How to get shellac off white clothes. How to get nail polish off clothes and surfaces

Manicure at home is a common thing, and decorating nails does not require any special skills at all, even a schoolgirl can easily cope. The main thing here is to be careful: just one awkward movement, and the brush with varnish stains the trousers, leaving a bright shiny mark on the fabric. The task becomes more complicated: now it is necessary to put in order not only yourself, but also clothes.

Detergents are powerless: neither washing powder nor laundry soap will help to cope with nail polish. Do not try to wash the stain, and even more so, in no case do not rub it, otherwise the paint will penetrate deep into the fibers of the fabric.

Fresh spot: what to do?

If you have just planted the stain, act quickly before the varnish dries. Blot any drop on clothing with a tissue. Carefully remove fresh varnish with a cotton swab, match or toothpick - only what has already been absorbed into the fibers will remain on the fabric.

Lay the item on a hard surface (table, ironing board). From the inside, place a thick paper napkin, a clean rag or a gauze cloth in the place of contamination. Prepare a tampon with which you will treat the stain: a cotton swab for small stains, a cotton pad, or a small piece of cloth.

Now you can begin to remove the remnants of the stain from the clothes. To do this, you will need one of the following tools: nail polish remover, acetone, gasoline or kerosene.

Before using the product, test it on an inconspicuous area of ​​the product - for example, on the inside, on the lapel - to make sure that the solution does not damage the fabric. Be careful with colored items: some fabrics shed when applying chemical solutions.


Suitable for materials made from natural fibers (cotton, viscose, wool) and some types of synthetics. Strict exceptions: acetate silk, artificial leather, nylon and its derivatives.

Drop acetone in the right place, wait until it is completely absorbed and wipe off traces of varnish with a swab also dipped in acetone - this tool effectively removes varnish. If there are stains of paint on the clothes, repeat the procedure until the fabric is clean, then wash the product with a regular powder.

Nail polish remover without acetone

This is the choice for cleaning artificial fabrics. The liquid should be colorless: if it contains pigment, it can stain textiles, and a new stain will have to be removed. It is used in the same way as acetone, with the only difference being that after cleaning, the product should be treated with dishwashing detergent or soda to remove oil traces from the fabric.

Step-by-step instruction from left - down - right

Gasoline, kerosene

An alternative to acetone, which will help if the first remedy did not do its job well. Drop the liquid on the damaged area of ​​the fabric and leave for 10-15 minutes, then remove the stain with a swab dipped in gasoline or kerosene.

After treatment, soak white items with bleach and colored items with stain remover for 30-60 minutes to remove streaks, and launder thoroughly with regular laundry detergent.

White spirit or universal solvent

If the house has this effective remedy, use it: put a cotton pad abundantly dipped in the solution on the stain, wait for it to soak and rub the stained area with a swab. After processing, the product must be washed with pre-soaking.

Folk method for delicate fabrics

If the synthetic material does not provide for the use of the above methods, use a delicate option: mix ammonia, turpentine and refined vegetable oil in equal proportions and apply the resulting mixture to the area with varnish. Wait 10-15 minutes, remove the remaining paint and wash the item. You can also try to clean the "capricious" textiles with hydrogen peroxide or alcohol.

How to remove nail polish from denim

Denim fabric needs a special approach: although the natural composition allows the use of any liquid, the chemical treatment of the stain may lighten the fabric. Before subjecting your favorite jeans to this procedure, test them for reaction at the hem, from the inside out. Drop a little product (acetone, nail polish remover, gasoline) and if the color does not change, feel free to start cleaning, but be careful and avoid excessive friction - if you “overdo it” with this, even the most persistent shade can shed.

Stain on furniture: how to save upholstery

Sometimes upholstered furniture can also be saved from the consequences of one's own negligence. An overturned bottle of nail polish can ruin the upholstery of your favorite chair if you don't take action in time.

