The ideal girl of today. A real girl should

Each person has their own tastes and preferences. Some people like blondes, and some like brunettes. Someone cannot look at full girls, and someone is not at all attracted to thin ones. But despite such diversity, when it comes to choosing “love for life”, men are becoming more unanimous.

The thing is that our tastes have absolutely nothing to do with falling in love. We can talk for a long time about what a girl should be and prefer brunettes to blondes in all possible comparisons, but still marry a blonde - the very one blonde who wins our hearts. Preferences in appearance play absolutely no role in choosing a girl. The only thing that really matters is the repulsive factor. If you just cannot look at women in the body, then you will never meet such a girl.

So, if a girl is rated at least at the “normal” level on your scale of preferences, they have every chance of falling in love with you, because being in love only slightly depends on the girl’s appearance. Agree, it often happens that a girl seems literally perfect in all respects, but her gaze glides coldly over her, and her heart does not start pounding furiously at her sight. This is because her energy, in other words, her character, does not suit you.

So what should be the nature to drive men crazy? Here again, everything depends very much on the man. Someone likes decisive girls, and someone - calm, someone - cheerful, and someone - serious. However, there are still universal recipes. According to psychologists, all men tend to look for certain features in the woman they love, and if a girl has them, then she will attract most men, in addition to those that suit her personally. Such girls are called real girls, and they can be very unhappy if they cannot figure out who their true love is.

So, what should be a real girl? First of all, it must be feminine. This means that she must radiate that unique female energy that attracts men so much. She should be gentle and romantic - no cynicism and communication with men should not be on a par. A girl who wants to attract the attention of the opposite sex must appear weak against the background of men. The desire to protect and protect a defenseless beauty is one of the main male instincts, which can be played skillfully enough.

But not only in flirting helps the ability to be a real lady. With such a girl, a man will be much happier and calmer, which is why, choosing what a girl should be, a man discards self-confident, strong and independent representatives of the fair sex. With them, life will turn into a struggle, and a man needs a safe haven and a reliable rear - this will push him to personal growth.

A real girl should not scare away either with whims, or scandals, or excessive demands. Many beauties forget about this and behave provocatively, then being surprised that men, thinking about what a girl should be, bypasses them. The most important thing is an emotional connection and a feeling of happiness from the connection of the two halves. Asking the question of how tall a girl should be and what hair color she should have is simply stupid.

Believe me, falling in love, you yourself will not understand what attracted you to this very girl. Her rivals will also be indignant. And it turns out that she was just herself - quiet, modest and calm, with pleasant features and an ordinary figure. Such a girl, not always noticeable in the crowd, becomes the most important person for life for a single man - and this is where happiness lies.

We all dream of a long and happy life filled with love and understanding, joy and miracles. We learn, develop and grow, learn how to improve our personal lives and meet that one and only, if we are not lucky yet, or how to strengthen existing relationships, if he is already there. All this, of course, is useful and important information, but sometimes even it does not help to understand why not everything in life goes well or people who were nearby suddenly disappear. And often the fact is that many of the fair sex simply do not know what is expected of them and what a girl or woman should be, according to men and not only. Which causes many problems and difficulties.

What should be the ideal girl

People tend to think in categories. Our brain is designed in such a way that it tries to discard unnecessary information in order to free up energy for solving more important life tasks. Therefore, we expect in advance from a certain circle of people the behavior that should correspond to them because of their gender, age, social status, nationality, etc.

It is unlikely that when they see a girl in front of them, people expect her to swear, smoke, be rude or behave cheekily. They will not believe that an adult woman does not know how to cook and maintain comfort at home, deciding that she does not need it.

Children are not required to be responsible for the family. Adults, on the other hand, have very different requirements. Although sometimes they are too old-fashioned or unacceptable to some people for a variety of reasons, they have to be taken into account, whether we like it or not. After all, the influence of public morality on us is difficult to overestimate. Sometimes ignoring it leads to huge problems and the person is "thrown to the sidelines." Not meeting male expectations, the girl remains lonely and unhappy, or she is left to choose only from those who themselves do not meet the criteria, the presence of which is necessary in order to be a real man.

Therefore, if it is difficult for a representative of the beautiful half of humanity to be alone, and she does not want to limit her choice to a few representatives of the opposite sex, she willy-nilly needs to have at least a minimum of those qualities that attract and help create a strong family. True, so that it would not be so offensive because everyone is trying to force a woman to meet men's requirements, remember that the stronger sex is also doomed to have certain criteria in order to be popular.

