The ready-made script for the New Year's corporate party is cool. Funny New Year's sketches for a corporate party (for adults)

Before the New Year's Eve, you need to buy some souvenirs for future competitions and quizzes, think about who will participate in them, pick up assistants for yourself, and otherwise, look at the circumstances. The script is designed for a minimum of memorizing the text and preparing costumes, mostly all impromptu.
There is a special and ancient holiday, where a feast is on wide tables, Where ate - forest trees - grow on parquet floors. Such moments are beautiful, and the night is festive, and long, And the world is shrouded in colors ... We wish you love and kindness! Let the glasses clink today. Let the wine sparkle today, Let the night starfall look at you through the window. On this wonderful night, you can’t do without a smile. Pain and sorrow - away! Happy new year friends! Dear friends! Let's fill our glasses and drink for the upcoming New Year!
Everyone drinks and eats. A minute later, it’s not worth pulling anymore, the host continues to lead the evening.
Our Firm has a New Year. There will be dancing, round dance. On the porch at the door We are all waiting for guests. Oh, and the day will be today! Santa Claus is coming
Dear colleagues, let's all look at the front doors, Santa Claus should appear now. (By prior agreement, the head of the company, while everyone is looking at the door, puts on a red Santa Claus hat and tries to portray him.)
Let's all ask Santa Claus to come to us together. (Everyone starts shouting "FATHER FROST" in unison).
And here our Santa Claus appeared, a word to Our Santa Claus, of course you all recognized him - this is our respected leader ... Today, instead of Santa Claus, he will give us gifts. (
The leader congratulates everyone, presents awards to the best employees and makes a toast).
Life is a mirage, hopes, passions, the expectation of a dream. If only all the misfortunes could be avoided. Let the tree intoxicate with needles, and not foolishness confuse. Let the prickly needles in the house be only from the Christmas tree! Let guns, and firecrackers, and firecrackers shoot on the holiday - Let the dream run away from you only on New Year's Eve. The arrows rose up, converged on twelve. The time has come! Twelve strikes! Be happy New Year! Leave sadness to the old year, Forget anxiety, resentment, trouble. Dear colleagues, let's celebrate the Old Year together with all its hardships and sorrows. Let's fill the glasses and drink to the bottom, and I hope that with the last drops of a sparkling drink, all worries and resentments will leave you. 4 GLASS Presenter:
So, we spent the old year, drank for the coming one, but the holiday does not end there, it has just begun. I propose to stretch your head a little, and who's hands are probably tired of working with cutlery. Every child today knows that the best gift is money. And I offer the hall a game for a million. those. lemon game. So, who is ready to join the fight for this exotic fruit? By answering the question correctly, you get one slice of lemon (the lemon is divided into 10 slices by the host's assistant).
GAME FOR LEMON The essence of the game: A question is asked and several answers, one of them is correct, which is underlined. Whoever answered correctly gets a slice of lemon.
Questions: 1. Who has feelings for cats: Mouse Dog* Owl Brezhnev 2. Protagonist of the film "White Bim, Black Ear": Dog* Elk Cheburashka Synthesizer operator 3. Who is man's best friend: Terminator Hamster Dog* Computer 4. Who leaves unpleasant heaps in your yard: Mother-in-law Head Dog* Neighbors 5. Who did the wolf turn into when it was tamed: Into a man Into a dog* Into a ghost that rattles chains in your bedroom Into a Monkey 6. Whose devotion to the owner is the strongest: At the sparrow At the hamster At the dog* At the crocodile 7. Who will always bring a stick: Traffic cop Dog* Rat Friend 8. Who helps the police find drugs: Me!!! I WILL HELP!!! Dog* Policemen Owls Presenter: Who won the most slices of lemon, and this .... Not a gift - just a treasure. Our colleague is very happy. Our "Limoner - millionaire" word. 5 GLASS Presenter:
Dear friends! Once before the new year, I witnessed a funny story. The drunk is on the bus. And there is an urgent need for him to cope with petty needs. He endures for a while, and then he can't stand it and starts. The conductor indignantly says to him: - Man, what is it? - I'm a Snow Maiden, don't you see, or something, I'm starting to hide!
Something became boring for us without the Snow Maiden. We have Santa Claus. He urgently needs a Snow Maiden. And now we will choose her, among our dear women. For this, the following are selected: 1. Each of the women, applicants for the Snow Maiden, prepares a dish from products from the New Year's table for 1 minute - it can be a fantastic sandwich, a New Year's composition from all available salads, etc., i.e. any appetizer for the next toast. 2. The most erudite Snow Maiden. Snow Maidens say in a circle the names of films where the action takes place in winter or on New Year's Eve. Whoever says it last wins the contest. According to the results of two competitions, the jury of men choose the Snow Maiden for the evening. The Snow Maiden is given the word for congratulations.
Dear Colleagues. As long as you remember yourself, you probably remember the meeting of the New Year holidays. Let's go back a little to childhood. Remember the round dances around the Christmas tree in the children's court and school, where the children unanimously answered the questions of the Snow Maiden and Santa Claus. Ready? Just let's be attentive and friendly and loudly answer me. And now, friends, let's play an interesting game: What we decorate the Christmas tree with, I'll tell you now. You listen carefully, And be sure to answer, If I tell you right, Say "Yes" in response. Well, if suddenly - wrong, Say boldly "No!" - Multi-colored crackers? - Blankets and pillows? - Folding beds and cribs? - Marmalade, chocolates? - Glass balls? - Wooden chairs? - Teddy bears? - Primers and books? - Are the beads multi-colored? - Are the garlands bright? - Snow from white cotton wool? - Backpacks and briefcases? - Shoes and boots? - Cups, forks, spoons? - Are the candies shiny? Are the tigers real? - Are the buds golden? Are the stars radiant?
Yes, although we have been adults for a long time, we are still children, so I congratulate you, children, I wish you happiness, joy. So that you grow and grow smarter. They had fun and sang songs. May your laughter always ring! Happy New Year everyone, everyone, everyone! And which of you made the most mistakes in the game. Well, of course - this is our esteemed colleague ...., but he is forgiven, he has already taken it on his chest - palpably. Let's let him stretch his tongue.
(colleague makes a toast)
