How to leave a girl without offending. How to leave a girl so that she is not offended? It takes the right moment to break up

Life is a funny thing. Until recently, one of you was interested in the question:. Some of you wanted to win her over, made efforts, spent money, were nervous, angry that she was flirting with another guy. The day came when she reciprocated your sympathies. You were infinitely happy that you were ready to fly up to heaven. The first kiss drove you crazy, and sex with this girl seemed like heaven for you.

Time passed, the year was replaced by another. And then you begin to notice that what used to please you, suddenly stopped doing it. The girl you wanted suddenly doesn't interest you anymore. Worse, she annoys you. You understand that you have lost interest in her. And soon a thought arises: “Maybe we should break up with her?”. Perhaps you are interested in another girl, and the current one is preventing you from achieving her.

I do not claim that the above situation corresponds to your situation. I just described what happens in real life. I only know one thing. Since you are here, it means that you want to part with a girl who, perhaps, loves you very much. To do this is not very easy. You don't want to hurt her because she still means something to you. Well. Now we will look at ways that will help you leave a girl.

How to leave a girl who loves you?

Girls are very sensitive creatures. They already understand by their behavior how you treat them. By behavior, the girl is able to understand what your relationship is leading to. Will there be a continuation. So your task is to start showing with your behavior that you want to leave. You won't have to do much for this. If you start to respond badly to calls, forget about dates, postpone meetings for later, and so on, then she will understand and most likely will fall behind you.

Or she will start to sort things out with you. And if this happens, it is better to tell you, because everything is in fact. You speak: "Mash, I'm sorry, but we need to leave". Masha will start crying, sobbing, begging you to stay. But you must remember that you will not be forced to be nice. Her pain will subside with time anyway. In a year she will forget about you. And you need to remember this. Because if you do not break up with her now, then you will continue to suffer.

If you live with a girl, then your desire to move will let her know that you most likely want to leave. Living together will be more difficult. After all, if she lives with you, then she will not work: do not answer calls, skip dates, postpone meetings until later. After all, you see her every evening when you come home. You sleep with her every night. So, you need to show your indifference when you are together. I remind you that girls are sensitive creatures. She will quickly realize that something is wrong here. And again you will be called for a conversation. And again, you will have to show courage to tell her the truth. I remind you again: you can’t be forced to be nice. Yes, it will probably hurt her. But the pain will subside with time.

If you live with her, then you can simply write a note about why you cannot be together, and leave it in her sweat box along with the keys to the apartment. She will definitely get your message. What will happen next, no one knows.

Invite her to temporarily live separately. Say that you need a break to sort out your relationship. When she moves out from you (or you from her), then it will become clear to you whether you need to part with her or not. Perhaps you will understand that you cannot imagine your life without it. Anything can happen.

How to break up with a girl?

There are harder ways to break up with a girl. You can just ignore it. She calls you - you do not answer. She writes to you in social networks - you do not respond, or block access to your page. She will immediately understand what is happening. At best, she will leave you alone, at worst, she will hate you and begin to somehow take revenge. She has every moral right to hate.

Some guys fake or actually stage cheating. The girl finds out about this, and communication, as a rule, immediately stops. But before that, all the guys listen to the negative in relation to them. If you resort to this method, then get ready to hear the terrible. And God forbid, you will catch her eye. From hatred to you, she can do anything. Be extremely careful.

You can break up with a girl by SMS. This is perhaps the most preferred way. Usually everyone uses this method (including me). You just write those lines that you think are necessary for writing. How do you like this text:

Your love for me is a complete test
Painful, nervous suffering.
I seduced you, made you fall in love with me,
But I never loved you.
I'm sorry. I am a rascal.
I am a vile coward, a scoundrel, a deceiver.
Sorry. Don't hold me anymore.
Let go.

After such an SMS, get ready for a long correspondence. During the correspondence, explain the reason for your decision. You have nothing to judge for what you do not want to do. A person communicates with those people that he likes. You don't need to feel guilty or remorseful. It just didn't work out. Why be with someone you don't love?

You can tell your girlfriend that you are moving to another city. Most importantly, do not get caught in her eyes. Long distance relationships usually end in a breakup. As the saying goes, "Out of sight, out of mind." Your task is to ensure that she does not see or hear you for some time. At first she will be nervous. Then calm down, and slowly begin to forget about you.

