at the back of the head and decorate with decorative hairpins or artificial flowers, as shown in the photo.

Evening look with weaving French braids

On the basis of French weaving, many wedding hairstyles are made. The bundle of braids looks original. To do this, it is necessary to braid a pair of braids using the French method to the back of the head, without braiding to the end, and form a low bun of loose hair. You can give your hair a unique shine with the help of special sprays. For a wedding look, you can use ribbons, artificial flowers, hairpins with rhinestones and beads.

Another option is to braid two thin pigtails with a catch on one side and lay them like a hoop around the head. Gather loose curls with a beautiful hairpin or leave loose.

We braid. Video

You can learn how to weave a "reverse" French braid by watching the video below.

A braid is not only beautiful, but also very convenient. Having mastered the basic techniques of classic French weaving, every woman will be able to independently create original hairstyles. Braids are a great option for every day and for special occasions.

Recently, hairstyles with a variety of pigtails have become more and more popular. After all, they make the hairstyle practical and comfortable, and even visually “rejuvenate” the face. Today, pigtails are popular not only among women, representatives of the strong half of humanity are also not averse to acquiring pigtails.

Of course, it is not about classic girlish braids, but about French braids. This is a universal hairstyle that suits people of any gender and age, while it can be worn by both glamorous young ladies and representatives of various subcultures.

French braids are a hairstyle that is ideal for young, active and confident women and men. Do not confuse this hairstyle with the French braid, which is also commonly called the "spikelet". In contrast, French braids are a type of Afro hairstyle. Their main feature is that at first they are woven along the contour of the head, close to the skin. At the same time, pigtails can weave straight, or they can form intricate patterns, zigzags, and twisted ornaments on the surface of the head. And the ends of the hair are braided into thin African braids.

This hairstyle was first appreciated by representatives of street, extreme youth, because it was extremely functional. Pigtails braided in this way do not interfere with various active sports, break dancing and doing any acrobatic stunts. In addition, such a hairstyle instantly distinguishes a person from the crowd and looks very stylish. Therefore, French braids quickly migrated from the street to the catwalks and pages of fashion magazines. And since the favorite of millions, David Beckham, got such a hairstyle, doubts that this hairstyle is suitable not only for women have disappeared.

How to do French braids

For weaving French braids, both your own and artificial hair can be used.. You can braid them even on short hair 10-15 centimeters long. In this case, the braids will decorate your head with a beautiful pattern and end at the neck. At the same time, you can weave artificial colored strands into your hair, which will make the hairstyle even more original. For long and medium hair, French braids are also a great solution. With them, you can forget about daily styling and styling products.

True, if you decide to get this stylish and bright hairstyle, get ready to spend the whole day in the salon. After all, weaving French braids is even longer than African ones. It's all about the complex patterns that craftsmen create. But a new hairstyle will delight you for about 4-6 weeks. Wearing pigtails for longer is not recommended, as during this time the hair will grow back and the appearance of the hairstyle will deteriorate. But it is not recommended immediately after you have untwisted the pigtails to braid them again. It is better to let the hair rest for 1-2 months.

How to take care of French braids

French braids need to be taken care of very carefully. For washing, use a mild shampoo and a sponge. And after washing, the hair should not be rubbed with a towel, but only slightly wet. Masks and balms should not be used, as they will be useless and can ruin the appearance of the hairstyle.

Appearing back in the 18th century with the light hand of a court hairdresser, the French braid won the love of women. She looks both strict and elegant, playful and simple, but very beautiful.

Classic French braid

This fashionable hairstyle is great for both thick and sparse hair.

Step 1. We comb and comb fine hair at the roots well.

Step 2. We take a strand from the face and tie it with an elastic band (silicone, to match the hair color) - this will facilitate the work.

Step 3. On the sides, we select two more parts of the hair and make a binding, as for a regular pigtail.

Step 4. On both sides, we grab new strands from the total mass of hair and weave them into a braid.

Step 5. Repeat this action to the base of the neck.

Step 6. After all the hair on the sides is woven into a pigtail, finish it in the traditional way and tie it with an elastic band.

Step 7. We hide the elastic band near the face under the hair or carefully cut it with nail scissors.

Step 8. You can leave the weaving strict, or you can stretch its slices with your hands. Unruly hair should be sprinkled with varnish.