7 GLASS Presenter: In the meantime, so as not to be bored, I suggest playing! Now I will ask comic questions, and you try to recognize yourself in them or your neighbors on the table, and answer my question: “It's me!”: Or “It's He (She)!” 1. Who sometimes walks with vodka with a cheerful gait? 2. Which of you, say out loud, catches flies at work? 3. Who is not afraid of frost, drives a car like a bird? 4. Which of you will grow up a little and go to the bosses? 5. Which of you does not walk gloomy, loves sports and physical education? 6. Which of you, so wonderful, always drinks vodka barefoot? (On Lake Baikal) 7. Who completes the work assignment just in time? 8. How many of you drink in the office, like at today's banquet? 9. Which of your friends walks dirty to the ears? 10. Which one of you walks upside down on the pavement? 11. Which of you, I want to know, likes to sleep at work? 12. How many of you come to the office an hour late? As expected, there are very few of them in our firm, almost none. Here's to our friendly team and let's drink! 8 GLASS
Dear Colleagues! Today we have a gypsy visiting us. Preliminarily agree with one of your colleagues that he portrayed a "gypsy". To do this, he needs to dress up as a gypsy, just put on a scarf and make up his lips, after the sixth glass, almost anyone can play. You need to print the following wishes in the form of playing cards. "Gypsy" enters the hall and offers to tell fortunes to everyone and predict fate for the evening. The guest draws a card and reads out loud what awaits him today. If the proposed wishes are not enough for all guests, then it is not difficult to add them by taking any horoscope. The second half of the evening for very close communication with partners of the opposite sex! Great success awaits you tonight! This day is conducive to plans for the future, and their discussion with partners of the opposite sex! Today, emotional understanding and physical contact are more important for you than verbal spending time! Today, acquaintances and hobbies are likely for you, especially in the second half of the evening! Tonight with the help of words and beliefs are able to achieve anything! Today, the best thing for you is hope for your own strength, especially at the end of the evening! Avoid the cold from the partner of the opposite sex and always be on the alert! Fruitful work with a spoon and fork at today's table will bring certain results by the evening! Tonight, chatting with friends will bring you a lot of joy! Today is a particularly important evening in your life, pay special attention to the neighbors at your table! At midnight - you can start to lead a calm lifestyle, and now have fun! Tonight is good for any entertainment! Be attentive to each poured glass and do not miss it past your mouth! Your creative success at this evening will be noticed by all those present! The second half of the evening can be used by you to convince other people, especially the opposite sex! Today you may have an inclination for solitude with someone! The evening will turn out to be unusual and mysterious for you, be prepared for anything! Today you will be especially prone to alcohol, do not get carried away! Avoid conflict at the table because of a glass that was not drunk on time! Tonight, it is advisable not to avoid partners of the opposite sex during the dance! Today, be careful and don't fall asleep in a plate at a neighbor's table! Excessive drinking tonight can lead to loss of orientation in space and time! Today it is not recommended to have sexual intercourse with anyone! Tomorrow you will have an excess of energy, so spend it today! Independent today's actions on the part of you will allow you to improve your financial situation! Today, you may have a big win! Tonight is favorable for intimate acquaintances!
After the last fortune-telling, "Gypsy" congratulates everyone on the New Year! He makes a toast. A break is announced, dances and competitions with prizes.
Dear colleagues, You are probably tired during the break, you need to warm up, and in order for the warm-up to be successful, you need to drink. Let's drink to the fact that when we go home, money would attack us and we could not fight them off! 10 GLASS
The warm-up was successful, I hope everyone along the way will be attacked by money with which it will be possible to spend the whole next year. And now you have to think a little with your head, although this will already be difficult for some. I will make riddles, and you will have to guess them. Whoever guesses the most will win a prize. RIDDLES (riddles in brackets): 1. What do we choose instead of money, If we play with Yakubovich? (prize) 2. Is this food different: Black and red? (caviar) 3. Well, what kind of relatives is Father's brother for me? (uncle) 4. Here is the ship's premises, By appointment - cargo? (hold) 5. My grandfather has a wife. Who is she to me? (woman) 6. He will squeak you a couple of lines, In the language of dashes and dots? (radio operator) 7. In schools, she was replaced by a table, Unfortunately, did you come? (desk) 8. Here everyone will answer instantly. What's in a first grader's braid? (tape) 9. Under this shell, Hidden skeletons? (skin) 10. What did Medved and Zhabotinsky bring to the parade on the first day of the Olympics? (flag) 11. Fashionistas! Can you tell me the record length skirt? (maxi) 12. Gently slowly Shoved her left-hander? (flea) 13. What do we say when the toastmaster gives us the word? (toast) 14. And here is a very simple question: Who brought you to your parents? (stork) 15. Do radio engineers know: do they solder with this metal? (tin) 16. You should remember, What kind of drug did Vishnevsky come up with for us? (ointment) 17. Is there no one more important at the university? (Rector) 18. What floats on the river And on the chessboard? (Rook) 19. The question is: Who is Peter drinking? (Neva) 20. For forty years, you must have seen What covers Fidel's head? (cap) 21. Recall soon the Source of crackers? (bread) 22. Reflect on this a little: Colorado potato beetle - what is he for potatoes? (vermin) 23. If the head is dirty Does it appear? (dandruff) 24. The day passed and the night, What rushed away? (24 hours) 25. Who conquered Siberia And presented it to the tsar? (Ermak) 26. Give a clear answer Dishes for vodka? (glass) 27. An important question he decides Does the strength of the genie decrease? (tonic) 28. Starting from a place, what does the Athlete and the plane take? (acceleration, acceleration) 29. This mushroom, in theory, we can often meet in aspen thickets. (Boletus). 30. Not for long, the people's commissar was able to be proud, What keeps everyone in a tight rein. (Ezhov) 31. What does Makarevich offer us to feel from the screen early in the morning? (Smack) 32. Having looked through it, I instantly understand what kind of student you are. (Diary) 33. Is this riddle easy, Short Stocking Brother? (Sock) 34. On the target sector for muff, I hope you figured it out? (Milk) 35. A film in which Kikabidze managed to soar into the sky. (Mimino) 36. A section of water, where will they always find shelter for the court? (Bay) 37. No need to think long Home panicle. (Broom) 38. Traditionally, in our troops, she is larger than a platoon, but smaller than a battalion? (Rota) 39. Sea. It is closer to the north. And then there is wine. (White) 40. Shed for village rendezvous. It is clear that they are not being held in a barn. (Hyloft) 41. A liner that sank in the ocean And victoriously surfaced on the screen. (Titanic) 42. The river between the USA and Canada. Known for its waterfall. (Niagara) 43. How do you usually call the Human Resources Headquarters at work? (Department) 44. Which Tatar ruler, Donskoy defeated on the Kulikovo field? (Mamai) 45. The prince did not believe until the end, That he would die from a stallion? (Oleg)
We have a leader, the most sober today, and the flag in his hands.