The trickiest way is when you make the girl initiate the breakup herself. To do this, it is enough to behave like a scoundrel: be sloppy, lazy, not fulfill requests, let down, be rude, and so on. The girl will not stand it and she will tell you these words: "We need to break up". You can even show how happy you are with her idea. This will be the last straw for her, and she will leave you herself.

Everyone's situation is different. The best advice I can give in this article is to simply tell her that you want to break up. There is no need to invent anything or be afraid that you will hurt her. You don't have to be with someone you don't love. Tell me about it. This is better than if you start acting boorish, start ignoring, avoiding meetings. If a girl loves, she will endure a lot. And perhaps all of the above methods will only make her fall in love with you more. Better to just talk and explain everything to her.

Write your unique situation in the comments. Let's try to come up with something like that. That's all. Bye bye.

How to leave a girl who loves you


Human relationships do not always lend themselves to logical explanation. And what can we say about the relationship of a guy and a girl. Since this problem is familiar to many, let's take a closer look at how to break up with a girl in a civilized, culturally and without mutual accusations.

When should you break up with a girl?

No one can predict how a relationship with a girlfriend will develop. You like her, it is comfortable and easy with her. Her love wraps around like a cocoon. The man understands that he was lucky with his girlfriend, but his heart tells him that he does not want to live happily ever after with her and die on the same day. And it's not that she cooks poorly and scatters her clothes all over the apartment or is tired of her pedantry. It's just not your person.. The reasons for ending a relationship are different:

  • lack of love
  • treason,
  • uncomfortable relationship,
  • distance,
  • views have changed
  • common interests disappeared.

The guys claim that there are two options for action:

  1. The man wants to end the relationship as soon as possible, cutting off all the ends, because he doesn’t need anything from the girl;
  2. Break up by mutual consent and remain friends after that.

The stronger sex offers a variety of scenarios for breaking. Everyone chooses his own. But it should be remembered that no matter how the guy prepares for this difficult task, the procedure will still be painful. Especially if this news shocks the girl who still loves him and does not suspect that this has come to an end.

Let's make a reservation right away that parting with an SMS message or a letter is not the best way. And not all girls will be satisfied with a short note of a few words as an explanation. It is unlikely that the guy will like her persecution and annoying calls, because she did not understand why she was abandoned.

You should end the relationship if you have analyzed the situation and found out for yourself that you cannot put up with this situation, because:

  • unable to accept the shortcomings of the partner: irresponsibility or weak will,
  • religious beliefs interfere, but you are not going to change your faith,
  • personal fears of being abandoned first hinder relationships,
  • do not see prospects for further interaction,
  • stay with a girl out of pity or out of habit,
  • ashamed to appear with her in public,
  • feelings are gone, love is gone,
  • dissatisfied with proximity
  • makes you do something that is contrary to your belief (drink alcohol or drugs)
  • loved another woman
  • often quarrel and insult each other.

The list can be continued indefinitely, since even Leo Tolstoy noted that " every unhappy family (read: couple) is unhappy in its own way". Therefore, do not dismiss the problem as if it were an annoying fly. After all, infrequently fate throws out tricks when everything is decided by itself.

How to break up beautifully without offending a girl?

Do not disperse under the influence of emotions, in a fit of anger. It will not help to discuss the situation with a partner. The best way out is to calm down, calmly weigh everything and think it over, and then invite the girl to meet on neutral territory so that no one interferes.

Talk to the girl frankly, explain that your relationship has changed and it's pointless to continue. Do not forget to emphasize her dignity in the conversation. Gently but firmly tell her that you are different people. And in order not to torment each other and not reach the point where irritation turns into hatred, you need to part. Emphasize that the experience gained in relationships will help her and you find the partner of your dreams. Thank you for the moments of happiness you shared with her.

The main thing is that the words are sincere. So that the girl understands: she can seek support after breaking up, if such a moment comes in her life.

Take all the blame for the breakup. To convince the girl of this, prepare the ground. Gradually extinguish the relationship without showing signs of attention. Spend less time with her, do not be interested in her affairs. Love will slowly fade into the background, and relations will gradually develop into friendships.

Let the girl know that you both need to take a break from each other and see if you need to continue building sandcastles. And then the guy has a choice - to return or not.

You can break up in different ways. But if you respect the feelings that you had for a girl, do it beautifully. Give a bouquet, say “thank you” for being with you, apologize for the fact that the relationship did not work out.

How do different zodiac signs part?

Our temperament depends not only on the genes of our ancestors, but also on the sign of the zodiac under which we were born. Representatives of different signs experience a break in relations individually.