    Remove excess enamel. To do this, use a napkin, removing and wetting the varnish with short strokes - try to remove it as quickly as possible before it dries, but in no case rub it into the surface of the sofa or chair.

    Moisten the stained area with a chemical solution that does not damage the upholstery fabric. In most cases, it is acetone or nail polish remover. Gasoline is not recommended for cleaning furniture: a sharp poisonous smell will remain in the room for a long time.

    Rinse the upholstery area with lukewarm water, preferably with an upholstery and carpet cleaner to help eliminate odors. Ventilate the room well.

Mission Possible: Save the Carpet

Test the product on an inconspicuous area of ​​the upholstery beforehand to make sure that the fibers of the fabric do not deform during cleaning and do not change color.

Apply the solution carefully, within the limits of contamination, so that the liquid does not spread to the surrounding tissue. Roll up a swab from a clean cloth and use it to rub the stain until it disappears.

Dried varnish: how to remove the stain from the fabric

Hardened varnish can also be removed from clothes, but it will take more time - first you should remove excess varnish that has already dried.

If the material is dense, then you can make it easier for yourself by using a piece of sandpaper: gently rub the stain with it to clean off the upper layers. If the fabric is delicate and does not allow such manipulations, you will have to arm yourself with patience and a large amount of acetone - it will take a long time to process the fabric, in several stages, until the stain disappears completely.

Lay a sheet of paper or parchment on a hard surface, and on it the product with the soiled side down, so that the stain is in contact with the paper. Iron a piece of fabric from the inside with a hot iron - a layer of varnish will transfer to paper. Replace the used sheet with a clean one and repeat the procedure again until you get rid of excess paint.

Treat the stain with a solution of acetone, benzine or nail polish remover and remove the remaining dirt with a swab.

If you accidentally spill a bottle of polish or stain something with a painted fingernail, how do you remove or wash nail polish from clothing, such as a jacket or jeans? In this case, water and soap will not help you, but do not be upset, because there are simple ways to wash varnish from clothes yourself. In this article, we will give you some effective recommendations to fix this problem.

How to remove nail polish from clothes?

Before removing nail polish from clothes, pay attention to the following recommendations:

  1. The faster you wash off the varnish from the contaminated item, the easier it will be to remove.
  2. Work in cellophane gloves so as not to damage the skin and not already dried manicure on the nails.
  3. Be sure to pay attention to the information from the manufacturer on the care of the fabric, which is indicated on the product label.
  4. Do not wash the item before removing stains - from contact with alkali and water, the varnish eats even more and hardens.
  5. Chemicals that can remove varnish can only be used on fabrics of natural origin.
  6. Acetate and fluorescent fabrics do not tolerate solvents.
  7. Before removing nail polish with any product, be sure to test it for compatibility with the fabric on a spare piece of fabric, if there is one in the seam or at the hem:
    • Put a drop of the product on the matter and wait.
    • If the fabric has not changed color or deformed after a few minutes, feel free to proceed with the process.
  8. Increase the concentration of funds incrementally.
  9. Remove the stain from the wrong side of the product.
  10. Rub the stained places with small strokes, blotting, starting from the edges of the stain moving towards the center - this will prevent it from spreading.
  11. Change the tampon or rag frequently during the removal process.
  12. After the stain has been removed, soak the product for several hours at the temperature that the fabric allows, adding cleaning products.

How to remove nail polish from clothes?

To do this, you will need solvent products that contain acetone or alcohol.

  • nail polish remover;
  • acetone;
  • petrol;
  • denatured alcohol;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • Polish for hair;
  • insect repellent.

Important! Situations are different, and if you have a force majeure, when you urgently need to change or correct a manicure, but there is no wash at hand, use the selection of tools and methods.

How to clean nail polish from clothes?

There are several ways to use all of the above substances. Read the proposed instructions, choose the one that is more convenient for you and act immediately as soon as the need arises.