The New Year holiday begins with the election of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden. But it cannot be the usual Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden. Such honorary titles should be earned, and for this, the presenter invites everyone to participate in the competition for professional suitability. Before starting the competition, guests should put on the appropriate attributes: for men - red caps or comical noses with an elastic band, and for women - blue hats, mittens, rain and make the appropriate makeup. The competition itself may consist of ordinary holiday competitions, proposed in this book just below. Or you can use contests specially designed for the New Year holiday:
- hang with your eyes closed a toy on a Christmas tree,
- cut a snowflake out of a napkin at speed,
- use a spoon and a heating battery (or any other "sounding" object) to perform a New Year's melody,
- prepare a New Year's dish from the products offered by the host, after which the applicants for the role of the Snow Maiden must feed them "Grandfathers" with their eyes closed
- remember the largest number of films (songs, poems) about the New Year,
- talk about the traditions of celebrating the New Year in different countries,
- come up with a New Year's wish.

Even what Father Frost and Snow Maiden will dress up in can be the object of evaluation by a strict jury. By the way, the hosts or those guests who decided to refrain from participating in the competitions act as the jury.
The chosen Father Frost and the Snow Maiden take a place of honor - at the head of the festive table. Since the holiday already has a host, the role of the “sweet couple” is purely symbolic, like that of the Japanese emperor, and in many ways simply decorative. The only thing that can be entrusted to her is the presentation of gifts and prizes. For this, Santa Claus is supplied with a "magic" bag.

You can beat the competitive program of the New Year's holiday in poetic form.

We're on our way
To look into a fairy tale.
In the thirtieth kingdom,
In a troubled state
In the village, no one knows what,
In a hut with a peasant visor
Young brothers lived
On the selection - all remote!

The host invites those wishing to take part in several competitions.

Just do not fall for work,
Everyone at the table was gripping!
That time, lying on the stove,
They began to eat kalachi.
Suddenly an idea! Feet-chickpeas!
How much can we eat in a minute?

The presenter's assistants bring in rolls or pies. Contestants must eat as many rolls as possible in a minute.

The guys got angry
Decided: we all need
Find fast horses
Yes, jump on feats!

The contestants are given fake horses or sticks depicting them.

Here the light of dawn warmed,
All the heroes are in the saddles.
On the way they have a barrier!