Aries. Those who belong to Aries often suffer because of their impulsiveness and temper. Their relationship with a partner is an endless swing of quarrels, showdowns, a series of departures and hasty returns. But then women admit that life does not stand still and new adventures await them. Aries men do not experience special experiences.

Taurus. Taurus approach love relationships meaningfully. He carefully weighs the pros and cons. But if he understands that his choice is wrong, then it will be hard to accept. Taurus is sure that he calculated everything correctly. If you decide to part with a representative of this sign, start wasting money, acquiring completely unnecessary things. Do not pay attention to him, refuse help around the house, referring to employment. And then the woman herself will leave the man, without even saying goodbye.

Twins. Practical, if not prudent, twins can pretend for a long time that everything is in order, and the partner has no flaws. It is difficult for him to perceive parting: he persuades his partner to think, surrounds him with tender care. It is useless to prove and explain something to him. The girl will calm down only when she finds a suitable replacement. Men of this sign prefer to chop off the shoulder once and for all. Even if they are drawn to the former parterre, they are afraid to return, because they have burned all the bridges behind them.

Cancer. Cancers are considered conservative. They find it difficult to accept changes in life, they are reluctant to break off relationships, they are afraid of sudden changes, because they believe in a beautiful story about eternal love. Therefore, they stubbornly ignore any facts that indicate a betrayal or a double love affair of a partner. If your girlfriend was born under the sign of Cancer, then you will have to take the initiative into your own hands. After all, she will not dare to break off relations, she will justify all the actions of her partner. To speed up the parting with the Cancer man, you need to abandon household chores, pay no attention to dust and dirty pots, turn your life into an endless vacation with entertainment. Cancers do not tolerate such treatment - love will evaporate and feelings will fade away.

a lion. No wonder lions are born under the royal sign. They prefer to be treated with dignity and respect. Leo women love to be praised and admired. Parting is guaranteed to you if you stop singing odes to your beloved. A particularly effective way is to ridicule and criticize in public. This brings discord into the relationship, because the Lions do not tolerate hypocrisy and lies. Separation passes painlessly and calmly, without reproaches and accusations.

Virgo. People born under the sign of Virgo do not know how to part easily. Since they are winners by nature, they experience defeats for a long time and painfully. Representatives of this sign will pull to the last, so as not to end the relationship, even if they weigh it down. It is not regrettable, but most often Virgos try on the status of an abandoned person. They rarely do it themselves.

Scales. As a couple sign, Libra is not made for loneliness. They love to take care of loved ones. Since Libra women are considered very sensitive, they need to prove that you do not need guardianship, and you can solve all problems on your own. Men of this sign prefer to disappear from the partner’s field of vision if the relationship has exhausted itself.

Scorpion. Scorpio falls in love with ideal women. Only betrayal or a lie of a partner can force them to part. Beware: in hatred he is terrible and ready to pulverize the traitor.

Sagittarius. Sagittarians quickly recover from breaks. Gives the beloved more than one chance. But if his patience has come to an end, then he will calmly end the relationship. Often, representatives of this sign remain friends with the former.

Capricorn. Capricorn in relationships very ambitious. Therefore, caustic criticism of him in front of acquaintances will serve as a catalyst for parting. The retaliatory strike will be merciless - you will learn about all your shortcomings in a tough presentation.

Aquarius. If Aquarius decides for himself that the partner has become uninteresting to him, then he will leave without saying goodbye. Offending him is easy: accidentally share with someone a secret that Aquarius cherishes. He will change his place of residence, delete the page on social networks, insert a new SIM card into the phone. Want to stay friends? Try to negotiate with him.

Fish. Without scars on the heart, the fish do not know how to part. This process will be easy if they act as the initiators of the gap.

Is it possible to remain friends after a breakup?

Not everyone is capable of staying friends after the end of a relationship. And it's not just that someone is more dependent on the celestial constellations. If the breakup went smoothly, without accusations and quarrels, when you honestly told your ex about the reasons for the breakup, that is, a chance after some time to establish friendly relations.

Do not forget that most women will “scroll” your meetings in their minds for a long time, remembering words of recognition and love. Let a couple of months pass, and you will understand that this is not for everyone. But if an ex-girlfriend asks for help, do not reject her if you consider yourself her friend and responsible person.

Since this world is full of diversity, girls can react very variably to messages that you don’t want to be with them anymore. The range extends from "Aha, super, ciao!" to Shakespearean dramas. If you suspect that your situation is closer to the latter option, it is advisable to make some strategic maneuvers. Psychologist, Candidate of Sociological Sciences Anetta Orlova told us about them.