Method 1

If the lacquer trace is still fresh:

  1. Blot it with a paper towel to remove most of the dirt.
  2. Soak a swab or ear stick in the solvent.
  3. Wipe the stain carefully.
  4. Wash with warm soapy water.
  5. Rinse.

Important! Change your tampon when it gets dirty.

Method 2

Remove dried varnish in several stages:

  • Stage 1:
    1. Turn the product inside out.
    2. Take a damp-wicking clean white cloth or paper towels folded in several layers.
    3. Place a towel lining under the soiled area, this will allow the stain to transfer from the fabric to the paper and will not allow excess moisture to spread over the surface of the canvas.
  • Stage 2:
    1. Draw nail polish remover (acetone) into a pipette or syringe.
    2. Drip on the problem area until the stain is almost gone, soaked into the lining.
  • Stage 3:
    1. Rinse the area to be cleaned under running water.
    2. Lay out new paper towels.
    3. Soak a cotton swab in the solvent and blot the remaining stain.
    4. Repeat the procedure until the towels are no longer stained.
  • Stage 4:
    1. Make a soapy solution with warm water and active laundry detergent.
    2. Soak the item for a few minutes.
    3. Launder in a way that suits you.
    4. To get rid of the smell of acetone, put a second rinse.
    5. Dry outdoors.

Important! If, when painting your nails, not only clothes got dirty, but the varnish also splashed on the floor, a review of useful tips from experienced housewives will help you.

Method 3

If you have spilled a lot of polish on your clothes, use a solution of denatured alcohol and acetone:

  1. Mix denatured alcohol and acetone in a ratio of 2:1.
  2. Peel off dried crusts of decorative varnish with a needle or nail file. Be very careful not to damage the fabric.
  3. Sprinkle the edges of the stain with starch to avoid streaks.
  4. Soak a rag in the solution.
  5. Clean up the contaminated area.
  6. Wash in warm water with detergent and stain remover.

How to remove nail polish from light colored clothes?

The above cleaning methods are suitable for you, but pay attention to the fact that after treating varnish stains with acetone, barely noticeable stains may remain on white clothes. There are several ways to deal with them.

Option 1

To remove stains, you will need gasoline and talc (baby powder):

  1. Dampen a rag with gasoline.
  2. Thoroughly wipe the problem area.
  3. Sprinkle the cleaned area with baby powder.
  4. Leave for a while so that the talc absorbs the remaining gasoline.
  5. Wash with soap or powder.

Option 2

The composition of the varnish includes aluminum powder, it leaves shiny grayish stains on the fabric. You can remove the remains of such traces with the help of glycerin:

  1. Heat the glycerin to a temperature of 30-40 degrees as follows:
    • Immerse the vial of glycerin in hot water.
    • Wait for the glycerin to dissolve.
  2. Soak a cotton pad in liquid.
  3. Apply to stained area.
  4. Hold for a few minutes.
  5. Rub it.
  6. Wash the entire item in the usual way.

How to remove nail polish from clothes if there was no solvent at hand?

There are several alternative methods that are equally effective for solving this problem.

Solution 1

There are fabrics that do not react to acetone or you simply cannot use a solvent on them. In this case, hydrogen peroxide will come to the rescue:

  1. Wet a plain, clean, white cloth with the product.
  2. Wipe the stained area until it disappears.

Important! Peroxide acts not only as a varnish thinner, but also as a bleach. Therefore, before using it, conduct a compatibility test.

What girl doesn't love a bright, fashionable manicure? But when it is done at home, lacquer marks often remain on your favorite things. Often girls panic, wondering how to get them out of their clothes? In doing so, they lose precious time. And pollution can be quickly and effectively cleaned before it is completely dry. So don't panic, get started right away!

How to remove varnish from things at home?

To do this, it is worth remembering some tricks. Every home has at least a few tools, but you need to know when and how to use them.