Assistants place improvised barriers in the room where the competition will be held. It is better to use an elongated room for the next competition, for example, a corridor.

Gotta jump higher
Without hitting, without knocking down the barrier,
Turn and again "to the quarry"!
And now on the count of "three"
Get started immediately!
One two Three!

There is a game of speed with overcoming barriers.

Although the horses were zealous,
On a gallop in excitement,
Managed to tame them
What? The horses got up
And they suddenly neighed anxiously,
They beat with a hoof and tremble ...
Horror gripped the guys!
On the way - an obstacle again:
There was a three-headed dragon!

They bring in the "three-headed dragon" - three balloons tied together.

Our guys were a snap:
They launched a slingshot.

A competition for accuracy is held: participants are given slingshots and bullets. The task of the players is to burst all the balls.

Accurately you hit the target
And the dragon was slain.
And for such joy
We wanted to return home.
Suddenly the guys see - the light sparkles.
It must be the feather of the Firebird!

Burning candles are brought in according to the number of contestants.

Jumped to that place
And, to my great sadness,
Instead of a miracle, birds-Heat,
We saw a fire there.
And so that there is no trouble
We decided to bring water.

They bring in a bucket of water and several 200-gram cups (according to the number of participants).

There is a well, no bucket!
It's time to show ingenuity!

Assistants bring spoons on a tray (according to the number of participants).

There are spoons. Why stew?
You can carry water in them.

A competition is held in which participants must drag water with the help of spoons from a bucket, each into their own cup. Having filled the cup to the top with water, each contestant blows out his candle.

With honor overcoming obstacles,
You deserve an award!
We hasten to congratulate you!
Let's make a toast to everyone!

In general, the New Year is always a fairy tale, always magic, and therefore a fairy tale is the place for such a holiday! At the height of the holiday, guests can be invited to stage some kind of New Year's fairy tale. To do this, the leader distributes cards with fairy-tale characters among those who wish. The task of the players is to “revive” their characters in the course of reading the fairy tale.

New Year's fairy tale (action movie)
Characters: Snow Maiden, Stranger, Tiger, Crow, Helicopter, Forest (at least 3 people - Trees).
Noisy bamboo FOREST. Trees swayed from side to side and creaked ominously. It was dark and scary in the FOREST. Breaking the branches and crushing the grass, a huge TIGER slowly came out of the FOREST. He was hungry and therefore growled ominously. Frightened, the CROW flew from TREE to TREE and croaked indignantly. The TIGER looked back, angrily wagged his tail and hid under a TREE. Suddenly, the sound of a flying HELICOPTER burst into the lunar silence. A STRANGER and a SNOW MAIDEN flew on it. The HELICOPTER's engine roared louder and louder, its propeller spinning wildly. Looking for a place to land, the HELICOPTER began to descend and landed in a clearing. Bamboo FOREST rustled around. A STRANGER and a SNOW MAIDEN came out of the HELICOPTER. THE STRANGER wiped his forehead, the SNOW MAIDEN clapped her hands and said "Hurrah!" Suddenly the SNOW MAIDEN saw a huge TIGER under the TREE and cried out “Oh-oh-oh!”. TIGP looked at the intruders with hungry eyes, licked his lips and growled ominously. SNOW MAIDEN quickly and easily climbed a nearby TREE. THE STRANGER was left alone with the TIGER. Again, frightened, a CROW flew from TREE to TREE and croaked indignantly. The TIGER slowly approached the STRANGER. Both prepared for the fight. Standing upright, the STRANGER lunged with his foot and loudly shouted "Kiya!". The TIGER roared intimidatingly, continuing to approach the STRANGER. The STRANGER winked at the frightened SNOW MAIDEN sitting on the TREE, quickly changed his stance and again shouted “Kiya!”. But the TIGER boldly walked forward. And then the STRANGER, without fear, rushed at the TIGER and laid him on the shoulder blades with a series of well-aimed blows. SNOW MAIDEN shouted "Hurrah!". The CROW croaked in surprise and fell off the TREE. The TIGER roared again, but this time plaintively. THE STRANGER tied a collar around the TIGER's neck. The TIGER looked doomedly at the STRANGER and obediently sat down next to him. SNOW MAIDEN once again shouted "Hurrah!" and descended from the TREE. THE STRANGER took the SNOW MAIDEN by the hand, handed her the leash with the TIGER, and they all went to celebrate the New Year. Following them, the bamboo FOREST rustled with delight, and the CROW croaked in surprise.

New Year's hooligan interpretation of the famous Russian folk tale, in which 7 players take part (according to the number of fairy-tale characters): turnip, grandfather, grandmother, granddaughter, Bug, cat and mouse. Game props are made up of cards indicating the characters and the words that they must pronounce:
turnip - "both-on",
grandfather - "would kill"
grandma - “everything is ready, everything is already cold”,
granddaughter - "and I'm a young, unmarried girl",
Bug - "a dog is biting only from a dog's life",
cat - "and I'm a March cat, I don't care about anything, meow-meow",
mouse - "mice only look small, wee-wee."