Rule of thumb: act like a gentleman. “Any breakup is a blow to women's self-esteem,” says Anetta. “If it does not happen at the initiative of the girl, she has doubts about her attractiveness, sexuality.” It must be remembered that biologically girls are much worse prepared for failures than men who are highly durable in this regard: we have thousands of great-grandfathers behind our evolutionary shoulders, who were regularly rejected by impregnable beauties. And great-grandfathers managed to develop a good psychological defense against these troubles. In females, for obvious reasons, this mechanism is debugged worse than in males, because they most often had no need for it. So take the blame, O noble reader! She's beautiful and smart, and you're ugly and an idiot. Everything is as usual.

Reduce the effect of surprise

To prevent your message from sounding like a bolt from the blue, start preparing the girl for what is happening at least a week before. Exclude sex. Get inside yourself. To the question "What happened?" shrug your shoulders and say: “Nothing!” “The most acute pain of separation is felt by people for whom it came as a complete surprise,” says Anetta. “If the girl suspects that something is going wrong in your relationship, she will be at least somehow prepared for information about the break.”

« I'm just one of those happy girls who were told about the breakup by SMS. “Sorry, I couldn’t tell you this, looking into your eyes ...” - wrote my ex. So I was finally convinced that he was a miserable coward and a weakling. But it didn't get any easier.»

Alena, 28 years old

Pick the Right Moment

The day her cat fell off the balcony is a bad time to break up. It is also very ignoble of you to start talking about separation at a time when she needs to go somewhere, for example to work: the need to suppress burning fresh emotions can lead her to stress and breakdown. February 13, December 31 and her birthday - for the girls who left on these dates, special pans without non-stick coating are prepared in hell. “Some believe that at the celebration there will be a lot of friends and relatives around her who will be able to comfort and entertain her. But you should not hope for it. First, right at the moment of shock, many, on the contrary, want loneliness. Secondly, watching the happy couples of friends, the girl will especially feel abandoned,” explains Anetta.

« Let him look guilty and upset so that I feel that I'm not the only one who feels bad»

Sveta, 30 years old

Make no mistake about the place

She will not be able to pack you in bags in a crowded place, so bet on a cafe *. “It is generally accepted that it is better to part with a girl on her territory,” says Anetta. - But that's not always true. Being alone after you leave, she is more at risk of experiencing stress. The presence of strangers will help her save face - many girls, having thrown a tantrum, then regret that they showed you their vulnerability.

On the other hand, it should be understood that in such a situation there is a risk of an ugly public scene, and the girl is unlikely to feel grateful that you made her sob, squeal and throw donuts in front of several dozen admiring spectators. So when choosing a scene of action, it is important to know well the temperament of the young lady, the degree of her attachment to you and the ability to control herself.

* Note Phacochoerus "a Funtik: « Better yet, take her to an Ethiopian restaurant. There it is customary to eat national dishes with your hands - and there is no chance to catch a knife with an Adam's apple »

Find the right words

“Start the conversation by listing her virtues. Then say that, despite all this splendor, you are not ready for a serious relationship. “It is very important to be convincing so that the girl understands: if you were ready to go to the registry office, you would marry her.” “In a conversation, it is desirable to devalue one's own merits,” says Anetta. - In almost all respects, the girl from time to time asks herself questions: “Do I deserve better?” and “Am I wasting my time on him?” Therefore, a suitable remark would be: “With me, you are simply wasting time. I don't deserve it." Explain that you are not the man who can surround her with care and admiration, provide a reliable rear and a necklace of mole teeth - things that she deserves like no other. Let him think about it while you stuff your socks in your bag.

If she says that she despises worldly goods and for her the best mole in the world is you, lower your degree of nobility and make claims. “Don't talk about her real shortcomings, focus on imaginary and strange ones, which, rather, could be considered virtues,” advises Anetta. For example: “You are too sociable, empathic, extroverted and charismatic”, “I am suffocating in this vulgar bourgeois comfort”, “You are too attractive, I am constantly jealous and I can’t live like this anymore.” If all this does not help and the girl continues to hang on your right leg, feel free to get off the white horse and change to a battered donkey. “You are good to everyone, but for some reason I am unhappy with you. Apparently it's up to me. Sorry and goodbye". An appeal to one's misfortune is a feminine move, but that is why this argument will seem understandable and convincing to the girl.