The following products are suitable for cleaning:

  • acetone or nail polish remover based on it;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • mechanical cleaning;
  • Polish for hair;
  • solvent white spirit;
  • petrol;
  • glycerol;
  • insect repellent.

Important! If the varnish has got on a thing, do not try to wash it. Blot the drops with a cotton pad or a clean white cloth and start removing it with one of the products.

Any product that can clean dirt contains chemicals that can harm the skin or fabric. Therefore, during the process, you should:

  • put on gloves;
  • be sure to read the fabric care instructions;
  • increase the amount gradually.


To remove the varnish trace, there are various means. But you can use regular acetone. The cleaning process takes place in several steps:

  1. A paper towel should be placed on the soiled cloth. Turn over so that it is on top of the towel.
  2. Using cotton wool, blot the stain with medical grade or industrial grade acetone. After that, it should go from cloth to towel without any problems.
  3. If after the procedure there is still dirt, then it is necessary to rinse it thoroughly. Then change the towel and repeat the cleaning process again. It is worth repeating the procedure until the colored traces of varnish are no longer imprinted on the towel.

Also use a nail polish remover based on it.

Hydrogen peroxide

The next cleaning method is the use of hydrogen peroxide. However, this method is only suitable for light fabrics, as it brightens the material..
Two methods can be used to clean the stain:

  1. Wet a napkin with the product and attach to it. Leave for a few minutes, then rinse thoroughly.
  2. The second way is to soak it with a cotton pad. It will gradually go away. In process of pollution the disk is changed.

mechanical cleaning

If the contamination is small, for example, in the form of a drop, you can dry it and try to scrape it off. If after that a colored spot remains, you can remove it with acetone.

If the trace is dry, you can carry out the following procedure:

  1. Lubricate it with butter or laundry soap.
  2. Wait half an hour.
  3. Peel off varnish.
  4. Apply a mixture to the remaining dirt, for which turpentine and ammonia are mixed in equal proportions. In an hour she will start to leave. Then the thing is washed in water with a large amount of powder.

Hair fixation spray

To cope with the removal of the problem described can ordinary hairspray. To do this, they moisten a cotton swab and rub the stain. The colored molecules will begin to flake off and the varnish will gradually fade. This method is much safer than acetone, since the material does not discolor.

Solvent white spirit

The next removal option is a solvent. It is less aggressive than other cleaners, so it won't damage clothing.
To clean the stain with this tool, you should:

  1. Moisten it with solvent and rub it thoroughly with a carpet brush or regular toothbrush.
  2. Rinse thoroughly.
  3. If necessary, repeat the procedure.


You can also remove varnish contamination with gasoline. For this you need:

  1. Put a white napkin or towel under it.
  2. Put a cotton pad soaked in gasoline on the stain for 20 minutes. Gasoline evaporates quickly, so you should make sure that the swab is dry.
  3. Rinse the cleaned area under running water.
  4. If necessary, the procedure can be repeated.

For snow-white fabrics, you can prepare a paste by mixing gasoline and crushed chalk in equal proportions. Next, carry out the following procedure:

  1. The resulting mixture is applied to the stain.
  2. Wait until the gasoline has completely evaporated.
  3. Remove the remaining powder and rub the contamination with a brush.
  4. The procedure should be repeated if it has not completely disappeared.

Using gasoline, you can also remove stains on fabrics after cleaning with acetone. To do this, carry out the following procedure:

  1. Traces of acetone are wiped with a cotton pad soaked in gasoline.
  2. The treated area is sprinkled with talc.



Lacquer stain is easily removed with glycerin. This method is suitable for removing varnish based on aluminum powder.:

  1. A small amount of glycerin is applied to it with a cotton swab.
  2. Then the thing is soaked in water with dissolved powder, washed thoroughly and dried.