Each player draws one card with his eyes closed and remembers the words that his character must say every time the host mentions him during the reading of the tale. It looks like this:

“Grandfather planted (killed) a turnip (both-on). A turnip (both-on) has grown, big-big. Grandfather came (would have killed) to pull the turnip (both-on), pull-pull, can’t pull it out. The grandfather called (would have killed) the grandmother (everything is already ready, everything has already cooled down). Grandmother (everything is ready, everything has already cooled down) - for grandfather (would have killed), grandfather (would have killed) - for the turnip (both-on), pull-pull, they can’t pull out ... ".

All sorts of fortune-telling and various predictions are associated with New Year's Eve, so it is not surprising if a gypsy or an astrologer "visits" the holiday. To do this, you will need one pre-arranged guest and a colorful costume: a colorful shawl for a gypsy or a black cloak and a cardboard cap for an astrologer. The fortune teller publicly reads the predictions to each party member.
Alternatively, the experience of other countries can be consulted. In particular, in the United States, many Chinese restaurants have a funny tradition of serving fortune cookies at the very end of the meal - “fortune cookies”. "Fate cookies" consist of two halves, between which a piece of paper with a proverb, a funny saying or a prediction is hidden. Nothing stops you from borrowing this idea and making fortune cookies for your guests. Even the most skeptical guests will be delighted with this fun.

Instead of cookies, you can use walnut shells. Walnut grains are eaten or used to prepare some kind of festive dish. Folded predictions are placed in an empty shell. Between themselves, the halves of the shell are glued together with PVA glue or tied with multi-colored threads or “rain”. In the latter case, it is recommended to put walnuts with fortune telling in a basket filled with the same “rain”.

You can come up with predictions for “fortune cookies” yourself or use, for example, the following:
1. If you take the initiative, success will not keep you waiting.
2. Your hopes and plans will come true beyond all expectations.
3. Someone is trying to hinder or harm you.
4. Important news will come very soon.
5. Everything is the will of God: it is not in your power to influence the situation!
6. The answer to your question is related to some man, perhaps well known to you.
7. Something new will come into your life that will significantly affect your personality.
8. Be careful: they want to deceive you!
9. Take a close look at your surroundings: someone can let you down at the most decisive moment.
10. You hope not in vain!
11. Check all locks and locks: you can be robbed.
12. The problem is inside you!
13. The result of your actions may be unexpected.
14. Time will dry all tears and heal all wounds.
15. You are on the right track!
16. You will finally be able to unlock the rusty lock.
17. Anxiety and anxiety await you.
18. What you strive for is not worth your efforts.
19. The main characteristic of the current situation is ignorance.
20. The results of the business you have in mind will greatly disappoint you.
21. The problem is not where you think.
22. An offer that will be made to you will not suit you.
23. Forward and only forward: the cause you are thinking about is right!
24. Your goal is achievable.
25. You cannot solve your problems alone.
26. Success will come if you don't listen to anyone's advice.
27. The time of doubt and hesitation has come for you.
28. Time must pass from the sowing of grain to the harvest.
29. The darkness in which you have lived until now has dissipated.
30. A break in personal relationships is now more likely than reconciliation.

The total number of predictions should be about twice as many as those invited.
Instead of predictions, you can use advice on how to behave so that the situation is resolved in a way that is favorable for the person. The tips below are taken from runic divination, the oldest divination of the Scandinavian peoples. The beauty of these tips is that they are suitable for almost anyone, regardless of the content of their problem.

1. Lead an ordinary life in an extraordinary way.
2. Do not look for external enemies: to understand what hinders your development, look inside yourself.
3. Remember that true partnership can only exist between whole individuals.
4. Be attentive to the clues of fate.
5. If the well is clogged, then it's time to clean it.
6. Winning comes from what you have to give up.
7. Act according not to old authorities, but to what you think is right for you.
8. It's time to finish the old and start the new.
9. If you do not want serious shocks, analyze your attitude towards your own personality.
10. Let go of your past: it has exhausted itself.
11. Do not expect too much and do not think about the end result.
12. Study your shadow sides; Understand what attracts unhappiness into your life.
13. Finish what you started.
14. Be patient, and if your decision is correct, the Universe will support it.
15. Don't get emotional.
16. Look after your health.
17. Enjoy your luck and share it with the people around you.
18. Focus on the present.
19. Don't get along with quick results.
20. Accept: Your options are limited.
21. Be persistent in the battle with your own selfishness.
22. Your energy drains due to thoughtless or untimely action.
23. Go with the flow of life without judgment or trying to understand it.
24. Do not overestimate your strength: this can lead to overstrain.
25. Events are completely out of your control.
26. Trust what happens to you.
27. Think and take your time.
28. It's time to act, even if you are required to jump into the void.
29. Do not try to stubbornly show your WILL.
30. Open up and let the light into that part of your life that has been a mystery until now.

New Year's divination:
Put a small piece of paper and a pencil (pen) on the New Year's table next to your plate. As soon as the chimes start to strike midnight, quickly write a wish on a piece of paper, burn it, stir the ashes in a glass of champagne and drink champagne before the last, 12th, blow sounds. If you manage to do this, then the written desire will surely come true.