See the video for more details:

French braid on the side

At first glance, it seems complicated, but a detailed weaving pattern will help you quickly cope with this task.

  1. We comb on the side parting and transfer the entire hair to one side.
  2. We begin to weave a standard French pigtail.
  3. Weave it down behind the ear, grabbing the hair horizontally from the opposite side. We carefully monitor that the scythe falls smoothly down.
  4. When all the hair is woven into a braid, we tie its end with an elastic band.
  5. Spray everything with varnish.
  6. Weaken the weave by stretching it with our hands.

Such weaving is performed on long and medium hair, which allows you to get a very beautiful French pigtail.

Reverse French braid

The French braid, on the contrary, visually increases the volume of the hair and looks even on not very thick hair.

  1. We take part of the hair from the very face and divide it into 3 strands.
  2. We put the strand that turned out to be on the right under the central one. The one that remains on the left is skipped under the right. Now it has become central.
  3. (a, b) We shift the left strand under the middle one and add hair to it from the left side.
  4. Now we skip under the middle right strand, adding hair to it on the right side.
  5. We continue to weave a braid according to this principle.
  6. We collect all the hair in this way and finish weaving with a simple reverse braid. It is woven in the same way as a regular one, only the side strands are passed under the middle one.
  7. We tie the end of the pigtail with an elastic band.
  8. We stretch the strands to give them volume.

Making such a reverse pigtail is not so difficult. Watch the video:

French headband

Step 1. We comb the hair back or make a side parting on the left. We separate a wide strand for the braid, and twist the rest of the hair at the back so as not to interfere.

Step 2. Divide the separated part of the hair with a horizontal parting from one ear to the second. One of them will serve as the basis, but with the second we will weave loose strands.

Step 3. Weave a French braid from the right ear to the left or vice versa. Weaving can be classic or reverse.

Step 4. We braid the braid to the right ear, tie it into a ponytail or finish with a regular three-row braid. We hide the tip under the bulk of the hair.

French braid with tail

Easy to perform, but beautiful styling is ideal for every day.

1. In the middle of the head we take a wide strand - from the face to the back of the head. It is better to stab the rest of the hair with crabs so as not to interfere.

2. We begin to weave a braid, gradually adding hair on both sides.

3. Having reached the back of the head, we tie the hair into a ponytail.

4. Wrap the loose hair on the right around the elastic band. We fix the tip with invisibility.

5. Do the same with the hair on the left side.

Four strand French braid

This luxurious hairstyle is a great option for an evening out. For some, it seems too complicated, but after learning from our master class how to weave a four-strand French braid, you will see that this is not at all the case.

  1. We divide the hair into 4 identical parts.
  2. We throw the second one on the left under the next two, and then we transfer it over the far right strand. Now the first part on the left side is located in the second place.
  3. We transfer the extreme strand on the right under two neighboring ones and skip the second one from above.
  4. We attach a new part of the hair to the extreme strand on the left and again pass it under the two neighboring ones and on top of the extreme one.
  5. To the extreme strand on the right, add a new part of the hair and pass it under the neighboring strands and on top of the second.
  6. According to this principle, we continue weaving a four-strand braid. Tie the end with a rubber band.

To braid a French braid, follow these steps step by step:

  1. Comb your hair, select a wide strand from the hairline at the top of your head. The wider the strand, the more voluminous the braid will turn out.
  1. Divide the selected strand of hair into three equal parts. All the following strands involved in weaving should be of the same volume. Shift the strands as when weaving a regular braid: throw the right one on the middle one, and then throw the left one on top.

  1. Holding the left strand together with the middle one, grab a new strand of hair from the right side and connect it with the right strand of the main part of the braid.

  1. Weave the resulting right part with the middle main part, acting similarly to weaving a simple pigtail.

  1. Take with your right hand all three resulting strands.

  1. With your left hand, take a new strand of hair from the left side.

  1. Weave a new strand of hair with the leftmost strand and throw it over the middle strand of the main part.

  1. Repeating the steps above, braid the braid to the base of the neck, then braid the loose hair into a simple braid.

  1. Secure the resulting hairstyle with an elastic band or hairpin.

The whole process is shown in more detail in the video below:

The following step-by-step tutorial will show you how to weave a French braid with a bun. In order for the hairstyle to turn out neat, you will need a special bagel for hair.