Insect repellent

Some insect repellents can also remove stains:

  1. Spray a small amount on the contaminated area.
  2. Spray the preparation on the brush, rub it thoroughly.
  3. Rinse under running water and wash with bleach.

What absolutely cannot be done

You need to know how to use these tools, or rather, what not to do so that the thing remains safe and sound.

  1. When cleaning things with acetone, do not pour it directly onto the fabric in large quantities. This type of cleaner can change its color and structure, causing it to deteriorate or spread. It's best to test before use. To do this, you need to take a small piece of cotton wool, moisten it in the product and rub the fabric on the seam from the wrong side. Wait a few minutes and evaluate the result. If no change has occurred, the liquid can be used.
  2. Important! Do not use acetone to remove stains from fluorescent fabrics. The item will be damaged.

  3. Do not use peroxide on brightly colored items. The product may leave bleached areas.
  4. Do not use solvent to remove dirt on leather items. He can leave marks. Before use, it is necessary to check the reaction of the fabric to the solvent on a place not visible to the eye on the wrong side. To do this, it must be rubbed with a moistened cotton swab. If the material is not damaged, then you can use the tool.
  5. Do not use solvent for cleaning delicate items. Since during friction, the structure of the fabric can be damaged, damaging the thing.
  6. Do not pour white spirit thinner on the material in large quantities. It has an unpleasant smell, which can remain even after several washes. It will be enough if you just wet the material.


The choice of products for cleaning soiled clothes depends on the type of fabric, varnish and the product available. The main thing is to start removing pollution “in hot pursuit”.

Detailed instructions can be viewed in the video.

Very often, during a manicure, varnish is spilled, and a few drops of it fall on your favorite things. Girls do not understand how to wash clothes, and therefore beautiful blouses and dresses fly into the trash can. no more need to get rid of your outfits. You can easily learn how to remove varnish from clothes. Effective and affordable ways - in this article.

Five important rules

  1. Start cleaning as soon as stains appear on clothing. Do not worry about a dry manicure, you will have time to correct it. The main task now is to save the contaminated tissue.
  2. Don't think you'll save the item by washing it. The chemical reaction with water will only set the polish on the clothes and make cleaning more difficult.
  3. After processing, things can be washed, before turning them inside out.
  4. Read the information on the label, there you can find useful information about how to care for the fabric.
  5. Cleaning nail polish off your clothes starts easy. Take a napkin, blot a fresh stain with it - it will absorb some of it. Remove the varnish between the fibers using a toothpick. Putting a clean napkin on the table, spread out the clothes - this will make it easier to handle.

Precautionary measures

Test the product you have chosen on a small area, such as a side seam. If it did not spoil the thing - feel free to proceed with the cleaning. When conducting any chemical experiments at home, be sure to be careful and careful. Wear thick rubber gloves, do not allow solutions and mixtures to come into contact with the skin. Only nail polish removers are considered safe - they belong to cosmetics. If any solution gets into your eyes, rinse them out immediately.

Nail polish remover

Treatment of stains with acetone is permissible only for natural fabrics, otherwise the thing will have to be thrown away - the solution corrodes synthetics well.

Want to learn how to get nail polish off clothes using these products? Prepare a cotton pad, blot it in the solution, gently moisten the stain. Wait for the stain to dry. Take a soft sponge, soak it in nail polish remover, and treat the stain. Leave the clothes on for 20 minutes, then put them in the washing machine. Try dishwashing liquid instead of powder - it will cope better with greasy marks. The result will pleasantly surprise you.

Gasoline, peroxide, bleach

  • Wet the desired area of ​​clothing with gasoline, wait about 20 minutes. Scrub the stain lightly with a hard sponge, rinse the garment in cool water and wash by hand. To use gasoline on whites, mix it with toothpaste or crushed chalk.
  • You can also use a solvent - apply it on a napkin, blot the stain. Wash after 20 minutes. Thinner can only be used for white and denim fabrics.
  • Not sure how to wash linen, wool and silk nail polish? This method is ideal for such a case. Use hydrogen peroxide.
  • To remove gel polish from light-colored clothes, you can use bleach or stain remover. Pour the liquid over the stain. Leave for 20 minutes, then wash the item in the usual way. Choose chlorine-free options that contain oxygen.