And remember: how you meet the New Year - so you will spend it !!! Have fun to the fullest, and meet this New Year unforgettable!

We always associate the New Year with winter, snow, Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden. But since the Monkey itself comes into its legal rights in 2016, it's time to try to break the usual stereotypes and plunge the whole company into the jungle world full of funny and dangerous adventures. And for this it is absolutely not necessary to purchase tickets for warmer climes for your employees. It is enough to get the legendary game "Jumanji".

Main props

Make a board game from improvised materials, a chip for the Host in the form of a Santa Claus figurine, a large cube of at least 30 by 30 cm (so that guests can throw it with pleasure - it can be made of cardboard, foam or soft plush) and a fairly large playing field, according to which the figures will move.

So that everyone present can clearly see, the field can be made in the form of a large colorful poster that can be hung on the wall. The fields will correspond to certain tasks / contests - there can be as many of them as you wish. Feel free to add your own to the list below. The more fun or trickier they are, the more interesting!

And now the corporate scenario of the New Year itself!

Santa Claus (aka DM or Lead) with a bag of gifts walks in excitement, looks at his watch. There is a loud ringing of a mobile phone with some New Year's melody.

DM: Hello, granddaughter, where are you? I told you not to be late! Again with the gnomes until the morning at the dance was and overslept? How is it in the jungle? What else jungle? New Year is just around the corner, time to travel! And where are the gifts, I have here a whole room of guys and girls who have been well-behaved all year and worked productively for the benefit of the *** company. How are the gifts in the jungle? Did the monkeys steal the bag? And how did you even get there? Did you find Jumanji?! Well, I told you not to touch her, this is a special gift! Well, everything, the holiday is gone! (Hangs up the phone and addresses those present): This is the thing, in general ... We'll have to help out my stupid granddaughter and save our holiday. Let me tell you right now, it's not that easy. Do you agree?

The DM takes out the game, spreads it on the floor or hangs the playing field on the wall. Set up your figure. Asks one of the guests to roll the die. Moves to the dropped number of moves, reads the corresponding text. Guests or one person (depending on the specifics of the task) are trying to complete it. At the same time, no one will be left without presents and souvenirs! The following competitions can be alternated with each other at the discretion of the Host. The performance can and should be accompanied by a musical composition, selected in the theme of the New Year or Africa, to which those who wish can dance. After completing each competition and presenting a souvenir, one of the winning participants must say a toast.

Contests and tasks

    DM: Oops, after the invasion of wild and completely insolent monkeys, there was only one coconut left. You need to get it in order to pass this test and move on. Who is ready?

The host selects several volunteers (2-3 people), blindfolds them, spins them several times. A real coconut (for elegance, you can tie it with a ribbon) DM can put it in a completely unexpected place - on the floor, on a chair, on the knees of one of the guests sitting at the banquet table, in a bowl of fruit, etc. The rest of the guests tell the participants “hot” or "cold". Coconut goes as a present to the one who found it.

    DM: The game invites us to visit an African wedding and master the skill of removing the garter from the bride's leg. Men who know firsthand this ancient ritual? Ladies, who is ready to help our brave and courageous "suitors"?

2-3 pairs of a man-woman are selected. Ladies put on an impromptu garter made of New Year's tinsel on the thigh. The "groom" must remove the attribute from the leg of the "bride" without the help of hands before other players. To the pair that wins, the Host gives new tinsel each.

    DM: Africa is an incomprehensible country, and amazing people inhabit it. By the way, many of them have the gift to read the minds of others. If such a talent opens up in me, we can continue the game. Well, who is not afraid that I will find out what he thinks?

5-6 or more volunteers, men and women, are selected. Participants sit in a row on chairs. The host approaches each of them, makes “magic” passes with his hands above his head, after which a certain song begins to sound. The songs are pre-recorded on the disc. These should be such songs, with the help of which the competition will acquire a humorous accent. You can choose, for example, certain pieces from the compositions: “Well, where are you girls”, “Oh, what a woman”, “Call me, call”, “There are so many single guys”, “But he doesn’t know anything”, “I lonely tramp of love…”, “The boy wants to go to Tambov”, “I will kill you, boatman”, etc. All participants receive CDs-collections of songs (dance, New Year's, from films, etc.) as a gift.

    DM: African fauna deserves to be celebrated by painters in their exotic beauty. This is exactly what we have to do in order to continue the game.

6-8 volunteers are called, who are divided into 2 teams equal in number of players. The Host blindfolds everyone and in turn offers to go to the canvas (an A3 sheet is quite suitable for a “picture”). The first participants of both teams must draw the body of some African animal (of their choice). After that, the relay marker is passed to the next participants. The host directs their hand to where the first players finished their drawing. The second pair should draw the torso and front legs of some animal to the head, not knowing which one their predecessors preferred. The third pair of participants is left to draw the hind legs and tail. The winner is the team whose drawing the guests will like the most (determined by the volume of applause or by voting with raised hands). The winners get a photo frame as a keepsake.

    DM: To roll the die again, you have to learn the ritual African dance of the Wumbu Yubmu tribe.