Among the qualities that are valued in girls, first of all, we can mention her ability to take care of herself. External beauty is a gift of nature and labor. And if we do not choose our appearance, then we ourselves are responsible for clean hair, neat nails, well-groomed skin and neat clothes.

Photo: what should be a girl

No matter how beautiful you are, unwashed hair, peeling varnish and dirty shoes will turn you into the most ordinary girl who does not care about herself or those around her. Neatness and grooming are essential qualities of any self-respecting girl, even if she is still looking for herself and her place in this world. Because in this way she demonstrates love for herself and attitude towards those around her. And hardly anyone will like such a demonstrative disrespect.

Men are not very versed in fashion trends and some things can simply shock them, but this does not mean that a stylishly selected outfit that emphasizes the femininity of its owner will be ignored by them. On the contrary, it is the way a girl looks that makes them evaluate her and understand whether she belongs to those who are for one night or to those whom they eventually marry.

The modern ideal woman should not only be charming, well-groomed, sexy, successful, feminine and beautiful, but also be an excellent hostess, a caring sensitive mother and an incomparable wife. So, recently, a popular magazine compiled a minimal list of what an ideal modern woman should be able to do, and if she doesn’t, she will have to quickly correct this shortcoming.

1. Be able to cook delicious tasty dishes in a minimum amount of time
2. Know how to say "No", this simple word will help keep the nervous system healthy
3. Do not take a bath for more than twenty minutes or you need to learn to get up earlier than your household

4. Be able to cook meat dishes incomparably (for your man)
5. Apologize. This is an extremely important character trait when you just need to admit your mistake and wonderful harmonious relationships will develop further.
6. Love sex, including morning sex

7. Learn to dance a striptease for the most beloved man
8. Book, and it doesn’t matter that it will be a table in a restaurant or a ticket to a concert, the main thing is to be able to do it
9. Love video games

10. Find interesting topics for conversations with children of completely different ages
11. Being able to make fun and laugh at yourself is an extremely important character trait for a representative of the charming sex.
12. Eliminate elementary computer system errors
13. Learn to navigate with a map and compass

14. Get out
15. Have children
16. Be absolutely confident in your decisions.
17. Handle and control all receipts and housing bills

18. Just keep quiet at the right moments for this
19. Independently smooth out all the problems in an accident
20. Distinguish elite alcoholic drinks
21. Take care of yourself

22. Always walk in high heels with a beautiful quick and easy gait, while not whining on tired legs
23. Swim
24. Do not spend money on various useless trinkets
25. Restrain from comments and emotions when the husband is driving.
26. Listen to compliments and not blush

27. Don't take your man to every store
28. Do not cry over trifles in front of your beloved man
29. Learn how to cook your signature treat in 30 minutes to wow unexpected guests.

30. Be in a wonderful happy mood
31. Be able to earn money so that it is enough not only for your needs, but also for nice presents to your husband
32. Terminate a relationship if you are sure that this has already come to an end
33. Good to drive
34. Find your main man and make him the happiest

35. Fix your makeup without a mirror
36. Avoid conflict situations
37. Express your feelings correctly
38. Joking
39. Don't dance if you know you can't
40. Throw a look so that a man has butterflies in his soul, and goosebumps form on his skin

41. Pose to look perfect in any photo
42. If you have excellent body control and can hear the rhythm of the music, do not miss the opportunity to demonstrate your dancing skills on the dance floor
43. Do not allow yourself to use foul language
44. Clean a clogged sink
45. Worry only for weighty reasons
46. ​​Be able to keep yourself busy while your beloved man is busy

47. It is nice to smell delicious and always make sure that the skin is silky and soft.
48. Take care of your appearance after having a baby
49. Be able to dress inexpensively, but at the same time look great
50. Love

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Be perfect! For myself, for someone else... It doesn't matter. If you strive for excellence, then you are already taking the first step towards a big goal. But what standards should be striven for? What does ideal mean? The criteria are different, but the main connoisseurs of female beauty are men. Therefore, first of all, it is worth listening to their opinion.