« Let him report this as something inevitable and beyond our control. For example, he leaves to colonize Mars or his disabled wife, lost in childhood, was found, whom he must look after. Something like this. Then I won't feel like I did something wrong.»

Nina, 32 years old

Forget about eloquence

Another good move is to choose just one argument and repeat it like a gray parrot, not allowing yourself to be led into deep jungle. For example, to all her arguments that you are the perfect couple, that her mother adores you, that you have eyes like good forget-me-nots, say: “We are too different.” “That way, she won't be able to drag you into an unproductive discussion in which you might say unpleasant things to each other,” says Anetta. If you stand your ground, even if it is devoid of logic, she will run out of patience and give up on attempts to clarify the situation. Which is what you were looking for.

« One guy, leaving me, said: “I’m afraid that I haven’t worked up yet and I’m about to cheat on you. But I have too much respect for you to do it behind your back. So let's break up." I didn’t really know what to answer: he told the truth and was sincere. So I had to thank him for being honest and let him go»

Dasha, 25 years old

Cut right away

If a woman, after the phrase “We need to leave,” falls to the floor and tears her hair in all under-depilated places, be tough. Tell her that you understand her feelings, give her a friendly pat on the shoulder, but walk away, rather than trying to comfort her with hot tea, soothing hugs and encouraging kisses.

If the next day she calls and complains that she is sick and there is no one to go to her for medicines, show generosity. Buy everything you need and take it to her, but nothing more. You shouldn’t throw a bag of aspirin over the threshold and immediately run away, but you don’t need to stay longer than 5-10 minutes with your ex-lover. “Any steps back, that is, meetings, conversations, not to mention sexual contacts, will lead to the fact that the girl will expect the relationship to continue,” says Anetta. - Usually insecure men maintain the communication thread, because their task is to keep the woman on a leash. It makes them feel important." Such losers are pleased to believe that a girl who is not going anywhere is waiting for them all the time. That is, there is always the opportunity to land on a quiet harbor in which the aged Assol is waiting for you. But you're not like that, right?

« Let him immediately take his things from my house. Worst of all, when he then comes for months either for a razor, or for a bag, or for a flash drive ... And each of his visits picks off the crust from the wound, and all over again»

Oksana, 22 years old

Get ready for a chance meeting

You came to have a cup of tea with the Pope, and he already has her sitting on the couch. If not much time has passed since the breakup, exchange a few phrases with her, find a reason to leave and take your leave. Do not be too polite - she may think that old feelings have awakened in you. But to pretend that you do not notice it is an extremely unfortunate decision. “To walk past in such a situation and not say hello is a false delicacy. Demonstrating that a person does not exist will be perceived as an insult, says Anetta. “It pays to remain polite, but keep the dialogue to a minimum.”

Don't advertise new relationships

The stages of shock, denial and acceptance last at least two to three months for the weaker sex, so at this time it is undesirable to post a photo with a new passion and the caption: “Finally, I met my love!” “Under no circumstances should you show that you have a different relationship,” Annette insists. “In this case, the mechanism of competition with another woman is activated, and the feelings of the girl you abandoned may flare up again.” A new passion, by the way, is also unlikely to be grateful to you when they start putting cola on Odnoklassniki and creating fake pages with her photo and the name of Escort Services.

« I followed one of my exes on social networks, and it hurt me to see how he wrote the same jokes and threw the same songs on the wall of another woman. After all, he used to “glue” me like that! I felt like "one of" - an eerie feeling»

Reading time: 3 min

Some relationships end on their own, love and mutual interest gradually fade away in them, but it happens when only one wants to break. Usually guys are looking for ways to leave a girl so as not to offend, pursuing personal goals and taking care of maintaining their own peace of mind, but there are also those who really care about the emotional state of the girl.

It can be hard to leave a girl because the right words are not found, and it is not clear how best to conduct such conversations, because parting is also stressful for the initiator of the break. Moreover, the level of nervous overload experienced by a person who is about to end a relationship exceeds the duration and intensity of the one who is left. Next, we will consider the best options and tips on how to leave a girl in the most acceptable way.

How to say this to a girl

When the thought of parting has strengthened, and you understand that this is a conscious decision, and not a sharp reaction to a quarrel, then you can begin to prepare the ground for parting. Start openly expressing claims, voicing what you don’t like, both in relationships and in personality, show those moments that annoy or hurt - perhaps she will be able to correct her behavior and the question of ending the relationship will disappear from your list of ideas. And if not, then you get space for a safer exit, since the most traumatic effect is the unexpected and the complete destruction of plans.