The host invites several pairs of man-woman. They stand with their backs to each other, a balloon is placed between them. Incendiary African music is included. The couple must move to the music in such a way as to try to burst the balloon before the other participants. The winners receive from the Balloon Wrapper to "improve their dancing skills".

    DM: The mistress of the coming year at the end of the game decided to prepare a surprise for all of you. Using the power given to her, she personally compiled horoscopes for 2016. Who is not afraid to look into the future and find out their fate?

The host hangs a rope on which bananas cut out of yellow cardboard are pre-fixed. On the reverse side of each paper figure, a fortune-telling (you can think of quatrains) is written on the topic of what awaits a person in the coming year. The host calls all the guests in turn, leads them to the rope so that he gets his horoscope. Bananas with fortune-telling should be one more than those present, because. Santa Claus himself removes the last one from the rope and reads it out loud:

DM: “You will find what you have lost, you will find what you are looking for, you will return what you want. But first, light the magic tree. Hmm... what would that mean? I don't understand anything at all! That's just about the tree guessed. Do we need to light the Christmas tree? Holiday at our place or where? Let's all together: "Christmas tree light up!"

The overhead light is turned off. The guests repeat the phrase 3 times, because the Christmas tree does not want to light up the first time. When the “magic tree” lights up, the Snow Maiden appears in a summer outfit because of her, because she is straight from the jungle. Next to it is a bag of DM, which contains corporate gifts prepared for employees.

DM: Well, finally my blood! Has returned. And the gifts are all safe and sound! My clever. No, not smart though. Did you listen to your grandfather? I took this damned Jumanzhdu! Now you will only play Monopoly with me all year! Here, say thank you to them (circles his hand around the hall with the guests), they brought you back. Go now, thank your saviors and give them gifts.

The distribution of gifts to the music begins. The thematic part of the corporate evening smoothly turns into a classic party with music, dancing, karaoke, toasts and other entertainment. And yes... Happy New Year!

Grandfather Frost enters the room where all the participants of the festive evening have gathered. Examines those present, worried, glances at the clock. Suddenly, Santa Claus's mobile phone rings.

Father Frost: Granddaughter, where are you?! I asked you a hundred times not to be late! Where are you? In the jungle? And how did you get there? The New Year is just around the corner, so many guys and girls have gathered. They have been working for the benefit of the company for a whole year, and now they want to celebrate and relax. What happened to the gifts? Did the monkeys steal the bag? Well, you have to save the holiday!
(Turns off the phone and addresses the assembled guests)

I'll have to help out my naughty granddaughter. It is not simple. But I hope we can handle all the tasks. (Pulls out games and hangs them on the wall.)

Employees take turns rolling the dice and completing the proposed tasks, receiving souvenirs. Competitions are accompanied by musical compositions and pronunciation of toasts.

Contests and tasks of Santa Claus

Hidden coconut

Wild monkeys stole all the coconuts, only one remained. To move forward, we need to find it. For this, 2-3 volunteers are invited. They need to be blindfolded and unwind. And put a real coconut in the most unexpected place: on the knees of one of the guests, on the floor, in a bowl of fruit. Participants search for "hot" or "cold" clues. The finder gets a coconut as a gift.

African wedding

We have a New Year, and in Africa - a wedding. Who wants to visit it? Men are invited who know everything about the ritual of removing the wedding garter from the bride's leg, and women who are ready to help men in this "difficult" matter. 2 or 3 pairs are required for the competition.

A garter made of New Year's tinsel is put on by women on their thighs, and men need to remove it without the help of their hands. Whoever does it first will win. And he will receive a new tinsel as a gift.

Africa is an amazing country. The people who inhabit it can read the minds of others from a distance. This talent was discovered in me today. Who is not afraid that his innermost thoughts and desires will be recognized around him, come out? There can be many volunteers to participate in this competition, up to 10 people, both men and women. Participants sit on chairs in one row. Santa Claus approaches each of them, performs chaotic movements with his hands above his head, and music begins to sound. All songs are pre-selected and recorded on disk.

A humorous touch can be given with the help of such lines from songs:

"Well, where are you girls"
"There are so many single guys"
"I'm a lonely tramp of love..."
"And I love the military..."
"Gotta get up"
"We are all bitches..."
“Ah, what a blessing… to know that I am perfect…”
“I fight like a fish, but I didn’t get any money ...”
“Girls, they didn’t love me ...”
"I'm a chocolate bunny..."

Gifts for this contest are CDs with selections of New Year's songs.

Animal on canvas

Africa is full of different exotic animals. Let's try to sing their beauty in our paintings. But not everything is so simple: you need to draw with your eyes closed. 6 artists are invited, they must be divided equally. The result is two groups. Participants take turns approaching the canvas (A3 sheet) and draw their part of the animal. The first are the body, the second are the head and front legs, the third are the hind legs and tail. The prize is given to the group whose drawing the guests liked the most. This can be determined either by the volume of applause, or by voting with a show of hands. As a gift for this competition - a photo frame.

Wumbu Yumbu dance

Several couples are invited to learn this dance. The participants of each pair turn their backs, and Santa Claus puts a balloon between them. Played African music gives rise to the competition. The couple must move intensively and burst the ball before the other participants. The winning couple receive a pack of balloons for further training.