  1. The braid can be braided in any area of ​​​​the head. Having chosen a place on the head, select three equal strands of hair and make several weaves, as in a regular pigtail.

  1. As you move along the head, grab additional strands of hair and weave them into the main part of the future braid so that the French braid is fixed on the head.
  2. Weave the braid and fasten.

  1. Tie the remaining free hair with an elastic band in the tail, putting on it a special roller for the bun.

  1. Comb the hair collected in a ponytail and tuck it inside the roller, forming a voluminous bun.

  1. Wind the previously braided braid onto the base of the bundle.

Romantic hairstyle is ready!

Weaving "French Falls"

The hairstyle got its name "French Falls" for its similarity with falling jets of water. It is quite simple to perform, after a little training you can easily braid it not only to your girlfriend or daughter, but also to yourself.

Scheme for creating a braid

This hairstyle looks especially impressive on curly hair. Naturally straight hair can be slightly curled at the ends with a curling iron to make the braid more voluminous and voluminous.

Step-by-step instruction

  1. Make a deep side parting on the head and separate three equal small strands of hair from the larger combing area.

  1. Make several classic braids with the fence of additional strands over the head, after which weave the braid in such a way that the lower strands remain free and do not participate in further weaving. Instead of the released lower strand, take a new one, moving around the circumference of the head.

  1. Having reached the ear, take a strand above it and tightly fix the weave with it.

  1. Having reached the other side of the head, fix the finished braid with an inconspicuous thin elastic band.

Hairstyle completed!

The finished braid can be decorated with studs with flowers or rhinestones.

The following step-by-step instruction allows you to master the technique of weaving an inverted French braid:

  1. Separate a wide strand of hair from the forehead and divide it into three equal parts.
  2. Bring the left strand under the middle one, crossing them.
  3. Bring the right strand under the left.
  4. To the left strand add a thin new strand of hair from the left temple.
  5. Similarly, we weave the right strand with an additional one taken from the right temple. Continue weaving until all the hair at the temples is woven into a braid.
  6. Finish braiding by tying the remaining loose hair into a ponytail, or weaving it to the very ends.

In more detail, the technique of creating a French braid inside out is presented in the following video:

In the same way, you can make a hairstyle from two inverted French braids at the same time.

Weaving braids diagonally

  1. The braid is woven from five strands. We take the beginning just above the right ear and finish under the left. Select a strand of hair and divide it into three equal parts (each strand is numbered in the photo).

  1. Throw strand 1 on strand 2. Throw strand number 3 on 1.

  1. To the left of the main part, select the fourth strand.

  1. Place strand 4 under strand 2, and then draw over strand 3 so that they form a checkerboard pattern.

  1. Above the right temple, highlight the fifth strand and draw it under 1 and over strand 4. Thus, the main part will be created by strands numbered 2, 3 and 5.

  1. Now bring 2 strands under 3 and over strand 5.

  1. Bring the third inverted strand up.

  1. On the left, pick up a new strand.

  1. Pickup add to 2 strands.

  1. Release strand 3. Take a section from strands 2, 4 and 1.

  1. Pull strand 4 up.

  1. Pick up the new strand on the right and add it to the first section. Bring strand 1 over 2 and under strand 3. Lower section 4.

  1. We repeat the steps from the fifth step until all the strands from the head are in the braid.

  1. Having completely finished weaving, stretch the sides of the braid for a lace effect until the braid is fixed.

  1. Braid the braid to the end and secure with a transparent silicone rubber band. Optionally, it can be additionally decorated with flowers or rhinestones.

french braids

Small French braids tightly fitting to the head, which are also called braids, are one of the varieties of Afro hairstyles. The technique of weaving French braids is no different from creating ordinary spikelets, the difference lies in the width of the braid and its tighter weaving.

Until some time ago, they could only be seen on African hair. Today, this type of braiding is also popular with representatives of other races.

To create French braids, a special material is very often used - kanekalon, which is woven together with strands for greater density and long-term hairstyles.

Braids with kanekalon, provided that they are properly cared for, can be worn for up to 1 month, while without them, their wearing period is only 1-2 weeks.

Such braids can be woven with a hair length of 10 cm, while the pattern created by ready-made braids can be absolutely anything - it all depends on the client's imagination and the master's talent.