The ideal girl should have the following qualities:

  1. Modesty is the main trait that men distinguish in women. Educated, non-conflict, calm, quiet. Such girls are especially appreciated by the representatives of the stronger sex, who are looking for a future wife and mother, and not a one-night stand. Therefore, be better laconic. It's better than talking incessantly. Conquer with your aristocratic restraint. Vulgarity, excessive emancipation, arrogance are not the qualities that will attract a man. A woman must always remain a mystery to be read like a book, and always discover something new and interesting.
  2. Beauty. Of course, every man has his own taste. And if one girl is strongly attracted to one guy, then the other may not be interested in her at all. But the generally accepted standards of beauty boil down to the fact that the representative of the beautiful half of humanity should have regular facial features, big eyes, sensual lips, healthy skin, well-groomed hair, a toned figure, and even a small, but elastic and high chest. Recently, natural beauty has been especially appreciated. So even if you use cosmetics, do the most natural makeup. The same goes for styling. Complicated hairstyles are not held in high esteem. But the natural negligence of clean and healthy hair will conquer any man. Regularly take care of the skin, because it is she who gives out age. Also play sports. Appreciate what nature has given you.
  3. Mind. Beauty without internal content is just a beautiful wrapper. Conquer a man with your intellect. You should have common interests and topics of conversation, so that with each date it would be interesting for you to get to know each other more and more.
  4. Sense of humor. No need to giggle stupidly after every word or act like a clown. Everything should be in moderation. A good sense of humor emphasizes individuality, rich life experience and wit. Sometimes it doesn't hurt to laugh at yourself. And then, believe me, life will be much easier.
  5. Self confidence. Love yourself the way you are. Because that's what makes you different from everyone else. Be a self respecting and loving person. And only then can you count on the reciprocal feelings of others. Yes, nature has not endowed everyone with a beautiful appearance, a sharp mind or a slender figure. But your task is to emphasize your strengths, pushing weaknesses into the background.
  6. Loyalty. This quality is worth its weight in gold today. After all, family values ​​with each new generation are increasingly transformed into free relationships, which, as a rule, do not last long. And then the children suffer. Therefore, conquer your man by the fact that if you have already chosen a man, then you are not going to look for a replacement in the future. Do not provoke your loved one to jealousy. It is better to awaken in him more healthy and correct emotions.
  7. Diligence. Active, purposeful, successful, self-sufficient - this is the image of a modern girl. Not everyone is interested in a woman who is looking for a rich man to "sit on his neck." Show that you can be a careerist, a good housewife, a wonderful mother, and a loving wife if you wish.
  8. Kindness. Anger, irritability, passivity, depression, apathy ... This is just about an imperfect girl. If you are kind to others, you will receive even more positive emotions in return. A kind person is also caring. This quality is a big plus in your favor!
  9. Hobby. Sports, knitting, embroidery, scrapbooking... It doesn't matter what kind of hobby you do after work and on weekends. The important thing is that you learn new things and develop, allowing you to open up to your talents. Hobby perfectly relaxes, calms. The results of your work can decorate your home or become a present for a loved one. And perhaps your hobby will help you get to know your future life partner and become your common interest, which will always unite and bring the two halves of one whole even closer.
  10. Perspective. Don't live in the past, enjoy today, but think about the future as well. Don't rely on fate. Set goals, make plans and make your dreams come true! All in your hands! Draw your ideal and confidently move in a given direction.

Who is a true woman? Maybe it's a written beauty or clever? This concept is abstract, because no one has ever seen an ideal person. But if you think from the point of view of relationships, then only the one next to whom a man is happy can be a true woman. That's why the question "How to be a real girl" should be addressed to the representatives of the stronger sex. TO Fortunately, they do not make unrealistic demands on their companions.

The theater begins with a hanger, and the ideal woman with a wardrobe

So that others, especially the opposite sex, catch your every gesture, you must look perfect. This will not require you to spend a lot of money, but you should always look fresh, smart, feminine. Throw away torn items of dubious color. Leave the universal clothes of good quality, take everything else to your mother at the dacha. Men prefer the classics in combination with elegant high-heeled shoes. Exclude sportswear from everyday wear: let teenagers and athletes wear it.

Also get rid of overly revealing clothes. Even for parties in a nightclub, you should not wear outfits that reveal most of your charms - appreciate yourself and the guy with whom you will build a long-term relationship. If you frankly do not recognize social norms and strive to express your individuality in appearance, select things based on the above principles.

A little about manners

inner treasure

In order not to turn out to be an empty beautiful vessel, never stop in self-development. New impressions gained while communicating with interesting people and visiting various unexplored places, new skills that appear in the process of doing creative work or doing what you love - all this will add to your inner piggy bank those treasures that people will be drawn to.

Don't jump headlong into every fleeting romance. If you are bored without constant flirting, find an interesting activity, do not turn dating guys into your main entertainment.

And finally never break yourself for the sake of others. The opinion of the majority is by no means always true. A real girl should have a strong character, a lively mind, a hot temperament and a kind heart. If you think that you will never achieve your ideal, start small, the most important thing is to keep going, not stand still.