Insect repellent

A very unusual method of dealing with stains is insecticide in spray cans. The composition is suitable for any type of fabric, but first do a test anyway. If the product is suitable - spray it on a toothbrush or any other hard brush, apply in a circular motion to the dirt. Soak the item in cold water for a while, then rinse it out. Ready!


Surprisingly, some girls have long known using toothpaste. Mix it with sunflower oil (you should get porridge). Apply to stains and wait for the mixture to dry. After carefully scrub the stain with a toothbrush and wash the item.

Now you know how to get nail polish off clothes. If the above methods do not suit you, do not be discouraged, take your favorite outfits to dry cleaning - professionals will quickly and easily solve a difficult task and return you a completely clean thing.

Very often, women wonder how to remove varnish from clothes. This is due to the fact that a large number of the fairer sex do manicures on their own, and this often leads to varnish getting on the fabric from which the clothes are made.

A damaged manicure is a fixable matter, but what to do with clothes that have got polish on them, how to remove nail polish from the surface of a thing without ruining it. Women with a problem that has arisen very rarely turn to specialized dry cleaners, so they are interested in how to remove varnish from clothes at home.

There are several ways to get nail polish off clothes. Experts in the field of cleaning things from various types of dirt have developed recommendations that allow you to remove varnish contamination from the surface of the fabric at home quickly enough.

A large number of the fairer sex do manicures on their own, and this often leads to varnish getting on the fabric from which the clothes are made.

There are several tips on how to remove varnish from clothes, which are recommended to be followed when removing pollution:

  1. You should not try to remove the varnish in the usual way - by washing with powder, gel or soap. This is due to the fact that in the process of such washing, a small area of ​​​​contamination of the fabric with varnish is converted into a smeared ugly spot that occupies a decent area on the surface of the clothes.
  2. If varnish gets on the surface of the fabric, do not wait until the varnish dries and hardens. The fact is that this type of pollution is much easier to remove from the fabric while it is fresh. To do this, you need to remove the varnish from the surface of the clothes with a cotton swab or cotton pad. This procedure should be done as quickly as possible, since the earlier it is carried out, the easier it is to remove the remaining varnish from clothing in the future.
  3. Before using any cleaner, it should be tested on the fabric in an inconspicuous area, such as an inseam or hem.

Important! If the removal of the stain is started after it has dried, then it is likely that the dyes will penetrate into the fibers from which the fabric is made.

You should not try to remove the varnish in the usual way - by washing using powder, gel or soap

It is quite difficult to clean such pollution, and it is practically impossible to get rid of residual phenomena in the form of a change in the color and structure of the fabric, regardless of the type of further processing of pollution during its removal. At the initial stage, after removing excess varnish, the stain should be rubbed with an old toothbrush, trying to use it to pull out the remains of varnish that have penetrated between the fibers of the fabric.

Lacquer pollution is difficult to clean

Before mechanical treatment, contaminated clothing should be spread on a horizontal surface, after placing a piece of light-colored fabric made of cotton fiber under it in the place where the stain is located.

After removing the varnish from the surface of the clothing, you can begin to remove its residues using various chemical compounds and household chemicals.

At the initial stage, after removing excess varnish, the stain should be rubbed with an old toothbrush.

Removing varnish stains on natural fiber fabrics

Recently, women are increasingly using a composition such as gel polish for manicure guidance. This composition is highly resistant to factors that destroy nail polish. Natural fiber clothing has been and is one of the most popular. These 2 factors are the reason that women are often interested in how to remove gel polish from the surface of the fabric from which the clothing is made. To remove this composition, just as when contaminating things with ordinary varnish, you can use several different chemical compounds and household chemicals.