Braided hair gives the hairstyle neatness and grace, which always attracts admiring glances and the attention of others. Spruce up your everyday look with braided hair and you will feel the difference!

french braids- This is a special weaving of hair, which consists in creating several dense braids adjacent to the scalp. They can create an unusual pattern or be just straight. The peculiarity of this hairstyle is that it can be worn for up to 6 weeks, while washing your hair regularly. The duration of such a procedure depends on the length of the hair, the thickness of the braids and the pattern. During weaving, a pick-up technique is used, after the part adjacent to the head is finished, the hair is braided into a regular three-strand braid. This procedure is carried out in several main stages: first, the hair is carefully combed, then divided into four sections. Three of them are fixed, and weaving begins with the fourth. After completing the hairstyle, you can give it an unusual shape, release a few strands from the braids and fix it with varnish.

Since ancient times, 6 thousand years ago, in the territory of modern Algeria, women have braided their hair using the French braid technique. Their images are preserved in rock paintings. Also, similar hairstyles were depicted on many statues in ancient Greece. The ancient Celts braided their hair in this way for both women and men. In China, it was also common to braid hair in similar braids, which were an element of an elaborate hairstyle. Such weaving began to be called French at the end of the 19th century after it was mentioned in one of the American magazines. France has always been considered the center of fashion, and therefore the appearance of this type of weaving in the modern world is attributed to this country. Among fashion historians, there is an opinion that such pigtails were invented by a French stylist as opposed to English weaving.

Hair features

French braids are a bit like African ones. Their main difference is that the former fit snugly to the head, and the free edge is formed only near the neck. They allow the interweaving of artificial strands of any color. If the hair is naughty, special sprays or serums are used to soften its structure and make it supple. The most popular manufacturers of such products are Estel, Schwarzkopf Professional, Oribe. French braids are hard enough to weave on your hair. To get a high-quality and durable hairstyle, you should contact a beauty salon with a hairdresser who has undergone special training. It is important that the hair is braided tightly, but not very tight. In this case, only an experienced master can find the golden mean.

Weaving French braids is recommended for girls with long and naughty hair. Such a hairstyle will allow you to forget about styling and styling products for a long time. It is perfect for those who lead an active lifestyle, go in for sports. In this case, the hair is not knocked out and does not interfere during training. It is undesirable to braid French braids to owners of thin, damaged hair, because this procedure will cause them even more harm due to strong creases and tightening of curls. If dyed hair is braided into such a hairstyle, then special care will be needed for them, both during wearing the hairstyle and after it is loosened. Among the advantages, it can be noted that with French braids daily hair styling is not required, and flowing braids can be braided into a variety of hairstyles. The main disadvantage is that the procedure can be repeated with an interval of one month.

The main stages of weaving

French braids are braided for a long time, and this process has several stages. First you need to carefully comb your hair. This will help the master create a hairstyle faster, and also prevent hair breakage. Then the curls are divided into several parts so that they do not interfere with further work.

In one of the sectors, you should start weaving, using the sharp end of the comb or a special separator. In order to start weaving, you need to select a small strand and divide it into three equal parts. The left is placed in the center, after which they do the same with the right. Then another small strand is attached to the left, which is located between the other two, and identical operations are performed with them. You need to weave until a tight pigtail reaches the neck, after which the loose hair is woven into a regular braid. At the bottom, each pigtail is secured with a small elastic band. At the final stage, the hairstyle can be fixed with hairspray.

The length of the hair to perform such a hairstyle does not matter, the main thing is that it be at least 10 centimeters. The longer the hair, the more complex the pattern can be created from French braids. Although this hairstyle does not require styling, the hair still needs regular care. It is advisable to wash them once a week and then apply an indelible moisturizing composition to the entire length.

With the help of French braids, you can create a unique look, especially if you weave a few bright strands into your hair. When using additional curls in such weaving, the hair is visually lengthened. The French braid hairstyle is comfortable to wear every day and is also great for athletes and people with an active lifestyle. It is desirable to do it in a beauty salonso that it turns out to be of high quality and lasts for more than one week. You need to take care of your hair even after weaving French braids. To bring your hair back to its original look, you should use a professional series of moisturizing and restorative products. To achieve the best effect, you should visit a beauty salon, where the master will assess the condition of the hair and carry out the necessary procedures. After a month, you can braid French braids again.