Choose the right moment so that the news does not overlap with the stressful situation at work or the holidays. It is better to end the relationship a week before some kind of celebration than immediately before it - this way you will give the person the opportunity to recover and make plans in such a way as to alleviate the condition.

Evening time is always better than morning time - there is no hurry and important things ahead; neutral places are better than home conversation - everyone can go their own way.

It is important to remember the need to not only explain why guys leave girls, but also to identify specific reasons that relate personally to your relationship. Here you should not blame everything exclusively on her, it is important to strike a balance, because the good was also valuable. Talk about your gratitude and what was significant to you, but also do not go too far with praise, otherwise the question of the expediency of parting will arise.

In a conversation, you need to maintain the clarity of your own psychological boundaries and not reassure her with options that you will think or maybe everything will work out. It is better to immediately and clearly answer all arguments that your decision is final and repeat this necessary number of times. At the first insecurity, you can fall under a flurry of questions, blackmail and.

Sample phrases

The formulation of one's decision to leave is quick and clear in internal reflection and causes great difficulty when it comes to face-to-face conversation. You can ask friends, remember the wording when they said goodbye to you, but it’s better to choose the appropriate words for your situation.

Phrases are good that your feelings have changed (faded, cooled, turned into friendly ones). Such phrases are quite well received by girls, since everyone agrees that feelings can change, and no one gives a guarantee to anyone.

Another positive side when you talk about changing your feelings is that it is impossible to agree, offer to wait or change your behavior - a category outside of external control, which means that there will be no negotiations about the possible adjustment of disagreements that have arisen.

You can blurry casually say that you are not suitable for each other, without going into details and specific moments, but moving the main energy into the fact that over time the girl will meet someone who suits her more. Initially, such a wording may cause resentment, in the process of your stories about the possibility of a happier option, the girl's view of the situation may gradually change, but the biggest pluses will come later. After a while, it is the information laid down by the ex-boyfriend that the girl will meet the best, switch her to self-improvement or the search for new relationships, which means that she will get rid of excessive attention to the past.

If the intensity of passions is not critical, and the partner is guided by logic, then it is optimal to talk about the emergence of mutual, if you do not change the format of communication and at the same time about your desire to maintain a positive attitude towards her unique personality. This is suitable for those who are able to build relationships, guided by logic and soberly assess that common interests and goals can be maintained in a different format, while closeness will only contribute to discord.

All of these phrases are good when you are looking for options on how to leave the girl you love, but she does not, because this is not a direct and abrupt removal, but options that allow you to think.

How to leave a girl who loves you but you don't

Leaving a loving girl can be quite difficult, because the thesis that a loving person can only bring happiness begins to crumble when he is deprived of happiness. Tears and persuasion, threats and blackmail, possible suicide attempts and damage to property (with an unbalanced psyche) is an approximate list that complicates care. The conclusion suggests itself that before leaving a girl to whom a guy is extremely important, it is necessary to reduce the significance of relationships and the severity of feelings.

You should gradually move away, sharp jumps can only increase her desire to be with you. Show in practice your attitude, since you have decided to leave a loving girl. Show less worries, refuse meetings and gradually bring your life closer to the option that you get after the official separation, i.e. life without a girl. So you get what you want, and she thinks about the value of such a relationship, and perhaps the first one will stop them. At the moment when the situation ceases to suit both and a showdown begins, it is better not to waste time and honestly propose parting - a constructive dialogue is already possible here.

The proposed option is optimal for extreme cases, when you either had attempts to end the relationship or you are really worried about the possible consequences. If your passion is adequate and truly loving, and not emotionally dependent, then you should not waste time and go into the organization of the preparatory period - choose an honest and direct conversation. Of course, you should take care of the wording, the choice of place and time. Show concern and support, if she cries or stops talking - thank you.

The end of a relationship is what will be remembered last about you, so speak respectfully, do not offend and blame the girl who loves you for the end of the novel, but try to talk about feelings.

What not to do

Along with recommendations on how to properly leave a girl, there is also something that is better not to do. For example, some guys believe that the more rude they act, the faster and more painless for everyone the conversation and subsequent goodbye will be. But in reality, only a damaged reputation remains, and instead of a possible slight sadness, a girl may have disgust and hatred.

Try to communicate within the framework of the culture, even if the reason for the breakup was the extremely incorrect behavior of the girl. Do not raise your voice, trying to prove your point of view and do not throw the responsibility for what is happening on the girl.