When cleaning a thing made using fabrics made from natural fibers, great effort is not required.

When cleaning a thing made using fabrics made from natural fibers, great effort is not required. In order to remove the stain, you should use:

  • acetone;
  • refined gasoline;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • bleach;
  • white spirit.

On a note! The use of a chemical compound such as acetone when cleaning natural fiber fabrics is the easiest and safest way to remove contamination.

In the absence of acetone, natural fiber fabrics can be cleaned with refined gasoline.

To use acetone, put a few drops of the chemical compound on the remaining dirt and use a cotton pad to wipe the stained area. If after the treatment there are small traces, it is recommended to treat the stain with gasoline and sprinkle with talc.

In the absence of acetone, natural fiber fabrics can be cleaned with refined gasoline. How to remove gel nail polish from clothes with gasoline is a question that can often be heard from women. In order to clean with gasoline, pour a little liquid on the dirt and leave it in this state for 15 minutes. After this time, you need to take a piece of cloth and try to wipe off the varnish from the surface of the fabric using intense movements. To remove streaks on the surface of clothing, re-apply a little purified gasoline to the spot where the stain has formed, then wait again for 15 minutes and then wipe off the remaining varnish completely. After finishing removing the dirt, the item of clothing will need to be washed in the usual way with a washing powder or washing gel.

Using hydrogen peroxide, bleach and mineral spirits

Using hydrogen peroxide is a safe and reliable way to remove nail polish from white fabrics made from natural fibers. In order to remove contamination, you should take a 3% peroxide solution and gently treat the contamination with a napkin. The treatment process should be repeated several times until the varnish stain is completely removed, while changing the contaminated wipes.

Bleach is an effective means of removing dirt from the surface of white fabrics made from natural fibers. In order to get rid of contamination, it is necessary to apply the product to the surface of the fabric, then wait about half an hour and wipe the area with a napkin. After the processing process, the thing will need to be washed in the usual way using laundry detergents.

Bleach is an effective means of removing dirt from the surface of white fabrics made from natural fibers.

The use of white spirit gives a good result if it removes the dirt formed by nail polish on the surface of the fabric. In order to get rid of the stain, it is necessary to apply the product abundantly on its surface and leave to interact for 15 minutes. After this time, the place of contamination should be rubbed with energetic movements with a flap moistened with the product. After finishing the treatment of pollution, the thing should be sent to the laundry.

For the final removal of varnish residues from the surface of the fabric, the item should be washed in an automatic washing machine in the standard wash mode.

The use of white spirit gives a good result in case of removal of impurities formed by nail polish on the surface of the fabric with it.

How to remove varnish contamination from the surface of synthetic and fine fabrics?

It is quite difficult to remove traces of varnish contamination from the surface of synthetic and thin fabrics.

  1. Using nail polish remover without acetone. To use this composition, apply liquid to the surface of the stain and wait a few seconds, after which you need to rub the stain in one direction. During processing, it is recommended to use cotton pads. As disks get dirty, they should be replaced with new ones. The treatment of the stain is carried out until it disappears completely.
  2. Using a homemade stain remover for delicate fabrics. To prepare the product, you should take an equal amount of ammonia, turpentine and olive oil, mix all the components and apply the resulting mixture liberally on the surface of the stain. Then the treated area should be left for 5 minutes in order for the product to work, after this time the mixture is removed from the surface of the fabric with a cotton pad or napkin. The thing processed in this way must be washed in a washing machine on the appropriate mode. If traces of contamination remain on the surface of the fabric, the treatment will need to be repeated, but it must be remembered that re-treatment is allowed only after the item is completely dry.
  3. If varnish gets on woolen products that have a long pile, the contaminated area can be cut off after the varnish dries. The main thing is to turn the product upside down so that the varnish cannot seep through.