"Banana" horoscope

The monkey, hurrying to take over, has prepared a surprise for you - a horoscope for the upcoming 2016. So, who among us is brave and not afraid to know his fate?
A rope with yellow cardboard bananas is prepared in advance. On the reverse side of each is a comic horoscope. Guests take turns approaching the rope and choose a horoscope for themselves. For Santa Claus, there should also be a banana with the inscription: “The lost will return. But first, light the magic tree.
After reading aloud the inscription on the banana, Santa Claus reflects.

Father Frost: And what would that mean? I don't understand! Ah, the Christmas tree must be lit, that old fool.

Let's all together, as usual, ask: "Christmas tree light up."

The light turns off, the guests join hands and ask for a Christmas tree three times, because according to tradition, it does not light up the first time. When the Christmas tree nevertheless begins to sparkle, the Snow Maiden appears. She is dressed in a summer outfit, because she came straight from hot Africa. He carries a red bag with him.

Father Frost: Well, so we saved my own granddaughter, Snegurochka. And gifts with her! Safe and sound. I won’t scold for disobedience, because the holiday is already on the way, it’s not worth quarreling at such a moment. Thank you, granddaughter, to all those who have gathered here, because they helped me bring you back from African captivity. Go and give them gifts.

The Snow Maiden distributes gifts from a bag. Everyone raises their glasses and makes wishes.

Father Frost: Happy New Year! Let's take with us in 2016, only the good, leaving all the sorrows and sorrows in the past. Be happy and healthy!

For any holiday you need to prepare in advance. And if we are talking about the new year, then you need to prepare for this event even in the summer. We did just that and came up with a funny script for the New Year 2016 for a corporate party. The script is dedicated to the year of the monkey and will appeal to everyone without exception. Watch and arrange for yourself the best corporate party in your life.

Dear friends! Today we will say goodbye to the old year and welcome the new one. Everyone knows that there is such a belief: how you meet the New Year, so you will spend it. That is why we all try to celebrate the New Year in a good company, where kindness, fun and good mood. So let's, and we will create just such an atmosphere in our company - an atmosphere of kindness, happiness, fun and celebration.
And for this we need kind people who have a special energy. Do you know how to define a good person? There are several hints for this.
Firstly. Kind people are those who have animals at home. I ask everyone who has animals at home to stand up.
Secondly, kind people are people in love. Do we have such? I ask people in love to stand up. You see, and we have love in the hall!
Thirdly, good people are those who decorate the Christmas tree at home. There are such. Who decorated the Christmas tree? Get up! Do you feel how the hall is getting kinder and more festive?
And good people are those who celebrate the New Year in a good company of relatives. Friends and acquaintances. I ask everyone else to stand up.
You see, it turns out that we are all kind and good people. So, our holiday will be great. But that is not all! I ask everyone to pick up a sparkler and light it. Lit? look how beautiful! Now everything will be perfect for us all next year!
Well, now I ask everyone to sit down at their festive tables. And while you put salads on your plates. Look with one eye at our screen. You will be congratulated by cute monkeys.
Video greetings from the monkeys.

Well, now it's time to play. Let's define the monkey king first. After all, 2016 is the year of the monkey. And for that I need men.
The men take the stage. They will determine the king of the monkeys in several stages.
Stage 1.
All men stand in one line, they are given one match each. On command, each man throws a match. Whose match flew further. He is the strongest and is moving away.
Stage 2.
We hang a picture of a monkey without a banana on the wall. The men are blindfolded and given a picture of a banana in their hands. It is desirable that the pattern be on something sticky. The man is untwisted and allowed forward. He must reach the picture with the monkey and try to attach a banana to it. That is, "put" a banana in a monkey's paw. And which of the men will be able to do this, they are the most accurate and also stand aside for now.
Stage 3.
And here everything is simple. We look at the remaining men and whoever has the largest amount of hair on his head is also a contender for the title.

And here are all the contenders. They line up on the stage. The phonogram with the cry of Tarzan or King Kong is turned on. And our pretenders must repeat or utter their cry. And the audience identifies the king of the monkeys by their cry. Who has the loudest and most interesting scream. He is the monkey king.
When the monkey king was identified, it was time to find him a female. To do this, the monkey king walks around the hall and takes all the girls. Thus, they line up and dance something like a lambada. When all the girls clung to the "tail" of the monkey king, the music is interrupted. And all the girls must run. And the monkey king must catch any one girl. The one he caught will be his female and the monkey princess.

And now let's dive into the world of fairy tales. Let's see a scene in which the old prankster Santa Claus decided to get married. And in order to find a wife for himself, he asked his granddaughter Snegurochka to go to a dating site.


Dear friends! The coming year is the year of the monkey. Do you know the most famous monkey fable? That's right, it's the "monkey and glasses" fable. And now we will guess famous personalities who wear glasses. Everything is very simple here: on the screen you see glasses and eyes, and you try to guess who this person is. And then the full face of this person will appear on the screen. And whoever guessed it will get a ball. And whoever scores the most points wins and gets such wonderful points as a prize!
Sample video for the competition:

And our holiday continues. And then we have dancing and fun, delicious food and fireworks!