You should not show your excessive indifference at the moment of organizing the meeting. Dedicate as much time to communication as necessary - free up these last minutes for a frank conversation. Do not make an appointment in very noisy places, and if you meet in the evening, then pay her a taxi to the house (you should not see her off, because this will add unnecessary stress).

Avoid showing busyness or disinterest - it's better to turn off your phone in advance or ask your friends not to disturb you. An exceptional bad manners would be to report a breakup while a group of friends or another girl is waiting for you. Don't end relationships by text or phone. Although if you still can’t meet for a long time, but you don’t want to continue the relationship or keep the former passion in the dark, it’s better to choose a video call rather than a text message.

If you leave the girl with whom you lived together, then do not solve housing issues unilaterally. It is better to break such meetings into several stages - first, outline your decision and arrange a meeting to jointly resolve all issues.

Possible reaction of the girl

The reaction of a girl to a breakup is different from that of a man, since the main thing that guides a woman is emotions, and relationships are exclusively in this area. The unpredictability of women's behavior stops many men from open discussion and conversation in direct presence, as the fear of possible scenarios paralyzes.

The first thing you can expect from a girl is tears. Someone can arrange with heart attacks and falling to the floor, the other will only get wet eyes - the degree of reaction will depend on the significance of the relationship, on temperament and emotional state at the time of parting.

The second most common reaction is anger, where there are insults, claims, physical violence (slaps, throwing objects, etc.). Anger subsides when the understanding of the inevitability of what is happening and the acceptance of the situation comes, after this sadness may appear.

If a girl is emotionally or financially dependent on a partner, then the first thing she experiences when threatened with losing a relationship is fear associated with survival. It is in the presence of addiction that manipulation of health and life is possible (heart attacks, loss of consciousness, threats of suicide), as well as manipulative behavior through blackmail or threats directly to a man.

When the farewell is delivered correctly, the girl will be sad, there will certainly be questions about the decision and what is happening. Perhaps a proposal will be put forward to try to correct the situation, to take into account the comments. And you should also not forget the option that not only the guy wants to end the relationship that has exhausted itself, then from the whole spectrum of reaction the girl will show gratitude for understanding and joy from the joint decision.

Speaker of the Medical and Psychological Center "PsychoMed"

Young people can react to the news of a breakup in different ways. Some will take it calmly, while others may make a huge scandal. If the second option is not to your liking, but at the same time it is more likely, then it is better for you to adopt a couple of interesting tricks.

The most important thing is to behave like a real gentleman. Tell the girl that you are to blame for your breakup, not her. It is not at all necessary that your decision to break up be a blow to her pride and opinion of herself.

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Surprise should be kept to a minimum

Preparing your partner for parting in advance is a great solution. Then she will be able to take it much easier than when such information falls on her like snow on her head. Go headlong into your thoughts, leave your sex life, and if the charmer is interested in the reason for such behavior, tell her that nothing happened.

It takes the right moment to break up

You should not leave a girl on difficult days for her or when she is in a hurry. For her, this will be unnecessary stress, which can lead to a nervous breakdown. Her birthday or other holidays also do not fit the word "completely." You might think that when her friends are nearby, it will be easier for a girl to endure a breakup, but it’s better not to count on it. She will want to be alone because of the shock, and the other couples in the company will put pressure on her "sore spot".

Location plays a role too.

It is best to choose a place where there are a lot of people, for example, a cafe, for a conversation. The girl will not want to make a public scandal and will try to keep her emotions. However, do not forget that a very unpleasant scene can take place. The charmer will not be happy that you made her cry in public and swear. It is important to take into account the nature of your companion in order to choose the place most accurately.

Speak the right words

To begin with, you can voice its merits. Tell her that despite this, you are not ready to continue your relationship. Be as persuasive as possible in your conversation. Let the girl know that if you were going to marry, then she would be the bride. It is better to minimize your own positive qualities. Let the girl think that you are not worthy of her and that she is just wasting time with you. While you are packing, she will think about it carefully.

If this does not help, then die nobility and start making claims. Only we are not talking about its specific shortcomings, but about what can be called dignity. For example, “You are too sweet and friendly” or “You are very beautiful, and because of this, I am jealous of you all the time.” If even after that the desired effect did not work out, leave all knightly manners. For example, “You are beautiful, but for some reason I am unhappy. It's just me." Such a cunning move will be the strongest argument for a girl.

Eloquence is not an option

In the parting of a girl, beautiful speeches and a sea of ​​\u200b\u200breasons can only interfere. This is where another tactic comes in handy. Start repeating the same argument over and over so as not to aggravate the fight. To all the exclamations that you are a great couple and her parents do not have a soul in you, you can repeat that you and her are too different. Thus, you will not give the charmer the opportunity to drag you into a long discussion that will be unpleasant for both of you. Let there be no hint of logic in this, but such perseverance will nullify her patience, and the girl will stop trying to figure out what happened and give up on you. This is the result you are looking for.

It is better to immediately "cut off the shoulder"

No matter how the girl cries, after your words about parting, hold on. You can't show softness here. Tell her that you understand her feelings, and just pat her on the shoulder like a friend. No need to comfort her with hugs and tea, as you can only make things worse.

The girl called you the next day and said that she had a cold, but no one could bring the pills? Show care, but in a strong framework. Bring whatever she needs, but don't linger at her place. Of course, this does not mean that you just need to throw the package over the threshold and leave, but long gatherings here are also useless. In no case should you give the young lady hope for a restoration of relations.

Don't forget random encounters

No matter how big the city is, sooner or later you will meet your former lover again. Here, too, you need to know something. Excessive politeness for a girl can be a hint of old feelings. However, ignoring it is also not a method. Such behavior is considered an insult. It's best to be polite but minimize communication.

It is better not to tell everyone about the new chosen one

Within two or maybe three months, the abandoned girl needs to accept the situation and cope with the emotional shock and denial of the obvious. It is for this reason that you do not need to publish about all the networks where you are registered, a photo with a new darling, and generally somehow advertise your relationship. Otherwise, you will unconsciously rekindle your ex-girlfriend's feelings. Yes, and your new lover will not be happy if they begin to bother and harm her, for example, by creating accounts on her behalf on various sites and throwing bad ratings on publications on her pages.

No sex whatsoever!

A girl may start promising you anything you want to keep you with her. No matter how tempting and seductive, do not be fooled by a provocation. No need to give the young lady false hope.

No discussion of the situation with friends

Talking about a breakup with mutual friends and comrades is a huge and very common mistake. Don't forget: My tongue is my enemy. Mutual acquaintances can convey your words to a girl, but she will not like it at all. All the details of your relationships and breakups are discussed only with her and with no one else.

Do not forget to congratulate the girl on holidays

When a girl has already survived your breakup, she will be pleased if you wish her a happy birthday or a new year. She will think that after all, for you, she is not just an ex. Remember to make sure she let go of the past. Tell the young lady that you are grateful for what you had. Show her that you have always been sincere towards her.

Are you sure you're not wrong?

Before you start thinking about how to break up with a girl, think carefully about whether you are sure that this is necessary. It is very difficult to restore a relationship if you left the chosen one. Gently pause in communication with her. Understand your thoughts and feelings, then you will understand whether you both need this relationship.

If, nevertheless, the relationship has no future, and you are one hundred percent sure of this, then start preparing yourself and her for parting. Talk about it sincerely without rudeness and unnecessary pathos. Do not leave in English, explain to the girl why you came to this decision. You don't need any notes or text messages, just face to face. There is no need for any scandals and fights, we solve everything calmly and civilly.

The parting should be a solid point, not a promising ellipsis or an uncertain comma. Do not immediately dive into friendly relations with her and romantic ones with another. Take your time, let it all settle down. Let the girl take it. Wait a bit. When everything settles down, you can safely start a new relationship. But they should not be in any way connected with what is left in the past.

One more thing…

You do not need to take an example of behavior from your former charmer, based only on her actions. You are adults, and the phrase "She started first" is not an excuse. Revenge is an unnecessary and absolutely unnecessary link here. Let the young lady behave as she wants, and you must remain a decent and strong man. Petty tricks that can offend and humiliate the beautiful half are not at all a man's act. A man must forgive, love, take care of his beloved and carry in his arms or let go and forget.

Follow these tips, and you will be able to part with your ex-lover without unnecessary and rude showdowns and long grievances. Most importantly, always be yourself and be confident and as sincere as possible. Let the breakup be an important decision and a morally difficult event for both of you, but if there is no other way out, then it should be as painless as possible for both parties.

Try to keep only a good opinion of yourself in your memory and start a simple friendly relationship with her. Only in this way will both of you be happy, but not with each other, but with new people. The main thing is to solve everything calmly and peacefully. I hope everything works out for you. Remember these tips, they will definitely come in handy.
